JUNE 2023
18 Cases in June
June Report by Dr. Campaign Limo
5 HWC Cases
11 Elephant Cases
The Tsavo Conservation Area did not receive any precipitation in June. However, some natural pans still had water from the rains that fell in previous months. The Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit (TMVU) attend to 18 cases over this period. These included 11 elephant cases, 4 lion cases, 1 giraffe case, 1 zebra case and 1 buffalo calf case. Several cases involved juvenile animals. The team rescued 2 female lion cubs trapped in an abandoned pit; treated 2 lame elephant calves on separate occasions, one of these calves was found alone and rescued; and attended to a buffalo calf that was severely injured by a snare. Sadly, the buffalo calf had to be euthanized given its poor prognosis.
The Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit appreciates all the stakeholders who facilitated the translocation, monitoring, rescue, and clinical cases attended to over this period. The team is also grateful for the ongoing funding received from the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) and the technical support provided by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) management.
Case Details
Date Species Area Found Reason for Intervention Outcome 03-Jun 23 Elephant Giriama Ranch Natural Causes Adult elephant bull with multiple fight wounds. Prognosis Poor 04-Jun 23 Lion Tsavo East N.P. Natural Causes Adult lioness with porcupine quills embedded in the neck region Successfully treated 06-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo East N.P. Natural Causes Adult elephant bull with wounds on the left side of the abdomen and trunk Successfully treated 07-Jun 23 Elephant Mtito Andei HWC Translocation of an adult elephant bull running rogue in the Mtito Andei area. Task successful 09-Jun 23 Zebra Ndii Area Snared Adult female zebra with a wire snare around the neck Successfully treated 14-Jun 23 Elephant Lualenyi Ranch HWC Translocation of an adult Elephant bull running rogue in Lualenyi Ranch Task successful 15-Jun 23 Lion Iltialal, Kuku Group Ranch HWC 2 female lion cubs trapped in an abandoned pit. Task successful 16-Jun 23 Giraffe Inkisanchani Spear Adult male masai giraffe with an avulsion wound on its left side. Successfully treated 18-Jun 23 Lion Imbirikani HWC Post-mortem on a collared adult lioness that was speared and died a few hours later. HWC Death 20-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo East N.P. Natural Causes Lame elephant calf, approx. 1 year old, in an elephant family near Bachuma Gate Successfully treated 22-Jun 23 Elephant Bamba, Kilifi County Spear Lame adult elephant bull with a swollen right forelimb. Successfully treated 24-Jun 23 Lion Tsavo East N.P. Natural Causes Emaciated sub-adult lioness in Galdessa Area Prognosis Poor 24-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo West N.P. Bullet wound Adult elephant bull in Kamboyo Area with a wound on the left thigh Successfully treated 24-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo West N.P. Natural Causes Adult elephant bull in the Kamboyo Area with a pus oozing wound on the right thigh Successfully treated 25-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo West N.P. Natural Causes Severely injured adult elephant bull near Finch Hatton’s Tented Camp. Died. Septic shock 25-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo East N.P. Natural Causes Limping female elephant calf, approx. 4-5 years, found alone in the pipeline area Taken to Orphanage 27-Jun 23 Buffalo Shimba Hills N.R. Snared Severely injured male buffalo calf Poaching Death 27-Jun 23 Elephant Tsavo West N.P. Natural Causes Adult elephant bull with injuries suffered during a fight with another bull. Successfully treated
SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations
June 2023
Elephant Natural Causes Giriama Ranch
This injured adult elephant bull was seen by the SWT-KWS De-snaring Unit.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The elephant bull was found alone near a waterhole, and not very far from a herd of cattle. Blood could be seen dripping from the left thigh, near the groin. The bull was darted from a helicopter and immobilized with 20 mgs Etorphine hydrochloride. It took 9 minutes for the drugs to take effect. The animal had multiple fight wounds. There was one large deep wound at the left side of the groin area that was spewing blood and appeared gangrenous; multiple wounds were observed on the animal’s head; several wounds were on the left ear and near the base of the left broken tusk. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised then the wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water, infused with Iodine and packed with green clay before a topical antibiotic spray was applied. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were then given intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was reversed thereafter with 36 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride and 150 mg Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The bull rose 3 minutes post-reversal and went about feeding nearby.
The elephant bull has a guarded prognosis
Case 1 – 03rd June 2023
Lion Natural Causes Aruba Area, Tsavo East National Park
An adult lioness with porcupine quills embedded in the neck region was seen by tourists visiting Tsavo East National Park
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
This lioness was found in the Aruba area with 3 other lionesses as they prepared to hunt. One porcupine quill was seen at the animal’s ventral neck region. The lioness was darted from a vehicle and immobilized with 220 mg Ketamine and 4.8 mg Medetomidine. The animal was fully anaesthetized after 9 minutes. Close examination revealed one quill at the ventral neck region and multiple wounds suspected to be from a fight with other lions. The porcupine quill was removed then the wounds were disinfected with Iodine and infused with Cloxacillin antibiotic ointment. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Dexamethasone antiinflammatories were given intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was reversed 1-hour post-darting with 20 mg Atipamezole hydrochloride administered intramuscularly. The lion stood 12 minutes later and joined the pride that was devouring a zebra kill made when the lioness was under treatment.
The lioness has a good prognosis
Case 2 – 04th June 2023
Elephant Natural Causes Ndara Plains, Tsavo East National Park
An adult elephant bull with an injury on the back and trunk was spotted by a SWT pilot that was on patrol.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The elephant bull was found some distance away from a family of elephants. The injured bull was darted from a vehicle with 20 mgs Etorphine. It took 10 minutes for the drugs to take maximum effect. Close examination revealed a healing wound on the left side of the abdomen and another septic wound on the elephant’s trunk that went through to the nares. These injuries were most likely suffered during a fight with another bull. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised then the wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, cleaned with water, and infused with Iodine. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Dexamethasone anti-inflammatories were administered intramuscularly before anaesthesia was reversed with 24 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride and 200 mg Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The bull rose 3 minutes post-reversal and walked away.
The elephant bull has a good prognosis.
Case 3 – 06th June
Elephant Human – Wildlife Conflict Kamunyu – Mtito Andei Area
A SWT – KWS De-snaring Unit reported that an elephant bull (approx. 18-22 years old) was running rogue in the Mtito Andei area. The bull posed a danger to people and immediate translocation was necessary.
Immobilisation and translocation
The elephant bull was roaming alone when it was first seen. It went out of sight and was later found by a SWT pilot, after an intensive search, with an elephant family in the same area. The bull was darted from a helicopter and immobilized with 18 mg Etorphine. It was fully anaesthetized after 20 minutes. The animal was then loaded into a SWT truck for translocation. An anti-inflammatory (100 mgs Dexamethasone) was given intravenously. Additionally, 40 mg Azaperone was given intramuscularly in transit along with 3 top-up doses of 2 mg Etorphine. The elephant was released at Rhino Valley, Tsavo West National Park. Anaesthesia reversal was achieved with 24 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride and 150 mg Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The bull rose 2 minutes post-reversal and walked into the wild.
Case 4 – 07th June 2023
Zebra Snared Ndii Area
The SWT-KWS De-snaring Unit spotted an adult female zebra with a wire snare around its neck beside the Nairobi - Mombasa highway.
Immobilisation and examination
The snared zebra was found with several zebras near a man-made pond. A tight wire snare was seen dangling from the animal’s neck The zebra was darted from a vehicle and immobilized with 6 mg Etorphine and 40 mg Azaperone. It was completely immobilized 7 minutes later. The stranded wire snare tightly bound around the animal’s neck was cut off with wire cutters. Luckily, the snare had not inflicted any injuries. Anaesthesia was reversed with 36 mgs Diprenorphine hydrochloride delivered intravenously via the jugular vein. The zebra woke up 2 minutes post-reversal and joined the herd.
The zebra has a good prognosis.
Case 5 – 09th June 2023
Case 6 – 14th June 2023
Elephant Human – Wildlife Conflict Lualenyi Ranch
The KWS PAC team reported that an elephant bull was running rogue in the Lualenyi Ranch community area. Approval was granted by KWS to translocate the elephant bull to Tsavo East National Park.
Immobilisation and translocation
The elephant bull (approx. 40 – 45 years old) was darted from a helicopter and immobilized with 20 mgs Etorphine. It took 11 minutes for the drugs to take full effect. The elephant was then hoisted onto the bed of SWT truck by crane for translocation. 4 top-up doses comprising 2 mg Etorphine each were administered during translocation. The elephant was transported to Lugard’s area, Tsavo East National Park and released at a nearby airstrip. Anaesthesia reversal was achieved with 36 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride and 150 mg Naltrexone given intravenously through a prominent ear vein. The elephant bull stood 2 minutes post-revival and walked to the nearby Galana River.
Lion Human – Wildlife Conflict Iltialal, Kuku Group Ranch
Kuku Ranch Management, Amboseli KWS Officers and Lion Guardian teams reported 2 female lion cubs trapped in an abandoned pit.
Immobilisation and rescue
The cubs were found in a pit about 4 meters deep. The circumstances that led to the cubs ending up in the pit were unknown, but there was evidence that the cubs were with their mother before this happened. The cubs’ mother had killed a sheep not far from the pit and partially devoured it. The cubs appeared stressed and hungry and were huddled together. They were each darted with 1.8 mgs Medetomidine and 80 mgs ketamine Once the drugs took full effect after 9 minutes, rescuers descended into the pit, placed the cubs on a stretcher and hoisted them to the surface. The cubs appeared to be relatively weak, it was estimated that they had been in the pit for at least 36 hours. No injuries were found upon examination. An antibiotic injection was administered for prophylaxis. Additionally, a systemic antiparasitic drug was given Anaesthesia was reversed 1-hour post-darting with 5 mg Atipamezole hydrochloride administered intramuscularly. The cubs rose 12 minutes later and consumed the supplemental food provided The teams watched over the cubs throughout the night until they reunited with their mother the following day. The lioness happily led the cubs to Kuku ranch conservancy. Both cubs have a good prognosis.
Case 7 – 15th June 2023
Giraffe Spear Inkisanchani
A SWT-KWS De-snaring Unit reported an adult male masai giraffe with an avulsion wound on its left side.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The bull had a large necrotic wound on the left lateral side of its thoracic region. Avulsed tissue could be seen around the wound. The animal was darted from a helicopter with 15 mgs Etorphine. It took 7 minutes for the drugs to take effect. Closer examination revealed that the septic wound had been inflicted by a spear Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised then the wound was debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, cleaned with water, infused with Iodine, packed with green clay, and sprayed with Oxytetracycline topically. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were given intramuscularly before anaesthesia was reversed with 200 mgs Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The giraffe bull stood 3 minutes post-reversal and walked into the wild.
The giraffe has a good prognosis
– 16th June
Case 8
Case 10 – 20th June 2023
Elephant Natural Causes Bachuma Gate, Tsavo East National Park
Tourists spotted a lame elephant calf, approx. 1 year old, in an elephant family near Bachuma Gate.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The female elephant calf was found with its mother and an elder sister. Mother and calf were chemically immobilized. The mother was darted from a vehicle with 15 mgs Etorphine and went down on right lateral recumbency 9 minutes later. The calf was immobilized with 2 mgs Etorphine and was fully immobilized after 7 minutes. The calf’s sister was then gently ushered away Close examination revealed multiple wounds on the calf’s left hind leg most likely suffered during an attempted lion attack. A deep pus discharging wound was observed on the cranio-lateral aspect of the joint, several other wounds were observed caudal to the joint. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised then the wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, cleaned with water, infused with Iodine, and sprayed with Oxytetracycline. Long-acting Amoxicillin and Clindamycin antibiotics were administered intramuscularly along with Dexamethasone antiinflammatories. Both reversals were done simultaneously. They both rose 3 minutes post-reversal. The family was re-united and walked away together into the wild.
The calf has a favourable prognosis.
Elephant Spear Bamba, Kilifi County
This limping adult elephant bull, approx. 35-40 years, was seen by a KWS patrol team.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The injured elephant bull was found with 3 other bulls. The injured animal had a swollen right forelimb. It was darted from a helicopter with 20 mgs Etorphine. Close examination revealed a deep wound, about 10 cm, on the carpal joint. The wound had straw like discharge, and tissue reaction was evident. The penetrating wound was most likely inflicted by a spear. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised then the wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, cleaned with water, infused with Iodine, packed with green clay, and sprayed with Oxytetracycline topically. 30,000 mg Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and 5,000 mg Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were administered intramuscularly Anaesthesia was reversed with 24 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride and 200 mg Naltrexone given intravenously through a prominent ear vein. The bull stood 3 minutes post-reversal and joined its companions.
The elephant bull has a favourable prognosis.
nd June
Case 11
Lion Natural Causes Galdessa Area, Tsavo East National Park
Galdessa Camp Staff noticed an emaciated sub-adult lioness, approx. 4-5 years old, just outside the camp’s fence.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
This lioness was found alone near the Galdessa Camp fence. It appeared weak and multiple old wounds were observed on the animal’s back and limbs. Since the lioness was an anaesthetic risk, it was tactfully restrained as opposed to being chemically immobilized. Close examination revealed dehydration and emaciation possibly from starvation. The lioness was physically restrained and given prophylactic antibiotic injections, Dexamethasone anti-inflammatories, a Catasol injection and an antiparasitic injection. Supplemental feeding was also recommended.
The lioness has a poor to grave prognosis.
Case 12 – 24th June 2023
Elephant Bullet wound Kamboyo Area, Tsavo West National Park
An adult elephant bull, approx. 35-40 years old, with an injury on the left thigh was spotted by a SWT pilot on patrol.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The elephant bull was found alone in the Kamboyo area, a wound was visible on the animal’s left thigh muscles. The bull was darted from a helicopter with 20 mgs Etorphine and was fully immobilized 10 minutes later Close examination revealed a deep wound on the elephant’s left gluteus muscle that had straw like discharge. The wound was most likely caused by a bullet. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised, then the wound was debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water, infused with Iodine, packed with green clay, and sprayed with a topical antibiotic Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were given intramuscularly before anaesthesia was reversed with 250 mg Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The bull stood 2 minutes post-reversal and walked into dense vegetation.
The elephant bull has a good prognosis.
Case 13 – 24th June 2023
Elephant Natural Causes Kamboyo Area, Tsavo West National Park
While on patrol, a SWT patrol spotted an adult elephant bull with a pus oozing wound on the right thigh.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The elephant bull was approx. 30-35 years old. It was found alone, and there was a visible wound on its right limb near the knee joint. Another wound was also seen on the elephant’s right thigh. The bull was darted from a helicopter and immobilized with 20 mgs of Etorphine. It took 11 minutes for the anaesthetic drug to take full effect. Close examination revealed a deep wound on the right thigh muscles near the knee joint laterally and another wound on the animal’s right flank. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised, then the wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water, infused with Iodine, packed with green clay, and sprayed with a topical antibiotic. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were given intramuscularly then anaesthesia was reversed with 30 mg Diprenorphine hydrochloride and 150 mg Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The elephant bull rose 2 minutes later and walked into a thicket.
The elephant bull has a good prognosis.
Case 14 – 24th June 2023
Elephant Natural Causes Finch Hatton’s Area, Tsavo West N.P.
A SWT-KWS De-snaring Unit reported an injured elephant bull, approx. 50-55 years of age, near Finch Hatton’s Tented Camp.
Immobilisation, examination and treatment
The injured elephant bull had multiple fight wounds. The bull was approached on foot and darted with 20 mgs Etorphine. It took 16 minutes for the drugs to take effect. Close examination revealed a deep maggot infested wound on the right shoulder region; a deep wound on the left groin region; 2 wounds on the trunk with the deepest one perforating the trunk causing exhaled air to escape through the opening. All wounds were severely septic. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues were surgically excised, then the wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water, infused with Iodine, packed with green clay, and sprayed with a topical antibiotic. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine antiinflammatories were given intramuscularly. The elephant bull stood after anaesthesia was reversed, but it collapsed a few minutes later. All attempt to assist the animal to rise were futile. The elephant bull passed away peacefully a short while later. A post-mortem was carried out immediately after the bull died.
Significant post-mortem findings
The wound at the thoracic region was deep and gangrenous. Fatty degeneration of rectus abdominis muscles was evident. Anaemia was evident, likely from blood loss. Gastrointestinal tract contents were scantly, indicating that the bull had stopped feeding.
Cause of death
The elephant bull died from septic shock exacerbated by immobilization stress. The septic wounds were inflicted by a rival bull’s tusks.
Case 15 – 25th June 2023
Elephant Natural Causes Pipeline Area, Tsavo East National Park
A lame, lone elephant calf was seen by tourists in Tsavo East National Park
Immobilisation, examination, treatment
The female elephant calf, approx. 4-5 years old, was found alone in the pipeline area. It had multiple wounds on the right hind limb. The calf had carrying limb lameness with a severely swollen right knee. The calf was approached on foot and darted with 3 mgs Etorphine hydrochloride. It took 7 minutes for the drugs to take full effect, and the animal assumed left lateral recumbency when it went down. Close examination revealed a septic wound on the ventral neck with necrotic material. Multiple bite wounds were observed on the calf’s right and left hind legs. There was a deep fresh wound on the knee joint with a dorso-lateral course. Damaged devitalized muscle tissues on the neck wound were surgically excised. All wounds were debrided with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with water, infused with Iodine, packed with green clay, and sprayed with a topical antibiotic. Long-acting Amoxicillin antibiotics and Flunixin meglumine anti-inflammatories were given intramuscularly.
Given the calf’s vulnerability to further assault by predators since it was alone, it was translocated to the SWT Voi elephant stockade. Translocation to the stockades would also facilitate regular assessment and ease of review. Upon arriving at the stockade, anaesthesia was reversed with 75 mgs Naltrexone given through a prominent ear vein. The calf rose 3 minutes post-reversal and begun familiarizing itself with its new environment.
Treatment review on 28th June 2023
The calf was tranquilized with 70 mg Azaperone. It took 10 minutes for the drugs to take effect. Upon further examination, the deep wound on the knee was found to have been caused by a high velocity projectile. All the wounds were debrided and cleaned before being packed with green clay. Clindamycin antibiotic was also administered. The calf has a favourable prognosis.
16 – 25th June 2023
Buffalo Snared Shimba Hills National Reserve
A severely injured male buffalo calf was spotted by a SWT pilot on patrol in Shimba Hills National Reserve
Immobilisation and examination
The calf was in a herd of 4 buffalos, it was limping and favouring its right front limb. To facilitate treatment of the calf, the veterinary team contemplated immobilizing the mother and capturing the calf physically should efforts to push the buffalos away fail. Fortunately, a SWT pilot managed to drive away the herd which made it possible for the team on the ground to capture the buffalo calf. Upon examination, it was observed that the snare had almost severed the left front limb at the carpus, and the limb was only held in place by a partially damaged tendon. Given the severity of the calf’s injuries, the team decided to put the calf to rest to alleviate further pain and suffering.
The buffalo calf was put to rest given its poor prognosis.
Case 17 – 27th June 2023