SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Report for April 2024

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APRIL 2024

3 Cases in April 2 HWC Cases 1 Elephant Case

April Report by

The Southern Conservation Area experienced heavy rains and wet weather during April 2024.

Veterinary cases attended involved three species in the three interventions. The cases involved the treatment and postmortem examination of a suspected poisoned lion, a postmortem examination of an elephant cow and the rescue of a male wildebeest from a roadside ditch. The human-wildlife conflict remained a concern for the lions in the Amboseli ecosystem and was associated with the lion attended at Kaptei Group Ranch in Amboseli


We thank Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) for material support and Mobile Unit funding. KWS Staff and rangers at Amboseli, Chyulu, Kajiado PAC team, BLF, scientists at Amboseli Elephant Trust and others not mentioned but supported the monitoring of distressed wildlife in areas of interest are highly acknowledged and appreciated.

Case Details


lion was immobile and breathing faintly. The lion was suspected to have been poisoned when it raided

on the carcass of an adult elephant cow carcass found in Satao Elerai

Wildlife Conflict The adult male wildebeest had accidentally fallen into a trench dug for laying subterranean internet cables Task Successful

Found Reason for Intervention Outcome
Date Species Area
Postmortem Autopsy
Amboseli Environs
HWC Death 12-Apr-24
Satao Elerai
13-Apr-24 Wildebeest Kajiado

April 2024

SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations

Case 1 – 1st April 2024


Human-Wildlife Conflict

Kaptei Group Ranch, Amboseli

A motionless lion was discovered in an open grassland in Kaptei Group Ranchand reported to AMVU. Unfortunately, the lion did not make but died during the treatment. On further investigation, a history of a lion that raided community livestock happened around the same time and is likely linked to the case.


The lion was immobile, motionless and expressed faint breathing movement therefore didn’t require immobilisation It also presented with diarrhoea and vomiting signs. Atropine sulphate and fluid therapy was administered to the lion to antagonize the suspected poison but died after 3 hours of treatment.

Post-mortem Examination

On opening the carcass, most internal organs were marked with massive congestion and excessive internal bleeding. The carcass was disposed of by burning and samples collected for further laboratory analysis. Kidney, liver and stomach contents were collected and submitted for further laboratory examination.

Cause of Death

Suspected poisoning.

Case 2 – 12th April 2024

Elephant Post-mortem

A BLF rangers reported a dead elephant cow to AMVU. The elephant carcass was decomposd and likely died more than 7days before the discovery of the carcass.

Post-mortem Examination

The vet team travelled to the site using a vehicle and examined the elephant carcass for the cause of death. The carcass was found decomposed and fully scavenged. The scavenger was likely a hyena based on the footprints on the ground around the carcass.

The carcass was opened up and all internal organs were eaten up and absent for further examination.

Cause of Death

Most likely a natural disease.

Satao Elerai, Amboseli

Wildebeest Human-Wildlife Conflict

Kajiado County

Assistant Director at Kajiado reported a male wildebeest that was found in a roadside ditch at Maili Tisa along the Namanga-Kajiado Road. The roadside trench had been dug for Internet cable transmission and the wildebeest fall was accidental.

Immobilisation, examination and rescue

The wildebeest was easily darted while in the trench. The wildebeest attained successful immobilization using a combination of 5mg of Etorphine HCl and 70mg of Azaperone.

The bull was fully exhausted but had no visible physical injuries Amoxicillin injection and Oxytetracycline spray were applied to cover for bacterial infection. The bull was removed from the pit manually by 6 men. The bull was put into a truck and moved into the neighbouring ranch. The bull was revived using naltrexone and favourably woke up after the drug administration.


The animal should make a full recovery and has a good prognosis. .

Case 3 – 13th April 2024

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