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4. Focusing On The Opportunity
from David Thien Anh Luong Business 5 Problem Solving Mindset Traits That Help You at The Workplace
by David Thien Anh Luong Perth - Business Blog News & Updates
Every problem has a hidden opportunity if you are clever and patient enough to find it. Of course, not every problem can be solved, but it can certainly be transformed into a chance for better growth. A good problem-solving trait is understanding the issue at hand by taking time and finding ways in which you can reap benefits from it. Sometimes, it is only a lesson to not repeat what you did in the future.Yet, it helps if that lesson sinks in.
5. Being Innovative
Finally, an eye for innovation will surely set you apart from the rest of the team. A creative and innovative person will always look at the problem from different angles rather than just how it presents itself. This is key because it is only by analyzing the matter well that you will find hidden positives or opportunities in it.
In conclusion, these are the five most important mindset traits of a problem solver. These also explain the secret by David Luong 5 things that problem solvers do at t heir workplace . So, by developing these traits, you can easily rise as a prominent contributor to your team.
SOURCE CREDIT: https://www.tumblr.com/davidthienanhluongbusin ess/708118145289814016/david-thien-anh-luong-bu siness-5-problem-solving