A Simple Summary!

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A simple summary should suffice! Most of us tend to lose track of “the big picture” don't we? There are many reasons for this, but a few “majors” seem to be... We are “too busy” to stop and take notice, especially if it is something that would not affect us “personally”/“directly” (we “think” - forgetting that “no man is an island”!). The “subject”, however “newsworthy” or not, is “too far away” (and so “what difference would it/I make?” - if we were to feel that we should “get involved” in any way?). Most of us tend to live in “the here and now”, forgetting the path that led/got us to where we are, and/or are too busy trying to “think and plan for the future” (our own that is). We only very briefly take note of “the news”, hoping “that it will all just go away” or “take care of itself” somehow. After all “what can I do about it anyway?”, “It's not my problem”! After a while we tend to want to “not be bothered with it any more” and “don't want to hear about it”, especially if the topic is painful and ugly. Some of us may even “live in hope” that “things will work out in the end”, eventually, and “turn out better”, or “for the good”. In the meantime we “have things we have to do” ourselves, which take up our time, attention and energies. All the while “the big picture” takes place anyway, with or without our “permission” or “consent”, and preferably also without our knowledge! Until, in the end, we finally realise we are the victims of events that we had little or no choice in deciding on, and certainly were not consulted about! This all happens on a daily basis, day after day, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, for millenia! And it all leads up to “a grand finalle”! Why is it this way? Simple! - Because very few want to “pay attention to those things which are important”! In this day and age however, no one can afford not to! It is “in your face” folks! To try and help, I will just give you what the title of this article says, “A simple summary” which “should suffice”, okay? It will be short! It can be, because I am not going to include “background” or “details” - you can research these

yourself, as I have done! Just trust me, I am only going to tell you the truth, the facts, you can dig them out for yourself if you doubt me in any way! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------There was a beginning. You can read it for yourself. It is all explained in the Book of Genesis, including all “the seeds of trouble sown”, right back there, which we are feeling the results and effects from today. And specifically what goes on in the Middle-East! You may have “wondered why”, but it has already been explained! But this is not the main point however. The main point is what is happening now, where it is all headed, and how it is all going to end! You are asking “How do you know?” Again, it is very simple, easy! We are told! It is all right there, in the Books of Daniel and Revelation especially, but in countless other places throughout the Old and New Testaments. Again “do your own homework”! Simply put, there is a reason why everything revolves around the MiddleEast, and it has nothing to do with “the restoration of Israel” - that is a lie, a ruse, a deception! The so-called “Zionist movement” has never had anything to do with “restoring the land of Israel to the Jews”, and most orthodox Jews know this, and do not even agree with the movement themselves, at all. So, what is it all about? Again, simple! If you read Bible Prophecy you will see that “the agenda” on the table right now is all about setting up “A New World Order”, which is just a fancy name for a “One World Government” or better put “Global Domination” by one entity, a single person! And why is “Israel” important to this plan? Because Jerusalem is where his “seat of power” is going to be situated! This is, ultimately, where his “rule and reign” will be from! “The Powers That Be” have been working towards this for a very long time, and it is all but accomplished! But what they haven't told anyone (except “their own” that is), is that this ruler, “king of the world”, “god”, whom they have been worshipping and serving, in secret, for generations, will actually be Satan incarnate, “the Devil in the flesh”, or “The Antichrist”! This is “what all the fuss is about” people! And the “enlightened ones” who think that they will be “ruling and reigning with him”, owning and destroying the world and it's peoples, are going to be in as big a state of shock as the rest of the world, and very soon! Satan's Plan, all along, has been the destruction of mankind, and of God's original creation and Plan for Man! It is all as simple as that! These are not called “the end-times” for nothing! However, it is not going to be “the end” for us – only for him!!!

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