Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments - ELAPSE - V1.4

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eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments - ELAPSE™ (to slip or pass by)

Information Sharing Architecture direction that supports… A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data - AFIELD™ (Off the usual or desired track. Away from one's home or usual environment) Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture Linkeddata Fundamentals 1. Overview of the Semantic Web (AKA “Web of data”) The Semantic Web is a vision of how the existing infrastructure of the World Wide Web can be extended in such a way that machines can interpret the meaning of data involved in protocol interactions. •


Linkeddata –

The goal of a universal approach to machine-oriented interpretation of data in the Semantic Web is facilitated through the use of a data representation standard called the Resource Description Framework (RDF). RDF captures meaning as a set of triples similar to the subject, verb, and object components of an elementary sentence in a natural language.

Linkeddata relies on RDF to provide a general framework for interpreting data connections as logical statements and adds value through this additional dimension of machine understanding.

SPARQL query language –

SPARQL provides the means to accessing a collection of named RDF graphs (where each graph is associated with a URI) called an RDF dataset and a language for querying across an RDF dataset. Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture The Enhanced parts…..

1. “Real-time” Push Notification – A style of Internet-based immediate communication where the request for a given transaction is initiated by the publisher of that transaction/notification not by the receiver.

2. WebHooks/Service Hook over HTTP or HTTPCoAP – A simple HTTP(S) based webserver-to-webserver, service-oriented communication and Representational State Transfer (REST) mechanism initiated on an event/transaction basis. Typically invoked via an Application Programming Interface (API) using simple mechanisms for sending Push Notification “trigger events” between APIs using HTTP POST callbacks. Supports Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), a lightweight variant of HTTP that a provides a subset of REST common with HTTP, that has been optimized for M2M applications, when needed. Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture The Enhanced parts….(cont.)

3. Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) – A lightweight protocol based on the principle of publishing messages and subscribing to topics, or "pub/sub". Multiple clients connect to a broker and subscribe to topics that they are interested in. MQTT is widely adopted in mobile environments due to the low power consumption, simplicity of API, and small bandwidth used. Clients and servers are available in various languages including C, Python, Erlang, C#, Java, Go etc.

4. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) – An open standard (OASIS Specification) for passing business messages between applications or organizations. It connects systems, feeds business processes with the information they need and reliably transmits onward the instructions that achieve their goals. Provide this support, where needed, (if additional requirements for message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security are required). Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD)

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD)

LE Sharing Web Interface (LWI)

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) Legacy LE information exchange support Statewide secure infrastructure System Incident-based support…… Notifications

LE Sharing Web Interface (LWI)

Human Incident-based Notifications

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) Legacy LE information exchange support Statewide secure infrastructure System Incident-based support…… Notifications

LE Sharing Web Interface (LWI)

1200+ Local LE RMSs & county CAD systems Human Incident-based Notifications

RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud of Hadoop "data lakes“ (Clustered using Hadoop & ready for Amazon Elastic MapReduce)

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) Legacy LE information exchange support Statewide secure infrastructure System Incident-based support…… Notifications

(Authentication via OAuth/WebIDTLS/NetID-TLS protocols)

9 6 3

RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud of Hadoop "data lakes“ (clustered using Hadoop & ready for Amazon Elastic MapReduce)

13 15


Human Incident-based Notifications

Incident-based information search & access is performed via Linkeddata concepts

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

1200+ Local LE RMSs & county CAD

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) Legacy LE information exchange support Statewide secure infrastructure System Incident-based support…… Notifications

(Authentication via OAuth/WebIDTLS/NetID-TLS protocols)

13 15


Human Incident-based Notifications

Incident-based information search & access is performed via Linkeddata concepts

(Authentication via OAuth)


Incident-based Notifications made as result of “Real-time” Push Notification of PD/CAD Incident-based events via HTTP(s) and WebHooks/CoAP APIs or MQTT protocol



RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud of Hadoop "data lakes“ (clustered using Hadoop & ready for Amazon Elastic MapReduce) and REST/WebHooks/CoAP or MQTT protocol based push notifications

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

1200+ Local LE RMSs & county CAD

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) Legacy LE information exchange support Statewide secure infrastructure System Incident-based support…… Notifications

Incident-based information search & access is performed via Linkeddata concepts (Authentication via OAuth/WebIDTLS/NetID-TLS protocols)


Human Incident-based Notifications

13 15

Central AFIELD Appliance

Incident-based Notifications made as result of “Real-time” Push Notification of PD/CAD Incident-based events via HTTP(s) and WebHooks/CoAP APIs or MQTT protocol (Authentication via OAuth)


Drive Collective Action through Collaboration and Accountability. Improve Information Discovery and Access through Common Standards. Optimize Mission Effectiveness through Shared Services and Interoperability. Strengthen Information Safeguarding through Structural Reform, Policy, and Technical Solutions. Protect Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties through Consistency and Compliance.


RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud of Hadoop "data lakes“ (clustered using Hadoop & ready for Amazon Elastic MapReduce) and REST/WebHooks/CoAP or MQTT protocol based push notifications


Information Sharing and Safeguarding goal support:

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

1200+ Local LE RMSs & county CAD

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) Legacy LE information exchange support Statewide secure infrastructure System Incident-based support…… Notifications

Incident-based information search & access is performed via Linkeddata concepts (Authentication via OAuth/WebIDTLS/NetID-TLS protocols)


Human Incident-based Notifications

(Authentication via OAuth)


Drive Collective Action through Collaboration and Accountability. Improve Information Discovery and Access through Common Standards. Optimize Mission Effectiveness through Shared Services and Interoperability. Strengthen Information Safeguarding through Structural Reform, Policy, and Technical Solutions. Protect Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties through Consistency and Compliance.

RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud of Hadoop "data lakes“ (clustered using Hadoop & ready for Amazon Elastic MapReduce) and REST/WebHooks/CoAP or MQTT protocol based push notifications


Supporting Features: • Remote wipe and unlink • LDAP/AD + OpenID Integration • Role-based access • End User restrictions and management Incident-based • Mobile & Desktop Device Notifications made as Management result of “Real-time” • Central administration Push Notification of • Device level authorization PD/CAD Incident-based • Full auditing capabilities events via HTTP(s) and • Full Data Loss Prevention WebHooks/CoAP APIs (DLP) or MQTT protocol


Information Sharing and Safeguarding goal support:

13 15

Central AFIELD Appliance

Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

1200+ Local LE RMSs & county CAD

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

A Future-oriented Information Exchange of Local Data (AFIELD) 4

Legacy LE information exchange support

6 System Incident-based Notifications

Statewide secure infrastructure support…… Incident-based information search & access is performed via Linkeddata concepts (Authentication via OAuth/WebIDTLS/NetID-TLS protocols)

1 17

5 Human Incident-based Notifications

AFIELD driven Local Law Enforcement Sharing allows PDs and 911 centers to maintain control over their own Incident-based information while still fully participating in ELAPSE provided services

(Authentication via OAuth) Enhanced Linkeddata Architecture for Persistent Sharing Environments (ELAPSE)

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC


Drive Collective Action through Collaboration and Accountability. Improve Information Discovery and Access through Common Standards. Optimize Mission Effectiveness through Shared Services and Interoperability. Strengthen Information Safeguarding through Structural Reform, Policy, and Technical Solutions. Protect Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties through Consistency and Compliance.

RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud of Hadoop "data lakes“ (clustered using Hadoop & ready for Amazon Elastic MapReduce) and REST/WebHooks/CoAP or MQTT protocol based push notifications


Supporting Features: • Remote wipe and unlink • LDAP/AD + OpenID Integration 2 • Role-based access • End User restrictions and management Incident-based • Mobile & Desktop Device Notifications made as Management result of “Real-time” • Central administration Push Notification of • Device level authorization PD/CAD Incident-based • Full auditing capabilities events via HTTP(s) and • Full Data Loss Prevention WebHooks/CoAP APIs (DLP) or MQTT protocol


Information Sharing and Safeguarding goal support:

13 15


Central AFIELD Appliance


1200+ Local LE RMSs & county CAD

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

AFIELD Notes: Key characteristics: 1. The Core does not store PD/911 Incident-based data, Incident-based data remains in the PDs and Dispatch Centers and is “exposed” as a RDF Graph Linkeddata private cloud for secure Incident-based information searching via SPARQL 2. Secure HTTP(s) based information exchange from LE RMSs and county CAD systems to Core via REST WebHooks/CoAP or MQTT protocol based APIs for Realtime Push Notifications) 3. RMS/CAD/LE Incident-based Information is securely (OAuth/WebID-TLS/NetID-TLS protocols) searched & accessed via Semantic Web concepts including Linkeddata, RDF and SPARQL queries 4. Support for legacy LE information exchange is provided until no longer needed 5. Email, SMS, Chat & M2M “Human” push Incident-based notification can be securely sent from Core (possibly leveraging statewide Alerting capabilities) 6. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) support, where needed, (if additional requirements for message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security are required) from Core to Incident-based Notification subscribers. Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

The Remote AFIELD Appliance “Thing” • What does it do? – Primarily responsible for providing information sharing services “local” to each sharing environment data source so that local control over Incident-based information is maintained while still fully participating in ELAPSE/AFIELD provided services – Hosts the sharing services that: • Maintain control over local data, • Provide audit file/folder access and sharing, • while preventing accidental data leakage Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

Remote AFIELD Appliance Code Deployment, Management & Monitoring Services

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

What is different about Linkeddata? Linkeddata addresses how to convey information, the association between the data itself and the metadata that gives it meaning , by changing the way that we interact with the data, especially via computer programs, in particular: – every data resource, is given a unique identity (known as a URI); – that unique identity is based on HTTP, the widely-used network protocol used by web browsers to fetch web pages for display; – properties of data resources, such as their type, scale, units, provenance, last updated time, etc, are represented using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) in which values are connected together in networks of named links, called properties; – the names of the properties, resource types, classification codes, etc, are also given web identifier URIs. This means that they too can be fetched (technically the term we use is resolved) using HTTP. The information returned when resolving, say, an RDF property help give a clear semantic meaning to the data.

Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

What is different about Linkeddata? (cont) It's this practice of connecting resources together using named, meaningful links that gives Linkeddata both its name and its power. Once the reference data has been created, the possibilities to extend and refine it with additional data sources are unlimited. The query language SPARQL is a powerful and general-purpose tool for accessing RDF data, but having to learn SPARQL is an extra burden for developers. Electing instead to use an API approach, in which a collection of HTTP-accessible endpoints provide a programming interface that web developers can make use of more easily. In particular using the Linked Data API (LDA) to provide a programming interface to the data. The LDA uses well-established conventions for accessing the details of individual data resources, and/or a collection of resources. Blueprints 2.0..including Gremlin & Rexster – Evolving mechanisms to provide a common set of interfaces that allow developers to plug-and-play their graph database backend collections. These open-source based products are analogous to the JDBC, but for graph databases. Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

eVectis Technologies LLC Confidential –Internal Use Only

W3C Linked Data Profile Working Group The principal technologies of the Semantic Web fit into a set of layered specifications. The current components are: – – – –

the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Core Model, the RDF Schema language, the Web Ontology language (OWL), and the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS).

Building on these core components is a standardized query language, SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle"), enabling querying of decentralized collections of RDF data. The POWDER recommendations provide technologies to find resource descriptions for specific resources on the Web; descriptions which can be “joined” to other RDF data. The GRDDL and RDFa recommendations aim at creating bridges between the RDF model and various XML formats, like XHTML. RDFa also plays an important role as a format to add Structured Data to HTML, i.e., as a means to help using Linked Data in Web Applications. The goal of the R2RML language is to provide standard language to map relational data and relational database schemas to RDF and OWL. Finally, the goal of the newly proposed Linked Data Profile Working Group is to provide a “entry level” layer to manage Linked Data file using RESTful, HTTP based API. Both ELAPSE® and AFIELD® Logos are registered Trademarks of eVectis Technologies LLC

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