Lezione 9

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Lezione 9 Name: zên - how - why - what

me - tender

zôu - to walk - go on foot - run

yï - one -a - an

zhí - straight - vertical - erect

wâng - to - towards - past

qián - before - in front - ago

shí - ten - 10

zì - letter - symbol - character

lù - road - path - street

Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only

Page 1 of 4 March 23, 2012

Lezione 9 Name: kôu - mouth - entrance

zuô - left - surname Zuo

yòu - right - right-wing

guâi - kidnap - abduct - turn

yuân - far - distant - remote

céng - layer - stratum - laminated

zhï - to know - to be aware - to perceive

dào - direction - way - method

zuò - sit - take a seat - ride

dì - earth - soil - ground

tiê - iron - strong - solid

Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only

Page 2 of 4 March 23, 2012

Lezione 9 Name: zhàn - stand up - a stand - station

cóng - from - by - since

zhè - this - these - such

lí - to leave - to depart - to go away

wáng - king - ruler - royal

fû - prefecture - mansion - prefect

jîng - well - mine shaft - pit

chü - to go out - to come out - to occur

zü - rent - lease - rental

göng - just - public - common

gòng - common - general - to share

Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only

Page 3 of 4 March 23, 2012

Lezione 9 Name: qì - steam - vapor - gas

chë - car - a vehicle - machine

chuán - ship - boat - vessel

huô - fire - flame - burn

qí - mount - cavalry

zì - from - self - oneself

xíng - all right - go - walk

mó - scour - rub

tuö - hold - lift - entrust

Copyright 2008-2012 Arch Chinese Visit http://www.ArchChinese.com for more Chinese learning resources Generated for davide parma use only

Page 4 of 4 March 23, 2012

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