Law of Attraction Tools by David Marshall
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For most the law of attraction is a concept that is held within the mind as a good idea without a particularly deep exploration into the actual processes and tools involved in making it work in your life. So what are the tools of the law of attraction and how can you use them to create a better and more fulfilled life? It is time to stop thinking about the theory and start using it and to do that you need tools, some of which are outline below and will help you get started on your greatest adventure as a conscious creation of your own experience. 1. The first tool on offer is attraction itself. This tool is one that you must use even if you believe it to be outside of yourself (although it is not) because you can use attraction to do the work. Whether you are aware of the relationship between your thoughts and your experience or not your beliefs are attracting events that fit with them. The key here then is to use attraction now and simply start to believe in your goodness and abundance then let attraction do the rest. 2. The second tool that the law of attraction user must master is the tools of belief and emotion. It is your conscious beliefs that create your experience and so these are the most basic and powerful activators of the first tool (the ability to attract). To master the ability to manage and change your beliefs at will are the bread and butter of the conscious creator, they are life the hammer and saw to the carpenter, the wheat and oven to the baker. The second part of this tool is that emotions drive our experience, they propel our beliefs into reality and so once you master your beliefs you will also master your emotions, using them consciously to create the life you want, focusing on what feels good will attract more of what feels good! 3. The third tool that the conscious creator must master is the tool of connectivity. This means that a conscious and aware connection must be made between the 'you' that you see in the mirror and the broader 'you' that is eternal and timeless. This ability to connect consciously will bring information into your awareness at the level of 'Knowing', information that exists beyond the physical world but can be used within it.
4. The fourth tool that one must use is the quiet mind. To quiet the mind is to allow other information and experiences to come into conscious awareness, to go beyond the limited thinking and expand your awareness into the broader self. Take time each day to remove the drama and be quiet, open and receptive. 5. The fifth tool is physical action. The law of attraction brings events and opportunities into your life as a reflection of your beliefs but you must also take action within your life. By acting upon the ideas and opportunities that are attracted to you you carry on the process of creation. The law of attraction is a mixture of internal action and external actions, both are required to create success within the world. 6. The last tool at our disposal is consciousness itself because consciousness provides feedback and we need feedback to see how we are doing. As identities we exist beyond consciousness in a state of existence that cannot be talked about and so use consciousness to form the reality that we know, a reality that is our direct feedback system. Look into your life and see what you are happy with and what you want to change, change some beliefs in the areas you are not happy with and then look back into your life to see the result: this is what our reality is for, to allow us to experience the results of our use of the law of attraction. In any activity there are 80% theory and 20% tools and strategy and until now the law of attraction has been mostly theory. The tools of the conscious creator are very new but they do work. The challenge is that these tools require a subtle shift in attitude that creates a massive shift in life. These tools outlines above will help you create a better life but like all tools they require use and practice to master. If you are the person who want to act and create rather than simply think about it, then use the tools above and you will get on the right track. David Marshall is the author of three books, a spiritual teacher and Master NLP Practitioner and Master Hypnotherapist and law of attraction expert. He is the creator of where anyone can receive professional training in the law of attraction and how they can consciously choose their life experiences. As an NLP and Master Hypnotherapist David combines his knowledge and skill to help others change their beliefs easily ensuring they are able to use the law of attraction more quickly and easily. Alongside this aspect of work David also helps his clients expand their conscious awareness of their identity, combining the spiritual understandings he has gained over this lifetime with the therapeutic skill as a Master Practitioner Article Source:
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