SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Report for August 2024

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13 Cases in August

August Report by Dr. Campaign Limo

6 Poaching Cases

12 Elephant Cases

The conservation area received insignificant drizzles for a few days in the month. A few water pans are full and both grazers and browsers still have enough food. Most of the animals are in good body condition. TMVU Responded timely to all the cases reported during this period.


TMVU would like to thank all the stakeholders who helped report and monitor wildlife cases requiring veterinary intervention.

Thanks to KWS and SWT management for continuous support and facilitation to the unit.

Case Details

4-Aug-24 Elephant

5-Aug-24 Elephant

5-Aug-24 Elephant

5-Aug-24 Elephant

Tsavo West NP Arrow

Tsavo East NP Spear

Tsavo East NP Arrow

The elephant had an arrow wound on the right rump that was oozing pus Successfully Treated

The elephant had a deep spear wound on the medial aspect of the right fore limb Successfully Treated

The elephant had an arrow wound. An arrowhead was retrieved from the wound Successfully Treated

Tsavo East NP Natural Causes There was a wound on the surface of the trunk and another at the base of the tusk Successfully Treated

12-Aug-24 Elephant Tsavo Collared


The collaring exercise targeted problematic elephants that cause human wildlife conflict Task Successful

Tsavo East NP Natural Causes A wound at the inguinal area; the wound was suspected to be a fight wound Successfully Treated

14-Aug-24 Elephant Taita Ranches Snared There was a thick crane wire snare tightly around the head and both ears Poaching Death

15-Aug-24 Elephant Tsavo East NP Snared A calf with a winch wire snare tied around the neck and secured to a piece of log Successfully Treated

17-Aug-24 Elephant Amboseli Environs HWC Translocated out of the community, also treated for a fight wound Prognosis Poor

19-Aug-24 Elephant Taita Ranches HWC

This calf and her mother were spotted stuck in a deep, water filled well by herders Task Successful

23-Aug-24 Lion Taita Ranches HWC An adult male lion was found dead likely due to poisoning Successfully Treated

23-Aug-24 Elephant Taita Ranches

Natural Causes Had a firm swelling on the right knee area confirmed to be an abscess Successfully Treated

28-Aug-24 Elephant Taita Hills Sanctuary Snared This young calf was spotted together with its family. He had a wire snare on his neck

Successfully Treated

SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations

August 2024

Case 1 – 4th August 2024

Elephant Arrow Tsavo West National Park

This elephant bull was spotted close to Mbuyuni water pan, Tsavo West by the SWT pilot during routine patrols, he had a swelling on his right rump area.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The bull was immobilized using 20mg of Etorphine hydrochloride in a 3cc dan-inject dart. He was darted from the vehicle and was deep under anaesthesia 10 minutes later.

Examination revealed that the elephant had an arrow wound on the right rump that was oozing pus, the wound was thoroughly cleaned and drained of its contents this was followed by flushing the wound with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with water and infusing with tincture Iodine. Topical antibiotic spray was thereafter applied on the wound.

Additionally, he was given Amoxicillin antibiotics parenterally.

Reversal and prognosis

He was revived from anaesthesia using 200mg of Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein.

Prognosis is good.

Case 2 – 5th August 2024

Elephant Spear

Tsavo East National Park

This elephant was spotted by the SWT pilot during routine patrols around the park. He had a wound on the medial surface of his right forelimb.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

This bull was successfully anesthetized using 20mg Etorphine hydrochloride delivered through a 3cc Dan inject dart. Darting was done from the vehicle, and it took 7 minutes for the drug to achieve its full effects.

Examination revealed a deep spear wound on the medial aspect of the right forelimb, the wound was thoroughly cleaned and all devitalized tissues removed, this was followed by flushing the wound with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with clean water and infusing the wound with tincture of Iodine. The wound was thereafter packed with antibiotic pessaries and green clay.

Additionally, he was given Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin anti-inflammatories parenterally.


He was reversed from narcosis using 200mg of naltrexone hydrochloride delivered intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.

Case 3 – 5th August 2024

Elephant Snared

Tsavo East National Park

This elephant bull was spotted by the SWT pilot during routine patrols around the park. He had a wound on the right rump.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The bull was darted from a vehicle with 18mg Etorphine hydrochloride delivered in a 3 cc Dan inject dart. It took 8 minutes for full anaesthesia to be achieved.

Examination revealed an arrow wound that was oozing pus, on probing the wound a foreign body was discovered deep in the wound, the foreign body was surgically removed and positively identified to be an arrowhead. The wound was thereafter thoroughly cleaned and all devitalized tissues removed. This was followed by flushing with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with water and infusing with tincture of Iodine. Topical antibiotic spray was then applied on the wound. Additionally, he was given Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin anti-inflammatories parenterally.


He was revived from anaesthesia using 200mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and hastily walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.


Elephant Natural Causes

Tsavo East National Park

This injured elephant was spotted by the SWT/KWS de-snaring team in Ndara plains. He had a wound on its trunk.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

This bull was immobilized using 20mg of Etorphine hydrochloride delivered in a 3cc Dan inject dart. Darting was done from the vehicle and it took 8 minutes for the drug to achieve its full effect.

Examination revealed a through and through wound on the anterior surface of the trunk, additionally there was another wound at the base of the right tusk .Both wounds were cleaned and debrided followed by flushing using Hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with water and infusing with tincture of Iodine. Topical antibiotic spray was applied on the wounds.

He was additionally given shots of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories parenterally.

Reversal and prognosis

He was reversed from anesthesia using 250mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.

The KWS in partnership with save the elephants undertook a collaring exercise in the greater Tsavo conservation area.

Collaring exercise

The collaring exercise targeted problematic elephants that cause human wildlife conflict in these areas. A total of 15 adult elephants were collared in the 5-day collaring exercise.

The elephants will henceforth be monitored by KWS and STE.

Tsavo East National Park


Natural Causes

Tsavo East National Park

This injured elephant was a candidate of a KWS collar deployment exercise, it was noted that he had a wound on the inguinal area.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The elephant was darted from a helicopter with 20mg Etorphine hydrochloride delivered remotely in a 3cc Dan inject dart. It was successfully immobilised in 8 minutes

Examination revealed a wound at the inguinal area, the wound was suspected to be a fight wound. The wound was thoroughly cleaned and debrided, this was followed by flushing with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsing with water and infusing with Iodine solution. Topical antibiotic spray was thereafter applied on the wound.

Reversal and prognosis

He was revived using 200mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 2 minutes later

Prognosis is good.


7 – 14th August 2024

Elephant Snared Tsavo East National Park

This elephant was spotted by the Wildlife works/KWS Rangers with a tight wire snare round the head.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

This bull was successfully immobilized from a helicopter using 18mg Etorphine hydrochloride

Examination revealed a thick crane wire snare tightly tied around the head, behind the right ear and over the left ear. This had unfortunately led to ischemia of both ears resulting in tissue swelling and gangrene formation. The wire snare was immediately cut using wire cutters, this was followed by thorough cleaning of the wounds using clean water, disinfection using tincture of Iodine and application of topical antibiotic spray.

Unfortunately the bull succumbed during treatment.

Post-mortem findings

The tight wire had ligated blood supply and venous return of both ears resulting in severe ischemia of both ears. All blood vessels in the ears were collapsed and they had begun to necrotize. The face was inflamed and swollen. The snare partially obstructed the nares at the base of the trunk limiting his breathing. The bull succumbed due to influx of toxins as a result of release of the tight wire snare that had formed a tourniquet.


Elephant Snared Tsavo East National Park

This young elephant calf was spotted by the SWT pilot during routine patrols in the park, she had a snare and was dragging a log.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The calf was with her family the team therefore decided to immobilize both the calf and the mother to ease the de snaring operation. The mother was immobilized using 18mg Etorphine hydrochloride delivered in a 3cc Dan inject dart. She was darted from the helicopter and it took 7 minutes for full anesthesia to be achieved. The calf was thereafter anesthetized using 3mg Etorphine hydrochloride;, she was darted on foot and was fully anesthetized 8 minutes later.

Examination revealed a winch wire snare tied around the neck, the other free end was secured to a piece of log that the calf had been dragging along. The wire snare was cut immediately and the calf was given anti inflamatories parenterally. Topical antibiotic spray was applied on the bruises inflicted by the snare.

Revival and prognosis

The mother and calf were revived using 200mg and 70mg of naltrexone hydrochloride respectively given intravenously via prominent ear veins. They both rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.


Human-Wildlife Conflict

Amboseli Environs

This bull was spotted in the community by the KWS/SWT team at the area after they recovered one tusk that the bull had dropped.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

This bull was immobilized from a helicopter using 20mg Etorphine hydrochloride.

Examination revealed a deep fight wound on the right side of his face slightly below the eye, the wound was oozing pus. The fallen tusk left a gape with part of its fragments embedded. The tusk fragments, devitalized tissues and pus were all evacuated from the wounds, this was followed by flushing the wounds using Hydrogen peroxide, water and infusing Iodine. Topical antibiotic spray was thereafter applied on the wounds. The bull was additionally given Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin anti-inflammatories parenterally.


The bull was carefully hoisted onto a flatbed translocation truck where he was secured using straps and translocated away from the community into a safe conservation area (KARI). The elephants vitals were monitored during transit and to ensure the depth of anesthesia was sufficient. On arrival, the anaesthesia was reversed and he walked away 4 minutes later. His prognosis is guarded.

Elephant Rescue

Taita Ranches

This calf and her mother were spotted stuck in a deep, water filled well by herders at Kuranze ranch.


On arrival to the site the herders had successfully rescued the calf from the well, the team proceeded to tether him to a nearby tree to ensure he didn’t run off. The mother was still in the well therefore the team decided to use the SWT grader to backfill the well to raise water levels to further float the elephant closer to the surface and create a stepping platform to make it easy for the elephant to climb out of the well.

After backfilling the well the mother was able to successfully climb out of the well and proceeded to reunite with the calf who had been shepherded back close to the well.

Both the mother and the calf joined their bigger family which was waiting close by.


Human-Wildlife Conflict

Taita Ranches

An adult male lion was found dead beside his recent kill a carcass of a zebra in Choke Conservancy in Tsavo Conservation Area by the wildlife works pilot during routine patrol.

Post-mortem Findings

The lion appeared to have been in good body condition before death. A post-mortem was carried out on the carcass with the following findings;

• Carcass severely bloated

• Partial autolysis

• Partially scavenged

• Examination of organs which were partially autolyzed could not grossly give a picture on cause of his death

• No signs of struggle at the scene of death

• It was noted that a number of flies (oriental blue flies) died close to the lion carcass

Cause of Death

Poisoning was considered one of likely causes of his death with liver, kidney and stomach contents being collected for toxicological analysis.


Natural Causes

Taita Ranches

This bull was spotted at the vicinity of Taita saltlick lodge. He was limping and had a swelling on his right knee joint.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The bull was immobilized using 20mg Etorphine hydrochloride delivered remotely in a 3cc Dan inject dart. Darting was done from the vehicle, and it took 9 minutes for the drug to achieve its full effects.

Examination revealed a firm swelling on the right knee area which on aspiration was confirmed to be an abscess. Additionally smaller wounds were observed on the extremities of the left forelimb and the right hindlimb. The abscess was lanced and its contents drained, the pyogenic membrane was then flushed using Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water and infused with Iodine solution. The smaller wounds were also cleaned and disinfected. Topical antibiotic spray was then applied on all the wounds. The bull was given Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin anti-inflammatories parenterally.

Reversal and prognosis

He was reversed from anesthesia using 250mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.

Elephant Snared

Taita Ranches

This young calf was spotted together with its family by visitors at the Taita Hills Sanctuary, he had a wire snare on his neck.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The calf and his mother were both immobilized successfully using 1.5mg and 18mg Etorphine hydrochloride respectively. Darting was done from the helicopter, and it took 7 minutes and 6 minutes respectively for full anaesthesia to be achieved.

Examination revealed a wire snare bound around the neck of the calf, the wire snare had inflicted some injuries on the ventral area of the neck, and it was immediately cut using wire cutters. The wounds were cleaned and topical antibiotics applied. The calf also received shots of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication parenterally.

Reversal and prognosis

The calf was moved closer to his mother and both were simultaneously reversed from anesthesia by intravenous administration of 70mg and 200mg Naltrexone hydrochloride respectively. They both rose up and hastily walked away 3 minutes later to join the bigger herd. Prognosis is good.

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