Does it need reminder that Google has been constantly lashing out websites that are using Black Hat SEO techniques to earn the favour of search engines? Guess no. Those who are in the business would know that there is only one way that you can earn top rankings today without having to bear the constant fear of being penalised i.e. playing it fair.
1.Create links that are relevant to the site’s theme. Do you really think that a auto-insurance sales links on a home furnishing site is a good idea? Not going to happen.
2.Optimised anchors are a bad thing. Google has tightened penalties on optimised anchors. The punishment may be severe for those that appear in guest blogs
3.Writing low-quality and irrelevant content will both backfire. Whether it is articles, descriptions, blogs, guest posts or classifieds, there is no place for content deemed low in quality by Google.
4.Guest posts are still a viable option for improving SEO, enhancing brand awareness and even building your author rank provided you know what know what activities need to be avoided.
5.Optimise your website with mobile in mind. Apps and responsive designs are vital to success these days as mobile optimisation is not just user-friendly but also Google friendly. There are some tools offered by Google to ensure that your website is hitting all of the right notes.
6.It’s time to focus on local. Identifying the target area is first step to ensure success. If your business has local presence, there is no point in global search engine optimisation. Optimise your site for local success via local listings. It is better to take help of local SEO services company if you are new to this concept.
7.Google is fine, but you should not forget Yahoo and Bing. SEO is not only about coveting the top spot on Google, you need to broaden the scope and tap into what other search engines has to offer. Bing and Yahoo are used by a lot of people worldwide. It is important that you think about other search engine too while devising SEO strategy.
8.Planning and implementation without monitoring the outcome just does not make any sense. Keywords are vital and so is ROI metrics. It is critical to deduce what is working for you and what is not. Look more closely to find a definite return on investment on keywords.
Find an affordable SEO company in India to help your glimmer in the digital space.
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