4 Cases in December
1 HWC Case
2 Elephant Cases
December Report by Dr. Kariuki Edward The SCA-Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit (SCA-AMVU) attended four (4) veterinary cases during December 2021. The Amboseli and Chyulu ecosystem received plentiful amount of rains after a long dry period. Wild animals dispersed widely to feast on the new vegetation as a result of the rains. Consequently, this led to a reduction in Human-wildlife conflicts with elephants though the trend was contrary for the lions. However, no lion case were reported for veterinary intervention despite the elevated livestock attacks attended to by the Problem Animal Control unit. A lion with a non-functional collar attended at Chyulu hills could not be found. An elephant with a tumourous swelling could not be treated but prescribed for monitoring. An elephant that was reported recumbent at Sagala hills was found dead on vet arrival and the post-mortem examination revealed post drought exhaustion that deteriorated with the heavy rains in the area. A zebra was moved from a fenced plot owned by Oilepo Hotel. The fence was cleared to open an exit point through the fence. However, the stallion decided to open its own exit and forced its way out. Possibly, the animal feared the vehicle and the noise. Acknowledgement We thank Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) for material support and Mobile Unit funding. Staff and Rangers at BLF are acknowledged for their support and company during the veterinary interventions. Anyone whom we may have not been mentioned but supported the monitoring of distressed wildlife in areas of interest is highly acknowledged and appreciated.
Case Details Date
Area Found
Reason for Intervention
Chyulu Hills
Amboseli NP
Natural Causes
Tsavo East National Park
Kiltome Conservancy
Human Wildlife Conflict
Reported a lion with a non-functional collar that needed to be replaced It had good body condition despite a huge swelling on the lower perineum. The leg had no fresh injury but the huge mass of swelling resulted in abnormal posture and movement An elephant bull was reported recumbent. Unfortunately, the bull died before the vet arrived and a post-mortem was conducted A zebra was reported trapped inside the compound of Oilepo Hotel grounds
Outcome Not Located Task Successful
Died Task Successful
SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations December 2021
Case 1 – 10th December 2021 Lion
Chyulu Hills
BLF Management at Chyulu reported a lion with a non-functional collar. The lion was sighted among a pride of 5 lions found around the lodge. Search Vet team visited the lodge area where the lions had been sighted. The Vet Team with the support of BLF Community Rangers tracked the lion in the bush but could not trace the female. A predator call was made to try and lure the female to a suitable site for immobilisation, but this did not succeed. However, other lions among the pride appeared but not the targeted lioness. Recommendation The lion to be monitored for future possibilities of de-collaring.
Case 2 – 14th December 2021 Elephant
Natural Causes
Amboseli National Park
Amboseli Patrol rangers notified AMVU of an elephant observed limping and with a reddened mass on the lower perineum. Examination The elephant was followed by a vehicle and observed closely. Further monitoring instead of treatment was deemed the best course of action. The elephant presented with good body condition despite a huge swelling on the lower perineum. The leg had no fresh injury but looked fixated by the huge swelling that resulted in the abnormal posture and walking behaviour. Due to the vulnerability of the position of the swelling and that it was managing well, as noted by the good condition it was decided not to immobilisation the elephant. Observation of the elephant on a long-term basis will be continued to monitor his progress. Possibly, the tumour is malignant and has affected the joints. However, there are few options to treatment of tumours in free living and wild elephants. Prognosis The prognosis is good as the elephant seems to have adapted to its ailment.
Unfortunately there are no pictures for this case.
Case 3 – 23rd December 2021 Elephant
Sagala Hills, Voi, Tsavo East
An elephant bull was reported recumbent at Sagala hills, Voi. The AMVU team travelled to Voi in efforts to try and assist the bull. Unfortunately, the bull died before the vet arrived and a post-mortem was conducted. Post-mortem examination External examination: the elephant presented with severe emaciation and a deteriorated body condition. Body volume gave the impression of a small elephant even with a bloated carcass. No significant external injuries were found. The carcass had bots flowing from the mouth even before any incision, indicating parasitosis that normally results after lowered body immunity. Most likely, due to starvation in this elephant. Paleness of the mucous membranes indicated severe anaemia before death. The tusks were recovered, and the carcass disposed by burning. Cause of death Drought related leading to malnutrition and poor body condition followed by severe and abrupt diet changes with the onset of the rains and vegetation regrowth.
Case 4 – 28th December 2021 Zebra
Human-Wildlife Conflict
Kiltome Conservancy
A zebra was reported trapped inside the compound of Oilepo Hotel grounds. Rescue The zebra was restrained by physical means and no drugs were used. The stallion was pushed using a vehicle and moved out of the hotel grounds. The male zebra was physically examined and was found to be healthy with no injuries. The stallion demonstrated no weakness and hence had good chances of wild survival. Prognosis As there were no injuries it should continue with a normal wild life.
Unfortunately there are no pictures for this case.