Alien Invasion Prep

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David – P & P 31 August 2012 (Prayer) My Dear Jesus, There is a lot going on. There is a lot of information around these days. There is a lot of activity, both spiritual and physical, especially spiritual, but then that is followed by the physical, because all things start in the spiritual realm. Things that we have always known and understood from the scriptures of Your word have been with us for a long time, and in that Word to some, You said that these things would be “sealed” until the time of the end, and that when we would get closer to it, they would then be opened up to us, the meanings. It just makes sense that the closer we get, the more would be opened and revealed. Thank You Jesus. You have so many promises in Your Word to us that “they that understand among the people shall instruct many”, as well as “surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants, the prophets”, and that if we ask, seek and knock, we will receive, find, and it will be opened unto us! You also told us to acknowledge You in all our ways, and You will direct our paths! So that is what this is all about! Oh, and the other scripture You just gave me, “Where iniquity doth abound, grace doth much MORE abound”, and there is certainly more iniquity about these days than ever before! So, we can expect that You are MORE than able to give us WHATEVER we need, whether it be knowledge, answers, greater spiritual power, insight, fore-knowledge (prophecy), faith, miracles, strength, etc, etc. Okay, so, with all that we are learning and is coming to light at this time, one really big item, that if/when it is revealed will have an impact on the world almost beyond measure, even causing “men's hearts to fail them for fear”, is the whole “ET” and so-called “alien invasion” issue! There are, without a doubt, many strange things going on, and some things go right back to preflood days, and there are definitely “connections” between then and now! Of course, those of us who know You, know what these things are, and what they really mean, but even so, it will still be a bit of a shocking sight to actually behold with our own eyes! Your Word says that Satan will be able to show lying signs and wonders, so that, “if it were possible, even the very elect” would be deceived! You told me the other day to remember the scripture “so then we walk by faith, and not by sight”, and You indicated that there was much more to this

than we usually think of in terms of “faith”. We have always been taught in TFI that faith is actually practical, and should be used as such. It starts in the spirit of course, but it is always proven and manifested in the physical, either by some act that we are to do, or a physical manifestation of some kind, such as a “miracle”. Anyway, You definitely indicated that there was a lesson in this, a very “practical” one, and that we were going to NEED it, in order to face and deal with things that are going to be “in our face” very soon! Things are certainly coming to a head now. The lines are clearly being drawn. The “un-decided” are going to be FORCED to make a decision, “who they are going to believe, and which way they are going to go” (as in actually “follow” in full “reality”). Time IS “running out” in a sense, and “the veil” between that which is REALLY “real”, the spiritual realm, and that which temporal, and for the most part an “illusion”, is getting so thin now that “the other side” is about to cross it, en masse! So Lord, “What to do?” You seemed to indicate that You have something to say about all this, so, please, go right ahead. Anything You want to say Jesus, about any thing, in whatever way You want to say it, “I'm all ears!” Thank You Lord! I love You! (Jesus) Thank you David. Yes, you “hit the nail on the head” so to speak. Actually, as you know, “a man can receive nothing except it is given him from above”, and I know that you realise that none of this is “your idea”, right? (Me) Amen to that Lord! (Jesus) So, let's get started then!... That is a very key scripture, about “walking by faith and not by sight”! Normally people understand it to mean to walk ahead, WITHOUT seeing where I am leading necessarily, “by faith”, as in TRUSTING Me. However, even MORE faith is needed when you CAN actually see something, to STILL trust Me IN SPITE of what your “eyes” are telling you, or even any of your

other senses for that matter! And THIS is My main point on this matter. Satan and his are on the verge of “pulling out all the stops” with “lying signs and wonders”! These are definitely things that will be SEEN, and HEARD, and FELT, and TOUCHED, even SMELLED! YES! VERY “in your face”! People say “I'll believe it when I see it!”, and they are GOING to, believe Me! But they will believing a LIE! Everything in the physical originates in the spiritual! After all, My Father IS a Spirit, from OUTSIDE your physical realm, which is why He likes to be known and believed and trusted “by faith”. And remember, faith is KNOWING, it has nothing to do with “seeing”. You don't have to SEE a loved one to have a relationship with them, do you? But you KNOW them, mostly through your COMMUNICATION with each other, even at great distances sometimes, and sometimes the further the distance, the CLOSER the relationship, right? (If someone was to ask you if you “believed” in your mother for example, your answer would be, of course, yes! And if that person were to go on to ask HOW you COULD, you would say, because I CAME from her, we GREW UP together, we COMMUNICATE all the time, I KNOW her! And you could say that without even seeing her, and even whether the person asking had never even seen or heard of her themselves!) The “distance”, where those of us on this side of “the veil” are concerned anyway, is about DIMENSION, NOT “time and space”. Get it? Believe it or not, EVERYONE has “faith” in someTHING or someONE. It is just a matter of “who” or “what” you CHOOSE to have faith in! It's as simple as that! “Who” people WANT to believe is the issue, not whether I and My Father and The Holy Spirit exist or not! Of COURSE we exist! That's how everything came into being, and EVERYONE KNOWS this, because We put it IN to everyone to know this! You, are ALL a part of OUR CREATION, and trying to “get rid of” Us, or “leave Us out of the picture” is just plain foolishness, it CAN'T be DONE! Actually, it comes down to stubbornness and rebellion, much like some children behave with their parents, and where do you think they GET that idea from? The “example” that they see of course, or that they are “taught” in some way! Little children have GREAT faith, trust, and belief don't they? It almost “comes naturally”, and that's because they only just recently left Us “on THIS side”, to join you, in “life”, “over there”! But let me get back to “faith”, and walking by that instead of by “sight”,

because this is going to prove more and more important from now on! Remember these “lying signs and wonders” I warned about in My Word? Well Satan and his have been “experimenting” shall we say, to be able to cross the bridge between the spiritual realm and the physical realm! And why? Because he knows that he and the “third of heaven” that he draws after him are about to be “banished” from the spiritual realm! As I also explained to the world “woe unto the inhabitants of the earth, for the devil is come down unto you”! Now WHY I allow this is a big subject, which I won't go into much here, but suffice it to say that it has to do with MAN'S choice! I ALLOW it, because MAN allows it – HE makes that choice, that decision! And what IS that decision? WHY does he make it? It is simple – it goes back to the beginning, and his decision to believe Satan's word! Satan's word was to lie to mankind, that “the knowledge of good and evil” would ENABLE him to become “gods”. What Satan DIDN'T tell man was that THIS would be the beginning of the opening of the “portal” for Satan and his demonic spirits to start to “cross over” oppress and possess mankind! Yes, they WOULD become “gods”, demonically possessed nonhuman beings (genetically altered)! Remember, Satan HATES man, because man is going to “judge angels”, of which he used to be one himself! It is all about corrupting the original plan, Our plan! This is why things got so bad eventually that We had to flood the Earth and start all over again, and evidence is shown all over the Earth as to how things were in those days! As I described it “the whole of creation was corrupted before me”! It was no longer My creation, it was Satan's “creation”! Have you noticed how none of his corruptions/creations are beautiful, but deformed, as well as devoid of “life”, no feeling? They become like “machines”! Isn't that the push of so-called science to day, to achieve “immortality” by creating manmachines that “live forever”? It is a very dangerous “carrot” the devil is dangling in front of those who fear death! And it is a counterfeit, because your soul is eternal anyway, it belongs to Me and My Father! And don't worry, we have a GREAT and WONDERFUL future ahead for EVERYONE, and you can even start NOW! In this day though, as I have said, it will be “as it was in the days of Noah”, and this is a very clear and specific warning! “There is nothing new under the Sun”, and Satan cannot come up with anything “new”. He is simply repeating and refining his plan and processes, but he has “upped the stakes”, because he knows his time is short, very short now, because “the end of ALL things” is at hand, before I return and set things right for a thousand years! (As you know, he is locked up in prison for that time, so the world truly WILL be “at rest and quiet”, and “nothing shall hurt nor destroy in all My Holy mountain”!

You know the rest!) But right now? Well the world is on the brink of a “disaster”. But that disaster will not be the falsely claimed “natural forces” that are being unleashed on the planet. It will be the “great falling away” of faith and belief in Me, because everyone will actually see things that they will be told are “true” - “an alien invasion”! Yes, “men's hearts WILL fail them for fear”, because the enormity of the “meaning”, as well as the sheer size and scope of this “event”, will be more than many will be able to “believe” or deal with, “even the very elect”! So why am I telling you this? Well, how will anyone be able to face it and deal with it? - This is where “faith” comes in! Anyone who has faith, in Me and My Word, will KNOW and understand exactly WHAT it is they are being faced WITH, and THIS gives them GREAT POWER to be able to OVERCOME that which they are up against! This is the point... These “alien forces” are nothing more than spiritually degenerate demonic entities, plain and simple! They are NOT to be feared, AT ALL! ONLY to be REBUKED, DEFIED, DESTROYED, and soon WILL be, TOTALLY and COMPLETELY! But how do YOU do this? It's EASY! Remember, “all power is given unto you, both in heaven and in earth” in My Name! “Even the very devils are subject” unto YOU! THEY are just as much a part of Our original creation from the beginning, except that they REBELLED! As such thay have lost their place as “angels” and become “fallen ones”! They have NO power over you, except whatever you power you give them in FEAR! THEY have to OBEY YOU! So, tell 'em where to go, and what to do! YOU are “in charge”, NOT them, REGARDLESS of how things might seem! THIS is what faith is all about, WHY you must have it, and HOW you must USE it! It is extremely “practical” in this way! Those of Mine in TFI know a lot about these principles of course, but even many of these could use some “brush up”! They even have MUCH MORE in the way of gifts and experience and knowledge, and in the days to come, they will be REQUIRED to use, and to live up to, ALL they have been taught and are expected to know. It will be those “exciting times” that I have spoken of in My Words, for a long time now! I would even recommend a period of review for those who have perhaps slipped a bit in their study and understanding for

whatever reasons. “Search the scriptures, to see of these things be so”, and “study to show thyself approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of Truth”, for “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”! Well, I hope that this has helped? I also hope that this will inspire everyone that these are actually part of the “greater things than these shall ye do” that I told you about! With love always, Your Jesus.

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