SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Report for November 2022

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11 Cases in November 1 Big Cat Case 6 Elephant Cases

Dry and hot conditions prevailed over the Amboseli ecosystem until the 3rd week of November when the rains fell. As the parched earth soaked up rainwater, shoots emerged, and flash floods were experienced in some parts of the park due to surface runoff from the Kilimanjaro slopes. Herbivores in the park survived on what was left in the swamps since forage was scarce. However, supplemental feeding with hay was introduced to save the most vulnerable animals. In November, the Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit attended to 15 cases, these comprised 6 elephants, 3 giraffes, 1 baboon and 1 cheetah case.


We thank the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) for funding the Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit. We also wish to thank staff and rangers from Kitenden, Kuku, KWS Nguruman, BLF Eselenkei, and Amboseli Elephant Research for their assistance during veterinary interventions. Additionally, anyone who may not have been mentioned but supported the monitoring of distressed wildlife is greatly appreciated.

Case Details

Date Species Area Found Reason for Intervention Outcome 06-Nov 22 Elephant Imarba Postmortem Adult female elephant found dead Colon impaction 10-Nov 22 Elephant Amboseli N.P. Natural Causes Adult female elephant found recumbent Died 10-Nov 22 Elephant Amboseli N.P. Postmortem Elephant calf carcass found in the park Drought complications 10-Nov 22 Giraffe Imbirikani Natural Causes The sub-adult maasai giraffe appeared injured and orphaned Successfully treated 11-Nov 22 Baboon Kitirua Technical Case Collaring an adult female baboon to facilitate primate research in the ecosystem Task successful 11-Nov 22 Elephant Eselenkei Snared Wire snare on the right forelimb Successfully treated 15-Nov 22 Elephant Kitenden Conservancy Spear Adult elephant cow found with a spear lodged in its right flank Died. Severe bleeding 16-Nov 22 Giraffe Manjaro Camp HWC Adult male giraffe trapped in a pit Died 19-Nov 22 Giraffe Kimana Group Ranch HWC Adult male giraffe run into a clothesline at night while foraging in the village Died. Respiratory complications 24-Nov 22 Elephant Amboseli N.P. Spear Spear lodged in the ear pinna Successfully treated 30-Nov 22 Cheetah Nguruman Conservancy Postmortem Ill adult cheetah that died before the Vet arrived Died. Cause Unknown

SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations

November 2022

Elephant Post-mortem Imarba

Kitenden Conservancy management reported an adult female elephant that was found dead at Imarba. The conservancy’s rangers watched over the carcass and assisted in the necropsy process.

Post-mortem findings

The elephant was severely emaciated, and it had significantly pale mucous membranes. The spleen was also pale and grey. The Liver was enlarged with prominent rounded ends. The stomach and duodenum were full of maggots. Hard, dried-off, and fermented faecal boluses were found in the colon. The descending colon and caecum had an abnormally high number of worms. The trachea was clean and lung apex brightly coloured.

Cause of death

Death was associated with complications resulting from colon impaction.

– 06th
Case 1
November 2022

Elephant Natural Causes Amboseli National Park

KWS rangers on patrol reported find a recumbent adult female elephant. Upon examination, the elephant cow was found to be anaemic and exhausted.

Examination and treatment

No immobilization was necessary since the elephant was hardly moving, and it was barely responding to any stimuli. Dextrose and Ionic fluids (3 litres) were administered intravenously over several hours. 100 ml Oxytetracycline antibiotic and 30 ml Dexamethasone were also administered intramuscularly. After an hour, the elephant stood up and walked, it was fed on hay thereafter. The cow fed well for 2 days but died on the 3rd When the elephant cow died, it had barely moved 1 Km from the point of treatment


The elephant had a poor prognosis. Sadly, it died 3 days after treatment.

– 10th November
Case 2

Elephant Post-mortem Amboseli N.P.

After attending to the elephant highlighted under Case 2, the Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit came across an elephant calf carcass.

General observation

The carcass was old, decomposed, and it had been eaten up by predators and a variety of entomological fauna. Due to the advanced state of decomposition, no pathological lesions could be established

Cause of death

The elephant calf most probably died from complications associated with the drought being experienced in the area.

3 – 10th November

Giraffe Natural Causes Imbirikani

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) and Big Life Foundation (BLF) management reported a sub-adult maasai giraffe that seemed to be injured and orphaned.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The subadult giraffe was of a size and age that could not be managed without chemical immobilization. The giraffe was therefore darted with 30 mg Azaperone and 3 mg Etorphine. It responded well to the drugs, and the giraffe was fully immobilized 15 minutes later. The giraffe had a closed wound on the right forelimb. The wound was cleaned with Hydrogen peroxide and Iodine then 40 ml Amoxicillin was administered intramuscularly before the giraffe was revived with Diprenorphine


The giraffe has a good prognosis.

Case 4 – 10th November 2022

Baboon Technical Case Kitirua

The Baboon Trust has long history of carrying out extensive research on primates in the Amboseli Ecosystem

The Trust has continuously followed a group of approximately 400 baboons in the last fifty years. This old baboon family is of significant scientific output in the study of primates. Baboon Trust researchers with the authority of KWS captured 40 baboons between June and September 2022, but in one family a female could not be captured due to the unavailability of the group. On this occasion, the Trust with assistance from the Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit attempted to capture and collar a female baboon in the target family group.

Immobilisation and collaring

The baboon was darted with Tiletamine and Zoalezipam. The adult female baboon had good body condition, its temperature was 35.8 degrees, and it weighed 13.3 Kg. The female baboon had complete dental formulae, and the examined lymph nodes were normal in size. These parameters confirmed its fitness, and a VHF radio collar was fitted. Blood, skin, and hair samples were collected for further analysis.

Unfortunately, there are no pictures for this case.

Case 5 – 11th November 2022

Elephant Snared Eselenkei

BLF rangers reported a snared elephant they had seen during patrol

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit found the snared elephant with assistance from the SWT helicopter. The elephant was darted from a helicopter with 20 mg Etorphine. It had a wire snare on the right forelimb. The snare was cut off then the wound it had caused was cleaned with water, debrided with Hydrogen peroxide and disinfected with Iodine. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories were administered to assist in the healing process then anaesthesia was reversed. The elephant re-joined its family after revival.


The elephant has a good prognosis

Case 6 – 11th November 2022

Elephant Spear Kitenden Conservancy

The Park patrol team reported an elephant cow found with a spear lodged in its right flank. Unfortunately, the adult female elephant died before the vet arrived. The Kitenden team led the Veterinary team to the site, and they also assisted with spearhead removal and necropsy.

Significant post-mortem findings

The carcass was fresh and in sternal recumbency. An incision on the right flank was made to remove the spearhead. The elephant cow was found with a foetus approximately one month to birth. The stomach and duodenum had maggot, but they were fewer than those found in other necropsies in the same season. The small intestines were normal. Wire-like worms were found in the colon. The spearhead had penetrated close to the uterine wall. There was extensive bleeding due to uterine and associated vessels injury. The spear had destroyed the ovarian artery which is a branch of the aorta.

Cause of death

The elephant cow died from excessive bleeding caused by spear injuries on crucial blood vessels

Case 7 – 15th November 2022

Giraffe Human-Wildlife Conflict Manjaro Camp

Mugambi, the owner of Manajro Camp, reported that an adult male giraffe had fallen into a pit while searching for forage after breaking through the camp’s electric fence the previous night.


The giraffe was weak, and it was trapped in the pit in a sitting position. A backhoe loader was used to excavate the area around the pit so the giraffe could be pulled out. The work was tedious, and it took a significant amount of time to free the giraffe. This may have contributed to the giraffe's fatigue and discomfort. The giraffe was supported with fluids for a day, but it could not stand by itself. Sadly, despite the team’s best efforts, the giraffe later collapsed and died.

Case 8 – 16th October 2022

Giraffe Human – Wildlife Conflict Kimana Group Ranch

A member of the community reported that a giraffe had fallen and died outside her house after running into a clothesline at night. The giraffe was searching for forage in the village.

Post-mortem findings

▪ The carcass was fresh and in lateral recumbency.

▪ The gastrointestinal tract was normal.

▪ The trachea was full of maggots and intestinal digesta that was evident of regurgitation and entry into the respiratory tract.

Cause of death

The giraffe died from respiratory complications

Case 9 – 19th November 2022

Case 10 – 24th November 2022

Elephant Spear Amboseli National Park

The Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit was informed of a speared elephant by the elephant research team. A KWS helicopter was used to ferry the veterinarian to the park to attend to the elephant.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The elephant had a spear lodged in the ear pinna. The elephant was chemically immobilized then the spear was pulled out. The wound was cleaned, debrided and disinfected. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories were administered to aid in healing then the elephant was revived. It happily re-joined its family post-reversal.


The elephant has a good prognosis.

Case 11 – 30th November 2022

Cheetah Post-mortem Lenkobei – Nguruman Conservancy

The management of Kenya Wildlife Service office in Nguruman reported an ill adult cheetah. Unfortunately, the cat died before the Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit arrived. An officer at Nguruman accompanied the veterinary team to the site and helped in the necropsy.

Post-mortem findings

The carcass was found in advanced decomposition, and it had been eaten up by maggots. No significant pathology could be established due to decomposition.

Cause of death

Not established due to advanced decomposition.

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