SWT/KWS Rift Valley Mobile Veterinary Report for July 2024

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JULY 2024

July Report by

Several areas north and south of Lake Naivasha and the Central Rift Conservation Area experienced sporadic rainfall in July.

The SWT/KWS Rift Valley Mobile Veterinary Unit attended to 13 Cases. 4 of these cases involved snared animals. Fortunately, they were all successfully treated with a good prognosis for recovery indicated. The team also attended to 2 lion cases in Lake Nakuru National Park, in both cases the lions were injured by prey. Luckily, they were successfully treated and are expected to recover fully. Other species attended to in July include 7 common zebras, 1 buffalo, 1 Masai giraffe, and 1 Hyena.


The Rift Valley Mobile Veterinary team greatly appreciates The Brady Hunter Foundation for funding the Unit through the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT). The team acknowledges Angela Sheldrick, CEO -SWT for her unwavering support and interest in the work undertaken by the Mobile Veterinary Unit and thanks the Wildlife Research & Training Institute (WRTI) for hosting the Unit at WRTI - Naivasha. The team additionally thanks all the stakeholders and scouts who reported wildlife in distress and supported the veterinary interventions captured in this report. Thank you all.

Case Details


Species Area Found

9-Jul-24 Zebra Karagita Natural Causes Adult female zebra with a debilitating injury on the left hind leg. Died. Euthanized.

12-Jul-24 Lion Lake Nakuru N.P. Natural Causes Adult male lion wounded by prey on the back. Successfully treated

16-Jul-24 Zebra Sanctuary Farm Natural Causes Adult male common zebra with a complete closed fracture of the left radial/ulna bone. Died. Euthanized.

16-Jul-24 Zebra WRTIAnnex Natural Causes Adult male common zebra with a complete open fracture of the hind leg. Died. Euthanized.

16-Jul-24 Zebra WRTIAnnex Natural Causes Lame adult male common zebra with a cracked right front limb hoof. Successfully treated.

19-Jul-24 Zebra Aquilla Farm Natural Causes Adult male common zebra with a debilitating injury on right hind leg. Died. Euthanized.

23-Jul-24 Giraffe Oserengoni Sanctuary Snared Adult female Maasai giraffe with a snare inflicted wound on the left hind leg. Prognosis poor.

25-Jul-24 Zebra Marula Estates Snared Adult male common zebra with a long wire on the neck. Successfully treated.

25-Jul-24 Hyena Soysambu Conservancy Snared Sub-adult female spotted hyena wounded by a wire snare on the neck. Successfully treated.

26-Jul-24 Lion Lake Nakuru N.P. Natural Causes Sub-adult male lion injured by prey on the left front leg. Successfully treated.

29-Jul-24 Zebra Karagita Natural Causes Recumbent adult male common zebra Died. Euthanized.

29-Jul-24 Buffalo Nini Farm Snared Adult male buffalo with a winch wire snare on the left hind leg. Successfully treated.

30-Jul-24 Zebra Sanctuary Farm Natural Causes Lame adult male common zebra. Prognosis poor.

SWT/KWS Rift Valley Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations

July 2024

Zebra Natural Causes Shephard’s Residence, Karagita

The property owner reported an adult female common zebra with a debilitating injury on its left hindlimb.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The injured zebra was darted with 5mg Etorphine combined with 80mg Azaperone.

Upon examination, the zebra was found to have an open wound on the left hindlimb and a ruptured common digital extensor tendon. The zebra had a poor prognosis and was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering. The carcass was safely disposed in Hells Gate National Park.


Given the severity of the zebra’s injuries, it had a poor prognosis for recovery. Therefore, the zebra was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.


Natural Causes

Lake Nakuru National Park management reported that an adult male lion had been wounded on the back by prey.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The veterinary team used a call back station to locate the pride of 9 lions within Soysambu plains. The injured lion was darted with a combination of 280mg Ketamine and 6mg Medetomidine. The anaesthesia level was light after 20 minutes. Therefore, 150mg Ketamine was administered by hand to effective general anaesthesia. Upon examination, the lion was found to have been injured on the back by prey. The wound was deep, infected and suppurative. The wound was cleaned with water, rinsed with Iodine, and covered with a fly repellent (Alamycin® Aerosal). Additionally, 200mg Flunixin meglumine, 9,000mg Amoxicillin, and 40ml Catasol were administered intramuscularly while 5ml Ivermectin was administered subcutaneously. Frontline® spray (Fipronil) was also applied to control ectoparasite infestation. Anaesthesia was reversed with 20 mg Atipamezole given by intramuscularly after one hour.


The lion has a good prognosis

Lake Nakuru National Park

Case 3 – 16th July 2024

Zebra Natural Causes


Sanctuary Farm staff reported an adult male common zebra with an injured left front limb.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The zebra was darted with 5mg Etorphine and 80mg Azaperone. The animal had a complete closed fracture of the left radial/ulna bone.

The zebra had a poor prognosis and was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering. The carcass was disposed safely.


The zebra had a poor prognosis for recovery and was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.


WRTI - Annex staff reported an adult male common zebra with an injured right hindlimb.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The animal was darted with 5mg Etorphine and 80mg Azaperone.

Upon examination, the zebra was found to have suffered a complete open fracture of the right hindlimb at proximal phalanx region. The case had a poor prognosis. Given the foregoing, the zebra was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.


The zebra had a poor prognosis given the severity of its injury. Therefore, it was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.


Natural Causes

WRTI - Annex staff reported a lame adult common zebra stallion.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

WRTI - Annex

The zebra was darted with 5mg Etorphine combined with 80mg Azaperone. Upon examination, it was established that the cause of lameness was a cracked right front limb hoof.

The cracked hoof was cleaned with water and rinsed with tincture of Iodine. A fly repellent (Alamycin® Aerosal) was applied then 300mg Flunixin meglumine, 18,000mg Oxytetracycline, and 40ml Catasol were administered intramuscularly. 5ml Ivermectin was also administered subcutaneously.

Anaesthesia was reversed with 75mg Naltrexone; three quarters was injected intravenously while a quarter was administered intramuscularly to avoid re-narcotization.


The zebra has a good prognosis.



Natural Causes

Aquilla Farm

Aquilla Farm security staff reported an adult male common zebra with a debilitating injury on the right hind limb.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The zebra was darted with 5mg Etorphine and 80mg Azaperone.

Upon examination, the animal was found to have suffered an open fracture and torn digital extensor tendons on the right hind leg. The lame zebra had a poor prognosis. Therefore, it was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering. The zebra’s carcass was safely disposed


The zebra stallion had suffered a debilitating injury and had a poor prognosis. It was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.

Giraffe Snared Oserengoni Wildlife Sanctuary

This injured adult female Masai giraffe was reported by Oserian Development Security staff

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The giraffe was darted with 15mg Etorphine and 80mg Azaperone.

The animal had suffered a suppurative wound on the left hind leg inflicted by a wire snare. The wound was cleaned with water and rinsed with tincture of Iodine. A fly repellent (Alamycin® Aerosal) was applied topically.

15,000mg Amoxicillin, 1,000mg Flunixin meglumine and 60mg Catasol were administered intramuscularly. 10 ml Ivermectin was also administered subcutaneously. Anaesthesia was reversed with 225mg Naltrexone, three-quarters was given intravenously while a quarter was administered intramuscularly to avoid renarcotization.


The giraffe has a fair prognosis.

Case 8 – 25th July 2024

Zebra Snared

Marula Estates

While on a de-snaring patrol in Lake Elementaita, KWS staff reported sighting a snared adult male common zebra.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

A long wire snare was observed on the zebra’s neck, the snare had wounded the animal’s left front leg. The zebra was darted with 5mg Etorphine combined with 80mg Azaperone.

The snare was removed then the wounds were cleaned with water, rinsed with tincture of Iodine, and sprayed with a fly repellent. 300 mg Flunixin meglumine, 15,000 mg Oxytetracycline and 40 ml Catasol® were administered intramuscularly while 5 ml Ivermectin was administered subcutaneously. Anaesthesia was reversed with 75 mg Naltrexone administered intravenously; a quarter of the dose was also administered intramuscularly to avoid re-narcotization.


The zebra has a good prognosis.

Case 9 – 25th July 2024

Hyena Snared Soysambu Conservancy

KWS staff on a de-snaring patrol in Lake Elementaita Sanctuary reported sighting a snared sub-adult female spotted hyena.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The veterinary team used a call back station to locate the injured hyena. The injured animal was darted with 280mg Ketamine and 6mg Medetomidine.

Upon examination, the hyena was found to have suffered a wound on the neck inflicted by the wire snare. The wound was suppurative and infected. It was cleaned with water, rinsed with tincture of Iodine, and a fly repellent (Alamycin® Aerosal) was administered. Additionally, 150mg Flunixin meglumine, 6,000mg Amoxicillin Trihydrate and 40ml Catasol® were administered intramuscularly. 3ml Ivermectin was also administered subcutaneously. Furthermore, Frontline spray (Fipronil) was applied to control ectoparasite infestation. General anaesthesia was reversed with 15mg Atipamizole given intramuscularly after one hour.


The hyena has a good prognosis.

Natural Causes

Lake Nakuru National Park management reported an injured sub-adult male lion.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The lion was darted with a combination of 280mg Ketamine and 6mg Medetomidine. The animal took refuge in a water culvert until the drugs took effect. The veterinary team retrieved the lion from the culvert and upon examination, the lion was found to have been injured by prey on the left front leg.

The wound was deep and fresh, and it was the main cause of its lameness. The wound was cleaned with water, rinsed with tincture of Iodine, and sprayed with a fly repellent (Alamycin® Aerosal). 200mg Flunixin meglumine, 9,000mg Amoxicillin Trihydrate, and 40ml Catasol® were administered intravenously. In addition, Frontline spray (Fipronil) was applied to control ectoparasite infestation. General anaesthesia was reversed with 20mg Atipamizole given intramuscularly after one hour.


The lion has a good prognosis.

Lake Nakuru National Park

Zebra Natural Causes Shephard’s Residence, Karagita

The property owner reported a recumbent adult male common zebra

Examination and treatment

The zebra was found recumbent, it was severely debilitated and in a comatose state. The animal was also heavily infested with ticks.

Given the zebra’s poor prognosis, it was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering. The zebra carcass was safely disposed at Hells Gate National Park.


The zebra had a poor prognosis and was put to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.

Buffalo Snared

NINI farm staff reported an adult male buffalo with a winch wire snare on the left hind leg.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The snared leg was swollen since the winch wire was strangulating tissues. The snare was attached to a tree branch that was being dragged along by the buffalo. The buffalo was darted with 8mg Etorphine and 60mg Azaperone.

Once the snare was removed, 300mg Flunixin meglumine and 18,000mg Oxytetracycline were administered intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was reversed with 100mg Naltrexone administered intravenously; a quarter of the dose was administered intramuscularly to avoid re-narcotization.


The buffalo has a good prognosis.


Zebra Natural Causes

Sanctuary Farm staff reported that an adult male common zebra was exhibiting lameness

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The zebra was darted with 5mg Etorphine and 80mg Azaperone.

Upon examination, the veterinary team established that the cause of severe limping was due to a dislocation of the left elbow joint. 750mg Flunixin meglumine, 18,000mg Oxytetracycline, and 40ml Catasol® were administered intramuscularly. Additionally, 5ml Ivermectin was administered subcutaneously. Anaesthesia was reversed with 75mg Naltrexone, three-quarters of the dose was administered intravenously and a quarter intramuscularly to avoid re-narcotization.


The zebra has a guarded prognosis.

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