Definitive Guide To Red Light Therapy

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De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

This guide is for Information Purposes Only. As with any health information please consult professional medical advice

David Jenkins - Trusted Supplement Reviews

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

You’re About to Discover Everything You MUST Know About Red Light Therapy We all want to live the healthiest, happiest life possible, right? Consequently, if you are like most, you consistently look for new, non-evasive ways to promote the body’s natural ability to heal and recover. This could be through your diet, through your exercise routine, the supplements you take or even the products you use. This is especially true if you are looking to reduce the appearance of your age, have chronic pain or other conditions that are a regular part of your life like acne or eczema. Once such treatment that is growing in popularity is at home Red light therapy. Read on to learn everything you need to know about red light therapy through this de nitive guide.

What is Red Light Therapy? Have you ever wondered why stepping outside and feeling the sun on your face instantly makes you feel better? Well, red light therapy takes that healing aspect of sunlight, without the damaging elements and provides you with an indoor way to rejuvenate the body. Red light therapy, which is technically called photobiomodulation, is a non-evasive treatment option for a wide range of conditions. It has been utilized to promote skin regrowth, as an anti-aging method, for wound care, pain relief, acne treatments, overall health, and much more. There are two classi cations of red light therapy depending on whether you are looking at it from a western or eastern perspective.

How Western Medicine Views Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) In western medicine, a treatment isn’t approved until the e ects of said treatment can be quanti ed and measured in a lab and proven to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) Thankfully, due to NASA’s proof of red light therapy’s ability to help with wound healing some 10 years prior, and many subsequent clinical trials, the treatment option has now been thoroughly researched and has since been FDA approved for wound care, pain relief, and anti-aging. It is often referred to as the following treatment methods, though by western medicine instead of simply red light therapy.

Other Names for Red Light Therapy: hotorejuvenation P Photonic stimulation Photobiomodulation Biostimulation (BIOS) Photobiostimulation Low-intensity light therapy (LILT) Low-level laser of low-level light therapy (LLLT) All the treatments listed above utilize some more of red light or infrared light therapy.

How Eastern Medicine Views Red Light Therapy Eastern medicine also recognizes red light therapy as valid. However, they tend to incorporate red light therapy into focused healing via the energy systems of the body though chakra zones and meridian points. They sometimes refer to red light therapy as red color therapy and combine the treatment with acupuncture. This mesh of healing practices is referred to as colorpuncture. Eastern and western medicine use di erent methods to incorporate red light therapy into viable treatments. However, they both agree that light is energy and our bodies are made up of energy as well. Therefore, through light therapy, the light energy penetrates deeply into the body and can promote healing.

How Red Light Therapy Works The red light penetrates the skin to a depth of between eight and 10 mm. Once the light energy is absorbed by the body, it is converted to energy of the cellular variety. This, in turn, stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal on a basic cellular level and leads to various metabolic events, a few of which are listed below.

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) A Few Bene ts of Red Light Therapy Reduced in ammation Stimulation of tissue granulation An increase of cellular clean up or phagocytosis An increased release of raw cellular energy or ATP An increased production of broblast or collagen An increase in the activity of the lymph system An increase in the formation of new capillaries and circulation

What is the Most Common Use of Red Light Therapy? Although red light therapy has been proven an e ective treatment for various conditions, the most common reason it is sought after is its anti-aging properties along with its general e ectiveness on various skin conditions like those listed below.

Top Red Light Therapy Skin Bene ts ruises, burns, scrapes, cuts, etc. B Herpes, cold sores Psoriasis Eczema Rosacea Acne More about the many bene ts of red light therapy listed below.

Most Common Red Light Therapy Bene ts As you have learned from the information above, red light therapy can be used for a variety of ailments. However, the following are the most common bene ts of the treatment:

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) epairs Tissue, Reduces Pain, Heals Wounds: You should aim for R higher range devices to get the deeper penetration you need for healing the body. This means you want to get an at home red light therapy device like RedRush 360 that has wavelengths of 600 to 1000nm. (more on wavelengths below) Hair Loss, Anti-Aging: Red light therapy stimulates the skin tissue, which regenerates and improves the skin. This makes it e ective at treating acne and rosacea. It also has been proven through clinical trials that it is e ective at treating alopecia or hair loss by stimulating epidermal stem cells in the hair follicles. Improves Muscle and Joint Health: LLLT has been proven e ective for the treatment of pain, such as arthritis and is now an FDA approved treatment for the condition. It has also shown the ability to repair muscle injuries and promote healing in the muscles. Helps Reduce Cancer Treatment Side E ects: A clinical trial performed by NASA proved light therapy helped reduce one of the painful side e ects of cancer treatments speci cally oral mucositis. Fights Fatigues and Helps Depression: Red light therapy has been proven e ective at helping reduce the symptoms of fatigue and depression in individuals su ering with those conditions. This is especially true for those su ering with seasonal a ective disorder or SAD. If you live in a place that has little sunlight throughout certain seasons buying a red light therapy device can be a great option for you.

How is Red Light Therapy Applied or Utilized? You can gain access to red light therapy either at your own home through portable devices like Joovv or RedRush 360 or beds or obtain this treatment in a doctor’s or dermatologist’s o ce or a spa. Having your own red light therapy device at home is likely your most cost-e ective option when it comes to regular treatments. This is what I’ve personally done.

Does Red Light Therapy Work? De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) Yes, according to many studies, a few of which are referenced below, red light therapy does in fact work.

he Photo Medicine and Laser Surgery Study 2014: This controlled T trial was created to determine the e ectiveness of red or nearinfrared light treatment for the reduction of ne lines, collagen density and skin roughness. The study found the red light therapy treatment immensely e ective in the trial at treating these conditions. (R) Frontiers in Physiology: Low-level laser therapy and chronic pain, 2014: LLLT was tested as a way to alleviate chronic pain. It looks at 16 randomized, control studies that looked at LLLT’s e ectiveness as a treatment for neck pain. It was found to decrease pain in these patients. (R) NASA, QDI Study 1993: This study (R), conducted by QDI on NASA’s behalf proved medical application of light-emitting diodes could have signi cant health bene ts. This eventually led to the FDA approval of red light therapy for the reduction of wrinkles, arthritis and joint pain among other conditions. Dr. Mercola with the help of Joovv did a full interview about red light therapy: You can view this interview in its entirety here. It talks about the various options for red light (Photobiomodulation) treatment and how e ective they have been as an alternative non-evasive treatment for a wide range of conditions.

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) Private Red Light Therapy Interview with Dr Mercola

What Are The Side E ects of Red Light Therapy? As with any treatment, there are some side e ects noted even with red light therapy.

ild visual problems M Sleep disturbances Insomnia Eye strain Headaches and irritability have been reported with red light therapy However, they tend to diminish quickly and many of these can be avoided by optimizing how you use red light therapy.

Is Red Light Therapy Dangerous? No, not for the average person. However, if you su er with a disease involving the retina of the eye, like diabetes, take photosensitizing medications such as speci c antibiotics, phenothiazine antipsychotics, melatonin, or lithium, you should talk to your doctor before beginning a light therapy regimen. You don’t have to worry about skin cancer, though, as red light uses a di erent type of light than tanning beds, thus it doesn’t utilize cancer causing light. However, if you have a history of skin cancer or systemic lupus erythematosus, you should avoid phototherapy of any kind.

Top Companies For Red Light Therapy and Their Best Products There are many red light therapy products on the market produced by various companies. The help you make sense of all the options, the following will narrow down a few of the top companies and their best product for at-home red light therapy:

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) edRush 360: This product by Red Therapy Co is ideal for athletes and R is designed for skin rejuvenation to help you look and feel your best. It retails for $449.00 but as a Trusted Supplement Reviews reader, I’ve negotiated a $25 discount code for you. Just use discount code DISCOUNT25 at checkout. Joovv Total Body: Joovv products are FDA approved and have been endorsed by NFL and Olympic athletes. They have a wide range of options, but their Full Body LED Red Light Therapy products are some of their best. These products range from $1,196 to $5,995. ReVive DPI: (R:10)This product, which retails for $349.00 was named the “Best At-Home Red Light Therapy Device” for treating wrinkles. It works in just minutes a day and can be used for your full back, neck, and face.

My #1 At Home Red Light Therapy Pick Is… The patent-pending RedRush 360. It’s the one I use at home and as a Trusted Supplement Reviews reader, I’ve negotiated a $25 discount code for you. Just use discount code DISCOUNT25 at checkout. Here’s the link to their o cial site.

What to Look For in a Red Light Therapy Product The above are just three of the many red therapy products you could choose from. You might wonder how to decipher an okay product from one that will be super e ective. Thankfully, we can help you with that. Read below to learn what to look for before purchasing a red light therapy product:

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) heck Out The Wavelength and Delivered Energy: The two most C important factors for red light therapy e ectiveness is the intensity of the light energy and the wavelength. Aim for light that ranges anywhere from 600 nm to 800 nm wavelengths for maximum e ectiveness. As it relates to energy aim for 4-6 joules, though some dosages of even 60 or more joules can be e ective when dealing with deep tissue treatment. Consider The Treatment Area: Another element to consider before purchasing an at-home device is the size of the treatment area. A handheld device will only treat a surface area of around ve to eight square inches. Therefore, you need to keep that in mind when contemplating what device is best for your needs.

How Often is Red Light Therapy Required to be E ective? Of course, there is no hard and fast rule here as everyone is di erent and your condition will di er from everyone else’s. In addition, your skin’s current condition and your age will a ect the e ectiveness of the treatments. In general, most people begin with a small amount of treatment time, only about 15 minutes. Then, after seeing how the skin will respond, they can increase their sessions to anywhere from three to ve times a week throughout the rst one to four weeks of treatment. Eventually, sessions can be reduced to two to three times weekly, for around four to 12 weeks. Once your body begins to change and heal, you can reduce your therapy sessions down to one to two times weekly for maintenance. As you can imagine, this amount of sessions would be extremely nancially taxing if you went to a spa or doctor, who will likely charge up to $100 or more per session. That is why purchasing your own treatment device is likely the most cost e ective option for long-term red light therapy use. In conclusion, red light therapy can be a non-invasive way to treat a wide range of painful and life-altering conditions.

Resources and References 1. 2.

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) ects.aspx (more general research than actual references within the content)

Studies Proving red light therapy e ective: 3. 4. 5. NASA STUDY:, 6. Dr. Merco la interview: Side E ects of Red Light Therapy: 7. ects.aspx

Products/ Companies: 8.. full body products: 9. RedRush 360 by Red Therapy Co (use discount code: DISCOUNT25) 10. 11. What to look for in products:11. 12. Information on the frequency of treatments:12.

De nitive Guide to Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)

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