Numerology and Dec 2012

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21/12/12 Numerology and 31/12/12 By Peter Brave-Heart Apparently the world as we know it did not end on 21/12/12. This is NO surprise. As a missionary, I had just witnessed to thousands of people this year of 2012; Telling them that the World could not end quite yet. This I did, by giving out thousands of Earth-shaker end-time posters, and praying with many to receive Jesus into their hearts, so that they have a guaranteed Eternal Life. I also gave lots of Bible classes in churches this year from the book of Daniel and the book of Revelations about the End-time and the Coming Last 7 Years and Reign of the Anti-Christ. This last year one of the books that I studied was “Petrus Romanus” or the Last Pope, by Tom Horn, who is a sincere Christian, researcher and very good writer. In Summary of the above book: The most interesting point, as far as I was concerned, was that when you don’t have God’s Divine Grace to assist you, then you cannot have the freedom of God’s wonderful Holy Spirit and the amazing fruits of Love, peace, & Joy. Those on the Dark side are very much bound to the Letter of the Law. It reminds me of what Stephen said to the Pharisees at his trial and final stoning:“Ye have received the Law by the DISPOSITION of ANGELS and have not kept it.” Acts 7.53 What does that mean? Stephen was telling the Pharisees that all of their laws and traditions were of non-effect, as many of their laws were received from the Dark side of the spiritual world (i.e. from Satan and the Fallen angels). Besides, they were unable to keep those laws and traditions which had been passed down to them. Their Laws were based on perfection and the letter of the law”, and not on Love and 1

Mercy. “The Law came by Moses, but Grace and Truth by Jesus Christ” Jesus constantly showed that Love and Mercy are far greater than the SABBATH or the law. This is indeed the very big problem with this current world. In fact all of the Organized Religions are too much based on laws instead of Jesus’ simple admonition “To love God and each other. This is all of the law and prophets” Jesus Himself said “Ye by your traditions have made the laws of God of non-effect. Also: “Verily I say unto you that Moses because of the hardness of your hearts gave you these laws.” Such laws as “An eye for an Eye”, and punishments like “stoning” women for adultery etc. Those who follow Satan are truly BOUND slaves, who have to do exactly what Satan and the Fallen Angels command them to do, in order to receive their FAVOURS!(or favours of the gods) Those into the dark side, use specific rituals at exact times on exact days, in order to get “Supernatural” assistance to their plans.(howbeit from the negative spirit world) We as Christians are not bound by certain time frames and dates as to when EVENTS have to happen. We also well know than man can propose certain planned evil events, but God can easily DISPOSE, and prevent the EVIL from happening. We all do also know that sooner or later the Last Seven Years of man’s history will begin with the rise of the Anti-christ, and consequently terrible things will have to happen FIRST! The flood-tide of Iniquity is currently held back to some degree by God’s Angels, but when the time is finally ripe, “He that now letteth will let until he be 2

taken out of the way. Then shall appear he who working is after Satan, with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them who perish because they receive NOT the Love of the TRUTH (Salvation) that they might be saved. For this cause God shall send them STRONG DELUSION that they might believe a lie! 2Thes 2 The big question is when will the world become so EVIL in the sight of God, that the above chapter of 2 Thes is to be fulfilled? It is NOT a question of IF but WHEN? Below is an interesting article, explaining the importance of Numerology to the Occult world as in regards to their total domination of the world. 2012 Numerology of the Occult.(This was written some years ago) The Numbers of the Occult are the multiples of 3, that include 11 and 13. The doubles of 11 are considered sacred power numbers. The number 5 refers to death, and the number 7 is complement. The number 7 is a universal Divine number. The winter solstice in 2012 will occur 12/21 2012 and at 11:11 universal time. The time is 11:11 that adds to 22. The entire date: 12/21/2012 = 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2= 11! The date according to the Occult is really 11:11:11. WOW, that means the date and time correlates with the triple power sacred number of 11:11:11. The number 11 correlates with the letter K as in KKK = 11:11:11. 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6; 11+11+11 = 33. Also, 6+6 = 12, 3Ă—7 = 21; the day and month 12/21 or, = 1+2+2+1 = 6 which adds 666 to the mix, from the month of 12. 3

The day of 21 is a multiple of 7×3 that signifies a time of complement. 2+1+2 = 5, the number of death; the year 2012. But, not the “end of the world” but the death of an old age into a new— the new world order. All the numbers of the Occult are related to 2012; 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 22, and 33 = 11:11:11. So the day and month relate to 6 and to 666 (covertly), the year relates to 5 (death), and the time of the solstice relates to the power number of 11 doubled (activation). And, the day relates to 7 (time of complement). And, most importantly the entire dates adds to 11 that creates the triple 11:11:11 and adds to 33 (Illuminati Mason Pyramid of the 33*). All the numbers of the Occult are involved with the 2012 syndrome. But, what is the meaning, and the deception behind 2012? 11:11 11:11 signifies the activation of a “new beginning”. Aquarius is associated with the astrological 11th house, the “water bearer”, a possibility of entering into the “Age of Aquarius”. The current age of Pisces, the two fish, possibly representing the battle between the darkness and the light of the last two thousand years. The Occult Serpent religion views a “death” and a new beginning as very important. Throughout the centuries the fertility worship of the spring equinox has held in place that dates all the way back to Sumer of 3500 BCE. Considering this history, the death of an old age, into a new age is extremely important, and this age will be the age of the dominance of the New World Order and the rise of the occult agenda. So considering the occult numerology about


12/21/2012 11:11, or more importantly, 11:11:11, we can be assured that startling events will take place around this time. 2012 and 666 Using the numbers of 2012 dividing by 666, the number is 3.021021021021. 2+1 = 3, the prime numbers of the Occult. 2012 divide 6 = 335.33333333. 2012-666 = 1346; Interesting, the date when the black death plague began. In Europe the date of the Black Death is said to have commenced between 1346 and 1348 from many different sources. Even of the plague started in Europe in 1347, the virus migrated from the East. Let’s go back further, 1346-666=680. October 10 680 CE: or 22nd Safar, 61 Hijra [680 CE]. Battle of Karbala: Shia Imam Husayn bin Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, was decapitated by forces under Caliph Yazid I. This is commemorated by Shi’a Muslims as Aashurah. The event caused a division of Islam. 10/10=11, 6+8=14 a multiple of 7, 22nd Safar = a double 11, and 61 Hijra 6+1=7, which signifies a completed agenda. And further yet: 680-666=14. 14 CE is the year the Augustus died, the Roman Ruler of 40 years (possibly murdered) on 8/19, 14 CE 8+1+9=18 which correlates with 666. 14 CE = 1+4=5, the number of death, or 1-4=3. It is said he died at 3.00pm which is 1500 = 3×5=15 or 1+5=6, but we don’t know if that was universal time. The people of the Roman Empire worshipped Augustus as a god, including after his death.


11 Correlates with the letter K. Before 12/21 2012 11:11 occurs, the date 11/11/11 will present itself. Correlating with the letters KKK. Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication’s are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. If you multiply 1111 by 1111 you get 1234321, representing a pyramid, and number 11 is a sacred number of the pyramid with the proportions of the great pyramid being of the ratio 7:11. So 11/11/11 which in on a friday will occur, and 12/21 2012 11:11, which correlates with 11:11:11 which is also on a friday the 6th day of the week according to the western calendar. Peter:-The Occult Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. They go to great lengths to make an event occur according to the correct numbers. 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. 9-11 caused dramatic change and initiation of a war 11-01 = 111. It also transpires that 111 in numerology is a ‘power number’ related to fresh modes of thinking applied to new cycles in life‘s play. 111111 maybe a super power number doubling 111. 11/11/11 = KKK. Take note, possibly nothing will occur on 11/11/11, although something occurring around this date is possible. Nothing


occurred on 6/6/6. Occult behavior is based on deception and covert action. November 1st is called “all saints day” or All Hallows, just after the Halloween (Hallows Eve) celebration where people put on masks, which is the celebration of the master (Baal) of the Lower Entities. 10/31 = 1+3+1 = 5, five is the number of death that correlates to Baal’s death of the spirit, and demotion (or new life) into the darkness. November 1st is a major day for the Occult, 11/1 = 111. Understanding the importance and perception of how the Occult values “Death” and “New Life” is pivotal to understanding the agenda of the combined powers of the darkness. The number 11 is extremely significant in 9-11; you can visit the Cutting for more information on the numerology of 9-11. NB. From 9-11 destruction 9/11/2001 to 12/21/2012 = 11 years and 101 days, Peter: using the above information given, then it would follow that New Years Eve 2012 on 31st December 2012 will be 11 years and 111 days since 9/11 Back to the information given:From 9/11/2012 to 12/21/2012, began counting on the 9/12 equals 101 days. 11 years and 101 days = 11:11 the power number of 22. 1111 days before the 2012 solstice is the date 6-12-09. The fact that 6, 9, and 12 are sequential multiples of 3 of perhaps the most highly regarded number of the date is 3 can be a notable fact or the power number of 33 = 11:11:11 the occult date of 12/21/2012 11:11.


The number 11 link returns when we divide 33 by 3 which of course give us 11 once again. In 1991/1992 the number 11:11 was issued to humanity as an activation number. The 9-11 destruction of the twin towers in New York activated the preparation era pointing the activation of the New World Order—the new age. When we review the way in which the attacks of 9/11 occurred by the “11′s” and review the significance of “11″ in history there should be no doubt that 12/21 2012 11:11 is a significant date. The Twin Towers symbolized the number 11. 9-11 activated the preparation stage of the New World Order. 11 years and 101 days = 11:11, to 12/21/2012. 2012 is the activation key to the reality of the New World Order. Peter Brave-Heart: The following is just a possibility! (This say I and not the Lord); Add 10 days to the above 12/21/2012 and you come to exactly 31/12/12 or NEW YEAR’S EVE, when the Numerology will add up to EXACTLY 11 years 111 days since the TWIN TOWERS tragedy. Also if you add up the numbers of the date 31/12/12 you get 55 ANOTHER multiple of 11. If there is to be a planned RED FLAG EVENT the OCCULT numerology could not be MORE precise than at this date 31/12/12. (12 Midnight) MIDNIGHT 31/12/12 could be the FINAL HOUR of things as we currently know them! The bringing on of Chaos first and then the NEW WORLD ORDER emerging out of the ashes. Followed by the year 2013,ushering in their man the Anti-Christ . It is interesting that the book of Revelations chapter 13 talks, all about this NEW WORLD ORDER. Is it not also possible that with 8,000,000 websites about 21.12.12, that the ELITE have mostly used it as a 8

smokescreen, to catch the whole world off-guard, so that when everyone is celebrating New Years Eve, and boasting that Nothing really big HAPPENED on 21/12/12, suddenly and totally unexpectedly BOOM,AND THEY BRING DOWN THE WORLD ! You can get the full article at:- (


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