New Chapter One of Earthshaker

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OUR RAPIDLY CHANGING MODERN WORLD “WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?” Many movies, such as 2012, Deep Impact, The Day After Tomorrow, Armageddon, as well as a host of others have been made of late, depicting “end of the world” scenarios, cataclysmic disasters, and earthshaking, extinction level events. Many of these films portray the end of Civilization as we know it. These movies show incredible computer enhanced footage that is very dramatic and shockingly realistic! They certainly are real attention getters, and tend to generate a very real and underlying fear in the hearts of many, and great uncertainty concerning the future of our Planet.1 To make matters even worse, much of the modern scientific research and many of the documentary films that have been made recently, seem to back these movies up in their terrifying portrayal of coming events, and give great credence to the possibility of many of these horrifying things actually happening! Many very credible scientific and historical documentaries have been made for television of late, and shown on The History Channel, The Weather Channel, National Geographic, and other related science and educational channels, that speak of the possibility of these very same earthshaking events actually happening to our World shortly.2 Great end time disasters, from such things as large asteroid impacts, enormous solar flare-ups, megaearthquakes, volcanoes, extreme weather, large violent storms, massive floods, droughts; and a myriad of like and related events have been predicted to strike our planet in the very near future, and many of these disastrous events have already begun to occur. Many people, including a large number of those involved in the scientific community, fear that all these things may work together to produce a horribly destructive effect upon the Earth’s fragile environment, and the future of mankind’s continued survival as a living species in general. Well, believe it or not, according to the Bible, many of these movies and television documentaries, as well as the findings of modern scientific research may not be too far off in their graphic portrayal of certain future events. Great disasters are predicted to begin to occur on our planet in the very near future, in greater magnitude and frequency. In fact, many of these disastrous events are exactly what are predicted, or prophesied in the Bible, and, as I said, are beginning to occur even now. Certain prophetic Scriptures, written thousands of years ago, foretell in very specific detail what will happen to this planet in the very end of days.


2 (Look under “Video Gallery.”)

They describe what appear to be large asteroids and even a possible comet that will impact the Earth in the near future, along with great meteorite showers, and a tremendous increase in destructive earthquakes and volcanic activity. There are Scriptures that seem to describe such events as huge solar storms coming off the Sun and burning the Earth, as well as a massive, earthshaking “polar shift” that causes near total destruction. There are even Scripture passages that seem to be describing what could only be nuclear war! Great and intense earthquakes do seem to be on the rise dramatically all over the World! Almost on a weekly basis now there are huge destructive quakes being reported around the entire Globe. Every time you turn on the news you seem to hear of another new “Earth shaker” bringing terrible devastation somewhere. The Earth also seems to be showing signs of increased volcanic activity. Scientists are very closely monitoring many older volcanoes that have been dormant for years, which are now beginning to show signs of firing back to life with a vengeance! Monsters such as Anak Krakatau, and Mt. Merapi in the Pacific, the Icelandic volcano that recently went off and its big brother Katla, South and Central American volcanoes, the Alaskan and West Coast volcanoes of North America, Hawaii, and basically, the entire “Ring of Fire” area as well as the rest of the whole World; and as is portrayed so dramatically in the recent movie 2012, the greatest predicted monster of them all is Yellowstone National Park in the USA, which is right now showing increasing signs of great pressure under its billowing magma dome, and swarming with quakes!3 The United States is experiencing the worst drought, and most violent weather on record now with enormous hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and storms, that seem to be increasing in number with much greater intensity and severity. Many of these storms are producing straight line winds and “microbursts” that were heretofore unheard of by the generations of our relatives in times past; as well as storms so large and powerful that they often drop dozens of huge tornadoes all at once, cutting enormous “swaths” through as many as a half a dozen states sometimes, destroying nearly everything in sight, and completely wiping out many whole communities and small towns!4 The Weather Channel has many times, of late, reported that what they are seeing are some of the most violent and destructive storms, and the worst flooding on record, as well as the most enormous and costly amounts of property damage and crop losses they’ve seen in decades. Many small towns and entire neighborhoods in larger cities have been literally washed away or severely damaged by floods, all across the United States, some of great historical value.5 The greater tragedy in all of this includes not only the loss of property, but the irreplaceable loss of life, and the lives of loved ones changed in an instant, with many now living in great despair, either with other relatives, or homeless. Now the extreme drought, which has hit America in this year of 2012, has been called “the worst drought in the Nation’s history!” They say that it has now over taken and destroyed more acreage in the United




States, than the dust bowl days of the 1930’s, and are calling it a “flash drought,” as it has spread so quickly!6 In one week alone in July of 2012, they said that it added more acreage to the drought area, as a whole, than all the acreage in the whole State of Montana; and they are now predicting another “dust bowl!”7 So this is a drought of incredible proportions, and may have a significant effect upon the World’s food supplies, as well as the United States in particular! Food prices are already soaring to record rates.8 No crops at all came out of Texas, as well as half of Oklahoma in 2011; and now, as of August, 2012, they say that the drought has overtaken a “full half” of America’s croplands!9 The latest report in August of 2012 just stated that 61% of the Nation’s land mass is in “drought conditions,” with much of it considered to be in “severe drought.”10 To add even further to this horrible drought damage, wildfires are now burning all across the entire Western half of the United States, destroying nearly everything in their paths. It seems that the entire western half of the country is on fire!11 We may very shortly experience massive famines worldwide, with the possibility of life threatening food and water shortages.12 Simple things that we have taken for granted for decades now may become in great demand. People would be very wise right now, to put back a good amount of storable food, water, medicines, toiletries, tools, water filters; anything and everything that you can think of that you might need in case you end up having to provide not only for yourselves, but also for your family, friends, and neighbors; who might not be as well prepared as you are for these coming emergencies, and will very possibly need your help in the very near future.








There are many companies you can look up on the internet that have thought far ahead about all this, and offer supplies to get people through almost any emergency that may come our way. You can do a web search on “supplies for any emergency,” or any similar title, and it should bring up a large number of companies that offer these things. We have house insurance, car insurance, life insurance, boat insurance, and insurance for almost everything in our lives, except the truly important essentials that people would need in an actual real emergency; such as food and water, and all the things I mentioned above. But people that are truly looking ahead, and giving serious thought to providing for their families should most certainly consider contacting one of these companies and begin ordering these important essentials from them. My personal favorite, who seems to have thought of everything conceivable, is Jim Bakker.13 “The Jim Bakker Show” offers the best freeze dried foods on the market, as well as military grade water filters that take out every known disease, or pathogen, including even all forms of chemical, biological, and radiation poisoning! He even offers a “solar generator,” that will power most everything in your house, in case of a massive power outage, just on the Sun’s power alone.14 There may not be gasoline for your gas powered generators during certain crises that may suddenly appear very shortly. Simply go online to “The Jim Bakker Show,” and you will find everything he has to offer, along with great news and information on the latest things of importance that are happening worldwide. His show is also on certain television outlets such as Direct TV, and Angel One Satellite. Check your local listings to see if his show is on your particular carrier. Please give this some serious thought and contact them. Ask them to send you pamphlets with order forms, showing everything they have to offer, and also; please start watching his show regularly to stay on top of everything that is currently happening in our rapidly changing modern world, or that may be coming our way very shortly in the days ahead. The regular “Media Circus” on the normal news channels are not going to tell you what’s really going on behind the scenes, but Jim and others like him will; and they will help you prepare for the extreme earth events we are all about to encounter, including even coming wars and terrorism. He really keeps people well informed about all the major important events that are now happening worldwide on a daily and weekly basis! Extreme weather, enormous floods, mega-solar flares, gigantic sand and dust storms, as well as massive worldwide drought, with accompanying large and out of control range fires, are happening worldwide now; even in places not normally affected by such things. These odd, and out of place weather anomalies, have most recently happened, not only in America, but in Europe, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Australia, and in many other countries worldwide that are too numerous to name; on a scale and magnitude not seen before in their histories.

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14 (Order line phone number: 1-888-988-1588)

There have been horrific mud slides that have buried whole villages in China.15 India and Pakistan have had thousands of people displaced in recent floods of monstrous proportions, with many even “washed out to sea!”16 The cold frozen north of Russia has seen the hottest summer on record, with huge range fires blazing completely out of control in many areas.17 Australia recently suffered from the some of the worst sand and dust storms in their history that literally blanketed Sydney, and other cities, with such thick clouds of debris that people had to stay indoors and breathe through face masks and respirators. Many photographs were taken and shown in magazines and newspapers worldwide, of the famous Sydney Opera House, barely visible, in the midst of thick, bright red-orange clouds of sand and dust.18 Recent range fires in Australia sent thousands of giant spiders that normally live in the bush, fleeing into the cities and literally scaring the daylights out of the residents, who were already perplexed enough by having to fight the smoke and fires to keep them from destroying their homes and properties. Most of the people in these countries say that these terrible storms and disasters are the worst that they have ever seen, or can remember in their lifetimes. Many countries, that were here to fore unaffected by certain types of weather, are seeing brand new types of storms, and are facing new and extremely difficult challenges from these out of the ordinary weather related events that they are not prepared for, and don’t have the equipment and facilities to deal with properly. And topping them all is another great challenge that we may all face shortly, that is of global proportions! What could be coming our way in space may be the prime culprit that is actually causing this present and very obvious increase in bad weather, large destructive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, gigantic solar flares, and other potentially dangerous and life threatening earth changes and calamities; and that is the possibility of the passing of the great death star most commonly referred to as “Plane t X.” It has been reported by certain astronomers and researchers, that it has been discovered and is being carefully tracked and monitored; and appears to be heading very rapidly toward the Earth, Sun, and inner planets of our Solar System. Others believe that these calamities are possibly being caused by great geomagnetic forces exerted on the Earth by certain planetary alignments, or other powerful, yet unknown forces in the Universe which we have not yet discovered; but after all the research I’ve done so far on Planet X, I am becoming more and more convinced that this may indeed be the cause of the record increase in all these anomalies; and hopefully, from the evidence I present here, you will see why.





Planet X was first given that particular name by the late Astronomer Percival Lowell, who made it his life’s work to find this mysterious object back in the early 1900’s.19 He was one of the greatest astronomers of the time. It was first thought to exist when earlier astronomers discovered that some really large astral body was disrupting and affecting the outer planets of Uranus and Neptune, and causing wild perturbations in their orbits. They knew it had to be something big, because these outer planets are really large “gas giants,” and it would take something of great density and field gravitation, as well as great geomagnetic force, to make these huge planets move out of their orbits and behave so oddly; so the search was on! It became one of the “mysteries of the Universe,” at the time, and much time was spent in research, study, theorizing, and mainly hunting for whatever the cause of this great anomaly was in the field of Astronomy. It was a considered to be something that was an object of serious research at the time, and not some ridiculous notion put forth by conspiracy theorists, or “wild eyed lunatics,” as they portray it today when the subject is brought up. Many astronomers and scientists of the day were deeply involved in trying to find this mysterious object, and to discover just exactly what it was, where it was at, and most importantly, where it was headed. Some of these people were men of great reputation, so the attitude that the general public had toward the possible existence of this thing back then was far different than what it is now; where people have been influenced by modern scientists and astrophysicists to think that it is just a giant hoax. So Mr. Lowell searched and searched for it with the finest telescopes of the time, from 1905 to 1915, and could not find it; because, as it turns out, it is actually said to be a low-light, yet high density, small star that is actually collapsing on itself, and therefore gives off a very low light and heat signature. Therefore, it cannot be seen with regular telescopes, but requires the advanced technology of the new infrared telescopes that can pick up even the faintest low light and heat signatures; even at great distances in space. Then in 1983 it was actually discovered and spotted by one of the first space based infrared telescopes they had invented at the time, called “IRAS,” which was launched into space to be used to view and pick up these hard to detect stellar objects.20 Some scientists at the time said that they just simply pointed it in the general direction of where they thought this infamous and giant planetoid might be, and “there it was, literally sticking out like a sore thumb!” Images of it were put in the U.S. News and World Report Magazine, and an article in The Washington Post,21 as well as other scientific journals and writings of the day.22 It was considered to be one of the 19




greatest discoveries in Astronomy at that time, and they were quite proud that they had actually finally found this hard to detect “astral monster,” and were at first very free with the information forthcoming on it, and all the details surrounding it. Orbital charts of its predicted path of travel and theories about just what it was, or might be, began to abound; and to be put out by the scientific community, until they discovered that it seemed to be headed in the general direction of the Earth, and might cause terrible destruction if it made a close pass by our planet in its lengthy orbit. The initial estimates given for its passing were 2003, 2012, and 2021. Then it seems that a gag order was placed on all this information by the higher ups, as they realized that this was all quite frightening to the general public, and might cause worldwide panic, throwing the entire population of the Earth into total fear and shock. It was talked about a bit again in the 90’s, but then NASA began to officially deny its existence, and to make it look like anyone who believed in it was a conspiracy nut, or some deranged person, who claimed to be “channeling messages from celestial visitors living on a faraway planet!” Now, when you try to find honest information about it on the internet, there are dozens of sites that come up that look like they were made by complete lunatics, just to make people think that anyone that believes in it is a nut case; and also many “official” looking sites, which speak in very scientific terms denying its existence, and mocking the people who put forth evidence to the contrary; but if you dig around a bit, you will find some of the older information on it, even from some of the original NASA Scientists and Astrophysicists of the day themselves, including people from The United States Naval Observatory, who were monitoring it and gathering information on it back in the early 1990’s.23 What really makes me think that Planet X may very possibly be real, and heading our way from space, is the often rude manner in which these other websites debunk it; especially the “official Government websites,” and their well respected, high profile scientists, and astrophysicists. They really bad-mouth the people, and other scientists who believe in it, and who claim to have discovered it, and to be monitoring it. They attack both the “messenger and the message,” and go after them with a vengeance with character assassination, and debunking of their credentials. Those of us that are old enough to have seen this trick pulled on those who go against the status quo, on any major issue, can easily see what they are up too, and it is a pretty good indicator that “where there’s smoke, there’s fire!” The people in question must really be on to something, or they wouldn’t be being harassed and ridiculed, with their lives’ works and research laughed at so loudly and mocked in such a fashion. I am reminded of the old Shakespearian saying, “Me thinks thou dost protest too much!” A true scientist is supposed to be a rational minded man or woman who speaks in a kind or at least moderate tone, and never gets angry to the point of speaking against another scientist, or major researcher so negatively, trying to portray them in such a bad light as a charlatan, and laughing at the mention of Planet X as if it is something that is totally ridiculous to believe in. That is very childish, and also is a dead giveaway that these people are hiding something or trying desperately to cover it up; but this is how many of the scientific debunkers of Planet X speak of the 23 zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=paranormal&cdn=newsissues&tm=34&f=10&tt=14&bt=0&bts=1&st=38&zu=http %3A//

people who not only believe in it, but are bringing forth real scientific evidence of its existence. It shows plainly, to anyone that has been around long enough to see this type of behavior used by individuals who are trying to deliberately cover something up, that this may be indeed what is happening here regarding this whole Planet X scenario! It’s like when television reporters refer to the people they are interviewing, who think the Government may very possibly be hiding something from us all, as “Conspiracy Nuts;” and begin to laugh, as they interview them on the air, as if these people are totally stupid. Because of the authority they carry in their positions as newscasters and reporters, people automatically believe them like “Pavlov’s Dogs,” and immediately form the desired response of thinking that the person in question is either an absolute lunatic, or at least mildly deranged! This is the exact same tactic that the scientists who debunk the belief in Planet X are using. They’ve used this trick for years to hide many things from the general public which they do not want them to know or to become aware of. I think that this is exactly what is happening with the whole Planet X theory, and field of study. An honest scientist would be much more polite and merely present the opposing view without all the mockery and drama. But I would like to address something of great significance at this time, that I think will give you pause to reflect here, and perhaps point out something very important that is being completely overlooked in all this “blather,” and bad-mouthing of the people that believe in the existence of Planet X? Quite simply, if it doesn’t exist, then just what exactly “is” causing these “perturbations” in the large outer planets of our solar system, and moving them out of their orbits? Right there is the real proof that some large celestial object that has great gravitational pull is out there! Please remember that this “affecting of the orbits of these large outer planets” is what initially caused the early astronomers, and later men like Percival Lowell, to think that something really big was actually out there causing this phenomenon; and as a result many of them devoted nearly their whole life’s work to trying to find this mysterious object! “Conspiracy nuts” and “wackos,” as Planet X believers are made out to be on the internet, and on television programs these days, did not start this theory in the first place, as they try to portray them as having done on these shows and websites: The leading astronomers and scientists of the time did! The most brilliant minds in the field of Astronomy of that day and age did! Many of the greatest astronomers of the last couple of hundred years, since the discovery of the planets Uranus and Neptune are the ones who came up with this theory of some large astral body, being the cause of the perturbations in the orbits of these giant outer planets in the first place. So if nothing is out there, then why is this still happening? None of these “brilliant minds” of the enormous number of bad-mouthers, and debunkers of the Planet X theory, who are trying so hard to make the people who believe in it look like fools, have bothered try to explain this phenomenon, or to even bring the subject up; because it very obviously proves that something big must indeed be out there that is causing it! What else could it be other than a large planetoid or small star, as some think? It has to be something that has great density, field gravitation, and geomagnetic force to cause these large outer planets to move around out of place like they are; so that right there proves to me that there is some sort of cover up going on, which is what most of the people who believe in Planet X think. As I said, the perturbations in these large outer planets became one of the main things that puzzled the astronomers of old, and they spent many entire decades trying to find out just what was causing it. They really wanted to find the answer to this great astronomical enigma; so much so that great astronomers like Percival Lowell and later Clyde Tombaugh were led to devote nearly their entire lives to searching the

night skies for it with great expectation! So it was a big deal back then, but now it’s considered just a ridiculous theory put forth by “Neanderthals” that spend too much time on You Tube. Speaking of Clyde Tombaugh, he was one of the leading astronomers of the 1930’s. On February 18, 1930 he thought he had finally found this mysterious planetoid when he discovered the Planet Pluto in the general area they were all looking for Planet X in; but after the calculations were done, and it became quite clear that Pluto was way too small to produce the effects that this great astral body was causing, with its enormous density and gravitational pull, the hunt went on.24 Then, as was mentioned earlier here, they finally found it with the space based Infrared Telescope called IRAS, in 1983, and at first, began to divulge quite a bit of information on it. Then, quite suddenly, this all came to a screeching halt, and they apparently began to cover it all up, and to deny its existence.25 Officially they still deny it to this day, yet the rich elite have built huge underground, hardened and strengthened facilities for them to go into upon its passing, so that they will hopefully survive through all the turmoil that might ensue; and the main date they are most concerned with is the year 2012, due to the recent discovery of the prophecies of the Mayan Calendar, as well as the mention of this same exact year in the writings of other ancient races and civilizations, that speak of “great earth changes” and destruction coming at this same time.26 So we don’t have long to wait to find out folks. If it doesn’t make its pass in 2012, it could still come sailing by any time, clear up till 2021; if indeed it does truly exist, and their original estimates on its arrival hold true out to the furthest date that was predicted. Also, adding to the belief that this great “death star” is approaching Earth, and may soon make a huge destructive pass, are the historical discoveries and writings of great researchers such as the late Dr. Zecharia Sitchin,27 and historian Marshall Masters, who is an authority in the study of both Celtic & Egyptian history.28 Now as a Christian, I do not ascribe too many of their particular theories and beliefs, but they do present very good historical evidence that backs up certain things I am trying to prove in this book: namely, the existence of Planet X, and its fast approach towards Earth, and the resultant great destruction that will follow. Later in another chapter, I will discuss Dr. Sitchin’s views and what I believe really transpired in the ancient civilization of the Sumerians that he discovered. 24





Dr. Sitchin was one of the first historians to decode the Sumerian Scrolls, which present a very detailed history of their civilization. In these writings he found that the Sumerians spoke of the passing of a great death star, which they called “Nibiru.” It is said to have caused great destruction to the Earth, as it passed close by during that ancient time period. Since the mention of this death star, was found in the history of the Sumerians around the same time as the discovery of Planet X in 1983 by modern astronomers; and the Sumerians said that it orbited our Sun, and would return once again in the future to cause worldwide destruction; people began to put two and two together here, and to theorize that Planet X and Nibiru were very possibly speaking of the same large and destructive astral body. In ancient Sumerian, the name Nibiru, means “The Planet of Crossing.” It is called it this because its long elliptical orbit, which takes around 3,600 years to complete, comes up into the flat plane of our solar system at basically a 60 degree angle from the South, or directly below us. Therefore it “crosses” into the relatively flat plane of our solar system from below, causing massive destruction to some of the planets, due to its enormous size, density, great gravitational pull, and geomagnetic force. Its approach is also very hard to monitor and see, as it comes up almost from the direct South, and therefore springs itself upon us very rapidly, by great surprise, and with very little advanced warning. Then, to add even further to the mystery of this astral giant, and its horribly destructive pass by the Earth in ancient times; Historian Marshall Masters discovered that both the Celts and Egyptians also spoke of this giant death star in their ancient writings, and called it, appropriately, “The Destroyer!” This is spoken of in a book Mr. Masters puts out called “The Kolbrin Bible.”29 Some of the passages out of it sound as if they came out of the very Book of Revelation itself! Mr. Masters has also made many great You Tube videos you can check out on line by typing in his name and searching around a bit. I would suggest going to his Official Website to start. He works with a Dutch Scientist named, Jacco van der Worp, MS.c, who is said to be monitoring Planet X’s approach very carefully. Excellent computer enhanced orbital charts have been made by them that show Planet X’s approach in relation to our Solar System, and are very well done. Just as with Dr. Sitchin, I don’t agree with everything Mr. Masters presents either, from a Theological standpoint; but I certainly applaud him for his excellent videos and books in this field of study; as well as the incredible translations of the ancient Egyptian texts; and I highly suggest you watch his video series on You Tube to learn more about all this, and possibly order some of his books. He certainly appears to be an authority in this field of study.30 Concerning the “possible” existence of this mysterious Planet X; what is rather strange here with all this Apparent “hush-hush” surrounding even the mention of its name, is that from time to time, certain astronomers keep coming up with brand new evidence of it’s existence. This just recently happened last year in 2011, with the possible discovery of a new, presently hypothetical “large astral body” that just happens to be in the same basic vicinity as Planet X, by Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire.31 29

30 (Please notice video is one of a 5 part series with others numbered off to right)


They didn’t dare call it “Planet X,” probably for fear of ridicule; as that name has been so tarnished over time by those who wish to debunk its possible existence, and to make fools of those who talk about it; so they called it by a brand new name: “Tyche,” after the good sister of the goddess “Nemesis” in Greek mythology. In this article they even mention that it may be the same object that was spotted back in 1983 in some of their scientific findings that were put in certain magazine articles back then which was at first called “Nemesis,” as well as “Planet X.” As you will see, if you open the footnoted article below on your computer, they have a beautifully colored Graphic representing its approximate size in comparison to the Sun, Earth, and other planets such as Jupiter. Now this was just last year folks. So after all these other “scientists” have been so busy dunking the theory that this large planetoid may exist all these years, to calm down the public; along come these two astrophysicists that are certain they will find it with the new infrared, space-based telescope called, “WISE,” within two years. Please read the following short text of this article, first written on February 15, 2011 on CNN News: “SCIENTISTS, TELESCOPE HUNT MASSIVE HIDDEN OBJECT IN SPACE:” You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT. Evidence is mounting that either a brown dwarf star or a gas giant planet is lurking at the outermost reaches of our solar system, far beyond Pluto. The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times farther from the sun than Earth, according to a story in the British paper The Independent. Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette think data from NASA's infrared space telescope WISE will confirm Tyche's existence and location within two years. The presence of such a massive object in the solar system's far-flung Oort Cloud could explain a barrage of comets from an unexpected direction, according to a December article at Its 27 million-year orbit could also explain a pattern of mass extinctions on Earth, scientists say. Brown dwarfs are cold "failed" stars; their dimness and lack of heat radiation can make them hard to detect. Gas giants are huge planets – like Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune – that are made up of gases and may lack a solid surface like Earth's. Whitmire told The Independent that Tyche will probably be composed of hydrogen and helium and have colorful spots, bands and clouds like Jupiter. "You'd also expect it to have moons," he said. "All the outer planets have them." Tyche was first hypothesized in 1984 as Nemesis, a dark companion star to the sun. It's been the subject of astronomical research and debate ever since. In July, another article said the celestial evidence suggests Tyche could not possibly exist. To distinguish it from the Nemesis star theory, Matese and Whitmire are calling their object Tyche, after the good sister of the goddess Nemesis in Greek mythology. Their research is published in Icarus, the International Journal of Solar System Studies. As you can see, Tyche is in the same exact location as Planet X was reported to be, and is also the same size. They admit here that this large planetoid is what could be responsible for the “barrage of comets” of late, as well as the cause of many “mass extinctions” on Earth in times past. They even call it a “Brown Dwarf Star,” which is what Planet X has been called, and say that it is a “cold star” that gives off very little light and heat signature, and that is why it is so hard to see, and requires the use of an infrared telescope to spot; just like Planet X.

They even say here that this object was “first hypothesized back in 1984,” which proves that this is the same object that was found the year before in 1983, with the space based infrared telescope IRAS, because they were all still talking about it in 1984! They hadn’t begun to hush it all up yet! Back then, in the articles that were first written about Planet X, they also referred to it by the name “Nemesis!” So they felt fine putting the name Nemesis in this article; but were obviously afraid to use the name “Planet X” as it has been so mocked and ridiculed. So we’re talking about the same planetary object here folks! It then says here that they tried to “distinguish it” from the original star first found back then called Nemesis, in an attempt to make it appear that it is something different than the original discovery; so they decided to name it Tyche, which was, as I stated earlier, the “good sister of the evil destructive goddess Nemesis.” Nice try fellas! Just calling it by a different name will surely throw us all off! So they are trying to present new scientific findings on this same large object that was found in space in 1983 that had since been officially debunked by NASA, and get away with it by not calling it by the same name! So what do you think at this point dear reader? What does it all look like to you? Does this thing really exist, and is there a huge cover up going on concerning it? It will be interesting to see what these two astrophysicists have to say in a couple of years; if we have that long before its expected pass! Will they be forced to lie or cover up their findings and research too, as others may have been, who first discovered Nemesis, or Planet X back in 1983? The last excuse given by NASA concerning what was found by IRAS in 1983 was that the faint red glow they picked up, was not an actual star, but a “far away Galaxy.” I wonder if suddenly Mr. Matese and Mr. Whitmire will also come up with the same theory. Stop and think for a moment; how could a faraway galaxy cause the large outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and the much smaller Pluto, to have such noticeable perturbations in their orbits? So my personal opinion here is that I think they are definitely hiding something from us. Also, please think about this for a minute: If the belief in Planet X is just a stupid theory, only believed by the “modern Neanderthals” among us; then how is it that it was the subject of such great speculation in the field of Astronomy for the better part of the last two centuries, by some of the world’s greatest astronomers; some of whom made it their life’s goal to find? Why did it captivate some of the greatest minds in the fields of Science, Astrophysics, and Astronomy, and how is it that it was said to have been finally spotted with an infrared telescope back in 1983, and now possibly within the next two years with yet another more sophisticated and modern infrared telescope? I think they already see it, and are just not being totally forthcoming with all the information on it. Jacco van der Worp, MS.c , the Dutch Astrophysicist who works with Marshall Masters doesn’t seem to have any trouble finding it! I think that they are just not telling us everything they know. “Ignorance is bliss,” until the pain of swift destruction comes! But if you think about it, what would we do if we were in their place? If it were officially announced, mass hysteria and panic would set in; so I can understand the pressure many Government officials who are “in the know” must be under, to try to keep a tight lid on it so as not to panic the masses. Why does it present such a harmful threat to the Earth as it passes? Well, as Planet X has continued on its extremely long orbit, or journey, throughout the centuries; it is thought to have collected a large number of dangerous asteroids and comets, plus thousands of smaller meteors, that are caught in its huge gravitational & geomagnetic field and dragged along with it, some of which violently impact the Earth upon its passing. This trailing mass is called a “debris field,” and is also often referred to as “space -trash.”

According to the afore mentioned historical accounts, it has already passed by the Earth at least once, sending a tremendous volume of this space trash thundering down upon the Earth’s surface. As it passed, wreaking this terrible havoc, it also is thought to have caused a massive polar shift, cracking tectonic plates and causing the Earth to wobble violently off its axis. This is thought to have flipped the poles, both physical and magnetic, and caused the continents to separate, such as South America from Africa, and some land masses to rise above the ocean floor, while others, such as possibly Atlantis, have sunk. The Earth began to wobble violently off its axis and to shift itself into a new position, altering the locations of its land masses very dramatically and suddenly.32 You may notice in the footnote references presented here, that there are moving maps on each site that show the continents splitting apart. They say that in the beginning the Earth’s land masses were all gathered together into one place, as a huge super-continent called “Pangaea!” Then it split apart into the various continents. They do not mention exactly what caused this, but many believe that a giant asteroid strike hit the Earth with great force, and moved the continents apart. But the major thing I would like for you to see here is how once again, real science, and the Bible go hand in hand together, and back each other up to a tee. They do not contradict each other as many modern scientists try to make people believe. In the beginning of the Book of Genesis, in the Bible, it indicates the very same thing: that all the land masses were originally just one giant land mass in Earth’s earliest stages; and that later the “Earth was divided” or split apart into the various continents during the days of a man named Peleg, who lived several generations after the flood. So once again, the Bible backs up modern Science rather than running contrary to it! Genesis 1:9, 10 9 Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so. 10 And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good. As you can see here, the Lord gathered all the waters together into “one place,” or one big ocean. By reverse logic then, it can only be assumed that the dry land was also therefore “one big land mass.” There is no other way that these two things could coexist and still fit this description. If there was only one big ocean, then there would have to be only one big Land Mass too! The only difference here between the theories of “Pangaea,” that the scientists ascribe to, and what the Bible teaches are the time periods, that this would have happened in. The scientists have “Pangaea” splitting apart many millions of years ago, while the Bible has them splitting apart after the days of the great flood of Noah, which was merely thousands of years ago; not millions. But getting back to the idea that Planet X may have made a close pass close by the Earth once before, causing great destruction, here is quite possibly some very telling evidence: The enormous number of craters, pock marks, plate cracks and other related anomalies on the surface of the Moon may offer us clear proof, in vivid detail, of the dramatic effects of its passing, with some very large in size while the


majority are smaller but far greater in number, showing that this huge astral monster drags along with it a great number and variety of sizes of asteroids, meteors, and even comets, when it comes sailing by. Granted, some of the meteorite strikes on it may have come over a long period of time, one by one, but the enormous number of them could also be ascribed to a former collision with the debris field of a large passing body such as Planet X too. They are most likely a product of both scenarios. As Planet X passes, it is also said to cause a dramatic rise in all the things that have been mentioned so far in this study, as it tugs hard on the Earth, Sun, and other Planets with great suction, pull, and geomagnetic force. This, in turn, causes such things as increased earthquake activity, volcanic activity, gigantic solar flare-ups, and solar storms, as well as violent destructive weather in all forms. Are we seeing these things occur right now? Is this happening once again? Something is certainly causing the very noticeable and dramatic increase in all these things which we have just mentioned! The earthquake area under the ocean in the recent Asian Tsunami was said to be more of an “earth bulge” than a plate shift. That would certainly fit with the idea of this large and dense object’s huge gravitational pull, as it approaches, tugging, pulling, and sucking on the Earth’s plates. This tugging or suction causes some land masses to rise while others begin to fall, totally re-structuring the Earth’s geography. Is its enormous geomagnetic force therefore also the cause of the huge reported solar flares of late, coming off the Sun? They are so large now and frequent, that there is hardly any space in between them. They seem to be coming non-stop now, and larger than ever!33 There has been a huge sun spot 50 times the Earth’s diameter, that has lasted for months now; as of August, 2012, which just seems to continue to grow larger and larger; and it has continually been exploding with some of the largest, most powerful, and fastest moving CME’s, or “Coronal Mass Ejections” ever yet recorded!34 These enormous solar flares, solar storms, and coronal mass ejections, as the scientists call them, may have disastrous effects on the Earth’s present fragile atmosphere and environment, as well as possibly destroying our electric power grids and modern civilized societies that are so dependent upon computers and electronics.35 Giant solar storms are on most certainly on the increase, almost non-stop now, with enormous solar flareups coming off the Sun in greater number and intensity. The recent big ones have had the scientists greatly concerned. They have said that if a large one were to come through the Earth’s weakened magnetosphere, it could cause the electric power grids to go down, and in a worst case scenario, push modern society completely back into a preindustrial age.36 33




And on top of it all we are faced with the constant threat of nuclear war, chemical and biological attacks, plagues of disease and ill health, famine, crop failure, water shortages, and terrorism to deal with on a worldwide basis! There is just not a lot of good news out there right now! Things are really beginning to go haywire all over the World. Well, amazingly, all of these things have actually been predicted in the Bible thousands of years ago, and we may be right now entering into the time period it speaks of as “The Beginning of Sorrows,” or “The Last Days!” Most people, including many in the Christian world, are not even aware that there are ancient prophecies given in their own Bibles that seem to corroborate the coming of these terrible events very shortly, describing them in vivid detail, perfectly, down to the tiniest details. Few books or videos that are being circulated mention these powerful prophecies, even among those put out by Christian groups. It is the purpose of this writing to familiarize you with these incredible predictions, and to help you to see the Bible’s astounding accuracy and prophetic insight into the future. The Bible actually backs up modern science, rather than running contrary to it, as has been put forth by those who seek to destroy and discredit religion, God, and His written, recorded Word! Most of the world’s greatest scientists, such as Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton, as well as a host of others well renowned, believed in God, at least in some form. It is only this new generation of scientists that have been deceived by the false teachings of the modern rationalist thinkers, who aren’t actually “rational” at all, but merely prejudiced; that have been highly influenced or actually brainwashed by the teachings of men like Darwin, Malthus, Freud, Nietzsche, and a host of others; that have fallen away from the Faith.37 Even when presented with actual facts and testimonies of many modern miracles that have been experienced by very credible and intelligent people, some of great reputation, proving the reality of God; these highly educated men still refuse to believe. They ignore outright evidence which proves that God is real, and that the Bible is really true, such as the many fulfilled Bible prophecies or predictions that have come true over time, not to mention the thousands of “life after death” experiences that are happening so often now; some even to their own colleagues. There are men and women of great reputation; doctors, businessmen, and people from all walks of life that are having these incredible experiences in which they are perhaps in a car wreck, or have a heart attack and die. They then speak of going to heaven, meeting Jesus, speaking with their relatives who have passed on, and then being told that their mission on Earth is not quite fulfilled, and that they must return to finish whatever it is that the Lord needs them to do. Then they suddenly find themselves back in their bodies to the stunned amazement of the doctors and people helping them. Some have been reported as having been dead, with no vital signs at all for long periods of time, that are totally impossible in the world of medicine, such as for hours, and in some cases, many hours. This is so shocking to the medical community, that even many of the doctors are now beginning to believe in miracles, and God, as they have to deal with these shocking near death experiences first hand


more and more. Some among them are even doctors themselves! It’s just a bit hard to argue with a colleague!38 Real science and the Bible go hand in hand together and back each other up. They do not contradict each other. It is the hope and goal of this presentation to help you to understand this. Hopefully, you will see and recognize that there is a God that foretold all these things, and that He is real, and most importantly, that no matter how bad all these terrible events that are coming may seem, that He loves you personally, and has made a way for you to escape the worst of these things, and this coming “hell on Earth.” Yes, there is hope, great hope! Even though all these destructive earth events are prophesied to come; and appear to be beginning in earnest at this present time, it is all actually part of a great plan: Jesus is going to come and remove all those who turn to Him in sincerity, to a place of safety before the absolute worst of these terrible disasters strike the planet. Then, after the Earth has been purged by these fiery catastrophes, the Lord will renew the entire surface of the Earth to make it once again into a gorgeous heavenly paradise for all mankind to live in like the original Garden of Eden. And, surprise! He wants every single man, woman, and child who has ever been born into this terrible old World and lived on this present Earth, to be there with Him: their loving, gentle, and kind hearted Creator. He hopes to renew not only the present old worn out, polluted Earth, but to renew and redeem the souls of all mankind, even those who have committed great evil if they will only turn to Him for salvation, and allow Him to forgive them, and change them into “new creatures in Christ,” that will show love and kindness to their fellowman just as He does. All who turn to Him in sincerity will be granted the priceless gift of Eternal Life that He will freely give through the amazing and incomparable sacrifice made by His Son Jesus Christ when He gave His own life for us all, dying on the cross so long ago. So this is the good news, and the rest of the story that is not being portrayed in these films. There is a positive outcome and a wonderful ending to the story for all that turn to the Lord, but first the bad stuff has to happen. The darkest part of the night is just before the dawn. Just so, we must first go through this darkest time in Mankind’s history before we enter into the dawn of the coming new “Golden Age,” in a world that is beautiful beyond description! So let’s examine some of the possible end time scenarios that are predicted to come so shortly upon the Earth in this most marvelous of books, the Bible.


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