Ansestro Preokupa

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Avochinan preokupá mi ta invoká boso pa eskortá i yuda nos emansipá - sin odio ni vengansa ma ku amor ya e hoya akí su presiosidat por resaltá i mundu henter skucha ora kriaturanan dje paraiso akí ku orguyo grita: ‘Kurasoleño mi ta’

Worried ancestors, I invoke you to escort us and help lift us into the sky of emancipation - abundantly devoid of hatred, but devoted with love and compassion – so the preciousness of this rock may shine and the whole world hear when voices from this paradise reverberate with a fervent cry: Kurasoleño Mi Ta*

*I am from Curaçao

Ansestro Preokupรก Sosegรก

Worried Ancestor Rest in Peace

H e m a y e l M. A. M a r t i n a

Poesia Interogativo

A Poetic Inquiry

This publication was made possible through the financial support of the Prins Bernard Cultural Foundation for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.

Ansestro Preokupá Sosegá Worried Ancestor Rest in Peace Copyright © 2010 Hemayel M. A. Martina Curacao

Proofreading: Sixleen Virginie Editors: Lucille Berry-Haseth, Anne de Graaf and Kathryn Pruneti Translation: Hemayel Martina Paintings: Nicole Römer Photography: Shanna Rodriguez (Shannabebe Photography) Cover: David van Delden (Ngrane Interactive)

All rights reserved.

Curaçaoshe Courant N.V Curaçao

All rights reserved.

Curaçaoshe Courant N.V Curaçao

Pa Reina di Reinanan, Mi Mama Pa Diosa di Diosanan, Mi Wela

For the Queen of Queens, My Mother For the Goddess of Goddesses, My Grandmother

Table of Contents Algun palabra na entrada - Foreword Prólogo - Prologue Tula Dr. Moises Frumencio da Costa Gomez Hendrik Martir Pieters Kwiers René Antonio Römer Imelda Valerianus-Fermina Oma Vera, Mathilda Dorothea Teofilo Segundo Cuales Jacob Alfred Hoeve Amacia Boelijn Angel Job Aura Evelina Winkel Dr. David Ricardo Capriles Gilberto Antonio Doran Nilda Maria Geerdink-Jesurun Pinto Ergilio Pedro Hato Gloria Martina Juan Miguel Gregorio Evertsz Ansestro Preokupá Sosegá Worried Ancestors Rest in Peace Ilda Marcos, Nicolaas Debrot May Henriquez-Alvarez Correa Willem van Leeuwen Norma Calvo Asjes Ramez Isa Sablika Joseph Sickman Corsen Efrain Jonckheer Luis Henrique Plácido Daal Edgar Supriano, Edwin Thomasa Anna Cornelia Prins-Winkel Nicolaas Susana Angela de Lannoy-Willems Maria Elisabeth Boskaljon Pai Djèfi, Ma Doma Emilio Davelaar Wilson Godett Pierre Antoine Lauffer Dr. Moises Frumencio da Costa Gomez Tula

Epílogo - Epilogue Palabra Final - Afterword

Prólogo Ata kosecha sunú, di dos wowo bèrdè hechando segun e lento yangá di tempu. Ata kosecha sunú, dediká na avochinan di nos tera fértil kendenan a duna bida na fruta fruktífero. Ata kosecha sunú, di dos wowo bèrdè aspirando pa honra lenga di shelu. Ata kosecha sunú, destiná pa nutri neuronanan ku lo inspirá pustament’i boka. Ata kosecha sunú, mi opservashonnan, mi humilde preguntanan. Hemayel M.A. Martina New York, 2008

Prologue Behold this naked harvest Of unripe eyes Ripening On the gentle, gradual Compass of time Behold this naked harvest Dedicated to ancestors From our fertile soil —who conceived The fruit of promise Behold this naked harvest Of unripe eyes Aspiring To honor The celestial language Behold this naked harvest Dedicated to nurture Neurons That will activate A battle of words Behold this naked harvest. Behold my Observations, And humble Inquiry. Hemayel M.A. Martina New York, 2008

Tula, ken ta yu’i Kòrsou? Esun di desendensia: indjan, spañó, hulandes, afrikano, portugues? E mayoria? E minoria? O esun ku ta traha kada dia pa adelanto di su mes, su famia i su pais - Kòrsou? Dia 17 di ougùstùs 1795 aproksimadamente 50 desendiente afrikano sklabisá a ninga di traha i a eksigí nan libertat. Di e forma ei, na plantashi di Casper Lodewijk van Uytrecht na Kenepa, bou di liderazgo di Tula, e rebelion pa libertat ku ta grabá den historia di Kòrsou komo esun di mas grandi, a kuminsá. Promé ku e resistensha i lucha akí, tabatin diferente otro lantamentu, por ehèmpel na 1745. E rebelion di 1795, sinembargo, ta distinguié pa entre otro, e faktornan ku a inspirá e komunidat di desendensia afrikano. E reportahe di e kòmbersashon entre Pader Jacobus Schinck i e lider di e rebelion, ta mustra ku e faktornan tabata: e trato inhumano ku nan tabata eksperenshá; prinsipionan kristian di igualdat; liberashon di katibunan franses ku ya a tuma lugá i transformashon di Repúblika Uní di Paisnan Abou (Hulanda sin influensha franses) pa Repúblika Batavo, na yanüari 1795. Esaki ta ilustrá ku Tula, kende segun Pader Schinck su kompañeronan tabata yama ‘kapitan’, tabatin konosementu i debido noshon di e filosofia kristian i e tabata bon informá tokante e desaroyonan sosial-polítiko regional i europeo.

Tula, Curaçaoan? Is he who? The: Indian, Spanish, Dutch, African, Portuguese, descendants? Majority? Minority? Or the one who sweats —when tomorrow was today and now was yesterday— by cutting sugar cane to feed himself, by nurturing the big tree of family and by cultivating the land, my land, our land: Curaçao. On August 17, 1795 the rebellion that is recorded in Curaçao’s history as the most profound of all the island’s slave uprisings, began at Plantashi Kenepa. Approximately 50 enslaved African descendants of Casper Lodewijk van Uytrecht refused to work and demanded their liberty. Prior to this there were several other uprisings. The rebellion of 1795, however, was different. The report by Father Jocubes Schinck of his conversation with the leader of the rebellion, Tula, explains the four forces behind what drove the leaders to seek freedom: the inhuman treatment that they were subjected to; the Christian principles of equality; the liberation of the French slaves; and the transformation of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands to the Batavian Republic (Holland with French influence) in January, 1795. This illustrates that Tula, who, according to Father Schinck was called ‘Captain’ by his followers, had knowledge of the Christian philosophy and was well informed of the socio-political developments in the region and in Europe.

Epílogo Pasa nos e chapi, pa nos sikiera duna un man, pasó nos lo kosechá loke awe plantando boso ta Pasa nos e chapi, maske ménos solo nos a mira, pasó den e mes mondongo nos a drumi. Pasa nos e chapi, pa nos chapi, planta manera bon yu di e pais ku a pari nos Pasa nos e chapi, promé ku boso lag’e kai, ya défisit di eksperensha nos lo no tin, ora boso ta den paraiso ta swin. Pasa nos e chapi, krea oportunidat pa nos yuda planta i kuida Kòrsou pasó nos Mama tambe e ta. Hemayel M. A. Martina Leiden, 2010

Epilogue Hand US the hoe So at least, one hand WE can give; For we will harvest What today is planted Hand US the hoe For the same mother Conceived us; and, Do not exclude us Since WE are ripening mortals Hand US the hoe So as good citizens WE may contribute To the land That bears US Hand US the hoe Before your hands Lose juvenile strength; So experience we will not lack When you rest in paradise Hand US the hoe Hand US the opportunity To plant; For Curaรงao is OUR mother too H.M.A.M

Leiden, 2010

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Avochinan preokupá mi ta invoká boso pa eskortá i yuda nos emansipá - sin odio ni vengansa ma ku amor ya e hoya akí su presiosidat por resaltá i mundu henter skucha ora kriaturanan dje paraiso akí ku orguyo grita: ‘Kurasoleño mi ta’

Worried ancestors, I invoke you to escort us and help lift us into the sky of emancipation - abundantly devoid of hatred, but devoted with love and compassion – so the preciousness of this rock may shine and the whole world hear when voices from this paradise reverberate with a fervent cry: Kurasoleño Mi Ta*

*I am from Curaçao

Si mi mes no gaba dulsura dje mango di mi kunuku, ken ta hasiĂŠ? If I myself do not praise the yellow hairy mango of my plantation, who will?

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