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A CelebrATiON OF The liFe OF
S t e v i e
G r a h a m
22nd APril 1981 - 7th FebruAry 2014
Service held at St Pauls Church, Prudhoe Street, Alnwick, 12.00 Midday
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S t e v i e
G r a h a m
22nd APril 1981 - 7th FebruAry 2014
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I can't help but hear your contagious laugh, I can feel your compulsive good spirit. You were a warm bright light in this world and will be missed dearly. I pray for an equally bright reincarnation, will miss you and always remember you fondly my dear friend Stephen Graham. Travel safe
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Only few people manage to get straight to your heart the moment you meet them. I will always keep you there...
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Order of Service 12pm Mass officiated by Father Des Mc Givern
Entrance Music bridge over Troubled Waters – Played by James Graham.
1st Hymn – Our God Reigns 1. how lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, good news, announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness: Our god reigns. (6 times) 2. you watchmen, lift your voices joyfully as one, shout for your king, your king! See eye to eye, the lord restoring Sion: Our god reigns. (6 times)
3. Wasteplaces of Jerusalem, break forth with joy! We are redeemed, redeemed. The lord has saved and comforted his people: Our god reigns. (6 times) 4. ends of the earth, see for salvation of our God! Jesus is lord, is lord! before the nations, he has bared his holy arm: Our god reigns. (6 times)
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Welcome and Opening Prayer
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to John. read by Michael blackburn
A Reading from the Prophet Isiah. read by Nick Kavanagh
Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not let your hearts be troubled Trust in God still, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house, if there were not, i should have told you. i am going now to prepare a place for you, And after i have gone and prepared you a place, i shall return to take you with me; so that where i am you may be too. you know the way to the place where i am going."
On this mountain, the lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food. On this mountain he will remove the mourning veil covering all peoples, and the shroud entrapping all nations, he will destroy Death for ever. The lord will wipe away the tears from every cheek; he will take away his people's shame everywhere on earth, For the lord has said so. That day it will be said; See, this is our God in whom we hoped for salvation; The lord is the one in whom we hoped We exult and we rejoice That he has saved us.
Thomas said, "lord, we do not know where you are going so how can we know the way?" Jesus said, "i am the Way, the Truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."
This is the word of the lord.
This is the Gospel of the lord.
Responsorial Psalm
Gospel Reading
Words of Remembrance Spoken by David Graham
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Bidding Prayers Reader: Tom Dean We pray for those who never had a friend like Stevie, lest we forget how truly blessed we are to have enjoyed so many years with such an incredible man lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
Reader: Sam Paxton Stevie was one of the most generous people i have ever met. even from a very early age he would share his sweets, pocket money or whatever he had. it is fitting that even in his death, the donation of his kidneys, liver, pancreas and heart valves are able to help others. let us pray that the recipients will live long and happy lives lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
Reader: Tom Graham May the incredible life Stevie has led be an inspiration to us all, giving us the strength & courage to follow our dreams and inspire the people around us lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
Reader: Tim Chadwick For all the people we come to meet, let us help them to feel valued and cherished, savouring every moment, as Stevie did with all those he met lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
Reader: robert Jackson & Sons lord, we pray for all the children who miss and loved Stevie And all the times he made us laugh out loud lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
Reader: Victoria Pang We pray for all our departed loved ones. May they embrace Stevie with open arms, and cherish his love and laughter lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
3 Eucharistic Prayers
Reader: Kath Clowser We pray for Stevie’s friends and family, may the images he created keep your memories alive and remind you how beautiful the world around us is lord in your Mercy ALL – Hear our Prayer
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Communion Song – “In My Life” by The Beatles Sung by lucy Sturdy accompanied by James Graham
2nd Hymn – How Great Thou Art 1. O lord, my God, when i in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds thy hand has made, i see the stars, i hear the rolling thunder, thy pow’r throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee: how great thou art, how great thou art. (2 times) 2. And when i think that God, his Son not sparing, sent him to die, i scarce can take it in that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, he bled and died to take away my sin. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee: how great thou art, how great thou art. (2 times) 3. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart; when i shall bow in humble adoration, and there proclaim: my God how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to thee: how great thou art, how great thou art. (2 times)
The highlights were the food and wine, I do not know what we will do next season - maybe Gordon Ramsey will come out.
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Final Prayer and Commendation
3rd Hymn – Sing Hosanna 1. Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising, give me joy in my heart i pray. Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising. Keep me praising till the end of day. Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna to the King of kings! Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna! Sing hosanna to the King! 2. Give me peace in my heart, keep me resting… 3. Give me love in my heart, keep me serving… 4. Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning…
There are those who are put on this earth to teach us what it is to love big, to live large, to make people laugh, to value simple things and appreciate what we've got. Will remember you always! Rest in peace sweet friend!
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Stevie’s Infamous Chocolate Brownie Stevie will always be remembered for his passion for food and love of his work. All his recipes were constantly evolving though experimentation and a drive for perfection. Stevie cooked this brownie throughout the alps and was served on the menu at Park Street Mews in Sri Lanka.
375g butter 375g of the best dark chocolate you can afford 225g plain flour 1 teaspoon salt 6 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 500g caster sugar 300g Optional chopped nuts. 1. heat up oven to 170 degrees C and line a 20cm square baking tray with greaseproof paper. 2. Place butter and chocolate in a heat resistant bowl in the microwave or over a bain marie to melt. 3. Mix together flour and salt. 4. Then beat the eggs and vanilla together and add the sugar. 5. Add the chocolate mixture to the rest of the ingredients. if you are adding nuts, fold them into the mixture also. Pour into the baking tray.
6. Pop in the centre of the oven and cook for 30 minutes. 7. you can either serve once cooled slightly or wrap it and put in the fridge or freezer to give a fudgy texture when served.
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Thank y o u f o r a l l y o ur car ds o f co ndo l e nce a nd suppo r t An y on e wi sh i n g t o ma k e a don a t i on , t h e r e wi l l b e a col l e ct i on b ox a t Th e re d li on in n f or un i t y Mi ssi on Tr u st , t h e ch a r i t y t h at St e vi e a n d Mi n ol i we r e p l a n n i n g t o r a i se mon e y f or . The G r aha m f a m i l y w o ul d l i ke t o i nv i t e e v e r y o ne f o l l o w i ng this ser v i ce t o t he C e l ebr a t i o n o f St e v i e ’s Li f e : Th e re d li on in n , 2 2 N or t h u mb e r l a n d St r e e t Al n mou t h , N or t h u mb e r l a n d, N e6 6 2 rJ O n t he 1 5 t h F e b ruar y , y ou ar e ALL i nv i t e d t o g o f or a w a lk on Al nmout h b e a ch wi t h St e vi e ’s f ri e nds a n d famil y , me et in g at t h e r e d li on in n i n Al nmou t h a t 1 1 a m.