SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Report for March 2024

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MARCH 2024

3 Cases in March 1 Poaching Case

March 2023 Report by Dr. Campaign Limo

3 Elephant Cases

The conservation area has continued to receive moderate precipitation throughout the month, the water pans are full and both grazers and browsers had enough food. Most of the animals are in good body condition.

TMVU Responded timely to all the cases reported during this period. There were few cases reported compared to the previous month, all of which were elephant cases but only one arrow injury, the others were attributed to natural causes.


TMVU would like to appreciate all stakeholders who helped monitor and report wildlife cases that required intervention.

Special thanks to KWS and SWT for the unwavering support and facilitation of the unit.

Case Details

Date Species Area Found

13-Mar-24 Elephant

18-Mar-24 Elephant

20-Mar-24 Elephant

Tsavo East National Park Natural Causes

Tsavo East National Park Natural Causes

Tsavo East National Park Arrow

Examination revealed a 12 cm long wooden splinter lodged deep into the foot pad of his left forelimb Successfully Treated

Examination revealed extensive firm swelling and a septic wound at the carpus of his right forelimb, on aspiration the swelling was confirmed to be an abscess

Examination revealed a firm swelling on the left shoulder which had a small opening that was oozing pus and that there was extensive skin thickening at the area

Successfully Treated

for Intervention
Prognosis Poor

March 2024

SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Vet Unit Treatment Locations

Natural Causes

The bull was spotted limping by the KWS and SWT de-snaring team during routine patrols. TMVU was notified and responded timely.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The bull was immobilized using 20mg of Etorphine hydrochloride in a 3cc daninject dart. He was darted from the helicopter and was deep under anaesthesia 8 minutes later.

Examination revealed a 12 cm long wooden splinter lodged deep into the foot pad of his left forelimb, the splinter was gently pulled out and was successfully dislodged. The wound left was still fresh and free of pus it was therefore flushed with Hydrogen peroxide, rinsed with clean water and infused with tincture of Iodine. Antibiotic pessaries were there after packed deep into the wound followed by a topical antibiotic spray. The bull received antibiotics and anti-inflammatories parenterally.

Revival and prognosis

The bull was revived using 250mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.

Case 1 – 13th March 2024 Elephant
Tsavo East National Park

Natural Causes

The bull was spotted limping with a swollen right forelimb by the KWS and SWT rangers during routine patrols. TMVU was notified and airlifted to attend to the elephant.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The bull was successfully anaesthetized with 17mg of Etorphine hydrochloride delivered in a 3cc dan-inject dart. Darting was done from foot and full anaesthesia was achieved after seven minutes.

Examination revealed extensive firm swelling and a septic wound at the carpus of his right forelimb, on aspiration the swelling was confirmed to be an abscess. The wound was also confirmed to be deep and close to the joint capsule. The abscess was incised and drained of its contents. All devitalized tissues within the wound were removed with clean water and infused with Hydrogen peroxide to break down the pyogenic membrane. Tincture of Iodine was infused into the wound followed by packing of antibiotic pessaries. A topical antibiotic spray was applied on the point of incision.

He was also given antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs parenterally

Revival and prognosis

The bull was revived using 170mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is guarded. .

Case 2 – 18th March 2024
Tsavo East National Park

Elephant Arrow

Tsavo East National Park

This bull was spotted by the KWS and SWT de-snaring team during patrols around the Ithumba area He was limping and had a swelling on his left shoulder area .TMVU was notified and responded immediately.

Immobilisation, examination and treatment

The bull was immobilized using 18mg of Etorphine in a 3cc dan-inject dart delivered remotely. Darting was done from the helicopter and it took 9 minutes for the drug to take full effect.

Examination revealed a firm swelling on the left shoulder which had a small opening that was oozing pus and that there was extensive skin thickening at the area. It was suspected to be an arrow wound. An incision was made on the ventral aspect of the swelling to drain its contents and through and through lavage was carried out, the wound was then flushed with hydrogen peroxide, washed with clean water and infused with tincture of Iodine. The wound was thereafter packed with antibiotic pessaries and applied with topical antibiotic spray. The bull was then given antibiotics and anti-inflammatories parenterally before reversal.

Revival and prognosis

The bull was revived using 200mg Naltrexone hydrochloride given intravenously via a prominent ear vein. He rose and walked away 3 minutes later. Prognosis is good.

th March 2024
Case 3 – 20

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