Some Other Pieces to this Big Puzzle!

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Some Other Pieces to this Big Puzzle By Isaías Rojo

Preface This writing is in response to a friend of The Family International (TFI) who recently sent me and others an email with the last update of a very interesting book, “EARTHSHAKER, THE COMING GLOBAL DESTRUCTION.” —John Benjamin. I’m not dealing with most of the things that are expressed there, but taking this as an opportunity to add —as you see in the title—some other pieces to this big puzzle. When we are playing a puzzle, as more pieces are put in place, we start getting a better picture and able to see things in a more significant way. So please, read it, and if you have some other pieces to share, just let me know, and send them please, they’re welcome! That would be a great help! Praise God! Well, here it goes:


Thanks John for adding some more important things. I just read it and appreciated it, I think you’ve done a good job with it—even if I don’t agree with all the context—but I’m very thankful for this opportunity to share with you (and others) something that I want to add on regard of this matter. The reason I want to work on this is because I am convinced that some terrible things may be coming that will affect probably different parts of this world before the end of this year, even that I don’t believe in the Mayan calendar and their interpretations! Of course, I don’t pretend to be 100% right and that all my conclusions are perfect; but I’m almost convinced that our dear Lord has been working in my life in different ways to become acquainted with different things, and little by little get some personal important conclusions, like when we’re solving a puzzle, even if I don’t have all the pieces with me… ha! Besides different articles I’ve been reading in recent years… well, I can’t say I agree with all things I’ve read even when others are exposing lots of things that are part of the plan of the Illuminati, but not always what they expose or their conclusions sound completely accurate to me. When I’ve shared some of these things with others, I have usually added my own comments to get things let say better or clearer. But … what has helped me to improve my points of view regarding some of these matters? A lot of different things of course, but mainly what’s written in the Bible; and also in a book opposite to it, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. About THE PROTOCOLS… have you heard of that book? Have you had the chance to read it? Do you know how it appeared? Let me tell you: According to Henry Makow, it is a brilliant Master Plan for tyranny, i.e. the New World Order, a diabolical war against the human race. In 1884 Mme. Justine Glinka, the daughter of a Russian General living in Paris, hired Joseph Schorst, a member of Joly's Mizraim Lodge to obtain sensitive information. For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt. Glinka gave it to a friend who passed it on to Professor Sergius A. Nilus, who published it for the first time in Russia in 1901. A few years later it was translated and published by Victor E. Marsden in England. Many pages in the Internet say ‘it is a forgery’, but it’s not! The text is a transcript of some secret meetings of the so-called “Learned Elders of Zion” (who call themselves the Illuminati, or the Elite) in which these supposed ‘Learned Elders’—I would say Luciferians—detail among them their hidden plans and how to carry them out (their plan have centuries already, as it’s mentioned there) and among other things it consist on be taking, little by little, a complete control of mankind in a very subtle way using the media, finances, politics, wars, revolts, etc. Many recent incidents and many others in times past are sufficient proof of the authenticity of this book which confirms to me (and some others) that their purpose is to get absolute control of humanity, establishing the socalled New World Order, and bringing the Antichrist into power. Since I was young, sometimes when I heard this or that in the news I was wondering: Why this happen? And even when they gave some explanations to it, I was not convinced at all and still wondering ‘why this happen!?’ Some years later, there in the Family, David Brandt Berg wrote a letter mentioning the Protocols, and then, just a week later I got the chance to get it and start

reading the whole book, praise God! That’s why I started understanding, little by little, why lots of crazy things were happening here, there and everywhere, in different parts of this world…!!! In reference to your last book update John, when you say, My main problem with it all has been this: It has always puzzled me about the TIMING of the passing of Planet X being in Dec of 2012 and just how that would relate to the LAST 7 YEARS OF BIBLE PROPHECY? The almost total destruction of planet earth coming at the end of this year just doesn't fit into the 7 year time frame schedule of end time Bible prophecy. Well, we know that according to THE BIBLE, the LAST 7 YEARS is in reference to the government of the Antichrist and the New World Order. Their first 3½ years may be more or less alright, it’s supposed, but the last 3½ the worst ones at all (the Great Tribulation). Therefore, the almost total destruction of planet earth is not coming at the end of this year, that for sure! That would be at the very end of the 7 years, just before our dear Lord returns! But what I think must be coming soon could be something terrible and with a specific purpose, let me explain you why; personally I’m convinced that something really crazy and sophisticated is going to happen this coming December 21 of 2012! And not due to the Mayan calendar or their suppose prophecies or interpretations, no! Just reading the Protocols recently, I’ve found it says: “THIS HATRED WILL BE STILL FURTHER MAGNIFIED BY THE EFFECTS of an ECONOMIC CRISES, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES…” — PROTOCOL No. 3:11

For sure, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISIS is coming soon! And when I first read this paragraph of the Protocols several years ago, I've instantly related it to Virginia Brandt Berg prophecy, “THE GREAT CONFUSION” as part of ‘their plan’ to bring in the New World Order. THE GREAT CONFUSION (A prophecy Virginia Brandt Berg received in 1965. In The Family we called her “Grandma”, since she was the mother of our leader and founder, David Brandt Berg). "Turn your eyes toward Memphis, for out of it shall come the Great Confusion! The author of Confusion is even now marshalling his forces for this Great Confusion! He is gathering his forces from a Great Nation and Eastern nations, friends that will join with him. So sudden will be the Great Confusion, that it will cause a mighty widening of the eyes, of those who have not discerned the signs of the times. But be ye not deceived! Be prepared! And be not deceived by the Great Society, for it will come to travail and then bring forth the Great Confusion! Be prepared! Even now, the skies are red, red with warning, and black, black with clouds gathering for the Great Confusion which is almost upon you!" I’m not dealing with interpretations of this Grandma’s prophecy, but obviously it confirms it has to do with ‘their’ plan. They say there: “We shall create [it] by all the secret subterranean methods open to us…” so it’s obvious that its part of their plan to bring a world chaos in order to raise the Antichrist! But in the recent years I have discover that their plan now is not just to bring 3

an “ECONOMIC CRISIS”—which sure, is coming soon—but some other shaking things with it, things that are even worse! How..? Because the Elite have developed a lot of sophisticated weapons they have been using more recently and must have some others that we must ignore. Months ago I read a few articles related to that recent Japan earthquake and tsunami (3/11/2011), here is the introduction of one, and some interesting paragraphs of another: Former NSA analyst, Jim Stone, argues that there was no mag 9.0 earthquake. The tsunami was caused by nuclear bombs in the sea and the Fukushima explosion and meltdown was caused by mini-nukes hidden in cameras installed by an Israeli security firm. The motive: punish Japan for offering to enrich Iranian uranium and straying from Illuminati diktat. This website reserves judgment but offers this introduction by James Farganne in the spirit of free discussion. Another factor to consider is that the towns and cities hit by the tsunami appeared to be largely unaware that it was even coming until moments before it arrived. If a 9.0 earthquake had actually hit as claimed, these areas would have not only experienced monumental destruction beforehand, but people living in them would have already been evacuating the area between when the earthquake supposedly hit, and roughly 40 minutes later when the tsunami actually arrived. Various video clips and photos in towns and cities about to be hit by the approaching tsunami reveal that business was largely taking place a usual just minutes before it hit. People are shown walking around, buildings are intact, and little appears to be out of place, despite the fact that a mega-quake has supposedly just occurred… In case you want to know more about it, here there are some other pages related to that Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami: These 2 simple points are enough to convince me that this event was not natural at all, but one created for a certain purpose. It says the tsunami was cause by nuclear bombs, and the Fukushima explosion and meltdown by mini-nukes cameras, so probably the earthquake—that was not mag 9.0, as ‘they’ pretend through the media to justify that crazy manmade tsunami— was causes by another secret and sophisticate weapon the ‘Illuminati’ may have in their hands. One of those sophisticate weapons some people suspect of is HAARP—High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program—in Alaska, and that’s just one of them! Right now it seems there are like 14 related facilities in different parts of the world! And all of them must be under ‘their’ hands, and created by them! No doubts about it!

What is HAARP? According to the official HAARP website, "is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes." While there is not concrete evidence of HAARP having been used, scientific findings suggest that it is at present fully operational. It’s the ultimate radio frequency microwave weapons system disguised as a research instrument. In a book, Angels Don't Play this HAARP, Scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich says it is "A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere) by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything—living and dead." In other words, it’s suspected to be one of those many modern and sophisticated weapons that are causing lately disasters of biblical proportions as massive floods, devastating droughts, powerful hurricanes, tornadoes and thunderstorms, and devastating earthquakes, etc., how? through the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI)—a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band—the antennas can shoot 3.6 million watts of powerful radio waves into the uppermost part of the Earth's atmosphere, heating it up and creating irregularities that cause the ionosphere to bounce the radio signals back to the ground on the direction that ‘they’ have chosen to be hit and affected by. There are some other things that could be involved with this program, as it seems they have sticking thousand of electronic satellites and probes into our upper atmosphere, but I don't know much about it. I know that The Illuminati, in their worship to Lucifer, like to choose some particular days for their disastrous events, as they choose 9/11 to bring the Twin Towers down; and I’m convinced they have chosen Dec 21, 2012 using the Mayan Calendar and other things related to it for their purpose; and as I said before, They might probably have some other sophisticated weapons, but beside using those weapons, they know also how to use Hollywood, the Media, the News, TV, games, and so many other things in their hands for that purpose: distract people, confuse them, inform them the way they want, or in a way to prepare them for what’s coming. Have you watched at least part of that movie ‘2012’ about some huge waves destroying large cities there? And earthquakes, etc… would that happen here, and affect this and other countries? 5

I personally think that if they did it in Japan on March 11, (3/11) last year, it was not just to punish them for their offering to Iran, but also to see how their weapons are working with the purpose of using them again in some other parts of the world. There are not prove that the recent earthquakes in Japan, Haiti, Chile, and many others places were in fact affected by HAARP, but the first time I read something related to it was just 2 years ago, in reference to the Haiti Earthquake: Do Devils Play This HAARP? The Peculiar Haïti Earthquake – (if you want to read it all, it’s here: ) Posted by Anders, March 15, 2010. In 1997, U.S. Defense Minister, William Cohen, revealed that “there are those who engage even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate and trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions through remote control by means of electromagnetic waves.”… the waves are used to destroy enemy communications, to change the weather, to search for oil and minerals and underground military installations…there are voices maintaining that this may have been a HAARP -triggered quake - in order to give the U.S. an opportunity to take over Haiti’s enormous oil reserves that could be 20 times larger than those of Venezuela… More bizarre things are also revealed: The U.S. government has ordered 140 giant doomsday bunkers—14 floors below the ground. They can withstand heating up to 1200 degrees C and large scale tsunami flooding. One of them is shown on video to former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura. The architect tells him that they are being built for an expected apocalypse on 21 December 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends. This superstition is widespread, compounded by a Hollywood movie—"2012", which premiered in November 2009—but may actually be scheduled to take place with HAARP. Why was an earthquake of this magnitude not felt beyond Port-au-Prince?... former Minnesotan Governor, Jesse Ventura, saw and heard: The US government is building enormous survival centers deeply underground, full of freemason/illuminist symbols –for themselves to survive, as they seem to make the end of the Mayan Calendar, the 21 Dec. 2012, the end of the world – as prophecied through the Hollywood film ….2012. That´s what the architect of these gigantic bunkers says. HAARP could be one tool to bring it about – and Haïti an exercise. There are said to be 140 such DUMB (Deep Undergrouns Military Bases) sites in the US. In this recent article, besides the effect that this earthquake had in Haiti, it’s mentioned also that “for an expected apocalypse on 21 December 2012, they have build enormous survival centers deeply underground, full of freemason/illuminist symbols in the USA, for themselves to survive.” What does it means? That it’s part of their plan to destroy this country for some purpose, and make people believe that it was something natural, or affected by planet X or by something else? Just the fact of assuming that this country—The USA—could be practically destroyed at the end of this year seems kind of absurd or crazy, right? This country, as we know, it’s a superpower (or it’s suppose to be), and besides that, lots of people really worship this country— although lots of people hate it too—but it seems have not sense something like that would occur! Still, it seems that is part of ‘their plan’ for the Antichrist… Is there something related to it in the Bible? And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. —Daniel 11:21.22 Awesome when it says with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown, and shall be broken; yea, would that be in reference to some new manmade tsunamis? —beside the financial crisis, of course, and some other crazy weather effects—and with the purpose to destroy that whore, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”, as it says in Revelation 17 & 18…? If you are not familiar with “BABYLON THE GREAT” you may wonder, what is talking about? Regarding to this prophecies of the End Time in the Bible, some people say it refers to Rome, or the Catholic Church, others say Israel, Iraq, America, etc. I’m just going to share what I’m convinced of. The first time I read the New Testament, even years before I joined The Family, while reading Revelation 17 and 18 I was wondering: Who is Babylon? And received clearly from the Lord: “The United States of America.” Wow! Later on, in The Family, our founder, David Brandt Berg had received and taught us just the same. More recently, I‘ve been wondering how this country fits with it all? The Lord has confirmed it to me in different ways. The more significant came just 5 year ago, when a friend in California loaned me a book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man," by John Perkins. There he describes among other things how, as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then taking over their economies. He explained also, “If that doesn't work, then the jackals try to foment a coup or revolution, or perform assassinations; and if the economic hit men and the jackals fail, is our young men and women, who are send to kill and die, which is what we've done in Iraq.” Well, to clarify it, actually the BIG BANKS of the Illuminati are the ones using this WHORE for it, but... They must realize now that this nation is their main obstacle to bring in the New World Order, and it must be part of their plan, as George Soros (a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philosopher and philanthropist, etc. and the man who broke the Bank of England in 1992), once said: "The main obstacle to a stable and just World Order is the United States." I found recently, something parallel: “In a David Rockefeller's book ‘Memoirs’ he admits that he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.” And as a coincidence, a friend posted this picture on FACEBOOK the other day:


I just want to clarify something here. When it says, “We, the Jewish people,” to me that doesn’t mean that all the Jewish people are involved in it! Some are even good Jews! Praise God! In Revelation 2:9 it says, “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Probably this verse is a perfect application to the Zionists or the ‘Elite’, the ‘Illuminati’, and the ones working for them! In the Protocols they call themselves ‘Jews’ and us ‘GOYIM’. But even if they are or not descendents of Abraham, they actually belong to the synagogue of Satan, serving and worshipping Lucifer. It would be better not to call them Jews, but Zionists, as some Jews call them. There are some good Jews that are against them and their plan, and against the policy of the State of Israel, they call them Zionists. And among other things they say, ‘Judaism reject Zionism’, check here their website: Getting back to BABYLON, it seems something terrible must be coming soon. At the beginning of that update you wrote: The scientists and astronomers that work for the rich elite have leaked out supposedly "private information" periodically… Well, I think the purpose they may have for it could be—as they did before, when they brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11 and blame Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda for it—that the rest of the people must just ignore they did it. If it’s part of their plan for the NWO and the antichrist to first bring down this country— not to destroy it completely, but almost as it says in the Bible, “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” —Revelation 18:8 —they must be working also on WHO’s to blame for

what’s coming—actually what they’ll be doing—that even Planet X, and so many other of those things, could be just an invention of them for that purpose… I don’t know. About those enormous preparations with underground facilities that they hope can sustain them through the tremendous "earth changes" it will cause upon its passing .That’s something that confirms to me that this country is going to be affected, and not by a death star as they say, but by using their sophisticated weapons for their purpose; lots of destruction, and lots of people may die or disappear. Probably the rich elite is not going to be here at the end of this year, but those underground bunkers must have been done to protect the ones working for them, as the President, some politicians, the higher ranks of the CIA, FBI, the Federal Government, DARPA, etc. Then, probably, when those sophisticated earthquakes and tsunamis and some other heavy fires and storms are gone, these ones will come out to apply the ‘Martial Law’, and things are not

going to be the same again. Through that “Transportation” (an article I share recently with John and others ) great part of the population that have not died or disappeared in the worked out earthquake and tsunami, probably are going to end in the FEMA concentration camps! That’s something it seems could be coming, and that’s why I’m thankful for having the opportunity to work on this matter, with the purpose of warning you and others about what may come and be prepared for with the Lord’s help and guiding. What is FEMA? [Federal Emergency Management Agency] – In the Internet it says it’s an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security! But besides the many ‘bunkers’ they have built already to protect some of them (or working for them) when a terrible natural disaster may arrive, you’ll find they have built also a lot of detention camps all over this country to be used in case of that so-called "emergency" scenario that will come with it. No doubts that they are ‘concentration camps’, they are complete with biometric scanners, barbed wire facing inwards, gas lines and furnaces, helipads, watchtowers, and security cameras. The crisis needed for it must be just part of ‘their’ plan, and probably it will come as I suspect it will! Just for a coincidence, Obama signed a defense bill last year, with the power to detain citizens without trial (obviously he and others before have been working for them). And if that happens, who will be then a suspected extremist here? Well, probably, as Chuck Baldwin—an American politician and founder-pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church—said: ‘they’ consider Christians, conservatives, people who support the Second Amendment, people who oppose abortion and homosexual marriage, people who oppose the New World Order, people who oppose the United Nations and illegal immigration, etc. as ‘extremists’. So… if something like this is coming, better beware! With all this and some other things I’ve read, I’m almost convinced that most of the recent horrific storms, hurricanes, flooding, giant tornadoes, dust storms, etc. called natural disasters are not ‘natural’ at all but manmade, through these Luciferians ones. Of course, some of those ones written in the Bible as the great world-wide earthquake near the very end time and some others, those must be God’s made ’cause the Bible says also: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” —Galatians 6:7 Well, if all this is going to come soon, for sure we need a confirmation from our Dear Lord. As it says: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” —Amos 3:7 – Do you think could all this be possible? As I say before, I don’t know what to say about Planet X, if it really exists, or if it’s just a fallacy; but I’m very thankful for this opportunity to express what I think the Lord has been teaching me about what’s coming, and if it’s His purpose also to warn others. Please don’t feel ashamed if I don’t agree with you on this matter, still I would like to hear your opinion on these things I’m sharing with you, and pray also to ask the Lord for a confirmation if most of this is actually part of ‘their’ plan, and He’s going to let them do it, in order to be coming soon. In regard of Science, particularly some of this Modern Science, to me it’s something I don’t trust much in for several years, why…? As Paul mentioned in the Bible, “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:” —1st Timothy 6:20 – And there is an explanation here, in the Protocols:


For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the GOYIM will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our AGENTUR specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism), Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM. —Protocols 2:2,3

I just have some other conclusions of what must happen this Dec 21, 2012. One of them, there is a chance that probably the elite would use HAARP also to bring down the “Dome of the Rock” in Jerusalem, and through it, to convince people that “this must be the Lord’s purpose to build now the 3th Jewish Temple there…” This is something I’ve supposed could come since lately, in different earthquakes in diverse parts of the world, lots of churches have been destroyed! And probably some others would be soon too. Well, this is just an idea. God bless you and keep you! Following there are some other things I want to share with you related to my conclusions: Just 3 years ago I sent an email to some people I’m in contact with, in reference to the HOLLYWOOD MOVIE ‘2012’ – and here are some of my comments: If I bring you this to read, it's not that I believe in the Mayan Calendar interpretation, nor in the other suppose prophecies—I even heard once about an interpretation of some Nostradamus prophecies of chaos that coincide with that date, December 21, 2012 on the History channel—and it makes me wonder if all this it's part of "their plan"—the ones behind the scenes—to kind of prepare some people for what is coming. What is coming? Their interpretations in the Internet come from generalizations of mass destruction to a transformation into a new age. So some people must be wondering if something really good or something pretty bad is going to happen, but that something impressive is going to happen. Well, I am convince that if there is actually a conspiracy to eventually take over the world, and that "they" like to choose certain days for certain purposes, as they pick September 11 —9/11— eight years ago. So chances are that on Friday, December 21, 2012, it would probably be the day of "The Great Confusion" as Grandma warned us several years ago, or it could be a chaos—an economical chaos or the CRASH—and if this happens just four days before Christmas... I remember Dad [David Brandt Berg] mentioned something about a "Last Christmas" in one of his Letters also…

Then, in ‘40 DAYS’, a MO Letter wrote by David Brandt Berg 39 years ago [here I’m just sharing what it fits with Dec 21, 2012] it says: —And Nineveh Shall Be Destroyed! (Jonah 3:4)—MO November 12, 1973 GP No.280 —For when they shall cry, "Peace, peace!"—then cometh sudden destruction! (1Thes 5:3) (The day after the Nov. 11th cease-fire signing MO woke me early in the morning with this:) (Some of it sounds like the voice of Abrahim:) 1. THERE IS GOING TO BE 40 DAYS OF WARNING, THEN NINEVEH SHALL BE DESTROYED! The Comet will be at its brightest and most visible for 40 days. But the puzzle is‚ when does the 40 days begin? It's giving

a 40-day warning of something‚ whatever it is, then comes the destruction, unless the people repent like Nineveh did because of the message of the Prophet. If the people repent, the Lord will relent or there'll be a descent! But if not, then there'll be a very great destruction! 2. IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE 21st (OF SOME MONTH). It either begins on the 21st or it ends on the 21st. Of course it'll be at its brightest—between November 21 and January 21, and really from December 11 to January 21 is the main course. Either that or December 21. 3. THE WINTER SOLSTICE (DEC. 21) IS ITS CENTER… 4. BUT IT WILL GIVE A WARNING OF 40 DAYS‚ AND THEN DESTRUCTION! I don't know the destruction of what or whom, but it is destruction. But it's an important enough destruction to warn the whole world, so it's going to affect the whole world! 7. THERE'S JUST 40 DAYS—40 DAYS! Today is Monday the 12th (of November) the day after the 11th, 30 days before the 11th of December, and 40 days before the 21st (of December), huh? It's 40 days from now to December 21st, the Winter Solstice the darkest day of the year, one week before the Comet passes behind the sun! 8. IT'S 40 DAYS FROM NOW TILL DECEMBER 21ST! God gives us warning—Early Warning System! God gives us early warning before the world. From November 11 to December 21 is 40 days… 23. SO SHALL THE FUTURE BE as I have told thee before. Even so shall the future be as I have told thy father. It shall come in a moment‚ in the twinkling of an eye! But they will not believe your father. This MOLetter was written 39 years ago, but it seems that it could be apply to this year! It says, WILL GIVE A WARNING OF 40 DAYS. It’s awesome that it says there: ‘Today is Monday the 12th (of November)’, what a coincidence because this year, November 12th is Monday also! Would our Dear Lord confirm it to us just 40 days before it happens? It could be! He has a purpose in everything! Praise God! To finish it, at the end of ‘NWO Plans Exposed by Insider in 1969,’ from ESTREMECEDOR! In the last chapter, ‘ THE ARRIVAL OF THE TOTALITARIAN GLOBAL SYSTEM’, it says: The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning when everybody wakened there would be an announcement that the New System was in place. What a coincidence… a weekend in the winter is in reference to the coming of the New World Order. December 21 is Friday—just before Christmas—and that Friday it's the first day of this coming winter. Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. —Revelation 18:4

If any of you want to send me something to read in regard of this or some other things related, or write some comments, etc. here is one of my emails:


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