retail & performance Term 2 & 3, Stage 3 | 110A Marylebone HIGH ST, London | music retail & performance
office social space
Term 2 stage 3 | joint competition win | keynes college Senior common Rm, UNI. KEnt.
Term 1, Stage 3 | West Cliff Hall, Ramsgate | Camouflage & art Exhibition
art hotel
Term 2 & 3 , Stage 2 | 30 dalby sq, margate | art hotel for global nomads
art & performance
Term 1 Stage 2 | folkestone pilot station | art, visitor & performance centre
photography A selection of photography
curriculum vitae Education, experience and achievements
Major Work // First
retail & performance Term 2 & 3, Stage 3 | 110A Marylebone HIGH ST, London | music retail & performance
At the end of third year, my Final Major Project gave me the opportunity to choose not only a brief of my choice, but also a host building. The brief that I chose was for that of a centre for classical music, incorporating retail spaces, performance space, recording studios as well as repairs and teaching spaces. The host building was incredibly challenging, as it incorporated a series of individual buildings which had been linked together to form one large, incoherently laid out building . The aim of the architectural changes was to create a sense of unity between this series of buildings . I also had the same aim in relation to the interior, to draw the eye between spaces, using large furniture elements as well as smaller freestanding pieces. A variety of materials are found throughout the building, chosen to highlight the beauty and forms of the instruments.
Stage 3
Major Work // First
First Level Isometric
Ground/Basement Isometric
Stage 3
8 4
7 1 A
2 10
A 6 3
1. Café & P erformance Sp ace 2. Ser very 3. Gr een R oom 4. F emale T oilets 5. Male T oilets 6. Cleaner’ s St orage 7. R ecording Studio/R ehearsal S pace 8. Kit chen 9. Secondary Stairs (Emergency)
Basement Lev el
Gr ound Lev el 1
1. Entrance & Displ ays 2. R eception 3. CD, R ecord, Sheet Music & Book R 4. R epairs 5. V oid over Café
6 B
Section A-A
Major Work // First
CD/Vinyl Display Detail
10 4
3 2
A A 11
Second Lev el
F irst Lev el
1. Brass & P ercussion R oom 2. P ayment Desk 3. Piano & Ke yboards R oom 4. Strings R oom
2. Meeting R oom
5. A ccessible T oilet
7. St orage 8. Male T oilets 9. F emale T oilets
CD/Vinyl Display Detail
Stage 3
office social space
term 2 stage 3 | join competition win | keynes college Senior common Rm, UNI. KEnt.
During my final term at Kent, the opportunity arose to enter a competition for the redesign of a staff space on campus known as the Keynes Senior Common Room. This project, undertaken jointly with Anya Gordon-Clark spanned just over a week. The brief requested the redesign of the interior of the 1960’s space, including new furniture, lighting and additional functions. We chose to divide the space using a central seating element, into four zones. One group seating area, one casual seating area, a lobby space and a work/servery space. Throughout the design process, we developed the idea of a calming, relaxing environment where university staff could go to get away from work. The colour scheme which has a grey base with green accents, is inspired by the Keynes College colour.
p10 Keynes Competition // Win
staff space Stage 3
section AA
Farrow and ball Pavillion Blue
hilton grey carpet
florence polar oak floor
crab apple soft malmo - villa nova
B p12 Keynes Competition // Win
umbra c - vill
chive heron la nova
moorland soft malmo - villa nova
everyday view
function view
Stage 3 p13
Term 1, Stage 3 | West Cliff Hall, Ramsgate | Camouflage & art
My first term stage three host building was West Cliff Hall, Ramsgate. The former concert hall, has fallen into much disrepair and been further damaged by its most recent incarnation as a motor museum. The brief for this project was focussed on the catalogue of objects from the Casson Mann ‘Camouflage’ Exhibition as well as a selection of cubist, pointilist, vorticist and futurist artwork. To incorporate the exhibition as well as the ancillary facilities it was necessary to extend the building. Capturing the materiality of the existing building, my planned extension was of cast in situ concrete, with shutterboard imprints. The exhibition itself comprised of a range of metal exhibition displays, as well as artwork displays which were suspended from the ceiling, tin contrast with the grounded exhibition cases. p14 Event // Upper Second Class
exhibition Stage 3 p15
Entrance Staircase
p16 Event // Upper Second Class
Entrance Staircase
Raw Steel
Oak floor
Cast in situ concrete
Riveted Aluminium Sheets
Blued Steel
Reclaimed wooden crates
using the oak as formwork
Stage 3 p17
p18 Event // Upper Second Class
Stage 3 p19
art hotel
Term 2 & 3 , Stage 2 | 30 dalby sq, margate | art hotel for global nomads
This projected centre around the conversion of a victorian terraced house in Margate, to an Art Hotel and exhibition/events space. The art hotel comprised of a series of residential self contained studios, as well as a cafĂŠ/restaurant. These alongside a large exhibition/event space formed the brief for the building. To incorporate the necessary facilities, it was essential to extend the building to the rear. The major new space incorporates the exhibition/event space, which meets with the cafĂŠ/restaurant space through a series of voids which stretch from basement to first level. Above this space are the artist studios. To the front there are three large studios , and to the rear three small studios. The studios each have a smart-glass wet room and adjacent kitchen space as well as a small lounge area, a workspace and a sleeping space.
p20 Suspension of Disbelief // First
art hotel
Stage 2 p21
Top Front Studio
Rear Studio Lounge p22 p11 Suspension of Disbelief // First
Corten Steel
Polished Concrete
Brushed Stainless Steel
CafĂŠ Outdoor Seating
Shipping Container Bar
Wet Room & Desk
Sitting Area
art Glass
hite Resin
Clothes Storage
ttering Ply
Top Front Studio
Lower Front Studios Stage 2 p23
p24 Suspension of Disbelief // First
Section B
brushed and sealed
Stage 2 p25
art & performance
Term 1 Stage 2 | folkestone pilot station | art & performance centre
The brief for this project included the adaptation and resuscitation of this once private building into a public amenity for the people of Folkestone. The initial brief included a 100 seat Theatre, a cafÊ, an archive space, exhibition space as well as the necessary ancillary facilities. During the course of the project, I adapted the brief slightly, the cafÊ becoming a bar, something which I felt fits in quite well with new restaurants in the area as well as the theatre. Inspiration for my proposal for the building comes from many sources, but something that I was immediately reminded of on my first visit to the building was Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water House. The strong vertical and horizontal blocks on the building brought to mind the similar characteristics of Falling Water House.
p26 Process & Fragement // First
art &
& performance
Stage 2 p27
p28 Process & Fragement // First
Map Archive
Basement Galleries
Stage 2 p29
Section A
Bar Day View p30 Process & Fragement // First
Section B
Bar Night View Stage 2 p31
p34 Major Work // First
Stage 3 p35
david harte Phone 07716 510 986 Email dh302@kent.ac.uk
My Objective
I am a highly motivated and ambitious individual, seeking work in the field of Interior Architecture and Design. I have just completed my degree in Interiors and I would now like to gain practical, hands on experience in order to further enhance my design skills and also to gain knowledge on best business practices.
2010 - Present:
BA (Hons) Interiors, First Class Honours Kent School of Architecture, University of Kent, Canterbury CAD Proficiency SketchUp Advanced SU Podium Advanced Autocad Advanced Autodesk 3D Studio Max Basic Adobe CS5 Photoshop Average Adobe CS5 Illustrator Advanced Adobe CS5 InDesign Advanced Microsoft Word, Powerpoint Advanced Apple iWork Pages, Keynote and Numbers Advanced
2004 - 2010 Clonakilty Community College, Clonakilty, Ireland Leaving Certificate 2010 Level Grade History Higher A2 Art Higher B1 Accounting Higher B1 Irish (Language) Higher B2 English Higher B3 French Higher B3 Maths Higher C3 Junior Certificate 2007 History, Geography and CSPE Higher A Irish, English, Maths, French, Science, Technical Graphics, Business Studies Higher B 1996 - 2004 Scoil na mBuachaillĂ Boys Primary School, Clonakilty, Ireland
Work Experience April 2013
Joint Competition Win
University Student Competition for redesign of staff common room. Undertaken alongside Anya Gordon-Clark. Project currently being procured by Univeristy and construction will take place in July/August this year. May 2012
Collaborative Design Project Design of ‘BA Interiors’ space for the Kent School of Architecture end of year show. Involved collaborating with stage 2 and stage 3 students, to create an intervention in an existing space located on the University of Kent Campus.
May 2010 -present
Freelance Graphic Design
May 2004 -August 2008
Cashier & Merchandiser
Client: Tan & Tone Studio, Clonakilty, Ireland. Creation of Graphic Identity for new weight loss and beauty business in May 2010. Responsible for press advertising and in-store advertising. Re-branding in January 2011 due to change in target market.
EUROSPAR Supermarket, Clonakilty, Co.Cork, Ireland Responsibilities included handling cash, balancing cash, stock rotation, stock ordering and cleaning food preparation areas.
Achievements and other experience • • • • •
BA Interiors Course Representative 2012-2013 Kent Union Gold+ Volunteering Award 2012-2013 Parkwood Student Committee Environment Officer 2012-2013 Grade 7 Pianoforte, Royal Irish Academy of Music 2010 Gaisce (President’s Medal) Bronze Award 2007
Hobbies & Interests • • • • • •
Photography Swimming Classical Music Performances Theatre Visiting Design Exhibition and Museums Traveling
Referees Gianluca Amadei Stage 3 Design Tutor Email : gla5@kent.ac.uk Phone : 07932 424099
Stephen Donald Stage 2 Course Director & Tutor Email : sda@sda-net.com Phone : 07966 413988