Old Raineians’ Association Newletters Volume III: 1990 - 1999
NEWSLETTER OLD RAINEIANS ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Old Raineians Association, c/o Raines Foundation School, Approach Road, London E2 9LY Bi 11 Ri chards
01-790 9235
01-981 1231 January 1990
Dear Old Raineiansl As this is the first Newsletter of the New Year and New Decade, the Committee would like to wish all of you happiness and success[ Following complaints that people don't know how to contact us, I have included the school address and phone number, and also that of Bill Richards who will gladly note down any news and comments from you. We think that the year 1989 was a successful one for the Association, as we increased the membership quite considerably, and the informal gatherings were well-attended, especially the December one at Arbour Square, when 150 'entered in to learn their duty' and stayed to enjoy themselves. It was grand to see a range of members from some pre-war gentlemen to some who only left school last July. Several made long journeys in order to be there, notably Duncan Edmondston from Aberdeen, Bob Brady from Bristol and Sue Lane (Chumbley) from Reading, who was very disappointed not to find any of her contemporaries present (1959 64). For those of you who missed this event, we are planning to make it an annual occasion, as obviously it is the building which is dear to all hearts; also included with this letter is a list of those (apart from the committee) who did come - so if your name isn't there this time, make sure it is in 1990 - and bring along your contemporaries tool
Followin,g the mention of the committee (and to warn you in advance of the AGM on May 12th at Approach Road), a brief 'meet the committee' now follows. Laurie Dalton 1968-1976, is President, a Chartered Engineer working for Reuters. Bill Richards 1961-1968, President-Elect, works for a food importer, still lives in Stepney and likes the occasional drink (and Essex County Cricket). Alan Johnson 1960-1968, lives in Orpington, married to Sandra Dorris, with four children, he is the Exploration Director for an oil company. Robert Connolly 1968-1975, married to Jackie Farmer - they spend their holidays tramping in the Lake District. Brian Chaperlin 1963-1970, many years ago spent time in a white coat as a Lab. Technician to Jim Russell, now he is a Chartered Surveyor working for Abbey National at Clapham Junction. Steven Brown 1965-1972, married to Susan Makin, with three children, lives in Bexleyheath and is Senior Dealer in the Bank of Nova Scotia. He is still trying to organise a Jubilee celebration for those, who like him, joined the school in the year of amalgamation (0322 525964). Tony Groves 1964-1972, is still a Raineian, being Senior Lab. Technician and also a member of the School Governors, unmarried he lives in Catford. Clive Baugh 1970-1977, Treasurer, lives in Swanley and is now a proud father of a daughter. H~ works for BP in Corporate Planning. Craig Rose 1975-1982, is a Fellow at Cambridge University. Norman Holland 1945-1951, has his own Tea Importing business in Ilford. Pit-Keathly 1946-1954, is Headmaster of a Primary School in Hertfordshire.
Reff Reffold retired member of staff, now commutes between Stepney and Thailand. Gwynneth Jackson, who writes this newsletter (and then has tremendous help with its production and distribution from Alan, Bill, Laurie and Clive) has finally retired from being Head of Music, a leader of many skiing and hostelling trips, and participant in geology field trips, and is hoping shortly to move to Yorkshire, where she hopes that 'outdoor-minded' Old Raineians will visit her (address will be available from Bi 11). Welcome now to those who have joined as life members recently: Nancy Jarvis 1936-1941, lives in West Sussex. Paul Thienel 1976-1982, a keen basketball fan and player, budding rally driver and is employed with Royal Mail Sales as an Account Manager.
Robert Brady 1961-1968, lives with his wife and two daughters near Bristol, and is a Chartered Civil & Structural Engineer. Stanley Davis 1949-1955, and his wife Rita Davis (van Boolen) 1945-1955 live in Mill Hill. Sharon Powell (Walsh) 1968-1974, lives in Chigwell. E. Jarvis 1945-1952, is an Assistant Customs & Excise Collector. The following people have joined as annual members, so we hope they will consider joining the ranks of 'Lifers' soon. Jo (Margaret) Wyton 1962-1966, who is married with two sons and lives in Orpington, teaching in Bromley. She would love to have news of Pat Milne, Linda Bellamy, Janet Boston and Christine Faulkner. Angela Rossi 1970-1977, sister of Mark, is an Optometrist. George Dalton 1960-1967, works as a Process Planning Engineer and lives in Kent. Loraine Dalton 1973-1978, is working in Trading Standards and involved in her final B.A. (Hons.) exams in Business Studies & Marketing. She worked in Germany for one year. Sadly, we must announce the death of Miss Alice Easton, a past President of the Association (1963-1964) and Secretary of the Association for about thirty years. She attended school in the 1920's and treasured her badges and school prizes, and would have rejoiced hearing of the venue of the December reunion. Mr. Reginald Bourne 1924-1931, died in Diss in October, where he had lived since 1947 when he became Headmaster of Eye Primary School -he was a headboy at Raines. The next batch of news was gleaned from those present at the Reunion. Grace Lee 1978-1985, is working in the Town Planning Dept. for Kensington Borough Council, her sister Ching 1975-1982, is a Solicitor with a City firm. Sylvia Barry 1966-1974, is a qualified psychiatric nurse but teaches English to foreigners. She and Marie O'Connell 1973-1975, are planning a round-the-world trip. Richard Grove 1976-1983, lives in Wanstead and has just taken his final Building Surveyor exams. The Clarke brothers who left in 1935 and 1938 and had not been inside the school since then, complained about B.R. train services from Stepney East to Rainham - last train 8.49 pm! Gloria McEvoy (Babat) remembered Miss Joy Turner (Head of English) with affection. The Port of London Authority rugby team seems to be formed mainly of Old Raineians -John Wyatt, Gary Bishop, John Featherstone, Douglas Marks among them.
Laurence Page 1981-1985, works as an Insurance Broker, and plays Bass Guitar in two bands, one of which also includes Jon 1978-1985, and Christopher Fitt 1981-1988). Lynn Barrett 1967-1973, is living in Saudi Arabia where her husband works. Steve McDuell and Paul Casali 1976-1983, share a flat. Computer Programmer, Paul is in a bank.
Steve is a
Mark Gerbaldi 1976-1981, is with an organisation training unemployed youngsters. Sam Morley 1928-1933, is currently writing another book, in which the school will feature. He gave us the news that Jack Kerr died about six years ago, and he sees Betty Canning (Lawson) and Frank Morris, all three were presidents of O.R.A. John Gamble has a daughter. Richard Till brook 1961-1968, brought some O.R.A. memorabilia and an article about the Raine 1 s Charity- during the past year he has visited Egypt, Israel, Greece, Turkey and France. He sees Steve Wilkinson who flies all over the world as he works in an Aviation Clai~s Insurance Department. Norman Masters 1952-1956, remembered being given burnt cakes by girls before the schools amalgamated. Bob Simmonds 1960-1967, and his wife Frances (Matt) 1961-1968, travelled from Cambridge. Lesley Jensen (Tear) 1962-1969, lives at Ham, her garden featured in a newspaper article last July, and also in a current T.V. dog foodadvert! Gary Trew 1979-1984, is currently the youngest publican in the U.K. Vie Hills will be working for Tower Hamlets when ILEA is disbanded. Angela Rossi 1970-1977, complained that she had not received any newsletters. Mark Bassett and David Murphy 1978-1985, are both working for computer firms in Accountants 1 departments. Andrew Bassett 1979-1984, is an L.T. signalman. Karen Hewlett and Debi Baker 1979-1984, have worked for Limehouse Studios; Debi is now temping. Many people expressed regret that staff and ex-staff were not present. It is surprising how ex-pupils and staff drop into school from time to time. Very recently, Mr. J.P. Owens who was Head La~. Technician before the last war, visited. Richard Slacker who left in 1954 and is now a Fire Chief in California, turned up in November. Michelle Katherine Brackett (Rose) who left in 1968 also called in.
We thought it would be a good idea to make ex-head boys and head girls of the schools honorary members of the Association, in order to maintain a link with each school year:Samantha Wright 1979-1986, is studying Biology at Imperial College and plans to become a biology teacher; Katie Nunn 1978-1985 is doing her final year of a Law degree and will study in Chester next year for her Solicitor's examination. Samantha Sawyer who left in July 1989 is spending this year travelling before going to university. Please would other head boys and head girls who read this newsletter send back some information of their whereabouts and doings. Duncan Edmondston has suggested the formation of a Northern Branch of the O.R.A. -so anyone living north of Derby (no, not Watford) who is interested, contact Bill Richards for further information. Dora Kaimakami 1981-1986, is working in a hotel in Cyprus after completing a Diploma in Business Studies and Tourism. Sue Lane (Chumbley) reminisced about smoking in the loos (!) and clambering over the railings, but left suspended by her mac belt- now a reformed character, she is studying Sociology at Reading as a mature student. Tony Britton 1975-1980, is at present working in Hong Kong after training as an aircraft maintenance engineer. Don Ward 1944-1952, and Ted Jarvis 1945-1952, meet regularly, but met Jim Keen 1944-1949, for the first time since schooldays on December 1st. They reminisced about Mr. Shutt's tall daughter, the excellent rugby team at that time, and were very sorry Mr. Wally Spooner was not there that evening. They also remembered a method of arranging a winter afternoon off schoo 1 by "b 1owing" the fuse box off the wa 1l . Linda Clark (Keily) 1963-1967, attended the reunion in the hope of meeting Barbara Powley (Lee) 1963-1969, which she did, and getting a mention in the Newsletter! Brian Chaperlin met George Pinckney 1960-1968, in Calgary (Canada) whilst on holiday. George had worked in New York for a time where he met Mark Dryor 1944-? who works as a Patent Attorney. George works with Mobil Oil and holds Viv Nicholas in high esteem. Robert Pinckney 1962-1967, manages local authority sports centres in Chester having been a Physical Training instructor in the army. John Masson is a traffic engineer living in Guildford and Doug Willment a purser with British Airways. Oavid Spencer is getting married in Padua in March. Miss E.R. Taylor, an ex-president of O.R.A. and school secretary, is now partially-sighted, living in Leigh where she participates in a Blind Needlework class, the Townswomen's Guild and Ratepayers' Association. She sent us a photo taken at the Abercorn Rooms in 1965 of Sir Hugh Lucas-Tooth and Mr. Stanney with her. Can anyone let her have the address of the Nursing Home in which Vera Mullen is?
Jo (Margaret) Wyton has met up with lan Thurston-Moon and Sandra Johnson (Dorris) more than twenty years after leaving Raine's. Jo is married with two sons, and taught for ILEA, including a deputy head post for 15 years. At a recent gathering at Ian Thurston-Moon's house, Old Raineians included Alan and Sandra Johnson, Michael Whiting, John Masson, Jo Wyton and Alex Young. Steve Brown has bumped into Colin Aldridge 1963-1970 recently. Diane Tinkler is expecting her second child. Alan liddiard Broughton and Alan was born were the only
1938-1945?, writing from Devon, remembers Biffer Bill Engledon as colourful characters on the rugby pitch. in Yorkshire and remembers that he and Berry Northerners at Raine's.
Stanley Davis had a great-uncle, Harry Zeital, who attended Raine's about 1900 when the school was still in Cannon St. Road; several cousins also attended between 1927 and 1940, Reginald Flashtig, Henry Rudolf, Isadore Rudolf and Renee Rudolf. Now two pleas from past pupils: Margaret Threadgold, wife of Stephen, asks if anyone knows the whereabouts of Samuel Brewer 1962-1969; and Hannah Elton (maiden name not known) ha~ come across a 19~5 girls' school photo and would love to contact anyone appearing on it. This looks like being a bumper issue, especially if the photographs sent to us are able to be reproduced, also an article by John Eve, published in a magazine which he edits for STC International Marine Ltd. Finally, a personal thank you from me to the Committee members and other old Raineians who contributed so generously to presents on my retirement in December - L was so pleased to see so many of you at the Party, and contracts for my Yorkshire house have been signed today - so please remember that Raineians will always be welcome up there- my years at school were very happy ones and full of memories.
Gwynneth Jackson
''rsarnet's jfapre"
And now a word from our sponsor! Shelley Godfrey (63-70) runs a hairdressing salon in Rainham, Essex. She would welcome any old Raineians as customers. (In fact, she'll welcome anybody! ) .
for flair
(04027) 52684/50604 43 Upminster Road South, Rainham, Esse.x.
If you live in the area, go and see her.
RM13 9YS
INFORMAL GATHERING Thursday March 22nd 7.0 pm onwards at THE BLIND BEGGAR
----------------, A.GJ~.
:v. ",
1930 - 1940
Ne 1son t•1d~ahon Bertie Lambert Sam ~1orl ey DJL Cl arke Frank Clarke
35-39 '33-38 '28-33 '32-38 '31-35 I
1940 - 1950
James Keen Fred Barnes Ted Jarvis Don Ward Malcolm Pit Keathly
'44-49 '44-53 '45-52 '44-52 '46-54
1950 - 1960
Sue Lane (Chumbley) Joyce Curtis P. t·1c Evoy G.S. ~1cEvoy t•1e l vyn Mott S. Art er T.A. Cornell Ken Fennell D. Edmondston M. Robinson Norman t·1asters ~1orris ~1anning
'59-64 '52-58 '57-62 '55-5g '52-58 '53-59 50-57 50-55 '58-65 '51-56 '52-56 '51-57 I I
1960 - 1970
B. Gittos John Roberts Tony Groves Jim Adshead Shelley Worrow (Godfrey) Hilary Gates Barry Wal sh John McCormark E. Murphy M. Be 11 is G. Lewzey Frances Simmonds (Mott) Bob Simmonds Jane Thrale Sharon Powell Barbara Page
'69-75 1
64-72 '69-76 '63-70 '63-70 '60-67 '60-67 '60-66 '66-73 66-73 '61-68 '60-67 '67-74 '67-74 '67-74 I
.. .
'f.\.~~ ,.~,"-~~···.
1960 - ''1970 (cont.)
Steve Richardson Adri an Gil es Jim Richardson Gary Preston Sue Smith (Holden) Sylvia Barry Jack Lowe Mark Rossi Carol Cafferty J. De'Att J anet Baxter Barbara Powley Sharron Bailey Glennys Hughes Jenkins Tom Nunn Richard Tillbrook John Masson Robert Brady Viv Durne ~~art in Du rn e Peter Thake Linda Clark (Keily) Tony ~1o 1e Ji 11 ian Russell Phi 1 Putti ck Peter Bull Steve Solly S. Hewitt Gary Bishop Lesley Jensen (Tear) Grace Harvey (Wells) Davie Drake Vie Hills Sandra Johnson (Dorris)
'63-70 '69-74 69-75 1 69-76 '62-68 66-74 66-73 63-75 '63-68 68-75 62-67 63-69 63-69 60-68 63-68 61-68 60-67 61-68 63-70 63-70 1 69-75 64-69 68-75 65-71 61-68 60-67 63-71 61-69 69-76 62-69 62-67 60-68 66-73 62-68 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1970 - 1980
Angela Belcher (Baker) ~~artin Lake Steve Me Due 11 · Paul Casa l i Paul Thienel Paul Smith Helena Edwards (Danes) Debbie King (Castle) Sally Murphy (Castle) Gary Trew L. Page David Murphy J. Wyatt R. Grove Candy Sevren t'1ari e 0' Con ne 11 0.
Jo Fitt Rob Howard Perkins Angela Rossi
70-76 76-82 76-83 76-83 76-82 76-84 71-76 70-77 75-80 79-84 78-85 78-85 72-78 1 76-83 1 70-77 73-75 71-78 1 78-85 78-85 70-77 1
1 1 1 I
1 1
1 1
1 1
1970 - 1980 (cont.)
Loraine Dalton Terence ~1ahony Denise Perry (Cox) Debbie Goode & sisters Kim Driscoll Karen Petersen Karen Hewlett Debi Baker Mark Gerbaldi John Corbett Christine Carr ? A. Bassett Michael Rush Genieve Sullivan (Ali) Maria Mole (Daniels) Craig Rose Ching Fun Lee Helen Kostis ~1. Bassett David ~~ard
'73-78 77-83 72-79 '70s '71-76 '71-76 '79-84 '79-84 '76-81 '76-82 71-76 '79-84 77-79 70-77 70-77 '75-82 75-82 72-79 '77-83 '71-78 I
1980 - 1990
Sam Sawyer Abigail Wiggins David Bethel Chris Fitt John Featherstone Giles Bates Micola Killick Richard Mahony t路1i chael Herring Russell Harvey John Wi l1 i ams Samantha Wright Nico Kaimakami
82-89 '82-89 '82-89 '81-88 '82-89 '82-89 '81-87 '80-85 '80-86 80-86 81-83 '80-86 '80-84 I
ENGLAND FiNALS At Bradford This \Veei{.. Ettd For the sc·cond time, three young E.a,st Londoners School have been selected to represent East London in tbc All-·En.gland Schools' Athletic Assooia tion Iinal:S which arc being held in Bradford today (Friday) and tomorrow. a.'ttcndin~;-ltaincs
Sturdy 5ft. llin. Mark Ro.seh-~ Eton Man.or and wm represent ;bloom frorn Mile End Road, is London i.111 the Hurdles. He won the:t·e jumping wi•th the best of the Essex Boro.ugh Sports event England's schoo~boys, together last Saturday, and although he. with his school ma.tes, IG-ycar- has on.iy been runn.ing a fe\v .o1d. w. "Biltl' Glibberly., from ye.a.rs., has made· ra.pi'd strides Canal Road, Mile End, and Ted in, his own par.ticular sphere. Jarvis, from Rom.forcl. He crurne third in the a:ll-London 1 Glibberly and Ja.rvis n~lp.re- competition this yea.r and also sented London in the England won the No.rth London ev,ent. A.A. last year, and Rosen!bloom This is his last year at Rainc's. the, vcar before. 1\iAitK· ROSENBLOOl\1 I met Mark Roscnbloom at the Brady Boys' Club a few days· before he joined . t.hc special train fa:om King.s Cross which
took the team to Brad-
He strikes one . :ford. 1a..<.> being the il!thlctic
I ty;pe
with . his . sho~L crop of fau· ha1r, hJs 11 stone 7 pounds resting on the corner of a !table an.d l1is quiet, modest manner. ".My highest jump was 5ft. 4in. this year 1 when I came third in the North London Grammar School Association," he said. , In. between that. he ! has been in ttte Stenl ncy Borough Spm£s, taking part in t,hc High JumuJ and also winning the 100 a.nd 220 yards. He came 5<tl1· in the North v South Schools A.A. aver 16 event, and has also repres:ent.e-d his club in other sporting events. Mar.k ,passed his Schools Cer1 ti.ficate at Haine.s, and has also ta.ken his Hig~1~r 'School;S Cer1 t.i,ficn.-tc. He w1h 1bc staymg on ancrUllc.r ycn.r. Bill G.Hbbcxly is a .rncmbc..r of
Down in Romford, young· Tec1 Jarvis, ar:other memib{;r of Raines, has heen hit tin.g the high spot.<>. He won ithe North v South 440 ya.rds in the very good time of 5~3.7 seconds, and also cUJmc thiTCl in the Nortll London 440 yards. The fo1lO\V"' ing Saturday, he Bntcted for the London triais and c:Jmc second in Lhc lOO yards.-M.R.
From STC International Marine pensioners' magazine
. ' 11111111 I11111 llllllllll llllllllllllllllllll 1111111 IIll II1111 I1111111111111 Ill IIlllllllllli lllllllllll llllll Illllllll lllllllllllllll llllllllll IJIIJ 11 IIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll
JohnEve Column Things are not getting any better, are they? I'm sorry to go on about all the dire things that can happen to us just by eating and breathing, but it has now reached the stage when I am seriously considering applying for a place on the next space shuttle- even if it does mean Mars. According to all the best authorities, they don't have germs and bad food up there. And there's no atmosphere so that you can breathe quite happily with never a care about Legionnaires disease. Of course you will drop dead wi;th frostbite and thirst, but at least you will know what has caused your problem. 1 mean to say who wants to stay around here and watch all the weird things tli'ey tell us are screwing up.our peacc;.,of mind? c;-<>r'tswitch DJJ}heteleyision any day nowJ. . without suffering a severe spasm about the latest horror which is giving us a right old bashing.
Would you belie:ve? Only last evening'jt:was, when we switched on to find out that nowadays BUILDINGS can make'you sick. Would you believe? There was this team- you could see 'em- made up of professors and suchlike mooching around some office block, unearthing all sorts of unspeakable things which regularly, it seems, send people reeling home feeling like death warmed up- and not very warm at that. Well, when it comes to buildings upsetting you- I told her quite plainly,"To think that I gave the best five years of my life swanning around in the Air Force in order to repel the likes of Adolf Hitler, only to find that the real enemy was Connaught House" You could tell she was upset too, because she spilt her Gin and bitter lemon trying to stop laughing! I don't know whether you have found the same thing but there is a definite lack of dramatic interest when watching a bunch of earnest, but frankly rather dull, types poking about in offices, so I picked up our daily respectable newspaper for a good read and immediately went quite weak at the knees. On the front page it was "Dangers of Irradiation" the headline screamed (stuff like that knocks spots off "Pammella Bordes tells all" which I understand you find in other newspapers).
Worse than expected I hadn't a clue what Irradiation was, but I knew in my bones that, headline apart, it spelt trouble. How right I was. It was even worse than I expected, if that were possible. It seems that all our fruit and vegetables are to become what the writer so
graphically describes as 'genetic time b-Ombs', something one wouldn't want said about ones worst enemy, especially if he can't answer back! As far as I could understand - which wasn't very far- the fruit and vegetables are to be bombarded (or some such military term) with gamma rays, and this is supp9sed to prolong the ry:eshness. o.ftl:le produce:â&#x20AC;˘ .' . ;, c. .¡ . . .This seem5'to:work, with Strawtierriesa!):d suchlike refusing to go mushy, which is a great comfort, especially if you like Strawberries which taste like unripe Yams and you have an in!milt resistance to a whole raft of infirmities liable to be sparked off bv the treatment. Wouldn't you know- just when we got used to washing apples to get rid of the traces of poisonous pesticides, we are suddenly faced with these gamma rays (quite harmless say the Ministry) which- wash though we will- will be in there, lurking like potential muggers, chuckling at our puny efforts to evict them.
No Laughlines And now to crown it all, the Aussies have arrived over here with a fast bowler about eight feet tall, looking like a pale mean Joel Gamer without the laugh lines, who seems likely to send our chaps into a proper tizzy, waving nervously in the air on the offside, and leaping like stags at bay as he sprays cannon balls around their feet. At a pinch, I could bear Buildings making me sick, and fruit and veg sending us into a decline, but I just cannot take another season of English batsmen creeping back into the Pavilion like wounded puppies, and large vocal Australians gyrating around the pitch slapping each other hysterically on their backs. No- the next space shot is for me. I know they've never taken a pensioner up yet, but there is a first time for everything. If the Americans won't have me- you know how they are about everybody should be young- I'll try the Russians - they love old people. Well, until recently most of their old people were running their Government, but perhaps I shouldn't mention this to Gorbachev when I write to him.
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SUMMER 1990 Sandr.a J ohnson, 9 Goddi ngton Lane, Orpington, Kent BR6 9DR ( 0689 26854)
Old Rainei·ans AssoGiation,
c/o Raines Foundat io n School , Approach Road, London E2 9LY
Shandy Street, London E1 4LX
Gwynett Jack son, Gl evum, Kirkby Mal zear d , Ripon HG4 3RS
(071 - 790 9235)
(0765 838825)
Bi 11 Richa rds,
26th June 1990
Old Raineians,.
The· 'time h as come for another edition of the news l etter·· - r am sure thi s ca nnot reach the length of the last one, as the A.G.M. \-,ras poorly attended, so not much news was gleaned, and the amount of correspondence has not been so great - that is the re ason t hat there are. four addresses at the top of the page, as news i s welcome at any, . and wi .ll be included in the Autumn edition. We . real'ised aft er . the fixtu re of the A. G. M. that it clas hed wit h Cup . · ,. Final Day, but:. with so many Bank Holidays now occu rr-ing i n May, there .·· was· n·ot'~i ng we ·coul d do to a11;er it - also probabl y most of you had ··:·f o r<Jot·ten the da'te anyway. ai though it ws announced in the Febr:uary · newslette r ! Tnose who di d · t u rn up enjoyed a ple asant eveni.ng with ligh t r~f r eshments , Tom Bil li ngton, Colin Ni ce a nd Wal ly Spooner , all ex-staff , bei ng · particularly welcan~. Following t he election of officers, the present committee is as follo ws::..
-~ .
President President Elect &. Ne~-1sl etter Secretary Treasurer Membership Secreta ry Secretary Corrmittee
Bi 11 Richards Gwy nett Jacks on Clive Baugh Steve Brown Sue Smith Edna Howard; Lauri e Oalton, Reff Reffold, Tony Groves, Craig Ro se, Robert Connolly, Norman Hol land, Mal col m PitKeat hly , Bri an Chaperl in , Al an Johnson The Headmaster, Head Boy and Head Girl
If any more recent leavers would like to volunteer to serve on the Committee, they would be very welcome - please contact Bill Richards. You wi11 be pl eased to know that the Associ ation's financial situation is quite healthy, and that its total assets are now in a Barcl ays Prime Account . The cost of annual member ship (11) will be i ncreased t o ÂŁ2.50 and it is l ikel y t hat t he Life Membership fee may be rai sed af t er t he 1991 A.G .M.
During t he yea r , teams of Old Rainei ani have participated in Qui z nights organi sed by the Pa rents' Associ ati on, usually be ing runners-up , but in April t hey won and Bill Richards also \~on 2nd prize in the Raffle, so it wa s definitely success to the O.R.A.! -the vi ctorious team contained t he Headmaster, Edria Howard, her husband and her daughter, Bri an Chaperlin, Ching Fun Lee , Steve Brown, Alan Johnson and Bi 11 Richa rds.
Those of you who were basketbal l pl ayers or suppo rters will be pl eased to know that t he school conti nues to produce England pl ayers , but sadl y the Under- 16 s i de lost in t he f inal of the National Basketball Fi nal at t he time of o,o1riti ng , th e f ate of the Unde r- 13 t eam in t hei r Nat i ona 1 Final was not known. Sadly, \'le must report the death at the end of March of Mr. 'B1ffer' Broughton followed ten days 1at er by hi s wife. As Biffer .r et 1r ed in 1970, many pupil s have wondered at the origins of the Broughton Cup and the Dorothy Broughton Trophy - no~1 they have more idea. Wally Spooner has written a t ribute which wil l appear at the end of the Newsl etter . We have also belatedl y received news of the death in September 1988 of Marion Powel l (Thomas) who sta r t ed sc hool at Raines in 1939 when th e school was evacuated to Hurstp i er po int. A f riend of he rs wrote t o tel 1 us , also that she wa s proud to have been at Rai nes and that she looked forward to the newsletters, remindin g her of happy schoo1day memories .
Welcome to some more life members! Two ex-members of staff., and keen skiers, Tom Billington. Head of Math s at a school in Reading where he lives with his wi fe and two sons. and Col in Nice. Head of Maths and Computing at a school in 6ravesend - he has a son and a daughter and wil l be going on his school' s ski trip in 1991 ; hi s first slide down the sli ppery slopes si nce 1980! Alex You ng (1960-68) lives in Swanley, and is Branch in Bromley .
t~anage r
at C & A
Tom Co rn ell (1 950- 57) , a keen r ugby pl ayer , having pl ayed in t he RAF and for the P . L ~ A . (I thi nk O. R.s 'keep that t eam going!) and he i s now a referee - when not at work in a City Shippi ng Company. Peter Bull (1960 -68) is married with two children, is a 1 ift engineer and lives in Surrey . Jane Thrale (Roberts) (1968-74) now lives in Bishop Stortford and works part -time for John Lewis as a Secretari al Equ ipment Adviser - she has a 3-year old son.
Marti n Lak·e (1976-82) .is a
r~anager '
s Assistant i n Nat West and manages .
a weekly game of footba l l - he l ives in Bas ildon . John Barry (1962-69) was an excellent all-round sportsman while at sc hool (brother of Sylvia??).
Debra Reid (Harvey ) (1974-81) is married to an East London pol iceman, living in South Norwood, and she is the first and only female member teachi ng at Spurgeon' s Coll ege for Baptist Ministers - she i s also worki ng for her Ph . D. Her sister Alison 1s marri ed with three sons and l i ves at New Mal den - she manages t o fi t i n some part - time nursi ng and makes wedding ca kes!
Ea rly thi s year Mrs . E. Galbraith, l iving in Edinburgh , got in touch with school -wh at is so remarkab le is that she was born in 1895 and attended Raines wh en it -was in Cannon Street and then moved to Arbour Square! She taught in Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire, becomi ng a Headmistress, and in Scotland from 1945 until s he was 75! She kept in contact with the school unt il 1939 - she mu st su rely be our 'ol dest' 01 d Ra i ne i an ! · The Burtt brothers . Wayne (1§56- ) and An drew (1960's) both gai ned degrees f rom Sussex Un iversity; Andrew l i ves in Winchester working as a Cha rtered Electronics Engi neer, hav i ng spent 4 years in t he Mi ddle East; Wayne is at present teaching Science and Games in Melbo urne, Australia, his previou s posts having been in Lewes, Kenya, Papua New Gui nea ·and the City of London School, where he received the Freedom of the City at a ceremony in the Guildhall- he is taking a further degree in Melbourne. David Spencer (1975-82) recently married an Italian geologist in Padua, near Venice, and they spent their honeymoon in -Egypt. Gwynett Jackson and Chi ng Fun Lee flew over to enjoy t he ce lebrations . Oavid is st_i l l studyi.ng f or his . Ph . D. at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technol ogy , researchi ng in to rock def ormation in th e Hi gher Hima1ayan roc ks of Pakistan , 1-1hich he i s visiting for t he third t ime this sunmer • . Another O.R. to be con gratulated on her marriage is Gillian Lampey (Groves), now living on the Isle of Dogs. Mrs. Christine Rankin (former Deputy Head ) went to live in Spain after retiring. but she is ret urning to England in August , to live in Sussex.
Mrs . ·Anne Johnson was in Prague du r ing t he Revolution and again during the Pope ' s visi t.
Hannah Colton (Goldstein) (1951-56) would love to have news of, and if possible get in touch with , any of- the follo wi ng: Mar ion Cl arke, Ch r istine Stu rner, Maureen Dur re l l, Arin Col l ier, Barbara Martin, Dia ne Phi lli ps- can anyone help _please? Cameron Macphee, Head Boy during the 250th ann iversary celebrations, wrote from .Australi a, af ter a business trip t o London when he met up with Tony Szulc and Stuart Howson - he hadn't seen the latt er for 17 years! Cameron graduated from Loughborough in Aeronautical Engineering and De sign and then worked for Hawker Siddeley and United Africa Company, the latter job taking him worldwide , and he deci ded to settle in Aust ralia in 1982 and he is now Queens1 and Manager of East-West Ai rli nes . He married in 1974 and has three children - he wonders about the possibi li ty of starting up an Australian branch of t he O.R.A . - we wi ll pass on his address to any of you 'Down Un der ' l Another O.R. who travel s widely is Douglas Wi11ment, who is a purs er aboard Boeing 747s. Mr s . Zippy Auerbach now teaches at Watford Gramma r School - her twins are now aged 5! Richard Pryce who taught German some years ago is to be co ngratulated on his appointment as Headmaster of a Grammar School in Lin col nshire. Susan Nelson (Crook) is Vice-President of a company in Las Vegas; she visit ed Engla nd in May . A grou p of O. R. 's who l ef t last summer are i n Australia before going t o University - Samantha Sawyer , Sam Bentley, Oavid Bethel and Oavy Jones . Abig ai l Wi gg1ns is a school lab . ass1stant but hopes to train as a Pri mary School teacher. Frances Thompson is very happy at college in Lancaster, and Charmaine Kerridge is working hard at the London Col lege of Mu sic . Elaine Hi ggins will be starting at a Music College in September. Diane Tinkler is expecting her second child; her brother, Mark, works for Uni lever i n the laboratories and is an active路 spor t sman. Tina Bridge ( Pam) now 1ives on the coast with her t wo children. George Lewzey and David E11is are both licen sed cab drivers, as are Paul Welch and Steve Perkins. Stephen Greenleaf hopes to join the rank s and i s 'doing the knowledge'. Jimmy Adshead manages to do some part-t ime 'cabbying' as well as being a fireman . Marti n Bellis runs a scaffolding business at Wimbledon; Terry Everto n wo rks in the Ci ty and Gary Wilson has a fruit and vegetable business . 1 am t horou ghly enj oying l i vi ng in t he co untry after my yea rs of . commuting from Su rr ey t o Raines- rush hour here sees six ca r s, a milk lorry and a tractor hu rtle down the village street ! The generous cheque given to me by the O. R.A. on my ret irement has been spent on walking boots and a Goretex anorak . I am doin g some voluntary wardening at Fountai ns Abbey, and going out on educational walks with school groups in th e National Park - often in the Malham area . I hav e been delighted that people have responded to my 'Do come and see me' i n the t hree mont hs since I moved, I have seen ~lr s . Pearl Pipe (who teache s Geography). Ed Groom who helped l ay carpet s and st ack logs,
Iris Lyddon~ seeking respite from'gdles and snow in the Lake District, Madge (Lewis) and John Darch and their 3 lively sons, David and Cinzia Spencer while they were in England for a geology conference; Ching Fun lee, Mike Hazell and his wife who enjoyed a sunny Bank Holiday weekend, Clive Baugh and his wife and baby daughter who stayed overnight on their journey home from Scotland. They went ski-ing when their daughter was 2 months old. Who•s next1- ex-skiers, hostellers, field trippers, singers - all are welcome.
Bi 11 Richards thought a 1i st of staff in 1965 might awaken a few memories -only two are still at Raines, Gerry Calvert and Humph. Long, and several are now dead. If anyone has any printable memories or stories about anyone on the list (Enclosure A), please write. Also any present news. After the success of last December•s •get-together• at Arbour Square~ we are hoping to organise another in early December, provisionally Friday 7th December subject to the availability of the Arbour Square building. (Please put the date 1n your diaries and turn up in your hundreds again! The date will be confirmed later in the year. Also, there will be a 'Summer Meet• at the Blind Beggar' on Thursday 26th July. Do try and turn up!). 1
I hope you all enjoy the summer - keep us informed of your doings, and if anyone has bright ideas for events, let us know!
Gwynett Jackson
I! . I
. '
'· I
r '
Chairman Sir H UGH MUNRo-LuCAS-ToOTH Bart, M.P.
Vice-Chairman Esq., O.B.E., J.P.
Mrs. E. B. BOLTON Cllr. J. F. CALNAN, }.P. A.: HUGH CHAPLIN, Esq.
Mrs. A. JOLLY D. C. }ONES, Esq., D.Sc., Ph.D. J. F. KIRKALDY, Esq., D.Sc. M. J. DURELL, Esq. S. A. IvlATTHEWS, Esq. T B. GARMAN, Esq. Miss H. McNEIL Mrs. E. M. GRIMES, B.A. Rev. A. M. SOLOMON i"' F. HIRTES, Esq. The Rt. Rev. THE LoRD BISHOP OF STE.PNEY Clerk to the Governors Jmrn WrLLIAMS, Esq.
STAFF 1965 Mr. B. P.
Head Master M.A. (Cantab), M.Ed. (Dunelm)
Deputy Head Miss M. C. BROCK, A. T .D. (London)
Senior Mr. H. R. K.
~ u.._~ ~ ~~~ • 1,-u) ~ i.v.. ~· (oo ~~ ~£
B.A. (Hens) (Wales)
Schoor Chaplain Reverend_. P, C. CLYNlCK
t t
•'· ~.
Miss K. B&u.:n, B.A. (Liverpool), B.A. (London) (Classics) Miss J. A. BLAKE, N.D.D. (Art) . · Miss M. F. BRAnCH, L.R.A.M~ (Music) ~ ~ Wss P. G asMAN, National Training College of Domestic Subjects (Housecrafc) M r. A. T . . HARDJNG, B.Sc. (London) (Mathematics) " Mr. H. LoNG, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Physical Education, Bqys) Wss B. B. MUNN, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Physical Education, Girls) Mr. A. T. Ne:mr, B.Sc. (London), A.C.T., A.R.I.C. (Chemistry) , Miss G. M. RINGER, Cert. of Nar. Hist. (London) (Biology) ~ Mr. J. M. Room, B.Sc. (London), B.Sc. (Exon) ( Sci1111ce) Mr. P. A. RussELL, B.A. (Cantab) (Modem Languages) Mr. J. D. SH IVAS, M.A. (Oxon et Dunelm) (English) Mr. R. F. J. SIMMONS, B.A. (London) (German) f M r. B. SPENCER, City and Guilds of London (Hand.icrafc and Teclrnical Drawing) • Mr. W . M. S!'OONER, M..A. (London), B.Sc. (London), F.R.G.S. (Geography aJ1d Geology) ~ Miss F. V . STANTI\N, B.D. (London) (Religious Knowledge)~ M rs. L. A. WUNGMT.EN, B.A. (London) (History) _ ! 1' . . ~ School Bursar - Mrs. L. M. GREASE¥ · ~ Head Masrer's Secretary - Mrs. D. C. WELLS
ASS I STANT S Mr. M. ALLISON, B.A. (London) (History)
Mr. G. L.
F.R.C.O., G.R.S.M. (London), A.R.C.M.-, L.T.C.L. (Music)
J. C. B ARRELL , B.A. (Cantab) (English) Miss E. A. BERNAYS, B.Sc. (Queensland) (Science) ,j ,. I)_ ~ ' I _0. • Miss R. BERRILL, B.A. (Bristol) (History) ~ ~"""""" v- I~ Miss V. E. BRADLEY, Dip. Phys. Ed. (Physical Education, Girls) Mrs. H. BROODBANX, B.A. (Oxoo) (MoClern Languages) · _, fh · Mr. G. CALVllRT (Mathematics) ~ Miss J. Ci.MPBELL (Art) Mr. A.· CoNCHIE, B.Sc. (London) (Science) Miss L. E. DANIEL, B.Sc. (Wales) (Science) Miss P. DAVEY, B.A. (London) (English) Mr. B. DOWLING, B.A. (Wales) (Modem Languages) ·A. Mr. B. C. DowuNG, M.A. (New Zealand) (English)
• ' R~ s_.
~~ •
Mr. T. G. EMEs (Handicraft and Technical Drawing) Mrs. I. D. FRENCH, City and Guilds (N1edlewrrtk) R. W. HYDE, N.D.D. ( Art) .Miss V. G. }ACKSON, L.R.A.M. (Mus-iG) Mrs. J. G. MACARTNEY (Mathematics) . Miss J. S . MARMoY, B.A. (Loo.don) (Modern Languages) Mr. R. R. McCLom, B.Sc. (London) (Ma~hmratics) Miss V. J. McDONALD, B.A. (London) (Modern Languages) Miss E. T. McN!ILL, B.A. (Belfast) (Commerce) MusGROVE (Physical Education) • ~•• ~. B.Sc. (Wales) (Gecgrap~y ana Geology) b~~ ~ ":"" f'l ~ Mrs. R. QUICK, B.A. (London) (Gecgraphy) ~ l ~ u....
Mr. M . C.
Mr. J_ I. RAE, B.A. (Sydney)· (English) · ~ • ') .M..iss M. V. RAINES, B.Sc. (Alberta) (Science) ~ Mi,'ss A. ROBSON, B.A. (London) (English) J. RosENBLOOM, B.Sc. (London) (Mathematics) Mr. D. WALTON, Ii.Sc. (London) (Mathematics) Mr. A. H. WILLIA.MS, B.A. (Bristol) (Modern Languages) .
Mr. A.
Horwrary Divinity Staff
Reverend S. C.<lliliSSAR, Dip. A. (J.C.) Reverend D. B. H ILL, B.D., L.Th. Mr. G. J. M:.ELNICK Reverend B. C. NASH, S. T .L. Pianoforte
Mr. J.
Mrs. Y. 4
4 ,. 6 ~ •
cane along• in your hordes like you did last year and make it as enjoyable an occasion as that was!
Sal1dm Johnson, 9 Goddington Lane,
:Kent, BR6 9DR.
Old Raineians' 1\Ssociation, cfo Raines Foundation SChool, Approach :Road, London, E2 9LY.
0689 26854
Bill Ricbams, 26 Shandy Street,
I.ondon, El 4LX.
Glevum, Kirkby Mal.zeal:d, Ripon, HG4 3RS.
011 790 9235
Dear Old Raineians,
october, 1990.
Once again four addresses appear at the top of this newsletter, in the hope that people might contact us sanehow with their news, or even remind us of their erlstence. MUch of the news in this letter was gleaned at the July 'qet-toqether' at the 'Blind Beggar' by Sandra, to whan I am very grateful, as I was unable to visit the Metropolis twice ·within a week. The previous week I attended a · baJ:becue held at. the Approach Road building on the occas 1ol\ of Ann !.OWe's retiu.me"\;; Ann had been Head of Girls P.E. since 1965, and many girls will remauber with gratitude her help, enoouragenent and untir.inq effots to inpmve their standards therefore bringi.nq Raines frequent success in championShips locally and nationally. She was also an active and oc:mnitted member of of the R.s. department and had :been a Head of Year for several years, caring. for children and their problems with endless patience and kindness. sadly she suffered poor health for sane time and had been mable to teach for over a year :before she was finally granted early retirement. She has now m::wed back to Hadleigh and is enjoy.inq the freedan fran responsibility and the division of days by bells! We wish here i.nproved health and continued happiness in her new way of life.
Yet another 'lonq-tem.' member of staff is joi.ni.nq the ranks of the leisured society at the end of term- Gerry calvert, who has been Head of Maths for many years - more of that in the next newsletter. Do please write if you have any anecdotes (all right Gerry, we'll censor them first!) • So the remaininq 'Old Guard' at school are BUmph Ionq, Barbara Thanpson (who was at st.Jude's before the amalgamation), Ken Cl:U!rp, Angela Naylor, Li.nda Li..nnett and Bob Hlldson. · In July the aaughter of Frank IAlton sent us his o.R. Presidents jewel together with photos and other lll£m)rabilia- he taught at Raines for over 30 years and ·valued the school very highly, ta.1.ki.nq of it with pride l.Dltil his death 14 years
Miss Emily Parsons (1919- 1927) and later a member of staff and for many years a very active J.Del1lber of the ORA is now in a nursing bane in Buckhurst Hill after sufferi.nq a stroke 2 years aqo. Her sisters Mabel., Ethel and Connie also attended Rai.nes.
-2Followinq the publication of the 1965 staff list, Wally Spooner sent this interesting batch of news. FJ:aD. Wally Bpooner - BaDe News Items Possibly of Interest
Heari.ng that Miss Manqold (Head of Raines Girls School just before the two schools amalgamated in 1962), had been a 911est at GWyneths's in her new bane, was coinci4ental with another news itan. John L. Goode, Head of the Boys school c1uring the same period (1956-61?) died in Jwle. He bad left Raines to 1)eocme Head of woking GraJrma.r and then first Prillclpa.l of the wold..ng sixth Fom COllege. Ill health had caused his early retirement, but he stayed in the WOkin;J area instead of returning north to continue his lite-lonq allegiance to SWlderland! lllCidental.ly the mysterious 'L' stood for Li.nsoott, a :raniruSer of the secrecy surJ:OUnc.'ling the 'L' in dear .Alec Aldridge's A.L.A.' -no WQnder it stoo4 for tancel.ot!
No clount there will already be a note on Ann Lowes' retirement. 1\gain sad1y because of ill health, but not before she bad given Raines 24 years of the JI¥:)St 'WlSelfish service. Many girls who would not haVe got out of lOndon du.ri.ng the lonq holidays have cause for gratitude to Ann for ·their introduction to the ·Cmnps she helped to run. GWyneth, Reff and Wally were at the farewell Barhacue held at the school at -the end of tem.. NoW only Humph Imlq and Gerry calvert remain of the Staff who.started the Raines oo-ed school. in 1964. ·And so to the 1965 staff list. pzoduced by Bill Richards. m addition to those either retired, <JO!le elsewhere or even 'called up yonder', the following infoxmation might. be of interest. Both the Chai.nnan and Vioe Chai.nnan of Covemors died sane years ago. of interest to the O.R.A~ was the presence of three Old Raineians on the governing body, Frank Jlertes, stan .Matthews and Mrs. Grirnes (an old girl who then was also on the staff). All three died but it is intersting to note that the O.R.A. has no reprsentaion on the present Governing body, though under the new arranqanent there are two members of staff on it. Of the others named, Pl:ofessor Ki.rkaldy died reoentl.y - he was a great friend of Raines being delighted as Professor of Geology at Queen .Hary COllege, when we began to t.urn out geologists. The Lord Bishop of Stepney at that time was 1'\01\~ other than tlie famous Arcbbishop Trevor Huddleston, now leader of the World Anti-Apartheid
movement. '.rhe Head, Mr. stanney retired in 1979 after 15 years at the School and now
lives at Honiton, Devon. Terrry Ha.rdi.ng left to beoane a Maths lecturer at a teachers' training college in Plymouth and has not been heard of since, though he must be retired by now. Roden, having achieved fame as a fotmder of the Roohford HUndred Rugby C1ub at one time it almost rivalled the P.L.A. as the suh9titute for the defunct -.Old Raineians R.F.C. -became Deputy Head of Basildon Ccmprehensive fran whieh he retired la.St ·year. .llan Russell also became a Deputy Bead of a school in Glossop, while Barry Spencer Emigrated to AUstralia. Mrs Wells, the secretary also went to .Australia, but goi.Dg bane when her h11s~d, a Vice-Admiral, retired fran the Navy.
··.. :·~ ... ·s.
,·,:.,.:, . •.. . :··~~ ·. ·... ~ . .:
-3Viv Nicbol~ and his wife, Rosali.nd, (Miss Berrill to saue!, frequently cane up to O.R.A. do's; Viv Bradley and Pall Davey both joined the staff of eoopers-coburn · when the canbined sobool. went fran BoW to Homchurch. Basil DoW1inq keeps in · tcuch, enjoyinq his conqenial work in a Rye bookshop, and even DDre so his status as one of the New zealand's outst:andi.D.J modern poets. TreVor El:nes moved to a school in Broadstairs, his father stanley also :moving to the East Kent coastal town when he retired, Doug Wal ton is, :of course, another of those Old Rainei.ans who returned to join the Staff - you can't keep them out of the we1l-101Ted portals! Gerry Ba.rnes is the otganist at the Bloansbury Central Baptist ChUrCh. It is stranqe that, with Tamiy 'l'llarpSOn as organist at the Wesley Chapel, our c. of E.
· foundation provideS the music at two of IDndon's most faroous NOn-conf'omist · churches! - the latter ·uso retired last DeCember. I ha.c1 a very interesting telephone conversation with MrS :Dnily Gal.braith fran sadly losinq her vision, :rut WhO .aqed 95 visited the sChOOl dUring the S'llUitler teen and was taken to see the Arbour square bUilCl:i.*.J. She attended school l.90J - 1914, at %irst 'i n cannon street Road fraa Where dlrlnq the bUilding of the ArboUr square premises, the bea<ttd strass, Miss Grler used to take a group of qiris c1aily to watch the 1JUi.ldinq progress. She remembered tlte first Air Raid, when the prefects lined tbe stairs and all girls moved silently aown into the ~ and afterwards she had to walk to Fenchurch Street station for a train bane to Hornchurch avoiding banb debries. After leavilq school she attended mixed dances (organised by o.R.s ?) • In 1939 she visited tha school, meetin:.1 Miss Hau;h, who became headmistriss, Miss White, Miss Devonshire, Miss Hood and Miss Baker. When the school moved to Arbour Square, the toilets were in the yard, and the%'e was . only oold water in the washroan. Despit her visual . MndiC8p she intends renain:i.ng in her own hane and bad plDnS to visit Bedford, Weymouth Barn.es this Autumn!
J.J. cla.rk wrote fn:m Riddenn;nster, wonderinq if any of the staff of bis day (1938 - 1941) are still going strong. He mentioned those who were called \1? imnediately, "Piffle" Wilson (French), Mr Dolby (Mechanics), Hr Engledow and Hr Williams (Maths) He continued by mentioning "Slogger'~ LUton (l?hysics) 1 ''Nssy'' Brownin:.J (~stry) "You nrust be decent••, DOe Wilson (Ctlemistry) , Nobby Clark (Music), Mr Hayward (GeograPhy - up in the roof), Mr Bence (History) ".Butch 11 Gee (Gennan), Mr Davis (Maths) 1 Mr Andrews (~cs - '"l'hats the 'Way round11 0, Mr Home (the Hornithologist), Jim Chivas & Biffer Bl:OUghton. Bchoolmate contemporaries he recalled are Ron Whitney, Tony Coanbs, Pete vail, Ken Willi.mns, Paul Diamond, Plaskow, Rurrant and Edel.mann.
Alan Lidd:i.ard was sorry to hear of Differ's death, ~ contributed more remi nj scenes of him. He was Alan's fOl:Tll-master in stepney and also during EWaCUation to Brighton. The boys were proud of his p:rowess as an amateur :boxer, and in th~ .Annual ·:eoys V Staff Rugby match recalls that e.ren the entire school fifteen oouJ.d hardly bold him. When the scbool. DXWed to Cmberley, Biffer and another 'Wel.sbnan, Maths master w.o.M. Williams ran the school soout troop, and Biffer took the boys on cycle rides. After being called up, he visited the school duri.ng his leaves, with his lance Corpo~s stripe. Al.an last spoke to Biffer after the 1989 Wales -England rugby ma.toh, ana be had_ also visited his son, now a consultant anaesthetist in ca.rdiff. The school should be proud of Biffer, a Gentleman.
-4Weloane now to sane new man"hh:ll..xs:-
Cbing FUn :tee_ (1975 - 1982) WhO has just spent 3 weeks visitinq Malaysia and Thailand and is a solicitor in the City Ral
:mwlll (1965 - 1971) WhO is a llaU.siJq consultant to I.c.c. oozporation.
Bylvia Ba.rry (19156 - 1973) WhO bas just left for Tokyo on a ·years oantract to tea.cl1 E:tqlisb. Joanne Marshal.l (1974 - 1981) soort1y to leave for AUstria and take her Ski-instructors certificate at Mayrooferi.
Col'&gLatulations to Doctor Geoffrey Perry working at COlchester General. Hospital wbo 'has also married and we halre reoeived. notice of cltaD:Jes of address frail Mrs B.A. Ford and John Williams_. Peggy Adlington (Sayexs) and ~ Adl.iJqton were over fran Mal.auri in AUgUSt. ·and I am sure 11W'1Zig'ed to meet up. with sane of their oontestporaries. Peq:Jy is teaching part-time in Malaw:i, still singing and ba.s taken grade a exam. GaVin enjoys his work and is, playing squash frequently. They lulve three daughters and a
son. Chris Russell who taught languages is now' married and eHpeCti.ng a baby1 Steve Jobnson (Head of English) is an e:speatant father. Pearl Pipe (Geography) encountered Debbie Ba:mett whilst shopping, Penny You:nr;J (1977 - 1982) and Rosalind LuKton (1975 - 1980) are both publicans, oorrine Diable (1977 - 1982) is a legal seoretal:y and Jeffery Pl:Otherol (1977 - 1982) is now wol:k:ing as an engineer. Tracy GoWers (Wilbey) is awaiting her seoona chila.
congratulations and good wishes go to these o.R. s now tleginni.ng Acadanio studies. Elaine Higgins (1981 - 1986) Trinity COllege of Musio Sam Bentley (1982 - 1989) _Lancaster university Davy Jones. (1982 - 1989) i:.eeas university John Featharstone (1992 - 1989) Chelsea college of .Art Tantnie Allen (1983 - 1990) Thames Poly ~ CCK (1982 - 1990) Salfol:d university Kirsty wonham. (1983 - 1990) La Sante 'Onion Daniel .Ashby (1982 - 1990) Sb:athclyde university Trevor Ellis (1987 - 1990) Leicester Poly John M)ssell (1982 - 1990) Thames Poly Spiro Pereira (1982 - 1990) SCUth Wales Poly Adam 'Wal.dron (1984 - 1990) Portsmouth Poly Leo Yia:nni (1983 ...; 1990) Iondon University · Graham Sni.tbers (1982 - 1990) East Imglia university Tamara snith (1983 - 1990) St •. Martins School of .lort Kal.u l!gbeze (1982 - 1990) East Iondon Poly Nei1 Ma.ye.rs (1983 - 1990) COVentry Poly R1mle Miah. (1982 - 1990) East Iondon Poly
several of those who
left in 1989 spent a year travell..in;J widely - sam visited Perth, Syditey, Mel.bcurne, camberra, missing seeing Davy Jones, samantlla sawyer and DaVid Bethel. who were also in Australia, before flying to 1\merica to visit
cal.ifornia and Cblorado.
David Dethel is nmt t\urking in Thailand for relatives who have a prawn fann, and . David .Herbert has joined him. . . ·
Now a chunk of ne-w-S of 19.70's pupils, Jdndly gathered by Joanne Marshal!. Joa.nne has done various sports jobs since leaving Rables and gone ski-ing annually. (Thats wh.a_t ~jska Gora School'trip did for ber!) In May 1989 together with 3 :female fri-ends they set off to cycle Egypt via Europe, they motmtain-biked the French and Italian Rivieras for 2 months, spent 2 JOOnths on the Greek island of tos working in a Jaztbar ( the bikes w~ exhausted and needed a rest!) They went on to Israel, travelled around and worked on a Kibbutz before finally journeying into Egypt by bus and flying bane in october 1989. In winter of 1990 together with Elizabeth si.rrpson
(197 4 - 1981) she went to Mayrhofen where they skled by day and Joanne t-rorked m a bar in the evenings. since returning bane she has worked .at the East London stadimn. Elizabetl1 spent 9 years as a Market Research EKecutive, with annual sunmer and ski-ing holidays, so last winter whilst in Mayrhofen she worked part time for various holiday companies, and in S\.Dtlner bacame a full time representative for Intaslm in Zell am See,· and this winter she will be based in .Mayrhofen. I.ast winter they encountered Paul Green on a ski-ing holiday - any mo.re Raines ski enthusiasts bound for Austria. Pat Watts (TUrner} (1974 - 1979) married Paul watts (1974 - 1979) and they live in Becton with their 2 year old daughter and a second child is on the way, Paul· is a . printer and a lteen footballer, playing in the Vauxhall - Opel League and has been capped regularly for the England Amateur Team.
I.orraine Oopley (Johnson) (1974 - 1960) is married to a taxi driver and lives in ·South Iondon, She is a secretary for ReUters and expecting her first child.
carla Marshal.l (1974 - 1981} lives in oagenham and workS for NOI:wi.ch union-:she sees . a·lot of Freddie Stratford (1974 - ~981) who is an Acoountant for Tllcropson Hoi.ldays ···and lives in stepney Green. Jacqui Pridie (197 4 - 1981) is a NurSe living in Basildon.
shirin Cbilds (QUreshi) (1974 ;. 1901) also married. carol Penn. (Mills) (1974 -
works for Barclays Bank and lives in Elm Park.
Linda Hall (1974 - 1981} married in July and spent 3 lleelts honeyJOOOn in the Far East. They live in Bet.hnal Green, Linda is a NUrsery School Teacher in Hackney (Have you got a late pass Linda? )
. . Fenella neaver {1'7ood) (i974 - 1981) is married with 2 children, living in Abbey Wood ~
rienise Marshal.l (1972 - 1979) lives in Wapp:ing and in now an Insurance Consultant
having worked for Eagle star for 9 years. Teddy :Ayers (1974. - 1931) is a surveyor, and married with a baby daughter. Gaxy Bird wor1w for the Uail on sunday
-6Mat:hai Alabaster (1974 - 1981) is now married
Maxine Jones (Bt'awn) (1975 - 1982) is now married to a Taxi Driver and lives in BoW. Jadti.e B.raWn (1976 - 1983) MaXine's sister, married this september. Mar1t Gittos (1974 - 1979) is a Plumber for
ToWer Hamlets COtiDCil.
DaVid Hod:Jes (1974 - 1979) is married- he was a fireman, ·bJ.t now has his own l:usi.ness (:ReiDelnber the M.ackeral. in Lynton ?)
:MaXLne Gibbons (1972 - 1978) works in Leisure for T.H.B.c.
Sheena Gibbons works in uous;J..ng for T.H.B.c., ooth swim and do weight-training to keep fit, an4 spend their hO~i~ys in Florlc'!a. ~
the batch of news :frau sandra. gathered at the
Robert Gibbs (1973 - 1979) works tor canada Lite - sanethinq to do with canputers.
Paul Rut1and (1972 .. 1979) works for
Medical as a Director of the Eastern
Region. :Nicholas Themostocli (1972 - 1979) works for Nat. West capital Markets, dealing with Em'Qbonds.
Bel~et (1972 - 1979) is a French po~isber.
Tony S~n (1972 - 1979) works for U.B.B. Phillips & Drew in c:atrpUting and has just had a baby boy. Jolm Meredith (1972 - 1979) is a Wang Engineer.
Terry Rol:lerts · (1972 - 1979) Used to :be a soldier, but came out of the 1\nUy and joined the Police FoJ:Ce in Dymchurch, Rent. Danny Perlti.ns (1972 - 1979) is also in the Police Force.
Sand.ra Matthew (1972 - 1979) has two baby boys and works for Barbados T.v. (Yes, In Barbados!) • CaJ:ole Passmore (1972 - 1979) is now married and was espeoti:ng her first baby in SeptEmber. Jill Reilly (1972 - 1979) married with a baby girl.
Si.ml.a Singh (1972 - 1979) is married and has two boys (at last c::ount!) and is living in Binningham, and is in accountancy.
Jamas Mshead married to Leslie (nee cater) , they have one son. Fireman and sanetime taxi driver.
James is a
Gittos is married and works for IDndon Transport. Barry lives in south Woodham
Stephen Fuller is a Euro Bond Dealer for 'N.lletts. ~Y
Vowea.l (1979 - 1986) (Fanner Head Boy) · is a foreign Excbanqe Dealer · in the
Burst is married to .Kathy and they baVe a son. xathy was a currency dealer in the city but has given that up to be a wife and mother. Ga.ry is also thought to &> sane Bl8.c1t cabbinq as wei.l! · ·
trerry J3J:'ee.Ii has one son John Who also went to Ra.ines. Fi'anJt MaSsingbam. - An ex-boXer, bUt still keeping fit!
is a black cab Driver.
Frank is also a Black cab
Driver in his spare time.
started or! as a pupil at :Raines and is now on the staff teaching, His older brother Micbael also went to .Raines. His older sister Susan lms children and lives in Ber.mon(lsey, and sister Ann bas chil.dren and l.ives in
DoUq .MarkS Geography.
And brother Anl'lrew•••••• ?
Julie Dawki.ns went to OXford to get a c:1egree in French and was last seen work.inq in Guys Hospital. Tmcy Richter last seen as a oonductress . on a bus goi:ng over Waterloo Bridge.
Elaine .Adl.ey .m arried, has three cbilc:Iren and live::~ in the Southend area. · ~line
Pettenati - now married mlC1 vorks for city Bank
iD Euro Bonds).
Godfrey Matthew (1970 - 1975) Married, live:s in Redbridge, works for British . Teleoan. His sister Jocelyn (1969 - 1974) is now mani.ed and living in Antigua. .
1\nn si.JlGonds -
: .
(sister of .Bob) is now married to a Spanish Gentleman and living in
Majorca. Martin Lake (1976 - 1981) ~rks for eust:.cus their first child in September.
& Excise, is married and were
Stephen McDuell (1976 - 1983) is Pau1 1 s casali's flat mate. canputers in the Dookl.ands.
for G.S.I.
sea:n Donovan (1976 - 1993) is married and now runs a Post Office in l?Ortsm:mt,b. ·was previously in the Navy. · Richard Erslti.ne used to be in the Navy as well, but. is
in the building trade.
nav:i.d BrOWn (1976 - 1981) was last
seen workiD] sanewhem in
the city.
sllall Fayyaz (197t'i - 1983) is a Director or his rathers' Mail order msiness based in tlle E.C.l. area,; Ant1nJw Boylett works for the Bank of England. Jolm wyatt (1972 - 1979) is married, has two children and lives in Upninster.
SUsan Turner (1976 - 1981) is a. stoc:kbroker in the City. 2\5 mentioned earlier her sister Pa.t mazried Pa.ul Wotts (Both old Rai.nei.ans 197 4 - 1979),
Michelle Dooker (Demetriou) married in the seycbelles. lives in Buckhurst Hill.
She now has two children and
Wendy Holland (1976 - 1981) is getting married this year in cyprus.
Ian Stewart (1960 - 1965) works as a draughtsman
on oil rigs all cvar
the world.
nave Elliott (1960 - 1965) has his own caxpet laying :bu.siness. Terxy Wals h (1961 - 1966) Has his own sc:affoldinq business. . .. Nicholas Eeeson (1972 - 1979) used to be a Maths teacher in :Kensel Rise, Maida Vale and f:ran there went to teach in PUrley in SUrJ:ey. Nicholas now works for Yasuda
Trust in corporate Finance.
Nicholas' sister Helen is married with two cllildren.
carole nay (1972 - 1979) works for Berliner Handels Und ~Bank. Gary Bishop (1969 - 1977) is a P.L.A. rl¥,Jby player.
(Gary is known to occassionally
imbibe in the odd pint - A true Old R.aineian!) • Phil Puttiok . (19~0 - 1967) is worki:nq as a consultant for I.B.M. and is married with two cldl~en. Phils hobby is cycling long distances (and caning back!) • Gillian,Phil's sister is married with two children and a meMqe.ri.e. runs a DlllmS and toddlers group and a play-group until recently.
Tony Szul.c (1961 - 1969) has bought a house in SUffolk and spends xoost of his weekends 'doing it llP'· Tony is a lecturer at Southwark ())lleqe and spends sane of his spare time waJ.ki.n.q and cycling in ail partS of the country. Tony often sees Glenys Hllghes....Jenkins and also saw Tony Pi.ckford recently, the first time in 18
Richard PoWe.ll (1963 - 1971) is married with two children, .Christopher 13, and Claire 10. They live in East Ham. Cbri.stopher goes to Lanqdon School (Which used to be East Ham Gramner) • Richal:ds ' sister-in-law is Hilary Powell (nee Gates) •
-9steve Hewitt (1963 - 1970) has two children, Elenor 8 and Tcm 4, and lives in NeW Ash Green. . Steve works in l\ldwyoh and says "I was a nobody at school and still
Paul casali (1976 - 1983) is still single and a Bank Clerk in the City. Paul used to train the Girls' basketball side while at school. He hasn't played any basketball for a long While l:IUt is hopilq to qet back to playing soon. Paul played for the East lOndon Royals, The National Junior squad, mostly made up fran boys fran Raines and surrounding' schools.
Paul. 'l'hienel (1976 - 1982) is a professional salesman in the city and still single. · Paul.s sister xaren (1979 - 1985) is a Train captain with the D:>ckland Light Railway. Paul. (When was your wallet last opened) smith (1976 - 1983) works for canpaq canputers based in Ricln'«>Iid.
crete last year bavinq met up earlier in the year (the first time in several years). 'l'hey bad a won4erful. time and met with sane new · eliperiences, ·not all a5 one would want, as Paul. (wallet) smith recalled, who duri.Dg the holiday met a DUtch bal:maid called Natasba and got to. lalow her quite well. She kept giving him free· :beer and cigarettes (and he cloesn 't mook.e!) and after a few nights of being cbatted up in the bar was invited back to 'her place'. · After m,a:ny how:s of drinks and yet JOOI:e cigcuettes and plenty of cbat Paul made bis move - only to be told "I: like l'OU very much, ygu are very bumorou.s, but :I only want to be your friend'•. After a put dawn like that PaUL says the JD:)ral of the stocy is "Don't go to the Er:ypton Disco in crete, and if you do, forqet the Dutch Mnmdds! 11 • The ''11lree Paul.s' invaded
They also wondered if anyone r~ed Mr. NUgents' English lessons (1979 - 1980?) Specifically the fillinq up of his turn-ups with JD:)lec:ular modules? or perhaps you were in the FrenCh class taken by Mr. Monk (remember him? ~ was very sharp and didn't like anyone disturbing his class) and Paul (Wallet) smith (again!) put up his · hand ond asked if he Could go to the loo. Mr. Monk was furious and asked Paul. 'IJiow long hzlve you been at this school? (mettni ng as eveJ:Yone Jmew, tbat you should know the rules by now) 1 and PaUl looked at his watch and answered "Since about balf past twelve'•. The class collapsed in laughter- but Paul unfortunately was made to pay for it later.
Eddie MW:phy (1960 - 1966) is e. blACk cab driver, has
son and lives in
John .MoOonnac:lt (1960 - 1967) is a Freel.ance Proof Reader, married with three children and lives in Pimlico. Jolm's wife Janet is the sister of Peter Bull (196 o-67). John sees sarry Wal.sh, Glenys Hughes-Jenki.Ds, Da.ve Elliott, Ian stewart and Terry Walsh.
we hope yau have fotmd something to jog your memories of contEilq)Ories and look . foJ:Warel to seeing as many of you as possible on DECEMBER 7'1'11.
"Come in and learn vour dutv to God and lvfan" ~
NEWSLETTER JANUARY 1991 Old Raineians Association, c/o Raines Foundation School, Approach Road, London E2 9L Y ( 081-981 1231)
Sa nd r a J oh ns on , 9 Goddington Lane, Orpington, Kent BR6 9DR (0689 826854)
Gwynneth Jackson, Gl evum, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon HG4 3RS
Bill Richards, 26 Shandy Street, London El 4LX ( 071-790 9235)
( 07 65 b~SJS325)
29th January 19 91
Dear Old Raineians, A happy and successful New Year to you all! It seans no time at all since I sat down to compile the last newsletter, but as the production of them depends on much co-operation and goodwill from various committee members, and a vit~ link has a holiday in the offing, I am starting earlier than anticipated. Big query- has anyone a redundant photocopier they would part with for a nominal sum?? If so, please contact Bill Richards. First of all, a big 11 thank you 11 to all who turned up at Arbour Square on December 7th - it was again a most enjoyable and successful evening - socially and financially - a profit of over 拢500 resulted! The Reunion coincided with the 'Big Blizzard' in the ~~idlands and North, and when I returned to my Northern outpost on the following Monday, there was neither telephone nor electricity - the former was restored that evening, but the latter not until Wednesday at 10.30 p.m. -my camping practice came in useful with candles for light and a Gaz stove for cooking- having an open fire, I was much more fortunate than many. - 1 -
A list of those who revisited the old school is i~cluded at the end of the newsletter, sorry, some of the old girls' names are their married ones only - some memories may be jolted and some of you will doubtless say "If only I'd gone I'd have seen " -so -turn up next time! Two 'gatherings' are planned:-
Blind Beggar Get-Together Thursday Mar 7th 7 pm onwards
A.G.M. & Informal Evening SATURDAY MAY 11TH 7 P.M. APPROACH ROAD E2
Gerry Calvert has now joined those of us enjoying a more leisured existence. He served Raines loyally and conscientiously for 30 years, much of the time as Head of the Maths Department. According to Paul Williams, he was remarkably accurate with a piece of chalk, and occasionally a blackboard rubber! At his Farewell Party in December, it was good to see former members of his department, Zippy Auerbach, Tom Billington, Tony Perrett (with his wife, former Jodie O'Regan and their small daughter), former pupils Tony Purves and Paul Martin, Martin Leonard and other former colleagues, Christine Crump, Caroline Hallahan, Peter Spillett and Ann Lowes. Zippy Auerbach's twins are now aged 5, and daily "getting worse"; Tom Billington lives and works at Reading and was due to go ski-ing this month -he hears from Miss Hoskins (who lives at Camberley) and Tina Pam. I heard from Roger Beck at Christmas - remember the school ski trip to Leutasch when his luggage got lost and donations of garments were welcomed? -especially Janet Leaves' nightdress for Roger's wife! Two other Leutasch skiers were at the Reunion - Sharon Powell (Walsh) who now has 2 children, and Jane Thrale (Roberts) -they have become ski addicts. Joanne Marshall is in Mayehofen, training as a ski instructor, and Elizabeth Simpson is also in Austria working for Intasun. While Joanne was in England, she was working at East London Stadium, where she had met Melodie Cargill hurdling - she lives at Bow and is doing P.E. at Avery Hill College. Her sister Mar~o is at Music College. - 2 -
At the December 'Do', Malcolm Pit-Keathley and Harvey Feldman met for the first time for over 35 years and, together with Norman Holland, tried to identify contemporaries on old school photos. Norman now has 3 grand-daughters, two of them in Australia. Ted Jarvis gave news of his sister, also an O.R., Doreen Steel -she lives in rnham, has 2 children and works part-time for the M.O.D. Peter Lodemore works in the Education Department of Kent County Council, helping Heads sort out local management problems. His brother David Lodemore is enjoying life in the U.S.A., in Boston -also a keen skier -he'd be delighted to have O.R. visitors, so anyone planning a visit, contact us and we'll put you in touch with Peter for more information. Victor Hills, after his years with IL , now works in the development office of Tower Haml s Education Department - apparently 4 new primary schools and 3 secondary schools are being built and Vie decides on room sizes. Duncan Edmonston again made the journey from Aberdeen - I wonder if he had any return journey travel problems with the snow? Remo Beschizza turned up after hearing the advertisement on Capital Gold -he suggested colour-coded labels per decade to make it easier to spot contemporaries. Kathy Forrest, contemporary of Laurence Page and Steve Everton, attends the Arbour Square building where she is doing a B.Tec. in Performing Arts. Pat Turner and Kay Stewart were in the girls' school before the Amalgamation and brought photos including Miss Mangold, Joy Turner, Eileen Munn, Ann North, Hazel Griffin (who died in '74), and Margaret Raines whose chemistry experiments always failed and who was renowned for saying 11 Can anyone tel1 me what should have happened? 11 â&#x20AC;˘ Former pupils on the photos were Sandra Briden, Joan Cooper, Gillian Armstrong, Valerie Woods, Margaret Griffiths, Vivienne Coleman, Doreen French and Kaye Prince who became a physiotherapist before marrying a farmer and having 2 children. All the Chappell family now live in st Anglia, Barry and Geoff are both in Norwich, John is Head of Classics and a head of year at a school in Kings Lynn. Hilary Tear is an interior designer, and this year was judging the British Junior Ice Skating Championships and has now been accepted on the International Panel of Judges. Gary Bird is a newspaper typesetter. Andrew Cappaert is in the Promotions Department of the 1 Daily Mail'. He is a staunch member of the PLA rugby team - as are Ceci1 and Aaron Bartholomew, Robert Baker, Richard Mahoney and John Featherstone. John is now studying Art, and had just returned from a study trip to Paris. Lorraine Manners and Suzanne Smalley both work for NatWest. Manners is married and a father. - 3 -
Barbara Barretta works at Q.M.C., Jane Muncer for L.D.D.C. Robert Howard-Perkins is at the D.H.S.S. - he had vivid memories of sheep on Ingleborough. Diane Beves is at Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield. Karla Young is also working in a Yorkshire hospital. James Page is in the City Cleansing Dept. Teresa Marson obtained a degree in French and German at Q.M.C. and now works for Barclays. Her brother Eddie is at Drama School. Joanne Barnes, after obtaining her history degree at Middlesex Poly, did a PGCE at Aberystwyth and now teaches at John Scurr. Deena Osborne (Gardiner) used to work for ILEA Youth Service - she is married with 2 children and lives at Rainham. Her brother Paul is also married and lives at Bow and is foreman in a printing firm. He is going to Australia on holiday and thinking about emigrating. Peggy and Gavin Adlington are still in Malawi, and when I write I will ask for news of the other Adlingtons. Valerie Preston remembered the Anglo/German hostelling trip to Derbyshire with Roger Beck and his wife, Alan Barnes and myself. Jackie Kremer has 2 children and works part-time for Barclays. Angela and Mark Rossi (brother and sister) are both optometrists Angela is going to do some pioneer work on contact lenses for R.A.F. pilots. Jillian Seago is married and a 'new Mum' -she is a neighbour of Bill Richards -apparently 2 other neighbours are also O.R.'s. A big apology to Jim Everton for not including his name among the long-term staff. Apologies to Shah Fayyaz for a mistake in the previous newsletter - he runs a Medical Company, and Andrew Boylett works for him. John De'Ath (1968-1975). Congratulations to John and his wife Isabel on the birth of their son, Robert John Buchan De'Ath on 19th July 1990. They have now moved to Gillingham and have also bought a decrepit building in Salisbury which they will be rebuilding. Barry Everton (1972-1982) is a computer operations shift leader for British Aerospace. Barry married in July of last year and is in touch with James Breeze, Andrew Boylett, Shah Fayyaz, Marcus Naraidoo and Jane Gardiner. Steve Everton (1978-1985) is a post-grad. in Civil Engineering at Imperial College. Steve is single and in touch with Laurence Page, Gary Trew, David Murphy, John Fitt, Diane Beves, Ceri Bathchelder, Terry Webber and others. Jimmy Varma (1968-1975) is in Marketing and works for Brooke Bond. Jimmy is married, has two children and a dog. He is in touch with Martyn Button and Tony Mole. It was the first time in 15 years for both Jimmy and Martyn to be back in the Old School Building.
- 4 -
Roy Casey {1967-1972). Roy is married with two children and lives in Hornchurch~ Essex. Roy is in contact with Paul Cobbett who lives in Harold Hill and is an Associate Partner in Building Services Engineering. Elizabeth Wells (1977-1982) has a three year old son and lives in Hackney. Elizabeth is a Housewife and part-time Clerk Typist. She is in touch with Jacky Thompson and her brother Jimmy, Teresa ~~arson and Joanne Barnes. Jimmy Thompson (1978-1983) works in the City and lives in Bethnal Green. Jimmy would like to contact Elenor Vrahimi - last heard of working as an Air Hostess. Nicholas Warren (1969-1976) is a Production Controller at a printers. Ni cho 1as is in touch with John Wyatt, Ji mmy Ri chards on, ~~oi ra Dady and Paul Williams. James Richardson (1969-1976) is a Telecommunications Engineer and is married with a daughter. James is in touch with Adrian (Bomber) Giles (who married Carol Marston) and Peter Thake. George Lewzey (1966-1973). Congratulations to George who took part in the New York marathon on 4th November 1990 and finished the course! James Breeze (1981-1983) is a Software Engineer for John Brown Engineering, single and living in Bethnal Green. He is in touch with Barry and Steven Everton, Andrew Boylett and Laurence Page. James plays with a band - 'Small People Shout' - on keyboards and guitar and if anyone is interested in joining, contact James. Teresa Mussenden (1971-1978) is married, lives in Bethnal Green and has an Employm~nt Agency. Kenny Mussenden (1962-1966) is married with three children and lives in Rainham. John Barry (1962-1966) works in a Solicitor's office, lives in Bristol and is married with two children. All this news was gleaned at the Reunion! Sadly, one of our oldest members, Grace Woods, died last October - she started at Raines in 1911. At present Mrs. Anne Johnson is seriously ill in Mile End Hospital, where she has been for some months - she has acute liver failure and brittle bo~e disease. Welcome now to several new life members: Dr. Harvey Feldman (1947-54) who has already been mentioned, and who is Advisor on Health & Safety at Stockley Park Business Centre. Christine Crump, member of the Geography Department (1969-75), married to Ken (still of the all-male History Department) with 2 sons. She is responsible for Social and Political Studies in an Adult Education Institute. - 5 -
Sandra Bromberg (Mildiner) has been married for almost 30 years and has 4 sons and 2 grandchildren. She works as a free-lance book-keeper and would love to make contact with Christine Reed, Joyce Taylor, Evelyn Mizzi or any other contemporary. Like Remo Beschizza, she heard the Reunion announced on Capital Gold. Jimmy Thompson (1978-83), another of the 'school skiers', works in the City. James Breeze (1981-83), already mentioned as a band musician. John Whittle (1962-67), married with two children, lives in West Wickham and is a solicitor in Bromley. He is in touch with Peter Bull, John McCormack, Barry Walsh, Terry Walsh and Ian Stewart. Terry Kavanagh (1978-84) is a money broker in the City and is "still available"! He is in contact with Geoffrey Childs who works in the City for BHA Bank. Joy Kinsman (Catling) (1957-63) has 2 sons, one who has graduated and married a Portuguese girl and the other is still at University. Joy is a keep-fit and swimming instructor. She would love to have news of Margaret Fisher, Lea Georgiades. Nadia Stepansky. Sandra Kanter or any other contemporaries. Paul Reynolds has been converted to a Life Member - congratulations! He 1i ves at Kingston. Paul found a reference to Rai nes in the "London Encyclopaedia", quote:"Raine's Foundation School Arbour Square, El. Mixed secondary school founded in 1719 by a local brewer, Henry Raine, 'in gratitude to God', to provide an education for 50 boys and 50 girls. The original buildings were in what is now Raine Street, and still stand. In 1885 new buildings were erected in Cannon Street Road, and in 1913 construction of a new school on the present Arbour Square site began. In 1977 the school was amalgamated with St. Jude's School, BETHNAL GREEN, and became a comprehensive. The school still possesses the 18th-century motto-stone bearing the words, 'Come in and learn your duty to God and Man', and the Charity Children statuettes from the original Raine Street building. In 1981 there were 900 pupils." Gloria McEvoy (Babot) (1955-59) writes: "Does anyone else remember paying 6d ( 2-!-p) to have their name i nsc ri bed on a brick to be used in a new building at Raines in the sixties? My husband, brother and myself dutifully paid our money at a school f~te but never heard any more about the building. Was it just a ploy to get back some of the money Raines had undoubtedly invested in the three of us? Should we fight for compensation? Can we ask for our bricks 路back?" Gloria was disappointed that there were only three old classmates at recent reunions. Does anyone remember Peter McEvoy (1957-62) or Gloria McEvoy (Babot) (1955-59) or Gloria's brother Tony Sabot (1958-62)? If so, they would love to hear from you. Peter was a keen member of the school rugby, cricket, boxing, basketball and swimming teams. He took up flying following an interest in hang-gliding and, after obtaining - 6 -
his private pilots' licence, enjoyed flying his microlight around Essex. He is now Chief Flying Instructor at Andrewsfield and currently flies a Snowbird when not running his own woodworm and dampcoursing company. Gloria has been very active. In addition to raising two children (Adam and Nina), she was on the local Cheshire Homes Committee, Chairwoman of the local Conservative Ladies' Section, a Samaritan, in the W.R.V.S., did League of Friends canteen duty at her 1 ocal hospital and was Social Secretary of her 1 ocal school PTA. The children are now grown-up and Peter and Gloria are now grandparents. Gloria writes:11
Those of you who remember my brother Tony Babot will be amazed at the transformation. Gone is the little wimp who was forever asking my mum to write notes about his sinus condition so that he could get out of games. He is now a 6ft tall Israeli paratrooper, and an extremely fit 44-year old! He is still an artist - (do you remember his paintings officially hung all over the school whilst he was there?) (and probably a few unofficial ones in the boys' lavatories!). He illustrates children's books, and paints murals, etc. - in fact, anything he is likely to get paid for. He went to live in Israel at the age of 18, married his sergeant in the Army (she was a woman!) and has lived in Jerusalem ever since. He has two children, a daughter, Honey, now 19 and a son, Itamar, aged 12. After he'd lived in Israel for a year, he had to do his National Service and joined the paratroopers, running across the desert with a 56lb pack on his back as part of his training. To anyone who knew him at Raines, this will seem amazing. When he had lots of homework, he even used to try to get me to carry his satchel if it was heavy!". Martyn Button (1968-75) has been married for 10 years and has 2 children and 2 cats. He achieved his Graduate Diploma in Quantity Surveying studying on day release and he is now Director of a building company in Sidcup. Jillian Camp (Seago) (1967-74) is at present on maternity leave from her job as an International Telephonist for B.T. Deena Osborne (Gardiner) (1972-77), already mentioned, was in the hostelling group in North Yorkshire which included David Lodemore and Helen Kostis -and she almost ended her days in a slippery gorge near Goathland! Steve Everton (1978-85) graduated in Civil Engineering and worked for two years as a gee-technical engineer in Guildford, Reading and Amsterdam, before beginning further study at Imperial College where he plays rugby regularly. He is also known to blow a trumpet from time to time. Paul Williams (1969-76) studied at City of London Poly for his B.A., visited the U.S.A., returned here and worked for his M.Sc. in transport engineering at Newcastle University, before getting a job with B.T., first in sales and now as a Computer Programmer. He has been in touch with Chris Donovan, who is still trying to break into the 'music business'. He met David Caine who works for 'Our Price Records', and Diane Brown who told him about Gill Dobson (1969-76) being the sister
- 7 -
of An ita Dobson (Angi e in Eastenders). Paul's contemporaries included John Newman, Vernon Slominski, Michael Newman, Barbara Wilson, Lesley Marshall, Debbie Cowans, Peter Ttouli, Paul White, Antony Mulrenan, Gary Bishop, Jimmy Adshead, David Caine and Andre Hardy. He also remembers Loraine and Lesley Suter, who are cousins of Iris Lyddon - I believe both are married. David Hart (1960-65) is House Services Manager for a Management Services firm in Portman Square. Stephen Sally (1963-71) is an insurance broker in the City, and convinced that he already was a life member! Ed ith Hawkes (1938-43). It is gratifying to see interest from such a wide age-range interesting though, that the most recent leavers haven't yet developed a nostalgic feeling for their school. Several people have notified us of changes of address - please do so, so the records can be up-dated. Congratulations to Samantha Marsan who is now married (Mrs. Cullen) and expecting a baby shortly and has moved to East Ham. Iris Brizeman (Warren) has moved to Durham after losing her husband, and is now near her daughter. Iris was headgirl 1948-49, remembers Holmcraft, Hurstpierpoint as well as Arbour Square - she is in touch with Pam Davis (Greenspan) and would love to contact Gwen Grant (Evans), Doreen Weiner and Gladys Norman. E.L. Bartholomew (1920-24) now lives at Shenfield and is always delighted to receive the newsletter. Stephen Foster (1953-60) has moved from Hornchurch to Croydon, and also looks forward to the newsletters. Peter Lodemore has moved to Wapping; John Featherstone is at Muswell Hill; Jim Keen is now in Blackpool, and had travelled down for the Reunion. Enclosed with this letter are 2 extracts from local papers concerning the proposed "opting-out" of Rai nes, if the parents are in favour of the move. Currently the headmaster, Gareth Lewis, is interviewing 400 children who would like to be next year's 150 new Raineians. Among prospective parents, some Old Raineians have turned up- Tony Hilditch (left 1975), Charlie Gay (1971-76) who was a member of Foundation House and recalled my playing the piano before Assemblies; John Smallwood (cousin of Terry and Tracey). From time to time people phone and remind us of their existence Dennis Waxman who is Director of a Personnel Services firm; Leslie Cohen who was at school during the war and remembers part-time schooling in London before being evacuated to Egham, and then back in London, the Raines girls had classes in Spitalfields and he joined them in the emergency as the only boy in the class and left school at 14. He remembers members of staff, Dr. Leon Charking, Mr. Tucker, Mr. - 8 -
Bentz, Nob by Cl arke, Mr. Da lton, and fellow-pupil , Gordon Spong. Debra Reid (Harvey) lectures at Spurgeon's Theological College; her husband is in the Police Force in East London. She has submitted her Ph.D. thesis, and does some editing of writers' work prior to publication. Her sister, Alison, living at New Malden, has 3 children and manages to fit in some part-time nursing and child-minding. Their father, now a teacher, was also an O.R. (approximately 1946-51). Debra asked for news of Lesley Cox. Ching Fun Lee is a Solicitor with a City firm, she is in touch with Ian Crane who is teaching Maths at Brompton Oratory school and already gained promotion. Ching had also seen Justine Hershamn, who will marry this year. Grace Lee is doing further study, and is at Reading University for a 2-year course in Town Planning. Jim Everton recently saw Nicky Sternhell (1970-72). Correspondence is also productive of news! Peggy Adlington sent news from Malawi of husband Gavin, very busy at work, playing squash for relaxation, recently being runner-up in a major B league tournament. This year he has been asked to give a paper at the Surveyor's Conference at Cambridge on the work he has been doing in Malawi. He is also due to go on a far-flung tour this month, to Nairobi, Washington, St. Luci a, Washington, Paris, London and the Seychelles - Peggy's attempts to accompany him came to naught! Peggy continues to sing and is going to study for ATCL diploma. Vivienne Durne, being Comptroller for the U.S. Navy, was prevented from attending the Reunion because of the Gulf Crisis. She and Martin will have had a holiday in New Zealand before this newsletter arrives. Mrs. Creasey (retired School Bursar) is living with her husband, daughter and son-in-law in Leicester. Richard Tillbrook enjoyed the Reunion and was delighted to see Basil Dowling and Wally Spooner. Richard is Head of Careers at Davenant School and a school governor. Russell Gilderson, who went to teach there after Raines, has now retired. Marie Crawley (Conway), living in South London, had a son last August and says "life will never be the same again". Mr. Stanney, enjoying his retirement in Honiton, is always pleased to hear the Raines news. Maggie Bell lives near York and I hope to see her soon. Miss Braitch still lives at Petersfield. Barbara路Newton lives in Sidcup with her husband and three children, two of whom are budding musicians. Anita Merker is near Winchester after 2 years of exile in Jersey - they hope to have a family ski trip in the future! Barbara Donovan (Page) had a son in November - 9 -
Iris Lyddon is living and working at Guildford and had planned a holiday in Israel at Christmas! David Spencer, living in Zurich, has spent the last three summers doing structural geology research in Pakistan for his doctorate. Alan Liddiard keeps in touch from Devon where he lives in an old listed building - I hope he may visit his Yorkshire relatives sometime and ea 11 in. Joy Turner, member of the English Department in the girls' school and for a short time after the amalgamation, enjoys her retirement in Exeter- I mentioned the girls who were at the Reunion and their friends, and she said she had been doing her best to put 16 year old faces to names. She is pleased to have made contact again with Pat Miller (Head of Languages Department in the girls' school), now living in Alton. Rosemary Stoggal (Quick), member of the Geography Department, lives in Plymouth and is enjoying Dartmoor and the coastal path and sends regards to any ex-colleagues. Gerlinde Leinwetter (Bennett), living in Vienna, hears from Annette Rood who now has a year-old son. Susan Wyburn (Brahame), sister of Linda, didn't get to the Reunion as her youngest child was recovering from an ear operation. Miss Joan Mangold (Headmistress of the girls' school) was unable to attend, as she flew to Lanzarote the previous day with Mrs. Weingarten and her husband. Miss Mangold is well. ~1rs. Weingarten enjoys spending some of the winter months in warmer climes for health reasons. I do hope everyone has found some item of interest, and if memories are awakened, do get in touch! Those of you in the London area, remember to be at the "Blind Beggar" on March 7th. (Apo 1ogi es in advance for my absence, but I will be in Swanage with the Sixth Form geology field trip- still making myself a bit useful!). We have made sure that the AGM does not clash with the F.A. Cup Final this year, so do turn up - the AGM part of the evening is always very short and not boring and formal, but we are always delighted to have new volunteers for the Committee - at present Edna Howard, Sue Smith, Gillian Puttick and myself are the minority female members - so - any keen 'Old Girls" come and join us- it only involves about 6 meetings in the year, and it has been very gratifying to have the increase in membership and upsurge of interest in the Association over the past few years - long may this continue.
Gwynneth Jackson Sadly, since writing this newsletter, we have heard the news that Mrs. Anne Johnson (nee Hammond) died in hospital on Tuesday 29th January. - 10 -
Former Staff
Reff Reff o1d Christine Crump Zippy Auerbach Gwynneth Jackson Basil Dowling Wa 1ly Spooner Ann Lowes
1eft left 1eft 1eft left 1eft left
Norman Holland Ted Jarvis James Keen Malcolm Pit-Keathley Harvey Feldman
1945-1951 1945-1952 1944-1949 1948-1955 1947-1954
David Arter Tom Corne11 Joyce Curtis (Roberts) Dune an Edmon ston John Matthews M. Robinson Pat Turner Kay Stewart Eric Kresner Frank Battes Ron Striebig
1953-1959 1950-1957 1952-1958 1958-1965 1950-1956 1958-1964 1958-1964 1954-1960 1953-1959 1954-1961
John Barry Carol Satchel or (Hitchcock) Mart i n Be 11 i s Valerie Blackborrow (Preston) Steve Brown Peter Bull Lorai ne Carter (James) Ray Casey Laurie Dalton Terry Day John De'Ath Tony Groves Susan Harding (Dobby) Grace Harvey (Wells) Steven Hewitt
1962-1969 1962-1967 1966-1973 1968-1974 1965-1972 1960-1968 1966-1972 1967-1972 1968-1976 1960-1967 1968-1975 1964-1972 1966-1972 1962-1967 1963-1970
1988 1975 1985 1989 1965 1978 ?? 1990
Vi et or Hi 11 s Lesley Jensen (Tear) Alan Johnson Sandra Johnson (Dorris) George Lewzey John t4cCormack Eddi e ~~urphy Tom Nunn Janet Nunn (Britton) Ann Plummer Sharon Powell (l~alsh) Phil Puttick Bill Richards Steve Richardson Jillian Russe11 (Puttick) Janice Smith (Neale) Sue Smith (Holden) Stephen Sally Tony Szulc Jane Thrale (Roberts) Richard Tillbrook Barry Wal sh Shelley Warrow (Godfrey) Jillian Camp (Seago) Mark Rossi Dianne Beschizzo Remo Beschizzo J. Varma M. Button Linda Carpel James Richardson 1een Gurney Carol Yernsy Barbara Loy (Britton) Paul Williams Pat Nunn Susan Dubsey M. Bull John Clarke John Whittle Ken Mussenden A. Gil es Jackie Brown (Cramer)
1967-1973 1962-1969 1960-1968 1962-1968 1966-1973 1960-1967 1960-1966 1963-1968 1964-1970 1962-1967 1968-1974 1960-1967 1961-1968
Angela Belcher (Baker) Kim Driscoll (Hewl ett) Adam Groves Lorai ne Da lton Robert Howard Perkins Ching Fun Lee Peter Lodemore Joanne Mars ha 11 Angela Rossi
1972-1976 1971-1976 1978-1984 1973-1978 1979-1985 1975-1982 1974-1979 1974-1981 1970-1977
1965-1971 1965-1971 1961-1968 1963-1971 1961-1969 1968-1974 1961-1968 1960-1967
1963-1969 1967-1974 1969-1975 1966-1974 1966-1974 1968-1975 1968-1975 1962- ? 1969-1975 1964-1970 1966-1972 1961-1966 1969-1976 1966-1970 1966-1972 1962-1968 1962-1968 1962-1967 1962-1967 1969-1974 ?
Steve Everton Barry Everton Kay Smith Kay Perryman Lyn Ange 1o Paul Ga rdi ne r Deena Osborne (Gardiner) aine Allvey C. Ba rtho l omew D. Hodges Barbara Barretta Lorraine Manners Fred Stratford Carly Marshal1 Nicholas Warren David Knibbs John Wyatt Teresa Marsan izabeth Wells Jackie Thompson Joanne Barnes Terry Kavanagh Michael Rush James Page Mandy Coakley Kerry Ho si er Teresa Power (Mussenden)
1978-1985 1976-1982 1972-1977 1972-1979 1972-1977 1975-1980 1972-1976 1972-1978 1979-1986 1974-1979 1977 983 1977-1983 1974-1981 1974-1981 1970-1975 1970-1975 1972-1979 1977-1984 1977-1982 1977-1983 1977-1984
James Breeze R. Mahony A. Cuppaert Suzanne Sma 11 ey John Featherstone R. Baker G. Bates
1981-1983 1980-1985 1982-1987 1981-1984 1982-1989 1980-1987 1982-1989
1977-1979 1977-1980 1977-1983 1977-1983 1971-1978
Years at school unknown Fiona Benson M. Gittos Jane Muncer
' le ebel school
iwant to it alone
GOVERNORS at Ralnes Foundation school have told the council they want opt out of education authority controL The shock announcement came last Wednesday when the B e.Ihnal Gru."~n voluntary aided rni.Acd secondarj school 1 s governors \'oted 13 lo 2
in favour of going it alooe. But the controversial
m-ove which would make
Rainc' the first torough school to opt out could cause a storm.
disadvantag-es of opting
BY PAUL ALTON .. In essence we ·have taken this decision because it would give us
control finances school,'' chairman
over all the relating to the said governors' the Rev Steven
Richards. ":Having more money to administer we feel Lhat we could use that in a
much more beneficial way for the school. It will
certainly keep the full Christian ethos at the school. "\Ve still want to work
relationship with them. H An education departmr,nt ~pokesrnan said: '''Vt'e would not want schools to move away from our w:ing. There's a gre<it strength in schools and the education
authority being together. "Jf they opt-out, they're on their ov.n, "He eAplained chief education
officer Annc Sofer would send a
to parents at the sites in Approach Road and Old
with T ewer Hamlets and
Bethnal Green Road
hope we will continue to
stating the
Governors started explaining their plans to parents at a meeting last
A Department of Education and Science spokesman said the school could opt~out of borough cootrol tmder the Education Act 1988. The govcmorr have to announce their plans in detail, get parents r ap~ provid then put the package before education secretary Kenncth Oarke
for the thumbs up. He would tlso consider objections to the plan.
A BATTLE is looming after it V'as revealed that a Tower Hamlets secondary school aims to become fl1e first in the borough to apply to opt out of council control. , Governors of Raines Foundation, Approach Road, Bethnal Green, have told the council they want · grarrt maintained status for the Church of England school. But Town Hall sources say councillors are unlikely to approve of the move, which would mean the Government giving cash direct to the governors to run 870-place Raines. ·: The controversial scheme is part of the Government's radical . shake-up of schooling. In October, the then Education Secretary John MacGregor rev1 ealed that all opt-out schools would receive J.'i per cent above local ! authority grants, Parents would ballot on a school's future, with the Education · Secretary making the final decision. Raines' governors voted 13-2 to the opt-out process. Now Education Committee cou have decided to send a "balanced" letter parents, spelling out the pros and cons, before discussing the proposals. The council are likely to oppose the out as the decision is irreversible and mean Raines being "deprived" of support services. Education Chair CUr Jonathon Stokes said this week: ''1 am personally against out, though I approve of parents having choice. "I am disappointed the governors only intended to tell the parents the good points." Chair of Governors the Rev Steven Richards said: "We hope that by seeking grant maintained status it will enable us to do more for the benefit of the students." Mr Richards, who has t" o daughters at the school, added: "We are very concerned to keep the Christian ethic as far 1 as we can. "We do not want to force confrontation with the council, But we feel our move gives us the best choice to run the school as we want 'and'we are ·l willing to argue the. case.·"
Old Raineians' Association
1719 ~
SUMMER 1991 Old Raineians' Association, cjo Raines Foundation SChool,
Bill Richa.rds I Membership Secretary, 26 Shandy Street, wndon,
Approach Road,
wndon, E2 9LY.
•* • • BLIND •••••••••••••••• BEGGAR GET-'.roGETHER * *THURSDAY 8TH AUGUST 7. 30IM ONWARDS
Sandra Johnson, 9 Goddington Lane,
Gwynneth Jackson, Glevum,
Kirkby Malzeard,
BR6 9DR.
0698 826854
Old Raineians,
North Yorks, HG4 3RS. Tel: 0765 658825
The weather looks far fran summery when I start this but I know that in the SOUth you have not fared much better - at least· it kept fine for the Test Match win at Headingley! The A.G.M. took place in the school on 11th May, a small gathering of loyal members enjoyed a sociable evening after the short, but, as in all assocations, necessary amrual meeting for the reading of a report, a financial statement and the election of officers and a committee. Bill Richards, the retiring president gave an acootmt of the year's activities with the gratifying news of an increased membership. Clive Baugh presented the balance sheet and the ftmds are now in excess of £2,900. Life members now number approximately 250 and a resolution was passed at the A.G.M. to abolish Annual Membership, but to allow school leavers who join the Association three years free membership. Sadly two committee members have resigned, Alan Johnson because of a new job for which he will spend lengths of time in Siberia (voltmtary it must be said!) -he has been a tremendous help in producing and despatching newsletters, as well as being an enthusiastic ocmnittee member and will be surely missed- but his wife Sandra, has agreed to continue her publicity contributions - thank you to both of them; and craig Rose, resident in cambridge, who finds it difficult to attend meetings - thank you for your support. The ocmnittee list now follows and sadly no ex-pupil left more recently than 1980! 'Any younger members willing to join would be~ welcane indeed.
Gwynneth Jackson Phil Puttick Bill Richards Clive Baugh sue Holden Gareth Lewis
- President and Newsletter Secretary -President Elect - Membership Secretary -Treasurer
- Minutes Secretary - Headmaster
steve Brown
Brian Chaperlin La.urie Dalton Tony GroVes Nonnan Holland Edna Howard Sandra Johnson Ma.lcom Pit-Keathly
'Reff' Reffold Gillian Russell The following people have beccme members:U>rraine suter Bardsley (1972-75), now married and living near Leicester, working for the local authority housing department - she is sad to have lost touch with Denise cox, Jill Reilly, Julie Dawkins and Teresa O'cavanagh (with whan she was also at Primary SChool). U>rraine remembered Mr. Rae telling her fonn to 'stand up straight like Spartans! ' Her sister Iesley suter still lives in U>ndon and is training as a Personnel Officer. Charlie Gay (1971-76), whose son starts at Raines in September works in the city as a canputer systems Engineer. 1\nthony Hilditch (1970-75) is in Banking and lives in Bow. Nicky Sternhell (1970-72) is a freelance canputer systems analyst. After taking her degree at Leeds she returned to London to work in the canputer field, apart fran two years when she ran her own restaurant which proved to be harder than slaving over a hot canputer! Colin Biggs (1950-54) has lived in Gennany since 1970 and is a sales and projects manager handling contracts for large steam turbine generators - he is married with a son and a daughter. Christine Maddox (carter) (1958-64 lives in Woodford Green. Recently after 26 years she met up with Anne Woodward, Lindsey Redpath, Dorathea Mahoney, June Bannell and Vera Hunt. They would love to meet. other members of the 1964 secretarial sixth for a get-together - and does anyone know the whereabouts of Miss Kaye or Eileen MUnn to whan they feel they owe at least one drink! Paul Casali (197 6-83) is a bank clerk, living in Woodford Green. Sadly we record the death of W.G. Bartholanew (1918-22) aged 86 - his .brother E.L. Bartholanew now lives in Shenfield. Mabel. Parsons wrote to infonn us of her sister Emily' s death in December - Wallie Spooner has sent the following tri.bute.
Most of us know little about the Raineians whose names appeared .on the Honours Boards in the corridors of the Arbour Square building. one such, Miss Emily Parsons, who died in December aged 82, deserved an Honours Board herself 路(and possibly her three sisters). Emily achieved the wrlque distinction of being pupil (1919-27), member of staff (1938-52), SChool governor (1970-6) and President of the o.R.A. (1970-1). Since the foundation of Raine's in 1719, such an achievement would have been impossible except in the. period since 1921, when the o.R.A came into being, and 1976, when the Association lost its right of representation of the Governing body. Emily came to Raine's in 1919, the second of four sisters who were here - but more of that later. In 1927, she won an Exhibition to read Biology at Newnham COllege, cambridge, and after graduating, taught first at QUeenswood and then at Skipton before joining the Staff of .Raine's just before World War II. There she stayed until 1952, and there must be hundreds of Old Girls with anecdotes galore of those years, maybe of the evacuation period more than any other. Fran then on, she was at Loughton eo. High, teaching until her retirement when she gave part-time service both in the Biology Dept. and with the school orchestra. Free of the classroom, she began to . indulge her many interests and accanplislnnents. Her love of Raine's was paramount - work on the O.R.A. camni.ttees and the Governing body took much time, and she was bitterly disappointed when the I.L.E.A. deprived the Association of its three Governors and so its influence in the nmning of the SChool. Emily, following the death of Frank Hertes, joined stan Matthews and Tan Howgill as our representatives, stalwarts all. Her home at the Meadway, Buckhurst Hill, had a garden which reflected her love of Botany, and for many years, O.R's, males too (!!) enjoyed her SUlllller garden parties with their strawberry teas.
Emily was not one of John Major's ''Useless academics". She was a skilled cellist, both as soloist and in the orchestra; was adept as needle-wanan and dressmaker; used every spare hour in the garden, has left dozens of examples of her exceptional gift for sketching, and will be sadly missed at St. 路John's church for the wide variety of service given there. She certainly lived what has been called 1 the full life' and Raineians may be justly proud of her, whether we knew her personally or not. P.S. We extend our sincere sympathy to her three sisters Mabel, Ethel and connie. All came to Raines' and were last seen with Emily at the 250th celebrations at St. Paul's in May 1969, but their record merits corrment. We have had examples over the years of 4, 5 and 6 Raineians fran one family - the Marks, the Roberts, the Adlingtons, the Mulrenans, the Harveys etc. But can any family claim to have had every one go on to University other than the Parsons girls? Mabel (French) and connie (Maths) went on to Bedford COllege, wndon, Ethel read Maths at st. HUgh's OXford and Emily was at Newnham, caRtbridge. In the 1920's that was an amazing achievement. Any challengers? W.M.S.
Among those present at the A.G.M. was one of our 'old' o.R. 's John OWens - now aged 86. He worked at Raines' fran 1931 as a Laboratory Steward (nowadays senior Technician) when 'Fussy' Browning and 'Slogger' Luton were Heads of Chemistry and Physics. When 路the school evacuated he remained at Arbour SqUare sending on apparatus and chemicals when required and also went to Hurstpierpoint to fit up a lab for the Girls school. Called up in 1940 he was at Woolwich Arsenal and Leeds and did work for the Inter-Services 路Research Bureau. After the war he was offered a good job elsewhere and not. until 1990 did he return to Arbour SqUare, to find the school had moved, but he visited Approach Road and talked with Graham Willett, the Head of Physics. At the end of 1990 Graham together with Janis Fuller (Textiles Department and Head of First Year) set forth on an adventure taking them to the oceans near New Zealand and AUstralia as tutors to two children sailing with their parents in an ocean-going yacht. They flew out to Auckland in January and sane weeks were spent exploring both islands of New Zealand and they met up with Bob Glaves (P.E. Department). The route planned was to sail up the N.E. coast of New Zealand across to Tonga for two months, West to Fiji and in october make for AUstralia via New California and it seems likely that Chrisbnas 1991 will be spent in Australia. Good Luck! Helena Obourn (Roberts) used to live in Arbour SqUare. Her mother was Mayor of Stepney in 1936 - she is trying to trace her friend Ethel Parker (married name unknown) who had two children and was at one time living in Forest Gate. John. Barry wrote fran Erith, correcting our statements that he left school after four years and now lives in Bristol - sorry! He would like copies of the long school photos 1962 or 63 and 1969 - sadly the finn no longer seems to exist - so, has anyone a copy to donate or lend to have a copy made from it? COngratulations to Debra Reid (Harvey) on her Ph.D success. contemporaries of her now married are Lyn Wainer (Baker), Karen Delaney (Gray), Karen Stapleford (navies) who has a daughter Michelle Madde (IJ:mgworth) with two sons and Lesley Ireson (COX) who has a son. Bill Everett has met John Barlow (early 60's) who is now Chainnan of Technical services at Ealing Studios. Barba.ra Fairbairn (1950-56) heard of the December reunion on local radio and wonders if any of her contemporaries attended - unfortunately I don't know Barbara's maiden name. Victor 1\mdur (1932-38) living in Harrow, wonders if any of his contemporaries keep in touch - he remembered Mr. Engledow the French master and a fellow pupil Buckman.
COngratulations to Iris Lyddon on here engagement - after sane time working for the Post Office she is working with handicapped children again and is to train as a nurse for mentally handicapped. She has recently been in touch with Barah smith and Mary McCurry. I am pleased to say that Edna Howard is recovering well from an operation and is back in harness in Raines' office.
-sMichael Jacobs (Head Boy 1989-81) living in Manchester was greatly surprised to have a visit fran Zippy Auerba.ch (Maths Deparbnent) last Boxing Day! Since graduation he has worked for Rover car Group and is now Export sales and Marketing Director for a textile CXlllpally - for whan it is likely tllat he will live and work in Paris for two years. He is now married and is in contact with nanny Perkins (Head Boy 1979-1980) now a Policeman, John Meredith and Jason Orgles (1975-80). He would like to contact Robert Leung and Adri.an Moody.
I.esley Jensen (Tear) wrote me a long newsy letter and was sad to read of Anne Johnson's death (of whan Reff has written an appreciation), remembering, her readings fran Chaucer, her anger over the !CC 'abridged' A level texts which removed the 'naughty bits which might warp their minds' and consequently dictating the missing lines which were then written in above the ***! Nick Kaimakami is now married and living in England both working for BT, Nick frequently travelling abroad to European countries. He bl:nrped into Gregory Ross about two years ago, who sometimes appears on TV'S 'Clothes Show', he is 'waitering' to save up to do an MSc. He has also met Leon Finn who works in the city and wonders what has becane of Tim Jenninqs (also a BT employee), steve Gumbs (policeman?) and Richard and John Morgan.
Joanne Marshal! enjoyed her ski-instructing in Mayrhofen until she injured her knee - carla Marshal! went there for a week's ski-ing and was as dangerous as at Kranjska Gora but she enjoyed the apres-ski. Joanne met the 'terrible trio' Freddie Stratford, Ian Hatton and Teddy Ayres at Benjy's enjoying an 'East End Old Boys' night out - Ian is married, Fred is now Director of UK Finances for Thanson Holidays (thanks to Zippy's Auerbach's Maths lessons -?) Pat (TUrner) and Paul Watts now have two daughters. son.
Lorraine COpley (Johnson) has a
Shenneth Henry (1981-86) is working as a Sports Assistant for the Globe district of Tower Hamlets and as well as work in sports clubs and with elderly people, also visits schools including Raines, where she helps with trampolininq. Paul Gardiner and his wife, returned fran. an Australian visit and were going to Ibiza (how much holiday do printers get?) His sister Deena OSborne greatly enjoyed the DecEmber 'do' and is pleased to have re-made contact with school. Now her children are almost school age, she hopes to 'catch up' with herself and hopes to go back to studying and finish her A levels. She asked about Alison Harvey (married with family) Maddalena Pettenati (also married) Iris Lyddon and Helen Kostis -who she met at the 1\GM. carole Day still works in structured finance for a Gel:man Bank - she had seen Nicholas Beeson, who, working for a Japanese Bank, had spent some time in Japan. Si.mla Nijran (Singh) lives in Binningham, has three children and is doing accountancy exams. Ba.rbara. Donovan (Page) is enjoying being Mum to son Gregory, her sister Maggie does secretarial work. Justine Herslnnan married earlier this year, Chinq Fun Lee and
Elizabeth Athanaze were guests.
Craig Rose had an article on London's Charity Schools (mention of Raines) published in 'History Today. ' Mike Hazell has been praooted in Guardian Royal Exchange Insurance and trains and advises路 staff. Eddie Patten is a buyer for Marks & Spencer. Paul Marindill gained a degree at Loughborough in 1987. Patrick Pallott works at the Royal Mail and taxi-drives. Robert Stuart works in a library. David watts is a salloonella expert for the Ministry of 1\grlculture. Rume Miah- at East London Polytechnic on a HND Business studies course. COrdes - studying Geography at SUSsex univarsity Bradley COrdes - working for Midland Bank Barbara Walsh- working for National Wesbn:inster Bank Jane Gamer- Nursing in Lewisham Leroy Vaughan- Graduated at Maths (2:1) Da.rren
Sarah Parkinson - Achieved a 1st in Theology Christine Naraido - Has becane a Bachelor of Science Daniella King and Linda Barker have both graduated SUSan Robinson who graduated in 1\grlculture at Wye is now married. Theo Yianni - studied Travel and Tourism at Portsmouth and has returned to cyprus. Rel.mions happen in other places too! In November 1990 27 people had one in a small village in Brittany, six of them Old Raineians' members of a climbing club founded in 1957 by Mike Futter (1950-56) whO whilst at school was a member of the British Schools Exploration society's trip to Lapland. Fired with enthusiasm he fonned the East London Mountaineering Club which expanded and flourished for several years. Ted and Harry Roberts now live in Canada and COlin "Monster" Biggs lives in Gennany. At the reunion in addition to Ted and COlin were Mike Futter, Malcolm Boyce, Ken Fennel! and Joyce curtis (Roberts). Chris Fitt sent a lot of news of his contemporaries (mainly 1981""88). He is in his final year at QMC and contemplating a PhD or teacher training in Biology. His brother Jon is doing a second degree in envirornnental health, in order to becane an envirornnental health officer. Chris, Jon, La.urence Page, Diane Beves, Li.sa Franklin and Nigel Gore are members of a band, and even Raymond Beves has been seen! Joanne Siggins is a member of the Royal society of phOtographers (any assigmnents welccme!) John Rodwell wants to do a PGCE in Gennan and spanish- he and Chris work in Belfridges on saturdays and had Neil Wilson (Geography Deparbnent) as a custaner one day. si.mon :Kevanagh finishes at Warwick university and is also considering teaching, as is Moira Healey.
swarup Dasgupta transferred fran Engineering at Iancaster to Physics at U.C.L. Cheryl Gore still has another year's study at Dundee to becane a child psychOlogist. Justin Johnson is studying Geology at Royall Holloway. Kevin smith frequently allows Reff Reffold to have sane money fran the Bank where he is a supervisor. Nicola Gover is studying English and Darren COrder geography, both at SUSsex. Maggie Butler (Bell) lives near York and has twice called when I have been out - one of these days we'll meet.
When I sat down to write this, I thought it WOUld be short, but I am amazed at the news gleaned fran correspondence - so. please keep writing. There may be a ''Blind Beggal:f' gathering in August, and there'll certainly be an Arbour Square Reunion in December. Badly, the last item will be an appreciation of Mrs. Atme Johnson who toost of you will remember first as Anne Hanlnond in the girls school, and, apart fran a short time teaching elsewhere, was at Raines' until ill-health forced her to take early retirement in 1988. Thanks again to all sources of news, looking forward to future meetings.
Gwynneth Jackson.
Row as school is told: You can go it alone BY
AN East End School has joined the optout revolution and is to run lts own affairs from · now on. cent of parents at the _-Educati~n -Secretary Kenneth Clarke has given Raines Foundation School. BethnalcGreen. -the goahead to become self.governing -. the- first Tower Hamlets .school to do so. Mr Clarke s·aid: "I am delighted to welcome · Raines Foundation Sch~ol into the expanding group of Grant Maintained Schools." "I am sure that it will be a very successful and fulfilling experience for parents and children and-for all the staff of the school.·· More than 74 per
follow the same path. _. He _ said: ''The Bethnal Green school voted for the move out of government offered a Local Education cash carrot and they Authority control in a grasped it but ifs not in the interc::sts .of children ballot three months ago. th~ The vote was a victory throughout borough." for school governors who "We are confident of had been pushing to opt out for months but oilr abilities ·to continue parents and teachers were providing a good education service." said to be split. The decision was Chairman of the blasted by Tower school governors the Hamlets education chiefs Rev Steven Richards who said parents had said the school's new been .. misled by an status would mean a attractive package deal better deal. offered by the governThe school will receive the same budget ment." Education Chairman as schools under the new Jonathon Stokes denied .local Management of the borough was worried Schools scheme but will other schools would have control of a further 16 per cent of money
from the Department" of Education and Science. That 16 per cent would normally be controlled by the Local Education Authority. Rev Richards said: "We are very pleased and hope to offer our pupils a'bright future but things will remain very much the saine." ''We would also .hope to woik -with and continue to have a harmonious relationship with the Local Education Authority", he added_ Raines becomes the · 85th Grant Maintained Schoo1 and will. opt out of Local Education Authority control from September I. A spokesman for Tower Hamlets education department-said no other schools in the borough had put for~· ward ;proposals to opt out.
In the last edition of the Old Raineians' newsletter there was a brief announcement of Mrs. Johnson's death. She died on TUesday 29th January, as a result of illness which caused her to retire early in AugUst 1988, although she was actually forced to give up working at Raines' in NOvember 1987. She was admitted to the Mile End Hospital in. September 1990 and apart fran short visits to the Royai London at Whitechapel and the Royai Free in Hampstead and a few hours spent at her flat, she had to remain there until the end. DUring the last months she suffered increasingly and she was in considerable pain, which she bore with. great courage and dignity. Educated at James Allen's School, and Leeds University where she studied English and Music, Anne first worked for a while in the civil Services although she had a te.:rq;>orary post as a Dalek in a "Doctor Who'' progranme,, a fact of which she was extremely proud! It was in the civil service that she met Johnny, who was eventually to becaue her husband and his death sane thirteen or so years ago was one of the many tragedies which Anne had to suffer during the last 15 years and with which, I believe, only her faith helped her to .cope. She joined the English department of Raines' Girls Granmar School in September 1961. Fran that time, except for a brief excursion to Frances Holland's School, Ann devoted her entire career to the well being of Raines' and, far more importantly for Anne, to the welfare and best interests of the pupils. She loved the school when it was based in Arbour square but, as she was always ready to admit she disliked the evacuation to Approach Road and all that had led up to that IOOVe to fourth and latest of the School's main premises. An appreciation of Anne's qualities, and influence on the School, was written by Mr. s. Johnson (no relative), Head of the English department for the 1988 edition of "the Raineian11 â&#x20AC;˘ A precis of this article worth including here "Anne was a guiding
colleague in the department and an approachable and caring senior teacher. Her greatest gift was her genuine concern for others well being, that of pupils, families and the teachers with whan she worked. Her understanding and experience of life's vicissitudes gave her wisdan and an ability to sympathise with other's problems, which now remains as a great honour for her many friends. This essential and time-consuming personal concern, when she was DepUty Head was her unique contribution to making Raines the school it is. The many duties she perfonned reflected her involvement with the happiness of other people. Originally in charge of girls' welfare in the old girl's gramnar school, then as postoral Deputy with an increasing responsibility for the whole School. As. Acting Head in the interregnum of Mr. Stanney and Mr. Thanas she held Raines' on course, passing to the new Head the virtues established in the School by his predecessor. The concern she always shared for others was reflected back when she needed support through her own bad times. When she retired the School was left the poorer for her loss bl,lt a nruch pleasanter place for everyone than it would have been without her contribution to its ethos, atmosphere and continuing success". There is little that I would wish to add. We were close for over 20 years, as friends, colleagues (for ten years or so joint Deputy Heads) and also as neighbours - we lived in the same block of flats fran 1973 until 1988 but, typically, Anne lived above me! We disagreed on many issues but disagreement never involved, resentment or vituperation. Indeed argument and discussion so often led to an increasingly nrutual understanding and friendship. When I retired to my lotus existence in Thailand-and Stepney-I thought that Anne might well devote herself to Wagner. Alas, time ran out but even so she had had the opportunity to participate in the breaking down of the old East-west divide. can one readily picture the careful enunciator of names at Prize Day standing in Wenceslas Square in Prague in December 1989 taking -part in the daoonstration which eventually led to the overthrow of the camn.mi.st regime and the appointment of President Ravel?
I could go on: there were so many facets of Anne's character and personality that one could desribe her wit, tolerance, sympathy for the problems of others and indeed rather more than sanewhat risque humour even when she was herself in considerable pain. I feel priviledged to have known Anne and to have been her colleague and her friend. And I miss her. I know that many other people feel the same.
R.C.R. (Acknowledgement to 'The Raineian 1988') â&#x20AC;˘
Old Raineians' Association
NEWSLETTER 1-DVEMBER.. 1991 Old Raineians' Association, c/o Raines Foundation School, Appro4Ch :Road,
Bill Ricban!s, MemberShip secretary,
26 Sbandy Street, I.on4on,
E2 9LY. Tel: 081-981-1231
Sandra Jo'lmson, 9 God~n Lane,
Gwynnetb Jackson, GleYUII\1 Ki.mby Mal.zeard,
Tel: 071-790-9235 .
orpington, Kent,
Ripon, Nol:th Yorks, HG4 3RS. Tal: 0765 658825
BR6 9DR.
9/)91( 826854 ~~c1
Dear Old Baineians,
I hope you have all had a qood sumner and enjoyable holidays whether in this country or exotic places ... Reff Reffold has been in Thailand again and Chinq Fun Lee in AUstralia, Janis PUller and Grallam Willett as reported. in the last newsletter were sailillq fl"CC1l New Zealand to Australia l:IUt jtm;I8Cl ship at Samoa and have since been in Fiji, the COOk Islands, Singapore, Mal~sia and saw Reff in Thailand. They are now doing a grand tour -of Australia before mturninq to these shores. Now
please DJake a note of the DecEmber zeunion. ~
we knoW many of you QQliS to this event to see inside the Arl:x>ur square blilClinq but - at present it is being re-furbished and isn't available lDltil February, so the Headmaster, Gareth Iawi.s ~Y said we coul.CI use the present buildinq - so - ao please tum up in your droVes as you have Clone the last two years - and bri.nq alonq non-menM_rs too!
next mtch of news was gleaned b'J sanara JoJmson at the July 'meet' at the M a result of that function, Paul smith has :beCane a member •
•'Bl.in<l Eeggar''. Welcalle!
-2Note tMt. t.hose names in capital. letters were present during the evening. TONY VOWELL (1979-1986) - is a !bney Broker in the city and still meets up with Gary Bishop, John wyatt, J:imuy Thatpson and Terry Ka.vanaah. Terry is a Money Broker as well. Tony still plays ru;by for the Raven's Rugby Football Club.
JOHN WYAT'I' (1972-1979) - is still working with Telecom and living plays rugby for the Ravens Rugby Football Club.
in Bow.
John also
~Y BISHOP (1969-1976) - is in touch with a great many Old Raineians through the Rugby Club. 1\monq those he mentioned were John Meredith and Tony si.npson. John
works for a CCttqJuter carpany, is married and lives in Chelmsford. City and is married with one child. .
Tony works in the .
. .
ANDBEW Cl\PPAERr (1981-87) - works for the Daily Mail in the promotions department in Kensington. His girlfriend is Ki.rsti.n Berry (81-87) who works for Nat. west. Andrew's sister Alison (78-83) and husband David Jones also went to Raines· along with his cousin Jacqueline Al.len (78-83) • Andrew also had news of John Featherstone (81-89) who is a student at the I.ondon Colleqe of Printing, Jane Gilbert (81-89) who is a Student Nurse in Manchester and Giles Bates (81-89) who is at COVentry Polytechnic. ROBERT BARER (81-89) works for OJstoms and EKcise in Stratford. RICHAIID MmfONY (1980-85) works for stockbrokers in Live:a:pool street and had news of Cecil Bartholanew ·(80"'"85) who works for the I.ondon Borough of Chelsea as a Computer Technician. S»mNl'.HA CULLBN (Nee MarSon) (1979-84) has a give month old son named Joseph and works. for a Norwegian Bank in the City. Samantha keeps in touch with Jackie smithers (79-84) who is a Life GUard at St. Georges in wapping. Patricia Iowe (79-84) is a Micro-Biologist at a hospital in croydon, Michelle Davis (79-84) is married and has a three month old baby and lives in South.alrpton and Liam Ashbu who
is engaged to Julie cade (78-83).
PAUL THIENEL (1976-81) m1d Paul Cesali (1976-83) Are both spending a lot. of their spare time body-building. '.rhey m:e soon to go on holiday to swansea and, mnong others, st.eve Gumb is also going. 1\pparently the qirljboy ratio is 3/1 1 so we do not nee4 to tJrl.Jlk tco lOng and hard abOUt why they picked that location! Paul Thienel is very interested in Mini-OJ:OSs and· Grand Prix racing, anc1 is in fact planning to go to Le Mans neKt year, so if there are enthusiasts among you who would like to accarpany Paul (the more the merrier) to either a Mini-cross meet or Le Mans, then let us know and we can put you in touch with him. Paul's sister :raren (79-84) still sees· Raren Hewlett, Debbie Baker and Andrew Manners. PMJL SMITH (197 6-83) works for a o::snputer
company called computer Centra - near
Paul is in contact with stave GUmbs (hope you are taking note Nick KaiJDakame - see last newsletter) who has left the police force and is training to be a Chartered Acoountant in the ToWer of IDndon vicinity.
'roMMY NUNN (1963-68) and his wife Janet (1964-70) have a daughter Dmna. attendilig Raines. Tcmny would like to get in touch with Bernard smith (63-68) and does anyone know the whereabOuts of Albert Al.dridqe, stephen Threadqold, Ian Adlinqton, Raymond Rainbird, Clive Woods, Eric Farley, Peter Hawney, John oakenden, Raymond Hill, Bradley Clarke or John Edwards? (All ....,l962-68 thereabouts) •
sane more infoDlation fran the three PaUl's, is that Martin Lake bas recently bad his son Joshua christened with .the support of SaDe Old Raineians in the · congregation~ Martin workS for custaDs and EKoise. Stephen McDuel (1976-83) works for GSI caaputer systems in the Isle of Donqs, is now engaged and lives in Poplar AND is still an avid 'llOlice' fan (the gxoup of course). stephen's sister sue (79-84) is now a top British model. John Wyatt suggested that it would :be nice to have an Old Raineian RUgby .Team. The fixtures would probably be set for a SUnday, so we hope there are lots of you out there who woul.Cl be intereste<l. It really is a good idea an<l would be goo<l for the assocation ot bave sanethi.nq to support, so all those intereste<l give us a ring and we'll put you in touch with John. others present: MJ:CK lfAW!CO.lS 1 J~ :McOOR!mCK, ~ PLtJMMER, S'lEVE SOLLY, BRIAN CHAPERLIN, JOHN DE'ATH, MARl'IN BELLIS, GEORGEJ LBWm:Y, PHIL WJ.I'l'ICR MID GILT..JAN, BILL RJ:CimRDS l\HD SANDRA JOHNSON.
sanara Jobnson and sue smitb (nee Holden) recently met 1.1p with carol Batchelor (nee Hitohcock) (1962-66) who would be interested in any news of the following fram her year - Linday Bellamy (Dilly), Ja.net Gray, Lyn Atldnson, Janice Prlestley, Jean Cecil, susan Love, Linda BaVell, Ri.ta Button or Janet Boston - and anyone else who started Rai.nes in 1962, wbiehever class they were in (male or female) • I was at school in July for yet another retirement, tbat of John Bl\D'ldell of the Art Department and farewell to Barry Jones of the HistoJ:Y Department, now Head of Department in a NOrth Lon®n school. Sane o.R. 's were present Annette BUgansky (now marriei:l) who qave news of her sister Leda who has four
children, and Elise who bas tw. Maria Killick is in the Bank visited Dr. Feroze Antia (present Read of Maths) and her sister Nicola is an animal nurse. The successful Chess Team of 1983 were all present - Terry Webber is in bankinq, steve Everton is currently wcrkinq on his MSc. thesis and Gary Trew is a publican. Gary's sister Dawn bas an Employment hjenc:y and brother COlin is also a publican, Barry Everton's wife produced a son in JUne. congratulations to Iris Tanlinson (Lyddon), married on a superb September Saturday. we have been notified of address changes ))y Joan Anderson (Barry) , Sharon Bailey and Marous Naraidoo. Marous, having- successfully gained B.sc., M. se and Ph.D degJ:ees now works at the British Aerospace Research centre and is now w6rldnq for a o.sc. He has qoocll11E!IDOries of staff anCl pupils, partiCQ!arly the Maths Deparbnent manbers, Mrs susan Fzost, Tony Perrett, Gerry calvert and especially Zippy Auel.'bach and the Scientists Dr. Cioci and Bob HUdson. He says Steve Joh:nson and Glllian Cleave awoke his interest in English Literature and that Reff lt.'Olll.d :be surprised that bis French no longer SUffers fran a London accent (West countl:y instead-?) He wonders bow his oontellporaries rEIIlElSIIber their Cm& at Raines - he remanbers AndreW BOylett, Sbahjehan Fayyaz and the dry hUmOur of Gary sellick and ThanaS venn.is. Be woUld like to knoW What ):)ecame ot susan TUrner and Jackie Bmwn (sister ot MaXine). A sincere apology to Jolm Bany who lives in Brith- he was searcbing tor copies of school photos- we think the fim no lonqer exists. ADother ~an bas :been in touch with school - she is Elsie Tarrant (WOO<l) , now living in Pe.rshore, wbo sb.uted at Baines as it opened in Arbour SquiU'e - the heaclmistress was Miss Roden and her fom teacher Miss Fc!XQn. SChool l\lllCh necessitated <JOOCl beha.viour, and many girls lived at Ilfo.rd and travelled to stepney East station - she hAS hzlppy memories of her schooldays, l:lut despite travelling widely has never cx:ce face to face with 1m0ther o.R.. ·
GeoJ:Ve Pinctney (61-68) has lived in~ since 1978, bas a C8nal2ian wire and two &ughters. He lJas been living by a lakeside in calgacy, enjoyillq supem sports · facil,i.ties (because of the 1988 Olympics), good theatre and social activities.
septeinber he mcwe4 to Jakarta, Indonesia, to becane Mobil oll Dldonesia's EXploration Geology.Manager, with hane and se.rvants provided! He would be glad to meet up with my o.R. 1 s in that pert of the world - the only o.R. 'S with whom he still has contact are Jolm Masson and Douq Willluent.
Mari.an Hole, wife of Tony, bas two chil<b:en an4 is doing a B.Ed. at Eingston Poly. susan Dayoott (Mole) now bas three sons and her sister Janet Mole is a Tax consultant. John Cbappell bas two children, Geoff Qlappell is Managing Director for an asbestos oontractor, his wife Lorraine (Si.Jns) is consiaering doing FGCE. Barry Chappell also has two children and is catpmy seoretazy for Mann Egertori. Gary Woods has n.-married aud works for coutts, Martin carter w.>l.ics for .Midland .Bank in Sheffield. Guy Preston works for a Cc:t\'g?uter Ccmpany, his wife Candy (Seven) is in M & s at Epscm.. Jimmy vanna is also in tbe eanputer l:nsiness. Terry Chimes, druDner with Clash bad 'Rook the casbah' as a Video Nlln])er 1. Iesley (cater) and Jinmy Mshead have two children - he is a Fire Officer. Mrian Gurr (now known as. Bob} , is now a police officer and met Richard Tillbrook in a pub. Joanne Marshal! is workinq at the BritaDnia Leisure Centre. Elizabeth Sinpson for a ocaputer finn. The school has 1 opted-out1 , so we wish it success. Before breaJdng away fran ToWer Ha\llets, staff were offered the opportunity of Voluntaey severance, with tbe result that over the next few months the followilq lonq-servinq members of staff will be leaving - Jim Everton (Head of IQwer School and J.Delllber of the Soienc:::e Department) , Barbara Tllanrpson (wife of Tarmy) Head of Year and Bead of HaDe Econani.es Deparbnent, Ed croau (Head of Geology) and Bob Philpott (Head of Histo:ry). More details will follow in the Spring newsletter. Whatever they do after leaving the well-loved postals, we wish thEJn happiness and success.
NoW for sane more up-to-date school news.
COngratulations to the new Heaa Girl ana Heacl Boy Karina cox and Richard Harris, and to their deputies, Jocelyn ClnmCia and Nick Dem1i.s - we hope they will maintain lints with the school by l>eccni.ng actively involve4 with the o.R.A.
congratulations to Christopher Fitt and simon KaVanagh on gain1nq first class
I apologise to any otllers WllO baVe q.ratlUated, wt I haVe had no rurther infomat:i.on - yet - so I hope to incluc.'le successes in the spring newsletter. Also by then I expect to be able to list the Whereabouts of those who tla'Ve just l.eft~
If }'OU have found no news of your ocmtarpora:cies - semi :me same for inclusion in the next edition! Most important - brave the wilds of Bethnal. Green l!md turn up en masse on December 6th at 7. oopn.
Gwynneth Jaakson.
P.S. I wonder how I found time to teach- I am now wardeninq in the National Park an4 at J'ountains Abbey, singing in two choirs, wa.1..ki.ng and checking all- the footpatbs in the Parish so the definitive map oan be updated, and have just got involved with a pxoauction of •'Wizard of the ~~~ (for the third time!) •
E2 9LY
NEWSLETTER, 1992 Old Raineians Association c/o Raines Foundation School, Secretary. Approach Road, london E2 9LY. Tel: 081-981-1231 Sandra Johnson, 9 Goddington Iane, Orpington Kent, I3R6 9DR. tel 0689 826854
Bill Richards, Membership 26 shandy street, Iondon e1 4lx Tel: 071-790-9235 Gwynneth Jackson Glevum, kirkby MaIzeard, Ripon North Yorks, HG4 3RS. tel 0765 652825
Dear Old Raineians As this is the first newsletter of 1992, a Happy New Year to you. All it was good to see so many folk at the December reunion, despite it not being held at Arbour Square and despite the need to use map and compass to find the Sixth Form Room in the upper school at Approach Road. A list of those who attended is included at the end of the Newsletter so that those who weren't I t there can see who they missed, it was pleasing to see so many former staff - there was even an informal Maths Departmental Meeting of Gerry Carvert Zippy Auerbach, Colin Nice and Tony Perrett Another special person we were delighted to see was our oldest member Emily Galbraith Who started her days at Raines at; the age of 7 in 1903 - at the age of 95 she travelled down from Edinburgh in order to be there - and many thanks to Lesley Jensen (Tear) who was her chauffeur to an aid from Barnes A strange coincidence was that most of the raffles prizes were won by those who started in 1974 including Lesley Ireson (Cox) end Debra Reid (Harvey) it is difficult to find a date which doesn't clash with pre-Christmas functions - we had apologies from Kosta Kostis and Paul Martin (at dinners) likewise Barry and Bronwen Walsh Nelson McMahon Malcolm Pit-Keathly., Clive Baugh Jack Lowe Barbara ~an (Page), James (Who was away in Mallorca). Judging by the difficulty we bad in persuading people to leave by the well-loved portals it appeared that they enjoyed themselves. To satisfy many nostalgic old Raineians we plan to hold the 1992 December Reunion at Arbour Square - provided the contractors have finished their work! This is an opportunity for a get-together, again at Approach Road on Friday May 8th from 9 till 10pm, during which the Association s accounts will be and next presented (to prove that the committee have not absconded with the profits) yea Is Committee elected - do came along. Anyone with bright Idea for any other Types of function do forward with them.
Some who are now -part-time Staff - Jim. Cloggy Master in 1967 and be~ Read of I~ School, an end of last term. Barbara and Tommy Thompson Who were i.e. of amalgamation - they are now living in Bognor. He English Department in 1975, be~ many of Department and is now Senior Teacher - many will remember him for drama productions and his active participation in school skiing trips. Margaret Parish (Norman) was at school 1946-53 and is now Headteacher of a Primary School near L~ -Mrs. Weingarten was delighted to he= news of her after many years. Margaret taught in a school in S~ at the many many was captaining Buckinghamshire Netball Team and had many mentioned in the ~s connecting her with the East End - to her surprise and elderly gentleman appeared at the s~ - he was Mr. Bidgood, the writer of the School Song. Margaret's husband is a National Athletics Coach and returned from a trip to New Zealand with Keith Roberts another coach and Old Raineian. John Corbett. (1976-82) is a Telephone System Engineer, Wrrain Young (Louye) 1957-72 lives in Rainham, has two children and works as a school Laboratory Technician, mainly in the Physics Department? The Committee recently decided to allow school leavers to become Associate Members at no cost. For three years after leaving school and we are pleased to welcome John Featherstone, Fiona James and Sarah Parker. We hope that they will encourage more of their contemporaries to contact us and turn up to get together. We sometimes lose track of people who fail to send us their new address when they Move - so thank you Candy (S~) and Gary Preston now living in Woking and Valerie Black borrow (Preston) Who has Moved from Greenwich to Victoria B.C. Canada - Valerie kindly sent us a donation to help with the postage of newsletters. Alex Young and his wife Sandra now live in H~ as Alex is a Company Manager at the Gateshead metro Centre. Congratulations to Tracey many Martin Leonard who are now proud parents of a son. The next batch of news was gleaned at the Reunion. Chris 5 p 4 t b and John Rodmell are both doing their at Kings- CoIIege and Chris is doing his teaching practice at Raines (and playing guitar and. drums! Clive Shilson had the leading role at: the Polka Theatre in Wimbledon in Yoshi and the Tea Kettle he had a part in 0 London, a Burning, Any news of actor Peter Holloway? Mike Robins (1950-59) was this time not the first arrival at the Reunion as like Many others, he could not find his way into the school. David de Ath is now working in Cold Mines in South Africa and called into school during a short visit to England. He had been a passenger on the liner Oceania fortunately was rescued but lost all his luggage
Tony Perrett, is now in the Maths Department at By= Park. His wife Jodie (0'Regan) (ex PE. Department) is now ~or Teacher at St. Philip Howard. Joanne Marshall is now at Mayrhofen as a ski instructor, Elizabeth sir~ is now working for a computer firm since the collapse of the travel firm for which she was a courier. Mark Garibaldi runs a charity venture. Peter Thake is Managing Director of a shipping company in Up Minster. Among the employees Shirley Winter (approx. 1949-54). Congratulations to Richard Tillbrook on his appointment as J.P.Debbie R~ A~ many Dorothy in Wizard 'Of OZ 1981) is now studying for an R Tec. in Drama at - Arbour Square!'Bomber' (Adrian) Giles has an insurance nice company in Woodham Perrers and offers competitive rates. Gary Hurst and his wife Cathy (Cromwell) won a trip to Singapore as a top prize in every second counts. David Knibbs is the tenant of the Dean Swift, pub in Wanted Street. Adam Grove now lives and works in Birmingham. Mrs. Emily Galbraith remembered two Headmistresses during her years at school. Miss Armitage and Miss Grier. Miss Haugh who later became a Read of the Girls school was on the staff. She felt that the staff was very dedicated - she recalled Kiss Flood who had the 7 year olds Miss White who taught cookery and ruled with a rod of iron, and pretty miss Baker who married a master from the Boys, School and Kiss Devonshire. Sadly and belatedly we record the death of Bertie Lambert, and ex-president of the Association, in 1990. Shortly before Christmas I spent an afternoon in York with Vivienne Durne (Waeland) while her husband Martin was at a conference. Her cousin Margaret Butler (Bell) works in York and her brother Maurice and wife Pose who spent several years in South America are also now living and working in York. Yet another OR living in York is Paul Reader who spent a long tine in Dubai. I am expecting a visit shortly from Janis Fuller and Graham Willett, members of staff for many years until December 1990 after which they took to the high seas in New Zealand and sailed to Samoa and since the last newsletter they have done a grand tour of Australia the highlights of which were the Kakadu National Park and Ayers Rock - Ching Fun Lee also climbed the latter during her Australian holiday last Autumn when her highlight was seeing the Great Barrier Reef from a helicopter and a glass bottomed boat.
Also in far-flung places is Sylvia Barry, teaching English in Japan - she says the only thing that makes her homesick is reading the O.R. ~letters sent out by her brother. She is yet another who appreciated Mrs Mary Johnsons a level English classes. She has been skiing in Japan - doubtless different from being a member of a school ski trip! Ex-pupils who have been in touch with school recently are our nonagenarian Elsie Arrant, who was one of the first pupils to attend the Arbour square building, the headmistress was Miss Fox; and Rosine Muller (Arwas) 1960-65 now living in Uruguay where she has her own English Institute preparing students for international exams and is grateful for her education at Raines Following a visit to the hospital nearby, Mr. G. Buckle of Hornchurch called in at school -he left school in the early 1940's. Peggy and Gavin --.cuingtoi spent Christmas in England with their four children, the eldest of many is now at boarding school in England. in Malawi many is teaching music and French and singing in concerts occasionally - her studying towards a music Diploma continues, the necessary music did not arrive in time last year! ~in enjoys his work and keeps fit playing squash and doing rugby training. News of the rest of the Adlington family John is Parson of a House Fellowship Church in Crawley, he is married with three children. Alan Adlington married Jean Philpot and they had a son, sadly Jean died in 1982, Alan has since remarried and has two children - he is head of maths at Cheshunt school. lan is also married with three children, he lives in Harrow and is an Accountant in the city. Danielle King (1980-87) sent me news of some of her contemporaries. She graduated in modern History and is now at Sheffield University doing a post-graduate M.Sc in Information Management. Christine Waraidoo graduated from Bristol and has since done a PGCE. Last August Christine and Danielle were bridesmaids at the wedding of Julie Humphreys and Paul Clark. Julie graduated from Cardiff in 1991 - she now lives in Hertford. Linda Barker graduated from Norwich University (East, Anglia) in 1991 and is now Sub-Editor of a Computer magazine in Bath. Malcolm Pit-Keathly who has been a committee me~ for several years took early retirement last July and is finding so much to do (don't we all?) that he wonders how he taught - he will be in Egypt at present. He has nobly driven in from Welwyn to attend committee meetings, but has tendered his resignation -thank you Malcolm for your loyal service and we hope to see you at future functions. Alan Liddiard keeps in touch from Exeter, another busy post-employment person -he is studying part-time for a History degree involving visiting Venice and Cairo this term, as a regional chairman of the Society of Dyers and Colourless he travels to meetings in Bradford every month, is a school Governor treasurer of the 1~ Museum, and still finds time to do volunteer York for the National Trust.
Jim Keen living in Blackpool enjoys the newsletters and hopes to attend the next gathering. Rosemary (Lauton Quick) ex-geography department is now Headmistress of Plymouth Girls School. Viv Nicholas (ex Geology department) is now Head of a school at Burgess Hill congratulations to both of them! Mr. Stanney, former Raines, Headmaster appreciates the newsletters but wonders if he knows any members of staff now. At Christmas I heard from several O.K. sending news of their families,.- Gerlinde Leinvetter (Bennett) lives in Vienna and works for the firm dealing With all recycling of materials in Austria her daughter is now eleven; Frank Ford and Lesley live with their two sons at Benfleet; Hazel Fosbracy (Paul) has two daughters and lives near Salisbury; Marie.Crawley many has a young son and has fond memories of school -and -staff, she mentioned Father Burrows many (now, I think, in Norfolk Susan Wyburn (Brahame) lives in Middlesex, her eldest son is thirteen; Barbara Collins (Newton) has three children. the fourteen year old is very promising musically Anita Merker (Smith) lives in Fleet and has three children, the oldest is fourteen, Mike Hazell lives in Bristol. When iris Tomlinson (Lyddon) Married last September, C- R. ~s present were Many McCurry, now teaching in Camden, and Sarah smith who in a laboratory technician and lives near the old school. David Spencer and his wife are still in Zurich - when David in not jetting to Pakistan to complete his Ph.D. studies, or Japan to attend a geology conference!, The following list of pupils who left school in July 1991 are now in Higher Education arrived too late for inclusion in the Autumn newsletter - we wish then success in their chosen courses. Fiona James Nicola Peck Laura Shutlar Hilary Thompson Kalu Agbeze David Bryant Mathew Charles Alfred Desire Owen Groambridge Sam Jones McKenzie Stephen Parkinson Stephen Sealy Phu Cam Tien Peter Turner Scott Warren Simon mattabadul
BSc. HND. BSc. BA BA BSc. BSc. BSc. BSc. BSc.
Bishop Grosseteste college Roehampton institute Polytechnic of East London Banger University 1992 entry Portsmouth Polytechnic Waltham Forest College Anglia Polytechnic Teeside Polytechnic University College London Liverpool University 1992 entry Chelsea School of Art Bt. John's Cambridge North London Polytechnic Kingston Polytechnic Portsmouth Polytechnic Polytechnic of East London
There are two concerning Raines press.
recent items from the local
Top basketball
coach Humphrey Long has netted an award for teaching youngsters sporty skills. The super coach at Raines School in Approach Road was made Coach, of the year 1991 last week by the British Institute Of Sports Coaches, He was given the award for outstanding achievement in basketball for coaching junior competitors. Head Teacher Gareth Lewis said: ---He has worked very hard arid is very popular with the pupils and deserves to win. "We have me of the best
Pupils have stars in their eyes THERE no Business like how business. Pupils at Raines School had stars in their eyes when they took to the stage at Christmas Talented students in Approach Rand. Bethnal G~ bad audiences screaming for more with their musical Comedy "Te 'If' Rosie" many many 1 many many The show based in a Bethnal Green cafe many writ h Carol Smith and Nick Skinner. reaction at the by It was such a bit all four shows sold out cornpletely. Gareth Lewis, head teacher at Raines said: many 1 really enjoyed the show and feel very proud of all the pupils Who were involved many of' whom helped to write the script lyrics and even the songs. He said everyone at the school was looking for, wand to the next school production
Do keep on writing and telephoning - thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the way the news comes in. Come along on FRIDAY MAY 8TH, put the date in your diary NOW
Gwynneth Jackson
-7 Those Present at the December Reunion Staff/Science Technicians Gerry Calvert. Tony Groves. Wally Spooner, Barbara Thompson "Tommy" Thompson Humph Long, Tobin Ownes Zippy Auerbach, Colin Nice, Gwyneth Jackson Christine Crump, Tony Perrett Jim Everton 1500-1959
Emily Galbraith (Miller - 02-13) Mike Robinson (50-55) Peter Thake (69-75), Bill Richards (61-68) Brian Chaperlin (63-70), Laurie Dalton (68-76), Jill. Russell (Puttick - 65-71), Phil Puttick (60-67), Cue smith holden 62-68), Vic Hills (67-73), Sharon Powell (Walsh 68-74), jillian Camp (Seago 67-74), Tony Szulc (61-69), Steve Hewitt (63-70), Stuart Howson (64-69), John Parry (62-69), Lesley Jensen Tear - 62-69), John De Ath (68-75), Gary Bishop (69-76), David Lloyd (68-75), Martyn Button (68-75), Tommy W= (63-68), Alan Johnson (60-68), Sandra Jim (Dorris - 62-68), Jacquie Brown (Cramer - 62-67), Martin Bellis (66-73), David Ellis (66-72), George Lewzey (66-73), Tony Mole (68-75), Grace Harvey (Wells - 62-67), Terry Day (60-67), June Day Smith - 60-65), David Drake (60-67), Terry Plummer (62-67), Ann Plummer (Levy - 62-67), Eddie Murphy (60-66). 1970-79
John Rodnell (78-85), David Ward (71-78), Deena Osborne (Gardiner - 72-77), Lesley Ireson (Cox - 74-81), Karen Delaney (Gray - 74-81), Debra. Reid (Harvey 74-81), Helen Yostis (72-79), Paul Thienal 76-81 Mark Gerbaldi (76-81), Peter Driscoll (76-83), Adam Groves (77-84), Shaun Gibbons (77-82), Steven G~ (77-84), Ching Fun lee (75-52) 0 John Wyatt. (71-78) many Jim Thompson (78-63) p John Corbett (76-82). Angela Belcher (Baker - 70-76), Rim Driscoll (Hewlett 71-76), Joanne Maxshall (74-81), Elizabeth Simpson (74-81), Maria Mole (Daniels - 70-77), Lorraine Skinner (76-81).. Diane Reeves (76-81), Paul Casali (76-83) many Tony Slingsby (71~76), Gary Walsh (72-77) P, Tim Weller many (73-78) Jim 0. Andrews (13-78) many Paul Smith (76-83), David Knibbs (76-81?) 1980
chris Fitt 80-87 W. Killick (80-85).
Jim Featherstone (132-89), Richard MahOney
____. .sOld Raineians' .Association :·<
NEWSLETTER SliMMER, Old Raineians' ASsociation, c;o Raines F'Ol.Indation SChool,
Bill Ric:lw:'ds,
Sec:retaJ.y, 2 6 Shlm4y St.l:eet,
Jl.pproacb RPad,
I.Dndon, E2 9LY.
Tel: 081-981-1231
El tLX. Tell 071-790-9235
Bandra Johnson,
Qwynnet:h Jaalcson,
9 Go&ti.ngton Lane,
Gl817U111, KirJcby Malzeard,
BR6 · 9DR. Tel: 0689 826854
North Yorks, HG& 3RS. Tal: 0765 658825
Dear Old
I hope you are all enjoyi.n;J the Slllll1lBr and its good weather as lllllC'.b as I a despite the D':)re acute water ~rtaqe in the South of Enqland and East Anglia. Nail Zealand also appears to be in ths throes of a drought, so oamdserations to tb:>se of you unable to uSe a hose pipe or wash a car. '
First _of all there is sa4· neWs tO report fran school - tbose of you wbo bave been at Rai.nes within the last l2 years, will CSoubtless rananMr tbe ladies in the office, the tWo Ednas, -early in June Mrs. ECIDa BbriJ1i>ton suffered a heart attach wbi.le at work and Mrs. Edna Howal:d and the new Deputy Head, Mr. 1b;Jer ld.4d carried. out mouth to mouth resuscitation· m1til the arrival of the ambulance wt sbe did not Ngain consciousness and died four t1ays later. She was always cheerful, helpfUl am efficient and will be greatly missed by the school especially by mna Howard.
Yod~ will bave heard by now of HUmph I:Dilq's intention to take early ret.inmmt and I hope many of you were there on 14th JUly in tha eveni.I¥;J to wish b:illl well. Congratulations to steve Johnson (EJ:glish) and good wishes for bis new post as Deputy Head of Wattord Girls' Gramnar SCbool. Briet news of other fotmer start - Bob Glaves (P.E.) travel.l.ed to E~qllmd last JleOeiDber to marry and then returnec1 to his post in NeW Zealand together with bi.s wire. Mike HOlmeS (GeOgraphy) lives and teaches in Kent and has three chil.dren. sue Al.<1ous (~ish) has twQ dzwghters and lives in SUffolk. Mark Austin (P.E.) teaohes in DeVon and also works with lwldi.capped children. He was imrolved with the Parapegic Olympics. Miss Hosld.n5 (secretarlal. Sixth) lives in Cmnberley and was recently asked to oontribute to a. book of reminisc:enoes of tbe 1939-45 war, anc1 whilst researching for statistics c::aDe upon a pbotograph of hereself pc:1Urinq out Ill1lg8 of tell in one of the ·~ &halters 4uri.ng an Air RailS - scma of tbe 2, 400 gallons <::Oil."5UUDed each night! JObn m.uncSell (Art) is using' bis retirement time p~ a Guide Book for the Cr&ly Valley area i.ncludhYJ bl.aalt and white drawings, be is also designing a sign for St. Mary crert and bcpi.nq to publish llaD8 poatoal:ds of the area. He hears fn:m Basil Dowli.ni (Eb;Jlish) still living in R}l8 and still wrlt.in;J poetry, but be does not tmve1 far IIOWadays. Raff Baffol4 is at pt'EIQEilt in I.ondon but looks forward to his next. sojourn in Thailand - Janis FUller aD! GJ:aham Willett visitecl him there when they were on thai.r 'other side of the ~ld' adventurous trip.
congratulatio:ns to Di.ane Bates, a recent manber of the languages depa.rtme.nt, on the birth of a son•. At the 'get-together' and A.G.M. held on 8th May, a mnal.l number of manhers spent an enjoyable evani..:rq, the 1 business' lasti.rq about 20 minutes. Why is i t that people turn out in their droves in November;neoemher hut not in May? - witrput the obligatory AGM, ~tation o.f aoocamts and election of a oc::mnittee, the ~iatic;m. would oe.ase to exist so please support the 1993 one! As a result of the meet.itg, the c::mnittee is as follows:·
President President-Elect
- Ph:U PUttick - Tony Groves
Clive BaUg'b
Msnbersbip Secretary - Bill Richar:ds 'Minutes' Beeretary - sue Holden NeWsletter Secretary - GWynneth Jackson Publicity - Sandra Jolmson
. camdttee:Brian Chaperlin Lallrie Dalton Chris Fitt No.t'l!lan Holland
Edna 'Howa.rd Reff Reffold
Jill Russell Gareth Lewi.s
Clive Baugh produced the the CSC(l()Ullts Which thanks to profits fl.'all the Reunion and new znemerships are healthy apart fran the 250th Annniversary FUnd established in 1969, now almost exhausted, · but we Were reminded that the school celebrates it.:;; 275th Anniversa:ry in 1g94. . . Or - are the dates wr:antp Allan Li.ddiard wrote fran EXeter, . _having oc:ne across an a :rt.:lol$ _b;y... crai.g Q:>sa ill the Io:ndon J~ . abOUt ·~riey.. SChools in I.Qnoon" 1 !r..._~~tt which he quoted, •iin 17.19 Henry Raine erected a 1:1Uildilig for the schOOl established three years earlier in the hamlet of Wapping stepney". This WOUld mean that the SChool was .fOUI'lded in 1716. ~ our oldest ORA IDSilber, Bnily Galbraith, again travellect frcm Bdinl:luxgh to be present at the l!GM, t1lanlts to Lesley Jensen (Tear) for act:i.Iq again as chauff~ to and tnxn Bames - Elni.ly thozou;thl.y enjoyed chatti..ng' with those present and reqali.ng them with her lively reminiscences of her schoolc!Lays. Last Autumn she and a friend spent a holi~ in wales and th~ wife of· the &:iver of a car which they hired was also an old Raineian - They turn -up ·evecywherei . · CCingnltulations to Cl.ive Baugh end.. his wife on the arrival of a son in February.
I.ouye, who live:! at~ and wor~ .in a sohool Physics Dapt as a . teclm.ician, joined the ~sociation .after meetillq Geo:rge Bellamy in Moi>onalds. · George lives in 1011for4, is marriecS with 2 children & works for a daily newspaper. Ally news of sister Li..nda.?
It was good to see Wally Spoo.ner in May - I tm srura he rtameiD]:)exs .Very boy and girl who attended Raines durinq his t.i.JIIe there, and the years they were there. David Ward rananbers his first day at school, as he was trundling alonq past~- Spooner's roan on a cl.othi.rq rail, aJld was slippered for using an unoomrentiona.l mode of transpOrt! David sti~1 1ives in Stepney Green and works for G.B.C.
Clive Shilsan trained at~ and teaches drama as well as actinq and occasi onally oonjuri.D;J .. Be ·has ~ in staqe shows as well as Television films and documentaries - he is sbortly qetti.ng married in carlisle.
-3Lesley Jensen (Tear) lives in Ricblla:ld & bas 2 sons aged 9 & 11. Recently she met' up with Paul Reynolds and his wife. and .young son. Paul was a :z:eseJ:Ve in the rowing team for the Montreal Olympics, in Which John Roberts W'Oil a silver medal for rowing. Lesley's sister Hilary judged the JUnior Britisb Ioe Dancing oe:mpetitions this year.
Tony SCUlz is to cycle to New Zealand (!) to see the Middle East, North and SOUth Africa, the Far en route ' with friends', many being OR's. Keith North Island, is the N.Z. Middle 11i.sta:nce ooacb, Olyq>ics.
Keith Dyl.JcD, travell.inq via EUrOpe~
East, Japan and Ailstraiia, stayi.D] Dylko teaches in New zeal.ana's anc1 will bt at the Ban:el.ana
cameron McPhee
is Chie.t EKecUtive of Brisbane Transpcrt, endeavouri:ng to tuxn it into a profitable business. Tony Pickfol:d lives in SUssex and is <k>inq a HID in Chemistry part-time. John Barry was prevented fl:I:ID att:end.ing the ~ by a match, and steve Hewi·t t, working for Inland ReVenue, was seein:] a client in Guel:nsey.
Btuart Howson is rebuilding his M.G. Darren Leigh is helping to i'epair tlw sohool J:OOf. Mrs Miidred Gordon, who attended Raines in 1930's is now Labour M.P. for Bow & Poplar.
The Haadmasta:r ~· ~· i.aWis~ .~ with · the · HeadS ·of other·Grailt-snaintld:rted schools, was att:endin; a meet::inq at 10 Downing ·st ~ after the MM. H8 ·was also pleased that the Chancellor of LOndon tlniversity was to visit th8 Sixth fol.'ll •
A present J;Upil, Sharon nmcan has ''TWo & a half ari.ldren"
(staqe name Brewster) bas appeared in 1'East Enaers11
Tracey Free & Joanne Free bave both mrri.ed & have Children.
Ellis, a Ialoon Taxi Driver, married to Jean Gilbey with 2 daughters.
John Wyatt, a B.T.CI.erk, living
Shani Tbauas, who saw the Ceefme Mvert - she is at present
a housewife, b..tt baS
worked as a c:::roupier in a RniqhtsbtiOg'e casi.Jlo, and on a caribbean cruise liner. brother Robert Thanas bas a Qriving school & two children.
oontcicted school after hearinq its mention on capital Gold is Lillian .MaWi (Gardi.ner), livinq in stepney and still in contact with 10 of her schoolfriends. (Thank you Sandra & Brian for your publicity efforts!).
Another O.R Who
you Nicky Ste.rnhell for sendi.nq your Charge or adl!lress - any other llli!IIDbers who have moved, or are al:IOut to do s6, also let -us knOW please.
creasey, fo:mer SChool BUrsar, wrote after receivin;I tlle last newsletter, saying she nust be qet~ older, as slle knoWs fewer cmc1 fewer ~le mentionoc:l in itshe psed to hear news ttan Alme Johnson, bUt is still in contact with Reff, Mr stanney, GerJ:y Calvert, Viv and Res Ni.Cholas, xen a.n4 Chrlstine Cl:\.lmp and fran foxmer office & library staff MrS :svans, Mrs Wells and Mrs JACkman. She and her husband, Who is not vexy well, live in Leicester with her daughter and son-in-law, l:ut her 4.. gran«:hi.ldren 'have all new 11left the nest". . ..., Mrs
-4other o.R's who bave recently re-surfaced are Melanie Foord & Peter con:igan, living in Me1ton Mawb.nly, . wbere Peter is a lawyer - they are tryinq to get in touch with Lynn Bryant. . .
EC!monston phoned fJ:an SOOUimd & ~ about the possibility of having silk o.R. ties produced in :H.ong :Kong - is emyone i'. regular OCDDUter, if so do get in touc:h with us, u the p~t is nil! He and Nigel Philpot (livinq in Devon) plan to be Clt the ~ Beuni.on.
Duncan SCIIIIe
on the oaver of a recent ''Woman's WeeklY'' is a photo of SU2ann.e and Jeannette Coster and inside an article on t.ba family, all at high risk of dav'eloping a rare .fo:cn of cancer inherited fn::m their father'S side of the family. Both are married, and Jeannette has a baby son •.
of another Coster, John who has set up · a outdoor adventure OCIJIPallY toqether 'With his wife ,and a recent Times Higher Education SUpplement pictured then rock-oli.mbinq with a group of Russian businessmen. John and his wife are plann:LD; an 8 IOC>nth :round-the-'WOrld trip starting in October.
on my way hcllle f:rca a swiss holiday recently, I spent a very pleasant· afternoon in ZUrlch with Davi.d Spencer and his wife. David is in the final stages of writing his BID thesis in ZUrich, ~ the geology of the EW Himalayas in Paldstan. He and his wife have recently returDed frau. giviDJ lectures at , ~ First South Asian Geol~ical. eo~ in Islamabad arid Vi.sitilq the Philippines ·where Davi.c! beqari a Hydroqeoloqical. survey (~r tbose of us less veised in geoloqical tei1IIS - looking ·· for··~-ater! }-,- and he is to g~ out .aga5..n in J an".JarY as~istin;J. L"l geophysi cal su....rye.r~ ·. Before that, he will aqajn be in the Himalayas, and attendinq the world Geological congress in Japan. (And when he was at school, he only had to walk across the road fran his haue!) Another rec::ent letter came frcn sam EllilDan Who lived in Jane street Whilst at school, and 1110rked in the petroleum industry. He pointed out the oonnect:i,.on of the doctor (Fenton) in ''East Enders" with the sohool ( ex~.R.). He also wondered llOW many knew that a pupil, Ashley smith, who wa8 at Raines in the 1920's pUblished a· book entitled 'The East EnderS' in 1.961. sam is glad that the 1'n.al.ne & . fame of the
olcl SChool is beinq ·kept alive". Julie Okpala called into school in March, she is at present a.t Bimingham. university doing a course in African Studies. Congratulations to CMJ:mAi.ne Ken:icSge who has just gained her music di.plana. fran what is now called Thames Valley university - three years ~ she went to . the London COllege of MUsic, which then moved to Baling' and .becale part of west London Polytecbnic - I can't keep up with these new names! She is C]OUg to Goldsmith's in the Autum to do her PGCE. When I started this, I t.hought. I hadn't JI'UCh news,. l::lut it's amazing bow even snippets build up. Please write or telepbone with any newa of yourselves or fol k with when you are in toueh. we hope to see a :bumper erowd of you at JU1xn1r .square on · Friday~ 27th- and on July 14th at l\pproach Road. Gwynneth Jaclcson
p.s.This letter has been typed by a non-member Li.nda Ofield (nee Wright 1959-63) who cannot afford the IIIBIIbership fee because her Boss «a ORA member) does'nt pay her enough. By the way does anyone remauber her?
Old Raineians'.·Association
NEWSLETTER .Atr1'UMN , 1.992
1719 IWNES
Old Raineians' Association, cjo Raines Foundation School, Approach Road,
Bill Ric:h.ardQ, MS:nbersbip secretary, 26 Shandy street,
E2 9LY. Tel.: 081-981~1231
El 4LX. Tel.: 071-79D-9235
sandra Johnson, 9 Goddi.ngt.on Lane,
GWynn.eth Jackson,
· Orpin:jton,
Glevum, Kirkby Malzeard,
Ripen, .
BR6 9DR.
North Yorks~ HG4 3RS.
Tel: 0689 826854
Tel: 0765 659825
Dear Old Raineians 1
BUnmer·bOlidays a.J..ready seem far tistant, with Christmas now around the oomer, and latest dates for overseas posti..nq now. take our attention. we bope to .see many of you before ·then, at o.R.A. ReUnion on Nov . 27th sadly not at Arbour square as~ had hoped, :becaUse, when refurbishin:] the bli.ldin:J, (the reason we were unable to go tbe:re last year) they have turned the '.llall into a l.ibrary and are unwllliDi .·to let it for functions. so, the venue wlll tie the upper School l:luildiDJ in ~roaoll Rd. Mmly folk· were there !or llUI!ph Ion<J'S Farewell 1'1)()11 in July, so visit E2 yet again this year, instead of dear old Ell We're as sorry as ·imyone, but circumstances are beyond our oontrol. We welcxme yet 8:1re new members;- Janis FUller, now Hea4 ·of Year 9 (\ISed to tie 1cnown. · as Third Year!) who i& back in harness after her exciting travels doWn UOOer & in the Far East; Grabam Willett, now teacbinq at Tiffin G~ls SChOol., Kinqston-on-Thames, who shared the above travel . experiences. June Wolk (Brotman) 1944...,1948, now li"f'illg in u.s.A. , re whose hnsband qave her o.R.A. membe.rship as .part of .her birthday present, & he al.so hoped we ·mgbt bave sane Raines souvenirs such as pens, milqs (AnY · entrepreneUrs with any bri<jht ic.'leas?). Mavis Seorett (1949-53) who discoverect the O.R.A throaqh the spot· on Teletext - sbe lives near Wells ' has been a travel courier ' 1:ourism officer for the city of Wells, & is now a Verifier ·for the Royal society of Arts. .··
Ieonard Phillips (1946-SO) whOse twin bJ:Other now living in Spain also attended .Raine~, when they were known as the •'Terrible 'IVins" or •'DOUble '.l'J:Ouble". . Ieonard i s Chai.man of a P.L.c., ' he q)onsors British. . . Junior Tennis & also Teimis .for juniors in 'lhi.rd world Countries - He is ma:rr:i.ed &·1ives near Henley. Mic:belle Bustin (Phillips) 1959-66# sbe was Haa4 Girl. in her fi.Dal year, an4 after graduatin'J 'f J:an Leeds ·m oved to Israel., where sha married ' m,s 3 children. She is head of ED;Jlisb in the regional. High sehool & keeps :il1 toucll( vith Maril.yn sandford. (COben) & Rosemary swatman (COX) ..:. she often 1101\ders about Bernice AJ:Dold, Pat Truman & D::>ger .Abraharns.
Clive Shilson (1971-78) has joined before getting married in Sep'temher - he is an actor, drama tea.oher & also a writer. Irene Gillard (1971-1976) is an Office Manager in Ccmputer SOftware & was amut to
move from Bow. Simon carri.nqton (1981-84) he's not quite sure of his dates, works as a Graphic Designer for A & M reoords designinq record sleeves, posters & advertisements for artists including stinq & Bryan Adams.
'l'hanas COOk
(1984-90) Works as an Apprentice Electrician for LEB..;. hEf was one of the large contingent of steve Johnson's ex-follli who turned up to wish him well, the same evening as Hllmph's "8end Offn.
congratulations to the new Head B6y, steven cannon, & the Head Girl Sharon Duncan, was mentiOned in the SUI1II1er newsletter & to whom we apologise for crediting her With Two & a balf children - a typist error replaci.Jq "inn for •tlJasn!! who
congratulations also to Paula Bumphries for gaining a. First Class Degree in M.a.t:bs f.t:aD. carcti.ff university~ Chetyl Gore gained a 2.1 PsyChology degree fran DUndee. To date I bave no other news of degree successes or the present Whereabouts of this SUIIIller'S A level pupils - this will· appear in. the spring issue. More congratulations to Barry Jones & his wife on the arrival of son Nicholas 1n August - will he be another historian? · We are sorry to report that, ODdng to i.nc.reasec1 business ccmnitments NoJ:mCln. Hollmtd bM resigned fn:m. the o.R. Oc:mnittee - he M.s been a loyal & helpfu1 member for several years, & his contribution will be missed~ blt we hope to see hill at
get-t:ogethers. !rbank you to those of you who bave m::wed & let us have new addresses - Tan Howgill (1920-24) a past President of the o.R.A.& SChool GoVernor, who claims to be 84 years· ygmg..;. he sends regards to anybody left who may remember the r.eally nold -days"
James Keen (1944-49) J¥:M lives ,in Malloroa. fc -wuld be pleased to help anyone wbo would like inf01'mation about the island- he bopes he can coincide visits to England with O.R. meetings. . . David Lloyd (68-72) mavecf to Milton tteynes years newsletters eventually reached him Northampton & has recently started an. M.A.. would be· keen to hear fran any other o.R' s Keynes, particulary his contemporaries.
mlre that eighteen months ago,blt this be. is Deputy Head of a special sehool in course - he is m2s.rried with 2 childl:en & residing in or near costa del Milton
Peggy & GaVin Mli.ngton are returni.nq to tlli.s count1y tbis mnth after their lonq sojo\nn in ~awi - initially they will be· staying with GaVin's brother Ian in
. -3-
Iris Tanlinson (Lyddon) is GUildford address.
ber nursinq
& reeently llDVe<J
to atX>ther
Co~YJntulations, belatedl.y to Janet crudg:i.n}ton (nc::M Bridqesl Who married in May & 路who is living at Beckton. Also to Grace r.ee who got married in Algust ' is at present liviD] in Reading. havi.n:] first ocmpleted a course on town planni.D:].
In Hllmph Ialq'S "farewell.U speeCh be ~ ex-pupils as 11living JDem)rialSI1.He spoke with affection, for Ann 1a1es & ber high standards aohieved in girls athletics & thanked staff who bad supported sc:::bool t'lg2Jy ~ Eddie C:roall, Bob lnldson & Trevor GneS. Apart fran. the national basketball successes of past years & this year London chanq>ions, he remembered Bob Sinm::>nds being the first Ra:ineian basketball international, 'l'Ony RUsh beirq a t'ri.ple Jump chanpion, 1992 has seen another Rainei.an. triple-jumper,&: Raym:md Harris was a charinel swiDner.
Previous members of staft' present at the July ''PartY'' we:ce Reff Reffold, (now sojourning' in Thailand until earl.y nst year) , A1an Barnes Wl1o is Hea4 of English at a Wokinq school. and lives at East Horsl.ey & ROger Beck living at sunbury li Head of LanguAges ~t a nea.rby school. Laurie Del:ton, a chartered European Engineer now has a Masters degree in BUSiness Administration & finds time to~ JUdo to children. An.drew Manners is a freelanoe graphic designer Thievel. & Tania Murphy.
a Proud Dad - he has seen Karen
Eddi.e Marsan, at drama sohool, had a part in " Piqlet Files". Terry Pryor is a professional footballer in LaS Vegas.
Nizamji .Mer works路 in a bank. Debbie Baker is continuinq her perfomj ng Arts course at. the old bines build:i.ng' in Arbour Square: her bl:other Mi.chael works in a bank. TOny Vow-ell is a successful moneybroker. Bob L:wridge
has two
Smith is doing Graphic DeSign- Kalu JIJJbeze at Milton science have each canpleted their first year.
Jolm. Rodmel.l has a lan.guaqe post at Maths.
KeyneS studying a::mputer
umaon oratory school路- 路 were
Ian Crane teaches
Diane Beves is doing Rehabilitation work in Reading. ceri Batchel.der is workinq for a Ph.D at East Anglia University. Penny Gardiner has qualified as a doctor,
at. present is
t.ravell.ilx.J round
the .
world. Jon Fitt is stuclyin;J for a second degree in order to qual.ify as an Emri.zoDmental Health Officer. Katy
having canpleted a degree in Law, is
a trainee ,solicitor.
cathy Wakeford is workirg in New York.,-
sam Bentley
spent tbe
Tan Bentley is
vacation the in
OXford, world.Dj for a PPE degree - be plays tbe French Bom in two
Nigel Gore is studying Graphic Design at IO.rtsoouth • Terl:y KaVan.agb is a money broker.
earl ooster works in a MerChant
Neil Ma.yem is studyi..Jq for a Civil Eiqineeri.Iq degree. Pat~ waS a croupier in the Bahamas, but is natt liviD] in Bl~th with ber 3 c:bil.dren. She & IDraine Jame3 wol:ked together in th8ir own clotbi.ng b1s:iness Loraine also has 3 chi.l.dren. ·
Shelly Welford has 2 children & is a nursery nurse in a Special Scbool Diploma in Post QUalified studies with exoel.lent results so far. Bar:t:y GreenbeJ.'g-
is doing a.
is working for an HR> in Graphic Design.
Paul Bonnicl. is a guitar repairer & was going to aUdition for a band. Peter Corrigan, living in Melton MoWbray, hears fran Alan Webber & Eddie cantwell . E<ldie's brother Tony wol:ks for Midland Bank in Bournemouth. Kenny constantine still lives in stepney.
Geoff Gillon (1959-64) spent a SI111J1leT weekend in Rye & called on Basil Dowling, wbo he found in good spirits & mmarkably spri.ghtl.y. Geoff took with hin1 poeay authology in a book nacqnj red" by Basil when Geoff left, which is a well-used
collection oont.ainin;J cliwings frau magazines as well as excerpts fraa other anthologies.
Previous pupils wbo have called in at school include Leo samuels, (1951-58) now a doctor living in Israel,& Simon Godfrey, a professor at the University Medical Centre in Jerusalem, who was en xoute to the IDndon Chest Hospital to give a lecture. His father was a Poplar GP, & bi.s mother also an Old Raineian - be rananbel:ed Wally Spooner well.
Ha2el Fosbraey (Paul) lives near Salisbury & has two daughters; and has becaDe a registered cbilcbinder, as well as working in a Building Bocl.ety·on Saturday mornings. I:f there is no news of yourself or arrf or your oontemporaries -write to us & brinq us up to date- & don't forget to send changes of addresS, or, When you marry, new
., Despite the winter get-together not being at lUiJour square, please ocme alcmg- to tbe present Raines Upper Bcmol - DM'E l!'RDlM' N:IVEMBER 27Tll TIME 7-10PM. We look forward to see:i.n:J a t::unper crowd of you, & our veteran ll!f!ll!ber, l!mily G8lbrai.th, frau Ed:i.nburgh hopes to travel sout:hwal:lls again.
Gwynneth JacksOn.
.. · ..·
Old Raineians' Association
Old Raineians' Association, c/o Raine's Foundation School, Approach Road, London, E29LY Tel: 081 981 1231 NEXT REUNION FRIDAY 7.00PM Sandra Johnson, 30TH APRIL 1993 9 Goddington Lane, APPROACH ROAD Orpington, Kent, BR69DR Tel: 0689 826654
Bill Richards, ~enabership Secretary, 26 Shandy Street, London, E14LX Tel: 071 790 9235 Gwynneth Jackson, Glevuna, Kirkby ~alzeard, Ripon, North Yorks., HG4 3RS Tel: 0765 658825
Dear Old Raineians, Greetings frona, at present, a snowy Yorkshire. It was great to see so naany of you at the November reunion, including folk who had not visited the school since they had left and certainly had not been to Approach Road! Particularly welcome were Mrs Weingarten (thanks to her escorts who also brought her husband) and Emily Galbraith (~iller), now aged 97 3/4 and who discovered in Kay McEachran, a member of the same clan. A complete list of those who attended is included with this newsletter; some without dates. Also Humph Long has produced 2 basketball rolls of honour - I certainly remember going to Guildford to see the 1972 success of the teana captained by Barry Quirk and including Barry Chappell, Colin Croft, Stephen Gilbey, Steve Brown and Bob Loveridge. The next gathering will be on FRIDAY 30TH APRIL 1993, 7. OOpm at Approach Road - this will be a get-together preceded by the necessary AGM for electing a committee and presenting accounts, so that you naembers can see that the committee has not absconded with the money! If you can't bear AGM's, come along half an hour later when the business is over for a chat over some refreshment. NEW MEMBERS Tony Vowell (79-85) and also Vera Hunt (60-65) who came along to the reunion with Christine Carter (who keeps in touch with ~rs Wagner-Koen), Lindsay Redpath, Anne Woodward, Dorothee Mahoney and Joan Greenwood. After 25 years all these girls met at 8 o'clock under the clock at Waterloo. All but Vera are married and about to celebrate Silver Weddings. Joan is naarried to ex-rugby playing Old Raineian, Tona Lammin. They had naemories of school uniforna enforcement and a school photo in which someone appeared twice! James Coley (65-72) is a self employed Management and Organisation Development Consultant.
- 3Jack Jarvis (30-38, Headboy 37-38) visited the Arbour Square building and wondered where the old honours boards (Headboy and Headgirl boards and the 1939-45 Roll of Honour board) can now be found. He would love to have news of contempories such as Timmy Armschiwand, Donald Yipp, Frank and Douglas Clarke, Lefco Lefcovitch, Naggo Nagursky, 'Onions'- some of whom appear in the following photograph of the 1936 rugby team. With Jack was his sister Nancy also an Old Raineian.
~\ .......
RUGBY TEAM 1936-37 Kelly Bouvier (80-86) is a computer help desk administrator; her brother Scott is a survey recorder in the Navy and at the time was en route to Brazil. Elizabeth Simpson works for a computer company. Joanne Marshall (74-81) is at Mile End Stadium and sees Melodie Cargill who is training as a teacher and has been doing teaching practise at Raine;s. (Has Margo Cargill qualified at music college yet?) Fred Stratford (74-81) and Carla Marshall (74-81) plan to marry this month in New York! Carla had met Peter Lodemore in Tesco's (don't all the best people?)- his brother David is still in the U.S.A.
- 5Ben Richards (80-87) is a Graphic Designer and is still in touch with Leroy Vaughan (Headboy 1987) who is studying Medicine at The London Hospital with Steve Dafnis who is married to a Norwegian girl and is a computer wizard. Sanjiv Dembla (80-87) works for Jaeger in the West End and is in touch with the same people as Ben. Kerry Jose (76-81) works for the council as a Debt Collector!! She is engaged and regularly meets up with Clare Attwaters, Sean Callaghan, Diane Reeves and Lorraine Skinner. Clare Attwaters (76-81) is marrying Sean Callaghan (76-81) in March of this year. Clare works in a bank in the City and sees the same crowd as Kerry. Sean works for the Home Office and sees Lawrence Holder (76-81) who works tor Mobil. Peter Driscoll (76-83) works for Tower Hamlets (and hasn't had a haircut since leaving schoolaccording to Kerry Jose). Peter has been in touch with Joanne Barnes who is a teacher in a primary school in Tower Hamlets. Paul Smith (76-83) is starting Teachers Training College next year. Paul Casali (76-83) recently visited Scotland and had to spend the night at the summit of Ben Nevis- luckily he and his friends were well prepared with sleeping bags etc. The following morning Paul broke his hand on the rocks whilst putting up the washing line to dry the sleeping bags. Peter Thake has a shipping company and is in touch with many Old Raineians. Peter is married, has two children and lives in Upminster. He runs a Disco and Quiz Nights. Recently he had his car stolen- a grey Scorpio, registration H536 GTW if anybody sees it. Lesley Jensen (Tear, 62-69)- Emily Galbraith's special chauffeur- thoroughly enjoyed the reunion and especially seeing the three Adlingtons again. She had met Paul Reynolds recently who remembered his form sticking 'For Sale' notices on Mrs Weingarten's car. He also remembers his stints as late prefect and seeing Miss Gosman climbing over the gate!! Helen Kostis (72-79) was especially pleased to see Ann Lowes at the reunion and also Angela Fitzgerald with whom she went to primary school.
William (Bill) Hill (35-?) phoned to enquire if we could perhaps arrange a day time get-together, perhaps one Saturday afternoon. Would anyone else be interested? Steve Everton lives in Guildford- where he bumped into Iris Tomlinson (Lyddon) and works in Reading concerned with projects at Devonport Dockyard; the Al3 and elsewhere in the world. In the Autumn Steve spent 6 weeks inter-railing in Europe. : Joy Turner (former Head of English), retired and living in Exeter, is busy with voluntary work 路 and had spent a 'musical' holiday in Prague last year.
-7Richard Tillbrook has many commitments in addition to being a teacher. These include Governor, J .P., Scout Leader and Church Warden which occupy most of his time, hence a clash with the reunion. Barbara Collins (Newton) used to travel to school with Vivienne Dume and Maggie Bell- her children are doing well musically. Karen Petersen works for the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto. Susan Wybum (Brahame) is another for whom 1992 was not very successful. Marie Crawley (Conway) is kept busy with her small son, who she thinks will become a mountaineer! Hazel Fosbray (Paul) living near Salisbury. After being made redundant he is now working for BNA as an agency auxiliary nurse. Rosemary Barge (Moran) has 4 children and lives in Gillingham. Madge and John Darch's eldest son is now at secondary school. John has embarked on some part-time research which may lead to a Ph.D in 1997. John Blundell sent the news that Annette Bugansky now has a daughter- congratulations! More congratulations to Nicola Killick who married last June and now lives at Chatham. Hilary Thompson is now at Bangor University, whilst her sister Prances is still training as a teacher in Lancaster. Wallie Spooner sent a wonderful letter full of reminiscences including one of Derek Archer hiding in the roof 3 cupboard and setting fire to the geography maps. Derek later went into the insurance business, but, needless to say not fire insurance. Mr Spooner regrets that the Old Raineians' now have no representation on the governing body and remembers with gratitude, the service of Tom Howgill, Emily Parsons, Stan Mathews and Frank Hertes. He also remembers Leon Samuels and Simon Godfrey, both of whom were mentioned in the July newsletter. W allie missed the November reunion as he was recovering from an operation and send his greetings to all who remember him. Alan Russell, who was Head of Languages when the boys and girls school amalgamated in 1964, has now been retired for 5 years. Congratulations to Deborah Reid (Harvey) who had a baby boy at the beginning of March.
To bring this edition to a conclusion, here is news of the whereabouts of some who left school in July 1992. Jane Colman is at Northbrook College studying for an HND in travel and tourism.
-9WORK EXPERIENCE Year 11 pupils (5th formers, age 15/16) will be going out on work experience for 2 weeks starting 13th September 1993. Pupils seek work experience in all sorts of career areas that interest them, but areas which are particularly hard to find are engineering, music, television, radio, newspapers and magazines, graphic design and beauty therapy. If you feel you or your company could offer work experience in any career area I would be happy to hear from you.
Angela Naylor
ROLL OF THE NOVEMBER 1992 REUNION Years Unknown Janice Andrews, Aaron Bartholomew, Robert Mooney. 1980David Moonie (82-87), Kelly Bouvier (80-86), Laura Dervin (80-86), Ben Richards (80-87), Sanjiv Dembla (80-87), Richard Mahony (80-85). 1970- 1979 Clive Baugh (70-77), Nicky Sternhell (70-72), Helen Kostis (72-79), Angela Thomas (Fitzgerald, 72-77), Lorraine Fitzgerald (79-84), Iris Tomlinson (Lyddon, 72-80), Mary Deans (71-78), Irene Gillard (71-76), Tony Vowell (79-85), Nic Themistocli (72-79), Cecil Barthomalew (79-84), Jackie Thompson (77-83), Julie Humpbries (75-80), Sheena Smith (75-80), John Wyatt (72-79), Gary Bishop (70-72), Alice David (75-82), Kay McEacbran (75-82), Ching Fun Lee (75-82), Sean Callaghan (76~81), Clare Attwaters (76-81), Kerry Jose (76-81), Sarah-Jane Smith (75-81), Robert Howard-Perkins (79-85), John Rodmell (78-85), Terry Mahony (77-82), Peter Driscoll (76-83), Mark Gerbaldi (76-81), John Corbett (76-82), Jim Thompson (78-83), Paul Smith (7683), Paul Casali (76-83), Diane Reeves (76-81), Lorraine Skinner (76-81), Joanne Marshall (7481), Carla Marshall (74-81), Elizabeth Simpson (74-81), Teresa Marsan (77-84), Elizabeth Wells (77-84), Shah Fayyaz (76-82). 1960- 1969 Peter Thake (69-75), Brian Chaperlin (63-70), Sharon Powell (Walsh, 68-74), Jillian Camp (Seago, 67-74), Sylvia Barry (66-72), Joan Anderson (Barry, 64-70), John Barry (62-68), Steve Solly (63-71), Stephen Gillard (67-73), Barbera Page (67-74), Gavin Adlington (64-71), Peggy Adlington (Sayers, 65-72), Ian Adlington (62-69), Lesley Jensen (Tear, 62-69), David Knibbs (69-74), Pat Robson (Nunn, 66-70), Susan Harding (Dobby, 66-72), L. James (66-72), Bill Richards (61-68), Jacquie Brown (Cramer, 62-67), Phil Puttick (60-67), Sue Smith (Holden, 6268), Sandra Johnson (Doris, 62-68), Alan Johnson (60-68), Laurie Dalton (68-76).
1965 1966 1967
1968 1969 1971 1972 1985
1986 1988 1990 1991 1992
Robert Simmonds John Reeves Michael Connolly Steve Richardson Tony Rush Gavin Adlington Barry Quirk Geoff Ballam Steve Gilbey Colin Croft Gary Lloyd David Lavinier David Julian Steven Batt Ian Shirley Lindon Wallace Henry Johnson Christopher Erskine Nicholas Dennis Patris Gordon Barnaby Loades Richard Thomas Marvin Bramble
Under 15 Under 19 Under 15 Under 15 Under 19 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 17 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 15 Under 17 Under 15
+ 19 + 17 + 19 + 17 + 17 + 17 + 19 + 17 + 17
23 International players - more than any other school in England.
Old. Raineians' Association
NEWSLETTER SUM:MER 1993 Old Raineians' Association, c/o Raine's Foundation School, Approach Road, London, E2 9LY Tel: 081 -981 1231 Fax: 081 983 0153
Sandra Johnson, 9 Goddington Lane, Orpington, Kent, BR69DR Tel: 0689 826854
Bill Richards, Membership Secretary, 26 Shandy Street, London, El4LX Tel: 071 790 9235
Gwynneth Jackson,. Glevum, Kirkby Malzeard, Ripon, North Yorks., HG4 3RS Tel: 0765 658825
NEXT DRINK IS AT THE BLIND BEGGAR, NEAR WHITECHAPEL ON THURSDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER AT 7.30 PM Dear Old Raineians, Since writing the last newsletter in March, I'm sure there have been excitements for many of you - weddings, arrivals of family, travels, moving house, new Jobs and challenges - do write or phone and pass on your news for us to include in the newsletter and also to keep us informed of any change of address. A fax number has now been included above so please use it if this is easier. I'm not among those who commute to Siberia or Thailand, but since writing have had a ski-ing holiday in Austria; been to Scotland and the Lake Distriet and met with Madge and John Daich and their family; met Janis Fuller and Graham Willett and most recently been to Switzerland where I saw David Spencer and his wife Cinzia. I also crossed the Watford Gap divide to attend the AGM and had an excellent Chinese Meal with some other Committee Members.
There was a better turn-out than of late for the AGM and the social evening afterwards. We were delighted to see a wide spread of ages, ranging from 1992 schoolleavers to our veteran member Emily Galbraith who celebrated her 98th birthday at the beginning of July (many congratulations). Emily is due to fly to Atlanta again for a "clan gathering". At the meeting it was reported that we had recruited about 20 new members during the year and it was commented that the Association survives on newsletters and a few get-togethers. It
was felt that there was a need for a closer liaison with the school. Several Old Raineians are members of the Ravens' Rugby Club which would welcome some younger members. A suggestion was made that a Golfing Society be formed (would Jim Everton be interested in getting that of the ground?). Anyone interested please contact Richard Harris, 34 Brierly Gardens, Bethnal Green, London, E2 OTE. 1994 sees the celebrations of275 years ofRaine's but sadly a service can not be held at St. Paul's Cathedral. We will keep you informed of any special events which do take place. If any one has any thoughts on how the Old Raineians' can celebrate this Anniversary please do contact us. Clive Baugh presented the accounts and reported a balance of almost £4,000. The Officers of the Committee are as follows:President Tony Groves President Elect Alan Johnson Treasurer CliveBaugh Brian Chaperlin, Laurie Dalton, Chris Fitt, Gareth Committee Members Lewis, Richard Harris, Sue Smith, Edna Howard, Gwynneth Jackson, Sandra Johnson, Phil Puttick, Ray Re:ffold, Bill Richards and Paul Thienal. (Since the meeting both Phil Puttick and Ray Reffold have resigned from the Committee. Phil's job has changed in the last year meaning much more travelling both in the U.K. and abroad. Phil was instrumental in the present design for the newsletter stationery. Those of you who still have newsletters of 2 or 3 years ago know why we should be so grateful to Phil for this and his other work on the Committee. Ray Reffold most of you will know as a teacher at Raine's for over 20 years before his retirement. What is little known is that Reff is one of the main reasons the Association is still running. In the mid to late 80's some of the then Committee wanted to wind up the Association due to lack of interest. Reff, along with Gwynneth Jackson, fought against this and with the gradual introduction of new committee members has helped keep the Association running. The reason for RefPs resignation is that he is shortly due to go to Thailand for 2 years and feels that the travelling back and forth for Committee meetings might cause problems!! The Association owes a great deal to Refffor his contribution to the Committee and our thanks and best wishes go with him to Thailand.) Whilst we are mentioning Reffwe would like to give him our apologies. He says that whatever we may think of his domestic habits his residence in Thailand is not, as reported in the last newsletter, in a Chinese SLOP-house, but in a Chinese SHOP-house. Luckily for Reffthis mistake was also noticed by Doug Willment whose business frequently takes him to Thailand. (Pity we all preferred the first version!!). Another traveller is Alan Johnson whose job entails commuting to an oil-field 12 km inside the Arctic Circle where, in Summer, temperatures can range from 10°C to 20°C and mosquitoes are a menace, whilst in Winter it can be as cold as -37°C when the only garments which can keep out the cold are animal skins - Alan found none of the specialist Polar clothing good enough to keep out the intense cold. 2
Emily Galbraith still has a certificate awarded in 1905, when fees were payable, awarding her a bursary for free time at Raine's during her lifetime! A fellow pupil at the time , Lily Bagal, was also awarded one. A chance meeting on a train in Scotland in the 1930's with Miss Haugh, a former head mistress ofRaine's Girls School, led to her staying with Emily's parents in Edinburgh whenever she visited Scotland. David Ward is in charge of the film coating department at Ealing Optics and is also a freelance journalist for computer magazines. Clive Shilson is now married and living in Bermondsey - during the tourist season he participates in the medieval sword fighting at St Katherines Dock. Anne Woodward is now in touch with Linda Ofield (Wright) and hopes to arrange a meeting in the near future. Christine Carter met Maureen Fleisher (formerly Prances Davies) in Sainsbury's. Richard Harris is studying Politics, Government and Law at London Guildhall University - he has seen Nick Dennis who hopes to study Politics at Sussex University. Gavin Adlington, at present supply teaching in Bexley, will begin studying for a M.Sc. in September at the University ofEast London. His wife Peggy is teaching a Reception Class. Ian Adlington, living in Hendon, is in insurance; his brother Alan is Head ofMaths at Cheshunt School and John Adlington is Pastor of a church in Crawley. Eddie Matsan has appeared in "The Illusion" in Chelsea and on TV in Crime Monthly (acting we must quickly add!!). Richard Atkinson is in living Saffron Walden and is a Head of Chemistry. Gregory Page is in Customs and Excise, whilst his brother Laurence works for Norex Insurance and plans to marry next year. Congratulations to Hilary Selby (Tear) on becoming mother of daughter Alexandra. Hilary's sister Lesley attended an Isle of Dogs Open Day at which photographs and memorabilia were displayed and wonders if a Raine's Open Day could be arranged on similar lines. If the Association were to locate, copy and store photographs and memorabilia concerning Raine's, it could contribute to the school and its history. If any of you have photographs, Prize Day programmes or anything of special interest please would you lend it to us for copying and the originals will of course be returned. From my selection, I have a "School for Scandal" programme featuring a cast including Marion Gomm, Jane Broadbent, Elizabeth Boarer, Alan Perkins, Trevor Doyle and Andrew Bushell; Prize Day programmes when John Betjeman was the speaker and Wendy Taylor won the Old Raineian prize; others awarded the prize are John Durham, Christina Nicholson, Vera Hunt, Robert Simmonds and Valerie Woods.
NEW MEMBERS Dr Simon Wernick (14-21) joined Raine's as a result of winning an L.C.C. scholarship for 5 years and stayed on an extra 2 years before going to London University where he graduated with Honours and a B. Se. degree in Chemistry. He was a founder member of the Institute of Metal Finishers and also the International Union for Surface Finishing. Dr. Wernick was proclaimed by Her Majesty the Queen "Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for Services to Surface Finishing"- i.e. O.B.E. -in 1969. Janet Bridges (Crudgington, 75-82) formerly a Head Girl (81-82), now married and living in Beckton. She works in the Civil Service; is an active member of the Far Isles Medieval Society and meets up with Ching Fun Lee and Michelle Sansom for theatre and ballet outings. Pauline Gosling (Siseman, 63-69) lives in New Eltham and is a legal secretary. Pauline also mentioned her sister Sandra Colley, living in Sidcup, who is one of our "lost" members and we welcome her back to the Association. Alice David (75-82), teaching Geography and P.E. at a Battersea infants school, is living in Pimlico and plays women's rugby for London Welsh. Apparently the team is looking for a new trainer- anyone interested? Eric Kresner (54-60) lives in Barkingside. Frank Battes (53-54) is a director of a Private Investigation Company in the City ofLondon. He is in touch with numerous Old Raineians' who are members of the Ravens Rugby Club (formerly the P .L.A. Rugby Club) and Frank himself played rugby for 30 years. Colin Croft (68-75) lives in North Weald. Joan Lammin (Greenwood, 57-62) is married to Tom Lammin(56-62) also an Old Raineian who has a driving school. They have three children (plus a cat) and Joan runs the accounts department of an electronics company. Roger Abrahams (56-65) is a merchandise manager based in Bridgenorth and is married with three children (including twins). He says he only established a close friendship at school with JeffHecker- they still keep in touch- but he would be interested in contacting Stuart Gibson, Maurice Bell and Alan Cloat (he does not know where to look since they closed Alcatraz!). Julie Humphries (75-80) lives in Poplar and working for Provident Mutual Life Assurance Society involved with investments. Her brother Martin also attended the School and works for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce as a dealer. Her mother and several other members of her family also went to Raine's and hopefully will come to future reunions. Sandra Wilson (Kanter, 58-64) works as book-keeper at a nursing home. She lives in Hornchurch and would love to hear from anybody who remembers her, especially those in the Secretarial 6th in 1963/64. Sandra is still in close contact with Margaret Beuker (Sunderland), Kathleen Stabb (Hyde) and Lea Georgiada. Samantha Sawyer (82-89), Head Girl1988-89, studied Law at Warwick and is a prospective solicitor. 4
OTHER NEWS Many of you will remember Father Norry McCurry, former rector of St Dunstan's and for several years Chairman of the School Governors, who died in June. We extend our sympathy to the whole family. Congratulations to David Spencer who was awarded his Doctorate in Natural Sciences in Zurich in June for his studies on the deepest exposed rocks in an area of the Himalayas ranging eastwards from Pakistan to Bhutan. The thesis of record length was the culmination of four year's research. During last year's spell in the area he was joined for a time by Karl Schwarz, who was working in Calcutta. Whilst crossing a glacial river, Karllost his leg wallet containing all his money and his passport. Recently I stayed in the same hotel in Engelberg as Joan Mangold (former Girl's School Headmistress) plus her friend and David and his wife joined us for a weekend. He hears from John Coster who has just been round the world with his wife. They successfully run "Adventure Consultants" specialising in taking people to the outdoors. John Blundell, who was at the AGM, has since taken part in a sponsored walk in aid of Greenpeace and been to Portsmouth on holiday, the latter second prize in a BR competition. He has recently puplished a Guide to St Mary's Cray and environs~ He sent news ofKathy Burke now qualified as a healer; she is a member ofthe World Federation ofHealers and still sees Bob Heading. Mandy Connolly is married to a Frenchman and Allan Twynam is also married. Jill Harvey (Owens) has three children, works in the City and is starting an Open University B. A. degree course. Her brother Jeffrey is married, with a baby daughter and he and his wife run an Old Peoples' Home in Derbeyshire. Jill sees Sharon Twynam and she bumped into John Forder (married to Kim Sparkes) in Bishopgate. She is also in touch with Miss Hoskins and they lunched together during one of the latter's visits tp London for an Art Exhibition. Miss Hoskins had two spells in hospital before Easter but is recovering well and corresponds with Father Burrows, now in Suffolk. Tony Sculz, cycling his way to Australia and New Zealand to see Cameron MacPhee and Keith Dylko, sent a card from Tokyo. He had suffered a bout of malaria in Botswana and visited Linda Kane in Singapore. Wally Spooner was unable to attend the AGM due to cracked ribs caused by a fall in Hainault Forest (on the cross country course) - we do hope he is fully recovered and hopefully we can look forward to receiving some Old Raineian "Titbits" for the next newsletter. Basil Dowling is always delighted to see former pupils and thinks Geoff Gillon turned up in a Rolls Royce. Tom Howgill was sorry not to be at the AGM and thanks Wally for the references in a the last newsletter to himself and others; Tom now being the sole survivor. He feels that the Old Raineians should be represented on the Board of Governors (has any one else any thoughts on this). 5
Fred Penny, who sees John Mathews, Frank Morris, Len Wheeler, John Rod en, George Osborne and Tom Howgill, attended school1924-29. He remembers getting a lift to school during the 1926 General Strike but having to walk home, suffering badly blistered heels. Fred believes he was in the first school trip to Paris which he remembers as being one long round of Museums broken up by a visit to Versailles and two visits to the the Opera during which he slept! Most of his working life was spent in the Tea Department of the CWS and in 1949 he made the mistake of attending the AGM of the Old Raineians where he found himself saddled with the job of Secretary. He declares he was the worst secretary ever and relieved after 3 years to pass the job onto George Canning. He modestly describes himself as an also ran who has such a lot to thank Raine's Foundation School and the ORA for. John Coborn wrote to the Headmaster from Australia. He was a pupil1953-58, describing himself as a mediocre student who did reasonably well at Biology and English. He has been a successful freelance writer; mainly about small animals and fish, and hopes to dedicate a forthcomming book to an English Teacher of that time, Mr Butterfield. He lives in a former forester's cottage surrounded by native bushland with 13 acres of a small country-holding and went to Australia to study one the last frontiers ofwild life, finding the quality of life wonderful. Before going "down under" in 1986 john spent 9 years in the Royal Army Medical Corp before becoming General Curator of Cotswold Wild Life Park and moving on to become Director ofDudley Zoo. We are always delighted to hear from folk of all ages and from far flung corners of the world. Also to see at gatherings those who still live within reach of the East End. Don't forget to send us your news, whether its by telephone, post or the fax previously mentioned. If you know of any Old Raineians' who are not members of the Association please get them to contact us. Along with this newsletter is a letter from Humph Long which needs no explaining. Please help if you can. Have a good Summer and turn up at the Blind Beggar on Thursday 30th September if you fancy an informal drink and chat. GWYNNETH JACKSON NEWS FROM THE SCHOOL
The following report on athletics and gymnastics was supplied by Linda Richardson of the P.E. Department at Raine's. GIRLS ATHLETICS The athletics season began back in May on a very positive note with the girls winning the year 8 and 9 groups, year 7 finishing second and year 10 third, in the Borough Championships. This resulted in second overall and year 9 remain unbeaten for the third successive year. Inspired by their success several of the girls began to train on a regular basis at Mile End Stadium. This resulted in both the Junior And Inter teams of the T.S.B. Cup coming in a very convincing first. The second rounds were closely fought battles with many of the girls achieving Personal Best Performances. The following girls took part:Inter
Mary Kafero, Prudence Bailey, Nicola Abbott, Fiona Iwerebor, Katy Richardson, Camille Ferreira, Annika Cashman, Jean Robertson, Sarah Davis, Kemi Oworu, Marie Aremola and Catherine Kafero. 6
Alicene Alcindor, Elizabeth Idowu, Natalie Newland, Tannisha Bent, Louise Lowe, Heidi Anderson, Vanessa Taylor, Chantal Tate, Laura Elder, Leanne Brisland, Amanda Parker and Alison Roache. This year we entered the combined event championships for the first time. Each competitor completes a Pentathlon. As a result of this Mary Kafero was selected to be part of the London team in the English Schools Combined Events Championships. Catherine Kafero was a reserve. The following represented Tower Hamlets in the London Schools Athletic Championships:800 metres Katy Richardson Catherine Kafero High jump and relay Mary Kafero Long jump and relay Sarah Davis Discus Katy was then selected to be part of the London team in the English Schools Athletics in Blackpool finishing seventh in her heat. The Tower Hamlets team for the year 7 and 8 championships featured the following girls:Natalie Newland Amanda Parker Maria Scrubb Vanessa Taylor Heidi Anderson Tannisha Bent Alison Roache Elizabeth Idowu LauraElder All of whom performed extremely well. The final event of the year is the London Youth Games where several year 10 girls will take part as members of the Tower Hamlets team at Crystal Palace. This will conclude a season they can be proud of GIRLS GYMNASTICS This year we were privileged to be part of the first London Schools Display Team. The team (lOO pupils) performed three pieces at the first London Festival of Gymnastics at Crystal Palace in October. This was extremely successful and resulted in the Tower Hamlets group being invited to perform at the Scottish Festival of Gymnastics in Perth. The following girls were involved:J enny Monaghan Lucinda Monaghan Jean Robertson Hayley Stuart-Evans Claire Williams Danielle Coakley Katy Richardson Hayley Barrett Samantha Wilcox Carli Wilson LenaBibi Geogina Bloomfield The gymnastics team will be travelling to Portugal at the end of July - Carli Wilson is a member of the team. Twelve girls will then have the opportunity to take part in the London Festival again this year and the International Gymfest in Frankfurt, Germany.
In basketball the School reached two more national finals. The Under 19 team beat Millfield and the under14 team finished runners-up. The Roll ofHonour can now be updated and has also been slightly amended from the last newsletter.
1968 1968 1972 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993
Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under
16 19 19 14 15 16 14 16 14 19 15 14 16 15 19 15 16 19 14
Winners Winners Winners Runners-up Winners Runners-up Winners Winners Winners Runners-up Winners Runners-up Runners-up Runners-up Winners Winners Runners-up Winners Runners-up
Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship Championship
Finally congratulations to Robert Whan of year 10 who was selected to swim for Great Britain in the 200 metres Breaststroke in the European Youth Olympic Days in Holland at the beginning of July. Robert won through to the final where he finished a very creditable sixth.
-~ 3ED
0708 769339)
To :All members of The Old Raineans Association. -
Dear Friend, Raine·s Scliool
When the I.L.E.A. was abolished some-3/4 years ago lost its two mini-buses. This mean~ that no
school teams could be carri-ed to away matches.
.-,t:.s w-e· had ent.e:r-ed
four n~tional basketball -champiorrships this could have been disastrous for the school teams. Hiring coaches or private mini-buses is expensive so I bought a second hand mini-bus which I upgraded in 1891 ~t a cost of £12,500 to ensure that our teams were not put at a disadvantage. This bus carried our teams all over the country and helped us fulfill fixtures we otherwise could not have played. In April this y~ar ~e won the National Under 19 championship for the_ third-time. Ou~ joy was tempered by the fact that during the following night the mini-bus plus two sets of kit and eight ba~ketballs was stole~- fr6m outsida my house. We will receive abobt £7,50IT from my-insurance of the bris. A short-fall of £5,000 if the bus is to be adequately replaced. We need a new bus urgently if we are to fulfill our current _fixtures and to enter next year·s nationol championships. To help raise the ~oney I am launching a '100 Club· at £10 per share with monthly prizes of £50 - although this would be be mor~ if more than 100 entered - as I hope will be ~he case. Please help by completing the enclosed form and returning it to me as soon as possible so that we can get the scheme going and get our teams on the road once again. This is a chance to help your old school and keep it in the forefront of national sport. I will keep you informed of the progress of the '100 ·Club' and mini-bus in future copies of the Old Raineans Newsletter. Hope to hear from you soon. Humphrey Long
(P.E. Master retd).
EAST LONDON ROYALS }un'ior Basketball. Club
LONDON 1993 - 1994 Season '100 Club' Application Form
Tel. No.
Number of shares required (Minimum
Maximum :
per share)
ten )
enclose (Cheques made payable to 'East London Royals B.B.C.)
Please return to
ll S' f(..o
!.-\.. t
F ~ ;(.l)
Old R.aineians' Association
;··\,. ..
:. ..
1719 IUJNE9
Old Raineians' Association, c/o Raine's Foundation School, Approach Road, London, E29LY
Sandra Johnson, 9. Goddington Lane, Orpington, Kent, BR69DR Tel: 0689 826854
Tel: 081 981 1231
Fax: 081 983 0153 .. Gwynneth J ackson, Glevum, -I<.irkpy Malzeard, Ripon,
Bill Richards, M embership Secretary, 26 Shandy Street,
Stepney; · London, E14LX Tel: 071 790 9235
North Yorks, HG43RS Tel:. 0765 65882S
Dear Old Raineians, I hope some of you managed to find some sunshine and warmth somewhere during the summer months. Both were in short supply here in the North, and Autumn so far has produced mists and some fruitfulness. but nothing t.o be described as mellow. Outside it is teeming down and the local sheep are systematicaJly pruning all the slp-ubs by 1he fence and any plants within reach. (What else can you expect if you live in the country?) · .
This newsletter is.mainly to bring your notice, ~o you cari book it in your diaries, the forthcoming pre-Christmas Bonanza. We hope you will attend in ·numbers as you have done in recent years. · !
.·.~. · Following the suggestion by Lesley Jensen that a collection of memorabilia of the School be ·.~ : collected together, Aian Liddiard (3 8-43) has sent his School report.of December 1939 when the school's address was clo Varnde3n Boys' School in Brighton. · He added the following information about the Masters:~ ~ ' 'Nobby' Clarke, a Welshman who taught English and Music, was his fom1 master and who, he believes, was one of the founder members of the Raineian Masonic Lodge. 'Biffer' Broughton who taught P.E. and History. M. Williams, another Welshman, who in addition to teaching Maths was a good amateur conjurer. Dr. Hemy Wilkins vvho taught Chemistry using the textbook written by himself A~ Chainnan of the Staff Committee he helped plan the evacuation to Brighton.
W.H. Davies, yet another Welshman, a Physics te~cher helped by 'Joey', a piece of rubber pressure tubing, to keep discipline (most teachers ~sed plimsolls)! Charlie Nay taught manual instruction, but sadly was killed by a bus. ·This haP,pened af1er his wife had died and .many of the pupils believed he· conunitted suicide. W.A. W. Dt~gger, the Headmaster was greatlY admire cl by the boys and had·beeri the·Physics teacher . Alan also remembered a School trip to Canterbury led by 'Dog-Collar' Loughboro~ the School Chaplain, who later became Education Adviser to the Sec of Canterbury, and then Rector of a Norfolk Parish and Canon of Ely.
Alan has su ccessfully completed a History degree pnd written guides for the Stewards of the National Trust property in which he has an abode ..
Another response for memorabilia came from David Deverell who spent 7 "good years" Raine's (32-39). He had recognised himself in the rugby photograph printed in the March new~letter and remembers Jack Jarvis welL Others in 1he photograph he identified were John Dale, tviathews, . Rhcx.les, Stannard, Y antin and one of the Bird fwi{ls. He has lost touch with them all, but hopes they are still around. He and Doug Clarke were bpth in the :M inistry of Defence at one time. He sees Joe Lipton (Lipslitz) occasionally- he was a p.P. in North London. Also remembered were 'Maggo' Magorsk:y and Bernard Townsley who w~re G.P.'s in the Forest Gate and llford ai'~as and
Hany Solkovitz (Sherwood) had a Dental Practice in Goodmayes.
David's memorabilia inclu4ed copies of photographs and reports on School drama productions,
rugby matches, Sports Day events, School societies and Staffversus Boys ·cricket matches ·where, in addition to the previously mentioned Messrs. Clark., Williams, Broughton and Dagger, the names ofDonny Lyons and Jim Shivas appear. The School Hoo&es also enjoyed annual tea parties followed by entertainment. · · · Thank you very much to those who have sent memorabilia. We will be pleased to accept .any · given or lent to us at the December 'Do' and will photocopy and then return your items. OTHER NEWS
Congratulations to Steve Johnson (former Head ofEnglish) andh.is \\ife Claire on the recent birth of Philippa Anne.
Helen Kostis took part in a 'Save the Children' sponsored w.alkin July (one of 15 1000 participants), a 10 mile route from Liverpool Street to Hyde .Park zig zagging through parts of London she didn't know existed. She spent her holidays in Cyprus and her brother Kosta went to Australia visiting
Hong Kong en route. Richard Tillbrook in addition to teaching, duties as a J.P. and Church Warden, still manages to be involved with both scouts and venture scouts, and spent some of his holiday at a summer camp in Devon. He sees Steve Wilkinson and the Chappells and he has come across a photo of Jolm Eve who he remembers speaking very amusingly at the Old Raineians dint1ers held at the Talbot, 路 London Wall when Richard first joined the Associttion as a.sixth fonner. (We included excerpts from Jolm Eve's column in the S.T.C. magazine in an earlier newsletter.) The aforementioned Chappell brothers all now live in Norfolk, and as Bany has recently moved to a larger house 4 doors away from his previous one, their parents ar<l -going to move shortly from East London into that house. Barry and his wife ~e 4 children and he plays in a band which 路plays Glen Miller numbers, visiting air bases in Notfolk and has also played at the Norwich 路 Theatre Royal - he has his own solo keyboard spot: in their performances. John Chappell married 1n. 19&4 and has 2 children. He teaches in Kings Lynn and路at weekends takes school teams in soccer, cricket and athletics and also plays cricket for the local village team.
Geoff Chappell is in another cricket team, is manied to Lorraine (Sims - any news of her sisters and brother Steven?) and they have 2 children. Geo:ff is self employed, concerned with asbestos removal. . Debra Reid (Harvey), mother of a lively 7 month old son, is returning to her lectwi.ng post and has also been eo-opted onto the Cambridge Local Examinations Board Managing Conunittee for Religious Studies. Gavin Adlington will now be up-dating his know~how of Land Infonnation Systems at the University ofLondon MSc course. Peggy Adlington is teaching infants at a ErithPrimary SchooL They are missing Malawi, not least for the weather, but their 4 children are now installed at various schools and Peggy is singing in the Malcohn Sargent Festival Choir. I am currently involved in writing a revised edition of a book of walks in Nidderdale. Several of us re-walked the routes and sent in comments which resulted in my being asked to check the entire
selection and incorporate relevant infonnation regarding items of interest to be seen en route ("Interpretation of the Environment"). That will teach :ni.e to keep corrunents to.myse1f!. Congratulations to the following who have all successfully gained good degrees;Sam. Bentley in Education from Lancaster University Samantha Sawyer in Law from Leeds University Claire Jones in English from Leicester University Leontis Yianni in Law from (_)ueen Mary and Westfield College Spiro Pereira in Bio Medical .Sciences from University of Wales -he is working at Raine's temporarify as a Laboratory Technician
The folloWing is a list of pupils who left in the Summer to continue their education at a higher .level:Rashed Aluned Zeenith .AJ.i.
Steven Cannon Colin Cooper Karina Cox
Luke Cox
Sara Cutmore · Danielle Davies
London University - Queen Mary & Westfield College BSc Mathematics and C()lnputer Science Soilthbank University HND.Appliect Biology
Anglia University BA History UniVersity of East London BA Cultural Studies London University - St Mary'li Ho~pital Medical School Medicine · ~; . · ·. Leicester University (~ferred entry to 1994) Bsc Apt)lied Geology · .. . · London University .. Royal Holloway & Bedford College BSc Geology Manchester Metropolitan BEd Primary Education and Art
Nicholas DenniS
Christine Wade
University College of Wales· Aberystwyth BA Political Studies Westminster University Bse Engineering · London University - Royal Holloway & Bedford College BSc Geology London Uni-versity - Q~een Mary & Westfield College BSc Astrophysics University of Portsmouth BSc Geology UniveJ.:Sity of Sussex BSc Mathematics Uriiversity of East London BA AccoWlting and Finance London Guildhall Unive:rSity of Tower Hamlets Art Foundation· University ofPortsmouth BSc Engineering/Geology Greenwich UniversitY
Donna Walker
BSc Applied Geology University ·college Hospital (London) Medical School
Christopher Erskine Louise Fcnttim.an Lee Lawrence
Danny Roberts Helen Shamarkou Lorraine Smith · David SwindelLs
Paul Turner
Nicholas Williams Lee Wilmore
Medicine Tower Hamlets ·college Art F oun.dation University of East London . · BA Social Science
Alex Wing Christopher Wright
Robert Wright
London Guildhall Uru:Versity of Tower Hamlets Art Foundation London University - Queen !\1:ary & Westfield College BA English Durham University BA Theology 4
Bill Richards would like to thank the small number of people who mad.e the effort to be at the infonnal gathering at the Blind Beggar on Septemper 30th. Although the weather was bad the response was still very disappointing. A notable e:¥ception was Alan Johnson who arrived direct from Heathrow after a business trip to Siberia where the weather is , obviously, much worse!! Also present were Anne S aunders (Woodward), qhr:i3tine Maddox (Carter) md Lind.sey Mathews (Redpath) who were at theSchoo11958-1964 an~ would like any infonnation on Miss Kay and · Miss Munn both .teachers of the secretarial slxth. Tony Sculc had recently r~tumed from his cycling trip to New Zealand where he met up with Keith Dylko and watched the British Lions. Finally as 1994 is the 275th anniversary ofRaine's Foundation School the Association have produced a lapel badge similar to the 'school's blazer badge. Enclosed with this newsletter is an order form for the badge which is priced at £2. 50.
This newsletter has been compiled entirely from correspondence. Anyone with any news at all please write or fax ·us -it is important to keep in touch. We hope to see a large number ofyou on DECEMBER 3RD.
GWYNNETH JACKSON lOO CLUB -Report from Mr. Long Following the recent plea for support in raising money for the purchase of a replacement :Mini-Bus by means of a ' l 00 Club' I would like to thank an Jhose who took the time and trouble to buy
shares in the Club. There were about twenty reph):s and with their help the '100 Club is a going cone em. Shares were also bought by members of staff, supporters of the Royals Basketball Club and people in the sporting world generally. What I found most pleasing about the Old Raineians' response was makirig contact with old friends from the past and even some Raineians' from before my time at the school. I will of course be writing to each one ofthem personanyin due course. i
There is still time for more membvrs to make this a '200 Club'. Another form is enclosed. In the next newsletter we hope to have a photograph of the new Mini-Bus and one of our successful teams using it. There will also be news; of the winners of the prizes.
NEWS FROM THE SCHOOL Sporting selection from Mr. Long
Marvin Bramble (16) continued his meteoric triple jwnp career during the Swnmer retaining his English Schools Intermediate triple jump title with a distance over 15 metres - about 50 feet. He then went on to represent England in the Four Countries Athletics International in Dublin and easily won.
Moving up a notch he came second in the A. A. A. under 20's Championships triple jump and was
selected to represent Great Britain under 20's in an international against Italy and Hungary. Marvin had a best jump of about 15. 40 metres - a long way for a 16 year old!
He is also an outstanding basketball player and has represented England at under 15, under 1T and under 19 age groups. This year he helped the school team win the Nationall9 final for the third ' time along with feUow internationals Chris Erskine1 Patris Gordon, Richard Thomas and Bam.aby Loades .. 1bjs star s tudded t~am beat Millfield Schpol by 18 points in the flnlll. . . . . . At the other. end of the Schoot'the English ·Basketqall Association has been runriing some regional championships for under 12 teams. Raine's have reached the South-East regional final and played the first leg of the final recently beating St. Olave's, Orpington 108 to 38. The second leg is in November an~ the result will be in the next newsletter. The un<ier1 3's went to Manchestet· for a N ational Champions Toumam e.rit. We won but had to Qy content with runners-up to Bumage High School, Manchester.
rt last year ·
So things are ticking over on th~ basketball front and with 4 boys appearing in the final England trials at Lilleshall at the end of October there could be more good news to come. · Girls Cros.s, Country - Mrs Richardson
In early O ctober the girls competed in the Borough Cross Country Championships with the
following results:Year 7 · Winners =· ·
Sylv.ia ·Gurley finished 2nd and Bar~ara Lowry 3rd.
Year 8 - Runners-up Laura Snook finished 3rd.
... . · Year 9 ·Fourth Year 10 - Winners
Katy Richardson finished 2rid and Fiona Iwerebor 3rd.
EAST LONDON.ROYALS }un.lor Baske~b~l~. Club
LONDON 1993 - 1994 Season 'lOO Club·
Application Form NAME ADDRES S
Te l. No.
(£10 per share)
Nunber of shares required
Kax i ~num
ten )
I enc l ose ( Che ques nade payable to 'East Lond o n Ro yals B.B. C .)
Sign ed
f...l • "J' ·
Pleas e r e turn to
G ~w
{(..o ~OA-.4
... .... ..... .. ....., ................................. ······ ..... ..... ... ;··
.....,.. . ....... .. ......., ..... . •' .
. .
OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION 1994 is the 27Sth anniversary of the founding of Henry Raine 1S School. To commemorate the event, the Old Raineians1 Association has produced a lapel badge of the school blazer badge. The badge is available to all past and present pupils and staff at a cost of £2.50 each.
If you wish to purchase one or more badges, please complete the slip below and send it to: Old Raineians Associatio?, c/o Clive Baugh, 53 Glendale, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8TP 1
To Old Raineians 1 Association, c/o Clive Baugh, 53 Glendale, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8TP
I wish to purchase _ _ badge(s) at £2.50 each.
I enclose a cheque/postal order for £._ _......,....._p.
Cheques should be payable to 11 0ld Raineiaqs' Assodation11 .
Please deliver to:
Post Code
Old Raineians' Association
Raine's Foundation School, Approach Road, London, E29LY 'rei: 0819811231 Fax: 081983 0153
Sandra Johnson 9 Goddington Lane Orpington Kent BR69DR Tel: 0689 826854 Fax: 0689 873115
Bill Richards 26 Shandy Street Stepney London El4LX Tel: 071 790 9235
Gwynneth Jackson Glevum Kirkby Malzeard Ripon NorthYorks HG43RS Tel; 0765 658825
APRIL 1994 Dear Old Raineians, Tenning this as the Spring Edition of the Newsletter seems to be a misnomer, as t>utside is a snow covered landscape. However I am sure that by the time this is typed, printed and posted the seasonal description will be more apt.
Hollingsworth and knows the whereabouts of other contemporaries. Robert Wright (86-93) at present studying Theology in Durham and hoping to be ordained. Ruth Castle (84-93) and her younger sister Rachel Castle {87-93) who live near the present school premises. Maurice Buzzard (49-54) is living in West London and working as a kitchen furniture salesman. A great friend is Michael Rasser, now world renowned as Michael John, Ladies Hairdresser. When they were at sch<.:>ol Dr. Shutt was Headmaster; 'Nobby Clarke was their form~master; Mr Spooner taught them Geography and .Miss Ringer - the only female teacher in the Boy's School - taught Biology. At the December Reunion we 'recruited': Adrian (Bomber) Giles (69-74) a broker living in Brentwood.
NEW MEMBERS Welcome to several new members who have joined recently. John Rogers (65-72) living 'over the river' is a B. T. engineer. Alan Bremerman ( 46-50) now retired and living in Billericay following careers in Shipping, Banking and Stockbroking. He is in contact with Cyril Shaw, Terry
Lorraine Chappell (Sims, 70-75) Married to Geoff Chappell is living in Norfolk. She did her PGCE 3 years ago. John Chappell (67-75) is living in Kings Lynn, teaching Latin and Sport. He has become a ski fanatic and, together with a school party, was in France last year when their travel firm went bust - they did manage to get home!
- 1-
It is encouraging to see a wide spread of age groups among these :new members, particularly some who only left school recently. The future of an association depends on 'young shoots' willing to carry on when the 'older branches' begin to disappear. Present members can also help by encouraging any of their school contemporaries they are in contact with to join the Association.
DECEMBER REUNION The Reunion was a very pleasant occasion, although fewer people were present than have been in :recent years. Our senior member Emily Galbrai~ whose centenary we hope to celebrate in the next few years, made the effort once again to travel down from Edinburgh. Last summer she went with an American friend who was involved in an archaeological dig on Isla, staying in a hotel which had belonged to the McEachran clan 300 years ago. Wally Spooner, happily recovered from his accident earlier this year, has acquired some of the memorabilia of Emily Parsons (former pupil, teacher, governor and ORA President) from Mary Grimes (Spriggs) who was Headgirl in 1911 and remembered by Emily Galbraith. Michael Robinson mentioned that he phoned Wally 30 years after leaving school and, after a moment's
consideration, identified him - what a memory!! Tony Mole is Divisional Chief Buyer for part of the BICC group. His wife Maria (Daniels) is in her final year of teachertraining. Terry Chimes, formerly drummer member of the 'Clash' is now a registered Chiropractor and Acupuncturist working in Woodford Green.
Barry and Stuart Howson. Tony had met Keith Dylko in New Zealand, where he is Head of Sports in North Auckland He sends regards to Humph Long Lynne Woolf worked in Cyprus for a period and is now a Leisure Attendant in Hackney. Nelson McMahon remembered that Headmaster Mr Taylor used to wear a bowler hat in school.
Christine Dufl:Y (Richardson) now lives in Bristol and has 2 sons. Richard Sims and Anne Small have a son; he works for Nat West and Anne runs a Charity Play Scheme, "Apples & Pears", in Hackney. Hilary Selby (Tear), now a doting mum, was a Judge at the British Ice-Dancing Championships in January (which included Torville and Dean).
Christine Crump sent a photograph of her form circa 1972. Among others I can identify are Hazell Paul, Martin Carter and Andrew Fullerton. Can anyone recognise the others? Norman Holland was in Brisbane January 1993 and tried unsuccessfully to get in contact with Cameron McPhee. Norman's brother Alfred, former Bishop of Newcastle, New South Wales, spent last year most enjoyably as resident Chaplain of St. George's University, Jerusalem. Alfred is returning to Canberra before taking up a chaplaincy at Beverly Hills Tony Szulc, after his marathon cycle trip, is safely back in England and had a 'Tap' get-together with Cameron Mcphee (visiting the UK), Martin Dume, John
Zippy Auerbach teaching at Watford Boys School met Steve Johnson (former Head of English at Raines) in the dining hall of Watford Girls School where he is Deputy Headmaster. She was disappointed to see so few of her contemporaries at the Reunion.
Christine Gilby and Mary Payne both married Turkish husbands. Mary is married to a professor of agriculture and has an adopted son; Christine has 2 children and lives in Bahrain - formerly she worked for Hilton Hotels. Phi! Puttick wonders if anyon~ has news ofNoel (Christmas) Davidson.
Teresa Beney (Sims) lives in Gidea Park and has 3 children.
Helen Beeson Has a family and lives at Gatcombe Park.
Steven Sims works for Hackney CounciL Gary Woods lives In Australia.
Dr. Michael Vincent Surrey.
now a GP m
News was passed on of Paul Reynolds becoming a father of a daughter in November. It has been rumoured that Paul will come to one of the reunions (was that a pig I saw fly past the window - Bill Richards). I enjoyed hearing a selection of choruses from "Pirates of Penzance" sung to me by ex-Pirates Ian Hatton, Fred Stratford and Teddy Ayres1 lan is married and lives in Bury St Edmunds. Christine Crump (Stacy) is National President of an organisation concerned with welfare. She is also involved with Adult Education and says that Suzanne Quigley teaches English in Lewisham. Suzanne's husband Barry is on Bexley's planning and policy board. Barry Quirk is greatly involved in Council work in Lewisham. Gary Preston works for a computer firm
Diane Edwards (76-81) is working for the Bank of Switzerland, commuting between England and Switzerland. Barbara Donovan thoroughly enjoyed meeting contemporaries she had not seen for over a decade at the Reunion.
holidays with Saga. (Remember hostelling near Malvern and in the Wye Valley?) Martin Leonard and family moved house in December. Lesley Bell is getting married in Leeds in April - I am hoping to meet her sister Maggie soon in York.
Sam Bentley is at present in America doing a PhD. in International Relations at Old Dominion University, Norfolk and Tom Bentley is in his final year at Oxford.
Hazel Fosbraey (Paul), an auxiliary nurse in a local hospital, helps one morning a She has 2 young week in a schooL daughters and is now studying A Level Biology, having been successful in GCSE Maths.
Joe Bentley is spending a year working and playing trombone before going to University.
Elizabeth Simpson has been in Chamouix since early January and Joanne Marshall joined her in March.
Barry Jones young son Nicholas shows signs of becoming an artist - he draws on everything in sight!
Jackie and Robert Connolly were travelling to Nepal again, seeing in the New Year at high altitudes!
Colin Nice is working hard, teaching and attending a constant round of long, late meetings.
Charmaine Kerridge is enjoying her PGCE course at Goldsmiths and has some promising piano pupils.
Deena Osborne (Gardiner) is enjoying being at college and her children encourage (help?) her with her homework.
Marie Crawley (Conway) plans to return to part-time work when her son starts school.
Viv Nicholas and his wife Ros {Berrill) went Ski-ing during Christmas. Ros is Senior Tutor at the school where she teaches and Viv manages to play Timpani in concerts about 4 times a year.
Margaret Paish is always pleased to hear news ofMrs. Weingarten.
Other ski fanatics, Clive Baugh and his wife, went to Courcheval in February with their two young children.
Gerlinde Leinwetter (Bennett) still works for a recycling firm in Vienna and was briefly in London last year.
Anita Merkel (Smith) lives in Hampshire and all her children are now at secondary school.
Steve Foster was pleased to read news of former classmate John Coborn, now resident in Australia, in the summer newsletter.
路 .arid .wife Candy (Sevren) is manager at Epsom's Marks and Spencer. Maria Mole is in touch with Genieve Ali. Susan Mole has 3 children and works part time for Bedford University. Janet Mole is a Tax Consultant m Upminster. Kerry Jose is a debt collector and Laura Jose is in her 2nd year at University. Sara Cutmore (85-92) spent a year going round the world before taking up her University place. Caroline Hughes is an office junior and her brother Peter had a part in a British episode of "Neighbours". Peter Lyle Edinburgh
Richard Harris reported that there had been no response to the suggestion of forming an Old Raineians' Golf Society. Eddie Marsan is having success in his acting career.
Alan Liddiard promises to travel from Exeter for a 275th celebration. Gerry Calvert also promises an appearance, as does Jack Lowe. Joy Turner still plays her bassoon and does voluntary work for the National Trust, the Blood Transfusion Service, the local theatre and the "New World Tapestry" Project. She goes on study tours - confesses to not doing much studying - and on less vigorous walking -3-
Batbara Collins (Newton) still lives in Sidcup; her daughter is now 18.
Tom Howgill, now (his own description) a young 85, was going to "down a noggin" on the reunion night as he no longer drives in the dark. John Eve also no longer drives on winter nights. He still enjoys contributing a column (usually amusing) to a pensioners magazine which he launched and edited until he was 76. He was surprised to 'fead in a previous newsletter that Richard
Tillbrook remembered him making an entertaining speech at an ORA dinner. John appreciates receiving the newsletters.
1910. He had 2 brothers, one of whom Stanley Cadman, was entered in the Book ofRemembrance mentioned previously.
John Smith (52-59) and his wife Christine {53-60) wondered about the whereabouts of the display cabinet, containing the Book of Remembrance, which his father made. It used to be in the entrance hall in Arbour Square and is now in a similar position in Approach Road. John is commissioning a plaque to be placed on the cabinet, but does not know the date that his father donated it. Can anybody help?
In addition to the Headmistress, Miss Haugh, Beryl remembers the following members of staff- Miss Tregear, Miss Grafton, Miss Foot, Miss Pickles, Miss Still, Miss Wheeler and Miss Rodger. She also recalls prizes being presented one year by Countess Winterton.
John has a successful architectural practice and Christine is a "retired" applied mathematician. They are both ardent windsurfers and have 2 student sons. John's brother Roger (54-59) is in the RAF and this year received the MBE from the Queen. He has 2 sons. Christine also contributed news that Mrs Wagener-Koen (former biology teacher), living in Portsmouth, unfortunately suffered a stroke in 1992 - she is in touch with former English teacher Miss Yeomans. Matjorie Robbins (53-60) works in Geneva for UNO and has a house m France. Joan Ward (McPherson, 53-60) runs an off-licence in St Helens and has 3 successful daughters. Jocelyn Thompson (Oatley, 55-62) lives in Canada; has 3 children and is studying for her MA Rita Bloom (53-57), who is a neighbour of the Smith's, has a successful business and 2 children. They have also been in contact with Gladys Norman, Anne Long and Roy Piggott. Thanks to John and Christine for the above batch of news and information. Beryl Wooldridge (Cadman) sent a brochure of the School circa 1959 and 2 letters sent to her mother before Beryl started at Raine's in 1933. Her father F. G. Cadman also attended Raine's 1906 to
Derek Smith (59-64) served in the Royal Navy for 27 years and took early retirement last July in the rank of Lieutenant Commander, having served in most types of warship and seen much of the world. He is now an Inspector of Coastguards and Deputy Regional Controller of the North and East Scotland Search Rescue region based in Aberdeen. From there all coastguard, RNLI lifeboat and rescue helicopter activity between Berwick-on-Tweed and the Shetland Isles is controlled. a busy and exciting job with offshore oil rigs and hundreds of vessels in the area. He has fond memories of school, in particular Wally Spooner, Jim Shivas, f'1nny Lyons, Basil Dowling, George Loughborough, Dudley l'{erryett, John Roden and form master "Noddy" Neuf Derek would welcome news of Victor Knope, Barry Hurst, Brian Gifford, Ian Thurston-Moon or Michael Watson. Geoff Gillon wrote from Tilbury and sent us some memorabilia. He says he has the reputation of being a "squirrel" and collects any and everything! Apart from plans of the School and a booklet published in 1914 sent to us, he has a 1946 school hymnal, the St Pauls Order of Service on May 1st, 1969 (25:0th Anniversary), press cuttings mainly concerning the amalgamation of the boys and girls schools and various issues of the "Raineian" plus Sports Day programmes. He used to "explore" the tunnels running alongside the roofwp classrooms and has a Woodbine cigarette packet (cost - 1d) and a large unusual sea shell among his finds He is in touch with Freda Tarling who is a teacher nearby. I am sorry to report that Bill Richards has recently resigned from the ORA Committee, but will continue as -4-
Membership Secretary. He was largely responsible for organising the December reunions over the last few years and is currently working in the school office. A list of those attending the December Reunion follows, so those who were present can see who they missed! Meanwhile, please keep in touch.
Emily Galbraith (Miller, 03路13), Nelson McMahon(36-39), Norman Holland (4551) 1950-1959
Mike Robinson {51-56), J. Cole (58-63), Linda Ofield (Wright, 58-63), Christine Maddox (Carter, 58-64), Dorothea Mahoney (58M64), Lindsey Redpath (5864), Anne Woodward (58-64), Duncan Edmonston (58-65) 1960-1969 Phil Puttick (60-67), Alan Johnson (6068), Bill Richards (61-68), Tony Szulc (61-68), Richard Tillbrook (61..68), Sue Smith (Holden, 62-68), Ian Adlington (6269), Lesley Jensen (Tear, 62-69), Tom Nunn (63-68), Gavin Adlington (64-71), David Elias (67-??), Terry Chimes (6774), Barbara Donovon (Page, 67-74), John Chappell (67-75), Geoffiey Chappell (67-75), Christine Duffy (68-75), Anthony Mole (68-75), Maria Mo1e (6&-75), Adrian Giles (69~ 74), Peter Thake (6974), Gary Bishop (69-77) 1970-1979
Ronnie Bender (70-??), Lorraine Chappell (70-75), Steve Sims (71-76), John Wyatt (72-78), Ted Ayres (74-81), Ian Hatton (74-81), Fred Stratford (74-81), Ching Fun Lee (75-82), S.ean Callaghan (76-81), C. Callaghan (76-81), Michael Fox (7681), Laurence Holder (76-81), Kerry Jose (76-81), Pat Nagley (76-81), Lorraine Skinner (76-81 ), John Corbett (76-82), Paul Smith (76-82), Paul Thienal (76-82), Paul-Casali (76-83), Peter Driscoll (7683), Jane Muncer (77-82), Linda Alien (77-84), Teresa Marsan (77-84), Elizabeth
Wells (77-84), Andrew Cappaert (82-87), Richard Harris (85-92), Laura Jose (8592)
Zippy Auerbach, Christine Crump (Stacey), Tony Groves, Gwynneth Jackson, Gary Northover, Wally Spooner.
100 CLUB
As promised in the last newsletter the following is a list of the prize winners:November
Kevin Wagstaff Bob Andrews
Lesley Jensen David Ransom
Christmas Draw Ms B Canning
The first is Jack Rodin (39-44) who is trying to contact people who left in 1944. Some of the names he mentioned are:L.HA. Dickson, A Feinstein, A.A Greenspan, H. Halberstam, S. Kaminsky, S. Levy, L. Simonsohn, I. Smith, I. Weiss, AT. Owens, M. Clark, RC. Cater. If you know the whereabouts or have any news on the above please contact us and we will gladly pass on the information to Jack.
T. Fisher, J. O'Keefe, Michael Vincent January GWYNNETH JACKSON
Paul Thienal Lesley Jensen Rick Hinds Ron Harrison
The membership is currently creeping up to the 400 mark. As the intake of the school is 150 every September this is obviously a very small percentage of the people who attended the school! I am therefore asking for members help. Some of you have former school friends with whom you are still in touch and who are not members of the Association. Please try to persuade them to join. I also noticed during the production of this newsletter the large amount of news mentioned about non-members. Why aren't they members? Is there a specific reason why they will not join? Once again, if you know, please try to persuade them to join. This may help as an incentive to join promptly! The Committee has voted to increase the life membership fee from ÂŁ10.00 to ÂŁ15.00 as from the 1st June 1994. Although 50% is a large increase, the fee has not increased for a considerable number of years. Please keep sending the news. The letters from John and Christine Smith, Derek Smith and Beryl Wooldridge are just what we require. Remember, in this context, any news is good news!! Why not write to us now? The addresses are at the beginning with the fax numbers of the school and Sandra Johnson. It won't take long. Will it?
Congratulations to the above, especially Lesley. Your round I believe?
The second reunion is being organised by Peter Thake (69-75) for any pupils who started in 1969. Ifyou have not already been contacted by Peter, once again, contact us and we will pass on the details to Peter.
Humph is still trying to organise a photograph of the Mini-Bus .. Watch this space.
Lesley Jensen has volunteered to be responsible for the memorabilia. Items keep appearing so if you have any photographs or anything of interest please send them too any of the addresses at the hezd of the newsletter. Photocopies can be made and the originals returned.
There is good and bad news to,report on the sports front. The good news is that Katy Richardson (fourth year or year 10 depending how recently you left school!) finished second in the London Schools Cross-Country Championships and was selected to represent London in the English Schools Cross-Country Championships. She also spent part ofthe Easter Holidays training in Portugal. The bad news is that all the basketball teams have been eliminated from the National Championships. In January building of a new science block commenced and should be completed by October.
A couple of people. are trying to arrange reunions for two different years separated by 25 years.
- 5-
As you can see I have changed the format of the newsletter. In the future I hope to include more photographs, but that will of course depend on your response. If anyone has any comments e.g. the print is too small,; two columns would be preferable etc please let me know. Finally I have attached another copy of the application for lapel badges. If you are interested please send your money direct to Clive Baugh. BILL RICHARDS
OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION 1994 is the 275th anniversary of the founding of Henry Raine's School. To commemorate the event, the Old Raineians' Association has produced a lapel badge of the school blazer badge. The badge is available to all past and present pupils and staff at a cost of £2.50 each. If you wish to purchase one or more badges, please complete the slip below and send it to: Old Raineians' Association, c/o Clive Baugh, 53 Glendale, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8TP
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To Old Raineians' Association, c/o Clive Baugh, 53 Glendale, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8TP I wish to purchase _ _ badge(s) at £2.50 each.
I enclose a cheque/postal order for £'-----.P·
Cheques should be payable to "Old Raineians' Association11
Please deliver to:
Name Address
Post Code
Old Raineians' Association
1719 RAJNE:3
Raffi,e's Fo~ndation School, Approach Road, London, E29LY T()l: 0819811231 Fax: 081 983 0153
Bill Richards 26 Shandy Str.eet Stepney London El4LX Tel: 07l 790 9235
Sandtia,if<>hfison 9 Goddington Lane Orpington Kent BR69DR Tel: 0689 816854 Fax: 0689 873115
Gwynneth Jackson Glevum Kkkby Malzeard Ripon North Yorks HG43RS Tel: 0765 658825
SUMMER 1994 Dear Old Raineians W elJ here it is, the publication you have all been waiting for! t Yes it's the latest edition of the Old Raineians Newsletter. Amongst all the items I trust there will be something or some name that may be of interest to you. If not write and complain, suggesting ways that the content can be improved. Of course if you take the trouble to write you may as well add some news about yourself (Once again not very subtle but I will try anything to get news out you.)
John Barlow (59~66) got in tcn;ch with the Association recently,;~9r the first time since leav,ing school,. through m~eting Mr. Everett (for many years the Scoutmaster of the Raine's (34th Stepney) Scout Troop) a few years ago who gave him a newsletter at the time. John recently came across the newsletter and decided to give us a ring. We're glad he did.
After leaving Raine's John went to London University, after which he joined the BBC as a Trainee cameraman. In 1985 he became Head of Television Cameras and 1988 Head of Film Operations. Two years ago John assumed responsibility for Film Resources Within the BBC as Head of Film and has also been elected Chairman of the Guild of Cameramen. He now lives in Marlowe with wife Laura and children Alice (9) and Edward (7) John remembers the foilowing from school days:-David McNally, Paul & Gavin Dobson, Duncan Potts, The Adlington twins (who used to live in Blackheath), Barry Hurst, Gunther Downs, Peter Adarnson, David Barford (?), Alan Choate, Jeff (?) Tynan, John Bacon, Ademoboyga Ademaluyi, Charles Beynon, Andrea Simmonds (?) and Michelle Phiilips.
NEW MEMBERS Ian Adlington (62-69) is a Claims Manager in the City and lives in Harrow.
Among the teachers he remembers are:Gerry Calvert, Wallie Spooner, Terry (You Boy!) Harding, Alan (Prof) Russell, John Rod en, Basil Dowling, Mr. Ironmonger, Donny Lyons, Jim Shivas,
- 1-
Rev Loughborough and the Headmaster Mr. Goode (John once took Mr. Goode's daughter sailing - so he says creep was probably fair comment!). John has fond memories of School trips to Wimereux; many happy years with the School Scouts and finally being in trouble after being caught drinking in the Prospect ofWhitby! Madge D.arch (Lewis, Staff 69.,.80) is married tD John Darch who taught Ffistory at Raine's. They live in Hyde, ClJeshjre with their 3 boys and would be pleased to hear from any Old Raineians living in or visiting the North-West. John Dixon (27-30?) was surp~d that the School had moved from Arbour Square. John was a Local Government Officer for 37 years (6 years, 1940-46, being spent in the army) before retiring at the age of 60. The staff he remembers are:- Mr W A Wilkinson Dagger (Headmaster 1922-49), Lewis Curtis (English), Charles Nay (Manual Instruction), Donny Lyons (German), Mr Luke (French), Robert Tumage (PT and later English), Dr H Wilkin&.(Ghemistry).
John enclosed a photograph of the .2nd XV rugby team which induded .fg:lgl, ~nd Captain (?) Turnage. (Is l}tisi'fRfthen Turnage who returned to Rat~1~~io teach PE and later English?) Pen elope Farries. ~aft ..路. wrote to us from ~ingsWti0d
Penelope is officially retired but still teaches privately with emphasis on Private School entrance exams and GCSE work. When she left Raine's (to have her daughter Deborah now 43 and living in Dralee, ireland with her husband and 3 daughters) she was the form mistress of form ID+ wh0 put on a pertormance of "Rumplestilskin" as a farewell effort The part of the Fairy Princess was played by Ann Mitchell who has done very welt in the acting profession. Ann later went on to star in the television drama series "Widows" as the principle part, but apparently Ann mostly does classical work such as Shakespeare, Greek drama etc. with the occasional foray into television. Penelope was a great friend of Emily Parsons and used to enjoy the anecdotes Emily told of her schooldays both as pupil and a member of the staff at Raine's. Eileen Vilka, an ex-pupil, is still in contact with Penelope and they hope to meet at the end of August. Eileen is also in touch \Vith a number of her contemporaries and hopefully wiU pass on the news of the Association to them. Finally Penelope would love to hear from any Old Raineians who remember her. Kerry Goodall (75-82) works in the Ministry ofDefence as Training Officer in communications and lives in Welling, Kent. Her brother Andrew (75-82) works as a Window Technician, has two chiidren and lives in Kent. He keeps in touch with JimmyLee. Alan Jones (S0-55) is with British Gas working as a Construction/Project Engineer. Living in Upminster, Essex, he is married with a son who is studying music at Leeds University. In his spare time - what there is - he is studying with the Open University and hopes to get his BSc nex1: year. Sidney Lazarus (39-44) was first a doctor in general practice and then moved onto the law to become a Criminal Barrister. At school Sydney's surname was Savitsky and he was known as 'Savvy'. In 1939 he was evacuated to Preston Park, Sussex, attending Vamdean School and, then, with the fall of France in
1940. 'Lower School' was evacuated t0 Egham, Surrey. In 1942 'Lower School' joined with the 'Upper' School already at Camberley and in 1943 the School returned to London - to the N E London Emergency School at Parmiters (the present School building?). Finally, in 1944 it was back to Arbour Square and the School Certificate taken in the basement during the flying bombs'!
Sydney remembers the 4 teachers Df the Egham period as "Dickie" Oalton (Head and Geography), "B*g**r" (no prizes for jilting in the missing letters!) Bence (History), Charlie Nay (Handicraft) an:d "Nobby" Clark (English and Music) Also enclosed was a copy of the Testamur given to all boys leaving the School (NRA of its day?) plus a roll of the staff including J P Owens as one of the Laboratory Stewards (a much better title than Lab Tech!). John is a member of the Association and attends the reunions whenever possible.
NB If any of the members would like a photocopy of this staff roll please send a SAE to Bill Richards. Craig Prentice (88-94) who has joined as an associate member. Craig is to be congratulated for not letting the grass grow under his feet. He left Raine's on F.riday 22nd July and started work on the following Monday, 25th Julyi Best wishes in your future career. Teresa Rollo (O'Cavanagh, 72-78) lives in Bexley Village, Kent. (More information please Teresa!) Laura Tarn (76-83) lives in Limehouse, London. (Again more information please Laura) Harold Taylor {28-34) has now been retired for nearly 16 years as Investment Dire-ctor of Unigate Plc. Prior to this he was a Senior Partner in a firm of Management Consultants; Finance Director of a large Leicester hosiery company and Chief Accountant of Charrington's before the merger with Bass. Contemporaries of Harold's at Raine's were Anthony LeedDn (I.E.A)- still alive
- and Lord Sharp, who 路recently 'died. He can recall the names of many of the boys and some ofthe girls! ~.as well as .m.ost of the staff (and their nicknames) Harold now lives in Ealing and often had Raine's in mind during his busy life always with affection and gratitude Among his memorabilia he has a panoramic photograph of the boys (all400 of them) plus staff and also a photograph of the cricket team- both 1933. He also mentions a moth eaten cricket cap.
Debra Vernall (Knight, 75-81) is an Admin Officer. She lives in Woodford Green, Essex and has 2 little boys.
OTHER NEWS Peter and Melanie (Ford) Corrigan enjoyed the AGM evening and had news of Peter's brother Michael (74-tH) who works for a Swiss Bank in Basle, Switzerland. Patrick McCurry (71-81) works in Brazil as a Journalist. Tony Cantwell (74-81) works for The Chase Manhattan Bank in Bournemouth. Pauline Gosling (Siseman, 63--69) is a legal Secretary in the City and lives with her husband Steve and two children in NewEltham, Sandra Colley (Siseman, 61-68) lives in Sidcup, Kent with her husband and son. David Ward (71-78) is a Vacuum Coating Engineer in Watford. An unidentified Old Raineian was asked by his grand-daughter to make a sound like a frog, He refused. She pleaded wi:th him but he continued to read his newspaper. Finally, after much pleading, he asked why she insisted on him making a sound like a frog. She replied "Granny said that when Grand Dad croaks she'll take us all to Disneyland". Gillian Lampey (Groves, 75-82) works in an American Bank in the City, has b~n married fm 路five yeMs and lives in the Isle ofDogs. GiUian's brother Adam works at
a Japanese Bank. He is still in touch with John Costa (77-84) as well as Sham Gibbons. Patricia O'Cavanagh (75-82) works for a Hungarian Bank in the Square Mile and lives in Dartford, Kent. Patricia keeps in touch with Debbie Knight (75-81 ). Gillian, Kerry and Patricia also keep in touch with Tracey Robinson (75-82) who now lives in Japan.
Martin Be!lis ( 66-73 ). Congratulations go to Martin and his wife on the birth of their second son, who is now 6 months old.
Marketing. Paul is in regular contact with Paul Smith (76-83) who is just about to finish his Teacher Training and Paul Casali (76-83) who still works at a Commercial Bank in the City and pursues his bodybuilding vigorously.
George Lewzey ( 66-73) is also a father now and has a little boy.
Martin Lake is working for Customs & Excise and has two children and lives in Hornchurch, Essex.
David Hart ( 60-65) lives in New Cross with his family and works in Central London as a security advisor.
Our congratulations to Richard Tilbrook who has been appointed to District
Roy Powney (60-68) lives in Cowplain near Portsmouth and works in
J6hn Barry (62-68) can remember his class register as follows:JL ~ Mr.Landau September 1962.
Adlington Amold Barry Bowes Buchan Choat Cooper Cox, Dadson 路 Dawkins Donoghue Evans Held Gore Haley Hawney Lawton Mussenden Norfolk Oxley Pinkney Plummer Rowe Walker Warner Wilson Wood
ran John David
One of many brothers Walked through Rotherhithe Tunnel to get to school when there was a train or bus strike with David Bowes. Most handsome and great at sport (his words not ours!). Good bowler at Cricket. (see Arnold).
Raymond Bobby
Became a policeman. Went to same primary school as John Barry and Malcolm Evans.
Paul Fred John Malcolm John Peter Kenny Tony Robert Robert Terry I an Martin
Wanted to be a reporter. Supported Manchester United. Left School in the 4th year to get married. Scored the first ever basket at BasketbalL Went out for a while with Nouryb Rahbb. Went out with Sharon Seater and was good at sport (but not as good as John Barry!). Very good 400 yard runner. Good at Basketball. Same Primary School as John Barry and Bobby Cooper. Very clever~ always came 2nd in class to Ian Walker. Best at BasketbalL Always came 1st in class- very brainy. Fulham Supporter (with Martin Durne of lR). We understand that Fulham Supporters were just as rare in the early 60's as they are now_!
Can anyone match John's terrific memory? A dyslexic Old Raineian recently went to a toga party dressed as a goat (Please no complaints from any English teachers!!). Paul Thienel (76-81) works as a Sector Development Manager for The Royal Mail and is a Member of the fnstitute of
Commissioner for Epping Forest Scouts', responsible for l7 groups and approximately l 000 scouts. He recently met Colin Croft's wife at a meeting, who took him home for a reunion with Colin after 12? years.
Environmental Health. R.oy and his. wife Sue recently celebrated' the christening of their second child Michael. Ted Jarvis (45-52} Writes that he was delighted that Alan Bremennan hl}.s joined the Association esp~ially as Kt is in
contact with Terry Hollingsworth, a close friend of Ted's during school days. The letter was passed onto Alan and hopefully arrangements are under way for a reunion. Ted has taken early retirement as a Customs and Excise Principle and now works for a holiday company as a representative during the summer on a French camp site. Thanks have been received from Sue Lane (Chumb!ey, 59-65) for the enjoyable newsletters, which she reads with a smile on her .face as 'awful' memories come flooding back.
Sue does have one piece of bad news. She heard through the grapevine that Janet Higgins had died. J anet is remembered as one of the kindest and loveliest girls in the class. Joy Turner, who taught English before the amalgamation, lives in Exeter and noticed Christine Carters name in recent newsletter. She remembered the 2 week holiday in Sistrans in 1960 and a visit to the Passion Play at Oberammergau. Joy regards the 11 years spent at Raine's as the highlight of her teaching career. Sarah Parker spent a year travelling round the World after leaving school in 1991.
At a recent Rugby Club Dinner, frank Battes met John Wyatt, Gary Bishop, David Mooney, Andy Johnson, John Tommy Come!!, Cecil Corbett, Bartholomew and Keith Solly - not aU members, why not? A 30-strong group of Old Raineians . recently took a day-long canal trip from Carnden Lock along the Regents Canal through Victoria Park, How Locks, 路Mile End, Old Ford Locks, Docklands and Limehouse. The trip was extremely pleasant and made better by the glorious weather and the extended pub lunch in Limehouse Basin.
In the last issue of the newsletter we included a photograph of one of Christine Crump's forms and asked if anyone recognised any of ti:J.e faces. Deborah King (Castie) replied with the following:-
FORl\1 3F 1973 Left to right. TOP ROW Robert Jacks; Kim Broadis; Rosemary EUis; Kim Petersen; Hazel Paul; Debra Baskett; Angela Baker; Karen Smith; A!an Twynam; Coral Row {Form Prefect): MIDDLE ROW Jeffrey Bennet;Gary Woods; Andrew Fullerton; Adrian Frampton; Geoffrey Cowan; Martin Carter; Lean Ray; Michael Blackall; Davin Brown; Paul Meek; Peter Lyddon: FRO:N'TRQW Patricia Bryant; Deborah Castle; Valerie Cole; Mrs Crump;Susan Pain; Baine Taylor; Jayne Weight:
Deborah hoped that the names prompt a few memories. (The question is where are all these people now. Do you know? write to us.)
If so please
Deborah has quite a few photographs of school trips and holidays - including Clive Baugh's ill fated skiing trip to Austria. She asks if Ctive remembers the sink? Sue finished her full-time course in 1993 and received a 2.1 BA Hons in Sociology. She hopes this shows her past teachers that it was not all in vainl She is teaching at Bracknell College and finding it a wonderful experience but the piles of paper work drive her mad. Sue has decided to leave teaching and set up her own business called ''Grave Care'' - self explanatory she hopes. She can't take the work home with her and the only bell she will hear will be in the belfry.
She then went to Royal Holloway and Bedford to study European Studies but found it hard to settle down after her travelling experiences. At present Sarah is working part-time at a play centre and teaching swimming at a Special Needs School, before taking up a place at Queen Mary and Westfie!d College. Charmaine Kerridge (82-89) has just completed her course for a Music Degree at Goldsmith College and hopes to be married next year.
The trip is strongly recommended to Old Raineians who want to see a part of the East End that is probably unknown to them. The trips leave from Carnden Lock on Saturdays and information can be obtained from: London Waterbus Company Tel: 071 482 2550
Old Raineians may be interested to note that The Limehouse Festival is being held between Saturday 20th August - Sunday 21st August in the Limehouse Basin. This is to celebrate the new life of Limehouse with the creation of a new marina, park and recreational facilities. There will be a whole range of activities for all the family. Theatre, arts, dance, a celebration of the Limehouse Chinese Community, boat trips to Three Mills (tidal mill) and Ragged School Museum, food and evening entertainment FREE OF CHARGE.
Although no longer a committee member, Bill Richards has stayed on as ORA Membership Secretary.
FUTURE EVENTS Frank Battes is trying to organise a
children's fun/sports day for end-August and, if viable, members will be informed by separate letter shortly.
Bob Philpotis, History teacher at Raine's, found an article from a 1971 edition of the East London Advertiser reporting on an incident that happened in 1902.. As we are in the school summer holidays here is part of that item:
A French language teacher sparked off a 'revolt' by setting a long homework project for the summer holidays Instead of an effigy of the unpopular teacher being burned, the boys drew up a neat protest petition. It complained simply: "We, the undersigned boys of the fifth form, do hereby petition you to withdraw the homework which you have set us. n Surprisingly the petition worked and the master gave the petition back to the boys with a message in red ink across it: "Granted, in accordance with the unanimity of the request. I hope you will all enjoy your holiday." Mr Phillip Kay, 83 years old (then known as Kalisky) said: "It was unique in its time. No one dar-ed question a master's decision. But I think he respected us for the way we went about it.
MEMORABILIA Lesley Jensen has been in discussion with the Bankcroft Library regarding the of Raines' archiving and display Foundation memorabilia. The library has agreed to store any data we supply and this will be available for retrieval, inspection and loan subject to normal library procedures. Members will agree that this is an exciting development and will allow the ORA to collect and safely store valuable school memorabilia. Unfortunately a great deal of the school's history seems to have gone astray but we shall endeavour to make it the duty of the ORA to collect and keep safe any information donated. More details will be published in the next newsletter. We hope this may encourage more members to sena us original memorabilia either as a gift or on loan or for us to copy.
100 CLUB Following on from the last newsletter the following are the rest of the prize winners:February
MsMLong Dr F Antia
MissLHook Mr A Hodgkinson Mr A Thompson MrGCole
Miss Hunt Miss G Jackson
MrKCrump Mrs D Charles
Mr & Mrs Clegg Vi Radenkovic
Perhaps this was the forerunner of the present day Student Union! Drganised by British Waterways (071 286 610 l) and the Limehouse Co-operative. At the recent AGM, Paul Thienal was elected President-Elect for the Did Raineians' Association. The 1994/1995 Committee is as follows: John Barry Frank Battes Clive Baugh
EdnaHoward Gwynneth Jackson Alan Johnson (President) Brian Chapedin Sandra Johnson Laurie Dalton Gareth Lewis Pat O'Cavanagh Chris Fitt Kerry Goodall Susan Smith Tony Groves Tony Szulc Richard Harris Paul Thienal
The ORA is organising a dinner or buffet for mid-late November to celebrate the 275th Anniversary of the School. The venue has not been finalised but will prooably be the House of Commons. Details will be provided to all members soon and reservations will be on a "first come, first served" basis. If the House of Parliament function is arranged it will probably be with the help of Mildred Gordon, 'MP for Bow and Poplar, an Old Raineian.
A quantity of ORA ties have been ordered and will be available for sale shortly.
- 5-
Congratulations to all tht; winners. We still await the phot~aph of the van. A renewal will be ~t in the near future and we hope all ~esent members will rejoin.
The following information regarding boys spDJt was supplied by Andy Gill, Head of PE at Raine's
AttJietics Raine's competed in the Borough Athletic Champi\)nships resulting in boys winning 6 events, t!nishing second in 4 events and third in 6 events. Samuel Okikiolu ( 1OOmetres and relay), Anwar Uddin (200metres and relay), from year 7 and Obadiah Matthews (javelin), Lee Murphy (lSOOms) from Year 8 represented Tower Hamlets at the London Schools Year 7 & 8 Athletic Championships, with Samuel finishing first in the lOO metres and Anwar second in the 200 metres. A number of Year 10 boys entered the school's National Championship at Bamet CopthalL The competitors were:Phillips Idowu Demaija Stewart Junior Bashorun Ewan Knight
Hurdles and triple jump High jump High jump Shot
The best performance was Ewan finishing second in the Shot. The Junior and Intermediate teams were knocked out in the first round of the TSB National Championships.
Samuel Okikio!u and O'jay Holness represented Area 4 in the Inter Area Competitions.
Cricket Teams from years 7 and 8 competed in the London Schools Association competitions. Joel Dougtas and Adam Robinson represented London at the Under 12 age group.
Cross Cnuntry Samuel Okikio1u (Year 7) and David Maynard (Year S) represented London in a Inter District competition in Hampshire.
The following 6 Boys represented Tower Hamlets:Samuel Okikiolu, Anwar Udd~ Stephen Baldwin, Steven Le'sage, Henry W.right, Grant Smith
Year 7 Basketball The team reached the semi - fh1als for the South East England Area (the game is to be played in September 94).
Again we depend on ail you Old Raineians for the production of thi:s newsletter, so piease write with your news. This includes those of you in 'foreign lands'. Don't forget the fax. W.e still await our first piece of news sent by faxl Our thanks go- to those who have taken the tmuble to write.
MEMBERSHfP As mentioned in the Last newsletter membership is increasing, albeit slowly. Again it was pleasing to see a wide range of years amongst the new influx of members and even more pleasing that they included 2 ex members of the staff. Present members can still help by cajoling their contemporaries to join. If you Know of anyone who may be interested in joining or if you need any membership forms please do not hesitate to contact us.
Year 7 Fontball They reached the last 16 of the London Cup and the last 8 of the Inner London Cup
With the mention of Ann Mitchel! and Mildred Gordon earlier in the newsletter has got me J:h.inking. about 'famous' Old Raineians. Others that come to mind are Robin Hobbs (played test cricket for England) and Leonard Fenton (Or Legg of East Enders). I am sure there are lnany more. If you can think of any others ,please write and let me know, with a potted biography if possible. De.pending on the response these may be included in the next newsletter.
Well, that's yer lot. S-orry that's my Cockney slipping out {and they cannot arrest you for it). Before I sign off, just a couple of other points. Many thanks to Gwynneth Jackson and Sandra Johnson for supplying the majority of the other news. W.e are missing the addresses of the following:Sylvia Barry Robert Morgan Lord Lucan
--6 -
(66-73) (67-74)
Again I have included with the newsletter a copy of the application form tbr the lapel badges plus an ap.p1ication form to join the Association. Who knows you may meet an Old Raineian who is not a member 6路es I do goon!).
Old Raineians' Association
1719 RAlNE5
Raine's Foundation School Approach Road London
E29LY Tel: 081 9811231 Fax: 081 983 0153
Sandra Johnson 9 Goddington Lane Orpington Kent BR69DR Tel: 0689 826854 Fax: 0689 873115
Bill Richards 26 Shandy Street Stepney London
Gwynneth Jackson Glevum Kirkby Malzeard Ripon NorthYorks HG43RS Tel: 0765 658825
E14LX Tel: 071 790 9235
路 1944 REUNION
Dear Old Raireians
Once again it's time for another edition of the newsletter. As with the previous publication I believe there will be something of interest for all ages. Well that's enough of the blmb -lets get to the news!
NE\V MEMBERS Gwenda Belsham (Wiseman, 66-70) has two teenage children, Carolyn, 16 and Ian, 15 is married to a Fleet Street journalist
After leaving school she wmked at a charity before becoming a Personal Assistant to a Senior lmwance Company Executive. Unfortunately, whilst working on an Open University Degree, Gwenda became seriously ill with Multiple Sclerosis which has left her in a wheelchair am lx>use boum. If any friends or staff remember Gwenda from school she would be thrilled to hear from you at the following address:-
12 Oroome Avenue Hockley Essex SS5 4UJ Tel: 0702 204374 Gwenda finishes by saying that, even to this day, she is proud of the tact that she was once a pupil at Raine's Foundation School.
At the end of July there was a reunion for boys who had left the school in 1944 organised by Jack Rodin CBE who sent me the following report:
"We had an excellent reunion. Ten had planned to attend but, unfortunately, two were ill on the day. We met at the Frimley Hall Hotel on the outskirts ofCamberley where the School spent the war years. We were able to visit old haunts although Beechleigh, the country house which was our school base, is no longer there having been demolished to make wcy for the M3 motorwcy. Some ofus had not met since we left the.sixth form fijly years ago almost to the dcy. Some were unrecognisable at first but after a while, the boy we once mew could be seen. All of us have had interesting careers in business, engineering, medicine, science or the arts, built upon a strong base we developed at Raines. Between us, we could count two CBE s, one FRS, two profossors and a well mown actor. We all remember Raines with great affiction and gratitude and have fond memories of teachers and events. We wondered if any of the teachers ofour dcy are still alive; ifyou mow of any do let me mow. "
Following is a list of tlx>se who attended, four of wlx>mjoined the Assocition:Leonard Kendler Derek Lawson
Cyril Hilsum Albert Mason
Leonard Fenton Jack Rodin
Aroold Feinstein Simon Kaminsky
Leonard Fenton (37-44) is an actor. You East Eider fans will know him better as Dr Legge. He trained as a civil engineer am taught maths for 5 years before discovering acting. Cyril Bilsum (3643) is amongst other things, an advisor to the Ministry of Defeoce. He is also an advisor to two companies am a business consultant to another. Simon Kaminsky (37-44) is row retired but had been a Lecturer in the Clothing Department of Man::hester Polytechnic; Analytical Chemist with ICI etc .etc (his words). His qualifications ioclude BA (Open), BSc (London), ARCS and DIC.
Jack Rodin (37-44) is a retired Civil Engineer Consultant and was previously a Chief 路 Executive of a Building Design Partnership. Jack was made a CBE in 1992.
: : 路 I
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER Ronald Bender (71-75) is a British Gas Land Smveyor and has been married for 11 years with a family of 3 childrell Oaire Burrows (Wbiteman, 70-75) is a oousewife and mother of 3 children having been married for 11 years. As if that's not enough she is also a childrens clotres designer, working from hmre.
Claire keeps in touch with Rosemary Sewell (Ellis), Deborah Leary, Wendy Brown, Stepren Smith and Adrien 'Bomber' Giles. Oare Callaghan (Attwaters, 7~1) married Sean Callaghan in 1993, who attended Raires the same years as Clare. Sre is cmrently working for BZW Options in the City and they keep in touch with Keny Jose, Lonaine Skinner, Diane Reeves, Lawrence Holder and Peter Driscoll. ?4s far as I can see none are members of the Association. Why not?).
Clare is desperate for a copy of the Scrool photo taken in either 1980 or 1981 as it went on sale after she left school. Can anyone relp? Roy Catley (60-66) joired after being sent the Summer Newsletter by the fairer of John Masson (both ex-pupils). Roy and John are two of a group of OR.s woo have been in loose and occasional contact for many years. Otrers in:lude Douglas Wilhnent, Mick Whiting and Jan Tirurston-Moon (all members I am glad to add Well it stops me moaning!). John's father, Alexander 'Stan' Masson was at the School during the inter-war years.
Brouglton, elder statesman of the scbool with Donny Lyons; Keith Torode (form master, 62-63); Mr Simmons, brilliant German teacher and, again, extremely likeable (Roys first form master, 60-61). Also Mr Rosenbloom (Maths); Mr Fowler (German); 'Peter' Harrison (English); Jim Snowren (English) - raconteur and wit woo used to smoke Nelson cigarettes and sent a boy out to buy them if re run out; Mr Wiles, a fierce bristling type, who taught Chemist:Iy and had a appropriately self-exploding temperament. 'Zonk' Lambert (an alml;>st unintelligtble Belgian, who also taught Chemist:Iy, and mentioned re had many friends in the Belgian war-time resistance movement). 'Ilen there was Dr Keynes a sad, clownish and yet veJY humane 'Mittel' European man who taught Freoch. 'Deadly' Dudley Herriott, woo taught RI (as did 'Fluff' Loughborough, a C ofE Father). Roy went to Edili:m1gh on a school trip with the two of them in August 1961. He remembers getting stranded with Frntris Tibbles and John Wicks near the top of Arthur 'o Sent. Other boys Roy remembers are Alder, Bass, Campbell, Evans, Gardirer, Gore, Hoser, McNamara, Moyle, Shatpe and many othOLD RAINEIANS' TIES
New ties are row available at the ridiculously cheap price of ÂŁ5.00 and can be ordered from: Richard Hanis 34 Brierly Gardens London
E20TE Reading through the newsletter Roy came across a number of names he recalled, both fellow pupils and staff. He certainly remembers Wallie Spoorer (his form master, 64-65) and Basil Dowling (form master, 63-64) - woo stands out as being one of the nicest people Roy has met (l can safely say there will be no argwnent with that sentiment).
ers. After so long 1remories are a bit hazy, but there was also Russell Stait, Keith Dylko, John Bull, John Jackson and Peter Jacksoll
'Ilere was also Messrs Calvert, Harding, Alan Russell and Shivas. Trey all stand out as characters, and they and others often appeared as men of accomplishment. Others also come to mind; HRK 'Biffo'
In 1964 the 2 single sex school amalgamated and Roy recalls that the sudden influx of girls was at first distmbing, but soon became (for him) a civilising and balancing influeoce. In fact he was so 'civilised' that he
'I1e design has changed and the colours are light arrl dark blue and yellow stripes (the original Old Boys tie).
PAGE 2 was rearly arrested for eying to locate the flat of one of the girls. Unfortunately (or perllaps fortunately!), her father was a policeman and Roy was stopped by one of the fairer's ~lleagues before re was anywhere rear the flat Among the girls he remembers are lngrid Carlton, Elaine Golding and Fraocis Mott He remembers playing opposite Susan Healey in J B Priestley's 'Time and the Conways'; the School play in 1965. They had a few drinks (illicitly of course) in the inteiVal arrl Roy nearly enlivened proceedings in the secorrl halfby having an on-stage face slapping exchange with Susan. Roy says it's strauge how these sceres stand out vividly in the mind after many years. Back to who else Roy can remember. Peter Davidson, who went off to be a policeman in Hong Kong (and woose grarrlfather was Archbishop Temple); BarJY Walsh, who. went to wmk for the Health Education Department, but died young or so Roy heard (When I spoke to Bany he was very much alive and well. To quote Mark Twain "The reportofhis death was an exaggeration"!!sorry Roy but things were getting too serious). Roy last met Terry Day in the Mid 70's and Peter Wilmshurst 5 or 6 years ago. George Pinkrey (brotherofRobert) is now a big wreel in the oil world in Jakarta; Dave Borrl, who wmked for a time at a school for the deaf and SO Oil To bring the catalogue to a close Roy would like to contnbute to the 'Famous' Old Raineians. He mentious that Michael Varah was one of a quartet who broke the World 4 x 880 yards relay record, numing for England in the mid to late 60's. Not famous in the accepted sense, but a minor hero to Roy as a lifelong athletics fall (Michael's twin brother Andrew is a bespoke cabinet maker, with clients that include David Puttnam, Lord Palwnbo and David Bailey. Also their father Chad was the founder of the Samaritans in the early 50's) Finally Roy himself He has been a civil seiVart sioce leaving Raines in 1966 and is row in the Personnel Management Directorate of the Department of Environment After drifting through life aimlessly for soire years, Roy married Hazel in 1977.
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER They have lived in Heme Bay for 5 years. As already mertiored he follows athletics am is a stamp collector.
Roy made and left some good frieroships at Raine's am it would be good, not to say interesting, to have tre chance of seeing otre:s who he remembers or remember him. (Mental note: must track down the whereabouts ofSusan Healey!!) King Loon Chan (87-94) who left the School in the Summer has joired as an Associate Member. He is studying at UCL
for a BSc in Biochemistiy. John Dorling (61-66) is a Director of an
fudependent Finaocial Setvices Company. Married to Janet, they have 2 children, Maria 18 and Robert 16.
Copperlield Road which nms along. 路the canal- koown fondly as 'The Cut' -in which he learnt to swim (I trust it was a lot cleaner then!) Before tre war he supplied coke to the whole of his street But don't panic; it was the burning variety. Frederick had to take a wheelbarrow to the gasworks am buy the weeks supply! Mildred Gordon (FeHennan, 34-39) has been the Member of Parliament for Bow~ Poplar since 1987 am is on tre Select Committee for Education
Sidney Hilsum (38-45) was one of the pupils who was evacuated to Brighton am then Camberley. He is now a self employed Occupational Psychologist
Guildhall University where she has just completed a MA in Politics and Government
Eve Mills (Simmonds, 54-59) is a medical secretaty for a Consultant Obstetrician and Gymecologist After leaving school she did a full time secretarial course at a private college in Westminster, followed by various jobs. This was followed by a period in Devon 'for a change', where she met her lrusband. They tren moved to Sussex; had 2 sons and
then onto Ongar, Essex. Eve started work as a medical secretaty at St Margaret's Hospital in Epping until their final move to Ketton, near Stamford and work for Eve at Peterborough District Hospital. Eve's husband is a Director of a shoe
Henrietta Ferguson (Levy, 60-67) is currently employed at tre Royal London Hospital as a Senior Medical Laborntory Scientific Officer in the department of Clinical Biochemistiy having gained her HNC in Medical Laboratory Scieoce in 1971.
At present she is an undergraduate with the Open University, ttying hard to gain a BSc am has also taken a business school course in Management
REUNION FOR PUPILS WHO STARTED IN 1968 Because most, if not everyone, who started at Raine 's in 1968 will be around tre 40 matk Tony Mole is hoping to arnmge a reunion, somewhere in the East Errl in 1996. If anybody is interested and/or they know of anyore else who may be, please contact Tony direct at the following address:-
40 Barnf"Idd Avenue Kin~on-Upon-Thames
Married for 12 years to Ian with 3 children the eldest of whom, Sicbnie is now in Year 7 (1st year) at Raires. Henrietta's younger brotrer - row Doctor (PhD) - J. Braham Levy is also a former member of the School (67-74) Henrietta hopes to write again soon with more memories am information Frederick Gibson (35-39) left Raine's in 1939, while at Brighton, with no qualifications. He graduated as a sergeant pilot in 1943 in the RAF flying with Bonber Command and was commissiorro in 1944.
After the war he became a chemical trader in the City, travelled extensively in the Far East am finally retired as a Director in 1983. Frederick was quiet fascinated by tre mention of the boat trip in thr Summer Newsletter as he spent his younger years living in
Surrey KT25RE
Please contact Tony as this is a good opportunity for long lost friends to meet again
Bob Loveridge (64-71) is a Chartered Surveyor with tre Woolwich Building Society in Romford am is married with 2 children
company, ore son works for the Daily Mir-路 ror and the other is a design engineer in a local engineering comJmlY.
Mary McCurry (75-82) has just come back from spending a year teaching in Tucson, Ariwna on a Fulbright Scholarship Exchange. She is presently Deputy Head of Maths at George Green School
Following are some of tre lA class that Eve remembers:- Brenda Kaye, Barbara Zetter, Mary Wilikins, Malgaret Bateman, Janice Phillips and Jane Broadbent and would love to hear from any of them. She also has a fonn photo somewhere (for which she is looking) from about 1957.
She mentions that her sister is working for the Finaocial Times in San Paulo, Brazil.
Kay McEachran (75-82) married in October 1993 but retained her maiden name. She is a library Assistant at the Lomon
Among the teachers Eve remembers are:Miss Party - Fonn Mistress/Geography; Miss Stewart- French; Miss Hore- English; Miss Whitehead - Deputy Head/Maths; Mrs
Yourotsky - Physics and Chemistry, Mrs Weingarten - Fonn Mistress/History; Mrs Haugh - Headmistress at the beginning and rer successor Miss Mangold.
had included spells in the marketing -depar1ment of the London Rubber Company, 6 years at Smith an:l Nephew before moving to Unilever. He has been married for 14 years with 2 children - Eloise 4 and Jamie 7.
Susan Morton (Yeates, 75-82) married David Morton who was at the school the same years. Susan is a Radiographer at
Audrey Wheaton (Edwards, 47-51)
Homerton Hospital and David an Accountant. Trey have a daughter, Jane aged one. Trey keep in touch with Peter Oliver, Steven Greeno, Gal)' Morgan and Andrew Rhodes. Joan Roberts (74-81) gained a Masters in Busiress sioce leaving Raines and is a Manager of a Medical Centre (NHS) based
in Hampstead Rosemary SeweD (Ellis, 70-75) has sold office and printing statiorery for 14 years. Previous to this she was a Personal Assistant to Atchitects on the Isle of Dogs and has just purchased a franchise to sell Childrens personalised books.
Rosemmy has 2 Children, James 10 and Lauren 8 and mainly leeps in touch with Claire Burrows (Whiteman) but has over the years seen Paul Vaughan, Michael Blackall, David Krubbs, Teey Everson, Karen Smith, Wendy Brown and Debbie Lealy. lf you look at the 1973 class 3F photigraph you will see Rosemuy in the top row, third from the left. After leaving school she corresponded with Basil Dowling for a number of years but lost to~h. (In answer to your question Baz is now living in Rye).
Rosemmy and Claire got quite nostalgic the other week and decided to try and organise a reunion for people they know from school hopefully sometime this year. They will also put their reads together and write again with their school m:mories - something, they say, that may leave a few people quaking in their shoes. (You have been warned!) Kap 'Jim' Vanna (68-75) is Marlceting Director of R J Reynolds who manufacture Camel cigarettes. When recruited from Pacific Asia Technologies by the company one magazine descnbed him as a 'heavyweight maiketer'!! Previously his career
- thank you for the suggestion)
Jim Everton also met Ken Constantire who had lots of gossip about his contemporaries although be hasn't returned his application fonn to join the Association
now retired having been a Civil SeiVant wozking for the fuland Revenue (please, no booing) for approximately 10 yean;. Previous to this sre had been employed by GEC (Traffic), herfrrst full time employment after maeying and raising a family of 7 children
John Blundell is deeply involved with the St Mal)' Cray Action Group and in September re was helping with a Heritage Open Weekend, among other things, hoping to demonstrate a way in which a redundant church building may be used.
On thinking of her school days she gets a nice, cahn feeling. Teachers that spring to mind are Misses Whitehead, Foot, Grafton, Mrs Weingarton and Mrs Manasche.
Teresa Rollo (O'Kavanagh, 72-78) has kiOOly forwarded some personal details which she says she failed to complete on the membership form, as she was "press ganged" into joining at her sister Pat's birthday party. (.Just what] like to hear) Sre was in Winterton House, with her first fonn teacher being Miss Cla.Ik, followed by Miss Groner (now Zippy Auetbach). She remembers Father Burrows (History), Miss Wani (French), Mr Simmonds (German), Miss Lowes (PE), Mr Dowling (English with whom she still exchanges Christmas canis), Mr Blundell (Art- again she is still in regular contact), Mr Hudson (Chemistl)') an:l Mr Croom (Geography) - the last two still feature among tre present Raines staff Teresa goes on to say my patience was sorely tried taking choir practices!!
Audrey remembers among rer contempories: Fra.oces Tnrman, :Maureen Weist, Angela Cohen and Baibara Mazin. Unfortunately sre has lost touch with everyone sioce sre returned to visit Albour Square on Miss Haugh's retirement in 1955.
OTHER NEWS - 1 From Guynneth Jackson
Newsletters always bring som: response not only from this country but this time from Switzerland and Thailand! David Speocer was in Pakistan at the time of the Reunion, where re is working on the geological evolution of the Western Himalayas as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the Swiss Federal Institute of Teclmology in Zmich. En route he planred to visit Oman and the United Arab Emirates. (More adventurous than oostelling in the Y mkshire Dales after 0 Levels) Reff Reffold wrote from his oriental abode (it's all right, I know it isn't a slop house!) and told of his numerous Old Raineian visitors this year. Jim Everton and his wife were there at Easter, encountering Humph Long with a basketball team en route to Budapest as they arrived back at Heathrow. Tony Groves spent a month with Reff in the Sunnner and Janis Fuller and Graham Willett stayed for six days, diving their Far East explorations. Many form:r colleagues keep him up to date about the whereabouts of fonner staff. (We are tl)'ing to remedy that
After school she joined Nat West and wmked in various areas within the International Sector; married in 1987 and later spent 3 years in Hong Kong, where she met Kim Poppy who was working in a Personal Ageocy. Back in England, Teresa lives in Bexley, not far from Christire and Ken Cnnnp. Alan Liddiani wrote from Exeter, distressed that the 275th AnniveTSal)' fuoction clashed with a former commitment. He continues to do voluntal)' work for tre National Trust, but is having a years respite from his Theological Studies. Geoff Gillon appreciates the newsletters and eqjoys the other attention attracting additions. He says re was convinced no one read his minutes of meetings and occasionally inserted a couple of lines of rubbish
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER - which even the secretuy typing them never noticed He was interested to read about John Barlow, a coitelfliX>raty, but says that in his day boys were gererally called only by their sunmnes, unless the language tead~rs. Donny Lyons and A1an Russell, used a name of their own coococtiott OTHER NEWS - 2
From BiD Richards 1h: first person to respo~ on the fax was Gillian Rogers (Abbott, 76-83) who reports that she is manied with an 8 year old boy ani a 4 year old girl. She wmks for a Gootechinal Specialist Company on the Jubilee Line Extension Project
Gillian's sister, Lyrxia (71-78) is married with 2 sons, living in the West Midlands and teaches in a local scrool. Douglas Cl.atke (31-38), although already a life member for many years sent another ÂŁ15.00 saying that he had had more than good value for his previous subscription and ..more strength to your elbow" (thanks for the support). After leaving school Douglas worked for the Govenunent Crermst and transferred to the Ministry of Supply during the war. From Jh:re it was the Annarnent Research De~nt, the United Kingdom Atomic Erergy Autrority and, finally, the Ministry of defence. Professional qualifications as a Chemist were taken in 1947 and he is now C.Chem MRS.C., retiring in 1985. He is in regular touch with Frank Morris, Ge01ge Osbourne, John Mathews, Fred Penney and Ton Howgill (the latter two being even older than ~ is!) and of course his brother, Frank Clarke. Douglas was happily married but unfortunately his wife died a short while ago. John Cl.atk noted the reference to Captain Turnage in the last newsletter. He lived rext to him in Upminster from 1937 to 1942 and the Captain was instnurental in John going to Raires. In 1937 John had just come back from a spell in Kenya and was attetXIing a very unsatisfact01y secretarial college and
had an intetview with the Headmaster, A H Davies, 'Butch' Gee, Jim Shivas and, he thinks, 'Piffle' ?????, the Freoch Master whose proper name escapes him He started in 1938.
He usually travelled on the trnin from Upminster to Stepney East with Pete Vail, naturally avoiding Ca}Xain Tumage. On Fridays the School finisred at 2.30 and either Pete or John would dash madly to catch a trnin to Fenclrurch Street where they would catch the Southerrl tmin to Upmi.nster. The object of the exercise was to get an empty compartment for the other party to join at Steprey East, to enable them to play their various ~mes etc. ~n the war started John was in Devon, where he stayed until December 1939, living on a farm He rejoined Raines in January 1940 in Brighton and went through the move to Carrberley etc. Memories ioclude trips to Caird Hall for gym with 'Biffer' Broughton and to the 'Blue Pool'; Freoch and New Zealand troops coming and going; passing-out parades at the Milituy College with the ColUIIlaOOaut riding his horse up the steps - his 'billet-dad' was a college servant Finally, Scrool Certificate in June 1941 and offand away. On the woole happy days and John is vety grateful for those 3 years.
<:>trer masters recalled include Jim Shivas (Form Master); 'Doe' Wilkins; 'Fussy' Browning - "You must be decent"; â&#x20AC;˘Nobby' Clark (Music); 'Slogger' Luton (Physics); 'Butch' Gee, cycling back from the pub with beer bottles on the carrierl; Donny Lyons; Mr Hayward (?) - "How do you spell my name, boy?" (Googmphy); Mr Andrews ~'s tre way mum" (Mechanics); John's Bete Noir, little Mr (Dr?) Home, the "mrnith>logist"; Mr Dolby (Mechanics). And of course that formidable Headmaster, Wdkinson Dagger. 1h: mother of Kelly Bouvier (82-89) wrote in reply to a letter I sent to ~r daughter. Kelly left Raires in 1989 and in August of that year left England to spend a year living with a family in South Carolina, USA
On returning to Lorrlon she worked as a Recruitment Officer in Docklands and then
PAGE 5 as a Personal Assistant for a television company. Still affected by the travel bug Kelly again left England to backpack arotmd the world with 3 friends. After travelling through Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia Kelly arrived in Austr:ilia at the end of May, where sre will be until early 1995. From there it is on to New Zealand and the final leg of her trip is crossing America from West to East, before returning to England at tre end of this year. Debbi King (Castle) wrote to say that her last full time job was as an assistant buyer for Sainsburys before she left to look after ~r daughter, Charlotte, who is now 12. In 1991 she started a 2 year HND Applied Stats and Research to be followed by a 2 year smrtered B.Ed to teach ~matics to GCSE level. Unfortunately after the first year daughter nmber two decided to come along (big surprise!). Thus she is back at mme looking after her (now 14 months). Debbie is still in touch with Genieve Sullivan, altrough not as often as sre should be. She fully intended to be at tre 275th Anniversary reunion but ciicumstances made this impossible. In response to John Barry' s 'feat of memory' in the last newsletter Arthur Vine has writtett He states tint he was very interested in parts of the rewsletter and the reac;on why only parts caught his interest is that Artlnrr is
81 years old and of course a lot of the names mentiored are unknown to him He does go on to say that~ can certainly beat John's list since the following list is over 64 years old! Ken Arnold; Bahns; Bew; Buck; Albert Brown; Roger Burton; John Cannon; Dean; Hany Epstein; Eric Dixon; Gordon Fruquar, Forman; Glibbery; Godward; Jack Harris; Leo House; Alan Laver; Mayblatt; Radzan; M. Steitberg; R Steitbetg; Sucovitch (later changed to Harris!); GeOige Tidd; Arthur Vm: (always known as Bunny!); Leo ~eler; Willy Wiggs; Gemge Wren (killed in action) and Zusman. Arthur will always remember an incident
OLD RAINEIANS MEMORABILIA A collection of Old Raineian's Memorabilia has at last been started at the Bancroft Library. The address is: 277 Bancroft Road, London El 4DQ telephone 081 980 4366. For those who remember Speech Days, the library is at the side of the Queen Maty's College buildings, between Stepney Green and Mile End stations. The archivist, Jane Kimber, is preparing a catalogue list of the items, available soon, the reference number will be 1H/8623.
must be sought from the depositor. The archivist suggested that the deposited items could be used in exhibitions from time to time, for example in the library's local history displays or a display at the school.
So what is of interest? Basically anything. The archivist was delighted to receive the medallions from the 250th anniversary cake (she plans to write an article in the archivist's journal about this most unusual deposit) but she was equally interested in boys' The archive setvice at the Bancroft Library collects records school caps, informal photographs as well as formal ones (with relevant to the history of Tower Hamlets. The records are stored an explanation ~ names if possible - people use these in their in acid-free boxes, in an air-conditioned strongroom conforming family searches), magazines, school reports( good and bad!), to British Standards. They are brought up to the searchroom if programmes for school events, blazer badges, newspaper cutrequested by researchers. The searchroom is open six days a tings and school exercise books. If you have anything stored in week, with two late nights, and there is no charge for use of the your loft or under the bed at your parents' home, rather than let records (and anyone can look at them). it collect dust and deteriorate why not let the Bancroft Library store it with loving care, not only for you but for Old Raineians After a great deal of thought it was decided that the items should and present pupils. And think of all that extra space and less be deposited in the library listing the owner as the Old Raineians' dust! Association, care ofRaine's School. This ensures that ownership will be secured as long as there is an association and/or a school The archivist reminded us that with each day we might be because there is a clause that if the depositor cannot be traced producing more records, so minutes of meetings, menus of after 20 years and the items have not been visited, they become reunion dinners etc. could be deposited when they are m longer the property of Tower Hamlets. Of course if someone particu- needed. larly wishes to retain ownership of an item please feel free to do so! It was with great relief that we learnt that the old rather more formal school records are deposited at the London Records Items can be deposited permanently or temporarily, and removed Office in Farringdon, also accessible to everybody. We had with one month's notice. If an item is rather sensitive in nature thought that they were lost! (your school report?) access can be restricted or closed to the public for twenty years. Anybody can photocopy or photograph LESLIE JENSEN items, although if someone wants to publish items, permission
concerning M Steinberg (m relation to RS.). After their Maths exam papers were returned, they all had to call out their matks for Arithmetic, Algebra am Problems, out of 100, in that older followed by the aggregate mark. Steinbetg's tally was 0-1-2-3!! He never was top of the class!! He often wonders row many of them are still alive. Bahns was the son of the Senior German Master. Brown became the Secretary to the Board of Governors. Cannon became an Inspector of Taxes. The last he heatd of Jack Harris was that he had retired to Stockport (Arthur was best man at his Wedding). He believes House took up teaching in Stratford George Tidd was a river pilot Following is a list of some of the staff at the
scrool during Arthm's tiire at Raire's (25-30). If any of them were alive today he is certain they would remember him for all his misdeeds (more please!):- W A Wilkinson Dagger (Head); Balms (German); A Davis (Maths); J Davis (Physics); Billy Wilkins (Chemistry); Teddy Horre (Art/ History); Yapper Curtis (English); Charles Nay (Woodwork); Juggins Andrews (Engineering); Fussy Browning (Chemistry); George Tyler (Maths); Don Lyons (German); Jock Haywatd (Ecommics) Skinny Coleman (Music/English); Edwin Tiller (Geograpby); Luke, Paskoe and Muirhead (all Freoch); Bob Tumage (Pl). Bob Tumage shared with Don Lyons in looking after - ani refereeing - the Rugby XV. Some of the players in the 1st XV at the same time as Arthur were Cooper,
Lassman, Bath, Reeve, Vme, Mayblatt, Hackett, House - although there were 15 of them, but for the life of him Arthur canmt remember the names of the rest DavidDe'AthvisitedtheUKin 1994. He is still playing cricket am his young son (7 or 8 according to Brian Chaperlin) is now an enthusiast. Mentioned that he was rot receiving the newsletters. (Could be that we didn't have his present address!!)
Elaire Cresswell (Bather, 66-72) is married with a daughter aged 8 an1 lives in Chelmsford She is currently working as a Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive of a National Health Service Trust Robert Taylor read with interest in the item by Sidney Lazarus on page 2 of the Summer
RINGING THE CHANGES IN PE AND GAMES At the recent reunion at the House of Commons it was good to fifth year. see so many former pupils that I had come in contact with over the past 30 years and to reminisce about "the happiest days of The general idea of the programme is that everyone gets a short their lives. The most asked question was; "how are things in the taste of a variety of activities without any being taken to a very sporting life of the School?" - especially from those for whom high standard because oflack of time. Most of the activities take PE/Games/Sport was so much a part of their day to day life at place off-site and travelling can take up to 30 minutes of the Raine's. It was not easy to enscapulate the present state of play allocated 100 minutes lesson time. This also makes the proin a few words, so I thought I would try to summarize the main gramme very expensive with the hiring of sports centre facilities and transport for which the school is now responsible for. changes that have taken place over the past few years. 'I
Firstly the personnel in the PE Department has changed. That dynamic duo -the Long!Lowe axis -no longer run the show. Severely stricken by ill-health Miss Lowes was forced to retire and the separate boys and girls departments were merged into a single unit; which is how it is today. The Head of PE is Andy Gill assisted by Linda Richardson and Mark Hutchings. Gary Northover, a jack of all trades but primarily a football coach, also helps the department whilst I go back for two and a half days a week. A notable change in the timetable is that the seemingly sacrosanct games aftermon no longer exists. You must all remember with feeling those afternoons when a designated year group would troop off by tube, or later by coach, to a playing field for rugby, hockey, netball or athletics. Those days are gone forever. Now years 1 - 5 (called years 7 -11 under the new system) each have a double PE lesson of 100 minutes as individual periods are now 50 minutes as opposed to the previous 35 minutes. A halfyear group does PE which can be in the morning or afternoon, on-site or off-site. The first two years are mixed for all activities; separate in the next two years and brought together again when they are in the fifth year. The PE programme - which is inevitably influenced by the strictures of the new National Curriculum- generally consists of 4 activities. The half-year group is split into 4 groups and these rotate around these activities which last for a half-term of 6 to 7 weeks. Educational Dance is now on the curriculum - mixed of course - sharing the spotlight with gymnastics. In the first 2 years the emphasis is on the acquisition of basic skills in a variety of activities which hopefully lead to a better standard of performance in later years. In the third year the sexes are split to allow them to proceed at their own pace. This is sensible because at this stage girls are often intimidated by the presence of boys and often allow, or are incapable of preventing, the boys dominating the lesson. On entering the fifth year there are still the traditional socially orientated activities for which the groups are in the main mixed once again. In the Summer the emphasis is on athletics up to half-term when the district and London Championships are held. Then softball, tennis and volleyball take over. With the GCSE exams starting earlier and earlier, Summer games activities hardly exist for the
The once major activity of rugby no longer exists -to the intense relief of some people. It doesn't really suit as mixed activity for one thing and it also thrives on extra-curriculum competition. But this depends on having access to pitches, teams to play against and reasonably priced transportation - which on Saturdays is an impossibility. Staffmg would also be a problem as few of the non PE have the time, energy or the expertise to involve themselves in anything other than their own subject. When I arrived at Raine's 6 rugby teams were looked after by non PE staff- times have really changed in this area. Other factors also contribute in this area The division of the half-year group into activity groups usually ends up with 15 to 20 pupils in a group, which with absences and sick notes, can be reduced to 10 to 12. This makes it difficult to have a viable team game lesson - even basketball needs larger numbers because of the tiredness factor. An attempt was made to introduce rugby league a couple of years ago as the husband of one of the school staff is a rugby league coach and was willing to give up his time to help. But this was also beset with problems. Football is also not on the curriculum but as every youngster is already a soccer superstar when he comes to the school it is quite easy to pick teams to play other schools in friendly or London Cup matches. Basketball is still a thriving extracurricular activity with involvement over 5 year-groups in South East England and national competitions. The National Under 19 Championship was won 2 years ago but now there are very few good players left in the sixth form. The fifth year team is strong with 2 England players in its ranks and 2 final trialists. They could reach the semi-fmals but there is strong opposition around. Last season the first and second year teams comfortably won the South East England Championships - there are no nationals at this age - and look good for the future. The second year team (this years third year) are particularly strong, have never lost a match and have some players of exceptional ability, even by Raine's standards. Whether by choice or design there is little games activity on the girls side but they particularly strong in cross-country and athletics. The younger boys did well in the London CrossCountry Championships last year but the girls are strong every year and in both the District Championships and National Milk Cup they always do well. One girl in the fifth year is an
outstanding shot/discus exponent am the best in London at her age group.
pressure now in their own subjects with the National Curriculum, staff meetings, department meetings, year meetings and similar calls on their time that another commitment is out of the question. There is some interclass rivalzy in the Lower School but this tetrls to wane as the pupils move up to the third year in the Upper SchooL
The final change that must be mentioned is the demise of the House system as a sporting entity. There are now 6 houses based on the 6 classes in each year- Foundation, Mann, SchooL Winterton as of old plus Arbour and Jude with obvious historical connections. There is no longer the frenetic inter-house rivalry as epitomised on tre rugby and hockey field and on the basketball court in the packed gym There are no longer weekly House meetings with a Head of House calling for more House spirit, whipping up enthusiasm for the next inter-house activity and begging some reluctant youngster to help because a 'star' performer was absent.
The swimming gala has vanished as swimming is no longer on the curriculum. The Annual School Sports Day Still exists and is reasonably enthusiastically supported, although 'star' personalities are lacking. That in a nutshell is a resume of how the sporting life of the school looks today.
Having a divided school with buildings a mile or so apart does not help to unifY Houses and teachers are under so much more Newsletter. He disagrees on one small point While there was a grndual trickle back to London of many of those evacuated to Camberley, the School itself did not return to Lotrlon until the Autumn of 1944. Robert vividly remembers s1ttmg the Sdnol Certificate exam at Cani>erley at the time of D-Day, with fleets of plares constantly passing overreact. Once back in Atbour Square, the danger as he recalls was not so much from the 'flying bombs' (V-1), as from the V-2 rockets many of which fell rear the schooL causing considernb1e damage to windows atrl on one occasion at least causing the Latin teacher, Miss Freeman, to jump right out of rer chair. She was doing her Daily Telegraph crossword at the time whilst we were struggling with Latin 'translation! Basil Dowlingwrote to setrl his apologies for路not attending the 275th reunion He mentioned that he has been involved with a number of poetiy anthologies in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, ltrlia, South Africa, England, Scotlatrl, Norway atrl the USA and in some his years at Raine's were mentioned in the typographical notes. Baz passes on his wannest regards to Wally Spooner, John Blundell and any other old staff collegues and also to any fonner pupils woo ~y remember him He certainly remembers them with affection
He concludes by saying how locky re was, as a New Zealander, to have taught at Raine's for twenty years. Billy Hill (35-39) left school at the outbreak of war due to fanlily pressures. He trained and qualified as an engineer and entered the transport itrlustiy. Moving onto middle manageinent and then a directorship he subsequently became a Managing Director. The business was sold into a public compaey atrl for the next forty years Billy headed up National and International Companies specialising in shipping, road/rail freight and warehousing and distribution together with ancillary trades. This in::luded board appointments with soch companies as British Oxygen (Trarnport Subsidiary); Charrington Group (as part of the Coalite Group) atrl the Bibby Line Group. Billy was the first lecturer (part-time) for the Road Trnnsport Industries Training Board during its formative years. He. lectured at Kingston College and later at the RTITB College at High Ercall. Among other strings to his bow was that for many years he was an equestrian correspondent; writer, furmer atrl is now a professional soow commentator (county and major horse soows). fu 1947 he married Betty who, apart from rer contnbution to fanning was a journalist, sculptor, artist, broaOCaster and is still a vezy popular professional public speaker.
Sam Morley (28-33) is a writer and is currently working on his eighth hardback, titled '99 Years of Navy' which is due to be published in the Spring. A certain school in Albour Square is mentioned! He is very qualified to write such a book having seiVed on destroyers during the war. Sam is also Chainnan of the Trustees for Tre Lady in White Monument Fund. The Lady was Perla Siedle Gibson, who did so much for the mornle of 3 million fighting Services en route to the battlefields of North Africa and the jungle warlare of Burma in World War Two. As a motherly-looking figure would sing to all the vessels as they entered Dutban Hatbour. From April 1940 to VJ Day, August 1945, she never missed a convoy - even on the day she leained her eldest son had been killed in action Subject to a successful fund-raising campaign the Monument will be a dominant
feature on Durban's new Waterl'ront Developinent If you would like any 1iu1:rer information on the fund or any of Sam's books I will be pleased to pass on your interest
275TH ANNIVERSARY REUNION AT THE.HOUSE OF COMMONS going to SJX!in should learn some local medical tenns lest they fioo themselves in oospital as he did.. He reflected that the day in 1987 After being introduced by Alan Johnson, the President of the Old when he was intetviewed for the post, he was impressed by the Raireians' Association, Mrs Mildred Gordon welcomed evetyore to sclx>ol ani SUiprised by Mr Reffold's question "Are you certain you the House of Commons and wondered if any other Old Raineian is want this job?". In 1991 the Sclx>ol became GMS ani the or had been a MP? She atteooed school 1934-39 ani remembered competition for places is extremely keen Many parents are desperate the high feoce between the girls' ani boys' schools at Aibour Square to get treir child into the School ani at the iiteiView assure him they up which girls scrambled to peer over. In order to do 2 languages rever miss a Smrlay Setvice. Ore lady, on being pressed for the they read the bible in French and in 1938 she went on a school trip name of the church at which the family worshipped replied "The one to Paris, which she found to be a great experieoce. She disputes the down tre road, Our Lady of Consumption"! He concluded by saying statement that sclx>oldays are the happiest days of your life, but that Old Raireians' are 路successful world-wide ani provided some agrees that they are a good part and she coocluded that they were a finance, gifts ani speakers for the School. good part She concluded by wishing the Sclx>ol welL Alan Johnson, who, along with members of the committee, was The next speaker was Wally Spooner who began by saying that he responsible for the organisation of the fuoction, stated that ore of the had always wanted to make a 'Maiden Speech' in the House of first mentions of an Old Raineian group was in 1911 and he hoped Commons!! ani mentiored that they had driven past tre rouse in that the next AGM would take place in the old Raine's building in Woodfonl where Henty Raine had lived in 1714. He asked row Wapping. many "Woz:zers" (tlxlse who had left 50+ years ago) were present News from the Reunion (severnl) ani how many "Half-Woz:zers" (numerous). His first contact with Raine's was in 1934 and he was Mr Daggers first appoiitment after the 39-45 war. Mr Dagger was renowred for From Gwynneth Jackson walking through the entire building and if he ooticed any form without a member of staff a pupil was sent to the staff room with his Margaret Bertola (Page) now has a 4 month old son compliments!. Gillian O'Brien is married to Stepren Murphy, now an Insurance Continuing with the theme of the Headmasters he recalled Mr Shutt Broker ani they have 2 daughters. was effective with a cane, 'Slogger' Luton was in charge for a few months airl Mr Goode arrived in the early 1960's, but did oot stay Lawrence Page is married airl lives in Stamford-le-Hope. long. Dormy Lyons saw the amalgamation procedure through before Mr Stanrey became the first Head of the mixed sclx>ol - with an Diare Wallis (Tinkler) lives in Nottingham and has 3 children She improvement in the boys manrers! He mentioned that romaoce had is in touch with Hazel Fosbray (Paul) woo also has a family of three. blossomed oot only between IXIPils, but also between members of staff. Mark Tinkler works for Unilever airl is at present involved in research coocerred with Mass Spectrometty. Highlights fondly remembered were the 250th Annivers:uy setvice in St Pauls; Founders Days at St George's in The East; Halvest pan::els Congrntulations to Maria Mole on gaining her B.Ed. She has a to locals; drnmatic ani musical productions. texhing post in Twickenlnm. Speeches
Wally also spoke of rooms on the roof being used as a shooting range officially ani by smokers ani canl players by candlelight unofficially. Th: schoolkeeper 'Chalky' White was once got out of bed by the police at 3.00 a.m when they heard typewriters tapping. The investigation proved the ooise was being made by 10 geibils which had escaped from the labs!! Another piece of school histoty was the sighting of a female member of staff arriving late and climbing the gate! (Paul Reynolds remembers the incident as he was a prefixt at the time and caught the 'latecomer'.) He paid tribute to ReffReffold ani Gwynreth Jackson for their part in salvaging the ORA at a time when it was in the doldrums. The final speaker was Gareth Lewis, the current Headmaster, who was coming to tre end of sick leave. He recommeooed that people
Candy Preston (Sevren) is still worlcing for M & S ani is applying to do a PGCE course. Martin Carter is oow a Bank Manager.
John Roberts is in morey-broking ani is delighted his 2 daughters have started rowing. (Olympics 2000?). Michelle lireham (Whitear) is married with 2 children airl wotks for the lingerie and accessories company Ann Somers. Diana Mann (Taylor) has a son ani daughter and is at present a oousewife having previously worked for the British Council.
Susan Wybmn an:l Lima Gaubert (the Brnheme sisters) are both manied, with teenage children who are keen swinuners, as were their motrers. LinJa works with a letting ageocy and Susan is doing an
Gavin ani Peggy Adlington left for Lithuania in Januazy on a years contract - we wish them luck.
Open University Youth W01kers Course.
Barty Jores is ef!ioying teaching in Romfonl and Shaftq Rahman is teaching in the same scrool.
Bamaby Loades, last years Head Boy annouoced his engagement at the reunion to Hannah Metcalfe also an exi>upil. Many congratulations to the couple. Vivian Nicoolas, formerly Geology teacher and married to Ros Berrill (Histoty), still has opportunities to play Timpani (apparently they can't arrest you) - recently eJ1ioying himself in a pelfonnance of Verdi's Requiem
Richard Wermerling was at m. 2 in the pop charts for several weeks. Peter Thake recently attended the fim.:!ral of Karen Winters rrother, Maureen, woo was also an Old Raineian and left in the 1960's. Christire Richardson had escaped for the weeketrl from being rouse bound in Bristol with her 2 sons.
Vivienne Dume (Waeland) sings with the Morley Singers.
From Sue Smith
Mrrgaret Paish (Nonnan) travelled down from Yorkshire with her husband, Wilf Paish the National Athletics Coach, who was delighted to be recognised by some of trose present. Margaret is still in contact with Miss Edie an:l remembers the Music teachers Miss Mowatt and Miss Powell, who became Mrs Lord Mrrgaret inten:ls to retire from her post as Headmistress of a Yorkshire Primazy Scrool next Summer.
Charles, Cyril and Sydney Hi1sum all attetrled Raines. Charles was called up for service in 1939 and remembered walking down Briglton sea front when the first siren welt. Sid and Cyril joired other children in Albour Square playground equipped with gas masks and remembered the anxiety of not kmwing to where they would be evacuated. They wondered what happened to Mrs Freeman woo taught them Biology in 1944 ani Mr Hotsberg the Latin teacher.
K.eith Roberts (Dylko when he was at Raine's) lives in New Zealard ani is married with 2 children. He taught at Tapuki High School for 4 years before becoming New Zealani's National Athletics Coach. (l wonder if he ever met up with Wi!f Paish, mentioned above?)
Steve Foster thanked us for the news of John Coborn and he sees Michael Saniers now retired from the Police. Roy Silvester lives on the Isle ofWight ani his last reunion had been one of the fuoctions in Albour Square. He confirmed that among a rul't>y team photo we published was Captain Turnage, who used to turn out for the secooo XV if they were soort. Debbie Knight, works for the Probation Service at Snaresbrooke ani sees Pat O'Kavanagh ani K.erty Goodal~ but has lost touch with Suzanne Haritou now trought to be living inS. Lotrlon (Can any body help?)
Elizabeth Athanaze recently married Linda Hall is married and was expecting her first child in Januaty. Linda is a Deputy Head of a Nursety School in Peckham.
Fenella Weaver (Wood) has 2 children and works for the Woolwich in Woolwich! Shirvin Qureshi works for the Abbey National (no not in Abbey!) ani has a daughter. Steve Everton lives in Reading ani is getting married next May. He has just designed the largest pipe lire in Libya ani recently sat his final Chartered Engineer exams.
Charles had a career in the old LCC Personnel Department whilst Sidrey works as a Psychologist Miss Mangold who was headmistress of the girls' school 1955 1964 left Raines to become Head of St Martins in the Fields School. She retired in 1978 and lives in Richmond, Surrey. She stressed she would not have been attiacted to being a Head in today's climate, but there was a lot more control and respect during her career. She passed on a message from Mrs Weingarton who sends rer love to everybody woo remembers her ani apologises that due to poor
health she was unable to attend the reunion. MIS Weingarton retired in 1974 ani says Raires will always have a vety S}X!Cial place in her heart Paul Reynolds and his wife Joan talked proudly of their children, Charlie 3 ani Emma I. Paul ani Joan both jointly run a matketing atrl design company in Surrey. P~ at ore time, lnd been a World Championship rower and was almost selected for the Olympics. He has just found the time to row again ani has the blisters on his haOOs to prove it!! From Kerry Goodall
Debbie Vernall (Knight, (75-81) remembers when Mr Nice's trousers split in a Maths lesson. They were red which was a bit of luck because they matched his face! She also remembers when Miss Cleeve, in a Home Ecommics lesson, calling Miss Gosman 'Gossie'. Debbie has just returned to w01k after the birth of her
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER second son He lrusband thmght the night was "rnaiVellous". Tracy McGuiness (Baker, 75-80) row living in Romford, Essex married in 1987 but separated in 1993. On leaving scrool Tracy worked for NatWest, followed by a spell at BT and row works for a finn of solicitor~ in the City. Sre is amazed that ro ore has altered. Janet King (75-82) went into banking after leaving school. For the last 2 years she has been a finurial consultant, travelling a lot in the Far East, Europe and the USA Lynn Mears (Charles 75-81) living in Cheshoot, married with 2 children, owns a pub.
PAGE 11 possible as most of his friends still live there and always drives past the 'Old School' wherever re gets the chaoce. Robert Heading wmked at BBC 1V for 9 years as assistant film editor before going freelaoce as a Film Resean:::rer. He is now an Assistant Produrer in Music and Arts. Candy Preston (Sevren, 70-77) is still the won:letful person that she has always been; modest, considerate and witty. Maria Mole (Daniels, 70-77) still looks an absohlte picture and rothing like her real age of nearly 36! Manages to maintain a full time job, lrusband, 2 lovely boys and a house from a 'House Beautiful' magazine.
Philip Marks (76-8?) runs his own scaffolding business and worked a great deal in the USA.
Susan Draycott (Mole) is ageing slowly whilst being a part-time ~-------------------. Adult Education Teacher and a OLD RAINEIANS' COMMITTEE Paul Smith (76-8?) is a school full-time mother of 3 boys. Living teacher. He still sees Susan in Bedfordshire, sre is a Beaver Rudwick (75-82) woo is a fashion The Association are looking for new additions as Leader introducing scouting to the designer. members of the Committee. Yes I can see you now community!! Maria Mole is rer turning the page and pretending you didn't see this well established sister-in-law so any Martin Lake (76-8?) works for a box, but please read on. As you know the Committe sympathy is welcome! Custom and Excise Investigations Division (stop shaking) and has 2 organise the Reunions, but it needs 'new blood' to Adam Groves (76-83) after a brief encourage fresh ideas. Do you think you could do the spell in Birmingham Adam is row children, 1 of each. job? It would mean attending meetings to discuss back in London wotking for a Julie Humphreys hasn't dore various aspects of the Association. Dutch Bank in the City. He is still anything sioce the last newsletter in touch with John Coster and exrept tiy to move rouse with brother Cad am Shaun Gibbons. which she is having a lot of has- If any member is interested please contact Alan sles. Still in the same job and Johnson. Remember what Ken F Johnnedy said:Colin Nire is still teaching in Kent yooog free and single. am is row part of the Senior "And so, my fellow Raineians, ask not what your Management Team having been Carol Hwnphreys (S4-60), Julie's Association can do for you; ask what you can do for promoted from Head of Maths. mum married Someone from 'The' Colin also remembers the splitting rival school, Coopers, has 2 cllil- your Association" of his trousers during a 5th year dren woo went to Raires. Sre .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. lesson and this in only his 4th week remembers the Headmistress during rer years was Miss Mangold, also at the Reunion. Her sister, Avril Day and sister-in-law, Joan King, both went to Raines. Sre has also met a munber of rer contempomries..
Andrea Diable (75-81) is working for the Lon:lon Borough of Newham as a Personnel Officer and has a son, Joshua, aged 5.
Corinne Diable (77-83) has 2 children am lives in Poplar. She is rot in touch with any ore but would like to rear from any body in rer year. She wolks as an Administrator in The Health Education Authority.
Alexine Horsup (74-81) gained a BSc in Geology and is row working in fmaoce. Sre moved from banking to the Health Servire and then onto Local Govennnent. (Don't ask me where the Geology foatures in these jobs!). Happily lUlmarried and happily childless.
Joanne Marshall (74-81) is still working at the Mile End (East London) Stadium keeping in contact with the school when lessons am Sports Days are held at the stadium. She looks forwarrl to that lruge cuddle wren Humph Long makes a visit to the stadium.
Martin Payre woo was Head of Languages at Raines when re left in
(Sounds like News of the World stuffto me!)
Elizabeth Simpson (74-81) along with Joanre Marshal1 still eqjoys their 2 or 3 skiing holidays a year thanks to the inspiration of Miss Jackson and Mr Nice in K.rnnska Gora, Yugoslavia- altOOugh its more apres-ski these days.
Martin Canter is living in Sheffield and works for the Midland Bank as a Manager. He still comes back to the East End as much as
of tea:hingl
1994 is row working as a Children's Work Orordinator for a latge Christian Missionaty Society.
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER Debbie Nunn (74-81) is working hard yachting around Antigua (yes, she really is working!). Martyn Button is presently living in Bexleyheath.
Well he was before tonight Apparently he is was in the doglx>use this evening for going out to the Reunion on his son's birthday and not inviting his wife! David Mould (75-82) run the Dublin Marath:m in October in a time of 2 h>urs 33 mimites. He is not manied (no girl could catch him); m kids; wolks for IBJ Computing in the City and lives in Betlmal Green Never sees anyone from Raines and wonders where did they all go? He did a Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Briglton Joanne Selby (Fox, 75-80) lives in Cheshunt; has 3 sons aged 10, 7 and 4 and doesn't want any more! Wolks for her lrusband in the retail trade and keeps in touch 'with a number of Old Raineians, most of wh>m were at the Reunion
PAGE 12 (McCarthy, 75-80) wh> has 2 children and lives in Brentwood.
Freddie Stiatford won the raffle ftrst prize but wasn't their to pick it up. Was this because wife Caria (Marshall, 74-81) has to be reminied about evetything? Finally, some sad news. Just before the Reunion we heard of the death of Mrs Creasy, long-time bursar of the Scrool at Atbour Square. An appreciation will appear in the next newsletter. Well, as they say, that's the news from the Reunion My thanks go to Gwynreth, Sue and Keny for 'gathering' in the news. After reading Keny's section I suggest she either moves house or at the very least goes ex-directory!! A big thank you must also go to the various people who helped organise the event, especially Alan and Sandia Johnson Rumour has it that we are looking at the House ofLozds next year. Time will
tell. Sue Hellen (Coster, 75-82) does modelling and wmks for solicitors in the City. Debbie Thompson (Poole, 75-82) is married to Philip Thompson an Old Raireian'Palmiterian. Has a daughter, Rebecca, aged 1, with a second child due in June. She keeps in touch with Lorraire Walleoo
Please keep seOOing in the news and memories. As you can see by this rewsletter the response has been excellent, but that is no reason to slacken 'There must be lots of things to write about if only you put pen to paper. Also, don't forget the fax Illlll1bers printed on the front
Old Raineians' Association
1719 RAINE:3
Raine's Foundation School Approach Road London E29LY Tel: 0181 9811231 Fax: 0181 983 0153
Sandra Johnson 9 Goddington Lane Orpington Kent BR69DR Tel: 01689 826854 Fax: 01689 873115
Bill Richards 26 Shandy Street Stepney London E14LX Tel: 0171 790 9235
Gwynneth Jac.kson Glevum Kirkby Malzeard Ripon NorthYorks HG43RS Tel: 01765 658825
SUMMER1995 This newsletter will self destruct within two hours of opening the envelope so please read immediately. Some of you may remember something similar from "Mission Impossible" on TV in the early 70's. I trust the following will also bring back memories. NEW MEMBERS
• Gary Bird (74-81) went into freelance journalism after leaving school and is now a sub-editor for Recorder Newspapers which covers Newham and Tower Hamlets. He is very happily married and living in Upminster. Gary was persuaded to join the Association after contacting Sandra Johnson for help in tracking down actress Ann Mitchell (see article cif the end of this newsletter). Old Raineians with whom he is still in touch with are Linda Snooks (Hall), Bill Line, Robert Heading and Candy Preston (Sevren). School recollections include being told by English teacher, Steve Johnson, that he would never get a career in journalism!; Robert Heading promising he would buy him a pint! Gary finishes on a sad note. He sends condolences to the family and friends of former pupil Michael Leonard following his recent death. • Carole Day (72-79) is a bond salesperson in a German Bank (at last finding a job that suits her education - Maths and Languages). Carole is still in touch with a few of her school chums and regularly
sees Carole Middleton (Passmore) who lives in Upminster with her 2 young daughters. She also visited for the second time Sandra Harewood (Matthew) in Barbados, who very successfully juggles her family (2 young sons); a demanding job for the British High Commission Dependent Territories Regional Secretariat plus entrepreneurial ideas for board games! Carole is also in contact with Simla Nijran (Singh), living in Birmingham with her 3 children and who has finally passed her accountancy exams. · B Feinstein (??) is now a retired Civil Servant. (More information please)
Hampshire, Duncan Hockley and Corrine Diable to name but a few. Finally Ian would like to apologise to Janis Fuller for making her feel old when he attended his first Parents evening with Hannah! • Elizabeth Lawrence (75-81) is working at a City solicitors and has been studying part-time to become a solicitor herself. She is already a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives and, all being well, will qualify as a solicitor early in 1996. She married Mark Lawrence in September 1994 after a whirlwind romance.
Elizabeth has kept in close. touch with • lan Groombridge (77-83), after leaving Sherie Wren (Abrahams), Debi Vernall. Raine's, worked in the Construction In- Judith Lissner (Cohen) and Justine dustry gaining a HNC in Cjvil.J.}n~inet:r:: . J.J'?'rshmm:t ing at The Southbank Univcrsity .. He is married with 2 step-children both of • George Maloney (37-39) who was whom attended Raine's - Hannah who pleased to read a reference to Simon became engaged at the 275th Anniversary Kaminsky who joined the school at the Reunion at the House of Commons to same time as George when the first Barnaby Loades, the 1993/94 Head Boy rumblings were beginning to be heard and Christopher who is currently in Year from Europe. In 1939, after 2 rehearsals, 11. the school was evacuated to Brighton and quickly settled into Varndean College. At this time his 2 younger brothers were Ian remembers many of the teachers and was surprised to find some still on the becoming somewhat unruly and, in Nostaff: Mr Croom, Mr W ilson, Mrs Pipe, vember, they were all sent to Romford to Mr Wesley, Mr Hudson, Miss Naylor, as join the rest of the family and John had well as Miss Balls, Fr. Clinic, Dr Cioci, suddenly finished his schooling. Miss Crowley and Mr Spooner. In 1943 he joined the Royal Marines and Fellow pupils include Fred Grant whom later fought with the American Marines Ian occasionally sees between his jaunts to during the Korean War, after which, in the other side of the Atlantic. Others 1953, he joined CA V Ltd for whom he remembered; Adam Groves, Richard and worked for 30 years. John Morgan, Gemma O'Connor, John
PRESIDENTS MESSAGE The committee decision to include a short message from the President in each Newsletter comes as I am leaving office! So, I'll make this a long, out-going President's message as compensation for it being my first and last Firstly, I congratulate Sandra J ohnson on her election as President of the Association and I wish her success over the next 12 months (forget "the old school tie", rather "keep it in the family").
The 275th Anniversary and Annual Reunion at the House of Commons in November. The Summer Reunion and AGM at the original school building in Raine Street, Wapping. Also of continued great value are the regular Newsletters and I think that all the members will agree that the Newsletters continue to grow in information and quality of presentation over the last 12 months. A special thanks goes to Bill Richards for compiling the Newsletter and for the committee members (especially Gwynneth and Sandra) who gather the information.
The last 12 months have seen many positive things happening with our Association, not the least has been a matked increase in the interest show by the members in the Association itself. There is this growing perception that it is worth being a member of and it is worth supporting and preserving. It is a case of "if there During the year the committee oroered copies of the Association tie (based on an original loaned by Wally Spooner) and these are wasn't an Association we'd form one". now available for sale and compliment the lapel badges that are The Association exists to help members maintain their links with also available for sale. the school and the Association will help the school wherever possible. I encourage every member to keep the school constantly Another change over the last 12 months was to hold monthly in mind. We recently provided some office furniture (filing committee meetings (as opposed to quarterly) and this allowed cabinets, document storage cabinets) to the school. This type of more continuity and momentum in organising various profurniture is expensive and many members would not think to ask grammes. The executive committee presently consists of the school if they wanted any surplus office equipment. Please, Clive BAUGH (Hon. Treasurer) think of the schooL If your company is looking for a schoolleaver, L young trainee or office junior, again, think of the school and 2. RoyCATLEY contact the Headmaster or careers officer. Don't cut ties with the 3. Kerry GOODALL school- establish them. 4. Tony GROVES 5. Richaro HARRIS (Secretary and President Elect) During the last year much was achieved by the Association and 6. EdnaHOWARD possibly the most important thing was the agreement with the 7. Gwynneth JACKSON Bancroft Library to start and maintain a permanent safe depository 8. Alan JOHNSON of Raine's school memorabilia (see February Newsletter). The 9. Sandra JOHNSON (President) archivist there has been very helpful and if anybody has anything 10. Gareth LEWIS PatO'CAVANAGH that they would like to donate then they should contact one of the 11. Philip PUTTICK committee members. It is unfortunate that, with the many changes 12. of building, changes in local authority directives and changes of 13. Susan SMITH staff, many of the school's historical documents have been lost or 14. Tony SZULC purposely discarded. The Old RaineianS' Association has made it 15. H3J:old. TA Yi53R' its duty to collect and safely store the school's history. I trust that the formation of a safe haven for all the treasured bits and pieces Bill Richards is Membership Secretary that people have lovingly stored will encourage people to contribute them to a central record for all to share. In addition to this, During the year John Barry, Laurie Dalton and Frank Battes the committee recently approved a project to store school pho- resigned from the committee due to other demands on their time. tographs and other material on CD ROM. I thank them all for their help and support. The Old Raineians' Association is not simply a collection of The Association is run by the committee but it is your association former staff and pupils who gather a few times a year for a drink and the committee is elected by the membership. If there is or two. It aims to help and support the school where possible and anything that you feel should be done, or anything that you feel to preserve the history and traditions of the schooL Social events that you can contribute, please join the committee. There are do, quite rightly, feature high on the priority list and during the last regular meetings -with the sole purpose of arranging social 12 months we have had good attendance and support from the functions and promoting the school and association membership and committee at: Finally, I look forward to the continued growth and influence of Prayers said for the schoo 1during evensong at St. Paul's Cathedral the Old Raineians' Association. on 11th May (and the subsequent gathering at a nearby hostelry). A one-day canal trip in late July starting at Camden Lock and travelling through Victoria Park, Mile End and Limehouse.
Alan Johnson
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER • Leonard Rees (67-74) currently owns a chain of Estate Agents, property and restaurants. He, understandably, spends most of his time looking after his business interests. • Roy Smith (70-77) is Marketing ManagerwithP & 0 Containers and is married with 2 boys of 7 years and 19 months and a 4 year old girl Roy has spent many years overseas including Dubai, Zimbabwe and South Africa and twice visited Russell Obee in New Zealand. He has lost touch with Jonathon McCoin, who married a Norwegian, and wonders what has happened to Grant Sibley, Kathy Burke, William Leung and Alan Twynam (If any one knows, please write to us). • Ronald Striebig (54-61) was Deputy Head Boy in 1960, left Raines in 1961 to attend Queen Mary College, graduating in 1966 with B.Sc. Hon Physics (Theoretical) and was married in 1967. After college he went straight into teaching and then emigrated (temporarily) to Winnipeg, Canada in 1969 where he did post graduate worlc in Mathematics. On returning to the UK in 1970 Ronald worked in insurance for several years before returning to teaching. He has taught at several state and private schools since.
• Robert Stuart (75-82) is a Librarian at Bow Libr:uy and plays in the same football team as Patrick Pallett. • Debbie Thompson (75-82) is a housewife with a daughter of 20 months and is expecting a second child in June. • Donald Ward (44-52) is a retired Customs and Excise Investigator and has been married to Janice for 36 years. He joined the school shortly before they were reunited with the Camberley contingent and amalgamation took place sutprisingly quickly. Mrs Weingarten was his form tutor followed by Nobby Clark with Jim Shivas taking over in the Sixth Form During his 2 years National Service in the Navy he played rugby for HMS Vanguard - our last Battleship. They had a very strong team that lost only one game in 2 years to a British Army team in Spain after they were sorry they could only field a team containing 14 internationals!!
PAGE 3 their second son - Martin is thinking of returning to teaching. · Jackie and Robert Connolly spent this Christmas in England - a little different to the two previous ones, which were in Nepal. · Michael and Peter Corrigan were married in Florida. · Barbara Newton, sister of Janet, visited her other sister, Che.ryl, who lives in Canada, last summer. · Frances (Mott) and Bob Simmonds have a hectic time near Cambridge with their two children. Their son is County Junior Tennis Champion and theirdaughterplays the flute in various bands and orchestras. · Joy Turner visited the Haydn Festival in Eisenstadt last Autumn and this year will be in Warsaw for the Chopin Festival, as well as going to Malta on an archaeology trip.
From Gwynneth Jackson · Congratulations to Debra Reid (Harvey) on the birth of her second son in March
· Barry Jones and Colin Nice were deIn 1988 he achieved his ambition of belighted to see so many people "in Parcoming a minor mathematician by finliament". Other folk who enjoyed the ishinghisM.Sc. inMathematicsatKing's, houses of Parliament 'do' included Ann London and also has several publications Lowes; Vivienne and Martin Durne; Suof model answers for Gr.SEM~th~ . :-·L: saJ1 Wy!m.rn (Brahame) and her sister · Linda; Wally Spooner ('as a nostalgic Ronald is still teaching - having taught at evening"); Gerry Calvert; Ros and Viv Primary School to Oxbridge University Nicholas; Zippy Auerbach; Margaret and level - and supposes he was a 'born' Wilf Paish teacher, the only true kind they say. · Congratulations also to Janis and GraHis daughter Jane lives in Geneva having ham Fuller-Willett on the arrival of their graduated from Imperial College this year daughter. as a Ph.D. (Nuclear Particles) and is married to a nuclear physicist His other · Old Raineians who slithered down ski daughter, Rachel, hopes to go to Cam- slopes both in Europe and America this bridge next year to study Physics and he past season, included Janis and Graham has a son, Theodore. (before the baby's arrival); Clive Baugh and family: Joanne Marshall; Elizabeth He regularly visits relatives in East LonSimpson; Gwynneth Jackson; Ros and don and hobbies include travelling (visited Viv Nicholas; Frances and Bob Sim35 countries); acquiring vast debts (glad monds; Mark Tinkler. to see the MSc. in Mathematics did not go to waste!!) and music, having attended the · Michael Hazell and Ruth had a son in last 5 'last nights' at the Proms. December and belated congratulations to Martin and Tracey Leonard on the birth of
· Deena Osbome (Gardiner) is enjoying University, but fmding it hard work having to also cope with a family. · John Blundell, despite living in the Orpington area, seems to get involved with environmental and rural tasks, such as hedge laying and acting as a Tree Warder for Brornley CounciL This is in addition to being a member of a varied selection of committees and designing posters and notices for the organisations involved Another of his tasks ~o:;h~lping to survey churches built prior to 1800 in the Rochester Diocese. He also passed on news that Annette Boyce-Burgansky has a second daughter congratulations. · Alan Liddiard read the article on the 1944 reunion with interest, though the members were a year older than himself. He recalls joining the Brighton Sea Scouts, with his friend Terry Lythgoe, when the School was evacuated. On moving to Camberley, they formed the nucleUs of a Sea Scout Patrol within the Raine's Troop, whose leader was initially 'Biffer' Broughton, aided by Bill Engledow. 'Donny' Lyons took over when they joined the armed forces. They were also involved in Civil Defence
A couple of newsletters ago I mentioned that it would be nice to include some articles on 'Famous Raineians'. Harold Taylor wrote to me regarding Lord Sharp who sadly died in 1994. The following is from his obituary in The Times passed onto me by Harold, a contemporary.
on the domestic phone market, by setting up Mercury in 1984 and, by correctly foreseeing the potential of the mobile phonemarket, he had won a licence for C&W to operate the new personal communications networks.
LORD SHARP OF GRIMSDYKE Lord Sharp of Grimsdyke, CBE, chairman of Cable and Wireless, 1980-90, died on May 2,1994 aged 77. He was born on August 17, 1916. A civil servant turned industrialist, Eric Sharp became one of the biggest names in telecommunications in the 1980s. It was Shaip who was largely responsible for transforming Cable and Wireless (C&W) from a sleeping industrial giant into an efficient private telecommunications company with huge interests abroad. Sharp was a man with long, top-ranking experience in both the private and public sectors. Hence he was a strong candidate to groom C&W for stock market flotation. In 1980 Sharp was approached to be part-time chairman of C&W, and became its full-time chainnan and chief executive the following year, on the company's privatisation. He was then in his mid-sixties but had lost none of his vigour. He found on his arrival that, while the company's technology was state-of-the-art and its profits generally good, its organisation was being choked by centralised bureaucracy in London He found, too, that C& W still suffered interference from the Government on board appointments etc. Sharp set about rechannelling the management's mind into something more entrepreneurial. The result was one of the City's success stories of the 1980s. By the end of Sharp's decade at the helm, c&W's turnover had risen from £293 million to £2.3 billion and profits had grown from £62 million to £527 million
Eric Sharp was born into a Jewish family in London. He was an artistic boy, and studied the violin on a scholarship to the Guildhall School of Music. At one time he considered becoming a professional musician. Instead he chose a more practical path, taking a degree in economics and statistics at the London School of Economics and, on graduating in 1940, joining the Army where he became a staff captain. Three years later he joined the Board of Trade and moved to the Ministry of Power in 1948. There he had his first dealings with C& W, which had just been nationalised by the post-war Labour Government. Sharp cut his teeth, however in the electric industry. He was the UK delegate to the coal and petroleum committees of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. But after ten years as a civil servant he was becoming disillusioned by the early results of nationalisation and abruptly moved to the private sector. In 1957 he became a marketing manager at British Nylon Spinners, a company which seven years later was taken over by ICI Fibres. In 1969 he moved to Monsanto, the American-owned chemical company, becoming its chainnan, 1975-81. He was appointed CBE in 1980, knighted in 1984 and created a life peer in 1989. He remained a softly spoken and undemonstrative man But always insisted that his experience in Whitehall was of enormous help to him at c&W - a company that dealt with 37 different governments around the world - describing his approach to diplomatic problems as being more "resilient" than that of colleagues with a background in marketing. Shaip's association with C&W did not end with his official retirement in 1990, when he handed over to the former Trade and Ind~try ~~ret<UY, L!Wi Young of Graftbam, he continued to act
In .the process Sharp had achieved several extraordinary. thin.:gs, including breaking the British Telecommunications monop(>fy. · ·~··ftSp.resid~ht· >~·- · .
as messengers in the Fire Brigade, being on duty one night in four. The highlight was the Tuesday evening trip to Woking for training on a big red open Dennis Fire Engine. 'Biffer' was also a Home Guard, Butch Gee (German) a Special Constable and RH Dolby (Physics) was in the Observer Corps. He believes that Bill Engledow is still alive, probably living in the Bromley area. 'Piffie' was a Scot and Mr Wilson, who taught French, was a good footballer. · Peggy and Gavin Adlingtonand their two youngest children are in Russia, with tre children attending the Anglo-American School in St Petersburg.
· Tom Bennett (30-35) sent a wonderful letter of reminiscences, sparked off by the last newsletter. Here is a selection, with others appearing in future editions. The staff list in 1930 was as follows:- Mr Dagger (Headmaster); W D Davies and 'Slogger' Luton (Physics); A H Davies (Maths); Dr Wilkins and 'Fuzzy' Browning (Chemistry); Mr Pascoe and Alec Aldridge (French); 'Yapper' Curtis, 'Skimmy' Coleman and Jim Shivas (English); 'Jooters' Preston and later 'Butch' Gee (German); 'Skimmy' and later 'Nobby' Clarke (Music); Jimmy Beuch (History); Captain Turnage and 'Biffer' Broughton (PE); Jimmy Home (Art and RE); 'Joogie' Andrews (Mechanics); Charlie Nay (Woodwolk);
Messrs Tiller and Hayward (Geography). 'Jooters' Preston took up an appointment at Hull University in about 1938, but sadly ·died during the Siege of Calais in 1940. Raine's sporting achievements were non-existent - last in East London Sports and roundly trounced at rugby. However the 1930 intake produced sportsmen such as Duggie Jewson, Arthur Smith, George Coplan, Jack Kerr, Alec Segal, Alfo Evans, Bobby Jones and Tom Bennett himself. Swimming was also introduced, with boys taking life-saving certificates. The father of Lassman presented a swimming shield for inter-house competition. Tom also still treasures his gold medal gained at the Sports Day after he
For years she was in charge of fund rnising on behalf of many charities, including most notably the British Polio Fellowship. Her organising of sponsored walks for that charity proved particularly popular and I was pleased to take over responsibility for this annual event only a few years later, until my own retirement.
Mrs ·chris' Rankin retired from Raine's almost twenty years ago and, together with many others who knew her, I was saddened to learn of her death on Good Friday, 14th April. Mary Christina Rankin - she avoided using the name Mary joined the staff at Raine's in 1964, having worked both in education and in commercial art. She held the London Art Teaching Diploma. Although a tall, forbidding figure at first sight, those who knew her soon realised that she had a heart of gold and a dry sense of humour. On her appointment as Deputy Head at the school in Arbour Square she also became responsible for the welfare of the girl pupils .. One of her duties was to discourage smoking, not an easy task, as Chris had not managed to break the habit herself and was known to roll her own cigarettes! Her artistic skills contributed enormously to school theatrical productions; most of her teaching time was in the Art and Craft Department where she displayed particular skills in pottery and modelling. In 1968 Chris married John Rankin, MP for the Govan district of Glasgow. Three years later she was involved in a car accident and, although seriously iJ1jured herself, managed to nurse her husband for many months. had done his Matriculation Exams.
During her years at Raine's Chris was a keen member of the Old Raineians' Association and could often be seen wearing her blazer bearing the school escutcheon and the initials O.R.A. on the pocket. Only a short time before she retired in 1975, Mrs Rankin played Lady Bracknell in the school production of •The Importance of Being Earnest' - a memorable performance. As I did not join Raine's untill973, I knew Chris for only two years. Even so , I have some happy memories of her smiling support so freely given. After leaving Raine's she retired to a villa near Malaga in the South of Spain, but recently returned to England to live in Steyning, Sussex. It was from there that her sister Eileen notified me of her vezy sad loss. Deepest sympathies are surely extended to Eileen's family by all at Raine's who knew Chris during her time at the school.
· The following is an article from Fred Barnes ofhis memories oftheperiod 1944 - 1953.
· Gwynneth Jackson raised £160 for the village pre-school unit and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust from two sponsored walks. In this quick trip down memory lane, I She is now a Trniner of Voluntary Wardtrust that I have the correct names, if not ers in the Dales National Park and also on there is instant regret and apologies. Also, the panel of lecturers for the Council of if anyone is missed out then it is not due to National Parks. _them but~ vagaries of that memory. As Musical Director of the Village Pantomime Society, she was recently involved with performances of Aladdin and as a member of the Village Hall Committee has to turn her hand to sandwich and scone making and washing-up at Domino Drives! (How the other half live!) · Iris Tomlinson (Lyddon) recently met Angela Perry in Ilford and heard that Geoff Perry is a GP in Great Yarmouth. She also saw Julie Dawkins, who is now living in Lewisham.
From BiU Richards
The first memozy is in 1944 taking a form of entrance examination under the instructions of Mr Davies, whom I remember as acting head Being well under age for normal entry, I was allowed admission as a fee paying first former. I think the sum was some three guineas per term. Rab Butler's Education Act was later to change the school's status whereupon I was able to continue as a normal free member. Life was initially peaceful in this small school, however, the peace was broken with the return of the refugees from Carnberley. Outside life at the beginning of this period was most decidedly not peaceful, for I had joined at the peak of the doodle-bug campaign. I remember many occasions walking between school and home, watching the •flying bombs'
John Blundell pass overhead to bring destruction nearby. Another fact about the out side world which we have forgotten, was the misezy and lost days due to the thick acrid fogs. During the next year besides the return from Carnberley there was a small trickle of staff back from their war service. At this stage I particularly remember the great French enthusiast, Aldridge (Christian name long forgotten), who appeared non too well. Th: Geography •chair' was held initially by a great exponent of the flying chalk trick, Ruddock by name. His crew cut was kept at a constant half inch, and he could flick one's head with his piece of chalk, at any range. Others in this period, remembered, are a Davis arousing my everlasting interest in Physics. To this day I can repeat his first form class on potential energy, when with great feeling he explained the unfairness of having to pay for the water board to pump water up the hill to his home in Wales. In the laboratozy he made great attempts to continue the demonstrations and experiments with a vezy much depleted set of equipment. The glass tanks used for such as refraction
marrying a doctor. Mrs Creasey's grandchildren were a delight to her and I know that all who knew her join with me in offring Joan and Roland our sincere sympathy.
Mrs Creasey was school and Headmistress's secretary throughout my time at Raine's Girls School and had been with my predecessor, Miss Haugh for many years before that. She remained with Raine's when the Girls' and Boys' Schools combined and did not retire until 1976 (?). When I arrived atRaine's in 1955 it was as a 'new girl' to the job and I therefore had to rely on my secretary to an unusual degree. Mrs Creasey was an unfailing source of infonnation about things, people and procedures. All this she imparted with courtesy, good humour and a fund of good common sense. I owed her a debt of gratitude for her professional competence and her personal help and friendliness. Her daughter Joan (who was a schoolgirl at Greycoat School when I first knew her!) fulfilled her parents ambitions by becoming a nurse at a top London teaching hospital and later
tests were a particular worry, as he had remade them using sealing wax. One was always likely to be showered with a surge of water. The next memory is strangely a smell. Once a week we toiled away in the woodwork room, under the great care of Charles Nay (small in size but with a large appetite to help). When the masterpiece, perhaps a bookend or a toast rack, was completed the great moment arrived when the cauldron of foul smelling glue was opened. A courageous decision was made after the first full year of peace, to resume the "oversea5:.East€r holiday trip. So a small group sef out acfoss war hit Europe to Switzerland. A journey undertaken with much changing of trains, and most of the long journey spent on wooden seats. At the change in Cologne I particularly remember the devastated station and having to walk along paths dug through the rubble. What bliss it was to see unrationed life and to be lmally at Hotel Alpenrose in Grindlewald. I can only recollect 'Donny' Lyons being on the trip, and I suspect that the junior members were only allowed on the holiday to ensure the staff won at bridge. Who else do I remember. I regret that many names have been lost over time, but I do remember those who inspired and in many ways founded my career, so it must be with sincere thanks to:
Joan Mangold When ever Madge Darch (Lewis) and myself were involved in late-night rehearsals for a drama or a musical production, a tasty meal would always materialise, cooked on the small stove in the medical room. Before she commuted daily from Leicester she spent weekdays with her sister at Southfields and I used to give her a daily lift I got to know her well and how fond she was, not only of her own family, but of Raine's, its trnditions and standards. Once we were fogbound at the school one winters evening and spent the night in the school staff room, with blankets kindly loaned by Mr White, the Schoolkeeper - who woke us at 7.00 am the following morning!!
Dr Wilkins who set the initial stages of my chemistry knowledge, a quiet but astute teacher. Dr Shutt appears to have left a reputation with the cane, however, whilst on the chemistry front, three of us in our last year in the Sixth Form had the good fortune to be taught an extra chemistry course by him, having volunteered his efforts to overcome a time-tabling problem He demanded really hard work, and responded with sympathy. Also, he had the reputation of being a fearsome bridge player.
Gwynneth Jackson before the evening broadcast.
'Slogger' Luton was my mentor for many years at Physics, a most 'British' gentleman, and I was amazed to hear the rumour that he took an appointment in the States on his retirement. {This may be worth verifying]
'Donny' Lyons tried for many 'years to teach me the incomprehensible German language. (If only I had listened more, for my first real job was in Germany, living as a local in a small village). Another school rugby enthusiast, who used to cause dread if he was to take care of the XV for the 'Biffer' Broughton with determination Saturday game. We had to assemble after and grit lmally gavi).;Y.l!l"·~~~~~1it<im~,;~,;sCi:l.Oot on Friday for a talk on tactics, of history, humour and pragmatism He whereupon he would lill the board with had an unfailing love of rugby, which was diagrams to demonstrnte the required well demonstrated at Twickenham in the positional play. late 40's. At the frnal whistle, ending with (I'ed?) Swain arrived late in my time at Wales winning 3 - 0 with a William's try, the school to teach Mathematics. A most he leapt from our touch line seat to lead radical and progressive teacher who the pitch invasion. After leaving school, I powered us through our A-levels. Besides had the honour to guest for the staff in the his teaching he was writing cheap books annual match against the lst XV, to understand how well he played, and the on Maths. impression he gave, say at penalty kicks, "Just point me at the posts boy (or was it Jim Shivas another quiet teacher who expected and obtained hard work and boyo?) and I'll kick it". good manners. 'Nobhy' Clark, who also taught English kindled a love of music in many of us. Last but not least, I remember a young chap arriving to teach us Geography. Besides his lunch time 'concerts', for a Wally Spooner was quite a revelation, for period he arranged for us to attend the no longer was the subject a matter of afternoon BBC Symphony Orchestra rehearsals at the then Peoples Palace (now colouring maps, but about places and people. He was full of advice, and I the Queen Mary and Westfield College),
gals came through the dividing wall to join us for sixth form science.
During my years at Raines, I remember always looking forward evety September to the publication of the latest 'Raineian'. There would be new reports of school trips, sporting achievements, and often many articles or poems from those with a yen for putting pen to paper. Also, there would sometimes be photographs of significant events in the school year, such as the perforinance of the school play or an important sporting fixture with rival schools.
Lastly, I wonder whether the extra mural activities (overt and otherwise) are still active. In-house there was a thriving Histoty Society under the deft guidance of 'Biffer' Broughton. Our pinnacle was to produce a newspaper covering the local area and London for the year 1719, with much research started at the church down the road from Arbour Square, where our founder is laid to rest. Many a great evening was spent playing others at chess. We had a vety powerful team. On the daik side, I can reveal that there .was also a thriving inter-school bridge fraternity!
The point is that the magazine was a well produced and interesting potpourri of school happenings throughout the previous school year. Often these might involve forays into the local community, usually tolerantly if not jubilantly received, and reinforcing social links that were important in maintaining the school as a vibrant living part of the area, adding value to local life. Many of you must have held on to your copies of these publications out of sentiment, providing personal memories of what was important to you in your school life. At the same time there is no doubt that as time goes by, such documents can become rich sources of social histoty. We would like to mine this vein of information as part of the project to chronicle as much as possible of the histoty of the school. I can contribute my own collection, spanning the years from 1960 to 1966. If you have any magazines covering before or after that time, would you be prepared to lend them for recording of significant events? Over the years, attitudes and perspectives change subtly. For example, things that were recorded during and soon after the Second World War will doubtless have been flavoured with the hopes and difficulties of the times, in marked contrast to the renaissance feel that tended to characterise the 60s. If you are willing to lend your magazines, with the assurance that they will be returned promptly once copied please contact me, Roy Catley, 46 Avenue Road, Heme Bay, Kent, CT6 8TG (Tel: 01227 741207). Please write or telephone before sending the magazines as we may already have copies of the years you are offering. If we get enough material, it should be possible to produce a narrative document representing the life of the school in the community context I hope you feel this worthwhile and will help if you can.
Roy Catley memoty, and if names can be retrieved will send another missive.
recollect at one lesson he suggested that we try to remember facts by associating them with some other known subject. It must have been vety soon afterwards he took me to task after marlcing my effort on Scotland, "There is no such town as StirlingAlbion". My last memoty of Wally at school is a happy ore, on the Isle of Arran, another school trip. A most pleasant week, but quite tough on the feet. Evenings were memorable for there under the strict eye of the local Scottish hostel manageress we learnt many local customs including the war dances such as 'Strip the Willow' and 'The Eightsome'.
Following graduation from Nottingham I took a permanent commission in the Royal Air Force, and spent 18 great years in different guises, at a number of locations throughout the UK and the world. I left in 1974 to join British Gas, and have just taken redundancy to start a new career. So far my working life has been spent in the likes of computing and communication matters. I now have the new challenge of interim management to look forward to.
Whilst I seem to remember a few of the staff my mind is almost a blank on my compatriots. I will delve into the inner
I read in the last newsletter about the amalgamation of the two schools. We beat that date in 1951, when two intrepid
· Frank Clarke (31-35) kindly donated another £15.00 life membership although he is already a paid up member. He mentions how stimulating it is, to one past his sell-by date, to read of so many boys and staff of the early thirties. It is thanks to the Association that they are not forgotten. He concludes with one small quibble - Skimmy Colman not Skinny! · Another member who enjoyed the February newsletter was Robert Taylor (39-46), mentioning that both the production and content were 'splendid.
(!'hank you from all the people involved. I just need to start a pension fond and will feel I am a real newspaper owner. One other advantage is that I can't swim either I I) Regarding the last newsletter he goes onto write: I remember some.,0f"'tl:::.~~~~~~f!1°~l tioned on page 5. Mr Hayward was al~ · ways known as 'Jock' and taught Economics and Geography. Memories of him are that his lessons consisted of instructing the class to draw some map or other whilst he just sat there. When necessaty he would fish around in his pocket to issue someone one of the copious supply of little rubber erasers he kept there. They always smelled of tobacco, and I can never smell stale cigarette smoke without thinking of 'Jock' Hayward. 'Little Mr Home the homithologist' was, of course, Mr Home, Ornithologist. He was a lovely man who used to give us Nature Study lessons and would often bring in birds that he had stuffed himself (no comments please). He made me a present of a book of butterflies from his own libraty. I believe he may also have
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER taught Art and History (see page 6), but I only recall him in Brighton. Whether he retired or returned to London I don't know, but he wasn't at Egham or Camberley. 'Piffle ?????' was in fact Mr Wilson, a rather awesome figure to the juniors, although his bark was much worse than his bite. He was a Scot with a very strong Glaswegian (?) accent He taught French and the combination of the 2 accents was quite bewildering. Any silly answer or shoddy work was always greeted by him with the cry of "Piffle! Absolute Piffle!" Hence the nickname. I recall my very first French lesson with him, when he attempted to make us learn to co~Yugate the verb 'avoir' and not having a clue what he was talking about Luckily I was rescued by 'Eggie' Engledow (love the nicknames) who took us over both as Form Master and French teacher. 'Eggie's' approach to the teaching of French was entirely different and involved a study of phonetics before we were allowed to see the printed word. 'Eggie' was then called up into the army and wasn't seen again for some years, until I met him by chance one day, by which time he was at Parmiters and I myself was now teaching French.
On page l Jack Rodin asks if any of the teachers of his day are still alive. Sadly, many are gone. But Bertram A Dalton ('Dickie') - who taught Geography and was in charge of the Egham group- is still alive, though in his 80s, frail and almost blind ·The following is from Terry Day (60-67) regarding a visit 'down under'. Just so that you don't think that I am totally unprepared to help the Old Raineans' Association Ihavejotteddownbelow a few notes concerning the current
PAGE 8 Part of this was for business but primarily it was holiday and an opportunity to visit old (and I mean old!) friends and to see how they were getting on in the former colonies. The holiday started in Auckland where we spent a week with Keith Roberts (Dylko) and his wife Ma.lj. Keith has two children, Paul and Michelle, both of whom have finished their education and who are now making their own way in the world. Keith himself has finished teaching and is working as an independent sports consultant, specialising in the speed events.
On page 6 mention is made of Billy Wilkins. In fact, though I think he may have been called 'Billy' by some pupils, his real name was Dr Henry Wilkins known to many of us as 'The Doe'. On page 10 the article by Sue Smith who I remember·' qmte. ··weil: .; 'A'p~ntly they wondered what happened to Mrs Freeman who taught Biology in 1944 and Mr Hotsberg the Latin teacher. In fact, in 1944, the only person teaching Latin was Miss N. Freeman (see page 8: Miss Freeman and the V-2) who came to the school in 1943 to teach French. In 1944 there were six boys in the Sixth Form wanting to do Latin, and Miss Freeman took us on She left in 1945, when the school was back in Arbour Square and when Alec Aldridge had returned from service in the RAF. He took us over for French and Harold ('Nobby') C1arke took over the Latin How we all ever passed our Higher School Certificate I will never know! The Biology teacher at the time was Miss Ringer who remained with the school until the late sixties. ,n:~:iJ:U011?£~.~J,i!il£,~urP::·brothers
He now sells his body and his skills to the highest bidder! One of his contracts was working with the All Blacks on their 'speed training' in preparation for this I have only just had the opportunity to read year's World Cup and one of the highthe February Newsletter. I am not sure lights of the holiday for me was being able how the ORA manage it but it always to attend one of the training sessions and seems to arrive whilst I am away on being able to help. Okay - so it was only business and June always files it in a writing the times down on a piece of paper drawer pending my safe return home. but somebody has to do it!. Therefore, if This Newsletter turned up when I was the All Blacks win the World Cup, and it having a massive clear out and consigning . looks as if there is a good chance they will, most of the contents of the said drawer to the school can at least claim that certainly one, and possibly two, old pupils assisted the dustbin! Anyway, on with the story. in this success. (The All Blacks thrashed June and I went down to New Zealand and England in the semi-finals. Do you still want to claim any involvement, Terry!!) Australia shortly before Christmas 1994. whereabouts and status of some old Raineians as per our trip to New Zealand and Australia at the end of last year.
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER Christmas Eve saw us travel to Sydney where we spent the holiday period up to and including the New Year staying with Nonnan Evans and family and visiting, drinking (in particular) and dining out with Dennis MacNamarn and family. Nonnan and wife Helen now have three children Andrew, Lloyd and Bronwen all of whom are at school. Norman is a free lance computer systems analyst/ programmer and his major customers are The Sydney Stock Exchange and the as-
sociated brokerage houses. Norman's primacy hobby is brewing his own beer. Not from packets you understand but from the natural ingredients or developing a culture from commercially brewed beers from all over the world. He has entered his home brews in a munber of competitions (or camps as the Aussie's say) and has won a medal or two. His most potent brew is called "lunatic soup". I'm not totally sure of the alcohol content but I
wouldn't mind betting that it's in double figures. Norman tells me that nobody ever had a hangover from drinking too much. They never last long enough to get drunk they fall over after the first two or three!. Dennis Mac and his wife, Helen (you don't have to be called Helen if you're a female in Australia but it certainly helps) have one child Claire who is coming up for two years of age. Having declared himself a non-parent some years ago it is quite amazing to see the contrast that has
come over Dennis. I don't think that I've ever seen a father dote on a daughter quite so much. Dennis is planning to bring Claire on a three month tour of the UK in July of this year although I think Helen has other ideas. Anyway, if they do come, Claire's not old enough to get into the Brewety Tap! (were any of us?). Dennis is still able to fit into his Taylor House Rugby Jersey (just) and wore it
PAGE 9 whilst cooking the Boxing Day barbecue. Not a vety pleasant sight but at least it didn't put me off my food! Dennis works for the New South Wales Government and is the manager of the Open Learning progrnm which provides adult education throughout the state. Having left Sydney we spent about ten days or so doing the tourist bit and finally deposited ourselves on Micky Dunn before flying home from Brisbane.
Micky and his wife Maureen (you can tell she's not Austrnlian by her name) have two children, Courtney and Keeley. Courtney, like dad, is a keen rugby player and has represented Queensland under 19's and looks as if he could go on to better things. As he's built like the door of a brick built out building I'm not going to disagree with him! Keeley is currently at University and expects to finish shortly. Micky's greatest claim to rugby fame is he
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER was recently in an over 40's side which won the state championship with the final played at Ballymore (the Queensland equivalent of Twickenham). Micky was very pleased with his performance as he ran in a try under the posts from the half way line. He showed me the videos (on more than one occasion -joking) but was unimpressed when I asked if he could show me the nonnal speed version and not the slow motion one! Micky is very successful, being a partner in a chain of carpet stores. If my memory serves me correctly they have about 5 stores/warehouses located all along the Queensland coast from Brisbane to Cairns although most of their work is for commercial companies rather than domestic. Micky and I shared a few jars and even teamed up to play golf against an
assistance that I may need. If any Old Raineians' would be interested in joining, if one were to be formed, please ask them to contact me. Dependent upon response and availability of time I will do my best to move this fonvard from an idea to reality. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Terry for the information of some of the School's ex-pats in Australia and not a mention of Bruce, Sheila or sheep shearing! • In the middle of June George Osborne and Peter Hood visited the school. The two had known each other since their days in Form 3A where they laboured under the late Don Lyons. They had served in the RAF and later played rugby for the Old
PAGE 10 born was long gone. On arriving at Approach Road they were informed that the honours boards still exist, but were not currently available. I managed to find both Peter's and George' s names in the Roll Register and all the relevant information even though it was May 1943 when they entered the school. There was a final column in the register which showed each boy's first job or further academic career. Two unusual examples were fairground attendant and farmer!. (Reminds me of the joke about
the man in the dole queue in the centre of London being asked what sort ofwork he was looking for and replied "shepherd". They obviously found him something similar!) George is a former Secretary and past President of the Association.
As the 275th Anniversary Reunion at the House of Commons was a huge success, the Committee have decided to return there. The date is Saturday, 9th December. So please make an early note in your diary to ensure that it does not clash with any other event and that you are available.
• Roy Forward of Bristol is trying to trace lrene (Toni) Harden who was an evacuee from Raines to Hurstpierpoint during the war and her last rumoured place of living was Haywards Heath. He says his brother Den would love to meet Toni again. Therefore if any body has any information would they contact me (Bill Richards) . .;
A letter regarding the confirmation of your booking will follow in due course. Aussie/Kiwi partnership and tied the game on the !mal hole!
Boys before going their separate ways in the 50s. Peter went to Canada and subsequently India, Pakistan, China and, it
rvfiCkj t.as said that he would like to join the. Old Raineians~ and I shall be sending
seems, most other cou.Ttt..ries, \VorYJng as a
him a form, as I will to both Dennis and Norman, when I finally get around to sending their copies of my photographs.
All of the Old Raineians' had very fond memories of the school and the friends they made and I am sure would wish to extend their best wishes to anybody who remembers them. All of them have settled down very well in their new country and have a quality of lifestyle which I am sure many of us envy. On a final note I have for some time considered that an appropriate way for Old Raineians' to meet on a periodic basis would be to form an Old Raineians' Golf Society. I have a friend who is a treasurer of a similar society which meets three times a year and he has told me that he would be willing to give me any advice or
Geologist Although they had exc~ged Christmas cards ever since, they had not actually met for a long time. It was, therefore, a surprise to learn that Peter was visiting the UK. and proposed a meet to see if they could find any of their roots in Stepney. They went to see the old school site in Atbour Square, but only the outside was familiar. Everything inside was changed and the honour boards they sought showing Peter's name and degrees and a much earlier one showing his mother as Head Girl had been taken to Approach Road After lunch in the Prospect ofWhitby they explored Shadwell Park and actually located the flat in Peabody Buildings where Peter was bom. George was unlucky as the house in Cable Street where he was
AGM/SUMMER REUNION It was decided that this year the AGM (Sununer Reunion) would be held at the old school building in Raine Street, Wapping. This was the 'Lower School' building from 1719 until the school ·...mo.u~r.l.-to p.;:.~}FM$.e$.i;l..~fl..!U}.9.:@·§t~et Road.
On arriving at the building one could still see the statues of the boy and girl and also the motto, "Come in and learn your duty to God and Man". A perfect place to hold a reunion (especially as it had a bar!). The manager of the tenants club that used the building filled us in on some of the past history of the building. It was taken over by Radley College in 1920 and became a boys club for members of St Peters School until the war during which it was used as a rope factory. After the war the building remained derelict for many years. Later, although only the front part of the building was still standing, the building was renovated. In the late seventies English Heritage, Docklands and GLC gave permission for
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER the extension (where the food was served) to be built. During construction 2 cellars were discovered underneath the site which housed 2 beautifully preserved kitchens from the original Raines School. The tenants association applied to use the kitchens/cellars, but English Heritage filled them in with sand for preservation (but nobody can see them! Where's the logic). English Heritage have pictures of the school BS (before sand!!) when it was in use. Over 50 people attended the AGM and appeared to enjoy the evening. Main points that emerged from the meeting included; the Association have funds of approximately £4000 (full copies of the accounts can be obtained from Clive Baugh); Sandra Jolmson was elected President. Paul Thienal as President Elect was unable to stand for election due to pressure of work commitments; Richard Harris was elected President Elect. Another interesting point discussed was the idea of placing the Associations archive material on CD Rom. David Ward reported that he may be able to organise this. One disc could hold between 500 and 1000 photographs, with each disc costing £20. The work for scanning material on to the discs would cost approximately £100 and it was suggested that the Committee should investigate this further. This would enable us keep good copies ofmemorabiliaforfuture reference as well as being extremely useful for the compilation of the.NewsleJ;!;f:l"·".,. ,. AGM NEWS • Clive Shilson appears on the current TV advert for the AA; is playing Henry VIII at Tudor banquets and will soon be seen on TV in Israel. Clive is also looking for investors for a new show in the West End -could he be the new Alan Ayckbourn? · Susan Brewington (Penfold) left Raine' s, after the amalgamation, in 1965 and worked in local government before having a family of four. She now lives in Gidea Park and works part-time in a hospital. · Patrick McCuny has worked for the Financial Times in Brazil for 3 years. His sister, Mary, teaches Maths at George Green School and describes a year spent teaching in an American High School as
"horrendous". · Sarah Smith is marrying in September. · Sharon Simmons is on a Teachers Training course and her sister Cathy now works with a firm of solicitors. · Michael Jacobs is living in Manchester and has 2 children. · John Wilson plays the organ at St Dunstans and is warder of an old people's home. · Jonathon Doherty is shortly to have a book about sex in the nineties published under a pseudonym. · Debbie Poole lives in Waustead and expects her second child. Her sister, Margaret, is married and has lived in Australia for 3 years. · John Webster (52-58) lives in Sunbury-on-Thames and is married with one daughter and a grandson He is Chairman of the Beresford Group of Companies who are, among other things, involved with publishing and security. John says he can remember many of the names of his year, but did not find any among the May Reunion · Emily Galbraith (who rarely misses any of the reunions) sent her apologies because she had in important Church meeting. She attended a Prime Minister's Question Time the following week and, in ,}ehyeen beJ::!lectic schedule, is conserving hir energy 'io read the Queen's telegram on her lOOth birthday on 6th, July. · Tony Szulc, although still suffering the after effects of his malaria bug is a man who cannot be kept down for long. He plans to go to Africa (Tanzania or Kenya) to do a Blue Peter project. (Down Shep!) · Jo Roberts (48-55) has been a close friend of Ann Mitchell since starting in the Raine's kiooergarten when she was 8 where they were both primed for the select Grammar School. She was a teacher of English for many years at Abridge in Essex and now works in tourism. She lives in Stepney Green and has 3 children and 3 grandchildren. Ann Mitchell was her bridesmaid
PAGE 11 · Ann Mitchell sent her apologies for not attending the AGM. After her success on television in 'She's Out', she visited the school and also Arbour Square (see the end of the newsletter).
· By coincidence on the same day as the reunion she had been speaking with Leonard Fenton and did not know he was an Old Raineian. Leonard turned up for his first meeting and may be remembered as the familiar face of Dr Legg in Eastenders. He recently appeared in lunch performances of 'The Irish Hebrew Lesson' at 'The Man in the Moon', Chelsea. This was seen by Sandra Johnson and Sue Smith, who both enjoyed the performance. Leonard was at Raine's from 37-44 under the Dagger regime and left to become an engineer. Quite a contrast from his real desire to become an artist.. He went to drama school in 1953. He also has a love of painting and exhibits his work in various media. ·Rosemary Ellis (Sewell, 70-75) is living in Wanstead and is married with 2 children, James. 11 and Lauren, 8. She has run her own business selling stationery and printing for 15 years. ·Clare Whiteman (Burrows, 70-75) lives in Blackheath with her husband and 3 children, 8, 5 and 3. She is successfully designing and selling clothes. · David Arter (53-59) took redundancy from Midland Bank after 27 years, 6 of which were as a Bank Manager. He now works for the social services and lives in Theydon Bois with his wife and 3 children, all of whom, incidentally have been taught by Richard Tillbrook (61-68 and past President). · Roy Catley (60-66) works in Personnel Management at the Department of Environment and lives in He me Bay, Kent. He has fond memories of creating a version of 'Ghost riders in the Sky' with brilliant guitarist Phillip Puttick. He would be interested in tiying it again (as they are now both committee members there should be no problem). · Phillip Puttick (60-67) could not attend the AGM. After working in Poland for a year and returning in April he was knocked off his beloved bike by a motorist, resulting in injuries that included 2
PAGE 12 4. Vo1 au Vent Toulousaine 5. Sellede MoutonalaBroche. Haricots Verts. PommesMirette.
4TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL SATURDAY MAY17TB 1924 6. Poulet en Cocotte. Salade. IN CELEBRATION OF FOUNDER'S DAY 7. Bombe Nesselrode. Gaufrettes. HELD AT HAMILTON HALL LIVERPOOL ST HOTEL 8. Cafe. If you had tickets to attend, what a wonderful night you would have had! There is no doubt that the gentlemen would have been in evening suits and the ladies in their finest long evening gowns and dancing shoes clutching their programmes ready to book each dance with their favoured partners.
An elegantly embossed menu and programme tied with daik and light blue ribbons shows for all time the delights in store for the former pupils and honoured guests. "A man seldom thinks with more earnestness of anything than he does of his dinner - Samuel Johnson" was the first of several quotations which acted as aids to the digestion listed between the eight courses of the dinner: 1. Hors d'Oeuvres Varies
Toasts were made to the King, the pious and immortal memory of Henry Raine, the Presidents of the Association and Chill, and lastly to visitors and absent friends. And if you could still stand after the mea~ "Music does all our joys refine, And gives relish to our wine. - John Oldham" there was the dancing to the music of Dover's Imperial Orchestra. The dances were listed to allow partners to be noted along side each. You could choose from: a Waltz; March; Fox Trot; One Step; Paul Jones and the Blues. This programme and those for the years 1925-1928 are now held at the Bancroft Library.
2. Consomme Versigna. Creme Clamart. 3. Dame de Saumon. Sauce Homard. Salade de Concombres. Pommes Nature.
Leslie Jensen
broken wrists and a fractured jaw. It has been really difficult being immobile and not being able to eat solids for a few weeks, but he is now unwired and recovering rapidly.
ried in September (Mary McCurry is to be chief bridesmaid) at St Dunstans where she is Parish Clerk In her spare time Sarah is a Rainbow Guider and Sunday School Teacher.
before the colony is handed back to China. If anyone is visiting Hong Kong and wish to contact Bob they can phone hi:O at the following numbers: home 24411743 or work 24919318 ext 29.
• Joanne Marshall (74-81) is Manager of Environmental and Educational Studies at the Soames Centre. (And not a grave digger, as stated by Elizabeth Simpson!)
· Peter Lodemore (74-79) passed his driving test at the tender age of 29. He wotks for Kent County Council as an HR Management Trainer and has a little boy,
· Robert Bowman wrote to send his father's apologies for not attending. John Bowman, "at the age of a robust 88", was in hospital at the time after a severe op,'era:tiori and course of treatment. ,
· Carla (Marshall) and Fred Stratford are going off to discover the world later this year. Intended stops emoute are Egypt, Thailand, Singapore and various other exotic locations. This is to be sandwiched in between holding down very high powered jobs in the Insurance and Travel Industries. · Darren Stratford is a cab driver and is getting married later this year. · Lorraine Copley has now finished extensive renovations on her 'Stately Home' in Bexley and one recent visitor noted that it was unrecognisable from their previous visit. · Sarah Jane (75-82) is a Scientific Officer at Guys Hospital, specialising in anatomical photography. She is getting mar-
, ~',; C"lr
<>i,r-~1, 1
· Wendy Selby (74-81) was an aerobics instructor at the Sanctuary and is now counting time in the accounts department. Married with twin girls, Hope and Meagan.
To quote Robert, "It is generally considered that nocturnal adventures on May 11th will not be considered with approval by his medical mentors and tormentors."
· Barnaby Loades (87-94) is doing a HND in Agriculture at Aberystwyth and attended the reunion with his fiancee, Hannah Metcalfe (86-94) who is at the City and Islington College. Barnaby took leave of absence from his college to attend and must be congratulated for his effort and keenness.
John's period at Raines, so long ago, is frequently spoken about with much nostalgia and affection He sends his thanks for the invitation and, when yonng again next year, looks forward to the next invitation!
· Apologies were received from:- James Keen (in Spain); Penelope Farries; John Matthews; Melvyn Mott; John Clark and Bob Brady who is presently in Hong Kong where he is working on a new bridge which must be completed and opened
My thanks to Gwynneth Jackson, Elizabeth Simpson, Sue Smith and Sandra Johnson for gathering the news during the . Summer Reunion.
Bill Richards
.. ACTRESS Ann Mit- .. chell has·c· fond.c· memories 'of hei':ii school days in Stepney.;:~:t:; The star of the tough TV,,:; dramas Sh.c'i; Out and Wid:'%:·
. ows, was enrolled at Raine;s·:.• Foundation Grammar SchooL: for Girls in Arbour Square, af'. the age of four, 51 years ago .. · Today the building i< now a fur:
ther education College and the present day Raine's School is irt;: Approach Road. Bethnal Green. · .... · Last week the Recorder joined Ann for a nostalgic journey back to tfte old building where she retraced the worn steps from the school yard into the Girls School building. past the cloakrooms and the office of the head mistress. · :' The building has been changed .. A huge partition that separated the Boys and Girls schools is gone. lt' weighed one-and-a-half tons and Japanes~ engineers used to Vi~it ' ..· . . . Raine's tO marvel at its construe:..~ erhelnuldmg_mArbo!~r:Squarelutschangedalot · tion. Now only part of the dividing wall in tbe yard remains... . . · .'' Ann was amazed to discover the bike sheds still standing - next to a new creche ...She spotted some of her oldclassrnoins above what is now the college's learning centre . ··: She said: "Ifs a very strange. being back here.. 'The building is the'Silme but it's · ·not the same lt's weird-.,"-,.·· '· ·. '' · · ·· -:M~·".-.,,,.0:..;_;'-! .:·.I:{~·,_ ·. "· ··,, • .- .:.•,:·:· . Arin conf~ss~d she . whe~ the ,;,hi~tle blew at lunchtime,'!!M . . · .OffOhli2Q2rt\it\tite walk home! :,,;,:K;., ':;\'She.~aid:,"Myauntie was·a very good --fooll ~nd t reali~e now all that walking must . .. . .... · 'havc!kepimeheilthy . " ". Ann recalled the teachers were '.'all excel-
Tent and vCry interesting women··~·.· ·
· ·
see het again so6n."
. She said: "Mrs Weingarten was very helpful. She gave me elocution lessons in her free time. She is getting on now but she watched all of She's Out and I am going to
•· Encourag!!g
Another tt'acher - Ml~s Haugh - wasn ~t Ann's ambitions .tq become an actress. "She told me I would JleVei get anyw~ere because of my Ken· ' ·. TONY' !lOUSE sington Cockney accent." . · -PLAIN LOCO .. But Ann did get somewhere! She was offered a scholarship with the-East 15 ACting School run by the Theatre Royal at Stratford. She has beeri leading lady with the Royal Shakespeare Company. ' . Award-winning wrHer Lynda Plante created the role of DoUr Rawlins in the first series of Widows espec1311y forher. :. • ' . ·At the present day Raine 1s, School. a sure prise was waiting for' Ann. Head Gareth Lewis showed het the admi,.ion ister and fol the first time she saw the <lf her enrolment'- May 2 1944. Ann was 'LANGVIEW PROPERTIES LIMITED delighted and 190k home a copy of tbe.enl')' ·' '':, 'T/A BALDWINS B & c GLASS for her mother. who still lives in Mik End. . . ..... THE INSOLVENCY ACT 198(; ,~er adrr.h::~io_n to the school at the age of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur.;uant to Section ~o enc.~uraging_of
, four also came aS a surprise to Mr lewis._ He 98 of the Insolvency Ad 1986 that a Meeting of the · b d 1 k '!6 Creditors of the above-named Company will be thought Rame's a ·on y la en 11 to -.!':ldndoatn~ERl"}dg.•hNH.::_use ,AMdamyira ts waaty, w.a taemrsid er. ABOVE: Ann meet~ present, day ltain~'c eans, from left, David Stukes;'.15, Stuart. Patterson, 14; . Laura Jarvis, lS •. Jolene" Kaucher, 15. and Lisa Celisse, IS.-,,.. _,'·- · · Former Raine's pupils can join the Old Raineans~ Association via Bill Richards a(·· 26 Shandy Street. Stepney, El 4L:X. ··.;: . · RIGHT: Ann was delighted to see the {. -record of.her enrolment at Raine's in the admission register for 1944. · She iS' pictured at the present day Raine's School Bethnal Green,' with . ·. head leacher.Gareth Lewis, and the bust of Sir Henry Raine behind them.
1 995 11 1 5 10
yeat-olds and he had not known there was . w • 9S ~· • · ~<· -!iZ.\~.,~~n;i";'~ in Section 99 to 101
an. infants' school in those days.
of the
·~JF~'f:;;;·'Adrtdssion ". ~:;t ~;·r~i~~~~~ .£~;:: ~:h ~etuii'~~:~c:::"~l Ann's admission entry shows a fee paid Jt(XX)Unt'·at the registered office- Booth White,
mother. She explained: ~'My had pay to send me to Raine 's until the labour Government got iu after the war." ",-:<:1 ·' The school opened in 1719. A bust of the schoors benefactor Henry ~aine- ~.wealthy brewer from Wapping- was taken from the
~~;~t:8~j1"n~~s~~Y ~~~: DA14 6NZ not
by her
iJ1d building io the Bethn~ I Green premises.
For the ~~ of voting. a secun~d cr~ditor k
:t1 ~. ~~2.1~~~~ ~)~us~JY~~~ k~~ DA14 6NZ meeting, .a statement -giving before the
particUlars ·of his security, the date when it was
~i~a'i: ~~~~v!~~t~~h.i\fst ~f~h~-<!;ames at~d
After leaving Raine~s in ~956. Ann .addres."oeS vC the . Company's creditors may be WOrked in hOspital kitchens,-,as a dental ~~~:s::!:u~:""ren~~ 'b~~~ 'i:~i~.~~;~~
nurse, and in a library before studying lati- IO.OOant 'and 4 .00pm on the two bumness daJ"' guages, ge~ing married and having~ baby..'.' '~ng ~date or the meeting Mated a.OOve. She was 21 when she got her scholarship
with tht East 15 Acting Sch09l. and the R?st g~t~ft.'l~;'f99~•rd is history.
' "
Old .·'.Raineia·ns' Association. .
NEWSLETTER Appr'C*IlRCIM . Lolllloll D9LY T'el:'Olll 9111Ul
s-lnJollason. fGod~Laue OrpiDctGD . Kat .•; .. 'BIU9DR
r~: otst
Tel.: 01• .816854.
a.iae'• FOIIIIbeka School
m otSl
Fu: otAJ:mu5
BID RkJianb . 2' Bllala&ly Street Stepntr ·Lo.daa
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:· ·
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' N~Yorlis
El4U .
Ttl: ot71 7~ ms
HGf:JRS 'l'el:'tl765 658825
.FEBRUARY· .1996. .·· come for a ·5-day course consisting of a I hope this edition of the newsletter will .Whilst spending a f~ years·in Sweden, a encourage some of you meinbers of die co~inatiori of theory and practioe. The year in England and'a few years in a town Association who think to themselves that deeP m the Norwegian fjords I was a emp~is· is on nature conservation aid they must write to Us with their thoUghts. teaCher at· various· sclxxils teacbing giving the. children their own personal etc., but in the end dol Please go . German, English and sometinies French experience·Of the 1l8toral environment we need to protect. . with your fJ.ISt IeaCtlon send us all In 1977. we· decideU to move to Runde, !O~DeWS. where my husband was born. As there I eJ!joyed reading the ~JetteJS ml it · : · ·NEW f/iEMBERS . · W2S oo- WOik for a J!nguagc' teacbet and a ·t>ok me back the 30~ yeas..when I naval arclitect oni an island with. ISO was ·in Albour Square. again With my · ~crley Gibsoli (76-81) After tmish- inhabitants, we decided to build our own ~ velours bat, navy blazer and tunic, with a ing her education at Ra.ine's Bevetley school' for envirorlmental studies. The · JOyal blue blouse and the bJue and navy wolked for Mruks and ·spencer in.Oxford Norwegian Natiollhl.··Cumculum -states lie. (How I bated that bat and the s~r Street and evetiually ldt to haVe her two that all chi.ldren spebd at least one week a alternative stmw bat! They were stuffed sons. She returned wodc when they one ·or these schools: They are·a combiin to my satcbel ~soon as I felt safe from were of school age and bas been 'happily · ~on of an outward bOund. school and a prefects and teac~rs on the Central Line · employed at St Peters Primary ,.----------"'------------.-, on my way to Redbridge Sta-
never aoo
Wapplilg as a Teacber' s SUppon and Class~ · · room Assistant · • Cbrlsdne Oestensen Gok-
soeyr (Pattri&. 55-6Z) was Heal Girl in 196.2 a:od lives on the small islmcloffR.updeofthc West ~ast NoJWay from
where s~ sent the following.
"After leaving RainC;s ~d a year as au-peU:in Gcmn8.ay (with mends of ~~ . 9~ .
YOUR LAST NEWSLETIER? . . tion).' . . . A letter was wtitten tO all mdnbeJ:S dwing last year asking for ·oonfiimation of your _ilddres~. and, although a stamped ad- J recognised some of tbe dreSsed envelope 'was enclostd. only half o( ~ membership teacbexs meltioned - Miss replied. The Committee have t.Mrefore 'decided that after this· ·.~wsletter we will Do longer stnd to tbe ~~e who have DOt replied. We feel that we are Wasting·ttte Ass(,tiaq~ms ~oiley by pri.ntillg,and (approltimatelj~oo did not . poStiilg newslotters . q reply!) to addresses tllat me~ bave moved ~nfrom witho~t informing of their change dfadi:bess. Ifyou arc one ofth:lse 200, please get in tOut:h with Bill Richards, or any of the · ~mnuttee if·tbat. is easier, to coiit.um your address, :and · therefore ensurt that you stilbeceivc JOur newsletter.
busbard. He is Nomegian aild. w as studying Naval Archi~ at :the \i.nl;, versity. After we had bothtakeliollffinals. : we moVed to . Trofl4hei.m. Cenb:a.l Nor~
way, Where.we livCd for.about4 years arid
. where
an . . 5Ch00f'for etlviiOiuhetiiaf s~s~· 1'1ieR·
German Teaelm Raine''sf I ioak·· Honours Degree; in German •·New~e Univeisity, wbere I met and married ·:my
both oiti - .Jaugbten weie· bon(
. While the- ~rlS were' srilal1 We moved about a good deal • .we bOth had. itchY. .feit. . . . . !· · ~
Miss TtunCr, Miss ·Stewart, Miss Howe, Miss. whitehead. Mrs Youhotzky, Miss Parry a:od the Seci-etary . Mrs. Creasy. Gradually so many other names Came flooding back: Miss .. Kennedy (Games); Miss Munn (PE), Miss Bailey (Latin), ~ Je~· {English), ~ :lwalf
(FreacilX'Miss. .Brruie~ :Mi" Yoeinari.
aroa6o~70suehS<fhoots.invanous ateais . Mis Van Der Koen? (Biology). I'lames of of Norway ·- in tbe mounl3ins; fore.st fellow pupils too:_ Ja.oe .Broadbeilt, Jo- · mas;_aeep fn the fjdrds; in cities arxt, ~ scelyn .Oatley, . ~ · Goodey, Ann ours, the coast. .rbe idea is ~ the Bush (a very gOOd actress in the school c~ sbOUld get ~ know an · ~DVi· plays), Helen Lee, Pauliile Joel~ Suzanne roiunent different tO 'their oWn. . . Quenton, Bailey. .. · · · .
· ·: · " · In 1919'the· school was opene(and ~e . liaiie'si.nct 'ihen had abotitlOO newplipih ea~h '\vee~ from aii .over Norwa)', who
Although it was still an aU·girls scbo~I'all wa$ there and the boys. bad difret:~~ttimes Of starting in the morning
the year$ I
~'· ,·
. ,.. :.". ..oto·RAINEiAN.S' NEWSLErT.ER. >
·..;! ~
·· .: ·.-.".- . ·.. ··.. ·....:·~~ :·.. ·p~i;i'2·;,.,
• •
·.·....~. ·: :'· ..·\ ·."·
• •
) '
German teacher." Pet~r Hoed seiVed in the RAF for over 2 ye8zs from 1947-49 and obtained a B.Sc. · (Sl)eciat) from the UDiversity of London in '1953. He spent approximately 2 years in Assam in north-eastem India canying out seismic exploration for Seismograph Service Ltd. · ·
He emigrated to Canada in: 1955. ri>l'~··v~·· .., ing his MA in 1956 and his Ph.D. on Geophysics in 19S8 from the UDiversity of Toronto. Following this Dr Hood spent 18 months in Sri Lanka and carried out a variety of mining surveys. He joined the Geological Slll'Wy of Canada in 1961 and was also responsible for 1he technical supe!Wion of SUJVeys in Guyana, Pakistan and Zimbabwe and acted. as technical consUltant for ~ Depar1menl of Mineral
and finishing in the afternoou, we still got to know some of the boys. Micbael Bishop and' Alan Thoroughgood are .two names 1 Margtret is teaching at a local primaly relitember weD. Both were veJ.Y keen on school (ba$g gon4·b.ack to. college as a and good at athletics and .rugby aid Mi-. •mature• stll~nt ~did a B~Ed degree). cbael Bisbop was Head Boy in 1960-6.1. They keep in touch. with carol Stuart The annual dance together 'With the boys (Lane) and· sisters J,.ym.1e aDd Christine; scbool was an event tbat caused great Susan. Beckwith . (Hibbard); Andree excitement CougJtlan (Cllambets) and recently Dave
Re~~es ofThailand.·
bumped inJQ Peter careua wbilst · in·Memories of school days al Raine•s are specting his place work. They also see · many and: happy....There was a ·SUQng · Geoft Petto occmio~y. ; feeling of belonging and the staff were, . . I ': vety (;aring and enthusiastic. They were · Finally, a PS fi;om bave. to Ri(;hard Ti:f.. · · fun too .• }.remember the eJ».af-term ln.'ook; "where's his soldiers?!".' . shows they acted ni where they did sketches and mimicked us pupils. I also • P~r H~od (43_.7) attended J¥.ne's have a. vagUe picture .in. my mind .of Mrs from Feilnwy 1, 19f3 .~ ~ .wa,s callecl Weingarten dN&sed as ·a fairy godmother up into the RAF on june 6, 1-947. He goe& in a short ~lly dress and .a .wand in her onto say: . .. ·· ·
. . ·. .:
. i··
He has· taken. part in a ;number of trade missions Chirul, the Middle east and South America.
·, ·•
A~~~- of
.i90 publications, Pcler is a member of the Association of Profes· sioMI Engineers of Ontario. He retired ~in.the Geological Survey of Canada. in dciober 1991 after 30 year ~r with tbat Federal Government organisation and
since .that time has done some geophysical oonsulting worlc..
. ·.:.· .·...... .
• George Bellamy (67-74) is n,wried with
;vru: I had lost a years .. 2 children (Jack, 8 and Kate, 6) and is a Other ~ties include my last year and .. e{mC;p(m and beCailie'lS while I was "in· .tea!Wes sub-editor at the Daily Star. He ~'On account of the
the f'tght to mmain a girls school. We 1lad the Lower Sixdt Forln aid coUld. not get a . lives with ~ family in Chelmsford and meetingS in:the .hall where all the girls postponementofNaliona!SerVice i.Boider his sister, LiOOa, wm also C!t Raine' s. · were .as~mbled and we laid plans for. a . 'to take the Higher School Certif'IC3te. .between 1962-69. . petitio1,1 to the Queen. The. ~w~rs Thus I atterded the schooliia the latter patt iiltewiewedsomeof~girls~bo_ysand of World Wai 2. I ~ell rememl1er. ft)e. • Phfl Clark (69w7S) is a Senior Tedlni.; thele we~ ltea<llires like 'GIRLS DON'T lieve. in l944 \Vben the·V-l.bombs ·clan 'with BT. · ·wANT :o.ors~· an4 'BOYS SAY; WE were ~---~~ ..LoridOn· Over a· . . DON'T~ .GIRLS IN OUR CLASS'.... perio.d of se:v~~ momhs I courted mo~ . •. Michael Vincent (6,.76) is Genezal ~t :Goodeyt:who was Depu1y Head ~·500 and I saw ~ come down and. ·:Praetitioner i~ Eshe.t:, Surrey. . Gir~ ;mci·I.were. ~rviewed.and pJM>to:-. · e~lode.. School. c~ses contim,.led nor· graph~ in ·a.eet Street. Nex~ ·dll)':it.w3s·a ··lllally du~ this ~~:J also remembei • Barr)"Corbett (74.$). new.· e~t~ence sitting on~~ and the day <Mareli:U, l94S),.tbapbe ~liool ··· . . · . · seeing_our photos 4t the D~ Mill'Or (or was clOsed becaUse Mostcofthe. windows : • Miir,i.orie Rlnson (Licldiard, 4041). was iUheDaily Express?)".. had been broken during the night by,the' ,,:.' · · · · · · · ··
· "'
-MargaretRobe~ (M(Cafl'erty,6U9) is married to Dave ~obe~ who was at
explosion ofa V-2 .rpCket that tell a short
.distance away acroSs. Conunerciat ]:toad near the top.of_l;>~~~· Siree~ ~e windows were, of co~e. heaVily iaped so
;;·~ "Gngory {36-51)., '· ,;·..
. · ·· · ··'·· '" • . · ·· ··. ·
Rame's the· same years. They bave 2 news· etc. btit if the .Jast five cauld send cillldt.en. ~ll.. 14.8IId.D~vid, l.~.,Dave .·· astominim,isetheetfec:ts ofblasldamage. ·· more irifonnation I am.suie it .would not (~niortbatisl)~woi.kedfortheLondon
~ Brigade for 2l years ~.is aLFlre
Form reacher: was '
• '
l4i'. wD. Lyons, Ule, •• ~
.: ••
• •
·only. be
interesuo· us.'·bui to
con~mporaries.. •
• lo
. ... .....:.:. ·;····
-', . OTHER NEWS ~ 1
.··•:. :
PRLSIDt.-NTS r\.1::5Sl\( IF·. .
·. .
. .' . 1996 promises to see the continUing expansion -o f the ORA wi~ a·growing membership list. and a variety of reunions and activities ..: iricJuding a day-trip to France. The committee remains the same as published in the last N~letter and J want to ·thank all the comlllittee members for devo1ing· so mudh of their time to support.the Association. My. job as President is help~ enorm·ously .by the committee in their enthusiasm and commitment. Cobmittee meetings are held monthly (thankfully in a wine bar, ovet a bottle or two) and all the events' and ideas are generated by the .committee. As.tl\ey say:at the·Oscar ceremony- "It is a team effort and I want to thank tht committee, scri}twri1ers, director, ·producer, my Mwn, ~
From ~e/h ,lacksrm
· ·: Fiisi of' all, congratulations to newly·· we<Js ~baimaine Kerrldge (July) cmd F.tances Thompson (OctobCr). They both ~ ~boot . 1n July 1989. . Hilary Thompson (sister of'imnoes 8Dd a former ·Head Girl) is ~gaged_and hopes to many year•.. ~r completing her degi:ee a>\use at Bangor..She ~ been studyillg Getmao ~- Russian, spellding time in both ~\Ud:ries. Russia ~be described as haVing a · tough culture and lifestyle, etc., etc." hlvizlg SUtVived .tempelatures as low as . who contributed to our coffers -2~C. (Up )lere in Ymkshire we have I would .like to Jank aH been down to -l0°C during tre p'ost- .through the membership fee 'top-up'. Also, please remember the-~ORA'if Christmas week). you win the Lottery (or the pools - we're not fussy). ·
tbose ·in~bers
• Alan Liddiard ·WritiJJg from Devon again we wi1l be lookingfor new committee members la~er this year, duing the beatwave and Yorubire's · drOught, bad been ~nta black pudding by so please come fc>hyard ifyou feel like participating in a dyn~jc, vibrant, Bradford f~elids. His response was to fun organisation o~ and we'll try to find one for you. lfnot, it'll have to be invite them for a bath! the ORA.
· Geoffrey Gillon's pare11lS bad encoun· t.ered Irene Holman and her son on Although beJated1 on :beh~f ~f the whole membership, I would like to holiday, both of whom went to Raine' s. · congratulate Emily Galbraith m reaching lOO (this niay not be as exciting Geoff is .k!:en on genealogy an4 collects as a telegram froni the Queen butit comes with. our sincere best wishes for reprtntS. of old Oid,nance _SurVey l1lM'S the future). · and he sent me 1914 · editions for the Stepney area. pinpointing both school building in Wapping aiid Albou:r Square. Finally, this year's AGM and Spring Reunion will be on· Thursdiy, 2~th He also cqi!Jlllented on how the layout of April, from 6.JO'P.in., at the Old School BUilding, Raine Street, Wapping. :the r~ds bid cbailged. . Please make a ndte in your diary and try to come along. We ca,n only .· Miss Joan _ Mango~d: still hears _from Hazel Pitcbford, whO is teaching ~t a ccll~ in·Cbelmsfottl has 2 daughters in UnivelsltJ..Hazells still in touch
with; Marion Go mm · ·· · · · ...
organise th~ time and place, the rest is ~P to yo~ll See you in April.
Sandra JohlisiJn
l.il-----------.~-~----llllilll-------'1 the senior sectioa Titar eldest dau~e~'is'~: .Ausma in me ski seasOn al1d France in the
in boording schOOl doing GCSEs. Gavin Summer. · ·. enjoying tbe job which inclUdes v~us . of'four baY~ had. a .hectiC year of job- . forays into Eastern Europe. . ·· _Y,., Maggie Butl~ (Bell), living near New clwiging and moviilg. Early in 1995 they ·. ' ··York, has a mm.ical and hors~riding thOught they we~ . going to . live in · Old Raineians' whq have travelled far · daughter and football playing son. as well Lilbu.ania (weil sOmeone · has tO 1), but al1d wide include: Hclen Kostis bas ~n in as a motor hill~li~Jlbing mad husba,nd. ,Her : instead .found themselves en route. to St Cyptus; her bro~· KOsta in .Ainertca. . couSin, .Vivie.Dne. Dume. (Wael3od} .3Dd . .
· Peggy and ~- "'dlington and fa.Iiilly
Petersb~ Although tbey fo\uld it_1~ ~a beaotiful city they remembered nothing from their ~ol trip of 1970. The JOb came tO an abx:upt end and Gavin now works Eurooonsult who are based in Aammm The frunily rue becomng Dutch in lifestyle (cycling and re-cyclingl) -with two of the ~ bapp~y settled in t_he. local lotematioruil Prim:i.ty ·school and they ~ope that :Nanmi will join them · . . . in : ·.
Ching Fun Lee went ~ut to Hong Kong to . husb~ Martin visi~ tbem·in Novemattend her brother's wddding and flew onto ber. Toge!Mr with Maggie's brotber;
Maurice and his wife Rosita there was a
· .Janis Fuller and Gtaham Will~;tt an: en-·
reunion meal.
joying being doting parents of a baby · .:clive and slisan Baugh·~ no~ owiie_rs daughter who has .not.dnly been introduced Of a campcJVp,l (~t(;IJ, -.out ·-far-flung to the delights of the X9.dtshire Dales, but Raineians' !) and their son and dau~r has aJready been to Crete and riddeu on have been introduced to the delights of 'Le Shuttle'. This ye~ ..she is to sample loo~ing: J3st S~OD· at CoUit:heval in a ....
. :·..
. chalet.milinly ofRmneians' ·including the' . Leonard Tinkler and Wallis families (Made and
e&eshire, \\jth Tom beroming a .
Squadron Leader.. Sever3t . of )lis oon-
sister Diane1 ,now Wallis). Clive was in temporaries lost their lives. among them; hoSpital with pneumonia in the Autumn,.· Rupert ~s; Bobby Cridge and Denis bot tbatikfuuy is now back at work and Bird whp was, ~nically, kille<J in a stuted a new job iD the New Year. · Catalina fiying b®t accldent in 1943. Some others who !lid smvive tm a Re~ ·More reminiscalees from TomBennett:- · union Dinner so~ years ago in Leigh Diggie Jewson, Arthur Smith and George He was called up for the RAF in 1940, Coplao. Arthur's ~ife GWen (Kidd) was trained as a navigator and gaired his also a former Raineiao. He has also cnrortunission plus receiving the DFM. He . -... ,.was a radar fnstrudor for a time, ~n .: ..__ · ~..i}ew. as a navigator in the .Mosquito :·. -.·: ,_MarJCerForce,.part o{fhe squadron under .:.~ ·.
..: ,:.·;
roUntered Bemard Townley and ?? Nash (fonnerly Nagorsky) l!ad a medical
tice in Dford.
iit his Jiiid seventies, T~ maJ.Vels
that liis father. a casual dock labourer, allowed him to take up the scholarship to
Rame's. His mother waS bow in 1889 and ber mother had signed the birth certificate with a cross. Two of Tom's sons have attended UDiversity and giUned Honows
Degrees. He comments
on the adv~ in
educational attainment (although some of the tabloids may disagree!! - ed.) through opportunities, and the ·awareness by parents of the value of education, direction and disciplille given at Rame's. "Different religions - Christian, Jewish, Hindu etc., can1e together and lived in peace and hannony, Wilb waderstanding, ·appreciation, tolerance and humour of others." (For more .from Tom Bennett see Samlra Johnson
-s article - ed)
Miilie Fisher, nee Glucl<stein, bm-n September 7,·1905. Died May 30, 1994.
· Miss Hoskins, who tnlined many a The death of Lady Fisher, or Millie as evel)'body a:treclionalJy knew her, brings to the suoceN'ul secretazy, keeps·in touch with end another landmalk of selfless devotion to the J~wish and wider communities, . FatherBurrows, kJ whom she sent a recent lwsband and family. . . . . . . newsletter and he wrote . briefly at .Christmas ro say bow i!lteRsted. he was to receive it. He hears from Mrs Angela .:Millie was the linchpin of the late Lord Fisb::r's many activities. A fonner teacher at the witif;news of .Jewish Free School, sh: married Sammy and ~e him much neqded support neiXSsal)' Pearoe from time to · · .: ~. : ,for his many activities._ She woJked along her husband in his political life_,~: when be present day Raine's. , ._ · ::was .!l councillor and _ _tben as his mayoress in both Stoke Nemnbon and Camdcn. . .. . . . • Vw Nicholas still plars Timpani · in variou£ performances and wife Ros . ~--. -~addition to. being staunch supporter of civil rights and com1)ating race hatred,' she was a devoted mo~r and giandmother, and an outstanding example of a wan.n; ·(Berril) is oow recovering' well after a spell of ill health We all wish her a speedy generous and caring person who became an inspiJation to all whb knew her. She had a wonderful sense of humour and a fund of stories of life in the East End. Her style of return to good ~alth. humour sometimes bad the bantering quality. as that of her husband.
· Bany Jones continues· 1.9 eQioy both
· In addition to pursuing her own interests in public service, shd contribllted mtich to family and teaching. _Sanuny's remarlcable rise from humble orig)ns to prominent positions in politics, local govenunent and other fields, includ.ing distinguished service as president of the Board of •Mr Stanoey, writing from Devon, felt that Deputies. · 'the awreciati~n of Mrs Creasey bad su.nu:ilarisaf her contribUtion to Raine's The above. was kindly sent to us by Marilyn Taylor, daughter of J..ad:y Fisher, who al..~ vecy well. included the following, handwritten by Miss Gri~ the then HeadmiStress:- 'l_ · Congratulations to Barbara Donovan Millie Gluckstcin was a pupil in this $Chool for seven years, she dme to us in 1917 with (Page) on the addition of a second son to a Junior County Scm1arship and left in 1924 to tmin as an elementary school teacher at rer family. ~er oth::r s011, Oi'egozy. is now. at sehool and she says, taking after he'r, Graystoke Training College.
During her time at school she wa.-; a most s$.isfuctory· pupil -somewhat abo~e the average in ability (she matri9_9]ated at 15). She was ~een on both work and sp()rt, full of enthisiasm for everything connected with the scmol and popUlar with both staff and pupils. ·
s~g ~ustily in the ~ativity play.
· Hazel Fosbmcy (Paul) finds coping with . 3 children llectic .and tlley get involved with musical actiVities in Salisbury.
In 1924 she was made Captain of the Sch~l and that capacitY she· showed ~ powem • :Marie Crilwley (Conway) is wOrking oforganisation and a deep sense of her responsibilities. I have a very high opinion of ber part-time now that her son bas started character and woik, and shall be ready at anty linle to answer aoy questioJJS with regaid . schoOl. to her." • Steve Johnson :was going to. spend a Maiilyn asks that if any Ral.nei3.ll8 remelriJer MiUie Glucksteln. please contact the holiday in . B&YP,t. during. dte Christmas family through Mr Lewis at the school · holida~ i~tead of .ski-ing.
.. ~-~·~ >
· .' '
";·. , •
. : •
. . PAGE S
. '
. >
· •
·I.A. Matthews (~0-?) iDf'orms us that the the same person who left school in 1972"· Raine:ian lodge is -~ goillg strong 'asld (lt:U us ab<nl it!/). anyone wishing to· learn more about it should get in _ ~~with him (01217" · ·"Thm·&onett (3~5) donated a oopy of 821631- workh He that this M8 been . his book, 617 Squadron "The D~rs the sChool lodge s~ 193.9 .and needs the at Waf', as a tlffie prize.at tbe Septembet reunion If anybody ·would J.ke to buy a • Elaine lnggins is now at :Ooldsmith's oo~ued support.df Okl Raineians. College dcing a MMus. in Perforiuan<;e copy ~ £8.35, iDc. p&p - please comact (129 Crowstone Road, and Related Studies and.was sol~ist in a • Sid •Rocky' Hilswb (38-45) wrote saying Tom ooooert .with the London Mozart Players that there wete so~ odd enbies in the last Wesicliffe-On-Sea, Essex). Tom sem us Newsletter, perbapl Jnis-reporting ieading wme infonnatiou regan:li.ng Alec Ald· last October. to a misunderstanding by ·Robert Taylor ridge, pre~war French master. Alec returned ·to tbe Staff of _Raine's in Arbour • Ann Lowes had also nriSied the re-union (so, sqmebody reads th~ Newsletters/ .ed). Sid writes saying that heHis "the Square in..i945,.after being invalided out and we wish her better health this }rear. · yotwgeSt of the Hilsum. brothers and was of the. R.Af earlier in 1945. Tom visited • Christine and Ken Crump enjoyed the in Piffi.e Wllson's fdrm in his first and the old·School about June 1945 and Alec ~union . and _they too have an Egypt · has no idea where .the report calile from . was delighted to see him. .Alec had been on holiday planned that ..Miss Freema(l taught BiOlogy or a the Intelligence Staff, attached to a fighter Mr. Hotsberg taught .Latizi". Sid says that, $Quadron statioried in Fnm:e in late 1944. , Co1in Nice is enjoying (?) two musical in fact, in 1943, demid s1an1.ey a.oo he He bad bten ·sufficiently wounded in .the children playing flute and trumpet. were the first two to plan a B.A. ·great damaging Luftwaffe strike against and they llad to i.nfQrm Mr. Dagger, the many Allied airfields on 1st January 1945 •· Tqny Groves and several mem~n of Headmaster; that~ needed Latia to gan to be inva1ided out on·"recovery". Tom the present Raine's staff are gQing ski-ing entry to UniversitY!! Thereafter, Miis · says, liowever, that Alec was his usual durillg-Febrwuy half-term. I am going to Freeman ta~ ~m . Latin from S~ ebullient self that day and it remains yet Arosa jn mid-Maroh aod David Spencer tember '43 to DeCember '43 and they another happy memozy "Of his association is jokring -~for the weekend · passed the Matrie Leve1 . ('0' level with Raine's FOUDdation. · equivalent) in .3 months. s~ then con·Roger-Beck is still living in Sunbury and tinued to ·teach diem Latin witil they · An enormous thank you goeS to all the enjojs serious bird-Watching (feathered passed J:iigber Schools ('A' level equiva- other ORA members who donated raffie variety). lent). Sid thinks the "Hotsberg" con- prizes includlng Pat O'cavangb, Roy fusion ari~ from ihe fact that R Harto>- Catley, Tony Szulc, Roy Smith and Harold :.• . • EdnaHowam's daughter·wili also soon bexg taugli Spanish; around the same lime Taylor. be .a Yorkshire resident as ber husb!ij:td tbat he and Gerald tool< Latin Sid was glad has becorre .Head of Kettlewell village to hear of Dickie Da,lton as he was his omy · Jofin BlutldeU (Siaff, 73~9.1). .is now . reschool- with two classrooms! pupil in the 6th fonh taking Geogmphy in 1ired and undertakes ~haeological smvey 1945 and bad his Ull(livided, personal at- wotk, bed~ Su.Iveys and comewation • Batbara _:CO,lllos (Newt9n} now works tention Also, Sill is mt sure about which work. He is· ats<:i a clmch warden and alternate weeics in·London ~ her etc,lest girls first joined ~ys in the 6th form school governor. He is still in comact with · daughter has just got e ngaged. They hope but he seems to remember that on reAnnette Boyce Bugansky, Teres'a to visit Bamarn~s.sister Cheiyl mCanada turning from ~rley to Arbour ·square · O'Cavanagb, Kathy Burke, lone Hoskins next_year. .. some P:lsjoined tll~ boys in tbe·6th torn ·a.oo Gwynneth J~kson. John remembers -in 1944 or thereabouts, i.o;, well befuie Mr. Stanoey enveloped in pipe tobaoco • I, '! . smoke a1 ·staff meetings, Miss Q}sman ·_.•,. .i OTHER NEWS • 2 · · 1951 quoted in the last Newsletter. ... . . .... (Home Economics) wielding saucepans, · Nikky Stembell (70~72) writes say that etc. when confromng dissident girls and From Sandra Johnson she has mixed mehtories of Raiae's but polio fellowship sponsored walks. finds it interesting ~8d about.herfeDow . . · Caody.Pn:ston(Sevrca, 70·77), is doing pupil<; ~' " in cast.they• re inte~ted in • Congratulations to John Co.rbe.tt.<md his a PGCE course·at Goldsmiths. Candy 1Vill sen4s. some informatiOn. .She has wife on the l)irth·ofthei:rserond son; L1lke . _do te:u:hing practice at what used to be moved out ofLoudo~ to hCr ~cottage ~. bom last November. His brother Tower HamJets. School for Girls - now in the country, gorriW:rled·and.is wolking GregGry is mw ftve. -called Mulbeny School: She will · be as a freelance computer ~grainmer. She hying to em~ the lik~ of Messn is looking forwarci"tQ paclci~ up work as · Clive Sbilson (71-?8) is mani~and is an soonauhecanaffoi'd tO abd ~to her · .actor 3.nd director, and recently wrote. ReffQld. Calve,rt ~ Crumpll gW.en. N.ikky was interested to read that directed and acted in "Chaos Theory" at ·,F.. Cbr~ ,saYs "Who was Fuzzy · Joy Turner went to ·tk HaydJl F~val in Staniey Halls, Norwood Oive says that Browning? . and shOuld it be Fussy? Eisenstadt last '~ as she did also and "after a succeslifu.l course of p~chiarric [Replies to the ORi pleare). thOught it was absdlutely wonderful. Fi- treatment be now has no me~nes of. his nally, Nikky says "I jmt don't feel like school days".. .· · Lesley Jensen bad spoken to Wally ;•Spoonet onllle plJ!?ne, to be given insight .-on·rugby, as ·she was going to Twick.en.. l1am for the fust time. She is gojogs~ -ing iD Fel!nwr (memories .of Leutasch!).
b6ys ever
. ..;,
• David Ward (11-78) is the Deputy Edi-
B.A followed by a MSc at Newcastle
. ..
I1alian wife, Cinzia, a Professor at the
. tor of Amiga User International and sees
University. He bas woJiced for BT since Department of deology and mstitute of '. CUve Sbilson. regularly. Davld bas pro- 1982, Initially in ~lepbone sales before Quatenwy Sciences. .vided a great deal of his memo'des, most lll()Ving into compwmg in 1990 as an of ~bicb are probably uilsuitabte for thls · anaJystlprogmmi:ner. Paul got married in Before tbe trip to Pakistan they met up Newsletrer, inchlding the "sausage" in- 1993 to Pma and they ,had a daughter, with Gwynneth Jackson in Aro.sa, Swit~ cident with Oaly iames and· TyroDe Paola Elizabeth, in :March, 1995. zedand for a great weekend of walking Simpson (I suggeSt .You askDavid for a David also keeps iit regular toucb with flrst..Jtand account ·ofhis memories at the Memories~lude:·,Wally Spooner, due to Karl Schwmz (bye-mail) and John Coner. .next reunion·- ·edJ. ··Some of the less · Paw's bad hand~ (hence the ~ason . que~onable memories of his being ~ likes compute~). giving him 5 dis- David has suggested that the ORA sbould the first lst year to be slippered by W allie credits on the presebtation of.some Geog· put together a Membenhip Directory. He ··sj>oooer ii(.September,.:l97L Old Mr . raphy notes and orllering llim to ·rewrite . says that ''this would be a great help for · Eames grabbing the bOt eald of a soldering the whole lot out again. On doing so he got individuals wanting to keep. in touch with ' iron, young Mi.' Eames nearly sawing his 2 creditsf :Miss Jadkson and· endless re- those we were at school with". Unfortuthumb off ·(fuspital job), David Hmk bearShlii· of Jeiusalet'n and the school &Ong, nately, the problem with cUculating lists is '·always being·sick on the coach to Fairlop, in particular the Iind • "And did those feet, that the lists often get .Disused. Therefore, · · AJari·Brown'being sick in-the middle of in a11cient times, Walk upon England's at present, we have ro pans to do this bUt an: Ehillsh lesson with Miss Lewis, Ty- mountains green". "especially tbe word we welC<>me your commems. rone Simpson having a 'kick iiie' sign · mountains. "It's inobn •· tains. Nor moun attached ·to his back and Mr. Ctoom - tills." Dr CiOci · making them recite · Sue Smith (Hol~o) is a Psychotherapist taking fuU advantage of the instructions, OHMS law. The ve~ hOt ami dty summer and Counsenorfor the Health Service and Steve· Atkins booncingdowri ibe Welsh of 1976 -the year tie did his •A' levels: in private practice. Although having a mountain Cader Idris on his head - and daugh1er aged 12 and 2 soilS aged 9 and 8, many, many more stori~s (what a mem- The only fellow pupU he has been in touch Sue still finds· time to do her M.A. in ory). .. with in the last S ye3ts is Cbris Donovan, Applied Psychoanalysis at· Goldsmiths who nios a recordihg studio in the East College. She has been a close·friend of · Staoley Smith kindly sent a cheque to · End of LondoJt OOJS he remembers are Sandra JobnSQn (Donis) since the seC<>nd · .'update his .}ife membership and would JoiulNewman, PetetGibbins, PaUl While, year of scoool and occasiona:tly meets like to say to. all the pe0p~e involved with Tony Muliennan, Kevin Hawkins, Gill Jackie Brown (Cramer), CheJyl Miller, the newsletter how much he enjoys re- Dobson, Leslie Marshall, Andre Hardy, Ann Plwnmer (Levy), Grace WeUs, ceiving thent' Peter Ttoouli, Greg Page, Barbam Wilson Christine Faullmer and Carol Slater. and many others. Stanley would like to receive news of the Memories include: the blue rompers for ·old boys' wl» left Raine's in 1922. • David Spencer is ~till living in ZUrich, sports; freezing on lhe wing in hockey; ...·. Switzerlanl. He is half way through a 3 being shouted at because sbe was dream· year Post-Doctoml Reseateh Fellowship at ing in Mr Harding's Matll.s class; eating tre Swiss Federnl I:rlstltute of Technology Valeric Corpers bagels; entenaining local (BTII-ZOrlch) stu~ the NW Himala- old people with Sandra, dressed in old '':"
From Bill Richards
Bd'ore I start on .the news cif Old Raine· ian's I thought the. following from The .History of Panniter's Foundation may be of interest if aoyone was involved with
Baring's Bd. .
" .....~··.in the season 1986-87 the Society in the Souf.h..West lie.rtS SuOOa.y Footba!n.eague· under the captaincy of Nichobs Leeson." I wonder if he ever became treasurer!! began·~ participate
time music ha.U clothes; mystery choco-
lates in her locker!! (can anybody ~hed imy .forther Jighr (or dark ·chocolute) · im the · .subject/I • edJ.
He was back in the Himalayas I;;,st Summer for his ninth expedition over the last 1 years. He w~ also a Vislting Professor at the Univemity of the ~ab (the . · Ramod Philip Candler (SS-61), who sang oldeSt university in Pakistan) wh~ he in the school choir, was a Christian when ·taught· he wanted to. be, but suddenly changed faiths 'when the Jewish holidays OCCIUTed! David oaganised · th~ tenth Himalayan - He Teinembers Wendy Taylor, who liwd ~mm -Tibet'Woikshop in southern ·opposite. Bow BathS, and,. sadly for Ra.:. Swiuerlatui, which fumed out to be one of mod, went off with Ginger Marb. the largest of the \vpnshc;p series. Other interestS include ripming ·a Himalayan . Ramod has bad a wried wodclife. He was eo-mail list and: ediJjng an international . a Redroat comedian for two years; · newsletter called H~yan Notes plus aged. one of the worlds'· biggest · emover ISO scientific paperS magazine arti- ployment groups in America and bas ap-
• ·The f'm and, I might add. the only · peiSon to send De\Vs by e.;.maiL was Paw Williams who thought it was a great idea (pity no one else did!. ed). Paul was .at · cles etc. that hive bOOn pubJi9hed. Raine's 69.·76 alld Jeft to go to City of· London Poly (now Guildhall Univer-· . The University of Maine app()itted David sity?), where he did a Business Studies as a Reswch Profeskor appointed hls
peared on television manY times; including
advertisements for Rigll~ deodOrant and Polo Mints. He appeared the Derek Jameson Show as Britain's youngest most
' .L.,'"
. . .needed ooxt time Teny!
ANNUAL REUNION 1995 : · ·'
. !·. •·.
: '1~ Coley. (~S-12) We would fike to take this. opportunity to
· ·.; ··;·coitgmwaie Jim ~d Juitiefte".on the birth of daug~r Sophie
The annual reunion was held once again at the. House Com.; Elizabeth who \Yas 9weeksoJd.- th,e time ofthe 'DO'. Jim is still mons and the 130 or so me!OOers who attended had a very in comact wiih Bob Lovemge and Bany Quirk. and it was llice to · pleasant evening - even though a few late-comers ha4 to ~e. see both.on the nlgbt. · · witb HOC ~uri1j ·and be rescued from Black Rod's grudenl As.. . . . . expeCted the serviCe and food were exeellent and members speni ... fo~er pupils w~ joined Raine's in 1974 can con1act Elizabeth the ev,ening~miriscingwith friends aid la1ldng about th>se who . Simpson (if an}'Y'ne can shame Elitabeth into joining the Assodidn't turn up (Any ears buining on December 9th?]. ~ . ciatimt please do so, ·os' we have had no luck! - ed) or Fred committee are grateful. to Mildred GO!don MP for..once !gain Stratford(Ol708 122448s~rryFre~ butyou'aregoingtohaveto spoosoring the event wbich will probably be tbe last for·tbe. take all the phone calls as Elizabeth will notjoin {yes! know ilis ·.immediate future in the House of .Commons. Speeches were blackmail b11t why not?]- ed), who want tO organise a reunion for given by Sandm Jobnson, Mildred Gordon, Wa.Uie Spooner. and . their year sometime in the near ftlture. Brian Castle .(C.llainnan of 100. School Governors). Some membets were aiso ab~ to se.e pattsoftheHouseofCommons where·: . EmilyG'alt)mith was sad to. have ~sed· •Do'. Sl\e Said she the public meJ:y go (i.e., those who got stiglltly lost on .the way 'bad had a wondeltul biltbctay and haClreceived flowers ancl many out). . · cards and.·a telegram from the Queen. Betty Boothroyd (The .. spiakei of the House ot Commons)and one from Bill am Hilary · Mr and.Mrs Thompson (botbfonner teachers) attemed. tbe. ~asweUIEmilywasimitedtoatteDdTbePrimeMinister's reunion. Both are now retired but still come up to Loodon every. Questlon Time by our own Mildred Gordon, and also sat in on an weekemHo~ndc~MrThompsonplaystheorgan~Mrs 'ordina.Iy' session .first. She was given a tour of The House of Thompson sings in the choir. . . cOmmons, aid also the House of Lolds where she had tea. She was about to meet a few MP's ofh« choosing, but umoriunately More and more mc~;nbeJS are attending the anniJa1 reunion 3nd it. .a tJ1ree..line·whip ~Bed that out. Other awards ~luded being was gratifying to see a lot of now facx:s. Each reunion seems to .made· a Hoaary Citizen of Waoo. in Texas and a·presentation · ·\ · bring out members who haven't been before and if~ from the Portuguese Ambassador to England. who has attended th~various functions in 1994/1995 came tO. the. reunion 1his year we would have 200-300 people there. Emily also celebrated her lOOth birthday by a trip to Disney ,Wor~ in Paris as a guest. Ewnstar travelling by Eurostar ;Ud News ~ying OYemight in a Disney Hotel along with heJ' niece. She enjoyed the rides vezy mu()h and we understand, went on eveq• Sue Collis <&Jes, 69-74), ·is manied and has: two chlldr00: ·. thiD& exc,ept the..Pru:k would not let her go on Space MoWJtainl ·Thomas and Rebecca. The House of Commom· reunion was the·· We understand this was all thanks to a chance comiersation with ·first.nmnion.thatshe has attended and she said tbat she would · Leslie and her busbatd who started the ball lOlling - or come again Sue. wo~s ~t."Raymond's Review Bar" and is an should it be train! . ex-cook from Newbwy PaJk School. Her husaband Clifford is a ,graphic designer · / · Thursday 2/sl March EmiJy is attending a function irt the
Het~se ofLords with a ·ttuffJ}>er ofOld Ralneia(ls. Would anyone
Ron. Striebig (54-0 1) a Maqlematician and teacbiil.g be able to offer FBtily accommodation in the London area for the Phystcs/S!:ience. ~on has taught at State Schools. Public Schools. nights ofiO~ 411d2I st }yfarChr Please oontact SMdra Johnson If ·. prima.ty Schools· and even lectures i4 Universities. He. is in ydu are able to Jiiip- ed CQiiac,t withDerek Misell who is anHonary DoctorateofLQndon· ~ U ~ersity, where he used to lecture, aJXI is also a Fellow of ne ··We are sol.y for lOOse of you \Vho bought tickets for the House of Institi,Jte of Physics. · . Commons ..Do" but who were unable to attend because of illness, w~r etc. Unfortunately, on these occasions tre ticket mo~ey is • Mike Hawkins (6()-67) and his wife Margaret recenti)r spent an·. paid to the establishmem .concemed (1'he House of Commons . · eqjoyable w~ekend .in Leomillster with Teny and Jure Day and . Banqueting Office in this case) and therefore there is no ~ay . J~bnand~~Reeves. TheY.we~to see1beMappe.-sMon~ .. ~ileycan.be..refunded. .... : ... , . . ·. · . · during th,ei,:- .stay, but unfo~ly it was closed! Better plaimiug :
mani~ ·man- 7 tinies before the age of48 ·. (must. #ke marzipan - ed) and remembers .beQig tilugbt education by Miss Ringer
using newts and tadpoles..
.Ramo4. was ·both school boxing and ciicket captain and came fourth m the London SchQols Cross Courwy. Champi.; ·oJiships. He remembers Tom Laming, Pat
~ ~ a greal. ~~r,. Jimmy Lee. "One Of the rites. of a young lad iS forRu5sell Jro'mnongerwas his PE .instiuctor,. sald.ofthe..CO$Y comfort of j~oiScbool who played for Roslyn Park at rugby. and.enterilig the huge grown-up·Wolfd of second.aJy or grammar schoo~ where. • As some ot you may ~ aware Hackney · instead of ore t.uniliar teacher, you are lJoiwm School was ~losed down after a lot trained by a variety cbanicters. "• ofpu,blicity. ThefoDowiDg appe8red in The Independent wrltteD by tite act9r,
Steven Berkotr:- · · · ·
..::-·· .·•
...:· :' ~. ' . - . . . .
. :.....1'
One crisp ~mn momi~g I made my way . it] . Dly . schOOJ. oo,louci, c~. blazer and,
badge to Raine's Foundation Gl3DU11a1' · .in Albour Squa~e, in Stepney, and breatblessty awaitecfwhat stmnge adven· tures might befan me. Fnr the rust time· I Sch~l,
would be carrying a· briefcase .for books and would be given ·homework. I remember that first day distinctly; it was filled with promise of a new way of life and untold pOssibilities. · .. · · ·· . . .
with ne\VS. Considering the state of tlle · by Colin Cowdiey·.in the West lndies and ORA in the ?O's & fust pait of the 80's:, ooout the_ same time, Ray Harris captained the growth ofenthusiasm is as remarbble the English·UiJiversities swimming team as it is wclcome. We should congratulaje in Japan. Some ten yeam later, John Alan and Sruidra Johnson on achieving · Roberts and his partner shook. the rowing what inost .be rare ~any association. Viz.. · world by winning tile Silver Goblets at the hOlding of PreSidential office in suc- Henley! ,There will have been otherS that cessive years as husband am 'wife. folk will be delighted to recalJ no doubt
Suretf; ourthrivi~ORA canimd the cash . to provide them wiili the President'sjewel · I'm a real old softie for Raine's, but hatdly l spent a reasonably happy two years there, and so ·give recognition to the import3hoe · aqyone be~n· 1940 and 1980 ~res scoring some exce~ high iDaJ:ks in of the office. The jnctice ·stopped in the without raising a ghost or two! mv favourite subjects, particularly English late 70's, so at an fwlctions, only Pastin. whi.ch f~:was "top boy. vezy good PresidentS from before "that date can wear Don Ward, now retiR'.d from Customs and Indeed. ....." •according to Mr Chivers (fa· · with pride the insignia ofoffice, the OtreJS eH:cise revived memories of help given to . ther of the BBC producer, Maik Chivers). temain unrecognised. So what about it; himself and Algie·Saunders to make the · In 1950 (I was not quite 13) my family committee? grade in the fust plac~. : moved to Manar Home, whete we .had 'been relocated by a benevolent Labour What is striking in-the renaissance oftre Ron Striebig, oow nearing the end :of a cotmeil. to a. smart oouncil flat. I bad to · ORA is the oover8ge of news fll)m aD varied am successful career, will be ·~nd a more convenient school ani was parts and eovering the }ears: As a member saddened to know that I. and I alone, now sent to Hackney Downs. Ibis idea didn't of stiff, I b:ive aiW~ys been aware of tbe keep the faith witb ·Bill (WAG) Collins, bother in-the least. since Raine's had • strange fact that while boys and girls in the mw in his 33rd. year ·in Broadmoor, a been given to biz.atre practices su::h as . same fonns know each other 5 7 · tragedy if ever there was one. I feel bis caniD.g you for accwnulating •three ink · year5 at Raine's, ~Y seldom know many distress even more now tbat the Kray twin entties'. These 'entries· cOuld be earned ·in the Sallleyear, atid as for tbe rest oftbe in his ward died recently and was given a by no more thana bit ofchattering inclass. school, only the unPopulai'prefects, sports royal funeral, while tbe fact that -one of ·heroes and acadef$ic geniuses, and the their Victfins Was killed in· the· Blind Hackney Downs School in 1950 put me in peipetrators of oudageous deeds stay in Beggar that we now use as a meeting place mind of some old Dickemian institution our memories., ..But the slaff, especially fo.r 1he .ORA is something I wm't bring and for mito.y years after leaving I had· ·· those surviving the thallenge for a wmber myself to tell Bill. That year was a good Dightmare$ m which, ·as an adUlt, l was of years (l!),'fQrni a linic in the chain over one, even I was their Form Master for the ror:ced t~ refum., At Rftine•s I had been the de<:adeS.. ~ -~hool song talks of first four years " the names of Bishop, among the" top few of my fonn and in the "O'er tWo centuries the span'', but it is · Thorougbgood, Woodhall, the· Randalls, A stream, sinCe they pllictised streaming now ilearly ~e. The pioo( is in these two Salkin, Feinberg, Aiman and the Jessops in thoie days,. following an· ex:amiuation . Newsletters; alld at tandoril, I have q~oted ·spring to ·mind - if any ooe might be
after· or
which I bad passed with flying_colours.
For some rea'son, which even today I
c:annot fathom. in Hackney· I was plaCed . oot in an equivalent A group or even in a :B.ttroUJl but a· dreaded aDd shameful Cl I
.$Sumed they wanted to. test me out or else thought that the standards of Hac~ Downs Grimmar Schoolwere farsuperior ,to tho!ie ofRaine's..~ ...."
. So w~ rue, anodler Old Raineian . who is an actor. Rumour alsO has it that · Heien Mirren (Prime Suspect. LOng Good Fridil}':· etc) is an ex pupil ·~. 3lJYOne confuln this? .· . .
From~ WaUie Sp()(JIIer ::•..:
Both editions of dle Spring & Summer Newsletters were excellent arid crammed
letteJS~umph LOng's article inspired to give BiD a little· cheer, I'd be 'Ringing the c~s in P.E and games · willing provide his address, · 'Will have resulted in a Jot of sadnes$ together with the acCusation against us all, Harold Taylor's mention of Lord Sharp's that thihgs are what'they wett. when . obituary in The Times was of interest to we were there!! I ijust can;t imagine ·!1 rre silice I was a friend ofEric Sharp's at
frOm the
Raine's withOut ~ne frenetic inter-hous~ rivaby~' and witllC?ltt the. ·weekly· House meeii~gs that did 80 much to foster both
loYalty and unity. What happened to the 40 trophies "(and they included ~J other thaii sporting actiVities~ Dmna. · Chess etc..) so loVi~ty t?> polished and re· · · ribboned • as· well as photographed and Insured? . .
L.S.E. Eric was one -of ·the- Raineians I knew before ljoine<Hhe staff after the war - [)thers were· Mait.els, GinSwick. Chadwick and more intereStingly. the Kahn twins, Amy and Elizabedt - we all read ·economics together in·the pre-war Il days, . Eric being an · ex(:eJlent violinist · with ··w.boin ·J 'Wasted =a lot df time between Iectui-es pJayiJlg table tennis; "Incidentally, Julius Oinswick mairied one of the twins and in the '60's walked into my offiee in Albour Square as Professor of Social Hmory in the University of New South Wal.~s...
Occasional letters brought' reminisceiloes of my own. Times· ':w&ri the sehool reached the heights of iriteinatio~ recognition mt we were all proud. I)ennis Tucker became mst Englisbrhan ·in the . late 40's to tOOjavelin 200 feet .; its Fred Bames seems to liave very pleasant a little further nowt At the end of the 60's reoollections of bis Rain~ 's ·'days and RObin Hobbs was ih the M.c:c team loo oddly enough, I can't remember having~
. ' /
• ...
.··.· -.'··.OLD RAIN ~IANS'.NEWS.LET·TER.·· ·,:!¥,' >': , • ' '~
;. -.'.
:. '
• t,
wba<:k him! His field trip to Arran was the fust of sevellll, all cqoyable and al1 now better appreciated with the en· clmmnent of the years between What a set of ~gues Teny Day's year wen:, but they have been outstanding in their loyalty to the school and each other, eveu thoush scattered far and wide. It would· appear that Aus1r8lia and New Zealand· seem to bftve been dteir main targets for oolonisat.i.on! Greetings to . them; especially the t1lree Macs. Keith left mo with· two very treasun:d memories - bis won. derful impersonation of an Indian Maharajah 1n opei:upg a school fete 3lld his mother's .annoyanc:e when )1e .used his new geological hammer to produce a few granite specimens ~m the tombstones in the cemeteJ.Y over the wall at the bottom of their ·garden! I
Joan Stringet (Wiggiils) is trying to contact her cousin William Thomas who wm ·bom about 1916. He started at Raine's in about .1928 and lived in Shadwell. If anyone knows of · his wrereabouts please contact Bill RichaJdS and·he wiiJ pass on the information
Does anyone know of the whereabouts of Keith Lardner w.ho was at Raine's IGndetgartcn froml94~·19.51. ·
The following members are no longer at the a~ses on our membership list: Mr P Jatvis (30-38), l'vfiss Judith Coben (75·81), Mr Rober Morgan (67-74), Mrs Clare Callaghan (Attwaters, 76·81).'
Cao someo~ help with their new details?
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Il was April 1930..With an appetite whetted by seven yem of naval stories of the local hlmuy' came the de.ctsion, ore Friday aftemoo11, that running away to sea wcs the ouly meaus of escape from a fate worse than death. I ~ thirteen at the time.
Fate, at that time and ifiremembercom:ctly, was embodied by a sinister physics master tadiating icy mate\rolence at my faiJUR: to produce a backlog of wtitten·up e:Xercises based on hls lCctures am the' j:ruerile excuses offewd ea;;h week for their absence. Uoless the paperwork presenting my vemion <lf.his teaehings over the past ten weeks .was on his desk by Monday, the consequenoes,l was informed. wculd be: dire. Very dire. .·
There was a Royal Navy recruiting office iit.out High street, into the windows of whic:b . I would often gaze on my way holllO'·from school, fasci.Dated by the quality of seafaring life portrayed. On that fateful Friday it &eemed to offer san;;tuaty from the impending . wrath of Mr Andrews. 1 walked in and ~ed if they could find me a ship. quick! .; . ' ;,
But it was not to The Chief Petty Officer iu chatge explail'led that the ~ of numingways fo sea to escape the punishment awaiting a procrastinating schoolboy bad long siree passed. Before one could enter the modem Navy, there were forms ro be filled out and pare~ signatures obtained.. Even then. lie explained as I put tlie fonns in my pocket. it co)dd take months before the Admiralty decided if and when they thought .I was wortJi training foi a life afloat. .:
There followed a sOmewbat tnrumatic !n'ne at home, with a furious father tossing tom-up forms on thd ft.re and a te8rful mother makinga silent resclve to.visit 1he schc>,pl to learn what was bugging her little dar~g. Came Monday, whiie standing rut front 11Ddergoing a harrowing cross-ex.amina~on by a cynical and nit~picking "Sir' over the uqxesented work, came a welcome respite. The classroom door opened to aAmit the duty HaU·boy, woo told my persecutor I was wanted irnmediately.in the. Head.master's study. Relief, followed by apprerension, gave way to sbock at the s~ of Mum· in her best coat- sitting at her ease aczoss the desk from the omnipote~ ·"Sir of Sirs,.! . ; ... ·..
Having delivered a ltindly homely in ter presence ~ once he'd fiDished. questlo~g me on my reasons forw~ to depart suddenly for the wide blue yonder· there followed more searching que$tions in the presence of t1le physics "Sir" summoned me to the study once she rup left. Then. once he'd left, came the Head's decision to award me six-of·the-best ("If' you flinch boy i1 doesn't counf') bent over the chair on which my Mum bad ~ recently sat. Three, he patiently ewlairie4·while Selecting the iiJStmlnent (J( his choice flom tbe dozen or so in the corner; for not attempting the .work I'd been set; and three for ~ing my parents ~essaJy alarm in a stupid attempt to evade the consequences. I finished up with ~cial sfudies during games periods and after school, and was allowed one month's· grace to get that homework up _to date.
. Whether I ever did dr oot has long 6een irrelevant, but I do remember that pressure of We are now able ·to scan photographs oomewolk oeJ'tainly based up on all and sundry after that. No doubt the Old man put the · onto CD·ROM Please let us have yot1r word around the staffroom that desperate pupils running away to sea to escape the photographs for inclusion, after which we ·taskmaster's wmth was not the ki.Dd of publicity sought by a.school needing~ the will return them to you. When sending the funds and ~ schohtrsbips it could get prints try to include the J\mlles of the people involved, the Occasion etc. where There ended my fiJ'St attempt at entering the Senior SeJVice. possible. WeJI that's lhe end of this current publication. r filJst it was enjoyable and please keep .sending the news.
·The above passage appears in the b()()k Ninety Nine Years of Navy edited by Sam Morley, who was at Raine 's Foundation between tlte years of 1928 and 1933. Mr Dagger was the "S;,. of Si,.s" ami Mr AndreWs the Physics mastm-. If anyone is interested in purchasing the book or any ofthe others wrilten by Sam please cohtact us ~d we will pms on youl' enljllil'ies ~ ed ·
• \
l l, \,
_-(l .. t;
ians• Association Spring 199~ Trip to France Tickets are £40 per person
The ORA are organising a day-trip to .France on • Le s'h uttle' to St. Omer. This pretty market town commands excellent
shops, restaurants and a certain French ambience. lunch, with·wine, is included, in a charming French bistro. A hyper:market visit is included on the way home.
Saturday 18th May, 1996 Please contact Alan Johnson on 01689 826854 if you want to reserve a place on the trip.
London & Kent
Pick-ups Remember: 18th May, 1996
Old Raineians' AssOCiitibrt ·
NEWSLETTER lblfne's Fowdattoa School Approach Roa4 lled!nal Cnen
Sandra JohRSOn 9 Coc!dbtgtm La~n
IU:at BR69DR T ti: 01689 SU8Sf Fa•: otc;s, S'7.U15
li2 91,V Tel: 0181 981 1:231
Bill Rldtards
G"YJU!dh Jad!son
16 Slilmdy Stre.t Stepaey
Klrkby Malzcarcl .NrRipon North Yolks i'[G43RS
London E14LX Te.l: ttit 790 90S
Td: 0! 76S 6538ZS
JUNE 19~6-- .·. When l was producing this Newsletter it Lessons were varied - Miss Raugh Academy ofMusic in 1924 to further my oceurred to me that the majority of the (Science); Miss Devonshire (English); aim of a musical career. people who contributed their memories Miss Foot (Geography); Miss- Gilchrist · At the R.A.M. I managed to win a and news still have a great affection for (History); Miss Foxon (Music); Miss prize and was. thriJled to be at the Raine's Foundation School even toough Pannet (Botany)~ Miss White (Cookery); Queens Hall, when it was presented to theY'left a number years ago. Workillg at Miss Montgomety (Gy:mnastics); Miss me by the Dllke of Connaught.. I am · the present scbool it concerns me Tregear (FtettCh) and the Twell sisters. proud to say. that my name is still up on somewhat that future JeaveJS may not We had to sit up stl3ight and pay. atten- the Boards at ~le.bone: Road.,··~ · ·,,. feel that same affection. Is it a touch of tion. but I am etemaJiy.gmteful to ~s.se---··"'· ·.:.>:AfterstuiiJing at.tbe RA.M,_Jor.:t.. - ··· the 'GOod Old. Days'? .Or am I being ladies whl;J,Jt..~ped--tO.·fGtm: the.foun~~, _y.ears J·bad to·Jeave.oWing tO. family pessimistic? Pemapsthe fo_U~"M.ng,,may.-=*·tloil""6rmy.Jife, ' -··· · circuinstances but, after a year, I was tri.sg~r..some -re~ott; espeCially froiii . . ·· ; I well remember the trip to the persuaded to ente.r... 1iinity College of · -llie younger Old Raineians. Wembley Exluoition of 1925; our trek Music andawardeda3 year Schoimhip. on Friday aftermon to Rotherhithe to In 1933 I met my future husband. a NEW Mt:;.MB£RS play Hockey; shopping with Miss White · MIUleUnil1Jl and I came to live: in Man· in Watney Street Matkct to· buy the chcstcr in 1934. • Etbd Bemstein (Kom~ 20-26) wrote after bearing about the school collecting tokens from the Daily Telegraph (see page 12- Ed.). "Entering the school I was overawed by the size of the Great Hall, especially as I had come from ·Bakc.r Stteet Ele-
mentruy, a vel)' old building · and still gas lit! I was intro•
ingredients; to Sainsbtuys with.the green tiles and sawdtlst on the floor! -· bow things have ohanged. Also the production of the Mikado in which l played the
piano; 1926 and the Geneml Strike imagine our surprise to see Miss Mont-
chlriLy. I am
86 a.od still giving oon-
cens with a full programme for next gomezy arrive on a motor cyele•.. Those. . year..Sadly most.o£my contemporaries . · have passed away, quite a few of
them .having emigrated to foreign climes, but we always spoke of
duced to my 'school-mother', Tilly Sellman and made familiar with the class rooms and rules. There were about 30 . girls of different shapes and sizes, all in uniforin and we couldn't wait until break before
becoming acquainted. Most impressive was Assembly with Miss Grier, a most imposing figure, always J>eautifully dressed. Her elocution lessons were eagerly anticipated, causing some hilar~ ity owing to the varied accents, both Cockney and Je\vish. which she en· deavoure.d to correct into the King's English.
I now have 2 sons, S grandchildren and one great gmndson, but have never ceased to entertain and raise mo~~ey for
the school. Some of my old friends at Raine•s included; Ma· jorie Pearlman; Renee Wand,
were very happy days and I wept bitterly when I said goodbye to my friends, some
of who are still in contact. I was encouraged by bothMiss.Grier and Miss Foxon to continue my Music
Syivia Roth: Deborah Kipernick (see below). In the Newsletter yoil · mention Schrieber and Borinsky - the latter came to Jjve in the Manchester area and·Was a director of a ~heroical oompany. · Also Bemard Caspan, younger than myself. who became Chief Rabbi of Johannesburg.
I dare say there are many other ·
wonderful moments that I have left out studies and allowed to leave early af- bu1 the memory of dear Raine's still / on." ternoon when I entered the Royal Jinaers ~ / ~~----~------~------------------------------------------------~------~ / ~/
i •···.
PRESIDENT'S .MESSAG~'~;"l1'i~~~~\.~,;~-..:J\;.::-· ;~<:"< ~~\-?;t!~?'
·- .-.
·l would like to :start ffiJ President's Message by s.ay~ng how . an augu$t body as this. Wbilst'some of you may tbtilk lam OIJ the y~ibfnlside to take such a position I can pro~ y!Ju .®it: what tlack in expertencewHI be matched with·au the·vigoild can rU;ustet tD maJce the Association flourish evr;n mo-~ than: it bas done in the pas:tfew yei.us. This lastyear(aswnh.theyearbefore last) hasseen the Old
s~ $(;Qle.Qf the Alisoci:atioo's tradido~ts reinstated. I feel that th.es.e tradittons are ow- roots ~ roots thlrt should not be forgott!ln or locked away in a cupboanl to accUitlulate · du~. I be~ ic'vc it is :~Se tradi'tioas· lhat make us unique f.rom othet S!i)l'aob.. How many other schoo'ls, e:<eept fo·r the Public Sclt.ooiS. ev~n have an old pupils' society? H<lw . does the phrase gQr:..··~from · tiny acorns .,.,." It is for this reason that I W.Otdd we,!come any suggestions as to which traditions we may
Ralneians' Association go from s~ngth to strength
prood· and indeed honoure~ I am
to take a position wtthin su(;h
seY.eral very sucC(:Ss~l.and enjoyable reunions. The highlight · was tbe tl':blm to the members dining room in the Hoose o'f Commons as well aS. ~ oo·uple ·or visits to the Oid School Building in Raine Street in Wappillg. I am 'ure you will agree that this is an excellent v-eruc and I intend to preserve this
Other th:tn this ' fllinor; tinkering I can only offer a steady..a-E•s.be~es meuage 3$ I believe the Association is in excell.e.nlShape that has emerged liken phoenix from the ashes
over tlle past few years. J would like to thank Sandra John.son, our. outgoing Pres'i<:lent, for handing me an Association that is in excellent shape) I am sure yot,t will agree that Sandra~has proved to be an
My next aim will · bl,! to attempt to get our younger · members i~volved rnore•. starting from ·witllin the School. .e~oellentPreside'nt * I only h()pe lean follow the act! My tfum1<s also go to the members oftbe Committee, who letting present pupilS know that we do exist. I t}elieve that if we do not get the pupils interested now. the Association Jl)liY hav.e. worl(ed bard to make the Old Raineians' what it is today, die in years to come ·an occurrence, I am sure. none ofyouwjll arid tO Bill Ricllards who puts togtt'bet these excellent newsw~nno see. This le.ads me onto my ne"1 goal. This is to try. to ~tters that you teceive. I Wott.ld like to welcome Candy enhanc.e the meooerships' numbers, not just from pupils. who Preston, Roo Striebig and Bill Ric-hards onto the Committeeare about to leave now, but those who have left in recenl and ()nly the serving members will know what they have let · not so recent years. I a·in sure we can all think of at least o-ne them~ives infor! . Old Rainei!Ul who has.not joined the Association. Indeed I a.l1l TIU'S pJOntises to be an excellent year for the Old ·sl!re· there are .one-C)t two of yOll .who may be reading thi~ R:aioeians' Association with some ' fun-packed' everits lined newsletter who has notjoined ~\is you can see I am -definitely 11.p, ail of which you will bear about in nu.e course. . I hope you tuntizig on fue guilt tap! · · wiU support the Associ·at:io-n !lS well and as enthusiastically as In addition to these ·a,i..ms I inte'nd to preserve the once,. you luNedo.ne in recent time~. An Association-is only.as good rnonthJy Conunittee meetings that have already · brought the · as its memtie.rship and I wollld remind you· ttm this is your Association's social calendar to life, as well as keeping a few Association and we thank y~ for your past support,, shady characters of the streets on Tuesday eve.nings. · Seriously, WeU.; that's all frtjm J hope YQtf ~njoy rest. I feel tb.ese meetings have proved to be very prbd'u:cttve. · · Ne1VSletteT and I look forwartl to. ~tng hearing from you Whilst I intend to COJiti.JIUe with the moderilis:at.lon of the in the fortbcomi~ year. · ·• AssOciation initiated by my predecessors I would. also like. to . Rklu11'4 Harris
of the
• Pamela Davis (Gr:ee:n~p.an, 45·50) try. Becaase 'SlQgger' was the Physics because, when he was captain ofthe 6ld joined tha.nks to receivil,l.g a copy of the examiner for LQntbn University, we Raineia.ns' n~.gby team, i was one of the .E.eb.rual)L.Ne:wsle~(.. w.bi.cb. jolt~. _M.r. . .COJJJ.'{p' t J~~ilf.P.@-~ti~'l.!L ~t ~-~' s, -· ~m~!grQ~P. QLQJ.4._~n~i,an ~~JlP.9.'1~~ .
into action - t~ fi.nd previous corre~ spondence that had got pusred out of sight in the back of lier letter rack and
but bid to take them ~ Bedf~d CoUege in Regents P;~rk. ·l can also reltlember atways .being in awe of ' Slogger' and addiJJg: that 'Billy' was vel)' kin<J to.me as far as "My Husband, Denis, is also an Old labomtory btUkages were concerned • Raineian and we both think the news~ although .I'm not sutc how Russtll felt . lette~ is excellent (thank you • Ed.). We · ·about it!. get much pleasure reading it, although I sllyed on an eldta year to. do- Ma· -...___,,. many names of recent years are, natu· trix Latin an.d ~~113 Biolo~ and thell 'la.U~~ unfamiliar to us. . went lo the Mi4ales.e-x H<Jspi'tat to study ReQMding lhe item in the last Radiothel'apy. After qualifying, [ newslette'i'Q:Am Sid ' Rocky'. Hilsum. I worked fusdy. at the Ha,mn:iersmith know that I ,v., '' ~~~eco.nd or thi!d girl Hospital, then for 6 mo-nths at the Sloan to join the boys 6th · ., for Physics and Kettering in . Mai.iliattan, USA From C~mistry, although the~~stress. there. it was pre.Lon~op Hos.pital where I Miss Haugll, was not keen on tlis-j.'!~!. I finally left in 1962 to. start my family, followed after Seena Pradg, in Sepleftt\ .. having reached ihe pOsition of Dqlllty · ber 1947. 'Slogger' Luton taughKS.~erintendent: ·· . · Physics and Or 'BillY' Wllkins. Chemts., ., ·~ocky • Hilsum · is. also familial
~- "' ..:-...•
braved Jhe. elements to cheer.· them on. ·- (A big disappointment for the girls in the late 40's was that the shorts were a lot longer than now!!. Ed). If anyone out there remembers us we would be delighted to hear from them."
• Terry Enrson (66-73), remembers one incident in particular. "During the Sixth Year I was the only male member in the class not to have received the slipper whilst being at th.e school since the First Year, During a Geology lesson Mr Croom was describing a group of rocks catled the 'Bioti~e· group. After descriQing BiQtite Garnet, Biotite Schist, ~io~lt~ Quartz - he asked if anyone knew any~·oi~ers ~ I replied "Biotite pair of trou~rs." . 1 then · re(;eived the slipper,
.·,.: ., .... · •·•·••u ··~·· ·
. ' : ·~
OLD RA~NERANS' NEVJ S L SEfir E~ .. ..: . •;:...... ·.t:. ,. ... .;~ ··. .
.... -,. :.
A group ofOid Raineians~· and guests enjoyed ~ excellent d~y' in St. OJ1lcr o~ the. 18th May. Altbough tbe rti.ajorlty of liS had to be out of our beds at 5:00 a.m. the group ba4 a VerY enj~ylble ·trip by coacb·'o!l ~ Sh11ttle, With a·few to8,ru to get ,everyone·in·tbe-IDOOd. ·In •>time at aU we ~~ in St.- Omer where we sampled a few P~.~ench bars, alid tho:s<:-wbo were a· bit more adventurous visited tbe famo.us CathedBJ there · and too~d the town. . The weather was disappointjng, but did nothing to upset the mood·of the day, ·. The lunoh was included in the price and was .~njoyed in a typiCal Freuoh nstaurant; excellent food and the :wine_flowed. We made the journey home in high spirits, the bus full of duty fr~ and passengers full offood and wine! Our courier was very entertainine and in awe of u& Old Raineians' ~ ;in 'fact she thought that she really did ·deserve to ·become ·an honorary Old Raineian! She s60n got iti the spirit of the occasion and aiOBg with her c.onunentaJy of the route; gave us a trivial -pursuit type quiz (For those who went- How many Burghers were there? Tony and David are not allowed to answer as they answered·a~ost ·all the rest!), . •· A really enjoyable;day finished-by co!\tinuous,song.on the joume)'·~ome. with several renditions of the School song, a memorable rendition of Boheiuian .Rhapsody by A1aD. Richard -awf:David, severalsongs by Teny Green (i>rofessional Teny1), Roy ·catley and Ron Striebig pushing aii the 'Buddy' songS; not to mention Jo Robeits and J()yce Curtis singing ilieir hearts out in the b_ack seat. A fantastic day, aDd: those who went have already suggested that we do it again!
·;x;·~ oo~ ~;,kirtg··as a supply · teacher, . ·Jna.art~.y at M:utberr{Ud occasionally at St.Paul's Way. . . . · , It was while.wozking at ¥'!llbeny . . t,h.is_ January where I got chatting to . · Candy Preston (Sevrin, 70.77) w~ is . th~re this year: as a·. student _teacller and . discovered o.ur cQnnec.tion (Yes you have guessed it- Old:Raineiaos'). She is. the one who has encouraged me. to finally join after nearly 6 yearS. (Keep, up the recmiting Ct:mdy and others p/e.ase note/~ E4J
I have many -memories of~ yeaJS atRaine'~.' So many that, ifl had amore
photographic .memory, . .I c:ould write volumes ·and the going~s on during my ti~:would. inak.e 9,m,tge _Hill a~ Eastenders look like PlayschooH! Uke the · characters in these· soap operas . there were occasionally some not so memorable · mome·nts' - - those teachers who . remember me will ..know these - but mostly.vety happy and memorable times. , l was at the s~ol during a time .of : . · , transitional change. . In, tbe .Sunu:per: ~f . much to eve.ryone's satisfaction as !'did · had to take elsewhere as, sadly, Raine's · my_.tbird. y~31' .the ·scbopl g1ovett from not reacla the target of leaving the school -· did go- into tile 11\Qre.exotic subjects) ArbOur Sqwire to... t.l!e. ~4$ .big -Ap· -·withoot receiving thC sl~per!! . I ·went .on to do a degreeJ n Env.ir~m· · J)roach.Roa<hite: fgenutnely -feel-that . ·. . ·:· menta! :s~iences · at 'the:· UriiveciitY Of the school_ lost some of its unique at• · Debol'ada ·. G91dedtl.d·:·.::'( Kipeniiek( :- :oiee"nwich(fumlerly ibamesPoly). My mosphere and ambience. ·I remember ... ·" .· :l-1-H)· heard· from-Eti¥:1 Bernstein (see , 3 ·ye~ there were very happy and suo-: hanging out ·with friends on the hall above) about the Association and sent ··cesstuL but very tiring: I was also the balconr at ArbOur Square talking to the the follo\Ving: student and oourse ·representative. I girl! in the older yean and having a : "We were a priveleged group, en- ·· think 1 was ·chosen by my colleagues 'French lesson on a Friday afternoon in joyitig excellent facUlties and dedi_c ated because·I speak my mimhnd·was always roof classroom 3 mainly playing French instructors who taught us how to learn: askiiJgquestiom during lectures! bingo with Miss Balls. (No ·commeni Miss Grler's Insistence on tidiness and After over ·<t year·of a combination · Ed.) · . , .. elocution lessons were the touchstone of casual work, uoemploymeJit and The. teachers that bring some of my for a future which brought . maD:y re· working for s moaths as a rectuitmellt instant aild fondest memories
It ~nabled
are: ..·
us U> adjust to
adm..iniStrator I went b'ack ~ ·college to Miss L.i!IJ'Iett (Scie~) -threatening do· -teachet,trainiog;.. So-in July. 1.995-J ... na~:~v:itlu detention..beca~JQJOcently. "an edi1C8~on fonvhich I persotially sbll -, cam~ out-of.Goldsmith's College after a · tried to use wooden Pair ~f to~. to lift ~ways be.grat6ful. · : year. with a· PGCE (Post Graduate .Ce.r- -~ a boiling beaker of water. .And I
· walds.
a ·cba~ngin8 ·WOfld--itnd-society ,-ltprovided-
~ Ter~ee Ricks (,;5~70), who works for London Electricity, claims he was not
guilty of putting soap in the sandwiches at the Governor's Meeting! (Jf anycme can u!Hrnd on this 1tory 1 wotJJd lov~ to -heal' from you - Ed)_
...tificate of Education) · in Secondary .Education,.,. TRAINED 10. TEACH SCIENCE (I can hear the ~ound of . teachert who .knew me"fainting when· they read this line!!!!!!!!!! !). You- see. altoougb I did rot hate· school, J never tholJght I would become a teacher. Some of my teaching practice was spent · .working down the rQad from AJbour
• Jobo Mos~l (SZ-90).· As you can see Jobn-was at the school-for 8 years- in his Square at-Mulberry School. for Girl's words "TOO. MANY!! I"·- aJUlough he ·_,~neians' who .ldt .10 plus years~ may ' did-add the.foUowing: ~ · -.~member it as the ootorious TOWER. -~ · "As you . requested' ~n the _yow >I-JAM-LETS GIRLS SCHOOL). Now the . newsletter I have put pe~ to paper. sChool is Vety popular -and very over-
·. . On oompleting my 3 A levels in the Summer of 1990 (Oeoi~BY. Geography; Oovemmellt aDd Politics· the last two I
subscn'bed, unf()rtunafely ·or fortunately (which ever way you look at it) it is _:higher in the league·tables than Raine's.
1:1irred:outto be a.science teacher. fuinic
·isn't it?! I must· point out. to . those ·concerned that I am very hot (apt} .on health and Jab safety witb my Scie.Q:Ce pupils. Another memory of Miss Limi~u ·
that comes to mind is of jil_ggliog on th~ _ beacb in Lido de Jeslo (Italy trip, 1984). · ' : . .Mt LOng (PE) - great sense·of .hu·
•DI.O:e,IJ'-$td nice bloke, even to those chaps who, like me, were.over weight. I 113ve seen a recent photograph of in a local paper and be does.aot seem to bave aged sirice my flrst memories Of him in '19:82! · · · Mrs Pipe (Geography) ~ telling me offfor usi_ng red iok in one <>f my early .
·. , ;. ·
Oii.D [~.6UNIEB.ANS' NEWSLETTER . . i {.
. ,R~EST ~HmEMORE l~t wblUemore, MM ud Bar,: Uader-S~retary, D~
partm.e.il. of Health aDd Sodal S~urity, 1973~76; dled 011 . Decemberll, 199S Be was bona on Augpirt31,1914§,
A ·Ro'bust lll8ll of great energy and determination. Ernest Whi~ore played a' leading role during his Civil Service
c::areetin implementing some of the impOrtant decisoions which were'taadc about the state pension sc'heme and its rehitionship
with' other schemes, in the l~s and '·l970s . He was a man whose eareer demonstrated that success:- in ttle top ranks of the
Civil Service is by no means . the p~rve of those with an -..:
-:... ·
civil servants made responsible for the cJetailed plaming and.
implementation of the ncw: ammgemellts. This ex~ence stood· him in !l)Od stead in the. 1970s . . w~n,' as UnderSecretary, he was again engaged in w!)rking on the integration of the state pension scheme with occup3tional schemes. This work involved extensive consultation with experts from the wider pension world, by whomhesoon became much respected. .AJ: aa Assistant Secretaty, he bad been seconded for a short ~riM to the Children's Department of the Home Office. in anticipation of the transfer .bf.its wqJk..to the Department of Health and Social Seauity. Here also he showed his re· nwkable drive dependability by meeting almost iinpossible deadlines. Though a man ofgreat sensitivity. he remaiiJ.ed
unflustered whatever the pressure . . He. had a seaiChing mind, and the inteUectual energy be displayed in his work extended also to his leisure pursuits. As Yard as a· clerical officer, and the .following year he was a soldier in North Africa he. had devoted off-duty hoUrs to ttansferred as an executi.v.e officer (o. . t)te pe~ons side of the . learning Arabic, ;md his l~guistic .con~ with a. university MinistJy of Health, .where be remained .until 1942. During this professor ·in Algiers attracted the atte(!tion of the military. period; he·was working for a degree in tbe evening department poliee·Jest he should have become·entangled in some sort of of King's College London. He graduated in English with e&pio.nage. While serving in the Italian campaign, he le.amt ftrst~lass honours and foi this performance was awarded the Italian, and discovered Dante. He retained a love of Italy and of Brewer Prize by bis CoDege. . · · things.Italiaa for the rest of bis life -becoming, with JUs :wife, Having ·initia11y been rejected for milituy service on a keenmemberoftbe British-Italian Society and oftbe I~ grounds· of poor eyesight, he succeeded in joining the Royal Institute. It was typical of him that, on his retirement f:ro'm the Artillery in 1942 and gave valuable service in the North Civil Service, when asked by his colleagues to choose a African.and Italian campaigns, reaching the mnk of .sergeant. retirement present, he chose to have a large Oarzanti dictionary In 19.44, after the Battle of Cassino, he was awarded the and a fme Italian edition of Dante's works. Military :Medal, to wbieh a:Bar-was added a year later, after Ole A oornmi tted Christian, he was an active memb.er of the fall'of. the·Gothic Line. . Clt~rc"- ;pt.. E.ngland, ,with .a strong leaning tow~s ecumeniOri bis return to the Civil Service-in 1945; hew~ assig~ adism. He also dedicated .himself to th~ wod: of .the United to the newly-formed Minisny of Nationallnsumnce and~ Natio~ ·Associcltion. He wasm~iovoiv~din~etivitiesin..tbc mained in that department aDd sucoessor departments until his local comin~nity.~ was an·~~~oolle~rfor.tlle u..iteii Oxbridge education. · · In 1934, · straight from Raine's Foundation Gmmmar School in Stepney. be joined the civilian s1aff at New Scotlalld
rttifemeDt as an Under-Secretary in 1976. Throughout bis
career, sood use was ·made of his ability to catty through
Nations Assoc.iation and other good ~s- He made.himSelfa higtily .competent bookbi~cr, and devoted a great d~ of
diffiCult and urgent administrative tasks with expedition and . attention to his much~loved garden whe~e he grew sweet peas accuracy. and iai consequence became a ke~n me)nber of the National Wben a contracting-out facility w~ introduced into the Sweet Pea Society. state pension scheme in 1961 by Mr JQhn (now Lord) Boyd~ . He is survived by his wife Mollio, and tWo daugl.lters,.,; ·CarPenter, Whiteemore was a leading member of the 8f0up of Geogtaphy- losselllt ·· (again;- ironically, - .-(Geosraphy); ·who · were~ always· a. .dy- . .when l had a run-in.:with him.. lP ~fifth . Geogmphy is I.DY ~cond s;ubject that I . namic duo on the Geoleigy f'.eld trips.· · year a History lesson was moved teacbl). She was aJ~ on .the Italy trip Mi" Jadtson w~ a1way5 cbm\iag and downstairs aad. as I was a bit of a cl351 · ancU remember getting lost "itll her and encouraging . my IDllsical/singin' and down, some fdlow ,.pn,Pils eacouitc,aed another pupil in R()me in a taxi. I !rt.ill . acting talents. She2Jways pers~ed me me 10 make out abat; tbe class was to see her today in the new Whitechapel ·to take part in Winter music3.ls (Oiiver. ietum 10 its original venue, Mr Croom Sainsburys. I'm tempted to say hello, . SMIKE - not a rave success~ Calamity was next door. I got home much later but would feel silly if she didn't re- Jane and the Soum of Music). I re· than normalf Still it couJd have worse. it
member me: member her shouting and using the piMr .Everton (Geography) -: very ano to effect to get all our attentions chamting and his wife was Jove)y too . during .many a late night rehemal. I {again ·both were on the Italy trip). ' wish her well. never bad a ' confrontation' with him, !!!Mr Croom!!! ·generally a bark uiilike half of niy cOntempOraries! worse than his bite cbap and one of the Mrs Teteris· (Librarian)- who in- · mostcommittedanddedicatedteacbers i sisted on quiet in ' zee' library and lis- have known both as a pupil and,' now, as tened to the lun<:h time recitals on BBC a teacher. Althowgh he never taught me Radio 31 until the sixth fonn, I made a good The most vivid memories are of impression on him during·the CSE f~eld Miss Jaclc.son (Music) and Mr Ooom trips. But this was changed for a time . .•. ·:
could have been the chalk board rubber. Nasty I! Any way for the next 3 years the incident was forgotten 3$·; l· .had Mr Croom for Geology, alth9ugh my ·writ~ ing hand and walking feet are still re· c:Overing! Well, that's it for oow. I send wannest best wishes to any one .(pupils and staff) wbo I k.oow during my time at Raine's.· I can honestly say that I bave foncl memories of ALL STAFF, but
obviously some stick out in the memory
·.: '·' ... .<~~·/ ~· .
. ....,. \"
.. ... ? ..
.more than others (see above). :
I still see
I hear off Christian Bniriston, Paul Prigg, Keny Moss and Lee Gerbtldi but · I
gather not ·ma.ny· from my year ~ we Started at Raine's in September 1982 are
members of die Old Raineians'
sociation. I encourage· them to join and would lik to hear from them. They can ringmeon<Hil6131478: ·· "SEE YOU OUT THERE.~
· Mark Rossi (68-75) is an optometrist to the RAF and 1w written a. helpful bo~k explaining opti4:iam, spectacles . ·and cooUci lenses for the layman. The
schools as · Education Six:ial Worke.r before leaving in 199() when the Inner
London Educati~n Authority was dis· FtrJm Gwy~tneth Jadson banded, He moved to Weymouth ~here he now runs a Sea Cade t Trai~g School · No~s from thC AGM: working for the Ro)'oi Navy. Belated eongratulatioii.S. to ~chard Har· Loraiee Lingwood .(63~9) . More ris on obtaining a degree in.Law ~d · Politics. Curremly he is working in,the detail~: and new£' please. lnyestors Department qf Nat West and is
·Peter Beaa (10-76). More details and news: please.
in search of an Amateur Group. ..
• Sustn Colliss (69-74). More details and news please.
Robert and Phil Clatk have seen GaJy Lloyd who works for Nat West as well as Gary Smith working for BT and Gary ·. book is entitled ''Eyeoare, Eyeware • for better vision" and is published by Am- • Phillip Clark (??-??). Years at Ainsworth for the: Pension Department ·.berWoc)'d af£3:9'9. '··It tan·be ordered·at- 'R.aine'- s and · more details and. news · of British Coat · . ; .. book shop's and arrives in a plain wrap- please. Mick Muiphy is Runnillg a Kids Playper! · ·Terry Green (48-5%). More details ground in Dageoham. · Alan Waters (79-90) worked in both and news please·.
SIDNEY WAYNE Sidiley W~ne, OBE, health autbc;nity chatrmaa, died on July 8, 1995 aged 76. Be was born on Marth 21, 1919. ·
Chairman of two ·successive health authorities. Sidoey
Wayne devcted a large part of his life to the· N,atio~ Health .. Seivice. But his prime-interest was ~er' in administration: rinheritwaS'iil tlie·cating aspect of medicine. That was shown
years, raising more than £l million for the mentally hand.i· capped. Under his chairmanship, the village funded a. consultant post at King's College Medical S~hqol ·aJld provi®d on.site facilities, in return for whicb King's ~nook,. to . run the asse~sinentcentre at ~avenswood. in addition, be ~ged for ·,inedical students to worl< at Ravenswood, giving generations of new doctors an increased understanding of nieutal health and handic~. ·
In 1974 Wayne was appointed to Enfield and Haringey Health Autltority, later serving as vice-chaiJ;ina.n. In 1978 he was .appointed chainnan of Redbridge arid · Waltham Forest Area Health Authority, a poSt which he we~ on to hold for a decade. In addition to his chainnanshlp of the ·health aUt:bority. he uncxpectcclly early on his day ·at the Stepney Jewish was ·chainnan of the board of Rodirig CoUege of Healthcare School, his mother inquired what was the matter. " The teacher Studies and of the Waltham Forest Medical Ethics Committee. askeCI me how to spell ' cat"', Sidney told her. "And rm not He was a member' of the Royal Society of Medicine. · · .going·to a school-where the tea9her..doesn 't evenkno,w. how. to. .. . Hia·.peaod!; .of o~~-at.-Waltham..Forest: .saw -m.any. .-enspetl •cat•." ligbtene~f.~,, but two projects.which he .saw to rompleLater, on a ~bolmhip, be went to Raine's Foundation tion gave him particular pleasure: the first phase of tbe School; and in 1939 he W3$ called up. H is war got off to a slow . reconstruction of Whipps Cross Hospital and the opening of start, kicking his heels in Shoeburyness in Essex, bu:t his brains . the Margaret Centre fo1 the Care of the Dying. He felt a ~pecial took him eventually.to Military Intelligence at the War Office, admiration for the hospice movement and, when the Cancer in which he served from 1942 until 1945. .. · Relief Maanillan Fund asked him to be their fust county both in his active support.ofthe Ravenswood project, devoted to ·the c~ of tbe mentally handicapped, and in his tireless work on behalf of the Cancer Relief Macmillan Fund. · Born in. Stepney in the year after the First · World War, ·sidney Shalom Wa)tne soon proved to his parents that they had a prodigy on their hands. Finding be had returned home
After the war he embarked upon a business career in · chairman for Essex, be accepted with alacrity. In 1991 his .contributioa to beallhcare services was recognised when lie less satisfaction. His vocation was the welfare of others and it was appointed OBE. was ~erving the community at large that he was io find his real Sidney Wayne was fiercely proud of hls Jewish heritage. fulfllment. He sat on tbe British board of the Beth Hatefutsoth Museum of After working for severcd local charities around his then theDiaspora in Israel at the lime of the museum's conception. home of Hampstead Garden SUburb, in 1963 he first became His phenomenal Jewish scholarship - about which he had involved in bealthcare services through hls support for Ra- absolutely 'AO self-importance • and his ,quiet counsel were a venswood, the Berkshire village for.the 'lifelong care of the source of inspiration to his. friends, Jewis~. and .non~Jewish mentall)' hanc:ticapped. Over the ~ext- 30 years he held a number · alike. · of positions in the Ravenswood Foundation, serving variously His wife Hilda, whom he married in 1949, survives him as a trustee, board member and vi<:e.-chalnnan; be was also .togetller with their daughter and two soDS• . textiles and clothing. 1bis brought him great suc~ss but 13111er
national ohainnan of the Ravens wood Aid Network for eight
··1om ·-Duucan ·Newspapef
editS···a Recorder Group
Ed.J skiing at Mayrhofen in Austria and. has seen Paul Grceno. . .
, .. Norman Giller is a 'ghost' writer for
Elizabeth Simpson (talk of the devil Ed.) works for Mori Opinion Polls.
sports people including Frank Brono and Jan Botham and has been responsible for stories for 'This is Your Life'. His brother Oeorge was formerly a police~ .,
All tbe Smallwood girls are married with families. Teny lives io Theydon Bois; Tracy and Denise are still i n East London.
man and is now a Bailiff. Ted Jarvis. formerly head of Custom ~nd Excise, divides his time between London and Franoo. Apparently he and Norman Holland used to fight. (Who won?- Ed.)
Mlfxine Gibbons also works for Tower Hamlets and spends her holid ays i n Mexico.
Barbara Donovan brought her younger son, 6 montholdLuke. to tbe AGM.
Diane .Walli~ (Tinkler) now has 3 cluldren and works as a physi()therapist at a
also· gives slide taJls on tk ~j~{~~ Names
• · 'Shimmy'
Mc:Leck; Amici; Qimwick; P~ssman; Hcrshman ('-'hat .a fast bowler!); King· swell; Parfrtt; Wolfowitz; Tuckman; Blaicher; Batt; Amschwu1; Bill Brewis (not ve.y scholarly, but what a pianist!Tom wonde rs if the Peter Brewis ac- · knowledged for musical contributions to TV programmes could be his son?). Geoff Gillon has ~newed contact with
Basil Dowling after sending him a newspaper clipping about Rye's attrac· tion for literuy people. He also enclosed ·a photocopy (from his own archives) of the then Cbristine Pattrick and .Matgaret . CJ9odey prjor..to the amalga. mation of the gid s' .and boys' schools. Christine's fetter, wNchappeared in the last Newsletter has awakened much .in· terest.
For the firsttimesince,they.i;ft school 3 of the Malksfamily (6 altogether) turned up! Ann had, left ~r 3 children in Liverpool and came down to ·help sister Clive Baugh am family skied at Alp Ellen, who ·had just bad her fust dilld d' Huez this season. Clive is business Susan also .has 3 c hildre n. Andrew..(as · contro_iiet.J,or one of.iiie chemical· divi- yet unmarried) works with Pairick Pal•', Does anyone. recall ~ ·Chorale, sung· at · · sions of BP. Malcolm Baugh is a lott. the time (Nobby Oarke was Music Mas_ter) about 'Tubal Cai.n'? ,Aian quantity smveyor, at present worl<ing on Extra News: Liddiard phoned theMatthe\vs~bu(drcw a new h~spital in Chichestet. a blank · ... : We all soey to hear of Wallie AS. my vill~ge is now inclu~ed. in the } . . ~pooner's incarceration in hospital -: Nidderdale Are~ of Outstanilihg.~uty, John Evei writing .from Banst~, still · riwtyfolk hadse~tbim •Get Well' card.s . ·we ' we'te i:nvited and eneouraged by ·· ~ntribjltes..·to:· a ,:,:Ri~~thJy pubhcat~on imd visitors included Sandra Johnson, Harrogate Borough Council . aild tbe and; atihe -~pe age of79 ms"embarked· John S~th. Lesiey Jensen and Norman ··North Yorkshire Rural Arts Projectlo .. on a new career. For.Z hours a week be Hollai!9. Wallie is now back a t home . creat~ a banner ~lebratlng the faet. . A. · htlps · in a local Junior Scoook witb . .. • and well on too way to recovering. . We . few of us· with a wide rangl~ amount'of' ·. reading prog~ammes and has·become, as .Jook fmwarn to seeing him at fut11re .. needlework sldUs (from the ultra basic· he put it, a fully paid member o(RSVP · events. . myself • to qlJ,alifred City aJXI Ouilds (Rc:tin::d ~Dior Volunteer Prograrrune!), School for S.pecial Needs. Her brother Mark is: ~till,wotking for Unilever.
' ero·
certificate holders) hav:e produced a 9ft . with a natty little· green badge proving it. by 6ft piece of work ~d ie~ivcd a lot of An unexpected spin off is that h~ has ·'l ocal publicity, .. including r:r.~e-Tees learned to operate 11 word-processor and Televisio~ coverage! · colJective stories are typed out to be . ,. illustrated by the .~hildren. .On being More memorie~ from Tom Beunett :• given one an innocent-looking 1urchin A magnif~t production of 'Henry aDJl()Unced-."My Nana ·. live.d in Olden V' was staged by Jim Shivas and l'om' s Times like you". · John .say~. this,inakes v;lluable contribution was; 3 . loud off· you . realise that you·, are. a )OOo/o, stage bl:tsts on his Chorch Lads Brigade copper,-bottomed, genuine antique! (but bugl~.. At that time Tom liv ed in East some antiques are priceless • Ed) Ha@ and, together witll other pupils · from that area, after school iliey flagged .. Finally to finisll on a sad note. We send
Jackie a ud Rob ConnoOy both ran in·the .London ~rath<l~ for tbC .first time, fai.sing· money for (8stic Fibrosis • f~ur : days 'later they .were 'still feeling the·· effect~. Jackie is p.>orlang(or Docklands ~ ,Rob~rt is an engineer for. t~ police. Joa~ Marsliail didn' t run in the Mara~ thpn. b~t 0 1,1 the ~y encountered Peter. LOdem·o~ and Anita Selby. Anita'.s, sister, W.eooy, is mother of twins. . Jo. anne is ' a temporary contrnct at ~iroment centre (Wildlife Pa.i-k?) in
Tower Hamlets Ceme!eJY (any new jok£s grtrtejully excepted· Ed.). She is also -Netball Representative for Tower Hamlets Sports Council Uying to fonn a good team. She occasionaJJy sees Bar· bara Wilson who is in the Social Serv· ices Departmenl of Tower Hamlets. Joanre also met John Coster (atio tlter who keeps promising to join but never does; must kllow Elizabeth Simpson!J •
down 'pirate' btis'es which als~ plied the · road,· running to their own schedule. When they were.full they rnn non·stop to East Ham. Town Halt . After leaviog the RAF il119S5, Toro settled in Westcliffe and worked i>r the ever-shrinking D ock Indllstry until 1980. Since then be .has been a full time writer, contributing to ' Fiypast' maga· zine and in 1985 publishing '617 Squadron- The Dambusters at War'. He \··
.. .....:, ··:
our co.ndolences and kind thoughts to Mrs Wei11garten who recently ·Jost her husband. the pianist Joseph Weingarten.
Do keep writing as memories are usually jogged by articles in the Newsletter. What ever you may think people are interested in your memories and what you have done since leaving school.
., .;· ·,.•.., ,, ·'i'·~·; :--;(;:
..•...... ··~
PAGE 7 ··':.
From Bill Richilfds
David ~pencer (75-82) won the "Outstandirig Young Scientist" Award (the upper age limit wa~ 3 5!1) from the Swiss Federal · InStitute . of T~choo l ogy (ETH-Zurich) . Tbe · award,· given for " excellent quality research achievements and· outstandingly successflll research r~;:eord", includes ~n all expense paid trip to 'Japan. This will be for a minimum 2 week stay, where he will gives lectures and meet . other re·
ment for a broken leg! You' 11 see how Jintitcd the schools sports budget was in that 3 members are rot equipped with team shirts! Fortunately f had the foresight to list the names on the reverse wheD I purchased my copy. . A mention of Ginswick in WaUic· Spooner' s contribution and· the sight of ' Alf<l' Evans in the photo reminded me of the ma1ch that Doony Lyons reluctantly set up between the lstXV and 2nd XV (most of them in the photo) in the 1933 season. He refereed the match and some rather dubious decisions late in thematch led to the Ist XV scrambling
left the gri-M.ing AJfo clear to ground the ball between the posts. I' m sure Gi nswick (was his name really Julius't) was relieved to be playirtg full~back behind us lot the following season. _Did one of the attractive Kahn twins really many Ginswick'! They BOrn seemed very intelligent girls too! Alfo Evans was quite a chara<.:ter.
He made
·aufcr' Broughton's eyes wa-
ter a couple of times in a friendly spar in the gym and 'BitTer' took his jousts with Alfo quite seriously after that Alfo got a number of us·to join the Broad Sueet Boys Club in The Highway and. that led ·to us playing rugger for the Scho-ol on Saturday morning and soccer for Broad Str~ t in the aftemoon • where did we ·getaU that energy'l• (Seo my-comments at the end of Tom's article- Eel.) Alfo's family moved out to Gidea Padc bef.ore the war and he joined tlte local Temtorial unit He was mobilised
as a sergeant but I had no further news of l1im. However. some years after our 'mini·reunion' in Leigh--on-Sea, f tried
to trace him. · l knew he had worked for the Gas Light and Coke Company: up to mobilisation and so I pursued that line. . n·tnin.Spired that he bad survived the war.
and returned to the Company: but had left 11 f-ew years later and the trail die-d. I would. dearly like to know his subsequent History ...... where are you, Alfo?! ! ' Fussy' Browning was a Chemistry
Master, alongside Doctor Wi!kins ~very fond of whacking the boys across the. · rump. Steven Berkoff .. . it was Mr Shlvas, not Chivcrs. Sam Morlcy ,... 'Joogy' Andrews t:Jught Mechanics~ uot
Physics - t.he 'Olento( in this case was <llmost certainly 'Slogger' Luton.
RA1Ne'5 3RD XV CIRCA 193.Z
Back Row: Middle Row: Froot Row:
CopJex1 Benne tt Jewson
Egellon Kcrr ·Churchill
searchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (the Japane~ eqt1ivalent of the ETH-Zurich). Our congratulatioos go to David in collecting such an award.
Once again Tor:n Bcnnett has fo und the ti me and made the effort to write (others
please note - Ed.): · · "Thank you for ·yet another informative and interesting ORA Newsletter, f enclose herewith Aphoto of most ofthc
Raine's 3rd XV ci.rca 1932. I think the missing hod. was still receiving ttcatM
Shaer .
home by a couple ofpoiirts. One neat passing movement by the lnd team had deliYered th~ ball to Alfo playing at centre tluee-quarter and he decid«i t<J go for glory. G ~swick, full-back for the 1st team, came on a diagonal run, roaring " {'ll get you Evans". Alfo seemod to slow his pace somewhat so that Ginswick bore down on him triumphantly. At the critical moment A!fo turned 1n towards the flying Ginswick, side-st~pped him, at ihe same time gh·~ ing him a perfect hand:-eff thal sent Ginswick fJoundering into the mud, :m:l
·Keep up the good work~ I'll cer« tain!y remember the ORA if my lottery
nlltnbers oblige!" ll1ention of playing 1 games on one day reminds me of Peter Bull. !n · th~ late 1960's Peter p layt:d rugb;'for the s.chool on Saturday morning and football for Iris club in the afternoon. On Sunday morning he played football for his club and in the afternoon played. rugby for th e St P1rter 's Club (based near N~w Scoi!a11d Yard). 1 am sul'e my memory is not pioying lriclw on me: Puhaps Peter can confh'm? - Ed.
The t'oliowing is from Le~;iey Jensc.n (Tear) and "is from the snotty nosed, spotty girl's point of view."
PAGE 8 -~
" I et~oyed reading Christine Pattrick's memories ofthc fi ght to remain a girl's' school ii1 the last Newsletter. I joined .Raine' s in 1962 and therefore expenenced school life in very nruch a girl' s school for the fiJ'St ·two years, to a mixed grammar school in the sixth form in 1969 with all the s hades of change in
between. The November I % 1 newspaper articles referred to by C bristine are in Bancroft Ubrary. Tbe girls believed that in a mixed school they would be distracted from the ir mathematical studies by cooccrns about lipstick. One boy was q uoted as not being concerned ab<lut the amalgamation because ''girls do brighten up classrooms" . Watch your back Peter Coote! P!)rsonally I believe tl1at both boys and girls would have fo llowed fashion regardless of whethe r the ir class es were mixed or not My copy of the girl's s c hool photograph
taken in 1963 il: full of girls with bleached blond hair~ imi tating stars 1i ke Marilyn Munroc. Later on one fotlJld Helen Shapiro look~a-Ukes: Mods . and Rockers; Twig~: and Jeall Shrirnpton followers, a·nd so on. fn the SL><ties girls dressed to impress gii'ls sliortened their skirts, plastered their faces and lips with pat..stick and had geometric haircuts {Applied Maths?) rega·rdless of the sex of their class mates. Our first taste of the mixed school was finding that the large partition illlhe hall had been pulled back. Until tJ1c novelty wore off, we. girls took detou rs to lessons via what was once the 'boys· st:lircase' and the ' boys' corridor' in order to boast tlmt we had done so. We beard o f Sa m my the s iJpper who hung on a hook in the· Senior ·Master' s roo m. S ammy appeared less and less frequcnrly as time went on, the dilemma being w hy boys could be siippered whilst girls could not, We found that the: houses twd bee n joined and known by their hyphenated names- I was in.Siessor·Mann. · 1 Qllietly, o ver the next year oc so , all t he girl' s house names were dropped a nd ceased to cxjst! S peech Day was a joint
affair, but recognised that we had been separate schoo Is during the previous academic year. Miss Mangold and Mr Lyons, the Head Te achers of the two schools, ·were om· guests and both spoke. 111c prizes and ho ro urs w ere iirstly distributed t.o a ll the girls and the n to the
'bays. . As 3A (all girls,
11 and 14 •
bon{ble!) we were to be taught Physics, a new subject for us, by a .male teacher! Poor Mr Roden was·challenged to impart
-- ·
a ·route'cJ<:~se to the edge Of the f:f~{a bY tbe hedge. · · reconii.aissa''noe plaoc.s migllt pick up our tracks other- . ·
some scientific knowledge lo girls - he '\.\rise. And wl1o knows what would had not anricipated the challenge of happen then! Stephanie Judge. (Stepballie loved lO By too time T reached the-6th form amuse the class. She had once thrown our single sex classes were a rclic of a ca5cadcs of toilet paper f rom the to ilet bygo ne era. We were put i nto mixed windows on the f irst fl oor cxpecling to tuto r groups: Six girls and twenty-three cause laughter in our c lassroom below. boys had male tutors, Mr Dowling and The joke backfired because Stepbanie 's Mr Spooner for L6 and U6 respeetively. kno·wlcdge of Geography was hazy and We girls were very shy and would wait whi l$t the class remaioed oblivious to ou.tside the classroom until ail assemthc prank, she did not arouse o ur bled. t he n we wo uld m ake a gronp enHeadmU; tress, \l'hose window was diuance. If one of us wished to v isit Ute toilet (don 'I tell ma -you had to fo/Jow rectly below!), D uring a pre-exam vision lessotl Mr RQden asked Stcphanie . t}ut hedge! I - E c/.) we would all go I to explain Archime'de'·s Pi'il)ciple: She · Naturally this behaviour was difficult to . ~nswcrcd -~.·so.me bloke jum.ped in h is ·maiiltain: After a fqrtnight we behayed
bath and ,all the :W~ter flow~~ ov~ tm as,frulividuals,,it.p'ro'ved easier: One day edge. He jumped'but ·arld ran :d~JWn the · we disc.Civercd that ln,.an}· .of our male road with nothing s ho uting .E11~eka l" peelS were absent froru · sc ~l having Mr Roden explained t~t this was nol the been." given .tickel.s to·.attend the R.S, answer he was lookilig for and asked lectures. · We were furious that we had what she would say if he had behaved in t1ol been offered the Qpport~nity tQ at-. ihis way. He was speechless when the tend.. The teach.ers. responsible had: 9e· answer came: "I'd say you were a dirty cidcd that, as girls, we probably }~ould old man, Siif; not .ha ye wanted· to go any way. .i but. the · We caimot have been too'muc.h o{a poinf Wll$ ·maqe, 'apo.Jogies wer~··- grveo I · s bo.ck to the male system because by the ..and I 'hope·that. the tu.:ture gerera(ions of . .4.tp year we were taught Geography by .' ··~irls; as well as . b'oys~ had. eqttal opporMr Spo6nerand in mixed sets for Maths. ·-·. :·turulies to ~attend~the lectures. · · · The time-:tab!ing at this early stage of the ·' . . l.ii'our·.n-ew erivironminf'we1earnHo . . amaiganiatton <lid not ;liiOW for ooys IO behave 'a~ youi\g ladies. (Anycomme'nts take Cookery or girls to study Woo~ - . .bo~·? - ~d) I was perplexed when I work or T.D. . Evety ·Thursday 1 would· ~shed to open·. a· door for my.new Head · have to csny the product .of the : mo m- : Teacher, ·Mr Sta.riney, tb.at he.qrilckened ing' 6 Cookcty Jesron along to the Maths his pace to get to t he..door firs.t. B cing a lesson. (Cooking the, books? -: Ed.) · M.r . ,gentleman. he expecled to open the door · QilveJt 's lesson was often delayed as .. ·.' for me. I was surprised to be treated as a boys yolunteered to acla!? q.fi!llity coii-·.· yo\mg lady, after aiU was only thirteen
trollcrsfor dougtmuts,:sa.uslJg~ rolls, etc..
Luckily rot tllem , my c;;ook.i.rig was better than Jariet.·Gray' s (Toad a-nd. Spectac les iu tlie Ho ie !). · Front· WaUie Spooner the class lc;a rnt a whole new vocabulary as well as a love fo:r Geography, Geology and field
trips! We soon undetStood words lilre: togs; hods; and kit He made Geography memo rable f or us by illustrati<Hl and anecdote. T he indU$trial heritage of t he MidlaJ1ds included B.S.A. Bikes (m nam<'d he e:\.-plaiMd ''because they wcl'e uncomfortable to ride ~ tllink about it" . f imagine that some of the girl~ still are). Cartography and the use of aerial ph(\tography became more interesting when
we leamt. that if camping at one end of a field and. wishing to make a visit to t he latrines at the other we must always take
:md a mere pupil. T he boys we:re kind to
thc.gi rls'o~ the field trips, k:nding a lland to help ll$ clamber up m ountai ns whe n we clearly would not have ·manatred <l the rwise. I lmd one furious argument with gentleman- i n-th~-ma..l<ing, Cameron M.acPhee. He was adamant that, should he ever marry, his wife would never work i argued for the right to work for manied woruen a nd l vowed tha t I would a lways e:.:ercise this :right! I wo nder does Cameron's wife work? (For the record. [ stopped paid em~ ployment before my first son was bom.)'' As a postscript Lesiey added thilt she preferred the school as it became, but they may upset her .near.neighbour,
Miss Mangold. Cameron Macphee Is a member of the
, .. I
Old Raineians ' Association living in Quee!Js/and, Australia and should re~ celve (1 copy af this newsletter. 1 look forward to receiving his recolleclions of his statement.
Nicky Sanders (Klllick) was one of a. few who made the effort to conflm1 their addresses and wrote the fo llowing: ''1 am still working as a veterinary nu rse for the RSPCA at the Harmsworth 'Animal Hospital' in North London. So far I have ll)anagcd to avo id the BBC cameras when they have been filming the series, but unfo rtunately the crew have noticed and have threatened lo catch me o1tt when they come back to film a new series of' Animal Hospital' in the A 1itumn! I couldn' t avoid the photographers, thoug h, who visited !he hospital, so I do appear in the BBC Animal Hospital Book with tlle vel and
h;td become interested in Romany TraveUers. She was very active in or~ ganising peripatetic education for gypsy children and later found the Romany Guild. For this work she was a-wardc:.d the MBE by the Queen .. · Etsie moved to a nursing ho me at the end of March and she appreciates letters and cards from t he Association; of ten looking at an album of photographs of family and friends , including contemporaries and staff at Raine's, which b ring back memo ries. Although he r sho rt·tenn memory is fadi ng s he still can remember with clarity people and events from when she was yoon~r. If any one can relate to her and .the 'OJd
-..:.. : .";,. •
primary schoi:>l in Bath (and have beeri for tlJe last !.0 years 1 think it must be: H
the paid school ho lidays I enjoy!). Our daughter Theresa (now 25 years a id) is a Medical Secretary for a local GP in Kev:nslli!m (spell K-E·Y·N-S-H -A~M of Radio Luxe mbourg fame fo r those of ) ' OU old enough to re member Horace · Batcltclor football pool advertisements !) and son Stephen (23) is a Mecharucal Aircraft Technici an with British Airways at Heathrow. . The lette r from Christine Oestensen Gokso~yer (nee Patrick) was of great interest and I was qui te surprised that she listed me amongst the pupils she remembered. Only a couple of weeks
the pcodle, Snowy.
My sister. Maria is now working at the Enfield branch of Nat West which is closer to where she lives in Walthain . Abbe;•. with her husband, Lincoln. - · ' It waS nice to hea{ how Elaine Higgjns w<i,s b>etting.oii • s.he· was i n ·my fonn. Also some of lhe teachers I re·
member: Ja.nis Fuller and Graham Wjl-
lett, Bany Jones, Steve. Johnson, Ann . Lowes, Ken Cnunp and John Blundell. I ·would like to wisl1 them all the best." Margaret Fisher is the sister-in-law of
Elsie Fisher who was at Rajne's 1917 to
. 1924. Margarct tells that Elsie was 90 on 9th July last year and has just made a ·remarkable recovery f rom a broken leg following a fall at the end o f January. 1 SlJe had ·a hip rcplacem~nt and is now j walking short dis tances with a walking · frame. · "Elsie read English at London University getting a good degree. One of her jobs was working for a women's teachers' union aud when 1 met her, shortly afte r becoming ungaged to he r broti-.er, she was work ing with a camou1lagc unit i n the M idlands . Elsie met many artists and remained f rie ndly with
Back Row:
Pat Haycs,.Carolc Gore, Suzannc Quintan, Anu B ush , ·
Jean Crtpps . Fourth Row~ .. Cbristine Patr ick, .Gillian Houide.11, Rosemary Coll.i ng5, ·· ·· Madd iric Challis. SbiJ·Iey 17, Christine Nesbitt
Third Row: Second Row: Front Row:
Beverley Cuthbcrtson, Ja nct Jones, Mrs Clarke , Margaret Walling, :M:argaret Goodey Jean ??, Kay Jcfferson, Nina Bailey, Vicky Morris Panlinc Taylor. Evelyn Cox, Jocelyn Oatley
School' and would Jilce to visit Elsie in E!stree, Hertford shire p lease contact Bill Richatds for the fu ll add ress.
After the war she had several interesting jobs, eventually settling into
The Christinc Patrick letter certainly generated plenty of interest Suzanne
inspired youth work. This led her to · Harrad (Quinton, 55-61) also seut us Park Centre, Burgess Hill, where she some of her memories and news. wa ~· warden • the fi rs't they had ~ which Suzanne is married to Ron (55-60). meant she had a free hand to nm a "We are living in Bristol where Ron fantaslic range of subjects. By the time is Chief Estimator for a local engineershe had retired from there in I971 Elsie ing firm and r am a secretary in a large
. ..... ..
t!arlier I had been visiting my mother who passed on sqnte old photographs of my schooi .<lays at Rajnes. One is the enclosed pllotograp h of my cla~s of 1960. l was able to recall most of the names and faces, one of whom WaS Christine herself We are still in contact with Rose!luuy Wells (Collings) who ljves in New Zealand. Giilian Bryant (Houlden) and her husband have a son and daughter and live in Stevenage. They are godparents ·
.... .
.... · ..
·to.our son and Will l>e among the gttosts his wed<ling in August. · Jobn Hooker (his other godparent) and hi$ wife Joan
(Cooper), wh1> are both Old Raineians, will also be there, and they have two sons, one of whom is married. Gillian and AJan. Btyant's daughter married in 1993 and our dau~r was her brideimaid Gillian and Alan became
giandpa.hmts last September. I lulo"W Gillian iS in touch, occa·· sic:inally, with Margaret Anderson (Goodey) and I have contact with Panline Smith (Joel) and Annette O' Sulli(Asbcroft), · albeit only with Christmas when we update eaob othe·r .:Wltb.'o'Qf.~ews! ·.· .. . ... , . . R.on and I. both n:caD the nam.<;s of staff and.. feU~ students .that appear in tho 11CWs1'C:tiet. fro.m 'time to time. Like Christi:ne·: ..l : can well .retnetllber · ·the van
They certaiidy w_ ere .th.~- good old days at Raine 's $4 'U'e 'd ·be -pl~ased t() bear from anyone of ottr .Y~~ We did ma.ke it to a cO.uple. of .re--unions b11t work, the dis.lailc!l lU.l<l otlief commitWe do enjoy the pewslette~ even if t~y do make us realise we a(e getting on in years!!
summnes in rhe first p1.cture or any of the girls i 11 the -s~eondplease write to us. Norman HG.tland(4·~-~s l) ~: dQnat~ his school reports- to t}le QltA, archives C!>llection. Norrtw.t's m·olller, who kept his rep!'rts s~e all t)iis thile, Md been determiiled' th:at.'her s'On ~noUl.d llti'provehis schOol perfonttanoe f~m ~ndards · . that C()t)\~nt&· t'!ke;. . .
.. . Mi SP!)oher. :Ti; .hii fi~t 2p:ort inJu·ly
~pprt, Mr .Dmer~ Or· Sbw, .Mr boys' .1ind the girls' schools-· it was at B-roughtoU.: Mr: ShWas', ~r. Butte.rfie1d the d~e ·in 1960, after being lined up- and Mr 1\unage, ·. aidp·&i_~,offto·go to the dining hall for · Nonnan ·now. ~ . hls:.own. postal· .. tea, tt\at I' met.-iny busbanp, ;J\l~J.Wug~.we .·: buSinel!S deallig iJj: fme q®)ity t~ '
d,.rifted apart' for a white -after Je.avirig .·. from· the b:CSt s6tJrces. Hn>ffets. ORA members.teaUI Veiy COmpetJtiv.'e prices.
school WC did get back together again and married hi 1967.
For~tlils conta~t Nonoan pn 0181478
I also recal1the lengthswewo\lld go
0192 (home) or<>18147S 9'848 (work).
trip to Austria in 1960 which included a visit to Oberammagau?' f've still got the photos! No doubt Christine will recall our visit to penpa:ls in France and tbo fun we ' had on the tra,.in between Paris and Toulouse~ And what about the school plays when gids ~to take male roles
_' :·:-.,~
Davt}F.obeos wnom he hadn't spoken to
f{)r .2S.-yeaB .. but p~ caD you let us know 'the toy·soid.iers! (See Feb· ruary Newsletter). ·
Tom HowgiH sent a letter about 'Fozzy' Browning. "You mentioned in the ~cent letter ..,i query from'iF: 'Clarkii- about· 'Filzzy' Browning - oo, doubt many have written · to you but I can assure you it was cer. tainly 'FUSSY'-an:d not 'Fuzzy'! . .·.. · He - lived at Goodmayes in Essex, front
1951 wbenMrsH.olJa1\d ~s pl~ to . read: · •swor~d. v.~ri we'U : i~eed ..." :i.. .. aga.nf.ro~n Mr. ~ll_10()ri,gr! "Sh.oldd pass ·.,..e~ly in Art~Qtie." · ...::~' ...deserves . ; .;:·•sii«essill this. snbj~t:''· ..t:. a. Qheerful :..: boy.:wM: is wed~~nne.Rd arid weU- .. ,. ..., · · bebav...-~..·". . ~ Legendary .Ol!n\CS appeal on the
seJVe us. I often Jllissed my connecting train home and arrived late with several good ~xcuses! Does anyone Jemember the school
We have put Richard hi touch with
If any one else cqn fill ih the
"Weak. M'w.t .really get doWn to ·Fourid~~·'i>a)o ~t~~betweenthe ._J~g thiiJgs.'·' ··ftQI.1l Mr~ {.yQ«ts .and .. . <1itt1e effort ;a;®....eveij :l$5-' ~·t.·~ fiOlll
in oJtier to meet the bl))'s at the end Of tbe day, especially at the end of Games Lesson· at Fairlop • dasbi~ off before Mjss Munn or Miss Kennedy wool~!' be arriving on the station platform,. tO ob~
all who -tnew·of 'my- hopes. and: _have ' . :.':i a1ready ptayed for me. I shall be ·able to celebrate 25 years as a teacher at Davenant and the · be· ginning of a-new vocation all at the same time! That has to bean ex:cusefora party! With every · good wish and much love.
0 ! HEr~ N t:: \f\/:5 • 3
w.bere I u.sed to travel up every day FAMILY PAY
We are gol11g to arrange a family daY
at the Qld S~boo~ building in Rliine .Street. :A.C uie"'' monient we are 100·Jci · ats· turda "thS .. b 'f ng a y, 0 cp...;m er I we can book the building. The·ide:a·is for Old Raineians' to bring thei.r fam.~ly for a bazbecue etc. aad to meet, hopefully, old friends. Tf peo.ple ;tre· interested would they p-lease contact us so that we &
judge Mw DJoeh filOO to bring. wiU con.firm the .arrangements closer
• .•to•t•he._da.t.e...._ _ _ _ _ to Stepney to school.
If I saw him
arot:md at OO..me I often tried to avoid him. As il nlllster and a gentleman - I
I shall begin nty trai.rung in September, 1996. Mine wiJJ ~e a NorvStipendruy Mini.stJy so:# "l .wo{l't .give vp Jfie .day job1;' In other wotds, I sha!J oonti.nae to
admired hlm but he was fussy ·alright Chatting with a friend in Higb. Road one day he came along. As he pa!i5t:d ~ he reached down to my jacket pocket and, because the flap was haJf in and out, st.raight~ned tt apd said • ".not like you HowgiU nol to be ti':!y" and sauntered off! He was just Jiving up to. his repu· tation no <ioobt. Tom was 88 on 29th February (a youngster l'eafly with o!Jiy 22 bil'thdoys Ed) and !lay£ he is still in pretty good fettle a.n.d aD the bothers are kept under
toacb at Daverum.t and to-li.ve ·in 1,-ough~
reasonable control 'by m«liC3tions.
From Sandra.Jotmson
A letter from Rtcllard. TUibrook:~ I write, wi~ a feeling:of tr.emendous joy, to tell you that it has t*asl;d God to call me 1o sef'\i~ Him in ~e olfi<:e of Pri~t iu the C~h ()fEn~ and and thilt
(no joiot school plays allowed between the two schools in those days)? I will
never forget the production of Patience. (Why?. Ed.)
am and I ask for your pxayers .as I begin thls new journey in rny l.i'f~. Thauks to
You may well imagine h.ow exited I
Paul Willia.lf\S w11s blterested in Wallie's mention of BiU CoUins, who is now in
his 31rd year in Broac;lmoor. ''Could we
some. bact:ar·o~:~ild u11.for:mat•on op'.lhis case? .l must admit I' d nev~r .lieard of Bill CoiHns. What was his
The (allowing
i extracts were taken
crime? My .greatest regret about my school years was tl)at I didn't t.ake piano lessons. My parents even got me a piano
from the schoof 'newspaper'. InSight-
when .I fiast .started at Raine's but once r d settled in to school. life I just wanted to get home and not bang around. for extra lessons. Unfortunatt~IY they didn' t push me into it I started playing guilar
Simone CaJiend.er is the youngest of the
n£v .NOW?
Judo Commonwealth Title
England judo team .This, however, didn't stop her from wi.nning two gold medals at the .recent COmmonwealth Judo tournament held in Mauritius at the begjOmpg ofF~. .
\H!;,ClW:JI:iU by"the lisb Schools Basketb.aJJ Association and for the fourth tiin~ in tournament history
Raine's won the Championship. The first round took plate iri. two pools. Raiile's .managed t9 come second in their league, winning two games and losing one.··· This enabled them to· go through to the senU-finals. Raine's beat Weavers of Northampton, 54 - 48, to take them to the national final. ·
There Raine's beat Burnage of Manchester by s~v~n points, 56-49. Tbe Sinione, who has been involved in . fiJJal was a classic confrontation. It was
a close defensive struggle in ·the early stages with Ratne;s edging ahead and
Ste'phanie Judge (62-68), · Denise ·Johnson (6Z-6&). Valeric Corper
judo for eight years, bad to compete in four fights. ..B~g set in Mauritiils it
(62--68), Stephen Threadgold (62-69), Peter Homey (62-68). None of the abo:ve ·are or have .. been me"'bexs as far as we know. U:
b~n J>arndise ifi wasn't ,\·eaniig"ajud:o"" widen to lli before clo5hijftlie gap again:
was really hot fightiDl' in a judo suit. . taking a 7 point le~ by haJf time. The Tile beaches and' sce~ry made Mauri· second half was ~ dlng-dong affair as tlus look like Paradise and it would have Bamage cut this lead to 4, only to see it
suif.!" . you . ·koow of theii whereabouts ~imone took.part in the fir~tf"sght of. ·.. plea~e. ask them to contact us. the tournament. ·• J cric:d. with rierves, my team·niates aad .coach had to cahn me "tthile at ~hool {self taught) · and I've down." Simoae•·s mo~ mentorablc 'fight played 'iirtlands ever· sinGe (semi-pro). was with a'Mawitilis rompetit6r, "She In· the .·last" 2 years I've learnt to play pioched my bum by acci~nt) I screa,me<i p~an~ arid ·keyboards and am; nt)w good a1ld fell down 911 .Qte ~oor. I looked up . enough.: ·~ play . keyboards in ihe pop/ to find the wh~l~ audie~ was·laughing cou(l~ba.olf.Ius~wly play gnitarwith:. ~ at m~!" lnsigbt,.a sked..'Simo.n~ h<JW. she just wish I'~ started 25 years: ago! . A~ eo~~ wi!J.I ~e. .:f~~;Qf .b'eing a ·C§In~ well, I wol)'t make tllat mist,a~eJ.~d~·,;. monwealth 'Cbrunpiofl,. "One bloke .da.'Jgbter.,...,she~u-~e ~~n9ouraged~ to take recogniS"ed me at the.ai1portl" . piano lessons!" ·
Ted Juvis remembeys Bobby Raybould who played. ~bfe tennis. far England in. the 1950~ s. and was also club Captain at ClactQn ·Golf Club (pessibty in 1987). Don Lang, BBC .musician, · was also
known as Gordon Langfurd, and his name at school was Gordon Langdorf.
can anyone confinn this?
We haven't got the following members'.
years at schooi:Tom BiUington, Susan (1\ltak.in) Brown, Betty (Lawson) ~.ng, John
Eve, Mr. B. Feinstein, Lorraine (Ande.rson) Johnson, DaVid Lloyd, Jan &
Richard Mansfield, Melunet Mehmet, Frank Morris, George Osbome, John Owens, Dr. John Pimm, Jean (Fredericlcs) Platt and ~sband, John Roden, Nonnan Rome, Angel a Rossi, Mr. P. Rus~ll, Roy Silvester, Bemazd Sirns, Irene (Webber) Stannard, Waiter Stanruud, Robett Taylor, Cbris Warlng, Mr
R. Wheeler. . can you please let us know your years at Raine's to enable us to update our reeolds.
From the lst to llth july ·150 pupils of Year 10 will be . o.n wor~ ex~ri .. ence. If you knc>w of any employers who . would be willing to offer a Raine's pupil 2 weeks work experi-
ence please contact Miss Naylor at the school.
lt's .not been easy for Simone to reach such a level. She tfclins at tbe. Tokei club near- London Bridge three times a week and at mast weekends. Simone told I1S of how disciplined she needs to be, "Tr.tveUiog takes it out of me and it is hard to catch up with all my work."
When announced Commonwealth champion Simone clenched her fists and with great passi~n screamed "Yes."
Burnage and Raine's gave their all in a match that was a credit to both teams and a fitting f"male to the tournament Bumage, who firusbed iunners-up for the thlr~ . :>Uccessive year in this tourruunent the other teams that were beaten by Raiae's found it impossible to cope with the speed and athleticism. of Obie Mattbews. The R;U.l\e 's left-handed-forward scored 27 points .in the final which brought his total for the tournament to 139. Obie was adjudged by the team coaches as the
tournament Most Valuable Player and joined the tou(tl3llle~ All StarFive Team Raine's winning team was madt; up of; Ofori Duah (Capt}, Obie Matthews,
David Thompson, Ouw~i Otusi, James · Diaz, Valentirie Collier, Frmcis Danso, Kehinde Makaqjuola, Taiwo Makaqjuola, Kenny Wall, Ojay Hotness, Dipo Bashorun. . Both [)ayid · Thompson . and Obie
Matthews . attended England Squad training sessions. .With talent as there is in these players Raine's are sure to retain their excellence in National Championships.
In the rest of the scllool the under 12 team were beaten in the South' East Re· gion semi-rmals and the under l4's reached the final of Region Four, one
place from the National Finals, but were beaten by the eventual winners, Homer·
ton House. Not to be left oJJt the girls in the first 2 years have played their frrst February lOth and 11th saw the under 15 games and it is hoped this will be the boys Schools NationaJ: Championships .. start of competitjve girls' ba.sketbalf in played at Eastway SPQrts Centre. the school (Previously known as Eton Manoz} The Natio_aal Baskelball Champions
·. ·.
:. ·..
. ·..;, 10>.'· ,. .- : ..:9
The winners will receive £l,200 Papageorgiou (University of East LOnIn roo1ball .all the yearnbowe<;l a high standald or-Skill with the both tbe under when they register at the_university of don), B Se Accountancy~ Andrea Robinson (Manchester University), BA lZ's and the undc:i"l3;s reaching 'the their choice. The article went on to_say about Theology.; David Rowley (Newham · semi~lmal of the inner London Cup. Tbe · College), Art Foundation; Jayne Seago school_suppl~d 6 of the ·players of tbe Huseyin: (Kings College, University of_London), .. A fortnight's wod: experience in a Tower Hamlets and . HaQkney District B Se Human Biology; Nicole Warren barrister's chambers confirmed HuseySquad that reach_ed the semi-f'mals of the National Champioqships. Again the . in's ambition to.be a lawyer. Now New (University of East London.). B Se Ex· College, Oxford has offered him a place tended in Biology & Computing. girl' frpm the first two years started to play football. · Well we are coming to the end of this to study law on condition he gains two As and aB at A-level. If he does he will newsletter. Just a few other notes to add. In the London Schools Gymnastics COLLECT AND CONNECT Championships 4 girls stood out: Nicole Shaw from Year 7 finished first; from Some of you who read the Daily Telegraph mey have seen the Collect and Year 9 Keeley Croft a.rxi Sylvia Gurley Connect coupon competition .that the ·paper is running. tirusbed first and second respectively The school is col~ting these coupons and need a minimum of 5,000 to enter and Hannah Robinson of Year 8 finished the competition. If you read the Telegraph please collect these coupons or if you
The good resu.lls were ·continued in the District Cross Country Championships. For the girls · Emily Sheeban, Tracey Duley and Vicky Lambert filled the first 3 places in Year 7. In Year 8 Felicity Ovie was another wjnner. For tbe boys Obie Mattbews (Year 10) and Ricky Dempsey (Year 11) both finished sec·cnd. As for tlie reams. Year 1 and 8 boys .and year 8 girls 'fintsbe<t second. But pride of place goes; llOt surprisingly after having tbe 3 leading girls, to ·the · Year7 girls who won the Championsltip. Both Years 7 8 girls and boys represented Tower Hamlets as teams in the London Cross Country Clwnpionships with Felicity Ovie finishing fifth. She was also chosen to represent London in the Inter Counties Race.·
see any one reading the paper please ask them for the coupon. The coupons are in every issu.e unlit the.end of June, with two in the special computer section on Tuesdays and two in the Sunday Telegraph. Keep your eye peeled as they· are difficult to fiml · The last con-pons appears on 30th June. Please send them altogether to the school for the attention of Bill Ricltards as soon as. possible after this date.
Please uy to send 11s your memories of your school rep<~rts as Norman Holland did. I'Dl sure that there must be some exceiJent comments from the teachers Huseyin gained 10 OCSEs and has b_c:en other than the usual "could do better" or elected Head Boy. "He's a cha~cr," "iiiu!ittry -hank(''_.ctc. · · Other areas that may trigger your says his Headmaster. "Visito~ to the memories are field trips; school plays; school are won over by the wannth of his personality.'"' sports day and games; cookery, metalwork and woodwork. On the last item Finally on the sebool foliowing is list . I' m· proud to say that Sandra Johnson who went to university last Septemher: aJ1d myself still have lhe trays we made nearly 30 years .agO and they are used · Aesha Ali (Waltham Forest),. Art regularly. Away from the plaYing fields and Foundation; Ge.orgina Bailey (Teesid.e gymnasium our congratulations go to University), BSc Applied Science & I would Hire to thank all the contributors Huseyin Kose, Head Boy ofRaine'-s who ... Forensic Medicine~ .Neil Bailey (Uni~ .. newsH colle.ctor.twho .h ave heJpe~ to · was one often winners of the 1996 Daily versit.y of Central England), HND In- make this edition especially interesting, .Telegmph!Jerwood Foundation Urban dustrial IT; Ruth CastJe (University of f' m sure you will agree. Bursary Scheme. Devised by the Tele- North London). B Ed; Marion Emin graph and funded by the foundation. the (Thames Valley University), B Se Psy~ Finally please keep sending the memo- · scheme is designed to er¥;oarage chology; Thomas Faye (University of rics and news and remember if you know hard-worlcing young people from dis~ Westininster), BA Business & Admini- of any Old Raineians' ·who are .not . advantaged backgrounds go to uni- stration; _Dean Fr.ancis (Coveiity Uni- members please get them to join. versitY. For the third year running, more versity), B Se EnvirolUllental Science; BiU Richards tb.an 10 schools and colleges were in- Emma Frost (St Mary 's Uitiversity Colvited to nominate up to two candidates, lege), BA · English/Histol)'; Victoria · each· of who was asked to write a Harper (Chichester Institute of Higher 500-word on why he . Or. she, Education), B Ed Theology; Tina Iwwanted study for a degree. erebor (Greenwich University), B Se · the entries were judged by Tim Chemistry & Business; Asif Majid Brighouse, chief education officer of (Manchester University), BA English & Birmiri~bam; . Rosanne Musgrave, Sociology; Evonne Markham (Man. Headmistress of Blackheath High chester UniverSity), · BA Theology; School, London; and John Clare of The Hannah Metcalfe (Nene College)~ B Se . Daily Telegmph. Archaeology &. Earth Science; Andrew
be the first member of his family to go to university. His father, is Turkish, is a tailor. Pespfte a period of living in bed-and~f'ec1kfast accommodation,
Foundation SchClOI
SaDdra Johnson Goodlngton Lane
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Approach ROtd Betlmal G rtea
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• Gw.yrineth.Jackson
Bill Rkllar.d$
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Mt~kby Malie~rd · · · '.Ni' Riport .
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I·· . .
Kalu Agber:e (83-941) is a student at De Montford University, Milton Keynes.
Frances Allea (72w77) wrote after r~ ceiving a copy of the Newsletter: "I read with interest the February Newsletter you sent me. Some of the names do indeed ring a bell, in particular Roonie Bender and Clive Shilson (wtio I saw petfonnirig a number of times at RADA's Vanburgh Theatre during his student days). Along with the completed membership application funn and payment, I also enclose a 'piece' (more like a novelette!)
and a photograph. In 1977, after one year of short hand at the sharp end in the Secretarial Sixth, Shani Rhodes and I • the terrible fm»qme • left Raine's to work in advertising. It · . was a great introduction to life and the _opportunity to glimpse at how the other half lived through a gap in the somewhat flimsy curtain. I worked as 'Junior Sec· retary ~ the m ani~ Managing Director who ·was revered in the world of advertising. Shani was rather luckier as she worked a.S Junior Secretary to the enigmatic Creative Director! Our other friend, Lynn Begent, was even luckier as she bad got a well~paid job in the cushy world of property development. I was a gopher as much as anything
else and was seftt on a regular basis to places like Cartier and Dunhill to coiled watches, suits, etc. as well as doing the odd bit of shorthand ·and typing. lt was during one of these gophering expeditions that 1·discovered the frrst lesson in life: never carry the boss' pii:za upside down! They say that life is an education and this exposure to the fir· er things in life certainly educated me · · After two yea~ of trying to 'get into' television, I finally struck told in 1982
and became Pers6nal Secretary to the Managing D.irector.ofLimehouse Studios. These were excitink times in television, as the newly fomied Fhannel 4 bad opened up tremendous opportunities·for freelance producers who wanted to make programmes independently from the BBC and ITV. However, in the early 80's there was a shortage of !Jondon·based studios in which to mount. th~ir productions - herice the birth of Limehbuse Studios. If ever one n~ded a pioneering spirit it was in the early days of 'Limehouse'. Whilst the Studids were being built I worked in a Portakabin and on a b oot that was reputed to have once been a lrothel the various room names laid testam0nt 1o that boast! Incidentally Marl< Shivas was one of the producers involved with Limehouse - yet another of life's coincidences I also ·met Steven Berl<off at Limehouse and asked if he really did go 1o Raine's. He confirmed that he did and had memories of girls wearing summer straw boaters - before my time Mr Berkoffi The memory I have of my first summer at Raines was the awful· Summer uniform. Was that ink-splattered material actually designed or did someone have an accident with a bottle of ink in the de-
:. . . . .'
.OCTOBER 1996. Well here it is - the latest edition of the R-Files. All the news has been abducted from the memories of the members of the Association and copies sent· to the FBI C/0 Fox Mulder and Daria Scully . Re· memkr the members are out there.
.:.. :.-:··'
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signing process? The overall effect was that the wearer looked like an enormous walking blotting pad. It also encouraged ink flicking contests, the overall purpose of which was to try and join all the blue splodges together. X"-ou cari almost hear those dulcet tones ringing - "Come on! Don't· be shy! Why not drop the whole bottle down my dress f the more ink stains the m'errier!" In fact, during my first couple of years at Ralnes ·the uniform changed a number of times. Second
lesson 1n life: never go
a school going
through a design crisis - it will cOSt your parents a.fortune! I finally left Limehouse in 1985 to embark on a freelance career. During this period J worked on quite number of wide-ranging productions including ~ documentary on death and bereavement, a Michacl Caine film and a nice little shoot in the Seychelles involving a group of male.strippers - but that'.s another story! All good things come to an end, usually when one acquires n mortgage. I acquired mine in 1993 when I ended my
freelance career to get a 'proper' job in a
more stable environment. I am now happily ensconced at the Natural History Museum working as PA to the Director of Science. The job is varied and brings me into contact with a whole host of people ranging from the general public to the "great and the good". Needless to say, it is ajob that I thoroughl y enjoy. I have fond memories of Raines and I am grateful to all those teachers who worked so hard at trying to educate us and prepare ·US for the future trials· of life . . I remember in particular Miss Lowes, Mr Crump and Mr Spooner. However, there was one period that I am not so proud of.
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PAGE 2 ..
'. age:1Ja,;a 'h~kering·· fOT travelling abOut an~
dealing with people lllad me into wholesale and retai l sales. Aftel' several years .elf training a:nd . store rnanagemcnt witl1 v-arious food l'~ta ilers, I joined United Biscuits.; a com.pany that was to shape my fl!ture. A sales.·carc~r.in the food industry, trained by()OC of its' leading c'ornpanies,
·rook me through all aspects of field sales.
Lyn'~ ·a'e~en( ~ Shani Rhodes- Yv~nne Barm:tt- .U sa Hdrh ~ Frm,1od's Alleil
' •
_. ;
• •
'.f'b:m 3M. went· Jhrough ap tulplcasi/.T.Il phase;:prohably' caused by in£r~scd tes-
tl)stcron~ ·a:nd bad hairstyles, and bec~me quite naughty and disruptive. One tea~her
whose lite we made a nightmare was Mrs Bamford . who tal!ght 3M.R. E. , W1)<.m things:.(;af!l.e.tO a ht!ad the class wa~ given a di'€ssing. down· by Mr Spooncr and..to make amends we presented Mrs Ra1nf'or-d with a delightful sclccti.on ofc:aJ..;es tha.t.we l!llide !J:l'C!.>9lcery.. Mrs Bamforcl, however,
not cmvince<i that .our · inten tions hunoutable.· and re.fused to :a~c;~pt,.thetn., Now, l. c~n·t· lx. SU!'I:!.whethe r thi~ w~s.due ou r p~~~~tnti(>;, te~hniquc or wh<lther ~he thqugh~ ~e ~~d lace(\ tl)em wi.th .'a, ,ballu~:;ioatoty drug;· which would i11duee · h'·~. · i~~nin nak;<i throug h th e · cl~srooms. ! hope that St J>erer suffers n
}.w.e ri entir~!Y.
memory· ': hll)se.'T.vli'eii'-1 knock pearly gates.l
(H) . those
{ also .made !'ome great .frie(lds at R.aines, namely. .Lyn n Begent a11d .SJ~ani . Rh~dcs with.whond s tiJI .kcep in contact. l.ynon.ow·iivesin·Warringtonan.d .. ha;:;.two children and Shani in Barking and has one ~hi Id. ..No doubt I ·Will drag (hem along to ar~u nion.
•, :
Perhaps as yqu .get .o lder you als!! hecom~. less self consci.ous about ·saying lh<tnks, ~0 l am nmv saying, ttiank you Raines for giving rnc a gopd education, teaching nvi right from .wi·ong,: ·cncour· aging, se!f·disciplin~ .... the list is. en die~~. i certainly carnc: in ~nd lcamcd m); duty to Clod and Man!" ·. · . F:ddie Chambtr5 (46-52) joi.ned tir~t t~nd thcn som etime later·scnt the lolfo'\vi ng: ''In the inter(!jts of the tim~ con· s~ra.ints id·me give you ~om c ba~i(; f t'ICts, rt;uct iom and mmark..<~ COlK'ern.ing my days at Ra inc's. f>1aybe, o.Jicc ! navl.l M the mcmo1y wht.!cls rolling, r can come back · to ~ou at a !ator di:ne· ~.vith somt.s••nure nJ<l;¥.rial t·hat you ,i1ay c.ar~.·r.o u~e. Par· ·trcularly~ \ ...herr . I read ·. tlu:Oi.J\~h :.the back . issw:s of the: Nev.;slettei·, tJ)·ings · nit . into · visionary focus and nan1es stir the cobwebs of the mind1! fn actua l .f~K't, if .Ult!te are auy other copies of b~k numbers available, I would ~del igh ted .fo receive Lhem- I'm qllite ·a-'nostalgic.\11\d senti- · mental person about ihc. p~~t! ..·. ' When ! lelt Rainc's, in JtJ!y, .195 i, I was in 5A lppe; · my parents ~.;ould not afford to ietme go on to the Si~ih F~?n)l: I lelt to join L,lnyd> Bank, you kno;v, .one
man management, company sales management. marketing and eventually head ·of a d!S!rihution company in ihe Motor Trade. ·. That· i·s where f would be · no~ exe~:pt that I· fell victim of an industl'y 1i1aiaisc, kn(lwit as 'down sil.ing' and !or Hie !as! tcw years, I have been running niy own destiny, so to spo;Ji:k. Wc have t i'li'o opt•mtil.ins, one that' identifies and. n1~nu~ tacturl!s . 'niche' products for vid~o .and d :Ty security systems and.· the other; more re~ent. Y.~n ~~. ':"hereby we pl'o~: ide :;crviccs for the lt:J.temet - .we desigr1 ·~rnil build Web Pages for vlients, for placing oh
. . ·.
our fntt.n.\ct Web So. it all beg<m ,.for ri1e biick ii1 Scp~ ' ~emoor 1946, h av iug pas~cd my 'elelien.. piu~· w ·CI:lri$t<;li'tlrch .school. in Brick · Lane. for ~n E~t End kid, b~i·'n iil)~\tr, ·
bomb~d out in 1\.klgate (my grandf~1ther i wa~ killed c1nd J w<ts {)oly;;lighily i1{ju;·ql) ; ~nd e·,•acua!cd to :jwindor., t·o make {t
f{aine ·~ Foundation Grammar· School' for· Boys ">:VaS !iO.m(".thing r WtlS proud o f!! The Jirst assembly ~nd . ~e ii1g welc6med by the ·,;encr~blc ·A .. Wilkit:tson D<•gg~r, Head
Mastc:;r.· w;is not an
easi ly
forgNten' (actuai ly, ,'S ~.vord' i.vould have i><:en a rnor(;\ fitl'ing siwn~rne -' at ieast t
lhcJUghl sol!) · ·. · · · Charlie Nay.,,Mechanics & Technical bn11.yi:ig) wa,s n:;y · fir~a Fnrm rvfaster· and r.emc~{lhering',that !1ame, set me on the n::~d to recalling 'the other i1!3Sier.: in witose untb r.tunale hands ! fou!ld myself fiun1l hen on!! Names like Jimmy Shivas
\Engl ish}, W611.ie Spooner (Geography),
· Hrfl\.l ' Brought~m (History). ,\lee Aid~ ridg<:: {French), bonnic Lyons (Gcrntarl), .'A.H.' Davics·, 'Wall y~ 0 think)Chapmao .& 'Gabb.i · .M'ut1Janb {Maths), ·. W.L. · Dnyfes and . ·s·!()gger' · Lutim (!'}hysics), Mis~; (~lllt (Art), 'Nobby' C!arke (Mtlsic), Mt;lis!q li· le l)c)cteur Lomb~rd (c;lictnisuy). ·busty' ,Trai.!l ( PT) titi~.fs'o 91i..OuU
Finally, perhaps. one .of. the great . kssons· it). liJe is that as you g,ct older ypu reaJise..th~t. your: ~lders Wet~ always t:ighL of those traditionaf 'jobs for life'. careers: None· more .so tll.an Mrs Rank in whose · ~~I!Ss..th~r. ·. !.8 'niontl\~: .lat.er, I w~~ in the ,strong . Yiews on .. 1970's fasl!!ori were ': RAF for i\jaii on.~J . Sie.rvj~e. vowing never completely ou~ .of killer wil~ in.il)e :. She Ill go ba'ck to bankingl My ~ervic~ career <.:amHll remember the name ·of the s.·iology didn,:t ·~~?~.:tly s hare my ·pcot~an t for. 4 .\~as succt~ssfu! and interesti!]g, i(l kad<H ieacJJCr, a Miss.???;?! (f 1hi nA you will/tl'~d i.nch platform wedges and told me, ·in h<~r aJld.Figliter c:ontroi and 11s a Co qM~l! by . it. .way :Vis.\· Ringer · Ed) · ' .. direct way, that I wopJd look.b<\Ck ()t) this the til)'le l was demobbed, i f~lt ·quite good Anecdotes a9out the mast<lrs? DotJ. .idiosyocrf'lsy and l:ealisc hmv rrdicuious f about my:.;elf. but not tempted to stay on! nie Lyons? A f!tir but strong advocate (Jf looked. lhatetoadmitit.butshcwasrlght! With banking no longer .on the th!~ ·sfipper' philosophy. I remember or,e ... . . :. .
·.• £..:.:·
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• morning wliil~t he was 0 ur Form Master never forget Dr lomberd. I believe he was and one of the lads,.! forget w~o it was,· · either French or. Belgi~n and spok~ Engwho in South London;·c:irlle into t~ !ish with incredibly thick accent.
memories. of 'Holmcroft', ~lurstpierpoint, .where· the school. was evacuated in. World lived War Two: . .~ . cla.Ss some 15 minutes lafu: .Donnie a~ked terspersed with a lbw exclamations of ..In 1939, when I was nine years old, fOt- the :reason for;the;.iateness and the French; He was thb target for constant member of staff at St. ·Geo~ge's-in-tb~·il{ ;. miscreant. with what he 'thought was a · .·play actingb~ause 6fh,js,accent and East school asked me if I was going to join,.:: watertight reason, confidently said that he demonstrative actiorls- a little like Mag- · two of older sisters the school. i '· ~~ was late because Tower Bridge had gone nus Pike ofTV fame'. l can hear him now replied "oh no Miss. I'm going to ·~ up just as his bus was going to cross the saying something lik.b"Eh bien, you take a Raine's". She laughed "You are, are you? bridge. Donnie went ahead with the leetle drop of 'ydrochloric aceed and you Well good luck then". punishment for lateness i.e. four with the put 'im wid a leetJe drop of sulphuric Perhaps she thought I needed some slipper, telling the suffererthat being used aceed and ..... wot 'e geefyou, uh?? I say good fortune. As the fourth of six to going over the bridge twice a day, 'e geef you a beeg poof! !" A recipe for daughters of an out-of~work docker, I was should alert him to leave home 20.minutes · disaiter!! · · · .indeed aiming high. • earlier, just in case the bridge should. go . . So, yes did ~et up to mischief, we' Humble t?figins and World War Two up!! Donnic was also an ardent lover of were full of youthful exuberance and we notwithstanding, in 1941 1 arrived at . Wagner, .often organised opera trips.and did try to take liberties, but all the time Hassocks Station to join the ~chool in . was a great'rugby:~ritbus1asH~ith:the 1st :.'-)here was~'bOnd oft,esp~t{ot.th~.s<;hotii, . Hurstpierpoint. The school·. was based in· Fifteen, of which I was a regular member for authority and fdr the masteci. This '· "Holmcroft'. a fairly large, modern house. extended to the PrefWts System and the on the edge of the village. lt was"unfur- · (front row- right prop). Alec Aldridge? The master of ttead Boy of the school and the so called, nished apart from desks and cupboards. whizzing pieces of chalk, wooden corporal punishment element that we The Billiard Room served as the hall blackboard erasers and screwed up balls knew as 'slippering', did us absolutely no and took the whole :school. Miss Haugh of paper to all whose attention flagged harm whatever! stood on a leather plinth at one end to take during French. His favourite trick was to ·• If l name masters, I must stir the asscmb!y... · Her exhortation, after any pick on someone who needed help and memory banks to rclmembcf some of my holidays, "Now, girls, i(s back to porridge encouragement, ask a question like, classmates in the 'A' stream! How about, and old clothes" has gcrie' into my family "Gordon, what. is the past participle of . ", Reggic Sheals, Georgie Gilham (a good folk-lore for generations. In truth life in whilst holding an ear, which slowly .. story about· him many years )Jlter!), those days was nearly always 'Porridge · · twisting inevitably brought the victim to Tom my Soulsby, Oscar Rabin (no, not the tmd old clothes': ·, his feet and bent over, too, as the memory Band Leader), Stan Lipman. Peter Hill· Some of the classrooms looked out on struggled to come to the aid of the painful man, Malcolm Pit:.K.eathly (a brilliant to the terrace and the garden which appendage!! sketch artist), Bobby Raybould (of later .stretched away and then over the fields to Jimmy Shivas, I seem to remember, cricket and table tennis fame, I believe). the Downs. Looking at the magnificent organised some sort of'Penguin' Book his friend Colin Gotobed (did he get viewwasallwecoulddoas'Dad'sArmy' Club, in the early days of paperbacks and ribbed about that name, but also a good Regulations put the Downs and the we were able to.,purchase books by easy cricketer), Alan Childs, Bill Tatum, Gor- beaches out-of-bounds to civilians. payments. f. s~em to remember also, don Lester (we used, to sec each other a lot The fine main staircase and the another n~cknaine of 'Zitch' for Mr. later at work), Bill '~tonewall' Jackson (a smaller twisting back stairS led tc other . Shiva's, but the origins are cloiJ.ded in my great rugger ful1-ba~k), Gordon Hutchin- classrooms and the library, which was an · · memozy; shaH-w~say? (Perhaps someone son-and Peter Kissa~ t<> name soine that- attic bedroom; For Needlework and l1is~ could enlighten. us?- Ed) .:. come to mind. Perhaps some of my to..Y lessons we satarou~d a'huge~kit~en My memory of 'Ai·l'. (bavies) can contemporaries will. remember others, if table in tbe staff quarters. best be described as 'thunderous'. He was they are in touclt no*adays or come across The house had two bathrooms and a great proponent of discipline and being these Newsletters at all. girls who had no bathrooms in their billets vecy tall, very bald and a constant wielder So, with that flrst stab at providing were allocated twenty minutes once a . of the heairy wooden blackboard ruler, he you with Some material.. for the next week for a bath. We often broke the rules demanded i)nd gotattention!' If not, you Newsletter. I shall serld it off you. . iu1d went in together for a longer splash · felt the hardness of the aforementioned Hopefully, it will be. of use to you and at a around. ruler in the ~icinity of your means of later date, rshall probably remember some Science lessons were once a week for · 010re, including .the story about Georgie a whole afternoon. We had to·walk two paying attention - the ears! ·· • ·. Who could forget choir practice with Gilhain!" . . miles to Stdohn's College during lunch 'Nobby' Clarke, aod to this day, I can break and back again after the lesson! . recite all the words of 'Linden Lea'!! Josephine Cleary (Collias, 41-46), a School dinners were served in What a relief wher(:l could proudly an- retired Headteacher; was one ofthe people 'Bel moot', another house taken for nounce to •Nobby' )hat my voice had who responded to the schooVs appeal in school use. Miss HaugJi used.to put aside ;.,, , broken! . .·· . · the · Daily ''relegraph for 'Colleci and some of her food and then:.divi<ie it be·•.,; During my tinte .at the. school, we Connect' Gouporis and was invited join . , .tween children sitting neikher. We. ~re·: were always getting new'' ;o.t different the Association, Two of Josep]Jine sisters '';always hungr)'an.d. h~ to b~la6'ce _.the masters to teach. Chemistry·;and I shall . also attended Raine's and enclosed her extra helping againstJiavin~ ~1t next to
in- ·.
PAGE 5 . . '\': ··:·.' . . . ·:
. · ..•. , ....::;:h'.
the Head for our meal. . does Mr Eames remember? I'd love to remembe;~h~ ~bea~b? t~·~~b~r or Mar~ The..,.staff ran a Satur4ay Club. w.ith .. hear from myoid ·~ities Barry Quigleyand .. gate orgam.sed by B~ard ·Knib~s? · '(If .. •. m.usic..an.d .games ·in, Jhe Billiard Room. Derek. Faulkeuer, .feJlow tec~ni~al draw- . you remember please wriie- Ed) . . . . }())'CC .:Morrison .(w.ho looked just like ers. . .. As well as the mimes already menDeanna Ou~bin) used to .pll\Y and sing "I .. . . I have ke.pt up my interest in painting tioned ·I remember Joan Barry, Christil1e can see the lights of home'' and make us .. and drawing which. ~egan at R.alne's with Hale, Alan Kingdom, Ray Gre.gory, Mag.all cry. .. . . . ·. ·. ·. . . the. ~nc.<)uragem~t ~f Miss Slake and I gie .furdy. Steph~m Richardson1 Dav~d . . 'Holmc(oft'.,was a lovely house in a . held po!>'tS of Responsibility for Art during . De'ath, Sbeit~Y(Jc.idtrey,..~en.riy .Pinch•.lo~lysett.ing, ltwasa;haveninwhatwas, .my.full-iimete~chin~:· .· ...... ·... . . bek .. Ric~ard.,.A\IC'i~son a.ll~.;'·io~s, of the often a.ch,lnge.rous and unhappy world. I . (w.m always reJnem.be.r:Mr.J>Owling names in the Newsletter:· Has ..apyone wonder j(tb~.American lady owner ever . and used ~owrite to him but lost'touch in. heard from 1\Jlaggie)'ytcGill, Lu. went ba~k to enjoy .it as it shoul9 have .the 1970s.... Other earlier memori.es ot: cos~~ Of \jnda t<al~ /hop~fully now ..be~n. lhope S:O. . .. ,. Raine's i~ciude being terrified of the recoyered!! .:.£d.) .. . ··•. ·.. .. ' .. teachers...YOIJ were really in troJJble for .. ,'A friend 'of mine met'Helen Noble ..... Denise CO'.!ZOii~~. ()lowrnan. or E~~~. not having th~, CofreCt black. shpes or . arid' Richard Tassel!, who were married. wards, 64-71) :joined after receivipg a correct length of sKin or correct colour . .Richard~s fath~r. was ttie .'vi~~r of .St · •Ne\'(sletter til~t triggered a numbe,r of. trip~:;. •• b~r ~lY'Jd}?r. f<?"i!l4?~ ~~~i~.a sho~ o_r tied .. . M~iy;s, S~rrey. t?ock~ }97+15. . · •. · down ·memory lane'. · · ·· baek'liair' Siyte> ·· · · ., · , . ,, : · qiristiile )~~eway· (now Bra~n) ·is in ''I qualified in 1974 as,a teacherin the Memories of Miss Braitch falling of .tou~~ ~ith me al)d we see .eac~. other infctnt·junior range a11d work~. in Catford the stage afte1·one of her more enthusiastic regularly (she said .she would join the . iri. my first school for three years. I moved jumps in ti-le ai~ with the baton. Also AssoCiation .: nothing receiw~d yet: a • to France with. my futut:e husband, who having to'\veat the .v.elo.ur. I used to'put it · gentle r.emiltde:r p(e~~~ Deni.~e ._ Ed). · .french, where we lived·for 3. Y2 years. hi . on at the corner of Jdmaica Stteet, but was Other teacheJ:S .~ · remember: Mr ·· • .: · .· ' i ·. · Spooner, Mr. Br.oughte~n'. · Mr S\~nriey ' DISTINGUISHED' FLVING CROSk . gliding .around ~ti~ s~hoQI occasionally, Miss Mannoy, Mr.Jl.~rry. Mr.Ha~ding and· ., . Sqwidion. . ..Miss HaJtlmon(i: ' · · '·· home is in Stepney, been awarded:the Disting~:~ished Flying Cross. Born in 1920 at Douglas, ls.le of Man, he was educated at Raine's Fouiidatio'riSchool Ja~~e.lmli~f.(9~96) was an Art Teache'r ~it ·in Arbour.Squar~ .. [)ennis We~beolisted into the Royal Air Fore~ in Septeml>er 1940. .Raine'~ .fin two years before leaving to He was commisioned in.November 1942 and is entitled to tlie 1939-45 star. His take a post in .Kenya: · citation shows b~ has c~pleted numerolis sorties.;' ·· · (85-92) ha~ just finished a . The.above appedr~di~ d), ~4iti01t ~!the East London Advertiser lastSeptimber 1995. Join~ HonoLJrS .Dewee (Geology and . . . If any one h~s ~ny further. ir/ormation on De!mis Webb or oiher former pupils. CQmp!lting) at the Upivetsity of Ports-· aw.ard.~d mifid1.~'·pi41Si/wr_~~;(o ~s Ed... ·· · ·. mouth where he gained a·2.1 degree. At .,... •> · present he is looking for work. in the field F'ran~{taught EFLsiudents andw9rl<ed startled one. morning by Mr Calvert. of R.emott Sensing.: . .., irt,)he British School 0f Pa~is.~ .My lius: ~or,nlrig frotTI Stepnby Green. "Put your .. . . .band . qU31i fied as ~:. GP •aricf ·optm!!d a. ·.hat on~· .are.th e only words • rem em !:>er ti i m . 'Peter Ware (59:.66) asks. ifanyone knows practice il)_a. villa_g~.north of Paris. . .· .sayin~ to me in all theyeats at ~ine's(rhe ._, whilt became ofS!Jsan Nightingale who .. In 1,980 w,e;~ld up an~,c~rrie ~ack· to·. re~t went 9-~er myhead!). .Miss Lowes .. was in'the·y~a(b~loyj· him,. ·• ·. . . . . . London''(and my,roots). the~e. he spe~ rantlngatu~ about showers. becai.Jse the . : ·. . • :' ';' ; ; ·.,~ ... cialised in Ps~hi3~ at St. Clements and teachers whotaug~~.the lesson foll()~~rig · · Kenn~h W~Uains (3J~4~) fmind·t~.eJ~k,;... th.e London l;-l~!!pltal ·(now. the. Royal PE had compla1.ti~d about the g1rls of p~ttmg h1s memones mto words qUI~~· Loridon)and I ~<l.ug~t in a school. in Well- '!lmellirig'!! The children in the local area daunting: · . · . ing, .Kent. In l9SSwe had diughter .· ch~nting:. "Rain~~s, Raine's got no · .· . ''I have several false stans and · oovered se~eral A4 .sheets in pencil and I left full~~ime teaching in 19$.7. Since 0. orains" e:verytime ~e wal~ed by.·· the-ti .1. have. worked part·~fJnic ~·d as a ·.., . : Does anyone rbmember· the school scri~l:)le, but it always seemed to be supply teacher. with the hope o(g~ing ., joilmey to Austria. ir:~ 1968 when half the l~ading to a book!) did come across some back.· to Jull:,ti.me. wh~n. Natali~ ·. starts . :. P,ariy arriye~.hom~ o~ stretcherS following old papers to do with Raine.'sf particularly · second~IY .education, . .·. .. . . · . . · · an outbreak· of gastro-enterit.isZ Chris . some where I used, ~~ exam times, to put , . Severalteache~at.Raine's would be Janeway an~ I shared. a room with Lincta .. ~wn the names of the iikely top ten or so. surprised .at my 'suceess'. I \Vas .the . Kain. Poor Linda, who was quiie.tall 'for boys and keep records .oftbeir marks in . . 'thickest'. pupil to .embark on a GCE.. her age, WilS rg:legated to the camp bed on each subj~ct. Unfortunately with. re... Maths coutse (poor Mr C.il~e(t). foitLJ~ ' the floor.. When she caught the dreaded organising (disorg1inising) all over the . nately 1 wasn't bad at TediliicaiDrawing bug, Miss Raines had to pel'Suade us to let place I carinOt now lay myliands on them.·. that probably swung the place at Teacher · her tiave a proper l>~d..·sp we ·tookwms .. No doub~ they will tl!m.tip and prove of Training College. My one claim to fame on the camp bed while Unda took the bed . reJ)ewed . interest .tQ .me and. possibly to. -·i was tlie first girl at Raine's to do TD- nearest the sinkn · · Also, doe'i any~ne. your reade~ ..· ' .· ·
is· ,
·~FLIGHTi.:ieute~a~t Den~is ~u~k.ley We~~(I4I464)R~A.F.V.J.No.t61 whose has just .
, ·
·. .: ~· ·.. .
·t~·· .-------~------------------------------------~------------~----------~------~----------, :·..: . Of.~~ ~ame3 :of .contemporaries . the ~fforts of · Basil don Development at home, he slipped on his tes:race imdwas meriiioned, (remember JQhn Clark who . ·corporati<m, and:ratt~rly the New Town's · a~ain resident in Whipps Crosd,Jospital. this time with a broken hip! Again we all . . was continually producing improved "de- ··commission, to get their hands on it"
• signs c)f long-distance buses, tor intetlded use; I belie~e, in East Africa. · · Eile~n · Scuffell (Gurney, · 64~76) Has ,. . C)'rit . "'ilstim I_m.airyly reme.niber as ... been along to a: few Reimioos ·but never sharing witli End!Jhn~n; at exam times. the got arouno tojoining the Association. She ih-itating habit ofcorn i~g between me and · is now· rectifying this~ albeit Z6 late. the t6p' bo~. the ~bhsist~ntly formidable Eileen is in touch ·with Jdnet Britton, Chesover. · ... · · Unda 'Bra'ham·e, Gill wara ·and Barbara .. . . . Simon K;u:nin~ky . (do recall as being · Newton·· and· her sister, Cheryl, who • occa$ioiiaily fo~nd tinqerfo9t if one was emigratedto Canada 20-od,d'years ago. paying too little attention to the pavement · ·. - I wonder·ifhe' has growri since 1941! . Stepbanie Mott (Judge, 62-68) is work. .. ' It~ s~·o puttiilg girl's nani'es before .ing on infonnation, rhemoties, etc. .·· . .. me. .''There y;as a rumour th~l half the . Arbour Square building was occupied by OTHER NEW S · 1
· · ! . ·. ·
· ·· ·
nim· a ·good retoveiy. and .a
trouble~fre~ rer~· to mobility, ·,,:.:.
Debra Reid (Harvey) sent me a family · photograph -' taken ..on her father's 60th birthday (also ·an Old Raineian). b1cluded were . sister Allson and her·fou·r children · (i\lison is ·nursing. ··while-' her ·liusband. whd'has j~st :completed· teaCher-training searches for a job); brother Jonathan and his son and Deb.ra with her two soris. · · De bra is stilllecturi·ng:lialf-time but hopes to take a years ·' sabbatical in order to • under:take a rr,.<Uc:li' .Writing project.'· Recently she was one of I0 team leaderS<eaCh
. . 'such''dfeatures, but none obirGde~ into my . .. ·. . .i : notice during·the two ydus I spent i:here. · · :.Froirt GwynnetA JaJI.si)n·. '· · over' seeing the'· wo'rk of.· 10 cornpi Jers, · . . . oA ·leaving kchool . I worked . for '· .:.. . pr'ior to publication of the N.V. Thematic Lon.don TranspOrt ·where 'my certificate ~~ortly ailer the. Apj-jt R~u~ion; I had a ·Bible . "the largest Bible project ever unstates I gave faithfu!'ser\tlce fqr 43 years - card from tvla.rgaret Paish: 'spending her·. . dertak·en· in· this c'ountry. Add et! ·to that it barely seemed twice as ·long.' They must first year of'retirement · iri ·south ·A'frica, · she.·c-ontributed . articles for. two·. otlier have kindly included my anny sei'Vice (or where her husboo.d haQ a years contract to. Theologic:al Tornes. · · perhap~ no6ody noticed I was .away). The coach their aih Jetes ·. for : tft'e .Atranta . · fou'r years 'in klliki (or jimgle green) in- Olympic Games. She . was returning to Congratulations to Ching Fun Lee who eluded six months in India and two yeats Yorkshire when he traveU.ed .as Chief has become engaged recently and hopes to in Malaya, where I ended up as a Warrant : ~oach to .the ~outh African. T~;.tni 19 At~ . marl)' this Autum·n·. Officer ·liQ Malaya Commarid; \vhere ,. lanta. .. else, of course, but iil the ·lntlbiligence Ou.t ofth·e;blue came a letter froin;Marina Branch! (Ha~ing wind of the inCipient Most of you will have heard of..Wa!Ue.. . Wright (Wiles), remtridlng me th~t.J had Com_munist guerrilla.. activity . ' · im,mediSpooner' s sojourn in hospital, atter.which · ·grven her j:>iarto lessons and ·that she had ately rt:Scinded my· gen~lemen's .. agree>- :·.;he wrQte to say how moved he '!Vas by the been on an Austrian skiing trip and hosment and secured ·my--release). friendly an·d affectjonate com.munications telling in Derb}'Shire· (and has a· photo of . ·'· . . ~ince I ~85 J have b~en cultivating .he hitd received, even from people he had me asleep in . the ·dormitory!). · She. has my · ·half-acre of Essex and confounding t """t eo s dl , · . l .,,.· . . .. . . . ~.. . . . . au 00 •. .) years ago. .a y, recuperanng been. married for 15 years .• .....has :thre..e ·~
PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Wetcci~-~ t~ thi A~nin1ri edition o'fue Nc~s1ettef'Wllich is fulli>f .• t:lri.ng mo~e Old Raineian$ into the As:s6ciatibn to help4t-flo~rish
. news, ·vie~s and stories a.S well as forthco~ing events. Since the a~~ I fe~l that perseverao.ce· ·h.~ worked as it seems that l~st ~(~ioQ of the news!e.tter!~Associati ~!l Committee been ·:· Yot!ngermembers are starting, albeit slo~ly·: to take an interest in hard ·&f w~k ·organising the· Chris~as reun ion~ deeiding to c>pt : us· all our members:. . .. · .. .fO!' a les~· fomal occasion than in previous years. and this year's . . . Cartying on ft·o.m· this .theni~ ·1 w~uki'sti lt urge you to> try and annual reunion is to be held at' 'The City Vaults' pub ln .Chisw~ll enco~Jr~ge an; cx-puplis who have not.jl>in~d ' theAssi:iciation to Street (j~;~.st off of Moorgate) the heart the City of Lonoo'n : . get in eo~ with us firid 'ol!'t what w~ ab9Uiaod· indeed This ev.eo(~omises ~ be as lively and as commendable ~s.the · · wh6 we ~re': Some of y~u rriukr have surely aiked the que-stion "I House ·o f Commons reunions·with ·i touch less formalitY, and 1 · · wonder ~hat's happe:Oed 'id .. ~?,;at .lea.St o~ce, 1know 1 have. The would like to thank the Co~~itt:ee for all thei~ hard work 'in' ; A$sociation is theyeliich~'Jor firidiil~ o~t wtiat has haPJ)ericd to
helping·to· org,W~ise iliis event. Unfortunately fher:e are a!iinit~·f' 6!d fii~r&i and teachers (who are qu·l'te·a nice bunch once you've , . , number of pl~eS. .S'ol would: urge a11 members wishing to attend · ··leffrhe ·school - hon~st). The more members we get on board the ·. . to ~ook ear.Jy a$ tickets will be sold on 'fi~st cbine first served b~tter " "the "more the merrier'; ·~ the saying.goes. . :: . . basi~. · · : · ·· . · : · ,.. . .. · · .·· · Well that's aJI ·from ine, I hope se~ ..u ·many· of you as . . , ,,. ··mat's tne·sale$ pitch.over and done ~ith.'now ·on rJnhe 'ieSi'·:.:Pos's ible the Christ.mas reunion~ ·and to those you that cannot of my message Sfn~e· ttie .last edition of. the newsletter\ve have . n~ake tbis' event I wi~h· yol) a·happy Christmas ·a: peacefu I and received'a large intake of new ass~i~e anti life membe~ whiCh succeS~ful New Year. .. . , ' . . .·· · . . : .· h~ helped to boost the numbers Old Raineians that are keeping · . . '·' ., ' ..
in contact \Vitli.each other. As I ha\ie·said tlni·eandagain it is vital that the level of membership be kept at a toostant high, trying to
.. .
·•. .
. . ' :
. .
. . t ·.. ··· ~"'"''J"•'
desk. From'the.comer Ofl'fly eye I saw that painting and lo!lg ~alks: ~·)irthe'-Sohimor.., she was· .ver)l·. slowly, very cautiously, of 1940 the scnoo f was re,evacuated, and I munity Nurse in· rural Wadhurst,: as· she moving·a piece of Folded paper from her · .~nt y-~_ith. tlie. :j~~i<>.r .fQ~~ io ·~gharn, · cuff:. into , her · penc~ l:case. Cheating!!! where shared accommodation with says - a far cry from Stepney! She· is In touch with· Jean . Burton · Goteha!!! I strode towards her desk. She Strode ·school. But then 'some 15' months {Millgate), living iil .Beckton· who, well gave..a: guilty. ~tartd:iy now,. the Oth~ -. · later we w~n! on the m~ve ag;iin,·tO j0in;, as ~opingwith two daughters; is a Deputy· teachers in the hall ~d many of the nearer up with the res·t .ofthe sc;!l~ol it1. Camber~ Head of a Primacy School; Barbara Mor- pupi 111 wer.e looking~ me to see what w$ ley, where I remained until the·"schooL gan, who tias foui children and .Johanna going. on. Dramatidlly I picked up the r~tum'ed to Arl>o~r Sq~are in I 944. · ·My . 6th Form -':~mon~t the· happiest of. .;; pencil case and openbd. it. Yes, then~. Curtlil who iiow lives i'n Beck.enham. the piece of paper. l took it o.u t and un- . my life, despite V2s falling about our ears · Lesley )enserr'(rear) ·hils- been won<ierful- folded it. It was 1:1\ank...on b.oth .sides... ·: in Stepney almost until the last days of the iri kec:p.ing me in 'infonned, both of Wal- · When the pupils ti led out at the end hvas War - were spent con:un~itirig fi rst .from · .·lie;~ troubles but al.so'ofEmily Galbraith's . . stan4ing by the dooi. Stephanie came up Guildford, and laterfrom Mill Hilt: I left · most recent travels,'at-the age of I01 , in to m~: Her face wa5 full of sheer merriin the Summer, of 1946,, aft~r 7 e~A~ntful, A:meiica. ·SheaJso ·;enclo5ed a ·newspaper ment. "Oh Mf Ru'ssell .'; she said, ' I 'ad sometimes tragic, but always wonderful., cutting about · crew of Thames Ditton .you ,then, didn't I!" years. . . oilrSrneri; including Paul Reyiiolds who. in.. , J t()ping ·~hahw<r, succeecl.<in Jra~kirig .. .T.be. NewsieSter h!IS ~eve~I mtntiolls May' rowed across·the Channel in a time of down 'Stephanie .~~ee·. New Members, ·page · of 'Siogger' Luton and ' Fussy' Browning, 2 hours 50 minutes, breaking the previous 6:. £d). and that'she miiy even read this both of whom at various times were my time by 45'minutes1! · (Lesley commented • -may I through the Newsletter pass on to· fonn master. ·' Pussy' probably did not that·he- obviosl;y ·neede(f some duty-frees). her my warmest good wishes,· .and· my, :deser.ve thename we·a,lways··called hiin:: Lcs lcy also meets Maria Mole for .lunch . thanks forthis· meJ1lory that $till 17lakes me . he was precise and punctilious, perhaps; . occasionally. ·· . :·· smi~ :.after th(~ Y.e4rs-':', ·.. . . .·. · · rather than pernickety.' His Chemistry ·. ·:.:. ': ~ : : .! lesSons were .!\ ·~ight, even to me, gen- . O THER NEWS - 2 erally pretty 'thjck' where anything· sci- · During the sChool holiday 'jx::riod, I have had visit from janis Fuller; Graham From Bill Rlchards . entific was ooricemed, I always remember · . him warning . ~s .abOut _the dangers cif Willett-aitd tHeir delightful; 16·month old daughter. They keep in tOuch with Mike . First of all belated lo~gtat~iati()n~···~~ Dr .certain experiments, how if we turned I I (Geography departmerit), Martin Sidney Lazar.us . (39~44) who was men· the Bunsen bumers.up ioo' higirthe retorts Holmes l certainly ·burst ·.. • ·into:, · "a ·Leonard and Tracy ·Free. Both Tracy and tioned in the QueeQ •s Birthday Honours would I ..List al)d was appoi~ted a. MBE. · Sydney hundred-and-fifty-five pietes"! If mern· her ~ister, Joanne hav·e two children. Following their departwe, Pearl Pipe joi~d the Associatlofl a couple o f years arriVed and we visited .sD.me of York- ago· and fin.ds it fa,sCinati!lg to read. of . WORK EXPERIENCE . shir:e's "classic'. geologkal ..and geo- · members, whom he had forgoqen after all graphical sites. We · ~dso ventured into the years that h9,ve passed by.. . Ifyou know of any company that Teesidetosee High B.)rce 8t1d who should is willing to offer work e~peri I; be in tile riext car in the· car pa'rl< ·but John Robert Taylor wroili a _quick response to . . Chappell with his wife· and two children! the June Newsletter: . . ence ,pJacements for two weeks ·He"' was: another fo~~r Derbyshire and "I ~ave just recbived the Junc.edition .to .·Yeai , lO (4th .• year) pupils ·Lake ·District host.elfer impressed '· &y of.tl,)e,, Pid Raine.iarls' Asscciation ·.Newspleas·e contact Mr· Neil :Wilsan . rugged countryside: ':·His. brother Bany . lene~~:fl!ld must congratulate all COO~<Crned at the SchooL ·The two.·weeks still ' plays in a Jazz Band · and Geoff, on one. .of the most int~resting and .inrun from)Oth June to llth July . Lorraine and their family are well. All .. :fonnative . editions to date". · The ~hole ·;.·. ·live in Norfolk. .. thing w1u a delight to read. 1997·. Please try t() help. . . .· I' notice that my name,is included on r.[.· ·Ailln 'Russell; who was .'Gennan Teacher, · · page 11 in the. ~ist ofine~rs.whos~ dates ory !:E~r'Ves me righ~ i think he walked with · 1961-I-96S before going ori to teach in at school are r.equested for the reccrd. I a.slight limp al).d a stoop .. His neatly • Glossop Wrote to congratulate us on the joined the.school in September 1939 when clipped mqustac;he gave him the air of Newsletter and . included .this gem. of . a . it was.. sharing the aocoQJmodatiOJ1. (lr' . miiitacy. martinet; ' but he. was 'a most ··.. · story; • Vam dean Boys' School. in .Brighton.. My · kindly, a'ri{(patier.it man. .'SIQgger' Luton .. . " "The memory Raine.'s that gives. . form master at that time was Mr 'Egg/ was anoth~r kindly person, despit~ his rile '·most pleasure involves ·. Stephanie · :. Engledow, . a · tall,· .floppy-..blond-haired ~som~ nicknal!le. :H.e found g~t reJudge. ·lt was '0' level mocks~ in. the rugby-loving man, always.v.ery laid-back, . laxation in.playin& the 'celio, wn"ich he did : .r.: school· hall, one -gloomy atlemoon· in .. ,.• 1\i~ .gown always ·slipping.off the shoulde~' with .consider11ble ~ensitivity. Of course, rnidwin.t er. Those who had handed in thei11·: to a permanent..position around the elbow!'' his job required bim ;to !5e iwesome, espapers, iilchidingStephilnie, were restless, · After·a term with ' Eggy'.. l was moved up ·· · pecially with recalcitrant. •. schoQiboys. bored, and seeking'entertainment. Walk. : into ' Dickie; Dalton's furm. Bertie Dal- ,. Turning up .to a lesson w.itliout r.h~ reqing up and down the r'ows1 J caught sight 1on is stiU alive, though the.infinnities of: uisite b~oks or equipment provoked the .of a stealthy movem'ettt at Stephanie's old age have··:sadly put an .end to his". cry that still. rings loud in my ears - ,."You . .
chi'ldren and.trained as·a nurse. At present· she \\.orkS tWo
days a
week ·a s · a Com-
' · ··.•..•:·,
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER knew it was~ Physics Jess~n!!!'; . . On page 6 of the New~letter, Gwynnetli)ackson asks, "Doe~ anyone recall a chcra.le about Tubal C.ain?"'" . Well, shortly after joining the school in 19391 foun4mY5elf conscripted intO· the Choir, and .I have' :vivid ·meJilories of tlie yellow ~covef8 of'tbe ·.N ovello score of .
'··~" .,:·
The words ·of . the···.·chorale,. about turning swords into ploughshares; are from a · poem by.. Charles · MacKay. (1814- 1889) and can be found in Palgrave. · · Tubal Cain also gets bmention in Genesis ·
4-2Hnd fhave li~ ofhimreterredtoas ,
on the scene 1928 and aJ~o much enjoyed
e!OC!-Ition lessons with Miss Orier~ always .. · ... •\ smartly dre.ssed, nothing shoddy or slap.. ·. dash ·what an e~ple to the scholars much tQ be desired to-day. · · .:::"
· · 'School.mother?was mentiooCct and, ·' · "the' first artificer etalsr . · . mine was Ethel Aslett, who was very g~od . :~:~ '·. . The~e . was qui e a burgeoning ·. of • at sport, 1-believe. that it was Miss Grier •.· 'TUBAL CAIN;, a ch9ral ballad written School music in ' obby' Cleirk's time: who had the idea of. an older girl to take ari · by Thomas p, Oi.mhil1 .(1877- t946), pro~ · He produced and eo ducted the Chorale; l interest in.a newoo:mer and she would be. fessor ·at the Royal Cotiege of Music, think: 'Slogger' Lutdn was there with his chosen through the house to which one , one-time assist~t mus.ic master at Eton cello•and piano aocdmpaniment W3S by a was a member, 1 ryty~e.lf M~~ _in R;ed and. ,.... College; and probably ~t known for his J)Uj>il' named Moor~ · (Doug las?). .We· we bad a motto (on, the badge). of 'C et F' light opera of ·i93J, ' Tantivy "··P-· --~-----'· whicjl .meant ~Courage and . FiTo.wers'. · I doubt very much if FAMILJIY ·DAY delity'. Foll()wing the visit of the the piec~ has been performed then Princess Royal to the schooJ anywhe~ in the paat 50 years: it's · fo( Speech Day, the house becamenot the sort of thing that Yo.u . Family ..Day was art dnjbyable. da;;· . known as Windsor. .· . After .Miss .. WQuld .. expeCt a 'proSt-essive' poorly. sup'ported. by ' .· '_111~ ·.m~mber& . This . Grier .retired (she 'was mem~er ~usic teacher to be. doing trnhy. -staff for House Gree~) this house But 1 tl:llnk. it must hav~ be~n _a despite requests from variQus people. for a (\ay- was then known as prier, : •' .. fa:vourite of ' Nobby.' Clarke's, tini'e function!! · · I wen · remember• cookery and it certainly went .down well .The· s Lin was shining; the fo~d was goq'Q. and lessons with Miss. Steve11s ~ our with thOse of; us who w~~ privithe kids had .a great time._. 1,\ big tharik yo~ ail . efforts were the sweet <l,OUrse for le2ed to sing it. I've not ~een abie . _.those who did manage)o .·c.·. om _. e ong; . the school dinners and I learnt at .. . . to find a cppy anywh~re•. (lnd 1•. .least three pudding mixtures (new cannot·remember who's were the · . to. me.): Coll.ege Pudding (much words that oUnhill set. I 5eem to :iecall' understood th~ Mdore was related 'to a · like Chrisqna.s pudding ~.not-so.. rich}, . .. that the opening lines went something like professional accom~anist, Gerald. Moore, Cottage Pudc,1ing and .Eves Pudding -I still · this: · · · · · ·' of considerable fam.e. Moore left school' have the recipes, . . , to ·study . the orga~ and I ·also have a . .I was. one of. .those .scholars from Old Tubal Cain was a-·man <Jf migbt memory of him giving a very spirited · outside the. LCC.ed.ucation area and we. tn the d~ys when Eart& was young• . · · perfonnance of a •Rachmaninov pianq :travelled either by b!l~. or District Line and By the fiene red light or his furnace prelude at another ~~blic. occasion in, the I believe that there wer; a few travelling f! . ··•. brigh~ ;' . Main Hall: (Or w~ if the -same one?) on ·the steam lr!lin. waJkihg from StqJlley The sound of.his hain!Jler rung ... I have come actoss a oouple of group East to Arbour Square: The wal~. from the photographs taken at the Old· Boy's . District. Line station · of Stepney Green f ~ave a .vague memory of a twte Suppers during the :mid-thirties, .· Jf these station was the longest walk;-however we going rpuitd in my head, but since it has a are of any interest ,P you to copy (Or the . managed to ge( to .school .on time. The certain: similarity with ·the well known archives_rn ·se~d them ·on.:. Th~re .ar:e most .hair raising journey 'Yas by Pirate "W" are tile robbers of the. wood'~. 'from many notablt;! charhcters · in the phoms~ ' Buses. Whenever ·I arrived home much· ··c:illi'chin.Ctiow"':'f may'be ';\'tong.·- , .. - 'Chailfe Nay; "' Slogger· ttitori/ Teddy .. ·W.Iier. than the O"eneral bl!S. my moth~ · : I hope all this Is ,Qf some inter~t to J1orrte, ·Donnie Lyons &. Dagger. I also used to .say ' 'so you -a:nanagcd to get_the . someone! And should anyone have a nave a photograph of ' Butch' Gee taken early bus this afternoon~'. It was always . . . score of ·tubal Cain ·mouldering in the on one oftbe schoJt trips to Germmy il} well worth knowing the. time· that theyattic,. I am hi .the. market _..!" ·· the _early thirties.. ltemembe~ his Oennan ·would be'at the corner of.Arbour Square. classes being ·taken over ~y · someone · .In those days we .had quit:e. a cpoice of . 1_. DQuglas Clarke was o'n e of the members : named Preston wh0 on· his first day republic transport .with trams and .later who k_ indly·sent me ' Collect and Connect' duced us to blank stilrcs of total incom- · Trolley Bu:>es. I do n.o t think. that thjs.wa s· ·couj>Ons _.froin The . Dai!y.-Tdegraph ·and prehension with hi~ opening. words "tak . · during my years ~t ~aine~s. . . ..:. . took the.chaiu.;;e to add 'todie diiicUfs'ion on · oot ye-jotters""·. . Prior -to ·my moving away I Wl!S a ·.. , ' ' · Tubal Cain. · . ··_!_.. member ofthe Lottdoo Crusader Choir· · "The mentiOit . of Nobby Clarl('s ·Marie Hamilton (Jdyce, 28-33), living in and much of our tnini~tcy- was in Her. choral~ .iii:tli~ last News. ·Lerier renewed ·Norfolk also put pen · ·to paper (well ' Majesty's Prisons, •including Bioadm.oor.; some memories~ i ~as ori~ ofthe singers. ·typewriter really): On ooe of my visits to. Broadm9or • J. .. ~s far as I cen ren:tem ber,(~e hard dr_ ive 'i.s .. " I have enjoyed the latest·issue oft~~ should think that tf)is,epu\d be nearly 20 gettiqg tr bit. woin)"ft ~as sometwe m·.tlie . · Newsle~er. ··Reading one of tbe articles. I years ago • Wallie Spooner asked me to . . , .. · mid:-thirties,'piob8bly·1J 6; and th«"e was a wai al)le to V.l~ ualise. the s it~ti~~;.· e~pe enquire· after Bill Collins as he had heard· perfomaitce.given iri the Main Hall • at a . cially the problems for the Scholars a~d that Bi 11 mayb~ rele~~d..-: However when I· :~:;, . pri:ze· giving or some such occasi6n. staff during the GerteraJ. Strike. I arrived . asked I was. infonned - th~ he w~s·a very·
il .'
·.. = ,----------.. alth~ugb.
a _ l
; :..:....: .:~.·f .. ··:··~:··.:;:~~::· . .-:... ·:·:·. ·. : .~...,;;;·;:-<;.. . .:..__,__...;._,.;_;..~--...-~·· :,~ .'"< •
';ick' rriari and I had. the in]pression that his. rdease would be doubtful. I would poi~t out that une does not 8$k. ;"why are yo11 in this placeT:. . 1 mn !itill.involved in this.. .~vork, although no longer a member of the choir, at our local prison. . . 1 arn still in contact with one of my friends (we met ar.Raine's), Lille flig,gins. '(f:kming) and. -she uttcn meets ·,liP with Ow:en Smith. (Kidd), 'ntcy both _live. in Hornchurch. ... . . . .. _l.am pleased to receive the News ldtcr ·
··.· ,. ·,':: ·---~.::_...:.._.....__.,;..;.;.----"-1::.
work force in July 1993, this 1ime as the. 1h,1~e with hands urid,ei' chin's preveiHing pr()prietor of her o1vn.crait supplies shop, .. heavy huads From-crashing .io the bend1) and I' m happy !o say lWeryth ing is going wew list~ning attentively to some abstract well.
theQ!Y on why you
couktn:t poil water at
. Tony S:zulc popped ifl. ~<>sec us .in . ) OD dcgre~s. C on top Mount Everest April/May 1993 during his round the (''tht~ Win~ \VOU!d b!ow Oll! tl~c Bunsen world bikr. tour. I thlnk this wa~. well Burner: tl~JM" was the:: ci<Jssk ar1sweri, chronicled in one of ihd 'preVlous n'ews\Vh:!il JR suddenly stopped mlking. t-!l~ !~ttci·s .. 'We. n1c:t .up With {)r Ru~~~!i had ll(}tir;.cd that we .were ull wew;ing I .· CCobber-') Frdneis who taught us English. . identical; v~r.y ~;:>;pi:msive .lpo~ing,· divers ·j' and <~cog,'l\phy at Rail)cS. ?tnd who was . watch\l:>. After..·wJint seemed like ages, JR coincidentally t~aching m.y, soti English t1t ~t~id ;~lfyou drn) 't tell me ~vhc:i·e ! can get especially .as r hav.e not. betJn any B'risbane. Boy. /Coilege tw•mtyeigl;t years . 0~~ 'of rh~s~,'i;ll shop the lo~ of'ydn'i'': hi~. f·unpti~m; of late, Lh~ . last being. ihe .. later! 'CObber' (this should have been .. !lt'u·~ h·.; W'a•r only jt)ktr.g; . We told 'him it President.s'. Di11ner, Hel~n Bishop (Be;t~' · 'Kiwi'} has now retired ~md has, I believe; was.Petticoat:Lane of course. My ten. bob net), aro~!fld 1977 I bdievc. · , . ·· rcturtted to his native New Z.ealan~. :\V;tlcl\. was greatv~lue and it.:lasted ;llW· I oft.(.m wonder what has happc~H~d t~., . l. wa~ last .in _the UK in September , el~v.en ye.ar.s; . . . . ..·.·.. . . , . . ... . the memorabilia ofthe:·schoul;· ·Founders'.. 19()3 and met lip with some of clas-s of.. 'also recailed the tiri-ii 'whe;•. i . Chair, the statues off the boy and girl ever .'69, Tony Szulc, Tony Pickt.ord, $tuart acted as a nu man. pin (.~tishion dutlilg our . the school entrance gates (in my .day, we Howsen, Martin Durne and.Jo11n Bari)iat games·~fi:eri-toon at F~h:lop. ·· :Ji. was. the . ..., f~' ·r. · never used the fmnt. door as this was lor. . staff only). Much .lhe of f·bmirtl~C' was · antique. lt. i$ a S<;ld situation thesci clays t!Jat people do nQt cherish our hcri~
tage," . ·
Once· ~a in otJr· 'Mooniaine.ering ·Cnr~e-. · spondent', David Spencer (75-82) ftas
been on his travels from his bas'~ in Zu~
rich. ·. ~le·. recentlv clir~b~d Mt Bl<inc
(4,807m);· ·· Weste~J
! :,,·.
E\!l;O~)e~s ·highest
fMUrttain. as well as as .five other Alpine
peakS in fni~ce a(ld ·Slvitiedan(( Da~id h~s. 11!so J)een acC,ept~d ·cntp the SpriJ:ig, .1 ':197, cxpeditii:mto c!irr)b the Wqrld's J 4th tiigh~t moun~aitt • .Sh ishailaJigrmi ' {8,027mt26,,355fi.) · 'fhis mmml!tln, .ii1 Tibet, is the lowest of th~ &,oooiitei-er peaks, yet wa<; the. last of the l4 peaks at thi~ he'ight to be Ciirnbe(f . ·· ·:
. ::·,.
t'rortt . Queensland, ·.Australia;. .Camcron · MacPhee d1~1'0uihly enjoyed reading' the June. 199.6~ Nli~v~lcner and \Yriting
:: .. · 8atk nuw:
fiRST XV 1968';.:1969 .
. Fr~d Gromn, Ray Wam:n. Kf.'Fir! 'tidl~l': lai1 Adlin~on · ':. "L~slcy Je,;$y'' (lcilr) aftidt' ~iddlc Ruw: . · .· ., hrougl~r back many, menwric:, -uf my tiri,e 1 at Raines. I must say that I ck> not· fec<tll John Wiliia~ns, Dill McKc;1iic, .f<te flc\\ht: Gavi;1 'i\c!lirfgtvn; Br!tlliti Smilh, ' · · , . · Marti:1 Dumc, Bi!Ir; Brough!~_>n ·· · having a. turious argument with Lesley I about W(111dng wi~CS, but it s01inds .l.ikc fro,it .Ro•,r:. . the sortofthing ~.might have ~ai~i '(in tli.y~c · S~uait H<}w:ien, Mick -Mulrc~na;,, John Ourry, Tony S?.-uk, _Ca~~ien1il M<KPhce, .. · · · · Gcotl Ward, )? · · . · 'days!). As a matt.ct: of intcrist, after .our 'marriage in ivflj.y, 1974, my wile. Glyn · worked (111 t.h~ l,ospitt;! for .Sick. Children, (whenl else) 1he Breytery ·rap, 01: lit !cast E\thi<.:! i(.;s ·.scaso1i ilnd '1\;n) _r;i~.kfoi-d; J(l~ • Gr~;u Orino.nd Atr~l~\) for tw<l p~ars until i.hal 's whert' we start(.'d. . T hadn't sc~n •;erh Parody and l 'were pract'ieing j~v·cl in s!u! gave iil my. phjJ(>S<Iphy at1d i'X!lil'ed at. 'i<lny P, M;!11iu and Juhf'l f(>r twenty :yc~rs. thi"()WiiH!. lfwas J~)t):, s tUrn c6fle{;t the the grand.old age of twenty three tO kiVC '+'c SWapped a iot O(lllCJnO-riCS. iavd!;;~~after WC hacl made ihfo\vs illld Zo~ thr.: first of our thl'c~ d1 ildrcn, Nine~··There was one occasion in (me· of Mr in~terid' of carrying then; b&ck ·h1i! de~ided teen ye!II'S and two more children (A lex (Johnnie), Rod!;!Jl'~ .. Fifth . Fom:1 Phy~ii~r> . ~~~ l~mJW them back! ''L<;6k o~•t Mac!'' Catriona) later, returned ~~-"-t-he_·__c_l<_ls_s_cs_,_w_.;hen_ 1\{an'in, :~~-<H_JY~_P_u~(-!_l_(;i~- w~::.::~~y·~ calL "Wh~t's tbat Ton~?",.~ I·
.I ·I Ld
·, i'
:e. .. ·~:~·~·· ..·· OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER
! •• •,.
• •
·.:: . .
PAGE , 0 ..
We are delighted to be able to tell you that the school have been informed by The Daily Telegraph that they are one of' the winners in their Collect and Connect Competition. . · We just managed to get to five thousand tokens so your contribution was vitai. Pupils in the Sixth Fonn designed page$ that could be transmitted <>ver the internet. Their designs were put onto a computer disc and sent to the Telegraph. They spent many weelcl working on the
coinpetition and we are delighted that their efforts have been suceessful. The prize is the provision of computer services worth over £1 000 to the school. Unfortunately one part of the prize.(a·£l oQO discount on a Sun Netra server) is not worth anything to us as the full price is over £ 10 000 (not mentioned of course) and we would have to p~y £9000 to take advantage of the.offer: . ·. On.behal{of .the whole· sehool I would like to .thaflk. you for your time and trQ'I.lble.. Your efforts will help hundreds of pupils here in the
East Eri.d tohave a better education.
~:, arib ... · I ~dect up ln Newbury
PirkfJospital.lwas t~tky, the javelin had
.'::. pierced my back arid.'.missed my kidneys . : • . by:an~ fnch:or so. I ~ti!J ·have· the scar. l .f nevei: h~ld ii: againsdqe' and we oft«:n saw the funnY·side of if Weniek~med .)lim 'Kine~·Parody after that; it ;o;,fuck. with'him
· ··
till he. left R.aines:
.t' have ~nearthcd ·a photograph ofthe 1st XV in .-1968/9. Many familiar faces as far as i can recall. (The two names in
itali~s are the boys Cameron couldn 't
(/the niCknames rrlentioned 'in.the :June
N~~sietter a5 ·. ' Fussy' Sro~~ing ' Siogger' Luton.
He says '"Mr And~ws
nickriame was . 'Juggins' (p~nounced
1oogins ), not 'Jood' , ·but why· I have no idea. i do not ·recalt a nickname for Mr Bri>ughton, .'BitTer' mutt .~ave oome from a later peri<?d. ·. I believe· t~at he had lo!J.8 joined the tcltool·whei1 I in . 1937 and it sometimes. takes a 'settling-in' periqd before a nickname is
allocated. · 'Re: Famous Old Raineians' _ Leooard - Ed)' Brought~n made bleach · F~nton· (Dr..Legg in ~E~stEnders) ·was· a our boot laces for Saturday games! contemporary of mine (also 193 7-44), but I'd love to g~t hold of a copy of the was then name.<J. Le?nard Firiestein. I saw .1 967/ 8 Ist XV photo ·and ·1968 and .(969 him last in .1994. wh~n . a g roup of us met ·~1 st ·: H:crieket .·team: phot~s :jf .stic!Hhings ..' . . in· Camberley•. Whete:weo.were ~vacuated. exist. If anyone. has these, please contact to celebrate (or ; commemorate?) the me, I'd be more than ·happy to pay for Golden Jubilee of bur release from capprofessional copies. · tivity." (See the front page of Jhe Feb1 look back on my days at Raines with ruary 1995 Newsleiter - Ed ) . a great deal of fondness. Time can act as a filter: remembering only good times, Frank Clarke (3 !-34) was prompted to which were many. Mostofus seemed to write after the mention by Tom Bennett of have a fundametltal respect for authority Pirate Buses to East Ham Town Hall: and for the long serving members of staff ••y ounger boys traveiled to Arbour who were as integral to the school as the Square on the LCC trams for the exorbistone entry arch. and the. school song. tan~~um oft~c~ppence (2d) while older boys Lifetime friendships and values were. rook a bus for sixpence return. Then at forged. 1. count it as a privilege to be a~ Arbou·r Square it was ' on cap's ' and a brisk Old Raineian. I'd like to hear from any trot to the cloakroom to change into other Old Raineians' living in Austra.lia. obligatory plimsolls white hoping that · Keep up the good wprk, the news- ' Fussy' wasn' t lurking there Jq_ calch letter is grea~ " late-comers and the capless. Thence to assembly where the morning hymn was Simon Kaminsky (37-44) confirmed two accompanied by the orchestra which in· reltiimher:··Can any body n<ene tlw third?
.. , ..... -.'
·:·· eluded 'Skimmy' 00' pi.ano and 'Slogger' on cello. A.n address by Mr Dagger and an announcement of the Hospitai Collection (no N HS in those days) by Yapper concluded the proceedings. And·so another day begun. On the matter of school reports I offer the following: Xmas Term: Johnl)y is trying. Easter Tenn: Johnny is still t rying. Summer Tenn: Johnny is very trying! If you print any of this, you·ll print anything. But pemaps others of ancient times may be encOuraged to contribute, although there ·can be few of the 30s vintage left now." ·
.. ,\
And there you have it, The end of yet . anu1h~ Ne-w:s letter. 'Doesn't time fly · when you are enjoy1ng yourself? 1 trust you enjoyed reading· the recollections, news, etc. as much as I did. All of the items were excellent and I would like to congratulate all the contributors for their
excellent memories and to thank them for allowing them to be included in the Newsletter. If you wish to send original photographs that you want returned please do so and where possible please name al'l the people in the picture. Also do not forget that we now have a collection of memorabilia ~tored at the Bancroft Library. So if you do have anything to do with the school and no longer have the rooin store it please
do contact· us.
As always please keep sending .in the memories, stories, etc. as witht)ut them there would be,no Newsletter!! Ideas that ;p~iilg to min<l from this Newsletter are: ·
What happeried to the building$ that were used by both schools · when they ·were evacuated?; science experiments that went wrong; also anything from sporting nxt~,~res.
Start writing NOW!
Finally do try to attend the reunion at ' The City Vaults' as advertised on page 3. There are only a limited number of tickets available, therefore order early. Please send your cheque along with your order to Sandra Johnsoo. Tickets are only available on a ' fi rst come, first served' basis.
Bill Richards
_____...... -
.:· Old Rai-neians' ·Association
NEWSLETTER .Rtoiae't F01todadon Stbool ApproKh Road
9 GoddiagtGa Laae
Ri~b ard liarrl' l4 Brierly Gardells
Saodra JohaJoa
• •r
Bill Rithards U Sba4y Street
Cwynoetb Jaeksoa
Loo don
KlrldJy Matuard Nr IUpon
BR69DR Tel: 01689 8:.168&4
Teh 0181 981 1231
Tel: 0181 981 531 5
F.I4LX Tel: 0171 790 9235
North \'odes HG43RS
Fn: 0181 983 0153
Fax: 411689 873115
Bettllllll Greet. UlldOO EHLY
Tel: 01765 6.583lS
Recently I was watching yet another repeat of 'Whatever Happened 1o the Likely l..:.ad3' and found myself listcriing to the w<rds of the opening song. They were as follows: "What happened to you, whatever happened to me. What bei:ame of the people we used to be? Tomorrows almost over, today went by so fast. It's the only thing to look forward to. The past. 1 thought that it was quite apt fur the Old Raineians. tJE'N MEMBERS
Lynn Dawson (Bryant, 73-80) enclosed some memories which follow this para· graph. She did also say that she ltad left out th~ more libellous bits but may send them later if blaclanail payments do not arrive! (J'hese of course should be made out to Bill Richarris and sent to the a bove
adt!ress - ed.) ..Having left Raine's in 1980 I have
fmally decided to take the plunge ·and join the Old Raineians' Association. I've receeotly caught up with Gwynneth Jaclc:son again after having lost touch about seven years ago and thought it was high
time I joined.
·I left school .ili 1980 to srudy History at Loughborough, and went on become a librarian, wandering around the country working in such places as Manchester, Chester (whct"e I encounteN.;i the Oa!" ches), -Milton Keynes (yes they do have libraries there - but no backs!! - ed) and . finally Oxford. where I met my husband,
R,jchard. Having both wandered around · the home counties for a few more y~rs we finally came to roost in St Albans.and
are still there, I moved on from librar.les
1997 .
into other types of infonnation work and finally decided on a complete career change so 1 am now p-ain ing part time to become a counseHot and working part time at the University of Hertfordshire. A bit of a mixed bag, but then I always did have a low boredom threshold (I forget which teacher told m' that, but it was one of them!). I wouldn't even know where to begin with my memories Raine's. School trips rather spring ~o mind. Is there anybody else out there who will admit to remembering ·that remarkable second year trip to Hatfield Hou~e where practically the whole coach load' was grounded for a daylight raid on the ~ift shop. I bet Mr Crump remembers if nobody else does. Equally, our lower sixth camping trip to Wales which ended with us sleeping on the floor of a half built bungalow due to rain. Mr Nice, if yQu're out there, I'm sony I was so mean ~out the mioe, okay? Well, kind of sorry. ' Music and dram(\ have always been a big part of school lire; and J c8n safely say that although I have sung with a lot of people since, I have seldom laughed so much as in some of those rehearsals. Gilbert and Sulllvan ,nust have turned in their graves to see what we did to the Mikado, and I think the Gondoliers (faJ· ling scenery and Lorr11ine Tabram's dress
splitting) was our finfst hour. Then came the final year They made me head girl. When·! they called· me into the office to teU me I thought they were pulling my leg. I'm still not sure they weren't. Seldom can a more reluctant head girl have taken office at Raine's. I moaned for a year, mostly. I suspect to Miss Naylor who ·was quite pleased, [ think It was a change from hearing me
moaning about Maths lessons and Mr . . Nice. Howev.er. despite everything, it was a useful experience and probably die! me
good I've lost touch with most of the pllople I was at school with now, with one or two notable exceptions. I hear from Melanie and Peter Corrigan from time to time. My sister, Pat Bryant (70-75), has
worked variously as a secretary, a dental nurse, a hospital. administrator and a nurse and is now a fully qualified psychotherapist with her own practice (she obviously has a low boredom threshold as
well). One of n1y closest fiends today is Sharon Key, known to you as Sharon Moulton. Sharon now has two children lives in Essex, works part time for a c<Jmpany which hires life rafts (bizarre, isn't it?) and in her spare time is learning sign language with the eventual aim of working
a translator.
Her daugllter
Stephanie was bridesmaid at my wedding and her husband was our best man. Those of you who remember Sharon w1U be pleased to know that despite motherhood she is still completely crazy. I'm going to take her the copies of the newsletter and see if l can nag her into joining. (!'hat 's whar l like to hear - ed.) J think everybody has at lea$t one subject at school which makes them cringe. With me, it was Maths. It was no use Mr Nice telling me that if I could get good marks in everything else I ought to be able to in Maths. Life isn't h1:e that. S<~ for two years 1 was dragged screaming and kicking, through not only the Maths 0 level b ut the Maths Additional 0 level
aJso. I have fond memories of Lorraine Dalton, who sat next to me in Maths during those years and helped me to
Barn Dance/Line Saturday April 26th 7.30 to ll.OOpm Raine's Lo ·w er School Old Bethnal Green Road Tickets £-10 (see app lication form in this Newsletter)
·cute Mr Nice. It's e~y to do that when faced with a man who openly got up on -a stage and claimed to be half a fairy '(Iolanthe). And now I confidently i:leal with statistics at work on a daily basis, keep all Richard's business accounts and have been· treasurer of several voluntary groups. So yes, he was right I could do it. 1 just didn't want to. Although. even at this advanced age, I still don' t see the point of the problem about the ant and the goldfiSh bowl, or why the poor man got so excited when I suggested Nippon Ant Killer as ~ logical solution! ·I had a great time at Raine's, despite the i~hwn~ity of.Maths.lessons I would love to h,ear anyb~dy else's' memories of
some of those Gilbert and Sullivan shows, and wiH ..definitely ·be down for future reWlion~ if c:~ make it."
Arthu~ Bloomfield '(50-55) discovered the Old Rain~ans' Association .via his daughter who is 1he Careers Adviser for the school and he sent the following: After leaving Raine's I commenced a career in .engineering which began ini.tially in ship repairing, tmtll I left London . in 1962 to join the Electricity Generating · Board and progressively adwnced to a Senior Engineer's post at Eggoorough Power Station in Yorkshire, after gaining vahiabie experience in the earlier years at Bedford, Worcester and Ferrytridge Power Stations. · At the age of 54 I took early · reiirement and currently spend most of my
time on a ~,;hers course, various environment~! and conservation tasks with the Briti~ Trust of Conserva tion Volunteers, fell .walking and coaching rugby. I have been married to Jean for 3.5 years and h1we two cpildren - John, who is currently studying . P$yChology at Cardiff University and Clare, who has recently completed postgraduate study and who works 8S a Careers Adviser for Raine's Foundation 1 J am indebted tp the school for a sound education which enabled me to progress via HNC and variou.s management qualifications to a totally fulfilling
career. My thanks are to those masters, particularly Mr Broughton for introducing me to rugby. After t~ckling an escaping prisoner from the Arl?our Square Magistrates Court I wa:s prpmptly selected for ..the school first team and then continued over the years to piay for Ilford Wanderers, Bedford Athletic, Worcester, and Selby RUFC. For the last ten years I have been coaching juniors and currently have the Ul7s squad at Selby. Unfortunately since moving away from London I lost contact with ex-school
friends and on a visit to London several years ago I visited the old school building ·and wa~ led to believe that Raine's no ·. longer existed. Imagine my surprise ·. when my daughter Clare infonned me of her recent appointment to the school and that the Old R.runeians' Association was . still flourishing. Horror of horrors was to follow tjlough when I was informed that: the school now plays soccer instead· M' rugby!! My close fonn friends whilst at
Raine's were .Teny Curtis, Ken Fennel, Brian Delaney and Eddie Wilks To conclude, I feel I must have a: sadistic streak, as the first memory that I recalled was our master Mr Butter· • field breaking his arm in the playground . when training for the annufll M113ters · v · School rugby match and I remember cheering with relief at the thought of no slipper from him for several months.· Unfortunately, as I founq out later,. there were no shottage of volunteers to assist
him with this task!
Jackie Ross (Lugg, 66-73) is married and living in: North Chingford. She is a prt· · time supply teacher at R.aine 's ·and is doing·a PhD in l-listoryofideas. Paul Wbite (69-76) has lots of memories, stories and possibly a few confessions that may ring bells for some other Old Raineians. He will write more fuUy in the near future and looks forward to hearing of forthcoming events.
.. \ .
.. .. ·: ~
' -:'
Peter Gregoty (69-74). More details and
news please. ErsJQne Lewis (IJ0-82). More details and news please. Patrick PiJ.ton (49-55). More details and
news please. Mark Tinkler (69-76). More details and
news please.
Lyn Warner (7....80). More details and .
news please.
. From Gwynneth
: lan Hatton travels widely in England as a Facilitator for Nat West. He keeps in touch with Fred Stratford and Teddy Ayres who lives. in Bexle}heath, has. two
children and wodcs as a Construction Director for Jarvis. Fred Stratford lives in Gidea Park and is 8n Accountant for Thomsons Holidays in Camden.
whose wedding celebrations were the day Her sister Grace Zhu was Matron of Honour. Also at the wedding were ranet Crudgington (yet another fonner Head Girl) and ~ike Hazell and his wife, expecting an addition to the family shortly.
Christmas they bought a Cumbrian ~ot tage, not only to enjoy themselves (and their visitors) but to let as a holiday cottage. I spent Chrisunas with them arid loved it, thoug.lt I ~ad visions ·on &xing Day of having to dig our way out!
Congratulations also ~o Charmaine Simoo (Kerridge)on the birth of her daughter last
Hazel Fosbraey (Paul) has embarked on a four year degree course at Winchester, naining to be·an infant schoolteacher.
summer. Jim Everton wrote to say that on holiday
Barbara Donovan (Page, 67-74) is en-
in Luxor, Egypt he encountered Byron Davies, now at the Univer3ity of North
joying her two young sons and her husband is now teaching in Fullirun.
Malcolm Baugh is a Quantity Surveyor for Kier Contracting Co. and has just been working on a hospital near Chichester. Some ofthe ski addicts:
Joanne Marshalt had a· wonderful time in Colorado in December; in Feb,ruary Va! d'Isere was expecting a Raine's invasion of Clive Baugh and his family, Diane Wallis (Tinkler) md family, t<r gether with her brother Mark who nobly does the cooking! · I go to Austria on Easter Monday hoping to do a few days ; ·~.:;, ·,.off-piste as well,. as !<~ping to the pre-
pared areas.
Alan Russell, as o,y&ll as remmiSClng happily about Stephanie Judge (who we were delighted to sec at 1he City Vaults), also contributes articles to a newsletter for Salford Advanced l\1otorists and sent a photo of his 'office' area. with one shelf
exclusively reserved for the tabby cat (the purrfect position!! - ed.).
Roger Beck (fonner perman teacher) has moved to Horsley an4 teaches in Dorking. John Darch has almost completed a PhD thesis; Madge Dare still does a lot of
David Hodges is a frrema.n, married and recently welcomed a new baby into the family!
GCSE Exam marking. Just in time for
following the 'Christmas Bash•.
Tony Groves has embarked an Open University degree course. We wish him success.
We all wish WaiJie Spooner better health this year than he had in 1996. He will be pleased to learn that his·former Geography assistant in the 1960s, Rosemary Qui~k (Lawton) is now a grandmother! Barbara Collins (Newton) had been sent an Old Raineian Newsletter and found it interesting (but not ir.tttresting enough to join? - ed.) ·
MEDALS In tbe October editiop oftbe Newsletter 1 mentioned Flight Lieutenant De1mis Webb who was awarded tb~ Distinguished Flying Cross and asked for informati<m on other pupils who may have been awarded medals. It has has been "lentioned that one of our present members, Tom Bennett, ha~ also received a medal. Tl}e following report in a copy of the I!for<l Recorder issue of 1943 has been brought to out attention: "Pilot Officer tom Bennett, of 85 1be Glad, Ilford has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal for services rendered whilst serving as a sergeant-navigator. He enlisted in the RAF in 1940 and haS now c6mpleted 2& operational sorties, including two. recent night iaids on Berlin it five trips to Italy. He was one of the leading navig;ators on the .raid on Le Creusot. The official citation reads:- "This airman is a navigator whose detenninatio.n has been iargely iilstrumeatal in the excellent results achieved by his crew. Despite bad weather on many occasions, Sergeant Bennett has always succeeded in navigating his airctaft safely tO the target and back. · · · Pilot officer Bepnett was born in Poplar in 1919 and won a Juni9! County Scholarship to Rainels Foundation, where he matriculaterl in 193S. He gain~ a gold
medal for sp<rt whils~ at Raine's and was a member of the Rugby First XV l!Ild Cricket Cannen Debono (one of many who keep XI. He was married ~n 19.40 and moved to llford. making promises to join the Association His Pilot, Flying Offioer Fawke gained a Distinguished Flying Cross in October for but never do!! - ed.) lives in Approach a night roof-top level attack, in which Pilot Officer Ben.nett received a slight flesh Road and has a former Head Girl, Hilary · wound in the upper right arm from shrapnel. He was awarded his commission in Thompson (84-91). as her ' lodger'. October, 1942, after 17 operational trips."
· Hilary is working as a translator for a City company.
Congratulations to Ching Fun Lee (75·82)
I contacted Tom who was a little embarrass'ed b ut after some persuasion agreed for the above to be included ill ~ Newsletter as it is part of Raineian history. He did mention that although Dennis Webb was one of bis contemporaries he could not place or recall him.
: $~;~
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER Marie Crawley (Conway) says she returned from a holiday in the Lake District via llkley (yes she did. stop to sing that song) and understands why I want to live in such lovely scenery. Anita Merker (Smith) - again a former Head Girl - was surprised to know 1 was still in touch with Miss Weingarten and Miss Mangold. Incidentally they have both been in Lauzarote this Winter. MiM Weingarten is always delighted to receive the Newsletter and :says Raine's is a school she always remembers with pleiuure and affection. Miss Mangold was very impressed by Christine Pat. trick' s contribution to a recent Newsletter and was hoping she could contact her. Viv and Ros Nicholas are still in Sussex and Viv still plays timpani with local orchestras. Their daughter is becoming a good singer and Viv wonders ifhe should retire and become her manager! As you teach Geology Viv I take it she is a Rock singer!! - ed
moved house yet again ~ their sixteenth home in 21 years of marriage. They are living in Arnhem (wacch out for the gliders - ed.) and Peggy has 'approval' to do supply teaching. · She is also doing courses with tbe ~ondon Sch.ool of Journalism, some wofk for Gavin's office and giving piano lessbns!!
Nick Bryant is pFtyroll manager at Planet Hollywood. Richard Wennerling was a mem~r of the successful 'Let Loose' group which has now apparently disbanded.
David Spencer (75-83) is going on a Himal11yan Expedition this year and ex~ pects to be in Bnglan.d for a short time in April (makes a change from America, Switzerland, Japa11, Pakistan, etc.!!)
Joy Turner has had a year of 'cultural' holidays in Turkey, Ireland, York, Liverpool, Dundee and Southampton. This year plans to visit Leipzig.
Barry Jones (ex His1ory department) eri~ countered Swarup I;>asgupta at Leytonstone tube station. Swamp (81-88) gained a PhD in Medical Physics. After working abroad for Oxfam he now works for City and East London He~lth Authority. (Was it not some of his lovely art work that: used to adorn the wall n~ the Headmasters study7)
Talkiilg of timpani - before Christmas I went to. hear the BBC Orchestra give a concert in Leeds (yes we don't just have Cheryl Gore (8HI8) is completmg a PhD Brass Bands and fish and chips in Yark- in Sociology of Eduqation at Birmingham shire) and spent the interval chatting . University. nostalgically with John Chimes, tbe orchestras principle timpanist. (If jt hadn't Daljit Kuller (8 1-88) is now worl<ing liS a been for Viv Nicholas and •Zadok the dentist, having quaiified at the London Hospital. Priest' .......?) I am hoping to meet up with Maggie Butler (Bell) shortly. Her cousin Vivienne Durne (Waeland, 63-70) now live~ with her husband, Martin, in Sussex. She is singing with the Heathfield Choral Society and, work wise, went to Athens in December negotiating with th& ·Hellenic
Elaine Higgins perfonn~ regularly as a singer.
Chris Fitt (80-87) is now Head of Department and still en)oys
Other folk who 'surfaced' at Christmas were Zippy Auerbach, Gerry Calvert, Martin Leonard, Steve Johnson and Pat Miller. More recently, after a lapse of several
years, Lynn Dawson (Bryant) has 'come to light' again (see ne-N members - ed.). Her sister, Pat, has a Psychotherapy practice.
Debra Reid (Harvey, 73-80) is at present on a one semester Sabbatical from her
teaching at Spurgeon's Theological College, in order to complere a commentary on the Psalms for Crossways. Her hus-
band is now working for a Regional Crime Squad and together with their two sons they are in the throes of trying to move house. M iss Hoskins (Secretarial Sixth) writes regularly from where she lives in Cam· berley. She is in touch with Helen Kostis, several of her former pupil$ and Tom
Billington (Maths department). He is Head of Department in a Reading School and responsible for the school timetable. As relaxation he indulges in golf. squash and keeping two cars clean! One son is canpleting a Physics degree: the other is
Kevin Smith (81-8~) works in Barclays Bank in the Strand. ' Darren Cordes (8 I ~SF) is doing a PGCE in
Primary Education ~t Greenwich University,
Robert (68-75) and Jackie Connolly
(68.-74) were, yet again spending Christmas and New Year in Nepal.
about to start on musical studies.
In addition to my Newsletter contribution I help assemble the Parish news; but more actively lead walks, clear felled trees, survey footpaihs I stiles I gates, etc.; give talks about National Parks to various groups. Forthcoming are two primary school groups and two A level groups plus two booklets of walks in preparation.
Margaret Paish (Nonnan) and Jean Clia~an (Smith), who taught Gernian
194&-49, went to Edinburgh last July for a mini Raine's reuni<:m with Kitty Mackie (Edie), French teacher 1946-49. Jean and Kitty had not met for 30 years. Margarer · is greatly enjoying retirement (she's not th!' only one). The. Adlingtons (Gavirl and Peggy) have
~Ill Richards
John Blundell, former Head of Art at the school, kindly sent the following: "The atticle by Frances AHen (72-77)
Do.n 't forget the.•.•.•.
In the October Newsletter was of par-
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER ticular interest to me, as I remember ' inheriting' the notorious Form 3M from M!'s Bamford on my appointment to Raine's . staff in 1973. The chus could certainly be naughty and disruptive, and there were lntennittent complaints from subject teacher3; such complaints, when sufficiently serious,. were deal~ with by Mrs Rankin or Mr Sp0oner. Frances was, I recall, on~ of the quieter, responsible girls - in spite of those 4 inch wedge shoes she mentioned!
The 3M girls generally were fashion conscious in so many ways. There was a universal abhorrence of tl)ose awful summer dresses which Frances has de. . scribed so well. Not everybody appreciated the reasoning behind the school rules concerning the sizes of ear rin~ and tying back long hair. I seem to remember that Janet Freeman and Yvonne Bamett were frequent offenders, resulting in rather. too many complaints from Miss . Lowes. . ·.. Tbe,girls were such a lively crowd, Ulat the boys scarcely had a chance, but . Ray Belcher was quite a serious worker and Stephen Mann became a high flyer In
sport. That 1973 photograph wl1ich accompanied tbe article calls for close inspection, as some of the labelling may be incorrect. Although .t he picture is indis~ct, 1 suggest that (from left to right) we have Janet Freeman, Carol Russ Md Michelle H~der in the first three pla~s. (Over to ycu Frances as ;t was yoor photo/! - ed.) Tbank you, Frances, for your poignant memories of Raine's in the '70s. May . l wish you, Lynn Begent, Shani Rhodes, and all the other ex-3M pupils the very best. Perhaps, on a future visit to the Natural History Museum. 1"11 call in; failing that. perhaps we shall meet at an Old Raineians' Association reunion? Farzana Salique (85-91?), who had .been in my form for three years, as well as · studying Art and Design with me, was . mani.ed recently. My wife, Jennifer, and I were delighted to have received an invitation to attend the (Bangladeshi) wedding . reception at ''The Glass House' in Brick Lane (formerly Truman's Brewery), on 3rd November . The main entrance to the building was lavishly decorated; from the t:eception area, we took a lift to the 5th floor, where tables for ·1000 guests had been laid out .It was not until we had .finished our meal that the bridegroom and bis attendant arrived and senled inside the
rent at the 1irr end of the hall . The bride appeared later, and was e~orted to 'her' tent at the opposite end of the hall. There was no contact between the two until the cutting of the cake, after which t~y could commence eating. There were spectacular costumes, Indian dance demonstrations and music,
and much besides; farzana's younger brothers, Polly Jones and other .old Rainelans were there, were Stephen Richards (past Chair of Raine's 'Governors) and his family• including Madeline who has also mariied recently. The Mayor and Mayoress of Tower Hamlets were also present."
Farzana and husband, Bodruj, are to settle in Binningham; I hope to have news in due course". As well as the above John also sent information on the fpl\owing Old Raineians: " Janice Shaw (Willott) lives near Chislehurst, Kent, and has two .sons and a daughter. Sbe tells llle that her older sister Kathy (73-79?) had a son, George Stanley, on 13th June. Kathy was a gifted anist during her school ye~s (' Rab1eian • cover design 1977) and berond. (She had also been a member at tljat memorable Fonn 3M mentioned elsewhere!) Annette Boycc-Bug~nsky (69-75?) has two daughters, Channah a.nd Amber;
another baby is expecred in April. Channah (4) is curious about the fact that her mother is still in contact with her fonner teacher! Annette designed the 'Raineian' cover for 1974, and h~ creative talents led hertotheLondon College of Fashion after leaving Raine's. ! Basil Dowling (ex staff) makes occasional contact. H~ and his wife, Mar· garet, are still living ih their large house in Rye, East Sussex. $asi1 pursues his literary interests; his particular flair for
poetry will not come as a surprise to those who knew him during his yeans at Raine's, lone Hoskins (ex staff) enjoys life to the full in her retkement home near
Camberley, Surrey. Since her hip operation a few years ago, she has Jed an active life, including frequent trips to London meeting frien~, visiting exhibitions 3lld restaurants (notably Italian ones) in the West End."
Robert Taylor (39-46) again replied as
soon as he received his Newsletter: "Anotl)er wonderful Newsletter has just landed on my doormat bringing with it the customary wealth of memories! · On page 4, in. the midd1e of Eddie Chambers marvellous letter, you ask if perhaps someone could shed light on Ji~p . Shivas' nickname 'Zitch'. The explanation that was always given me as a new boy in 1939 was tbat Jim Shivas had a habit of reacting to the grammatical solecisms .perpetrated by pupils in their essays an4 .their speech with the oft repeated ~ry. "Get out your 'Modern English Usage'!" This was, of course. a reference to Fowler's standard work of reference, the 'Bible" as far as good English was concerned. But the way in which Jim Shivas enunciated the title of the work made it sound as though the last word of the title was "You Zitch"!! Hence . the nickname 'Zitch' ! I am bound to say that in all my ye;us at school I never once heard Jim utter this particular cry, so the story may well be apocryphal. But it is certainly true dtat he always pronounced the word "usage" and
other words ending in the suffix "-sage" as though those four letters were spelled 'zitch'" · John Clark (38-41) responded after reading the October Newsletter: "Some years ago in. a contributiol) to the ORA Newsletter 1asked if anyone had heard any thing of, among others; Keoneth
Williams, of 1941 VA Upper. Lo 'and
..•. Barn Dance on•...
behold! here he is in the October · '96 edition. Also I realise with sudcJen shock that he must be 71 like me. One tends idiotically to think of one's contemporaries as forever 16 or whatever; if one hasn't seen them since. I'm surprised at his remembering me designing ·bitses quite true, although I'd almost forgonen myself. I did get to East Africa- Kenya in the end jn 1948 - ·after Army 5ervicc, but not into the bus business, a Jot of which ha3
PAGE 6 .
OLD RAIN.EIANS'. NEWSLETTER been taken over by Stagecoach. I bad J3
tmder the M3 or approaches there to." years there during which I got married and · · ··had one ofmy two sons and we have been As you can see there still appears to be in England ever since. . . some conjuston over the origin of Jim My work [Ook me all over the UK, tbe ·Shivas nickname with two different verMiddle East and to Thailand. We had a s!ons coming from Robert Taylor and trip to Kenya in 1981, 20 years after leaving and the coffee mills ofwhichlhad been engineer and works manager were still going strong with s number of the old African employees still there. · I thankfully took ear)y retirement in 1988; having had four different careers and have silice been amusing myself with voiwttary work, four grandsons and by acting as labourer to my wife's gardening · activities. We hope to move to Pem·
JohnCfark. Can anyone finally clear rhis 'up?- ed.
A regular contributor, Lesley Jensen (Tear, 62-69), commented on the crowded, but enjoyable, reunion 'bash' at the end ofNovembel': "I had been rubbing backs with Stephanie ludge for sometime - then we were leaving and we discovered each ·other. · She hasn't c~anged much!
bi'i>keshire soon, where, Heaven help me. there will- doubtless be another large garden to alter, construct or maintain! Others I recall besides Kenneth and those he mentioned areTony Coombes, an exhibitionist · (!); · Paul Diamond; ?? · Plaskow; · ?? Kurrarit~ who had terrible catarrh; Roy Witney- maybe more later. · I kiiow why Jim Shivas was called 'Zitch', but as this is possibly a family magazine ..... Let's say he had a habit of · turning over his loose change in his trouser poclcet!! I believe Beechhurst or Beechleigh, our Camberley school house, disappeared
The missing name in the rugby photo is Richard Tassel (do I claim the prize'!). (Gerry Calvert also ·kindly phoned through this information~ ed.) He was a
great asset
the Mann HouSe clmma
team. I do hope still acts (see below {uJ.). The last few Newsletters - the last in particular - have beer. really enjoyable. Now I know why I am a housewife. A dog walk, anice cup of coffee wbiht I look at the post, including the Newsletter and
then it's lunch tit:ne, some 2Va hours of gripping reading later! Thanks for the effort. Also enclosed are some cuttings regarding Palli Reynolds (61-69)." Paul has been an Olympic and WorJd Championship rower having won Henley twice and been National Champion six
times. The foJlowing was taken from the Thames Ditton Skiff and Punting Club
••••on Saturdar, 26th April.
A LOST RAINEIAN . COLLINS. WILLIAM ALFRED GEORGE The arrival of the last newsletter spurred Wallie Spooner to complete the Bill. Collins story and the Msrie Hamilton note · about her choir singing at Broad.moor -she had been witb Wallie ·on the Conunittee in the 70s ~ decided the need to imisb it. "There have been so many requests for Bill's story over the years, ·that only now with little of my own time left, do I feel free to' .talk about it. ·Form Master of the First Year A Form in 1954, with Dr Gerald Shutt as Headmaster, I found in my fonn of 36 one William A G Collins ftom the Burdett Coutts Primary School. Any fellow Raineians with copies of the Boys' School photo-
graphs of March 1955 and then September 1958, with John L Goode as Head, can see not only the two of us, but the contemporaries of ours at school. For years, the strange story has weighed upon my conscience, and for once we have been reluctant to publicize Raine's- for sheer desperation about Bill's situation for year after year, despite the efforts of the usual celebrities on his behalf. · Bill was at Raine's from September 1954, until he left after taking the equivalents of the present A Levels in Sciences and ·qualiiYing for entrance in theNew Surrey University at Guildford (developed from the Old Battersea Polytechnic). No athletic or dramatic successes have been noted, and I remember a tall fairheade!l boy with a couple 9f shorter friends, equally science
"On 30 May the Ditton.s crew smashed the World Record for rowing the Channel from Dovel' to Cap Gris Nez in a Thames Watennan cutter by crossing in 2 hours 42 minutes and 20 seconds. This beat the previous record of 3 hours 35 minutes by 25%! Colin Fellows (organiser of the at-
fiction fanatics, and never guilty of anything malicious outside : the nonsense in places like the ·woodwork shop, the swimming · pool or the long jump pit! Only one incident stays with me. Going through an awkward time in the Founh Fonn, a briiHant academic Foon 4A, were being disciplined by depriving them of everyone's teaching. Allowed only their Bibles they remained perfectly silent through ea<:h 40-minute period. Suddenly, in one period, IU\der my own supervision. came three repeated and very loud, "BM, Baas". Everyone doubled up with laughter, myself included, at the relief from the tension. It could only be Bill, doing what we have all wanted to do in a period of controlled silence. I still treat the incident humorously and have always connected it with W A G Collins (the initials suit the occasioned.). So he started the degree course, but I next heard that he had left the university and was a door-to-door salesman to enable him to court a girl who was still in the Sixth Format the John Howard Schoot Clapton near his home in the Brixton area. The parents
attempt to stop the affair. even going as far as taking out court injiDlctions, only led to their running off to Paris one weekend, and to even more desperate measures shortly after. Frustrated, Collins waylaid the girl on her way to school, knocked her down and stabbed her several times. Consequently, Mr Don Lyons and I spent several weeks at the Old Bailey in the company of his solicitors. Sadly, he was committed to prison for four years. He was sent to start his sentence in Wakefield Gaol, but toward the end of the third year, something happened which resulted in his being transferred to Broadmoor. There he h.as remained since the · 1960s, with no indication ofa possible release at any time. Since·
..•. :·.
then, he has shared his home with real criminals, among them Ronnie Kray. Could there have been any possible comparison? The Kray twin died last year and had a funeral of royal propor-
Jessop, John Jessup, Leslie
, tions. Bill Col1ins, a fellow-Raineian, afier 34 years, is still rotting away in the same Don:hester Ward. What really hurts is that his year was a very good one, many having distinguished · -careers following their fellow Head and Deputy Heads, the "Heavenly Twins", Bishop and Thoroughgood. Since the 1962 sentence, several of us have kept in touch; apart from myself, Basil Dowling and until his death, Jlm Shivas, ofthe Staff. Oftus contemporaries, Roo Strieb!g is himself now ·nearing retirement after a very satisfYing career and has a successful grown-up family. Ron has kept in touch for yeaJS. ·But what of the others? How have their careers turned out?
Roger Lane Roger Lockett Janes O'Brieo
PAGE 7 Alan Thorougbgood RogerWenn
Jotm Woodhall Alan Perkins
Even using the two photograpas (Everyone had two photos - one at either end of their school career), I cannot l'io better thin this!
!'m sure this little black patch in our history will bring a response from everybody, but especially from those of us who knew the unfortunate Bill." .:.. Wally also went on to write about features in the October
None like Bill's, I pray. " I was fascinated by the reading in the Newsletter and th8Ilks I regret that with tho pos.sing of the years, my memory of the to Gwynneth and Lesley for the personal news items. Frances Form Lists of each year grows somewhat dimmer. Please do not Alien I remember well and her two cronies; Shani Rhodes (had A ask me to name the other boys it was my fortune to introduce into brother, didn't she?) and Lynn Begant. Eddie Chambers was in , the school. Yes, I was excused for the last lO years as Senior · another of my forms· who can forget that Chambers was next to Master - I needed to know the whole school then! But naming
Gotobed?ll Denise Bowman too, has not been lost in darlrest
two.:.thirds of that Fonn, will probably remind the rest who their contemporaries were. None will have forgotten Bill Collins!! Strangely enough, few of those l rec;aJI are O.R.:A. members! Maybe, there should now be a mass joining from those to whom fate has been k.inder·since 1962! I remember with affection the
France and I am delighted that Stepbanie Judge has re-surfac.:ed I must admit that there were few staff that Stephanie didn't get 1he better off (see stOty of Alan Russell)! Interesting to no1e Debra Reid's further theological pursuits and greetings to the rest of the family. Cameron McPhee's reappearance is welcom e. He along with Lesley Jensen (Tear) were important in 1969 for the 250th Anniversary celebrations. All fascinating pieces of news and we hope Richard, as possibly the youngest President ever, captains a healthy shlp. I hope .~e the story of Bill Collins goes well - it stiows the sadder side 'o f Raine's history. I'm still grateful to be here as I had a narrow squeak in 1996 and certainly missed out on life all round All good wishes to everyone.
following. and hope the rest are still with us! Akbai' Arman Alien Burgis Michael Bishop Michael Feinberg · Anthony Fletcher Clifford Griffiths
Clive Norris Francis Randall Leslie Randall
Joel Salkin
Franklyn Scot1 Ronald Striebig
tempt), Paul Re~olds, Mike Hart, Malcobn Knight, Dave Gattey, Ricbard Carless and Tim Lohmann (cox) had trained hard and were prepared mentally and physically for the challenge. From Saturday 25 May onwards there was an agonising · wait for acceptable weather conditions -.the word finally came late on Wednesday 29 May that conditions should be OK fur an attempt early on Thursday 30 May. After wake-up calls at 2.00 am and a drive to Dover by·4.15 am to rendezvous with the Pi lot and perform fmal checks on the cutter- the a-ew w!l.S out with first light to go to the start point (20 metres off Shakespeare Beach) for a start at exactly 5.31 am. Once clear of the choppiness caused by tide round Dover harbour, weather conditions proved to be near perfect. The crew performed brilliantly to achieve such a dramatic reduction in the record and were elated but tired as they crossed the fmish, in line with Cap Oris Nez. . For Dittons, and Malcolm Knight this was a third World Recoro!
Then what? A change of crew for the
return to UK! The return crew comprised Daniel Teuten, Mar9us Reynolds, Dick Mason, Mark Hob50n, Charles Graham, I Alan Sutton (strokf!) and Sarah Poole
Jessica Fenn is a journalist in South America. Margaret Roberts (64-69) has suggested a .cricket match. If we get enough response
Favourable conditions continued
from potential players i.e contact us if you
and the. return frew unexpectedly ach.ieved a time of 3 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds! No re4ord wa.S previously
are imerested in playing and we will ny to organise something.
established for the France - England crossing but until4 hpurs earlier this time would have counted as the fastest time recorded fur the cl'O¥ing in either direction!" CongratuJations to Pall! on this excellent effort. Does 4nybolry else know of Old Raineians who 'are or were World Record holders? -
Tony and Maria Mole (68-75) are arranging a '40th' Reunion for Old Raine-
ians' who started the school at the same time. If you are interested please let us know and we will put you in touch with Tony and Maria.
Brian Chaperlin (63-71) asked for t.'lis snippet to be included in t he next Newsletter:
«J have kept in touch by Christmas card with Helen Noble (64-71) but hadn't heard from h er last Christmas. I recemly
got a phone call at work from b.er telling me that she had moved to Canada ·and was on a flying visit to London. She is now Helen Anderson and lives in Ontario. She has gone back to work as a dental nurse, which she originally trained as, on leaving
school. She was previously married to Richard Tassel (64-72) and he has returned to London to keep an eye on their three children who remain ·in the Green· wich area- they are grown-up! Richard in
. ·.
working as a social wi>rker in Wesunin- · David De'ath (64~71) manage to beat the .ster ~ he has not remarried. deadline for the New~ letter ily the fmest of Helen's brother Peter also went to margins. I received his letter the day Raine's; he was younger and I think came before r started a run of 650 copies! He was in the UK at the beginning of in 1970? Nexf t.ime I write., I'll ask Helen for some infonnation about his where- January and tried to contact me at home, abouts." but for some reason missed me. David made a nip over to Arbour Square and had Interest has been shown in the where- a couple of beers ip The Brewezy Tap abouts of some ex:-pupils. They are: (lfUSI me IQ miss OUf on a drink!!- ed.). The whole area, particularly towards Poplar, has changed considerably. Denise Johnson 62-68 David asks if I still play cricket and Jean Boxall the answer is no. He has dt:clded to retire 62-68 Pat Milne 62-68 'gracefully' last year· very few people in 59-66 Susan Nightingale South Africa play p~t their early 30s - but he has (&ken up umpiring seriously. Susan Healey 59-66 Eddie Dobwell Brian Chaperlin is one Old Raineian 59-66 he keeps in touch with along with David's brother John (68-74) who is still renoIfyou know ~ything on the above please vating his train station at Dinton in Wiltlet us know or asl: them to contact us. shire. In the October Newsletter David read the request from Cameron MacPhee Some of you who enjoyed the advert for (62-69) for a photograph of the Cricket Butlins recently shown on TV may have First XI in 1969. He is pleased to say he . reoognised Eddie Marsan. Yes that's him has and has had a co1.1ple of enlargements dancing frenetically and the next moment produced. As soon as 1 can send Camsprawled . out, exhausted, on the sofa. . eron.'s address the said photo will be Eddie. has also just finished a run in 'The winging its way Jtom Free State to ' Homecoming' at the Lyttelton Theatre. Queensland! The play was written by Hm·old Pinter and David signed off by saying that he the cast also included Lindsay and Sam ·. knows why he lives in Africa when, whilst Copke- noted peifonners! staying at Dinton with his brother the A review from the Financial Times temperatures dropped to -10°C!! stated "I can still hear the gasps in the audience, as one shocking, or appalling, or There you are. I think that is about all the dismaying twist follows another". Time news so far. Just a fe)V things I would like Out wrote "Pinter's most accessible and to add. entertaining play has never looked There appears to be quite a bit of information on Old ·Raineians' who are healthier than .in this brilliant revival". not members of the Association. If we High praise indeed! Tht< play will cQntinue in repertoire have news on them, then someone must zmd w~ wish Eddie all the best for any know where they are. So why not get future productions that he may appear in them to join? Some of these nonwhether they are plays or adverts. members have also been mentioned in
FUTURE, EVENTS? A few members have requested that the ORA hold a Dinner and Dance aild the CODUD.ittee would Jike suggestions from any members as 19 a suitable venue. Ple~e call any of the committee members listed at the top of this NeWsletter if there is any interest of ideas for a venue. If we do not receive any response we will take it for granteq that no one is particularly keen on the idea. Get writing or phoning!! Note that a trip to a Kent vineyard is being plan.D~ for Juljr/August more details in the next newsletter.
past Newsletters. Once again I fail to see why they have not joined!! You know· who your are. Another problem is that when people do join they seem reluctant to provide any information etC. about themselves. Why? Your contemporaries and teachers would love to know bow you are getting on and . we would all like to hear your memories and stories of school. I am sure you enjoy other peoples' reminiscences. So, if you do join, please send us as much information 11bout yourself as you can. Finally please keep sending the news. It's mainly due to people such as Robert Taylor, Tom Bennett, Le&Iie Jensen, etc. that the Newsletter is as interesting (1 believe) as it is. But we must not get CQlllplacent or, in fact; 1!1-ZY. We should not depend on these regular contributors: . Pick up that pen and get writing. I am sure there are moments when you are reading the Newsletter when a memory of school days or your contemporaries flashes in to mind If so why not immediately write it down? At first these memories may seem unimportant, but I can assure you On.ce they are in print other people will be interested. They do not aU have to be comical moments as this present edition proves. There are various ways that you can send the news through to us. There is, of course the old and tested way ofthe postal system to any of the addresses on the front · page. The les<i ancient and quicker method of fax machine in case sudden inspiration comes to you at work. This sudden inspiration can also be sent by E-mail to the school on ratnes@rmplc eo. uk. If any of the these do not encourage you to· write then r am thinking of re· starting the Pony Express or breeding homing pigeons ........ Any thing to get you to send your news!!!
Bill Richards
. ..
Few events can compete with a Barn Dance and the secret of success lies in having an experienced Caller and band to guide evetyone. The ORA have booked an extremely experienced Caller plus five piece band ~ no Mickey
Mouse dance this!! The admission price includes food and a cash bar will sell beer and wine. So, please come along and support the ORA and book now ~ don't delay. Note that the AGM will be held at the beginning of the evening (7pm) so please come along early if possible. Of course you do not have to stay for the dance if you only vyant to attend the AGM.
BAflNDANCE TICKET APPLICATION FORM -------------------------------------路--..... To: Old Raineians'
c/o A. Johnson, 9 Goddington Lane,
Orpington, Kent, BR6 9PR.
I wish to purchase ____ tickets(s) at 拢10.00 each I enclose a cheque/postal order for 拢 - - - - - - Cheques should be made payable to "Old Raineians' Association". Please send tickets to:
Nrume: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Address:-----------
Post Code:
........ -r路--_-._._ 11
Old Raineians' Association
1719 RAINe:!
Raine's Foundation School Approach Road Bethnal Green London E29LY Tel: 0181 981 1231 Fax: 0181 983 0153
Sandra Johnson 9 Goddington Lane Orpington Kent BR69DR Tel: 01689 826854 Fax: 01689 873115
Richard Harris 34 Brierly Gardens Royston Street London E20TE Tel: 0181 981 5315
Bill Richards 26 Shandy Street Stepney London E14LX Tel: 0171 790 9235
Gwynneth Jackson Glevum Kirkby Malzeard Nr Ripon North Yorks HG4 3RS Tel: 01765 658825
MAY 1997
efore we get onto the memories, news, etc. I would like to mention the lack of interest shown by members in two ofthe last three events the committee have organised. Of course we understand that family days and barn dances are not everybody's cup-of-tea. Having said that it must be remembered that the committee are giving their spare time freely to run these functions. As the majority of members appear reluctant to send us their thoughts and ideas, as requested in the last Newsletter, the committee have decided to cut back on such events. One of the first casualties is a proposed barbecue that we were hoping to organise in early September. This will now not take place. There will now be only a couple of reunions organised each year. Our thanks go to the small number of people who did attend the rescheduled barn dance at Raine Street. I am sure they will agree with me in saying that the band were excellent and everyone had a good, albeit exhausting, time!! Most present agreed that it was the best ORA reunion that they had attended. Alan Johnson said, "In my 15 or more years with the Association I have never had more fun at a function. The band was one of the best that I have heard and we laughed all night at the attempts to co-ordinate the dances. Every person there joined in the fun. The enjoyment was increased by those present taking a perverse pleasure in the fact that all those members who missed the reunion, believing it would be boring, had missed out on an ORA classic." On the plus side there are a number of people willing to contribute to the Newsletter. In the present edition Michael Coles has written an article having only just heard of the Association. Also
in the small south-western town of Albi. My mother offered to accept two girls so that my sister Jill (also an Old Raineian) and I could spend the school holidays in France the following year. The Bon Sauveur was then exclusively a Catholic girls school (it is now mixed and part of a group of private schools) and it drew NEW MEMBERS boarders from rural, sometimes. remote, ymond Gregory (64-72) has areas of the Tarn and neighbouring dest contact with all his class- partments. The term 'culture shock' ates but would like to enjoy a wasn't in current usage then, bqt the convivial glass or two reminiscing over contrast with East London could not have old times and asks about Gavin Adlington been greater. Though at fir,st overand Linda Kain who were Head Boy and whelmed by the size of London (not to Deputy Head Girl respectively. Head Girl mention Paris, which they had had to at that time was Kathleen Hart and negotiate on the way), our two charming Raymond was Deputy Head Boy. Per- guests were more than happy with the sonal friends included Helen Noble, Dick very thorough sightseeing we arranged in Tassell, Christine Janeway and Lucy and around London, and to some historic Ehrman. places farther afield, and they weren't at Raymond graduated from Aston all upset about sharing a minuscule room University and has pr~essed ::!:rei'!!~~ 路;;-""'"' r!f?a"f!p>i%/1& 'iv.i!!: ;;u bathroom. . number of positions to his current post as In 1958 my sister and I travelled to General Sales Manager of a regional France for the return visit. As we were brewer and soft drinks manufacturer used to spending time in the country and based in Dorset (looks like you could were lucky enough to have been on supply the 'convivial glass or two'- ed). camping holidays abroad with our parents, we were pretty adaptable, but our He resides in SE London with a corntwo weeks in the tiny village of Esmitment to a 14Yz year old daughter. Although Raymond was a member of cazeaux, with absolutely nothing to do the 1969 Raine's National Basketball and no transport, apart from a weekly bus Championship winning team he is now to the nearest market town,. nonetheless surprisingly inactive sport wise although began to drag. It didn't do much for our does attempt to keep fit through aerobics. French either, as the father of the family was an Italian immigrant and the rest of Marjorie Robbins (53-60) sent her apthe family spoke the local patois among plication from France with the following themselves. It took me several days before I realised that they weren't speaking memories: French! People who had probably never "Forty years ago, back in 1957, when left the village asked us if the grass was I was in the fourth form, our French green in England and whether there were teacher asked for volunteers to accommodate, on an exchange basis, French any old people. We may as well have pupils of the Pensionnat du Bon Sauveur come from the Moon. It was a relief when Frances Alien has come up with the idea of 'Raivers Corner' where members write their recollections of get-togethers. Francis has 'started the ball . rolling'. Perhaps Tony and Maria Mole could send us a report after their reunion takes place.
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER we moved on to the second family, a few kilometres outside Albi. The farmer was the local doctor. They even had television, which we didn't have at home. That was when my friendship with Marie-Jose Sauna! really began. It is still going strong, 40 years on, and I have long been accepted almost as part of the family. Our paths have gone very different ways career wise. After her university studies, Marie-Jose became a history and geography teacher at the Bon Sauveur, where she has remained. Like me, she is still single. Together with two of her brothers and their families, she still lives on the same property, but the splendid view of Albi it once had is now partially obscured by new housing estates, supermarkets, and the like. Marie-Jose spent a holiday with us in London in 1961 during her student days, but although I went fairly regularly to Albi, by the time she came to stay with me again, in 1978, I was living in New York, working at the United Nations. In the meantime, after various jobs in London, I had graduated from London University as a mature student, with a First Class Honours degree in French and History of Art, and had spent three years as interpreter/translator in an international organisation in Finland. In 1988 my UN job took me to South Lebanon for two years, then back to New York, and finally to Geneva at the end of I 991. Throughout the years, we have both travelled extensively. Between us, we have visited scores of countries. MarieJose's holidays next trip is to Vietnam and mine to Sicily, but in the summer we intend to celt!bratetl'le fornetffff-n'fiw'ets::iry"'' of our friendship by taking a trip to Eng路 land together. In 199I I acquired a house in Aix-en-Provence, in south-eastern France, which has become my permanent home since I gave up work last year under a generous voluntary redundancy plan, before taking early retirement. I should be curious to know if there are any other Old Raineians who have kept in touch with former Bon Sauveur pupils since those far off 'fifties'?" Raymond Sepel (43-49) left Raines in 1949 after 6th form and being School Captain. He entered University College Hospital Dental School and qualified as a Dental Sugeon in 1954. After two years National Service in the Army as Dental Surgeon and Captain (RADC) Raymond opened his own practice in East Ham in 1958. He retired from the National Health
Service this year but continues to work happily and healthily as a private/ independent Dental Surgeon. Raymond mentions that the teachers at Raines were excellent and are remembered fondly. These include:- Alec Aldridge; AH and WH Davis, Henry Wilkins, Frank Luton, Miss Weingarten, Mr Bence, 'Donny' Lyons, Mr Clark, Wallie Spooner, Captain Tumage and Mr Shivas.
PAGE 2 There was a pub next door to the school and we had three cricket practice nets in the area behind the pub. Many of the masters were interested and we were often joined by Mr Pascoe (French) and Mr Bence (History). The latter was a very good bowler despite the fact that he had a damaged leg on which he wore a brace. Although the school pupils 路 were not mixed until the 6th form the girls sometimes shared the pavilion amenities with us if there was a clash of fixtures. I can remember more than one occasion when the segregation marker had not been clearly marked and a rush to the showers through the wrong door ended up in shrieks (Yes bul why didn't the girls
Arthur Smith (30-36) enclosed some memories. "In 1930 Tom Bennett, Dougie Jewson and I started our first term at Raines and we used to walk to Arbour Square from Poplar. We did not have money for bus fares although on reflection scream as well?! - ed). I think we were about 16 years of age shoe leather probably cost us more! On the way home from school we when we realised that one game of rugby indulged in schoolboy pranks like per week was leaving us with a large swinging our book laden satchels round reservoir of energy. The result was that our head and daring our companions to get about five of the rugby side decided to closer. One afternoon I happened to catch join the Broad Street Boys Club which a boy named Andrews on the nose with was situated in the Highway opposite the result that he lost some claret. On- Shadwell Park. This led to us playing fortunately for me his father taught En- football on a Saturday afternoon at Hackney Marshes - on pitch number 3 or gine~ring and Mechanics at the school (you- know Fletcher's trolley and all that). 93 depending on how far you had to carry The next morning I was paraded in front the goal posts. Mr Broughton, who had of our form master, one Mr Tiller and my succeeded Captain Tumage as sports name entered in to the punishment book master, got to hear of it and there was a alongside the inscription "a pugnacious little friction which was not relie~ed when bully." Not bad for an eleven year old. I several of us turned up for rugby practice would not have minded but the victim of wearing Broad Street football jerseys. I the 'assault' was bigger than me! believe Mr Broughton played rugby for In addition to the academic side we Sale and it may be that he was not too had a good sporting record as a school keen on the 'round ball' code. Needless although Westcliff County High used to to say we enjoyed both games and in 1936 knockv;Us. about_ at rugby. All their we won the London Federation of Boys tHtee-qilarters _seemed to be over 6fl.:tall. Clubs Cup Final with at least five Raines The school sports ground was in Gale pupils in the side. After matriculation I went into the Street, Becontree which could be reached by District Railway to Barking and then 6th form (mixed) where I learned the steam train to Gale Street (now Becontree rudiments of bookkeeping, shorthand and typing. I also met a Miss Gwen Kidd who Station). When Tom and I were chosen to play attended Raines Girl's School and was for the 4th cricket XI we foolishly vol- /later to become Head Girl and Mrs Smith. Whilst waiting to leave .school in unteered to take the cricket !lag to the 1936 I was looking for a job and reSaturday game as over the-~eekend we would be able to show our local pals what member being offered a clerical vacancy it was like to play with real bats and pads. at Dr Barnardos at 15 shillings per week. Our nearest district line station was I was 17 years of age and as my older Bromley-by-Bow and after carrying the brother had left school at I 4 to start work very full cricket bag over such a long at 17 and 6 pence per week my parents distance we vowed never to volunteer were against the offer - although the again. The cricket square at Gale Street Headmaster, Mr Dagger, thought it was was a batsman's paradise and was well not unreasonable. Shortly afterwards, attended by Teddy Brennan and his son. I through the columns of The Daily Teleremember him telling me that they had graph, I started work for a firm of charused the same batting square for over 40 tered accountants in the City for the princely sum of 拢50 per annum payable years. It is now part of Parsloes Park.
Old Raineians' Association
NEWSLETTER Raine's Foundation School Approach Road Bethnal Green London E29LY Tel: 0181 981 1231 Fax: 0181 983 0153
San.:lra Johnson 9 Goddington Lane Orpington Kent BR69DR Tel: 01689 826854 Fax: 01689 873115
Richard Harris 34 Brierly Gardens Royston Street London E20TE Tel: 0181 981 5315
Bill Richards 26 Shandy Street Stepney London E14LX Tel: 0171 790 9235
Gwynneth Jackson Glevum Kirkby Malzeard Nr Ripon North Yorks HG43RS Tel: 01765 658825
MARCH 1998
ell, here it is, finally, the latest to thank David Arter who unknowingly edition of the Old Raineians' jogged my memory. I referred to Mr Curtis Association Newsletter. I must being one of our geography masters when I apologise for the lengthy delay in printing should have said Mr Whittaker..路 Whilst I the present issue which was due to be 'visualised' Bill Whittaker, for some published in early September 1997. Un- reason 'Curtis' came to mind- I think he fortunately, at that time, my father died and was another maths master. On the subject for obvious reasons I was unable to be too ofDavid Arter's article I have got an idea involved with the Association. 路 that the recipient of Bill Whittaker's This did not stop the news coming in 'flying' blackboard rubber was none other and for this reason the March Newsletter is than Frank Battes - does he still have the larger than normal. There are some ex- scar to prove it? I noticed your editorial comment in cellent articles to read and in fact the article from Colin Biggs I have had to split in my article asking for comments from the to two parts, with the second to follow in the next Newsletter. Also in this publication are some '"The smoke bomb photographs of Old Raineians' functions went off a little from over 40 years ago. The names have been supplied by Wallie Spooner, but if prematurely.... " any one can add any more names and put them to faces in the photographs please do write. If you would like copies of the year above us - which I am sure you may photographs do not hesitate to contact me. get! My unwritten references to that year Please keep writing and keep sear.ch- was briefly touched on by David Arter and ing for Old Raineians' to become members concerns the last day of school for most of of the Association. The Committee look that fifth form in 1958. The events of that forward to seeing you at the old school day had been thoroughly planned over the building in Raine Street on Saturday 23rd preceding week or so; primarily by two May 1998. (Any free drinks accepted in boys in the fifth year, who by friendly the spirit- or beer!- of the occasion- persuasion, threats of secrecy etc., coled) lected one penny (less than Yzp now) from every boy in the school. The proceeds purchased the ingredients for the smoke NEW MEMBERS bomb and a large quantity of potassium ichael Cote (54-60) who kindly permanganate, which was introduced into sent 拢50 with his application the outbuildings main water tank on the and had written an excellent roof. This tank feeds the whole building including the canteen and the girls schools. article in the previous Newsletter. "Before a thousand people write to (The actual colour of the water, I suppose, you pointing out a lapse of memory in my is not particularly relevant, but I think you article in the last Newsletter, I would like will find that potassium turned it more red
than blue.) The smoke bomb went off a little prematurely - I think it was in tended to detonate during the Head Masters address to the assembly. By this time we were in the fourth form, which meant that we were assembled on the gallery overlooking the hall, with the unfortunate first formers in their customary position, sitting cross legged, in front of the stage. They were totally enveloped in acrid smoke as masters came from all directions to open windows and rip apart the stage to get at the offending item! I must say that, in all my days at Raine's, I did not see the masters quite so furious as they were that day. As David says the whole school was in detention and remained assembled for hours on end whilst the witch hunt and interrogation continued. We knew who they were, of course, and I am sure the masters had a pretty good idea too, but from memory, I think the culprits finally 'owned up'. Not only did they not receive their end of school testimonials, but one boy had intended to go on to the sixth form the following year (was it not intended that he would have been a prefect - if not Head Boy?). He was instantly expelled by J. L. Goode in front of the whole assembled school! I'm not going to mention names since most of the people who were in the third form and upwards at the time will no doubt remember. If a clue is required, however, I notice that I actually mentioned one of the chaps names in the last Newsletter! All-in-all I suppose it was considered a 'black spot' that day. However I wonder if any masters secretly admired the ingenuity." If other members remember that day
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER or if the 'culprits' would like to come forward, please do write - ed
returned home in the autumn and Graham Whaley and I decided to complete our Grand Tour by attempting, the following • Richard Bates (54-59), a contempo- spring, to cycle up to Hammerfest which, rary of Mike Cole, also joined and sent the according to Wallie Spooner, I think, was following: the most northerly town in the world. We "After reading the 'novel' by my old completed that trip in just over three mate Mick Cole in the last edition of the months and then calmed down a bit. Newsletter I have been moved to recall I spent the next five years studying to events as they really happened! be a design engineer and as soon as I Like Mick I was astounded to hear of qualified I drove overland to Australia on the ORA after all these years. I was in the the old 'hippy' trail- through Europe, the 1953-59 group and to catch up with lives Middle East, India and Malaya with a dose of old friends (including masters of course) of dysentery helping me to keep my lithe appears to be a daunting task but one figure! Long distance cycling was now in which I greatly look forward to. my blood and after working in SydneyFor about 20 years after leaving where I regularly kept in touch with my old school my life was spent in a mixture of form mate Vie Lowry - I cycled up to studying and travel - with some work Darwin, in the Northern Territory of Aushere and there - and invariably some- tralia, where I met up with Geoff Prouse. where along the way old school friends He was in his element up there running his featured regularly. own taxi business in what was almost a Mick has already mentioned that a frontier town and he was well known there. group of about ten old school friends had I believe he was the Northern Territory been in constant touch and in 1964, aged chess champion which wasn't too bad 20, four of us, namely Terry Devaney, considering there must have been at least Graham Whaley, Roger Lane and myself three other players up there! I returned to England by cycling set off in my old Ford Popular to see what
OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION FESTIVAL- 24TH APRIL 1954 Among the those present: Gerald and Edna Shutt; Don and Joyce Lyons; Stanley and John Matthews; Alec and Peggy Aldridge; Jim Shivas; Nelson McNahon. Europe was all about. For over three months we criss-crossed the Continent and saw a Europe unpolluted by the hordes of tourists which were to follow in subsequent years. We survived on £100 each for those three months and eventually all worked in the same large hotel in Geneva for a further three months where our schoolboy French didn't help much! We
across Canada and met up with another old school friend in Toronto - these Old Raineians get everywhere namely Roger Coe. Back in England I worked for several months alongside Charlie Day, another contemporary, until returning to Darwin. Geoff Prouse, his family and I became very good friends there and then on Christmas Eve I 974 cyclone Tracy hit
PAGE 2 Darwin with disastrous results. There was great loss of life and 95% of the homes were destroyed. In the aftermath Geoff managed to evacuate his wife and young son down to Alice Springs while I stayed in Darwin and joined the Red Cross emergency services. Once the town finally got back on its feet Geoff and I managed to open Geoff's old store and were the first shop to open selling hot food and cold drinks to the populace and had a riotous time in the bargain. Geoff eventually went to live in California and I returned to England and opened a squash club with Terry Devaney who, by then, owned a hotel in Farnham, Surrey. I then got married and we had the biggest reunion of Old Raineians since leaving school - it must have been the lure of free food and drink. Terry Devaney and I built a further sq11ash club at Datchet, near Windsor and since then I have built a sports centre which is within a school's grounds and have now gone full circle, i.e., have returned to school! I'm currently negotiating with County Councils to extend the idea of sports facilities in schools around the country. So, I think, it's fair to say that without having attended Raine's and being fmtunate enough to have met such a cracking bunch of blokes my life would have been very different - I might have been rich and famous by now! Mick Cole and I have recently spoken and have agreed that any reunions planned by the ORA will be attended by us two at least- particularly as it's Mick's round. Regards to all old friends from school particularly recent contributors Ron Streibig, David Arter and Frank Battes who I sat next to in form 5B and from whom I still bear tt1e scars!" • Christopher Harris (79-82) who, although not at Raine's for the full 'term', was keen to join: "I left the UK for New Zealand in 1982, where my secondary and tertiary education were completed. Since then I've lived in New Zealand with short stints in Papua New Guinea. I'm an airline pilot for Easyjet Airlines based in Luton. Teachers I can remember include: Mr Everton; Mr Rae; Ms Robinson; Ms Fuller; Mr Harris; Mr Walsh; Mr Reffold; ProfCiocci; Mr Johnson." Chris would love to hear from any of his contemporaries.
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER • Stephen McDuell (76-83). More details and news please. • Gemma McGill (O'Connor, 77-82). More details and news please. • Bob Newman (37-41) 'found' Raine's had moved sites! "Early in 1997, reporting to the London Chest Hospital for a triple by-pass, I unexpectedly passed Raine's Foundation School in Approach Road- I had left it in Arbour Square!! Following are a few details of my past Raine's wanderings which I hope you find of interest. I was evacuated to Brighton with Raine's at the outbreak of World War H. While there in 1940 I boxed in the Schoolboy Boxing Championships at the Dome, and won the title. When France capitulated we were moved to Camberley. I left Raine's aged fifteen, bumped up my age three years and joined the RAF as a trainee pilot. I was flying aeroplanes in
••J was flying aeroplanes in England when I was fifteen .... " England when I was fifteen, and Canada when I was sixteen, but was later grounded, and finished up on the ground staff of a Spitfire squadron in Burma. When the war ended I was sent to French lndochina (now Vietnam), to take over from the Japanese, and found the native Annamites (now Vietnamese) rather hostile. Returning to the UK I found it rather hard to settle and began wandering. I spent a year in Canada, came back and joined the Army (REME) spending two years in Germany. After the Army I gave New Zealand a try and that lasted four and a half years. Australia came next. Three times, but for a shorter period each time (loved the women, but found the chaps hard to take). Finally, having turned forty, I decided to come back home and settle down. I, therefore, planned a bit of a Cook's tour on the way. Two weeks Tokyo, two weeks Moscow, two weeks Berlin then home. That was before I experienced Tokyo. I loved Tokyo so much that I stayed nearly three years. During my previous
wanderings I mainly earned my living as a freelance sales rep., but that would not work in Japan. I worked for one of the language schools teaching English. Met my wife, Yasuko, there. She is Okinawan, but was at University in Tokyo. I have been back in England some years now, and I am gradually becoming a couch potato." • Reg Simmonds (48-55). "I can hardly believe it but I received a letter from you over a year ago but because of extreme pressure of work, I have only just found the time to make my reply. I must say I was delighted to hear from you and very interested to read the Newsletter. 1 am regularly in touch with many Old Raineians. I now live in a riverside apartment quite near to the old school in Arbour Square. I work each day on the Isle of Dogs and usually have lunch in the cafe in the Docklands Business Centre run by Old Raineian, Alan Grenard. Please also note that my close friend and neighbour is Steven Berkoff, the playwright and actor who is the same age as me and who was in my class for three years from 48-51 before moving to Manor House and going to Hackney Downs Grammar School. I also noticed with interest in your newsletter that someone is seeking out Keith Lardner. I don't know whether you tracked him down in the intervening year and although I have never met or spoken with him since leaving school, I know that he lives in Luton. I know this because my son and his son shared the same guitar teacher. Keith apparently brought his son down to Loughton in Essex for the guitar lessons. I believe the guitar teacher moved, but it might be possible to track him down and perhaps find out Keith's address through him if you have had no success in finding him through the Newsletter. For my own part, I am the Managing
PAGE 3 Director of an international metal trading company. I have in my possession a large naive style painting of the school by the famous East London artist John Allin which the Association is welcome to borrow at any time. When I first commissioned the painting, it was on show at the school in Arbour Square for a year but they gave it back when they moved. I close with my best personal regards to you and thank you for what you are doing for the Association." OTHER NEWS - 1
From Gwynneth Jackson avin Adlington wrote recently from Arnham where he and his wife Peggy (Sayers) were busy spending their holiday decorating the outside of their house, having first sent their three daughters to stay with Gavins niece in Nice (daughter of which of the other Adlingtons?) and son on an adventure holiday. He would love to get in touch with Ray Gregory again.
• Strange how the 'next generations' meet up. The son of Tina Graham is at the same school as Gemma McGill's (O'Connor) eldest son. • Alan Liddiard wrote from Devon on reading about the Headmaster's death. He had never met him, but had had some correspondence with him when Alan first became aware of the Old Raineians Association. He had heard nothing but good of him and hopes that Raine's continues to be fortunate in its Headmasters. He has met a Chaplain at Exeter Cathedral who had been a Curate in the Ramsgate Parish 30 years ago where Reverend George ('Flufzy' or 'Dog-Collar') Loughborough was rector. •
Father John Burrows, now working in
the Parish of St Bartholomew in Ipswich, would like to be remembered to those who attended Raine's from 1965 to 1973. When he arrived, the boys' and girls' schools had just amalgamated and for a while "we had to live with both traditions, the girls having a strong advocate in Mrs Weingarten. Gradually a new identity was formed and it became a very happy coeducational school. Another doyen was Father Peter Clinic who held court from his place in the staff room. He had a reputation for keeping order even when asleep, for he was once seen nodding off in front of a class who kept quiet lest they should wake him!"
listen with a friendly, sympathetic, constructive and positive ear. We always felt she was our friend. I have an image of her with long flowing hair, a flowing orange caftan and a twinkle in her eye." • In July I attended the function at Raine's for the retirement of Mrs Angela Pearce (successor to Father Clynic as School Chaplain) and the early retirement of Bob Hudson and Ken Crump. Mr Lewis was greatly missed, but it was lovely to see so many other former members of staff. The history department en masse - Ray Hart, Barry Jones, Bob Philpott; Zippy Auerbach (her daughter attends the school where Steve Johnson is Deputy Head); Christine Crump (Geography); Ray Reffold (Deputy Head and Head of French);
From Bill Richards
efore I start on the news I would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter Thake in arranging for the Association to use the Baltic Exchange for the November Reunion last year. A number of people have said how enjoyable the evening was, especially as in some cases they met people they had not seen for a number of years - one of the main aims of the Association.
• Way back in the middle of June 1997 Roy Casey (67-72) sent me the following: • Christine Smith (Hoe, 53-60) was de"I have just read the Newsletter and lighted to read news of Marjorie Robins, thought it was time to contact the Assowith whom she ciation again after corresponds and of a long period of friends of her hussilence. Having band John, his produced the brother Roger newsletter for (MBE) and neighabout 18 months bour Arbar Arman in the early 1980s who was in Bill I know the diffiCollins class. She culties of staring at was very sad to a blank piece of relate the death of paper, publication Mrs Irene date looming and Wagener-Koen, the waiting for a letter former biology or three to land on teacher, with whom the doormat - so she had kept in here is one to help touch - as had her you out. sixth form mistress When and English teacher served on the Yeomans. Miss committee with The husband of the likes of Mrs WagenerGwynneth, Ray OLD BOYS' SUPPER - 1932 Koen, a Dutchman Reffold and Clive and engineer at the Cecil Nay (back table) and Bertie Lambert (front) are among the guests. Baugh they were London Hospital, troubled times for died while they were living at Cheadle Martin Payne (Languages); Ann Lowes the Association. The lack of interest, low Hulme. She then returned to her birth- (PE); Madge Darch (Lewis - English); membership numbers and recent parting place, Plymouth and after her retirement John Blundell (Art); Janis Fuller (Home with Arbour Square all seemed to point in became a National Trust guide, sang in Economics), Graham Willett (Physics and a negative direction for us. We were the IT) and to meet up with Jackie Ross Committee who I recall reading about in a choirs and did lots of handicrafts. Christine says:"She was like a breath (George/Lugg) now teaching at Raine's. recent Newsletter (I think an article by of fresh air in the school, an imaginative Gwynneth?) who were faced with whether and exciting teacher with 100% A level • People who have found their way to or not to close the Association and transfer pass rate for her pupils. I was her only A rural Yorkshire recently have been the all funds to the School or give it another level student, studied Pure and Applied Blundells and David Spencer and his wife. last attempt. I must confess to being one of Maths with Miss Mansfield and Miss the minority 'close' votes but others had Gibson and I had to attend Cobum for • We wish happiness in their new homes stronger resolve than I and determined to Physics. The Biology lab was open house to Angela Pearce and her husband who give it that other go. That I am writing to -pupils used it as a refuge and to discuss have moved to Bury St Edmunds after their you now and still receiving the Newsletter personal and school problems with Miss retirement and Jackie and Robert Connolly proves I was wrong and Reff, Gwynneth Wagener-Koen who always had time to in Loughton. and others were correct, for which I thank
BEFORE RAINE'S Geoff Gillon (59-64) has been in regular contact over the past few months. "I have recently renewed contact (after nearly 40 years!) with a lady with whom I spent my infant and junior schooling. This was before I was 'shipped off at I I+ stage from I! ford to Stepney (for reasons that were never made clear to me). Only two other boys and one girl passed from junior school to Raine's - that girl was Patricia Dixon (59-**). My former classmate and I are attempting to put names to a junior school photograph of I957-58 vintage. We've recalled over 20 so far and it occurred to me that we might make contact with Patricia (or Pat as she was known to us) in the hope that she may remember some other names. She may also have news of our former classmates. Another reason for contacting Pat is that, as part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of my primary/junior school, there is to be a garden party in June of this year and I have undertaken to assist in tracing former pupils. In addition to Pat I'm looking for Raymond House and Richard Holt from my years at Raine's. We all went to the William Torbitt School at Newbury Park, I! ford. If any of you know of any one who attended this school please contact me via the Old Raineians' Association so they can be invited to these Jubilee celebrations. I visited Irene Holman at her home in Loughton in January. She lived for most of her life in Bow and in Burdett Road and was at Raine's in the I 930s. She gave me a press clipping regarding the Old Raineians' Association which read as follows:-
FIRST DANCE SINCE BEFORE WAR OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION REVIVING Finding its feet bit by bit is the Old Raineians' Association - old boys and girls of Raine 's School, Arbour Square. They held their first dance since before the war on Saturday evening at Toynbee Hall. On door duty was Mr Penny, the secretary. "Most of our records went in the blitz. " he said "Many members have moved without telling us their new addresses. " them. So, why am I mentioning this? because there may be a despondent air about the opening editorial of the May I997 Newsletter that I felt I could identifY with but also feel I should try to help you defeat. On to better things then - my recollections. Best of luck with editing them into a couple of paragraphs! I joined Raine's in September I967, entering into Form I W under the glaring eye of Mr John Wi!liams as form master and a member of Winterton House which was presided over by Basil Dowling as House Master. Mr Stanney was Headmaster, Mrs Randall, Deputy Head and Biffo Broughton the Senior Master. Wal-
PAGE 5 . "There must be many who left the school between 1900 and now whom we don't know anything about. " Inside the hall a good number of Old Raineians were dancing to Howard Biggs 'band MC Fred Col! ins was an old boy. "This is the first time we have really got cracking since the war," said Mr Lyons, treasurer of the Old Raineians and a master at the school. "Until now we had only revived the annual supper and the festival. In the summer we are going to run some rambles and visits to various places." "Membership is going up, but I will not be satisfied until we number three or four hundred, " said Mr Lyons hopefully. The present membership is 160. "We had quite a flourishing Association before the war. " "We had the advantage of using the school, too. "put in Mr Penny. "We look forward to building up the old Raineians as each generation leaves school," went on Mr Lyons - adding as he returned to the dance. "It's most humiliating to see some of my pupils dancing better than I can. " A gleam appeared in his eye. "I shall have to see some of them on Monday morning. ... " The 'War' referred to is, of course, the Second World War and it was in March but in what year I'm not sure. A clue may be in the fact that on the reverse of the page was a report of cases at the magistrates' court following riots at (one of?) Sir Oswald Mosley's marches. I've tried to persuade her to write her memoirs for a Newsletter. I gather she worked at Highgrove during the War on some secret war work and that she sang to the troops at various locations. She has been a teacher and a local councillor. I came into contact with her quite by chance. She had met my parents on holiday about I8 months ago and mentioned that she and her son had been educated at Raine's. Just as I was leaving she asked if I had far to travel. When I mentioned Tilbury she remarked that she used to know someone in Tilbury- a former Rair.eian (but of a later generation)- who she had known at teacher training college). I offered the name Freda Tarling who lives in the next road to me and I was right on target. I'm pleased to say I have been able to put them back in touch with each other."
lie Spooner was of course in there somewhere and I know will remember me when he reads this. Whenever we have met post my time at Raine's he has ascribed to me the dubious character of a troublesome boy, when others and I had me down for a boring goody. What I would like to know is what attracted so many Welsh teachers to the school? It's not as if it was surrounded by sheep or green hills is it? I can only suppose that child brutality was outlawed in Wales whereas it was order of the day at Raine's (only joking). This would explain John Williams' evil sidebum lift punishment; Mr Parrys' 路rather painful slippering; B iffo' s standards lipper routine and
others. Out of interest, has Wallie got Welsh blood? I know from bitter experience that he had similar habits! Of my contemporary classmates in 1W I can remember the following: Mark Blamire; Allison Cousins; Paul Bowker; Joyce Cribb; Brian Trimm; Kim Levy; Paul Cobbet; Lorraine Tovey; Terry Hofland; Lorraine Anderson; Stephen Wilkinson; Sharon Scarsbrook; Robin Rudwick; Linda Winn; David Roast; Jean Maynard; Alexander Gifford; Christopher Petherbridge; Paul Sees; Adrian Gurr. There were of course others but I cannot recall without climbing into the loft to jog my memory with the I969 (?)school photo. Victor Hills was also a friend so
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER please give him my regards if he is still attending functions. Teachers who still trouble my memory are: Ray ("How dare you fail your French '0' level?") Reffold; Humphrey Long; Mrs Johnson; Trevor Ernes (to whom I owe my living thanks to his guidance in TD); Stan Ernes (Trev's Dad); Miss Van Meeteren (who accompanied Reff to my wedding); John Williams (my sidebums still hurt!); Basil Dowling; Mr Ray; Miss Raine's (the science teacher, not the beauty Queen); Mr Ciocci (who was nearly in tears after our Physics '0' level as he had almost totally mislead us as to what questions were likely to be on it. I got a grade E instead of the A I had worked so hard for); Gerry Calvert (another Form Teacher and my Maths Teacher); Christine Crurnp; Father Clinic; Father Alexander (who troubled over my soul because my mother, who served as a PTA member, talked to Jehovah's Witnesses and Paul Bowkers Jehovah's Witness parents had already had him withdrawn from Father Alexander's classes); Tony Groves. Others for whom I have mental images of faces or incidents but no clear recollection of their names. Unfortunately the old school report is with the school photo. I cannot say that I fondly recall too many incidents at Arbour Square or on school trips. Like I said, I thought I was one of the boring ones. Playing rugby and shot putt for the school were enjoyable. Do you remember those awful football matches that we occasionally had to play against other local h schools? My wife was at Morpeth with the boys there who regularly thrashed us at 'footy'. I also had a great time sailing at Cheshunt instead of doing athletics on Wednesday afternoons, as I am not built for athletics! Probably some of my better recollections are queuing outside Biffs office with the Saturday rugby team list to get the train tickets (I don't know why, it just felt responsible). Or getting home from Fairlop to Mile End without having lost my yellow ribbon trimmed cap or tie out of a train window. Conversely, I did not enjoy lining up in the school hall to buy a new tie or cap from the school tailor (Messrs. Henry Taylor of Walthamstow as
I recall - correct and still connected with the school-ed). There was something I recall fondly at Raine's- using the English language which neither my children or computer do! Two cousins of mine also attended Raine's before me (sorry but my letter can't even find its way into chronological order!). They were brother and sister from Poplar. Brenda Bens on (about 1960-1966) who now lives in Dagenham with her daughter and is a legal secretary in a City of London office. Raymond Benson (about 1958- 1964) who now lives in East Anglia with his wife and two sons, who is a Partner in a legal practice. I have never been able to interest them in the Association. I had a letter from Reff who is still enjoying his alternative life in Thailand. Barbara and I were regular visitors to Ray's Commercial Road flat for dinner and lots of booze. This normally ended in a drunken roll home to her mother's home in Bethnal Green in the cold early hours of the morning. He also made several alcoholic visits to our home in return. I miss his dry wit and company, which was often partaken in the Brewery Tap. I left form SS at Arbour Square, in the summer of 1972, in tears and written all over (unfortunately I lost my shirt and tie during a house move in later years). I joined an engineering contractors in Holborn on a four year apprenticeship (remember being able to leave school at 16 with only '0' levels and get a good job?). I fell into my choice of industry by pure accident not through any personal " choice or careers counselling but due to my inane desire to be a draughtsman as I had enjoyed Trev Ernes' Technical Drawing so much and got myself an A grade '0' level. I wrote to about 30 companies of all sorts and got interviews with about six who had coincident job opportunities and drawing offices. So it was done, a drawing job in an engineering company doing something called building services engineering. A few years into my apprenticeship it transpired that the heating, ventilation and air conditioning design that I was doing was more interesting and challenging than the draughting which I had sought. When
"This normally ended in a drunken roll ome....
PAGE 6 my employer moved to Croydon I decided it was time to follow a colleague out of contracting and into Consulting Engineering (you know, where you say a lot and make out you know better than others around you!). Thus I joined a company named Troup Bywaters & Anders in their City Of London office in Shoreditch. I fitted in and did very nicely thank you company car at 23, a mortgage for our home in Rainham and a good salary. Then the heavens seemed to be crashing in as they announced the closure of the office and relocation to Tonbridge - I took the chance and relocated with them although I remained living in Essex. It proved to be the correct move and at 25 I was a senior engineer running my own large projects. This included the new London prison at Woolwich (HMP Belmarsh) which ran from 1983 to April 1991 when the first inmates arrived. In January 1988 I was promoted to Associate Partner and the Kent office was set to become mine in due course with a Partnership. The future plan was not to be, as the recession caught us out badly at the end of the major project at HMP Belmarsh and we had no work for our 30+ office team. The office never recovered and in 1993 the Partner announced early retirement (only 55) which started the end of my 18 year career with the company. After relocating to the London head office in 1994 I found that my interests and the company's were beginning to diverge seriously, even though I was now a Group Manager and the second most senior Associate Partner. I left in April 1995, leaving a certain Partnership behind me, and joined my cu:Tent employer, Roberts & Partners, in a lower capacity to work on a very special project. From our St. Katherines Dock office I am now a Technical Director, running the office with colleagues, and running the engineering services design for the largest construction project in Britain. I hope fate does not repeat itself as the Director who ran the office resigned last month to set up his own company, just as I was to become his No. 2 and things look a little uncertain at the moment. Meanwhile I have another two years of construction ongoing on the Bluewater Shopping Centre at Dartfordwhich at ÂŁ370M and over l.8M square foot of retail and leisure space is Europe's largest shopping centre and the UK's most expensive project currently under construction - so I am quite busy.
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER So much for work. Family wise, I married Barbara in 1978 some 8 years after meeting her so we are in our 27th year together with our 19th wedding anniversary next week. Her mother still lives on an estate close to the school in Bethnal Green. I have two children, Alan (12) and Terri (11 ). He plays rugby for Upminster and she ice skates for Romford. That's me in a large nutshell. I don't see any of my contemporaries any more and have not managed to get to a reunion for many years. When I joined Troup Bywaters & Anders at Shoreditch there was an Old Raineian secretary who I believe was Barbara Page, but I could be wrong about the name. I think that's probably enough for now. Best wishes to you and all Old Raineians'."
is using the room at the moment." sauntered off and located the room, to find Mr Pascoe in charge of a quite excited class. I knocked and entered and said "I am very sorry about that, sir, but I struck a ball in the nets and it sailed through a hole in the netting and unfortunately finished up smashing that pane of glass", Mr Pascoe looked at me for a moment and said "Oh, I should have guessed that you'd figure somewhere in the incident, Bennett! Thank you. Run along!". However, the twin Birds were members of that form and they told me afterwards that the form had been doing French private study whilst Mr Pascoe was busy marking papers. The usual total silence was shattered when the ball struck the pane and glass showered at the front of the classroom. Instinctively, Mr Pascoe leapt to his feet and shouted "COME OUT THE BOY WHO DID THAT!" Happy days! I was pleased to see that Arthur Smith had joined the Association and had contributed so well to the Newsletter. He referred to his brush with the young
PAGE 7 she keeps it secret!), reads it as eagerly as I do! Keep up the excellent work."
Sadly Tom has recently informed me that Arthur Smith died in December "after a battle against cancer which he bore with great fortitude." More ofTom 's memories of Arthur and Raine's will be in the next Newsletter- ed. • Richard Tillbrook ((61-68) sent a letter giving us some bad news. Jim Ware, father of Peter Ware (59-66) died Easter 1997. " Jim was, for many years, a loyal and hardworking assistant to Bill Everett ('Wic') who ran our School Scout Troop. I was proud member of the troop and many of us will have fond memories summer camps at Southwold as well as in Belgium and Holland, and at the scout hut at Broxbourne. Jim was a great man and worked so hard to all that bacjground work so essential to the smooth running of a camp.
• Once again I was pleased to receive memories from Tom Bennett (30-35): I've been trying to discover the name of the pub that used to be alongside the 'rabble's' entrance to the school in Arbour Square. I contacted Ron Onions (both he and elder brother Eddie attended Raine's - Eddie was a contemporary of mine, albeit in another form). Their parents ran 'The Richard Cobden' at the end of Salmon Lane, approached by the road which led along the arches of Stepney East Station. Ron could not recall the name of the Arbour Square pub but did volunteer that Mr Gee was a regular lunch time patron of the premises and quite a rapport developed between Mr Gee and Ron's father. What I do recall is that the school purchased some forty yards of the garden of that pub and an admirable three-net cricket practice area was developed on the OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION FESTIVAL - 1936 site and, inevitably, thereby hangs a tale! My form were spending a PT period (the last of the day) in the nets, under the 'Joogy' Andrews. I visited the evacuated Like 'Wic', he taught me so much that I, in supervision of Jimmy Bence, a very keen school in Esher(?) in early 1943 and my turn, have tried to pass on to generaand enthusiastic cricketer. Despite his Slogger Luton told me that young Joogy tions of scouts in Epping Forest where I am club foot, Jimmy could hurl down a truly had been a Bomber pilot (on Hampdens, I the District Commissioner. A scout leaves fast ball with the best of them! I was believe) in 1942. He came home on 14 nothing but his thanks ... Our thanks is due batting in net no 1 and stepped forward to days leave and found himself at such a to Jim Ware. May he rest in peace." hammer a somewhat loose delivery. The loose end that he returned to his squadron ball managed to find one of the loops in the early, was put on a Battle Order a couple of top of the netting and sailed majestically nights later and was posted missing, later • Again Wallie Spooner has come off towards the school. Practice came to a confirmed by the Red Cross as having been forward with some of his memories of Raine's - some of which may come as a standstill as the whole form watched its killed. It's always a pleasure to get the surprise to most of you: path until it crashed into the far lower pane "Dr. Shutt encouraged me to get out of a classroom on the first floor. "Well Newsletter, especially when contempostruck, Bennett!" boomed Jimmy "But raries are mentioned or contribute. My and get a Headship. 1went for a number of you'd best go off and apologise to whoever wife, and 'ex-George Greenite' (although posts and was short listed nearly every
time. Davenant when it started as a new school, and Wanstead among them. London Nautical was another one I applied for, but a Navy man got the job (I had been in the Army). I then found that I had been selected for the Universities Examining team in geography. I was an examiner for 25 years with London University and between 1960 to 1966 I was Chief Examiner and set all the papers for the world - 60,000 candidates. During that time I stayed at Raine's, obviously it was well worth my while to, and before my period was up I was also offered the post of Chief Examiner for the Institute of Bankers, which I knew nothing about. They just heard that I was in the business and highly reliable. I was in fact the first non-banking person and first non-university person to take over their chief job, and stayed with them for 16 years, while still at Raine's. I had a team of 60 on the 'O'level exam at University, and took 16 of them over as part of my marking team for the Institute of Bankers. I felt that this was my outlet, and was quite happy to stay as Senior Master, (which I was for 10 years at Raine's). For 8 months of the year, I did a full day at Raine's and then worked from 7 - 11 p.m. each evening and then from 4 - 7 a.m. the next morning at home and then went up to town to schooL I was at full stretch, but felt that it was worth it. I made many friends all over the country. People at Raine's didn't know about this side of my life, except the strange coincidence of some of the questions! Raine's had to have a separate set of papers and we had some very good results! I stayed on as an examiner until 1980 and set 'A' level papers as well- even Oxford and Cambridge for My partner, Molly Long, was senior lecturer at the Institute of Education, training teachers. Unfortunately she died last year. We had been great friends, especially when my first wife died. We set exam papers for the whole world, the Middle East, West Indies and so on. Not many people knew that! (How did Michael Caine get into this?!- ed) It was a hectic time, Molly and I had a team of 64 examiners and assistant markers. We had to get samples in, check the quality of the marking (in case they were marking too high or too low), all within a few weeks. All examiners were Heads of Geography in various parts of the country, important people in their own right! Reports were published each year and sent around to the
schools, again, nobody knew that I had played such a big part! My first link with Raine's was in 1934 when I was at the London School of Economics where I met several Raineians. One was Eric Sharpe, who was a good violinist. He used to play table tennis with me. It was therefore a surprise to learn that he was responsible for telecommunications in Hong Kong and became Lord Sharpe. (Lord Sharpe was chairman and chief executive of Cable and Wireless in the 1980s. See the Newsletter of summer 1995 for more details- ed.) I was in the Army from October 1940 - April 1946. I was in Italy and Greece, as a Gunner for three years. Then Bombardier, then Sergeant, and was then taken out just before North Africa. I was left behind by my regiment and when I caught up they had been transferred to another antitank regiment and eventually caught up with them in Italy and stayed with them for the next three years. I played rugby and cricket in the Army and at college. My only 'war wounds', strangely enough, were a broken nose from a Welsh guard boot, and a split chin, because in Israel they insisted on building a concrete cricket pitch in a melon field. They were going to have their cricket whatever happened. I always kept wicket and got the ball along with a chunk of the melon field that came up in my face. I have a scar to remind me! Back in Raine's I went down on a ball coaching the kids at Fairlop. They had just converted the fields, flints were coming up through the surface and I fell straight onto one of them. When I came back the first job I applied for was at Raine's and Dagger appointed me on the spot. I lived at Gravesend, and it was an easy journey to get to the school every day. I was engaged then to Barbara, who was a Major's daughter and we married in 1947 . Unfortunately she later developed cancer. We were married for thirteen years, six and a half of which she had cancer. I was left with Jill, my daughter, four years old at the time. It was then Jane came into my life, she was a nurse and we married after a couple of years and have been married for about 35 years. Jill is 41 now and lives in Hull. She went to Hull University to take American studies and stayed up there.
Special Memories of Raine's St. Pauls on the 250th anniversary. I will never ever forget the choir singing on that occasion. They were marvelous. You wouldn't have thought they were ours! They had the BBC orchestra with them and they really were the tops. The whole school went to St. Pauls. It was packed and there were Raineians from all over the world there. I think that was very, very special. I remembered coming up on Saturdays from Aldershot to referee games and I was always happiest when the 'away games' were on the west side of London. It was less far to drive on a Saturday! The idea of teachers not taking the boys to games never occurred to them. They had a full turn out all the time. I enjoyed the whole of my time at Raine's, every bit of it. I never had any discipline problems. Having heard about teachers suffering from stress, I would never have stayed in teaching had I found it stressful. There were some rough times but, when I got to the top, if there were any problems I wouldjliSt send a kid home and say, "you come back when your parents have seen me!" The parents would come in ready to fight for the first ten minutes, but immediately they knew the story, they would agree. The school always had a very strong sports team in East London. We won the North London Grammar schools every year we competed at the White City. Among other people we had the first Englishman to throw the javelin 200ft Dennis Tucker, now it's nearer 400ft. He went on to Oxford. There were various rugby Internationals and so on. Raine's was always a very strong sports school and in my first year, I played rugby with the old boys out at Becontree. Raine's shared a ground with Coopers and several of the . staff played. I was still playing rugby until I was 53 at the school. Raine's was always very strong and this was thanks to Biff especially, who had had a trial for Wales at rugby way back. The boys used to fear old Biff. As a fullback he could kick the ball from one end of the field to the other. The main object was to keep him away from it. I was always very keen on sport and school house were always strong in the
"The parents would come in ready to fight ... "
boys' school, they never gave up. Eve- recall the joy of getting to the top of Ben speech days at Queen Mary Hall. John had rybody had to do something, even if they Nevis and knowing I'd helped get these been shot through the eye with a pellet by weren't very good, they still reckoned on East London kids to the top of the highest some neighboring school kid, but still doing something! mountains in England, Scotland and managed to play on that day. Raine's were so good at so many Wales. It was really something, and the How do you test the stability of a things. At one time we had 40 trophies for kids would just stand and look- "cor, it's building that has been damaged by various things, drama and so on. I would just like them pictures in the books, ain't bombing? I remember when Don Lyons have kids lining up at break time to clean it!", and they meant it. They were amazed was acting Head, the Arbour Square them, although I knew it was just an ex- how it had all come to life like that. It building had to be tested because of the cuse to stay in. I would have them in the really was one of my greatest pleasures bombing during the Blitz. They filled one boardroom next to my study and they when I look back. I would warn, "no grub of the rooms with hundreds of bricks for a would happily polish the cups for me. I until we get to the top", and they went and weekend to gauge whether the school was feel sad that nobody takes care of them they enjoyed it, and when they stood on top about to collapse! And that was in thel960s! now as they are something to be proud of. of the mountains there was real joy. I was touched by how people regarded They would have the house ribbons on A final memory of mine was when the them, which was all part of the fun for the the school, even some who had been school used to play the staff at things like kids, and it kept them interested. thrown out. One particular boy came back hand-ball, basketball, etc. They often I saw many changes in the school: the to see me having been thrown out by Shutt. played badminton at lunch time. On one amalgamation; the varied threats of the He had had an unfortunate upbringing and particular occasion, the school was playing school being turned into a 14 stream I remembered the day he came to school the staff and Frank Butterfield who taught English, was comprehensive with very shortSt. Saviours, when sighted but ran there was a general very fast. He got panic; a combined grammar school and the ball and ran straight into the then a comprehensive. The school hall where the dining room was changed its status completely and now at the time and it is a maintained broke both arms! school, so it has The school loved it of course. some sort of independence. I'm really proud of Raine's I remembered when I look back back to the days and think that when the governing there is such an body had people of affection, in spite influence, e.g., Earl of our moanings Winterton, Sir Hugh OLD RAINEIANS' ASSOCIATION FESTIVAL- 2ND MAY 1953 and groanings Lucas, various other Amongst those seated are Gerald and Edna Shutt, Miss Haugh, Don Lyons while we were MPs and and sister Joyce, Teddy Horne and wife, Frank Luton and wife, Cecil Nay. going through it!" what-have-you. People like old Gibson who was a local Council or of the and said, "The monkey's eaten my • Adrian Giles (69-74) ran in the 1997 old London County Council and used to homework." Anyway, this particular boy London Marathon in 3 hours 57 minutes, walk around Stepney with his gym shoes went missing from an RE lesson and later raising £1,500 for Farleigh Hospice in on. Quite a character and in his 80s! was missing for the whole weekend. He Chelmsford. He also competed in the New When he died, the East End turned out for was eventually found hiding under a boat York Marathon. (How did you do and are the funeral with black horses, plumes, the on Southsea beach and when questioned you running again this year? - ed) lot. He apparently really loved the school. found that the problem was that he'd been There were also four or five parsons, some put in Dr. Lomberd's Roman Catholic • David Ward (71-78) was married at of whom were useful, while others were class and that was too much! The boy, the end of November and moved to Mannot. (One of whom got himself charged up David Blacker turned up at the school in chester with his wife, Ruthie. David is for beating other gentlemen up at pubs in later years to see me, covered in badges, cu;Tently working for a printing/graphic the East End!). saying, "Do you remember me?", and I arts company. One of the really proudest moments said, "Of course I do, it's Blacker." It for me was when I got some Raine's 'kids' turned out that he was the head of the San • Alan and Sandra Johnson went to Terry and Anne Plummer's 25th Wedding to the tops of mountains on field trips. Diego Fire Squad! Over the years they reached the tops of Ska I fondly remembered John Wilson Anniversry last year. The lead singer with Fell, Snowdon, Ben Nevis to name some. I who played the organ at one of the school the group, Rivers, was Douglas Thomp-
PAGE 1 0
tours with a so called Kanadier (a type of canoe), on the excellent German rivers, such as the Danube, Jagst, Altmuehl and Main. I have now become a reasonably good skier, both downhill and crosscountry, and I also go running longish â&#x20AC;˘ As I mentioned at the start of the distances, twice a week, usually with the Newsletter, Colin Biggs (50-54) sent an dog, but sometimes with my daughter. article. Because of its length I have had to For all the above reasons, I have not divide it into two sections. The second been able to keep much contact with part will be in the next edition. Raine's or with many of my ex-classmates. The only ones I have seen, in the last ten Publish and be Damned years or so, are: Mike Futter, who lives and works in the Midlands, Titchy Drain, who ope this modest offering will lives in Weybridge, near London, till my urge to tell it like it Malcolm Boyce, who lives in eally was, without boring too Holland Park, London, Harry many people, for too long. It is Roberts, who lives in Toronto from someone who lived in the and is a teacher, and I also see 'Far East' of London, in East Ken Fennel who was in the same Ham, who had to travel all the year but a different class. I meet way to Stepney in the 'Near East', them all fairly regularly, if once to go to school, and was not sure, every year or two can be deat first, whether it was a way of scribed as regularly. All the last mentioned persons were foundslumming. It is true that most of ing members of the East London Stepney was made up of older and much more working class houses Mountaineering Club. We still with no front gardens and smaller refer to ourselves, lovingly, as back gardens. The school had, the ELM Boys - our last orgy was in Normandy, about two years however, an undeniable aura of ago and our next will be in Noits own, which had a lot to do vember - so we still exist, alwith the date of its establishment though we don't climb moun- o'er two centuries the span, etc., etc. - with the masters tains, at least not together, any wearing genuine, academic more! gowns and mortar boards. This In one of the recent issues of impressed me as a twelve year the Newsletter, somebody listed old, from the start. I am quite the names of the other members sure my ex-primary-school of his class, from nearly five decades ago. I can easily do this friends who went to East Ham Grammar School, which was for Class 2A to SA, form mistress certainly founded in the present Miss Ringer- 1950 to 1955. century, did not have to ask Incidentally, our first year was FW Collins and his wife celebrating the 27th Festival, whether they might go forth when not lA but 2A. We were two at the Criterion Restaurant, 20th April 1955. they wanted to visit the toilet! years in class SA, to correct for I have lived and worked, as an engi- Lech Walensa (despite her aversion to the this! Why, I'm not sure- something to do neer, in Germany and Switzerland since unions in the UK). Both of these events with some sort of preparatory year, called a the Seventies. I work for the international, were in the Eighties. Of course, all of kindergarten. I can vaguely remember electrical concern ABB, in Mannheim, these places are much farther east than East being told this by Harry Roberts who Germany and I have to travel quite a bit on Ham and they are also very different, in might have gone to the kindergarten before he started in class 2A with me. (If anyone business. By coincidence, this is nearly other ways. always in an easterly direction although My wife Elisabeth is German- she else has memories of the kindergarten my earliest contracts were for Los Angeles comes from a small town near to Ben- please do write - ed) I've made the list with the names in and Puerto Rico and I attended sales ne- sheim, where we live, in Hessen, south gotiations in Boston and New York a few west Germany. We have a 19 year old son, alphabetical order, so nobody will have times, but this was not enough, for my Jonathan and a 16 year old daughter, difficulty in checking it for completeness taste. In the mid Seventies, I handled Claire. Jonathan is at school, here in or to find themselves - if I get any irate several contracts for steam turbine gen- Bensheim and my daughter is at school in calls from England or further away, I will erator units, for Sapele, in Nigeria and Arizona, for a year. For recreation, we ski know they are from the people I have went there regularly and over a number of most winters, in Switzerland, make paddle forgotten (but I honestly think they are son, an Old Raineian. He was at school from 1953 to 1957 and was known as Douglas Dobbs then. Douglas still keeps in touch with Melvin Mott and makes up the two-man group with his son.
years. In the last twelve years or so, I have been mainly to the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan but in particular India, for which I have handled a number of contracts. ABB has purchased factories in the former Soviet block, so I have travelled to East Berlin, Poland and Hungary but not yet to Russia. Some of these visits were before the collapse of Communism - I was in Warsaw when the Pope was visiting to make his famous open-air celebration and drew 400,000 spectators (the Pope not I) and I was in Danzig when Maggie Thatcher was visiting the Union Leader,
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER really all there). (Bence), Biggs, Bousefield, Boyce, Curl, (Christer), Drain, (Futter), (Goldstein), Godfrey, Hemming, Jacks, Johnson, Lea, Mason, Matthews, (Montefiore ), Nodroum, Ordmanas, Pratt, Ritman, (Rivers), Roberts, Silver, Stevens, Williams, Yallop. Some of them, for various reasons, started later than 195D or left earlier than 1955 - these I have shown in brackets. Bill Christer, for example, immigrated with his parents to Australia, in the early fifties. I haven't tried to give everybody their Christian names, partly because I am too lazy to write them this way but also because, with three or four of them, I know I would be unsuccessful. Simon Godfrey was regularly top of the class and he studied medicine, in London. I think he is now a distinguished Professor and lives in Israel, but I've had no direct contact with him. There were a lot of other clever lads in the class: Jack Ordmanas, I remember was particularly good at science subjects; Fred Curl who studied German at one of the colleges in London; Wag Williams, who studied Oriental Studies at Leeds (after living and working in Hong Kong - almost like cheating, really); Malcom Boyce who studied medicine, at Bristol, and who I already mentioned, as one of the Elm Boys; Brian Bousefield was by far the best at art and it was no surprise that he went on to study it, in a London art college. I must be honest and admit that I wasn't one of the cleverer ones myself- I was at about the middle of the class. For a number of reasons, some of them outside my own sphere of influence (and which I don't intend to elaborate here), I had a slow
PAGE 11 .
CLIMB EVERY MOUINTAIN David Spencer (75-82) succeeded in his attempt to climb the world's sixth highest mountain, reaching the summit ofCho Oyu (8,201 m/26,906 ft) on 20th May 1997 at 11.15 am (Nepal Time). The final ascent was made without use of artificial oxygen (although this wasn't planned- the regulator to his oxygen bottle didn't work!). Cho Oyu, which lies on the Nepal-Tibet border, was climbed from the Tibetan side by way of the north-west face. An invitation to join a spring, 1999 attempt on Mount Everest (by the South Col route) is being considered. David was also recently awarded a Senior Research Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation. This two year award will send him, for specific periods ranging from 3-9 months, to the University of Cambridge (UK); Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA); Stanford University, California (USA); Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) and the University of California, Santa Barbara (USA). His project 'Analysis of a Unique Progressive Metamorphic Sequence' will involve geological research in the Himalayas of Pakistan and India. In the forthcoming academic year (1997-1998), he will be at the University of Maine (USA), as a Research Professor, lecturing in Structural Geology. He has further been appointed Visiting Professor at the University of the Punjab, Lahore (Pakistan) and became a Chartered Geologist in April 1997. This year he has already been skiing in Cortina (Italy), sightseeing in Berlin (Germany) and travelling around Puerto Rico (USA). He recently became an American 'Green Card' holder, allowing him to permanently live and work in the USA. In March, he convened a session on 'Suture Zones' at the European Union of Geosciences Conference in Strasbourg (France) and he also lectured at the 12th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop in Rome (Italy).
._------------------------------~ start with higher education; but I still ended up studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology - in Cardiff. I couldn't stay on to the Sixth Form so I had to study three evenings a week, for two years, to get me there. This was many times harder than if I had stayed on in the Sixth Form; I was also 24 years old when I started the course in Cardiff - quite old
FANCY A WALK? It has been suggested that a 'School Crawl' be organised. This would involve the Lower School, in Old Bethnal Green Road; the Upper School, in Approach Road; Cannon Street Road; Raine Street in Wapping and Arbour Square. This will mean you will get the chance to see the present and the past buildings ofRaine's Foundation SchooL An exact route has not yet been finalised but there are plans for a short description to be available, which will include other buildings and sites of historic interest. There is also a very good chance that we may visit one or two of the hostelries along the way! The walk is planned for Sunday 28th June 1998 so if you are interested, please contact us.
for a freshman student. The decision also kept me poor for the next five or six years, but I never regretted doing it, although it became harder, before it ended. After I finished at Cardiff, I worked for about a year and a half at the brandnew research centre of the Ford Motor Company, at Laindon, in Essex This was officially opened, while I was there, by the new Prime Minister, Harold Wilson (remember him?). I then applied successfully for my first relatively well-paid job, with the Swiss engineering company, Sulzer Brothers, in London. They sent me to Winterthur, Switzerland, for over a year, for technical training - on large tmbo machines - but also to perfect my German. Luckily, I had a basis, with my 0-level, from Raine's. I found out, while I was there, that being sent to Switzerland to polish up your German is a little like being sent to live in the East End of London to improve your English! So the stay in Switzerland left me with a distinct Swiss vocabulary and accent for a while, but I lost this, I think completely, when I came to work in Germany. About a year and a half after returning
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER to London, I joined the Brown Boveri Company, in Mannheim, Germany and that's where I have stayed, ever since- I've proved to be a bit of a stick in the mud! The company changed the initials of its name to ABB, after the merger with the Swedish ASEA Company, about six or seven years ago. In some respects, at least in my field - thermal power stations, large steam turbines and their generators - it has remained much the same. I managed to list the pupils without too much trouble. What about the teachers? Well, I am sure I can remember these even better, probably because they were less in number: Miss Ringer - our very patient form mistress who also taught us Biology; Bill Lea - Maths; Wally Spooner - Geography; Jim Shivas - English (not Chivers as stated by someone in one of the recent Newsletters); Biffo Broughton - History; Alec Aldridge French; Donnie Lyons - German; Dusty Traile (and later someone named Iremonger)- PE; Slogger Luton and Shadbolt - Physics; Zonk Lambert - Chemistry; a Mr. Ems and later Alnock Hornsby - Art; Nobby Clark - Music; Charley Nay Woodwork. The headmaster was, of course, Gerald Shutt and Slogger Luton was his deputy. Did I have, and would I have admitted having, a favourite teacher? If so, this would surely have been Jim Shivas. He had a generous and friendly nature, used our Christian names and seemed, unexplainably, to like us all. He also never
struck anybody and I never saw him lose his temper. Perhaps my opinion of him is a little coloured by the fact that English was one of my better subjects and I didn't have to work hard for it, but also because he organised several visits to the Old Vie and to another Shakespearian theatre, south of the river. I can remember Dusty Trail, who was quite unlike Jim Shivas, in almost every way; appearing with a (for those days) rather posh, second-hand car of which he was extremely proud. He parked it, for a long time, under the shelter, in the playground. This was stopped, we thought, because of some London County Council fire regulation and he left it, thereafter, in
"If we had been in a ship it would have capsized. " Arbour Square, directly in front of the school. He did not have a well developed sense of humour, like most of the other masters, so he was visibly upset when he discovered a very large just married sign was wired to the boot and tin cans to the rear bumper. Of course, when he stopped to remove them, most of the boy's school were leaning out the windows and cheering themselves hoarse, on that side of the building. If we had been in a ship it would have capsized.
The last two hours on Friday were devoted to Religious Instructions, for the whole school. This seemed to be thought of as a transition phase between the normal school week and our supposed religious activities, at the weekend, based on the (I still think) incredibly unworldly assumption that a significant number of us would spend a part of the coming weekend in church, chapel or similar! Can this be because the school was connected with the Church of England and that there were therefore some sort of 'constitutional obligations' in this direction? Some of the masters were a little sensitive in this regard and over reacted if someone was fooling around during morning prayers, grace or on a visit to a church. Of course, this occurred quite often. At a service, for example, to celebrate the thousandth anniversary of St. Dunstan's in the East, we discovered that we were sitting next to the grave of a long dead Sidney Biggs. Everybody near me, including myself, thought this was hilarious because the surname was the same as my own. It doesn't sound at all funny now but I can still remember how painful it was, being forced to laugh silently and without moving one's lips or body. Moe Stevens was really the culprit. He could make us all laugh whatever he did or said. Of course we were all on the carpet, next morning. I can't remember what the penalty was, so it couldn't have been too bad. It was no doubt because of the above mentioned connection, that nearly all the
John Arhin Surma Begum
QMW London University University of East London
King Yip Chan Angela Cook Bethan Davis Andrew Gattrell Sophie Hiller
QMW London University QMW London University University of Wales, Lam peter Kingston University University of North London
Phillips Idowu Raquibur Khan Nathaniel Metcalfe
Brunei University QMW London University London Guildhall University
Lucinda Monaghan Ricky Newman. Peter Taylor
University of East London QMW London University University of Plymouth
Clare Williams
University of East London
BSc Mathematics HND Microbiology, Immunology and Pharmacology BSc Computer Science BSc Environmental Geography BA English and German BSc Applied Geology BSc Extended Environmental Science BSc Sport and Leisure BSc Computer Science BA Communication, Visual Production and Fine Art BSc Physiotherapy BSc Geography BSc Applied Geology (deferred entry 1998) BSc Physiotherapy
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER masters had to teach the RI classes, for the already mentioned closing hours, on Friday afternoon. This probably needed some organising because of the various religions but also because the whole school was involved, simultaneously. Not all the masters were religious themselves, but they were expected to rally round, despite their own lack of piety. Some of them solved this problem like Joe Swaine who would come in, look at his watch and say something like this: "Open your bibles at page 173. You have forty-five minutes to learn Psalms 24,
seventeenth-century English (but it has not yet tempted me to become religious)." As I mentioned at the start of Colin's
article the second part will appear in the next Newsletter, which will hopefully come thtough your letter box sometime at the end of July- ed
he school started the Spring Term with a new Headteacher. Paul Hollingum was appointed by the governors after the death of Gareth Lewis. For the period between June and December Mr Roger Kidd was Acting Head. Before his appointment he had been Deputy Head of Wilson's School in Sutton, Surrey, a school with a similar history and tradition to that of Raine's. Paul is married to Jenny and they have two daughters, Sarah and Zoe. The family attend St Mary's Sanderstead where Jenny teaches in the Sunday School and where Paul is a member of the PCC, which he represents on the Deanery Synod. Paul gained his first degree, in economics, from Wolverhampton Polytechnic before qualifYing as a teacher at Birmingham University. As a part-time student he studied at the Institute of Education, London University where he was awarded a MA in Economics Education. Paul has always worked in education and has progressed through a range of jobs from classroom teacher, head of depart25 and 26. That should be ample time for ment, assessment co-ordinator to Deputy three very small Psalms. I will then test Head. He has worked in four schools, all each of you individually and woe betide of which have strong links with the church. those who haven't learned every word of Before Raine's and Wilson's he was at all three!" and he would hit his desk with Colfe's School in Lee, south east London. He is currently enjoying his post at his hand, very meaningfully. Some of the Psalms had a dozen verses, so there was Raine's and one of his first priorities is to barely enough time even to read them all build on the strong links with the local carefully. So you either learned one of community and particularly those with the them, more or less completely, hoping local churches. against hope that this would come up when The Association congratulates Paul on it was your turn or, if you were like me, his appointment and wishes all the best for you couldn't raise the courage to place all both him and the school. your money on one completely unknown I am hoping that Paul will contribute horse, then you hedged your bets and to the next Newsletter in the summer with learned the first few verses of all of them. his thoughts on various subjects including To this day, my mind is littered with more his aims for the school. or less unusable portions of these Sports Report A decade later, I was able to recognise these, and other fragments, to be fine and In October the Year 7 girl's cross country very comforting thoughts from the Old team won the Tower Hamlets ChampionTestament, translated (I believe) from ships at Mile End Stadium. Danielle beautiful Hebrew into equally beautiful, Brady finished 2nd, Kelechi Nwankiti,
PAGE 13 3rd, Clarissa Quaye 5th and Zoe Bender 7th, Gemma Hayden 12th and Nikki Poulter 14th. An excellent team effort. In the Year 11 race Vicky Harries came 2nd and Sylvia Gurley 3rd. In basketball the six remained unbeaten up to the Christmas holidays with a combined record of 32 played, 32 won. Also the four teams (under 14, 15, 16, and 19) entered in the national championships managed to reach the latter stages of the competition. Unfortunately the under 19s were eliminated by the favourite for the title, King Edwards of Birmingham, 94-81. The under 15s bowed out, 72-68, to local rivals, Blessed John Roach. The PE department are again organising a Sports Day. This has not been on the school calendar for a couple of years and it is good to see it being revised. It will take place at the Mile End Stadium and all of the school will attend, as use to happen. And that is where I must end this Newsletter. I am sure that amongst all the news there must be something that may 'jog' your memory. If so please do not be afraid to write. As you can see I endeavour to publish all that is sent to me, without, in the majority of cases, too much editing. I look forward to seeing a stream of letters pouring through my letterbox in the future. Also please come along to Raine Street on Saturday 23rd May 1998, especially as, after three years, the East London Line is now up and running.
Bill Richards
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when I think about . that ftr_~t day•.". ".
My problems with Rilines started be~ tutor class 3W .in 1974-75. This doll has b~en. of great co~solation during many ups fore I went.to the sch90l. l had, utiiil then, aud downs - at least someone loved me. led a rather sh~_lter~d life, brought up pnly J)lst to let the person-know it wa$, and still with adults . ~- ··without many school iS, appreciated. Thanks." friends. Around the time of my eJeverith . Kay went. on to say: "My mother birthday I was dressed up, take~ to the qought my blazer in the first year, a little school and· interviewed by Dr Goode. My bit bigger than was needed at the time ..The parents just told me: that this was·a g9od ·blazer still frts :and r in thirty-seven, as schQOI and that l would do well .there.· I does the beret. and PE top." never wanted to go to the scho.ol. I didn't ..have a clue where Stepney Green was and ~ ·• TQny Fuller (58·63) ·writes of the what few. friends . I had were in my local darker side of Raine's and I am sure it will area. . generate some interesting correspondenoe. ._So, on the first ~ay~ my mother and I i "After ·1 read the back: .numbers ofihe caught-a· Green line Bll~,Q2.! _rqute) -~hich 'ORA · Newsletter which Bill sent ine I ran .fr.om Romfo.rd ~r~et PI~. to St~p·realised how much Rainesmeant-to me but ney Green, she delivered me to the scllool, .. .... . ., . . .. . . . . . . '
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his p_resent edition of the News let- it also· made me re~ember hoW much I . ter 'is very dOwnbeat because ofthe . hated the school and, to some extent, still news of a number of deaths from · do. the membership. Among these is Mrs ' There were a .number of things that Wei_ngarten who will be· known to a .really stood out ro·r nie whilst reading the . · numbe~ of you, especially. the ladies. An. · Newsletters. One was that most of the . appreciation is included inside.' · PeOpieJ ha.t are still involved fli tlle ORA There is also an . interesting and appear to be the people that achieved at thought provoking. article. from ·Tony school academically. I have now rbad Fuller, a new member, which shows that through the newsletters twice. and. cannot not everything was 'sweetness and light' to find any references to the people like my~ everyone at Rafne's. So read on.· . self that were in the 'c' stream. I wonder w)'tether th·e peopl~. wtio did not achieve academically- and if you didn't, it d id not - NEW MEMBERS , OJatter how good you were at sport - are involv_e d in the ORA? · .Y Fe~u.sou . (Smi,h, 72-7.7 ) would ·like to know who left a ruee inch high plasti~- don, in -~•J still feel the horror Gennan traditional costume, wrapped in tissues, inside a brown paper covered Maltesers box, on Valenline's .Day"i "The box was left inside my flip top desk . in the classroom on the baicony during the third year - Mrs Auerbacbs
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left me there and f was on my own. r siiJI --~~ feel the l')orror }VI:!~n think aboot tharfirst. •i·\ day and the fact that I would have to make my O'-VI) way h()me. · The· fortunate thing fur me at the time • was that I was in. Fonn lA; :Aiec Aid.:: .. ridge's class. He wa3-•-one·of ihe.greatest'. characters that 1 ever met and iftbet~ was ever an e:tample of somebody that cared about his charges, it seemed to be him. My fir:<~t' two periods of teaching were double maths with Terry (You Boy!) Harding, .
whose approach and· mlinnet--of talkihg to pupils quickly put me off maths for good. ·
However, because of my total disenchantment with the school, the travelling backwards and forwards .- every day, my. total lack of empathy with most ·of the
other peopte in the school, by the end of the first year I had given up on the Schooland the school, through its masters. had ,_, given up on me. ~or the next four years, I just did my r: . time, enjoyed what I liked, avoided what I
did not, iticluding the masters, and waited for the dreaded mock '0' levels to come · round. I can vividly remember being sent to the Headmaster as I had expressed an . interest in· doing domestic science because I wanted to be a chef. I was quickly disabused of tllat ·idea and left his study feeling a complete fool. I failed my mocks miserably and ten days after being told so in front of my cla35mates in · 5C, I started · wori< as a PoliCe Cadet with the Essex · .; Police. ~ Having said all lhat there are some : warm memories alid some less than-warm . memories. Despite my resisting -their ef~·forts to do so-, some of the i11asters left·an , indelible mark bn me: ,
My first
inusic· te·acher' was Richar.d:! ~
PAGE 2 · ··.
A rare staff (Boys' SchooJ)·piCtilre taken on the roofin 1960- Snowdon, Clylliclc, Reynolds, Lewis, Evan, Harrisori, Mumfine, Russell, Wiles, Calvert, Harringtcm, Camissar, Morgan, Torode, How.ard, _Ash!ey, Harding, Loughborough, Roden, Heryet, Spooner; Shivas; Aldridge;·Goode, Lyons, Broughton, Lambert, Miss .oarrod, Simmons, Miss Ringer, Edwards.. They ine alm()st in .order but there .are two names missing.from the back row. Can anybody put the missing_ names t.o the ·races1 · · · · · ·· Sinton, who l~ftatthe end_o fmy first year, tion a couple of years ft"go, got on atGidea High, who· used to row for one of the allegedly to teach in a public school. . He Paik, a$ did Lawrence Trister. After .he Thames' rowing clubs. · showed me how enjoyable music could be, ·left S(hool, .Lawrenee . went to lsrael· to ln my own class . I remember: Jack especially what ~red to be ca!led countrY fight iJi tbe six-day war~ I bumped into his Gilardi, Tony ?Etherton, who was a mad music, now folk music, a love..whlch I still father a couple of years ago who t<lld me keeri fishennan; Brian Cox, who also have. Does anybody else remembe~ ·the .that Lawrence had followed into his pro· fished; Brian Willis; Robin Webb, who music room at the~ Qf the school with fess ion as a chiropodist and that ·he lived seemed to cycle to Southend just about the 'Non nobis domine'. painted round the in the Molesey area of SW LondoJt · Un· every evening after school; Robert Prentop ofthe. walls? fortunately, his wife had died, leaving ·tloe and Alec, Hughes and Derek AbraMy first -history teacher was, I thin~. Lawrence with two children 'to bring up. hams, who lived in Bow: I alsotemetnb'er called Ramsden, who worked with 'BifAndy Phillips, who was the year after K ~n Hutchins, who lived in the Peabody fer' Broughton to ·give us some idea of me, ljved. near me in Mashiters Walk, Buildings neit to Bethnal ·Green ·over history. I loved history and still do. De- Romf6rd. Angcla ?Heighton, Jived in ground staiion and Ken Montague ~~ose· spite Raines efforts, 1.now have a history Gidea Park and her father was Director of ·dad was a laboratory technician at Queen degree_and wotk for m~elf a~ a historical the Wartey Mental Hospital in Bi'eittwood. · Mar)< College. . There were also frankie researcher and writer:: . . .. · · There were the two flame-haired Perkins lAw is; Rilymond ?Krishman and Mel~o· ..Bi 11 'EdwardS, ·who was . my art brothers wholived: in · Harold Wood, ~he : or Mervyn Hughes wlio I!ved ·in Black~ teacher, showed me that art could be fun most.easterly point of the Raines.compass. ·> h~ath. John Wllelan lived in Mile Ettd. and could be .enj oyed. I think he was also Andrea Simmons lived in Cecil Avenue, . From the girl's school I remember Susan my fonn master for two yeru.s, our form Homcourch and she was the onlY person Slcipper, who always seemed to. p~ ..in room being the art room on the top floor. . from ~ne school that I remained' in contact . trouble, and her friend Glynis who lived in Rusty Ironmonger and. Mr Edwards with after !left. Christine Sincl~r lived in Homci:iurch. Jackie Oakley, lived : in showed me that long an4 triple jump were Ad~laide Road, Chadwell Heath. Edwin Dagenham. ' .fun. I actually won a· CQupl~ of school Dodwell lived in Seven Kings and was a I have saved my recollection of. the awards for these ~vents . . My great rival talented alf.ist. Chris War!ng lived . in ·masters Ul1lillast. I nave found revisiting was Keith Annstrong and we both com- .. Ramsgill Drive, New bury Patk. GiiHan them the mo~ painful part of joining the peted in the East London Championships · ?Roadknigbt li\~ed in Hornchurch and her ORA becaus"el j1ist do not recognise some a.t EtQn Manor. ·. . · · father owned a cycle shop in Horrichurch of the kind ar.<f earing people described in .. · There were a number . of Raineians Road. . · . the past newsletters. I· re~~Pe'i-. ·jn ·no that travefied school together from my · Pupils · in · my_ years included Colin .order of an)'thiog, Donny Lyons, ; Alec area. We used catch t.l)e.last carriage of Brown and Briail ?Orinhey, both good Aldridge and Wally Spooner. For a long the 7.50am train from RQmfordand would rugby players. Gcrry Carpenter lived in coincidence, Wally Spooner went to··the just about make it td the school on time. . .Birdcage ·Walk Bamicks because his fa- LSE after ;the War. Never in.ltis :wildest Michael Masters; who went .into ther was in the Guards .. 'Jaffu.' F'all'e!l, so ·.'. dreams would ·he· have ·. thought . that I banking and who I met on Waterloo Sta- called because he ate oranges!! John wouJd ever' have gone "-there, let alone
PAGE 3 · t...
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taken ·. a good' degree: . Bill . Simmons . attitude .towards ·llJe; it does riot cittract · . who won the Docklands UK Strongest (German) and John Roden (Physics) were from the faCt that being beaten, with a · 1997.; ·(Wft9 sai(i sch'ool'dinners are tbe form · masters of IS and .IR respec- varietyofweapons, .was .notthen, nor is it .notgoodjoryou! - ea) Pliilip is Adam's tively, all three first form rooms opening now, acceptable. W~ilst I appreciate that manager and say:> Adam ·is 27 yeru-s old, onto the hall. Biffer Broughton was abnost the rule~ on. corporal punistment .were which would mean he was at Raine's about legendary because of his.. rugby: exploits. · much different then, time JJas not le~sened .1981-86. · Both Jirri Shivas, one of the most gentle tht.' ·feeling of violation .that • · f~it ·o)<er . · Philip pro~nises to wriie an essay on men that 1· have ever. met and Basil t~eing h_eld .down .and beaten ~ecause I "all his old me~of.ies. (As ofyet still not Dowling, who I always ·regarded as one of would not bend o,ver voluntariiy.. The received so get writi~g Philip- ed) . the- better tea~hers; ·taught-me English .and ,· conduct of some of th,e masters - their instilled in a regard for the . written violence : towards pupfls .arid their hu~ ~ · John Chart (63-67).' More details ·and word. l was at the athletics meeting :where milia,tio~.of pupils-:would now rightly be· · news· ple~e. ·. Basil was hit by a discus. His passion for ·regarded asabuse and should be remem- · poell)' has stayed, with me . . Jn later. life I .. bered along_~ith .the positive side of the • Sarah Dudley (67-74). More detatls . · ·an d ne~s J)'tealle. · . worked with· Basil's son. Christopher, at Raine's ;~:egime . . · ·. 'the Imperial War:. Museum. .. . . Having said aUthat what Raine's There was also Revd. 'Fluff Lough~ really did taught .to .leam. I • Karyn Th.ienal (79-85). More details borough who I always saw as eccentric, the . .started. an Qp~n University degree, aged ~d news please: · · · . reason for which·totally escapes me now.. I . 26, we~t to ~ni versit}> : (l.,SE) fi.lll-time went on the school trip to Edinburgh with aged 32 .and no.w have two de2fees, the • Kevin ·voung (71-77). · More details 'Fluff' and I remember having to sleep on . first in history a'J)d p_olitics and the second: and news please. · · · horsehair paUiases in a smelly school halL in sociology. ( was also registe,red .for a What 'fluff' managed to dO, as did ~is PhD at the LSE but gave it up when my' OTHER NEWS - 1 successor, .was to convirtc~ me th.at relig- ·. m·arr\age broke· up and f had look aftd ion was not for me and by the time I. left my chtloreo. Not bad after being thrown school, I.)Was a confirmed atheist. . . i)ut for riot passfug mock '0' levels! From S11ndra Johnson · Keith To~ode tried.to ~:each m~.m~!hs.. After 20 years working in the charity Miss Ringer - was her name. ~lly Ber- Sector; I took early retirement last year on ..· ,e . would like · to thank -Lesley tha'? - taught biology ciasses of pu- health grounds and '~ ow wOrk for myself as : · Jensen for. -all her hard work .bes~nt boys and Mr .Evans (rath~r obvi- a hi'storical and genealogical researcher.• · · organizing the··Bancroft Library ~ ·ously 'Taff') who taught Geogrsrphy and Since retiring I have given member· Archive records.. The contact at the Li· had ~ sf~t speech im~imeni. \ still ship o.f the only profesSional genealogical brary .is : Ma!C(ilm Barr-Hami lton, Archiremember his "gwound mowain ." Mr ·research body in th~· UK. vist, Local History and·Archi·ves, Bancroft Spencer, who replaced Mr Bawden in · Perhaps some of the lessons of Raines Ubrary, 2T/ Bancroft Road, London. El Woodwork lived in. Slewins ~ane,_ Horn- sank in somewhere aftei all:" · 4DQ. Tel: 0181 98() 4366. church. . Apparently there has already been I also ·remember Peter Reynolds • Juliaii:Reed (~~-48) ·cQntacted the Old some interest in the -ORA collection. {French) who humiliated me in frontof5C Raineians' Association through: Anil Tau- Anyone can visit the. library and .take by telling me that I had failed most of my ber · (see 'Other News' from Sandra copies of the ORA documents at a oost of mock exams .and that I _was ieaving - his Johnson) and the Family Tree Magazine lOp. or 20p. for A4 and A3 respectively. exa.;t words W-ere "Over, bowl~· and out. • '(thank you Ann): 'Julian lost contact with .For oopies for people who cannot· visit in I remembe.r Peter Wiles (Chemistry), of the School over the years and could not ..-person, the· library charges 30p. (A4) or the explosive temperand tiandiebar mo.us- establish its whereabouts after the move ·' 40p. (A3) which ir.cludes ·postage. tache, 'Basher' Bawden '(Woodwork and from · Arbour Sqtiare until · lie contacted TD). who like Peter Wiles seemed to beat Ann. · · • Through tile library and Lesley .we . boys almost at wHJ. 'Big".BiU Whittacker · jitJia'n. hopes to coinpiJe·som·e mem~ have·been put in .touch -with Ann Wilkin(Geography),.waS rumoured to have kept . ,.,fies in the near future, but was keeping soo Timber who lives in California: goal for Blackpool and who was known to nine grandchildren happy dudng the Ann w·a s ·at the School 1927-1933. beat boys with a Cl!t down cricket bat. .A school Summer holidays when he joined! She would like to get a copy of the page for trainee geography teacher called, I think (Please do - ed.) her admission -'to Raines in the register, . McKenzie, slapped a pupil across the face also one for Winifred Wilkinson who was with his han~ and got one back, a • , PhUipWrlght (70-75) mentioned that 2 or 3 years·her senior. · Teacher~ thought nameless Art teacher hit me across the his best mate at · school was Dennis they were sisters because the)' looked ·al ike. ·Winifred was a prefect then (maybe head with a piece of wood ~nd got one back. Cashman. My regret is that main memories Philip works 'in the Lloyds insurance also Captain - vague ·memory) but Ann of Raines are of a dark, lonely and violent, Market and regul~rly sees Constantinos we.3 too shy to talk to her: Ann believes · sometimes almost sadistic, place. I never Kost.as (also 70-75) and asks that' you. v-isit ·she went to -Oxford.- ·Maybe her name was -saw the kind side of many of the ~8S(ers his ·•uk · Strorlgmant · · web '~;:. page · on one of the College.graduate boards that that many people describe in the Ne\vslet- (http ://btinternet.cotn- philip.j.wr.ign'f.f and was engraved every ~ar - ·does anyone ters. Whilst I may have contributed to th~ ir see another Old Raineian, Adam Waldron,· recall her or have any information about
me now
... d
. I ··1· '
·: seve~aloccasioiis
some pre-planned question from one ot:us
: : would lead her ac;tray from· the lesson. that' was due. to lake pi<\~
I w;u; extremely saddened to.learn of the death in May of Mis • ~nd even pre\eot the setting of homework. Whilst we thought we Weingarteri. . . . had sueceeded ·I am sure she always·knewwhat we wen: dojng as •': . · I wru; a pupil at Raine's b~tween ·ih~ years· i'94~i 953 and there was a knowing twinkle in her eye as she left the room! Mi's Weingarten. taught us .History as well a's being our IC!.rm . .. We girls felt that she knew each one of us as·1ndi;viduals.and teacher for two of those y~~- We found her'to be· farinorethan' we were privileged to be part of her large fam ily, who~~_ lives and .a s_ubject teacher as she iaught us about LiFE.(today.'s ·equhia~cmt · interests she shared with us . .- Her talented pianist husband, Jpseph, in education of 'Pastoral Care').. . . . . · · was a regular visitor to Ra·ine's; giving us the wonderful opporMr.s Weil).garten was a fri~ndly, w~·hearted person; full of· tunity ·or hearing and being intrQduced.to classical music played good hUmour and generOsitY. 'she was' ne~r haf.lPiei than h~lpilig . by aprofessiori.al- artist for: 'the first time in our lives.. . others. She loved to be with children anci Raine' s was her famiiy.. l .was privileged to visit Mrs Welnganen on the occasion of life. . . · ·· · · · her'92rid birthd~y la'st year.with Jean Chapman· (nee Smith, who · She ~spired us.by saying thai'she .was unfamiliar with failure was a.. te~'cller'of Qerman at Raine's at that time) .. It was 55 years in her given subject, yet always had cheerful word of encour- since vie last met and yet 'ber mind: was still very alert and her. agement for even the slowes.t. Following the war years olir needS . pOWerS df recali perfect. She will be greatly missed by everyone were great and Mrs Weing~·en did nOt fail us. We ioved h~r: and ·our thoughtS are with her family. r can clearly recall how she woultl always commenced ·hci · Thank you Lilian for allowing me to share·y,our experie11~. leSS\lru? ,by perching Qn the lid of a front row desk an·d, from this ·· ·for ybur patience,. your encolll8gement and .your . bel ief in ~ heigh~ would SUrVey us all.' with her bright eyes.. She had 'Cockney East-End kid; who went on to join the t~aching · pro wonderful way with words and was a born stoiy teller, bringing · fession arid becoinc a Headteacher herself. past:~vel_lts ~oJife .ll)ld ~t a~~~ys ..v,;Jth a sense o(hiiinour:· ·Margarit Paislt (nee No~man)
a· ?n_·
'··'-- '
.... ·,t'(:~·.,.. .. . ...- .·..... . _ _.,..~-_ ...,. ........... _ ..... - - - --- ......-~------------·-----------···----~ her parents as Ann thinks they could be . ·J~ellivtxi w}fe~·.A!dgate Staiion en.~c,e (Englisti); Miss Pickles (English);· Miss
•. • j~
related ~-but did not think about checking begi~ .aod_w~-~ce a larg~ p~bl1C.hous~. Ruegg (History 1 English); MiSs McGraih in those days. The Jiving quarters :over the pub!ic house (Accquntancy I Typing I Shbrthand); Miss For .many years Ann· kept iri touch · were preserved. . frls J..evywas the'daugn:ter Stevenson (Lal.ii1dry I Cookery); Miss. with her French teacher, Doris M. c;)rafton of another pubJjcan who· operated The· Foxen (Music): '' and used to meet her_in London when· she· Bake.rs.Basket o~ ~irian St. (That covers · came home for a visit. Ann found out that 6 .in the same cl~s): . · · Head Mistress ·wtis ·IY.I1ss Mau=d~ Grit r until • the School records,are held.a the London . Ann now keeps busy searching for her ·J930 'wiio \vas s'uc~cded . by Mis~ Marga._ · Metropolitan Archives, but apparently !hey relatives and ancestO~. After she:had p11t r.et Haugh. ·. . . . ..·: . . , . . ·do not send any infonnatioA and suggest a advertiseme.n.ts out for severai famify · · ·..~ ··· researcher - any 6ffers please? Ann also names replies cam from EnglaiJd, AU.Stra- M•·. Seargeant was our sehool custOdian, has a .few signatures of staff. ·in.her auto- lia, Canada, U~s.A : and New Zealand." She answered the beii and took Care o(visitors graph book:, now.:. sixty-five years old also ~rites to. people with . infonnation to by announcing their· presence_ to. the Prin- · having been bought in Woolworth's for help . t}).~m with their ~quiries, Sh~. ·has cipal... · · .. 6d; in the thirties! · read a lot of theLoc!l{ H~tory of London Ann recalls · . a girl called . Pearl and can generally send. .infonnatiOn_.and -.: Fo.llowing .his efforts ·last year Adrian · Schrieber from 1927-:1932 . . They !}ad an .pictures or maps .wbich co_~t rtith t!J~r . Giles agaitt _ran'· in tM J..9ndoil ·Marathon almost unbe.llevable.incident happen on .ail int'(rest.s. . . . . . . with a time of 3rn-s 57-mins. Our con-· underground. train when going cin a field Ann also had a letter from anolfler Old gratui.ations · go 'io Adri~ri for collecting trip wfth ·Miss Devonshire Md maybe Ra.ineiao,. Annie· Lubin (net Lefcovitch); ~~ ,500 for th~ Farl_eigh Hospice in other classes. It involve.d four of them as after advertising in the 'Family Tree Cheimsford. · · · wimesses and Pearl who .was.rescued after Magazine, . who did _not know. whether ·· · · :.' : falling·. out of the train twice.!! Is there Raines' had even suzyived the war. OTHER NEWS · 2 anyone else .who remember.s,this·incic{enr? .·. (Lesley, I believe :you have 1\nQther ietter . f .. Ooris ·Beveridge .and, Maisie Clark were .. winging its way to Y.oul) . .Ann's. teachers· two of the other Witnesses, were:From Gwy-l~~teth '.luctson.· · ;~:.\, . East Harri was being built up after the J\1iss 0 . Foote (Geography); JYl,iss Twells arh~~ (Page) · :Culti· First World War ~q tlJls- -was where Ann ·( f}ig) (M11tb~); tv.f.is~ Tw~IJs (Utt1e) (K. G.) lived when she was at the schooL Sh~ . - ~~e 'l).vell~ were twl~ liisters and even · vating' the' musical . tr~dition in 'her .recalls one of the gi~ls 9ame_ fr~(tl st~ftus~d 'Big' and 'Linle' when speaking sons. The eldest sings i~ the J!lnior Gravesend, 40 miles away· and whose fa. a.bc?ut. lh~;. Miss Gr!ifion (french); Miss c(loir at . . Btack:heath . .. Conservatoi~:e. . .· . . . · . .ther was a dock master. Her friend Edna' ·Treagear (French): ·Miss Still (Art); Miss _Gilham was also a dock master's daughter Montgomery (PE).- She Was gorgeous. like ·. • ·:congratulations to Deefia O~bo~e from-West India Dock, l5.le of Dog~ iod a film ~tar; Miss.(Jater) .Defty (PE); Miss · (Gardiner) on her lst ClaSs·Hono~r$ d~ Connie Mapperley was .a dock master's' {later) $nell (PE); _Miss - Fox.en {Hi~tory); gree.!lrid;·as ller .i>GCECO,u~ has fi';·.-~ . da11ghter (Wappin~ .Doe.~) ..· . · ' · 'Miss Devonshire . dii~tQry.); .Miss Pannett good luck with the techih~. ·.--· Other cla$Sf1ltltr~. Sar..~ . a.nd Esther . (Chemi~try I Physics>;:· j\1.i$s Mopkton · · · '·· · ·
'' ;
f _,.,
PAGES ..,:.::'
.--------------~--------------....:.......---------------:---. .:::~~~lj • From the same form .Gerlil)de Lein- • Maggie B~ll and 'family live near York so I am the recipient of various c9mptaints wetter (Bennett) was over fron .Vienna at but we still have riot met up since my bout local matters. As :you cari see it the beginning of the year visi_ting Atinette 'r~,(noval' to ,Yo!k~b1re. ' · keeps me busy, iriterested and I also meet a
wide range of people. ·. . · . . The Baltic Exchange was an -enjol"'ble evening especially as l met up with · folk not seen for a long time. These included Reffold is· safely re-established in his East S~mmer term:· Lynn·e Dawson (Bryaot) an<J Sharon, and End-home .after tlle cultural deligh~ of . Thailand.. ,_ . · • Hazel Fo5braey. (Paul) . ·living i'n Sarah Dudley (Cooper) who promised Jo ... · Salisbury and has ! j ust · completed her s~ild me news (censored) of several former • Robert CQnnolly has a new job and hC< . second year of a teacher training course. pupils ··where is it!land -wife Jaclde are happily settled In .' ·, . · ·· ·· .• · I ·am sure all who knew her are very Lougttton, Essex.. · • Susan Wybum· (~rahame) has a soriai sad to hear ofthe'death ofMrs Lilian We-. :: -r · · · ·. · J..l~iversity ·with _ the younger one con"Cen- in~n. 'Miss Joan Mangold pad been a Rood.
Rosemary Lawton (ex Geography de• . We are pleased to know that Reff partment) · is retired at · the end of the •
'. ~.·
• · Anna ' and Rog~ (ex _Genna~ . tr.ttting ~n a caree.r in Basketball ! close friend for many years, so :we extend department) i!II'C bli&sfi.JI.Iiving in a Surrey · sympathy fu her. village tmd have memories of an Anglo I , • ·. lone Hosklos writes in~resting .· · Everyoile will wish. Wallie Spooner German hostelling trip in Derbyshire. cheerful letters from ber retiement home in continued care and in the nursing home Camberley and keeps iri t6uCh with sev~ral Buckhorst Hilt ' • :·. Jack l.pwe has a. job which entail ~ fonner Sepoetariii·~ixtft pupils. travelling to Canada and therefore has not OTHER NEWS- 3 been seen at a re~oion for several years. • Iris Tomllnson (Lyddon) is now living ,': He has two sons nciw both at school, · in: New Haw near Weybridge and nursing · ~andic,apped children. · Bill Richard$ · ~ J~n~ 1\:i~s~all .·. visits . snow c'lad
In· · ·.t·
mountains at least twice each Winter . .• . Anita · Merke~ (Smith), living in· ·A ·.·. . This year it was USA and Austria. . )ngstok~;,is worklng ·full time to help \vith. '· • . Mr ·Stanney( Headteacher 79) ap- . unfversity fees for ~er two older children. •. .
s I ·mentioned -in the previous : Newsletter, Tom Bennett had .-,some ·recollections · of . Arthur · predates receivirlg newsletters.. and says . .. . . .. . . . Smith.·and their times at Raine's; . they are happy_.remin.drs.of past times. . • · ~~ggy and Gaviri Adlingti:m are " it is with great sadness tbat.l have to .. .. . . . . ·:_ joyjng beirig . - ~sidentS or' Amhein, a!~ . tell you'· th~ Arthur Sm'.itb died -On '14th • . Grace Whu (Lee) is living in Reading. though Gavin in ris oonsultancy work . December 1997 after a · ban le ·against : · · se.ems to spend his time in areas ranging cancer which he bore with great fortitude. ' • C~:mgratula~i~ms to <::arol · Smith (pre-. from· Vietnam to Ghana; khazakstari to lt is oi1these occasions that one regrets not sent Head, of .English).. on the arrival of Zimbabwe, sahiplitig various culinary de- ·· having seen more . of A..rttnit personally second child .and ret~ing promptly· to ·lighis! Peggy is teaching full ~me aid: . these ·last ten years; but we always trade9 keep the tiag flying. · produced ' Hosanna Rock' wiili30children · Christmas cards and I was particula~:ly aged 4~ 12. · · · · pleased lhat, having finally persuaded liim to join the ORA, he made-such an excellent • Congratulations to Cinzia atld David contribution to a subsequent Newsletter. _Speno&r . of the birth of their daughter in ArthU:r ·and .1 be,came finn . friends M.ai!le, ..usA.: .The~ just happen to be in during ·6ur· first tenn ai· Rai11e'g in &;p··sw·itzerland when 1am there on holiclay,so tember l930. I calle.d on him each • Barbara Collin's (Newton) two · (' took forWard to seeing therri all. schoolday inonilng and we commenced daughters have left home. Sister Cheryl is the: walk to Raine's fl:om Poplar, picking in Canada whilst Janet is still in London. · · • ~oilgratu'lation~ to Ching Fun _Wong up Dou,gie Jewson quite q1,1ickly en rqute, ., .. ·· (Lee) who has had.· a son and is fmding and then perhaps Edtiie·:onionS, o~ge . • Toinmy and. Bar&ara Thompsoli (ex motherhood harder thaii being a solicitor! · Coplen or Jimmy Batt on(;;e we'd got · staff) are enjoying retirement in 66g1,1or beyond Stepney East Station. · .. ·. Regis. Binoora had met up with with a • '· ·Apart from my visits to tbe Alps, in. , We managed to survive in the A Fonn former member of the Home Economics cl~ding a very s~~wy skiing holiday, and . throughout· our school years. _and were department, Sar.Pt Bedborouih (now Pet-· weeks io {he uike District and Scotland . membtrs of successive School ~ugger roff) who was over from New Zealand. ffillCh tjtne is spenl'in· the Dales. ) t;fere· I . ·xVs ..and · Cri'ck~· XIs u~ti'l we becMte wh_ere she teaches in Ok.~una. .. · · help keep tne footpaths up to scratch; the establ ~hed members o.f the first team in Vi$iT.O~S- happy; . m~kiitg 'sure that <t~ees;: eachsport. There is no doubtthat Raine's . '' ; • , R.os and Vlv Nicholas (ex statl) went whjch had grant-aid to planl them, h4ven 't . wa:s'in the d6ldrun1s·of Secondary School skiing in Italy this season and they also been devoure4 by sheep or rabbitS. I also · :spOrt ·wheri··we arrived at. ~chool but at the . enjoy_sai-ling as their other holiday activity. check that Land Rbvers and melior bikes . pinnacle for educational achievement. · Viv still manages to fit-in some..tii;Jlpani are not causing havoQ on fragile groq_n d · I 'With such stalwarts as •Alfo? ·Evans, playing. . · · ·' · haverecently ~c_<>tn,e a Pa~ish Pou~cillor, . Doug Jewson, Gins wick, and others "1'o
· have slipped, from the memory, the school . pr~ent day Raineians in the New; letter teams began to turn this round, ab.ly backed always warms the cockles of_my heart. I in later years by the Bird Ty,rins, Ron <m- was del ighted \'0 learn about a year or so ions;.Ron:Crfdge and the like, uonl Raine's ago that the Bi;ds and Ron.O'nions had also had become a sporting force to be re<;k- gained Go ld Medals for all-round 'sport oned with, whilst retaining its scholastic during their tenu~e at Raine's. There supremacy. I' 11 riever forget that magic weren't .ioo many of them awarded, 1 can day when; as the First XV; we beat. Tot- vouch! My wife and I attended the Memorial tenham ·Grammar 6~3 fOf the first tjme in history...And on their own ground! .~ Aifo' .~er.vice held for Anhur in St Andrew's · was a·colossus·that day·! 1 guess that is why .Cliurch, . Hornchuicb in the afternoo·n of any report of sport achievement Qf the Friday J~nuacy 12th. There must ha~e
t>een ~o~er 2oo i>eople in attendan&: ·awen : (nee Kidd), Arthur's wife - one~time Head 0 irl at Raine's.- and ati of his· fam j.ly and close relatives were naturally present and it ~i'thilnksgiving .service , rather than 'a solemn and serious one. Many tributes ·• were paid to Arthur by Churx:li.J:Jignitaries. • who lauded the unspaiing effort he had put . into fund-raising finance management; by on~· of ihe····. represen'tatives of the Dunkirk Association present; by .family members who gave us insight into Ar-
the road along the perimeter of the'Stepney Gas Holdiog·Station we passed a plaque to Dr Banardo above the 'OWl and Pussycat'' pet shop. A·s the c.louds were again beginning to look threatening On Sunday 28th June 1998 several Old Raineians met to go oo the . (or was ' it' the sun·· being too :hot- I cimnot.·remember)' the par:ty 'Raine's Walk'. This ·.i nvolved. ~ tour of the past and present decided to 'shelter' the 'Linl'e Star' which is directly opposite school. buildings (still standing);ocC\lP.i.e d by Raii1e's since 1719: · tbe'.'Fish and Ring' (nOVY boarded up) ·in White' Horse Road. lt also presented the opporrunity .to visit local histori9al sit!'i$ ~lo!lg O~viousl)i," as.things are in the presenr day Easr End, two pu~ the way. This included several 'hostelries' nistori2al · W:ittlin 15 yards of each could never thrive but·even in the heyday importaQce ...well it wouldn ~~ be an .Old Raineians' reunion ofpi.tbshow could these·!Wo make a living in competition to each withOut thern!.!=·.. :.~..._..,·,.~...".. · .: other? '· .,. ·.. ·.: · · >· · · Anned with the 4Yt page ·~·ide' prepared by. B~b Philpott. . . 'From the· ·Linie· Star'· we entertd the side gate 'of St Dun· former Head of Histo!J.' .and .Jocal h~storian. we started at the . stan·s· Churchyaid. passing ihe· church· and out again where we Lower School. in Old Bethnal Green Road, which is home to c~ossed Ste'pne}iHigh Stteet After walking down Bromley Street Years. 7 an.d 8:(first and second years to us ancient ones). . and following Walter· T~rrace'we ·came ol\t ro the j~n~tion with · Reading the guide. we were informed that the white flais C9pley Stieet an~ finally found our way to Arbour Square. To opposite the school building were apparently built.by O,ei:nlan many qld Rai~~ians the Arbour Square building will always be Austrian prisoners of wi!f before th~y were repatriated. Accord ing· the'home ofRaine's 'Foundation School and altht>ugh hot· a pupil to J.ohn. Ferguson. (the school's Media Resource Officer). the . at this building (I only went there· for m yinterview) I must admit tailings.around,.Jbe top Of these flats are melaJ .Stretchers which . tl'!at it is truly Amag11ificeJ1t and imposing building. . were (0 be used in the event ofm!l.Ssive air ra'id casualties .' . rn~ ... Leaving Atbour Sq,uare we crossed Commercia! Road and tum.ed into Deancross Street passing (yes ;,ve did walk pas~ ~ome were even .small.ones for children! Our first porr. .(alc;hol qgqtn! - ed.) of can .was to ~e. the . pubs!) the Dean Swift, once.run by an Old Raineian an<f WinterUpper· Sch6'ol in Approach Road. Crossing· Cambridge Heath to~ House (a/ways the b~st ~~schOol - ed.) .. Making·our w~y into Road we walked along the side of.the old town hall where' we. BigJand Street we could see Cannon Strt:et Road· at the bottom noted the Bjind Beggar motif on top at. th~ front of'the building: a~d .getting closer we could see a building housing· a couple of This can be seen on a number of buildings in Bethnal Green. shops. As' we. lo'Oked up we could mak:e out the words 'Rairie's From.here we COJ)t,i,nued on. to Russia Lane which at the tum of the Boys School' in gold ol! blu~ . high on the facade of the. penulcenJ:ur.y was gang land a!)d eyen. the police always..went in twos! 1!mate building on ot:ir wa'lk. · · ·· · · · · After reaching the Jjpper School and walking·for so 100 g (ac · · .T!ie .. group then turned left l ~io Cari.non ·street Roaa and least 5 rttinutes!). the n~~embled decided it was time fo~ some foliowed Cable Street until we entered StGeorge's~in-the-East liquid refreshment in the Approa.ch Tavern. We wer~ served by. ' ,6..\t!'!ough a m~morable place for all Raine!ans. the tomb of Henry Harry who has had some ~onnection with the pub in.one way or v.1~ looking little worse for wear' being covered iJJ gJ1iffi.ti,etc. another since before the Second World War. lt is rumoured that the.counCi f will repairing the tomb although From here w:e walke.d towardey.Victoria Park crossing Bonner we. have not heard anything officially. ·Road,.an<i passing the.London Chest Hospital. Thi~ was built on · .Despite the condition of the sire we posed for a group pho.the 3ite of an old palace of the Bishops of London who included .tograph and moved on before we became like the tomb i.e. 'a little Bishop Bonner:. Going into the pa~k the group.headed towards the worse tor wear'. W~ decided to end otir trek in ' Babe Ruth's:. as towpath 9fthe_f~.egents Canal. which, from here to the Limehouse all of us l'rad seen the very first school building in Raine Street, off Basin, had been built after the Nf;)poleonic Wars. by demobiUsed WajJ.ping Lane. · ' . . soldiers. Continuing along the towpath wepa5sed .over the, en- . . The committee ~Qu id like · to thank the people who pa,rtici. , tra.noe to the Hertford Union Canal. and under the .Roman Road · .pated in the walk and si>edal thanks ar~ extended to Bob Phi)pott Bridge. • · . . · . . . for organising the route and forthe excellent guide· of the w·ark. If 1\.s .it was now time for anoth'er .<refreshment' stop we arrived . anybody (equires a copy of the walk, which contains much at 'Th.e P.aJrn Tr~'just as .the 'heavens ope~ed up;. OfcOurSe we . ·information than I was able to include above. please s~n~ a SA{: congratulated ourselves on our .foresight and timing(. · . · to Sill Richards. ·. · · · · · ··· ·. · · · · · After beif.lg suitab.IY. refreshed, we wal,ked along the canal Richard ilarris passing under the Mile ,End _Ro.ad and finally exiting at .Ben . Johnson Road (named ~ftenhe Eli~fibtthan po~). W~lking down
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I've resorted to my S,wn brand of phonetic · survived and their names are commemospelling to get this a~ross). There were the rated on the magnificent RAF MemQrial at ·odd Hindu, Muslim and Chine5e ··pupils Cooper's Hill1 Surrey along with the dotted . around the :school, too, and they 22,000 aircrew who lost their lives in also gave us insignts hito their own cui- North West Europe · and whq have. no rures. Therefore we developed tolerance known graves . . : . . .. and understanding automatica lly as · we I remember::;B.obb{as a v·~ry speedy · progressed through the ~chool. left wing rhree-:quarter, both for Winterton I have quite a few Jewish friends and House and the FirstJ~.ugby XV. He was a acqu!}intances in the Westcliff area who bit on the short side, but v~ry sturdily.built are always amused and delighted by my and quite impressive When flat out for the · knowledge of their· culture, the' Yiddisb opponents line. He too ~ a great deal of words and phrases I can occasionally stopping in the Inter-House matches, I can 'throw out and my appreciation of the personally vouch! H~ }ltas a great and ' Jewish' jokes they tell me and heat rroin .unassuming lad in··himself and once again me. This is·rhe one of the rewards that my .. f was reminded.·of the great prite paid for tenure at Raines has given me. My in- the freedom we shQuld hold dear.t.oday.. timaie acquaintance with the Stepney disAs us\Jlll .l intend to be at the Air Crew trict; Whitechapel n.oad and Whitechapel Association's Family Day Service at the itself is also a lively bond ·with the older Memorial on Sunday 16th august and will local Jewish fraternity. In the old steam lay a floral t~ibut~ at.:the foot of the plinth days on the'Lond{)n Tilbiuy·and Southend on which Bobby's name appears.'' . Line, the best train"of the day was the'9.15 :::JOMN am from Westcliff, non-stop to' Fenchurch • ~ Masson wrote to us with some Street, arriving at I0.00 am. The reverse sad news:. . service left Fenchutch Street at 4.00 pm, "As a fellow: Old Raineian (60-6:7) I non-stop to Westcliff, arriving at 4.45. thought itwasabouttime 1put pen to paper These services were both well patronised (no computers In ·o.ur house. yet) and give by the 'schmutter moguls' ofWestcliffand . you a b.il of news. I should have done this the trains were known as 'THE PALES- months ago.; · but as I alw'ays excelled at TlNIAN'! procrastin~ion, I've just .made it. We derived such character building f irSt, some sad news; my father education and· moral standards ftom our (Stanley Masson), who was also an Old "Discipline was time at Raine 's! How lucky we were and R.aineian, attending the school in · the are! I've tried to !;et down the thoughts 1930s, passed away last year at the.age of triggered by Arthur's ~~ q~i al Service. 8!. He was · a ti fe member. of the Old Perhaps they are: set .down ·somewhat Raineians' ·Association and looked back at all times.•. " muddled but if the gist of what I am trying on his days at Raine's with affection, both to· put across findsr echo in ·the ·hearts of for his teachers· and fellow pupils. He,was ,,, .: ·'Coaraging and never abendoned those who members of the .Old Rilineians' Associa- · a bit of a <:Jowl'\ in those days al)q) think strUggled. · . tion, and all Old Raineians, then I am regrett~ later. tha~ . lte did ,not do as weU ·Perhaps the greatest gift imparted to content: academically. ~s ·he c·ol,lld llave done: I .am us naturally o3 members of this School Whilst I am· WJ!iting I recen.tly re~d an ph~ased to say tha! fll·Y. parents were·able to . · · w83 tolel'llilce of others . . The· large proupdated history df No 49 · Squadron, celebrate their'golderfwedding·~niversary portion of Jewish scholars in the' School ··. Bombercommand;ithe squadron oii which·. the Surrimer· befo~e he died- f believe he'd during my tenure- was such that Frl'day · ! .Completed· my first to·ur. Of operations. · been living fophar.'· · working wa5 "double session". Ev'eryO'nc Quite unexpectedly I cam.e across an entry I am still working at Woking Borough brought' a lunch which was de-voured in 'the · that caused me a deal of sorro~. ·even over Council as Senior Traffic Engineer and fonn classroom between 12 noon and the passage ofsom~ 56 years. have a very energetic 5 yearold son. Si12.30 under the supervision 'of a school lt concerned ari Old Raineian, Robert mon. He came along relatively late in life prefect,'whilstthemasters adjourned to the ('Bobby') Cridge . (19:30-35 or therea- hut is a: :source of great joy.to wife, Dining Room. Lesson' began at 12.30. bouts).. . Hampde)l aircraft. . R.eg · ·No. Wendy and Two Me-hour periods Jind the ..scltool was AE-132, Sqn letters EA-U. was shof down · News of-other fellow pupils are.. as dism issed at 2.30. This arrangement en- . into the North Sea- by im enemy fighter. follows:. " sured that the Jewish element was. home in 'possibly a Me: I 09, during the latet.stages Doug· Willment i's· married an4.·living good time. to prepare for their Sabbath. of the 'Schamhorst' and 'Oneisnau: day~ 1irSurblton with his. Thai wife Poi anq their The 'Friday lunch meal' .ensured that we ' light passage from the French harbour' of son Timmy. Ano(~er baby is due ..in Oc'goys' were introduced to: and tasted. Brest~ on 12th February 1942. Sgt Cridge . tober. Doi.Jg works as a purser.for 13ritish · . :matzos and oce8Sionally 'hoomentashers' was the Wireless· Operatoi-/Air· Gunner AirWays.'· · (i ·trust my·Jewish friends will reaJise that aboard this aircraft. None oft he four crew lan Thurston-Moon has moved back
thur's devotion and suppon for his fam ily and his ex:tended family. As I·listened to all this, ~ realised that At:thur had indeed lived the life initiated by the motto over the main. entrance of .R.aine's in Arbour Square - "COME IN AND LEARN YOUR DUTY TO GOD AND MAN". Once again I appreciated how fortunate we all were to have gained .the privileg~ of attending this wonderful and ·inspiring school. Mr ·wilkinsonDaggei ·wa.S our HeadmaSter throughout . and beyond· our school careers. A very · firm but fair disciplinarian 1always found. He assemble.d a staff of university graduates who were tiuly masters Of their•·!;'ubjects and . ,keen to disseminate their kno~ledge to their pupils; but ~lways with a leavening of hu~our ang understanding. Discipline was paramount at all times, .eSpecially the wearing_of pli!llS()IIs durjng :tile school hours, but never rigorous. althi:Jugh 's.ix of the best; was always .available as the la5t resort- don't I know!! · What I most remember about the Staff was their ability to keep all of us working. In maths and the science subjects 'they ·· 'were able to keep the ultra-bright ones at full stretch whilst keeping the main pack moving foJWard. They were always en-
'·· .
to Perth, Australia where·he lives with his youth project! .. David has been 'married twice with" a Barb3fa and their three.childten. ·. . · Roy Catley !s to remarry next year and 26 year old 4augh~r· and i 8·ye~ o ld son plans-:to retire from the Civi l service in from :his first maniag_e, and a. i 2 ·year old. Oct~r this year. He and his fiancee are son from his p~f. marriag~. He is in currently living in Woking but will be constant contact with the two older children and enjoys wAtching his y9imgest moving to Cornwall next year. Finally r must apologise for my .ap- SQn, Matthew, play football- over 9!):goals paiHng handwriting. As Mr Harding. my last season! Man~ew is also a .karate maths .teacher, would have said ..rhe brown belr 2nd D~Ut tone beit ftom a quality of your . handwriting is inversely junior black _belt). proportional. to your age boy!"." A letter. ~so arrived from Roy PowneY.
. • . Wallie Spooner has had a number of (6.0~68); . :: ".·.rr-rm. ,~till'·"·down in., Portsmouth people contact him anhe · n~r;~ing home, · either·by .posl' or by phone. · Here ·are the heading. up the dommer.c_i~i Enviro~ .pieces of neM's 'gleaned' from these con~ mental. Health Tearh .. Food ,Safeb' and . Health ·Safety co11tinues to maintain its tacts: high p~litical prQfil~. Recent EC Direc·Miebael Robinson (Sl-S6) has visited tives have enswed li CO!Itinual stream of WaUie and kept .in touch by telephone. new legislation and J..ork to ensure that the When Mike or.iginally phoned Wallie, he commercial sector j understand and imhad not seen or spoken to him for·30 years plement requircment.s · Just as my peer;group were becoming ~ Wa\lie recognised his voice!! Wallie rem iniscetl with Mike about when he first grandparents, I bedme a father and have joined Raines as a teacher, himself and two wonderful children (Sarah six and with. At 49 I another new ·teacher were askoo to move Michael four) to · from the chairs reserved for teachers and sometimes wish I w.ls 20 years younger (.so sit with all the other sixth fonn pupils. does Sue. Thoughti I should mention the
were of our achievements, even when we thought we could have·done better.' o'ne ·of my memories ls·.the .Geog'raphy/G'eology field trip to r.ort William area in t'969 and bow wescaled the dizzy lieighiS ·o{ Ben Nevis. · . ~: ' ' · I can remember my. firSt Hou~e meet:ing in the· .Woodwork Room in ttie boys schoo Iand how I was nearly blown ov~r by the response to your call, of «ifie best. Hous.e· is?" Of course in those days· it was· ·Dagger!! When the amalgamation of the· .
:1 C.OUI'Sl: ln
those days it 'Was Dagger!!'~. . . ' '
two schools. was a~nounced you told u~ tht we would be uniting· w~th Nightingale House in .the girl's schoot When it came to the end of the meeting there w~s a lad call~d 'CamptJell (h.e . bore an uncanny resemblance ro . Mick Jagger) who out shourea us all with · the resj,onse
·'N ighti~gaie~Dagger! ~.. · ·· . .. J si'i!l how in awe I was of the .· Mike had spent a month .on .his son's · wife as you have failed to do so! - ed) but kibbutz a.nd had met Professor Simon then I was probabl~ too immature at that ·school, ·file staff and the older pupils·V.:hen ·1started at Raine's and how fortunate Lfelt Godfrey and Harold Fenton at the . Uni- stage to deal with parenthood. versity of Jerusalem. In recent years have taken an interest to be part of it. As indeed I am still. The in education and, as well as presenting in world has moved on bur! am sure there are David Hart (6Q-66) wrote to Wallie not my own specialism, I'm also a parent m::my of us who experienced schools s.uch certain if he would remember him. David governor at the local infant school. A.s a as Raine's ·that we wish we could be cerhas decided on a cbange of direction in his governor it has given me quite an insight in tain that our children will benefit from wor~ing life . At Lew.isham Ccllege he is · to the problems or education. in m~dern such schools." doing a NVQ course in Carpentry . and times and with National Literacy and Na.Joinery and is now halfway through level2 tional Numeracy · ~ro~(ammes to .cope Wallie last met Peter (73.79) and 1,\'lelanle despite believingtbat ):le was "u~eless with · with, the infants seem to have littie time to {13-80, ·l"ord) Corrigan at the House of his hands"! Oavid is ~I so on a two year develop into 'human beings' . . it's i'nter- Commons. ChristmaS I996: . community .nfurbishmef11· scheme. ru11 in esting that my daughter now ta~s great' . : " ... We have. been living' in Melton L~wisham.: _This entails at1ending .college . deliSht telling me :that I don't sums . Mo~bi:ay· - land of pork pies,' Stilton ' . two days a week and the.rest Qf the week is ·corre,Ctly - whatevd- happened learning .'cheese. fox hunting . and con~-i~erable · spent;working for Lewisham. Dir.ecteam as ,tables· wrote! HopefliUy this late. co,ntri ~ ' qua~~i~ie~ '?.~ ~ain - for over sev~n-_years. a carpenter. · botion will go s001e way_to make up f~.r,the Pecer..is .still working full .time as. a ~gal .: . DliFinghis free time Oavid is.involved· ·, disruption .and time wasting in m),. own· Executive, "whilst 'study ing part · time· at . in. a Tenant ManagemeM Co-operative _: ~ucati~." , .Nottingham University. He is two which. took over the running of 196 council . ·• exams away from fu lfilling h~ arnl?iti~n. to , : proper.ti.es in October 1995. .Jhe ·CO·op · Br\an C.haperlain (63-7t) sent ·the fol- ., become a soficitor. It has certalniy been a · :employ a .m·anager, finance worker. (part ,lowing; · .. · · Iqng_, hard struggle but we hope the end is time) and two maintenance staff. . They .· . ' "l doubt that anyone has as many now· 'in sight..: . . ... .. a.Lso .collect tne.rent, c.arry OUt: day-to-day . endearing memories of Raine' s .jiS. you. . Qur son Gli:.nn is now $years old; His repairs and maintenance of the ·properties I'm certainly not as good as you at re~ : · ravourite subjects are computer~· 'and ~- W~ll as handli,ng . various contracts. · calling them and I'm barely.over,h81fy~ut' :.. maills a!ld his tea~her is a:rnaifd when he l)l!Vid is Vice-Chair.. of the Management . age!· Some thingS do remain with me s uch . .ask$ for homework. . . ... . ,CQmmittee and Chair of the Rep~i~ and as hpw · you were· always ready to ~n- · . · A·~· Gfe'nn is now at ·schQol during the Maintenanc!< Subcoml'nir:tee. SO~f!how he courage us in School House in . the (lay 1. ain currently •'working' a -yol~nteer also manages to be involved in a local inter-house· activities and how proud you 'dassrootn .assista~r at' Glenri·:s p.revi90s
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primary school. I help out with a class of should you wish to move into !lpper man8-9 'year olds, tisteniit& to them 'read and agement, but that does not. make. the deassisting with computer' projects, etc. lt is cision to stay a wrong one, No. one recenjoyable but can also be stressful times, ollects the 'tly~by-nights' who pass briefly especially as 1 have only ever been ·used to through a $Chool on :fast track prom9tion. .having one child·to look.·after! .1How do from my own · ex~rience long. serving teachers ·cope with' 30+ ·pupils ., is it sixth teachers. 1ike yoorsdlf, who show •· interest sense or radar? : ' ,. and commitment, arJtheones remembered My brother Kelth (72~19) is currently with affection: For .~taff loyal to a school a Grade I flight steward for British Mid- help shape the schdol ethos and can deland airlines. He is based at Heathrow and velop a house I schqol es.prit de corps in a mainly does· European flights, where he way that is impossible with. a rapid staff makes use of his language qualifications turnover.. (French. Gennan and Dutch). Right. Now for news Qf the CIJappell Peter's broth&ir: Michael {74-80). has clan in East Anglia. Barry is cnjoying,life been ·living in Switi.erland ··for' the past •as a· company secre~,for Anglian Winseven years Mdworks 'in computers' for a dows and as a hap~ily. marTied man ·with Swiss bank. . He ·is married· to a German wife and four childrbn. He is still playing girl and so he is unlikely to· remain abroad .jazz piano for the ,Jonathon.. WyattBig for the time being; . Band and has. appe~d locally on Cromer the Theatre Royal, Both sets of parents are well and can Pier,.Oxburgh Hall avidly recall the interviews with Mr . Norw,ich. Staniiey to ascertain whether we were Geoffrey and Ljorraine (Sims, 68~75) · are in business together~ mainly asbestos removal. Their d~ghJer and son. are studying a level and GCSEs. at Wy.mond"Out tJ,(nks ham College. . . As for myself.t 1. !)ave .found new very strange challenges (other ~han looking for red cross parcels? - ed.J, .by developing a new Classical Civilisation course, booking
that we.•. "
suitable candidates for Raine's. They were supportive on Speech Day at Queen Mary College, sporting events amateur dramatic productions, etc. We had ·some very happy times at Raine's and it is great to be able to share memories of the •·good old days·: Our son thinks it very strange that we talk about events that happened twenty years ago • but that is really where it all began. Peter .and I first on the· school trip to Russia in ·1978 so, in· a way, Glenn is part of Raine' s . Histonr J. too!" ...
i' .•
PAGE 9 moving on five years later to take up a Ht>adsh ip. · .. . . AI an retired ~tthe 'ripe old age' of si in 1987. Before and since. then. he has been involved with the Instii.~t~ of Advanced Motorists and gives.tuitioii ~s one ofthe specially trained volunteer~ observers·. He is also uyi ng to find a publisher for a book he wri~en'oit safe driving. ·
Helen . Ko~tis. (71-79) · wroJe ..~o Wallie re~n~ly ~rid said th<~t she keeps, intouch with Oiam\ Hocldey. who li~es in Keiininglon and is a Nfl~sery Nurs;. Helen also keep~ in tou~bby, ~e~ding and re~~iving Christmas ca~ds fn>m th~ follqwin~; Simla Singh (now 'Nijren) who lives in Birmingham with. he.r husband an~ childr~"'; AlisOil Har;vey ({low Smallbanes) who fias four children; Maddalem~ Pettena1i (now .. Br<>wn) lives in lslingt(ln with her h~,~sband .and 2 children, and Carol' Day who lives in Hackney (at l~ast she used~ but Heien has not heard from ller for some timj!) .. Helen is Slill ~orking in the same Greek Shipping Company that sh~ joined after obtaining a Secretarial Linguist Diploma (Gennan) in 1.9SL She. could riot
find a job that required a Germ~n linguist at the time but luckily her pre~~nt 'Company were very happy with ller Greek! Hel~n 's brother Constantino {70~ 72) theatre companies for Greek tragedies, organising tours of Italy and Greece and · obtained a Degree in Physics at riull generally furthering the cause of. Classics Univ~rsity but was unable to get a job in Kings Lynn. I'm also t~i~g !l10re involving physics. so he entered the world wickets each year a! cricket. I get sloV{er. of re-.insurance,. studied for the .relevant the ann gets less $t~;aight but the .brain exams while working. and. is no~ a reworks more. I just .~v,ish I had a youthful insurance broker. Our congratulations to body to go with myj cunent expertise!., · Constantino who got married.aqhe end· Married life with Jackie (Geography. . August. ., •! graduate I met at.E~eter.Unjversity). Mat· thew 10 and Naomi 8 is fuJfilling. Both Harry Roberts haS. be,en In conta~1 w.ith children are musical (tilling the~bou.se with .· .Wallie as well, via the telephone:'. H~ny sounds of practise.and rehearsal) an~ in .the·; liv~s in .Canada and motorcycled acro~ Scout movement. Gwynneth. Jackson and Canada recently JQ.mcel up with one: of his Richard Tillbrook.t\ave been decisive in· children! . Obvio~:~sly an . adven.turous tluences on the interests of rny life which family, one of his cou.sins row.ed,at Henley have .. now been channelled .into my chit- and won t~e Skulls! Harry aiso got in dren. touch wich and met Dr;.}vlalcolm Boycc.
John Chappell'((i7•75 .''includes 'lap of honour' in the sixth form!~') sent the fol. lowing 'nl'issive' from Kings Lynn: .. :'Just received an epistle. from Richard Tillbrook telling me of your stay in a very ..Aian Rus~ell, a teacherat Rain.e's 61-68... John f-ra.n~ombei ·~ho was' ·a st~de.ot J up-market hotel in Essex where you thrive .. also ma~aged t9 .. wr.ite fro~ Glossop, teacher .at Raines visited Wallie recer.lly. . . .. on letters and. red, cros!l parcels from ... Shropshire,i.where. he :11\0V~d .to. afi~r . ,, : . , ,, ':' ex-pupils.. I have looked everywhere in leaving Rain.e's to. ;teach a.t Glossop l...aur.ie. Dalton S!IYS w'?rk has been hectic · town for- parcels with red crosses but School. When ,he:firs~ arTiv.e<t he. noticed anJ has been flying. to Tor~nto. NewY~rk. couidn't biJyone for you so you'll have to . thatthe pupils could not understand a word Munich, Singapore, .Ams!er4~tm• .D~bai, make dO with this lettei'! · · he was saying unless he reduced the rate of Madrid andth~ list goes on! (I bethls arms Like ·Richard and yourself I have his spee<:h! Peter Landau, also a fonner ache!- edl . · · ,·· · · remained at one school for my teaching teacher at Raines arrived in the early career. lt seems to count against you seventies to become a deputy bead before Bill Everett has visited Wa.tlid.quite often
OLD RAINEiANS' NEWSLETTER .··.. ~:;.. ·:\.
Julius · and ··Amy (Kahan) Ginswiek telephorted Waiiie ITOm'Australia and had a long 'chat. They live in Parramatta in New ·south Wal~ and have offered lunch . (or anyOne ever visiting that area. Julius . 'was a Professor Social HiS'tory, and is · n~w retired. Anifs twin sister, Evelyn
Pear alSo wrote to Wallie after she had seeQ a copy of the Mareh 1998 Newsletter. Thi~ had been passed onto her by the twins brother, 'Dicky' Kahari who, witlt his ·daughters an4 grandsons visited the school in Approach Road in July. Dicky had been· on .his \vay to Victoria Park when he no(iced, t(diis surprise the· school. He had notrealisedthattheschool had moved. He . wa.S at.the· school !930~1937; ·' · · Evelyn attended · Raines from l«i2&-1935 ~d weiit on' the London School of Economics· arid 'The ·Institute of Education wh~re she met Wallie before he came to Raine's. She asked be put in touch with Wallie and said thafhe{sister Amy would most cenainly want to contact him as .well - hence the unexpected but de-. lightful call for Wallie from Australia.
Lesley Jensen (Tear, 62-69).
Lesley keeps regular contact' and has been keeping herself busy by tak.ing on 'the job of advertising
PAGE 10 •
and the ·news to Wallie that (lordon'Hutc'hiilgS had ·died earlier in 'the ., summer.
the Tiffin School Fair (her sans
attend). Appareittl}'1t was a great success after a lot o( hard work on Lesley's part. Lesley has recently enJoyed a trip with her familytoth~ French Alps. Wallie would like to thank everyone who has visited, written to or telephoned him,
alnioot 70 Old Raineians. over the months he has been in his new home. Please <:ontinue thecont~ a phone call now and then, another letter and particulariy visits. Wattle talks constantly ·of how thankful he is for all of Ye.>~ who have contacted' him ·and reels that it is this <:ontact that is keeping liim goingil!' ·
... ...
" :
·····,·. ·..,.
it climbs to the summit via the &,000 meter
high South Col between Everest and the nearby summit . of Lhotse (4th highest mountain iri the !World). Currently, ·over 700 people' have· 'reached· the summit .o,f Everest, more ,than three quarters of them having ·done so by this route: . . .· The''expedition· leaves .ori the 2ist March, 1999and will last over 10 weeks. It will be lead by Dave Walsh, one of Britain's most expdrienced high altitude
mountaineers. Davit Walsh made the first British ascents of Nanga Parbat and Cho
Qyu (both over 8,000 meters high) and was a member of the ·subcessful DHL Everest expedition ·which put· the first British Woman, Rebecca Stbphens, orithestJmmit of Everest in' 1=993. · · In · spring 1~97, David · Speneer reached 'tbefsumm't of the world's. 6th highest mountain, Qho Qyu (26,906 feet I 8,201 metres); without the use :of. supplemental oxygen.; Contact David by e.-mail · (DSpencer@maine.maine.edu or DASpencer@erdw..~thz.ch) if you would like to kept inforined of the progress of the expedition. Currently resid~nt in the USA, David recently travelled arbund Scotland, Canada and Iceland. Durin~ the Summer of 1997, =
The following is the second instalment. of the.article ftoni Colin Biggs (50..54) - > · the. fi~st part was In the March Newsletter: · "When. Iwas apout 14 years oJd, I was selected, with one or two others,,to se~e ai the mast~rs· table at .h,mc4. W.e waite'd~ during the (i~.t sitting, when nearly aU the masters would sit·at along table togeiher. I think one of.my partners was,Joe Y~llpp and perhaps~Aian Johnson was another. We received a. free lunch, ,as paym~nt, value about 6d, which we would eat during the second sitting. :While we were serving dessert :to the Headmaster (Mr ShUtt), he said, with somethiWg ~hat lo~l.<ed distin.~tly. like a simpe.:, .things like: ... . ·.··'·'No ·pavings stQne jqr me, today, please!" He was referring to the piec~s of very hard, square~shaped p~tT)'. which.l suspect were inspired by s~ip~s: ~iscuits fro1,11 ,the time of Captain Bllgh (and probably the real cause of the mutiny). I wfsh:.l could say that. we said s9rnething ~ippant or witty, to match his b.iscuit spurning, l,)ut I can only recollect that. we clanged the biscuits ooto t~ o~.her masters' plates and th~y were. then abie to serve themselves with custard.: or . rhubarb, ftom the con· tainers which we had placed on the table •
i :· •
he attem·pted a traverse of three of the most earlier. · famous peaks· in the Alps: Eiger-MOnchI can still remember being outraged 10 Jungfrau, reaching the sum m it of the discover that a· person of his age, stature Jungfrau and MOneh. The conditiofJs for and status (he was about 50 years old, climbing the Eiger1 were poor and so the every bit of 6ft 5.in taU, a Doctor of Phi.attempt was aband~ned, although he did los~>phy an(! a Justiceofth<j Peace, as well) manage to climb Is few pitChes on the should still want .to make jokes preven be famous North Wa'l of the Eiger. His allowed to ! He was, of course, a. figure of daughter, Francesch Loaise Spencer was authority, for me, for a numl:!er.pf reasons. bom.on 13th Aprif,~'l998 at·E~tem Maine · I can also. remember him; however, sob~ Me~hcal Centre (a gor, Mame, USA) bing, uncontrollably, when. he shoul~.have she has British;. talian and American been giying his farewell speech, on leaving
Citizenship! ·
, ·
· David became a Certified . Professional Geol gist {CPG), European
the school.· .This; of cQurse, made: him again m~re human, !>ut in .a qomplet~ly
different and even' Jess known ~ire'ction. Geologist (EurGeo ) and was elected as a The head boy, I don't remember his. nwne. Fellow of the Ro~t Astronomical Society was quick-witted enough to call for: 'd1ree . (FRAS), Fellow of the Royal Sooiety of cheers for the headmaster' but thafs.~rned . Arts (FRSA), FelloW the World Literary to .make .it worse. He tried to .some· Academy (FWLA)I Graduate Member of . thing .else but, failed to get restarted and the Institute of PHysics ·(GradlnstP) and.. had to leave the podium.· • David Spencer (75-82) will be mak~ · Corporate Member of the· ·Institute of . Jt might surprise some. of my.classing an attemPt in Spring, 1999 tO' climb the Science 'Technology (MIScT). His biog- mates, that. I ·have become interested in world's highest mountain, Mount Everest raphy has recently been published in nu- spat; especially so late in life. They will (29,028 feet I 8,848 metres): ·As part of a merous reference . volumes, including recall. .that L had an undistinguished
British E?{pedition, he will aim
to climb Ever~st by the Soutb East' Ridge, tbe route originally climbed by Hillary and Tensing on their historic first ascent in 1953. Commonly known as the South Col Route,
"Who's Who in th~ World'\ "Who's Who in America". "Who's·Who in Science and Engineering" and ;,Who's Who in European Research and Development". · ·
· sporting. career, at Raines .... SomeOne. who . knows ine. weJI enou~ .. howe.ver. ·will also . notice that nonp of the mentioned sporting :· activities,. skiiog, climbing, iunning, ea. · noeing,.require a bai .or baiL The:truth is
'. :.· .. ·. ·, : . ·.
. .. '
v,. . • •
PAG'E 1:i'. (
' . ' ·. . . ·..:.
' '
' •
: ! that I was, and still am, unglfted with all was also unsu~ of whether. there are really . was the only subject that I Wa<i ever bottom such games. I now know that this was three or more likely four e's, in teeeenk. . in and it was cancelled out (arit!m)etlcally, because 'I .. c ouldn't see --the ball' well That was the way he used ~o &ay it and, on almost .exactly) by being top once, i'n Art. :. .. 1 enough, paniculady on the right hand side, refleotion, I feel certain ,that I had time to Siill. J' was v·ery glad that we were allowed · .i where 1 saw double, but Y. tllink it was also. breath in and out two or. three times while to drop the subject when we re.ached the · l because my. fam iiy could. not afford_ro buy . he was. pronoun~ir!&-. t~is last. syllaJ:>l~.' so fifth fonn because I did riot really like '· any of the' equipment, apart from inex- there were probably a lot more than four. behig so bad and it kept my'average down . . pensive ite~s \ su~h as swimming things, These. confrontations were frequently . I can remember a camping trip over a gym :~horts' and trainers: eyeball to eyeba.ll and rat~er loud, so ~hat .l long-weekend; when I was about fifteen, Since people are particularly inter-' fe lt as if my hair was flapping in che wind:. with a sort of ·renegade g~:oup (or perhaps :i ested in sport and expect something, es- He gave us huge amounts of chemist!}' an ungroup) of scouts at the village of' .. . pecially in school ·recollections . of r!lis · notes which we were expected to <?>PY out Ungdoo Hills; this was very near to where type; I will try· to describe some of my again, at home, into a systematic set of J'later worked at tt-.e.Fords Research cen.: · sporting e;..,penences. : Who knows, per- notes fi'om wh\ch we could later study fo r·· tre, Laindon .. There were only four of us: haps some hitherto unknown fans expect it tests and exams. . Wag · Williams, Brian Nodroum, Moe , ·i of me ? It ·is not even hard·to do this be- · H.is itlea. was tYtat we should v.'Tite Stcvens and myself: 1 and Moe Stevens cause, in all honesty, there were really only everything twice hi:ike .it sii.ck In our. cycled.there, along the Southend Road. three or perhaps four such events, de- memorie.s. This probably worked if you. The camping \Vas in a field in ttie above pending on the way you count .them. were interested.and . industriou~ imougn; rnentioneo village and it was organised (or· ·I swam .for the school once, at back- but it did not work at all for me,' becatise l pennission was obtained from the· fanner) stroke, without being· placed. I also took . . .. . . by one 9f the teachers. We made a lot of part in two inter-house, cross-country runs. nO.ise wi'th our singing and scuffilng - we The latter were usually once around .Fair~. " .ll. probably never siept the whole of the long proua ~ lop Airfield and back to the :·OI4 Blues ""eeken~. The master apparently said afrugby ground. I think I was entered f9r two slept the w'liofe of the . teiwa.rds, I think good-humouredly, that of these and· I finished, each time, closer to wr: kept the whole village awake. I ain. ·the front than to the rear but there were still afraid I can't remember who he was, so he quite a few in front beCause- most of the was probably riot on~ ofthos~ w!io actually boy;s school took ]:'0rt (if you could walk, taught us. Perhaps one of the ·other par- · you were. in). I can recall som'eone col· was neither of these! so I only wrote the ticipants will be able to say who .he was. I lapsing very con vincingly; abQut three notes once and .with increasingly worse would love. to. hear .from imy of these or hundred yards from the finish, and I handwriting. Fa!rly·3oon, I stopp~ taking anyone else I knew.·. . . . . ·.. . . stopped help him ~ ar least to see that he any notes at all. I waa a littl.e afnlid that he Brian Nodrotim came fi'om East Ham wasn't dying. I think his name was Janus, would want to see m~ supposed bestbook. · like myself, altho~Jgh he move.;! to Elm he was in one of the parallel clas~e' and, I and that there wou1d be some fonn of Park, before .he finaliy leff school like· me, think, in Taylor house. I received a re- retribution but he ne~er asked. at 16 . .He left ~ttend the N.E:London minder from a teacher that I was still in a lf.l had c~ntinukd.·to try hard~r. as I Polytechnic to to be a'chef.' I ran into race and shouldn' t Jet anyone else pass me believe I did at first, my notes would have him o.n.c e, _aft~ ~~- had, qualifred, near the -I was in Mann House and he was one of still been imperfect ahd ~,tnreliable because town hill! iii .Easi. Ha'nt: · He was then the house. masters for Mann. I understood only half of what he said.. He working, I think, for Tate and Lyle, at ·: Lastly, to finish ·off my spolting ac- made me write- out Avogacro's Law fifty Becl<ton; I can remember that he'married tivities,' I was pressed, very much against times. This was the only thing I really quite early did W~ Wi lliam~. · my will, . into batting in an inter-house teamed in tWO· years of chetrtiSti.JI I will They imd others from the class played cricket match where there were not enough not bore you by qUO.{ing it but I still know in· various, tr~ditional j~z . bapds. Wag players in Mann House to make a full it, complete with Zohk's pronunciation. of piay'ed · ciarinet aJ!d ·chicken (Brian · No~' team. ' I was.out for a duck, after only two the word gases to rhyme with daisies. 'In d~oum) played trombOne. Frizz (or' Moe) or three very trightening balls from a good the end of tetm exams, l ·woul,d ·write it Stevens was~ paJ1icul.arly gifted musician, f~t-bowler from Taylor House, whose down,. in my answer. for every..ques,tion . I playing piano and claiirl(it in various jazz name I have forgotten. . answered, even if it wasn ~t asked, p'erhaps bands ·- he .also played piano and· ii1 "A bas. Monsieur.Bique f ! What you three tirites for each ;paper. I rea!iy didn't the interyal ~t a well known danoe ha:IJ, In teeeenk?? ". . ., ~ =~ ... 1 . ;. know anything else dnd it.is very boring to llford. He.was last heard .ofin Paris where . This ·is :.the wa~' Doe L,arrib~tt: (or sit for ·an hour doing nothing at all (and it he ~eems to have disappeared; moreor less Zonk; as' we called him), our Belgian can stjllluiate you int9 unknowp creativity). 'I'Yithout trace, in the ~rly ·sixties. i tried to chemistry teacher, would addre.ss me when I ~vas not Ihe only one who did so locate hi'm by: lo9king rhe ?aris telehe was annoyed at something I had done or badly. l remember one year .whep· I was phone book,.. ,on .one of my earlfcst and more often had not done. I debated with joint bott1>m of .the class. in this· suJ;ject, relativefy rare qusiness trips there;· inariy myself whether to·write something about with Maurice Steverts. each received years ago; .1 harassed..:.~ · few ·. s·ievens' this teacher. We really seemed to liave had six percent- whic~ \Vas probably the going ~amilies"butJ wa~ iu'lsuccessful in locating a mutual aversion for each other; there was rate for.Avogadro's Law, evenwben writ~ Frizz. ·· · · . · ·· · · · also a description of him, fairly recently. I ten three times. To be fair on myself, it Is·t~e~ such a tf:tirig .w~.h _the'QRA, as
•.. we
bl never .
long wt!ekend"
_ , , ·--",P#.l.~E '
-~ 1 .
1:2·. :. , .: . '
a 'ye~'s reunio~' ." ~.her:e evety6ne from a_ to the Internet you might like to see' the "I want," he said, '.'to. reduce the ~icu lar school year meets, after .twenty?. ·. follow it has eaptured the imagination frigh!ening oi'Qeal a child has .to suffer." thirty even forty years. This occurs of complete stmngerl. . Go· to . . He lived his life . for that . aim . ..Sir quite often here.in Germany. You can read http://w ww.imagine~it.co.uk ·and you will . Basil. 6ft i.ljn tall, was a big man .in eV.ery . advenisemenJS in ~he· loc~l newspapers to see directiori:3 to it (William Torbitt School way." infoi1TI eveiyhody, well in advance, and reunion). th~ are also·r~ported, afto; the event; my .· . Patricia Dixon and John Caimcross · • Back in May Torri Watk ins, ~he pop wife. also took part in one; quite recently. from· my in~e year at Raine's both at- star manager whose clientele i_neludes-East If suctl a thing exists, piease put my name tended with An ne ByeTS from 195 & intake. · II, was trying to sell his four-storey !1puse down .fori~. I would be prepared to pay .. . If any one wishes to make contact with in London's Little. Venice for £ 1.5m. The cash in ad:viJ)ce and, if I lived in the UK, I . any of the above three please send any , house has a 40 ft. basem~nt . pool ~ut only would pe~haps even offer to pilrt in its letters to Bill Richards who can arrange for two · bedrooms! Tom was. a t Rrune::s organisiqg. bot this is easily said from here. . the~ to be forwarded via m.Y.>elf" 1961-66.: Look.ing bac.k on my s~hoDI y~ars, I Geoff also sent, me an old. slightly · believe that we had good teachers and a brown, press cutting from the News' of • · . John BiundeU (former He~Jd of Art) . goodstandard of education. Of course, it's World from I961. It is the obituary of Sir was one of five .people presented with. absolutely true that I have to be positive Basil Lucas •Quix.and. Henriqr.ies who was Mayor ofBromley Awards in April. These with the given audience. It could even be one of the school's gdvemors although this . awards are given in acknowledgement by argued that this is also a sort of self praise: is not· ihencione(f in the obituary. · A short the Borough . of outs@lding .vol_u.nta,Y-.' if the teachers were good .then we c.ouldn 't version of the obituary follows: service to. the community . ..In John's case it. have been too bad our$elves, either. Some "Basil Henriqud was born in London was presented for many:years. service as a.. ofit must have rubbed off, despite subjects in 1890 and educatec:J at Harrow and Ox- mcmber·ofthe St MaryCr~y Action Group.. .' . like chemistry which many of1,1s could not ford. (Typically th~ lf€'vlls Q{the World got absorb at all' ! There is a Genn::tn proverb; · it wrong and said he ~as e.ducated at Eton • Sometime back the school recei.ved a ~ . that says self praise stinks; ·but. I am letter that had bee.n posted witlio':ll any inclined to give .everyone - teachers . postcode . . On the env~lope had been . · written·the following: . .and pupils, myself included - the benefit of the doubt. ''Best School! kindest regards · to everybody ·. 1981-1986! . . those I know and ·everylxldy etse ~ N--class! In &;hool house! 'deprived'~ " . ·. from Colin Biggs" . Best day~s of my life! . Job:· Postman ~ , .lt is.with great regret that we report F'ormteach!!'r: Mr. Cro0m'' .. ·' ·. the death of Or Simon Werniek (1-4-21) in - probably easier to spell! - ed ) He came If any-one has any.:idea wlio it may be · April 1998 a few weeks after his 95th to Stepney, never l ~ving it; in 1913 and could they please contact us.. . ' .. birthday. · ·= · lived atTo)tnbee Hall. In March 1 91~ he '::! . s·imon Wemick was a founder. mem- open~d the Oxford arld St Georges Club in • F.ina:lly l am sure that all Old Raineians ber of the Electroplatcrs .and D~positors Cannon S treet Road. The club moved to wish all the best to Linda. Linnett who. !eft Technical Society (which 1951' beeame Bemer Street, now Henriques Street, in Raine's in July after ove.r·2S. year~ ,a.t and . the Institute of Metal Fini~hing) ·and its 1?30. " ' for ~e schoo.l. Unda, · who decided to Honorary $ecretary General for over 50 H e remained Warden there until h is make -,a b_reak from teaching, is going to do y~ars .' He 'was President of the iMF twice, retirement in 1947. For many years he was consultancy work. in 1945-47 and in 1981-82. · He· also re- Chainnan of the £hst London Juvenile ceived ·the two m'o st prestigious awar~ Court· was. an acknowledged authority Well that · is the completion of another give.n by the IMF . the· Gold Medii!; in on clelinquency and never · afraid ·to be Newsletter... I will apologise now if ther.e..(95 i and the Hothemll Memorial A·ward; controversial. ·He was once quoted: are a number' of errors. but .because of: i'n 196.1.. . : "!'do not believe fhe·youth of today is forthcoming jury serVice . ~ ~~f Newsletter In the late 1970s the Ir,remational depraved. I prefer to pronounce the word production timetable. had .to be fore" · Union of Surface Finishing honoured in true Cockney as 'depri ved'." shortened. This also .meant !l;~aving out
''/prefer to pN)nounce the word in true Cockney
Si111o~ Wemick by initiating the 'Simon Sir Basil was President of the London Wemick International · Achievement Federation of Boys' ClubS and-a m'ember Aw.ard. in· s·urface Finishing'. _ait· award of the' House: Committee of the LondOO presented every four years. Hospital 1920- 1940. 'He was kn ighted in 1955·and t wo;years later he .loot the sight of • Those of you who · read the March an eye but still went oo lecturing and N~wsletter may remember that Gooff'Gil- . wtiting. ; · ' IOn (59-64) was going .to a·reunion hiS ·· H is last fight was last month wlfen he infant/ jun ior school. Geoff explains: · sought to- reform cotlrt procedure where a . "My infant I jun.ior school reunion was child was involved in an improper assau·It an outstanding success. If you have access case.
some photographs and the promised article from · Paul :Hollingum, Headteacber at Raine's. · · - Having. ·said that · I ·do . be Iieve the · content is :varied and interesting. As f. previouslY, stated. there is plenty to com.~ mcnt on . .so get writing, typing, ete. and send it by post, fax , ~mai!.or eyenp igeon! ·Bill Riclu mls
Old Raineians' Association
Nain<?'s Foundation School Approach Road Betlmal GI'O<tn. London FJ 9LY Tel: 11181 981 1231 Fox> OUIJ 9ftJ ~l53
Sandra Jolmson
Ridlard Harris
Bil Rlcbards
9 Goddlnglon Lane
211 Shlnd)' Sln!C1
Gwynneth Jackson GleYwn
Klrkby Mo.be..rd
34 Brierly C>ardens RoystM Sllrftt J.ondOll
Tel: 01689 ~685-6
Tel: 0181 981 53!5
Loodm l':t4LX Tel: 0171 790 9235
Nr R.ipon NorthYom HG43RS
t'a::c: 01689 873115
·------·-----------------------------------------------------------------. ere arc the answers to the cently (July 98) when taking my family currelt, past and future teachers will read
tions in the last Newsletter. The answer to question one: complete the firSt lines of the fotlowing songs - If I Were a Blackbird I'd ... The answer is I'd Whistle and Sing, and 1 positive1y will not accept anJ other suggestion. The second song was there's a Rainbow Round My ... Now. we got an amazing number of replies to tllis. We haven't had so many since we asked ~ou to complete Over My Shoulder Goes... R~ally, it makes it very difficult for us to keep up the high reputation for this publication we've never had. And now to the memories.
rcne Hohnan (Cousins, 31-36).
..The girls and boys were sepamtcd when I was at tlle schooL I knew the teachers on page 4 of the September 1998 Newsletter and my Head was Miss Haugh. My husband and I were later associated with Rainc's when my son came to the school in 1969 and we were on the parenls' committee at that time. We helped arrange
this and appreciate the effect they had, have or might have on their students. There were a) teachers I hated e.g. Tiller
through Approach Road to sec my wife's old home across Victoria Park in Gore Rolld. I saw the old familiar badge I had worn so proudly on cap and blazer in my youth. But how could Raine 's have moved from Amour Square? It could. it did and as explained to me by the gentleman (thank you Richard for the compliment - ed.} in the front hall, it had and there it was. I started in January 1931after I had won my Junior County Scholarship. Although nonnally the academic year began in September my father could see no purpose in my marldng time at elementary school wbilc waiting to go to Raiue's and Mr Dagger (the Headmaster) was glad to accommodate. Sisters of mine (twins Amy and Evelyn) were ah'eady in attendance at Raine 's Girls. My fonn maSler, Mr. Bence,
Geography - a prejudiced swine and a poor teacher; b) those who taught well but who were hateful personally e.g. H S Browning -Chemistry; c) excellent teachers e.g. Dr. Billy Wilk:ins, Ph.D. Chemistry and Slogger Luton - Physics; d) tlte very best who by practice, precept and sheer pcrsomlity took students beyond the ordinary to the real wodd beyond school, cultivat~ ing talent where it existed and inculcating an attitude that would last forever; e) e.g. Alec Ald!idgc ~ French. I can handle six foreign languages comfortably and within a day of my landing in Nonnandy on the D-<lay Invasion my use of French obtained me two rooms in a lady's home that I could
was ~cdlent. In later yean; we would tease the girls wtm all thought Mr Bence
use as a Regimental Aid Post to tlte chagrin of my brother officers who had to sleep out
e=--tremely handsome. We said he had a in the open. And Iim Sbivas who gave me wooden Jeg(falsc). His club foot (true)did two star roles in the school plays, rolc:s he not prevent him from being an cx.;:ellent said any actor ·would willingly give his right amt for, Bencdick in Much Ado
cricketer. I progressed to the Upper Sixth, from where I proceeded (1937) to the London Hospital Medical College on Whitechapel Road becoming a physician in 1942 and later in my life at other schools of learning acquiring advanced surgical degrees and diplomas.
I am still paid royalti~s for musicals my wife and I wrote over thirty years ago and two of our three daughters are Professors of Theatre Arts. The third was a Professor of Engli~h at a college and now is an editorial writer for a newspaper; f) tbe also
the age of 62 at Hany Gosling School in J was Taylor House Cap1ain, School Hcnriques Street. StcpllC)'. when. I moved Prefect. Capt. of Atblelics. Capt. an4 FiJSt to my present address in Loughton. Board of the Chess Club and Chairman of Irenc ·s husband celebrnted his nine- lhe Dramatic Society thoroughly enjoying tieth birthday in December. the contact with and responsibility to my fellow students and to the teachers. • Richard Kelvin (31-38) wrote from As I look back over the seventy-eight Long Beach, California. "I never knew the years of my life I can reflect on the impact word serendipity when at Raine's but re~ teachers made on me I hope that
ran teacl'ers who were no great shakes. Above all else teachers demanded obedience and respect. Since the child is father oft he man, tlte responsibility of the teachers in nurturing us kids is an awe· some one that some took seriously while otrers become teachers for the prestige or the pay . cheque. Bemard Shaw said, "Those who can, do. Tilose who can't,
·dance evenings. etc., to raise money for a ooach. I was responsible for the buffet and we bad many eryoyable evenings. After the war years spent in the Air MinistiY I started teaching and .finished at
About Nothing and the title role in Hamlet.
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·. · ··. ·. · ., . , PAGE 2 ·.,
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I am pleased to be able to contribute to :yonr newsletter having to give up the time to take children away. This is as important part of our provision today as it was throughout the post war history of finished my first year at the schQol. Personally it has been ·a very satisfying year and I am both the school, and is one of the ways in. whichthc school helps to proud and honoured to have been selected to be the Head of this create a sense of cou:uuunity. One of the reaso ns I suppose that fi.nc school. It has given me great pleasure over the ytar to dclYe you arc still attached to the school through the Old Raineians · into the archives of the school and to get a feeling of the tradition Association is that you were im·olved with some acth·i1;; which and inheritance of this famous school. established that bond which still links ~·ou to the school. The school mon:s forward into the new Mitlennium facing Of course. to many of you reading U1is. t11e school is Ycty . different from the one that you remember. Most of you. I would u.ew cha!lengcs: the return of the scltool to Voluntary Aided status guess. having attended the school when it was in A.!bour Square: as a London Diocesan Board School: the results of a just com~ some of you when the partition was still in existence. pletcd OFS1F.:O inspection and the need to develop ~md improYe l am pleased to report that although we are very different our existing buildings. there are significant similarities. Some of the staff me still here To achieve the final challenge the school has launched a for one thing. The likes ofMrCroom. M.rs Pipe. Miss Naylor and Mr Long are still committed to doing the best for the young of the East End. Reading through the archives and particularly anniversary pubiicar ions. trips and sport seem to make up a significant nmuber of people's memories. I am happy to report that these are still YCJY important parts of the life of the school. The spons may lla\·e changed. so too the competition. but Raine's is still the most feared name on m~' schools' fixture lists. I am writing this a couple of days after watching the Year 9 (third year) basketball . team \\'inning their National Semi-final and qualifying them for the National Final in Barrow-in-Furnace this month. 11le Year 10 basketball team meets a side from Darlington in their semi-final and should they win. their finals are in Ellesmere Port in March. Trips still feature prominently due to the willjngness of staff
teach ., Some combine both to t11e glory of their reputations. T would love to hear from aqy Old Raineans who would like to w·rite to me. All lettcJs will be answered .. [ would particularly like to bear from the following whose addi'csses I don't have or have become lost with the passage of time. Joc Lister (Lipschitz) MD. Dave Rasbash. Al-
fred Evans (paratro<Jper bagged by Ger-
mans in a drop). George Copten. Minnie Kurraur (played Beauice to my Benedick). Esther (Jill) Garcia, Jean Kneget. Mo~ in Ill)' uc.-;t letter. including tlte tmc stol)· of the half of a rabbit that was thrown out of the window at Atbor Square. And w11o had a spare key (that the fonn master didn't know about) to the stalionel)· that was stored in the Sixth Fom1 R<Jom. I still ha\·c some. • · Annie Tauber (Wilkinson, 27-33) had alrClldy sent some memories from Palmdale. California. which llad appeared in the: last Newsletter: ''It was fun. We had to worlc diligent]y. Titc teachers were \·ery respectful of the students and .had hardly any disci-
sponsorship appeal to fmtd the dc-rdopn1em of om of sch<Jol rime Study Centres. The school is seeking to raise £WO.OOO to set up and run the three centres. I am currently negotiating -...vi1h three organisations i111ercsted in becoming partners with the school for such a project: this should allow us to mnke a stmi later in t.he ~·em. lf you work for an organisation witlt n h.isto~· of charitable giving anrl are able to put me in contoct with the approprintc person, I would be pleased to here from you. Finally, I was delighted to meet a number of yvu at the Old Raincian.s' Christmas re-union <uvl would like to thank all those whom I met for tl1e wannth of the welcome my wife and I received. I hope that I will haYe the opportunity to meet more of you at similar gatherings in tile future. P(lu/ Hollingun1
plincproblems. We in turn respected them and they were among the best teachers l ha\'e met or worked with. even in the 80s and from three different countries.
with my French
teacher. Miss Doris Grafton. until she died in the 70s. I still treasure her letters for their friendly interest and literary style. We often met in London when I revisited
from the USA with my family . I enjoyed reading about your '\"alkabout am was Yery intereSted in the mention of Cambridge Heath Road. My
{was the expert at tossing pancakes in my class. One da~· Miss Ste,·enson. being tired of trying to discourage scYcral on~rcautious students from turning thetn
o\-er with their fingers and knives or any handy utensil. invited them to watch me toss a j)<malke. Imagine. all the studcrlts st<1nding around a large sheet of kitchen paper laid upon the floor. as was th:: pr<~ctice. and my demonstration switching to ·how to cut a pa~c in half with ypur f~·ing pan'. Miss SteYcnson disappeared quickly without comment lc.-1\ing me to deal with the situation and embarrassment al<mc. Anyway the girls were good sports and didn·t tease me too much. Today t\'C would all luwc laughed. but in those we dldn·r sho\r our feelings Ycry easily. What a sit:-· group we w~rc. but \W w~::rc quick to sho,,· our sympathy and giyc help where it was needed. You ea o say we controlled our feel ings. mostly. to CY\!ry-
grandfather was born in lhe area of the road. He was a tailor and had his business in Bishopgatc. ·nu: group on the walk appeared to ha-ve had a good time. I roughly kno\\· wl-cre Cable Street and Cannon Street Road arc but wc used to take a bus each way. We used to meet our Domestic Science teacher. Miss SteYenson <11 one of these streets to shop for fish for our body·s advantage... cooker:· class (the fish was for the staff table}. We made a nice lunch of fish nnd • Sandra Mallett (77-8.3). More details white sauce and parsley with cooliflowc-r and news please. Also surname '"l1cn at au gratin and crepc.su;.:otte to follow with schooL lemon juice and sug<lr over thrown. ,
~John Callagher (72-77).
More details
Hclen Kostis (72-79) said they were con-
temporaries ofhers. I didn't go round with Sp:!nding a week in Prnsuc. lc;:rdng their · . the notcpad this time: this time the re- l\\:0 children with grandparents. ,. Roger Lane (53-60). More det<rils and porting was done by Gemma McGill. • A former tnembcr of staff in the Girls' news please. • . Congratulations to 1oanne Marshal!. SchooL Kitty Mackic (Edie) wrote to say. • Wendy Low (Newmeir, 72-78). More who manied her fiance . Paul. in Decem- despite not ha\'ing seen Lilian Weingartcn ber. She even found time to send me a for almost 50 years. it was impossible to details and news please. . postcard from her skiing honeymoon in forget such a strong personality. • Jennifer Perry (Joyce, 34-50). See Grindclwald. She has skied down many a the news from Alan Johnson later in the slope (l 've .midfor along rime rhat Joanne • While I was !n the London area in has been going dOII'nhi/1 - ed.) since she No,·ember. I had luncll with fonucr girls· publication. wcm on the school trip to Kranska Gora Headmistress. Joan Mangold. She and her • A lan Thorougllgood (54-61). More and was on the floodlit slope after three friend arc cun-cntly holidaying in South days skiing! Africn. details and news please. ·
and ne>vs please.
NEWS ..:· 1
From Gwynnath Jackson
• Reposing on my mantelpie<:e aJ;C photos of Ching Fun Woug'! (Lee) son
Jonathan and David ·spencer's daughter Francesca. both born last April. ·n1crc is also a photo of Laurence Page Y•i tll his bab~· son and his sister Barbara 's two sons. Fimtlly ~ photo sent from Gerlindc Lcin\vettcr (Bcnnett). living in Vienna. show-
appy New Year eo everyone! I did enjoy the gathering at the ·coal Hole· and think it was an excellent cl1oice of nnue. It was easily ac- ing her with Annelt.c Rood and Shellcy cessible by public transpol1, especially for Hurley when Gerlindc was in London earl~· one who only sees buses in tJ1e village on last year. Thursday and Saturdays! HoweYer. since be<:X)!lli ng a Pruish councillor. I have • Edna Howard has fina lly retired from helped organise a loc<~1 transport forum. the office at Raiuc·s. where she was a long We now have three more buses on Sat- serving (17 ~·ears) and loyal Jnctrbcr of the urdays allowing us to connect with the administration. Edna was a great help to Wensleydale bus service and venture fur- Gareth Lcwis. ftieodly and helpful to ther along the druc. Even mote i..mpor· members of staff (including myselt) pestantly we can reach Northallerton Station. tering her for infonnation or fonns to fill or NeYcr complain again about the convoys fi rst aid to take on scbool hips. We wish of number 11s or having to wait her a long a satisfying retirement. spending more time with ct.wghtcrs and their famihalf-an-hour for a 25' My other effort for the Parish is to lies. One lives in Cleveland. so. who monitor its 93 footpaths, repo1t on ob- knows. maybe Edna might stmy from the stmctions and n:m-existent or brol<en gates A J and visit me! · and stiles. I also l\ave to persuade fanners to improve matters. usually with some • Congratulations as well to Lynn Daw· grant-aid. sitting drinking tea in a fann som tl3.l}'<mt) who would have liked. to kitchen which is a far cry from the class· ancnd the Reunion. but probably just as rooms of Rai ne' s. well sne didn ·t as she produced a son the 1 was glad to sec the new HeadtCilChcr. lolbwing day! During 1998 Lynn and her Paul Hollingum. at the function. luci- husband had holid<1ycd in the Gambia. dentally Jack Lowe kno·ws him. but only skied in Austria. motorbil(ed in Ireland. through the Newsletter did he kno\v he was ,·isitcd Cornwall and walked in the Lakes the ne"·' man at the helm. ft was a pity that (whe"~ did tftey.find rhe lime and energy lO John Blnndell and mysdf were the only h(ll'e C1b abv?- ed. l. (don't think they will fonncrstaff at the reuniOtL Arry C\meutor be quit~ so adventttrous in 1999- but who past members of staff please consider knows. Since Lynnc and Shano11 Moulton tnming up nc.xt ti me as ex-pupils really are attended the Baltic E:->cha:nge Re'nnion. pleased (or intrigued?) to see their fonncr where they met up with Shani RhQdes. teachers. I certainly enjoy meeting folk Shnrort has made contact \Yith Sllani ·s I\ ·c not seen for years. though I confess sister Laurcn. there was a large batch of males in December to whom I could not put names. e Mike Hazell and his wife celebntted
AnnLowc's mother died Sh(lr!ly before
her 90th birthday in October. We cxtct'd
our sympathy to Ann and bopc she will enjoy improyed he<tllh this year. which will enable her to take an e~·cn more actiYc part in her church m:tiYitics.
Out of the blue cumc a letter from Altm
Waters. fonner Education Welfare Officer at Raine · s. whose job ceased wltcn the ILEA disbanded in March 1990. Since then he has been runni ng the Nlltional Sea
Cadet Training Centre at HMS. Osprey based in Portland and has mo\·cd to Weymouth. HMS Ospre~· is dosing and
being replaced by HMS Exccllen1 <11 Portsmouth. Alan S<IYS about 2000 students a year attend r<~rious one week courses in diyerse subjects. but malnb· in Leadership and Ma11agemcnt. He has a full time staff of fin and is c~joying life. Earl~· in October he met up with Gcrl)· Ca!Ycrt ltnd Ray Reffold shonly before the latler returned to Thailand - his address there is PO Bo:-. 9. Kh110 Seng 9000 l. SongklJI3. Thailand and ltc would \YCIcomc correspondence. His S1cpney flat is occupied by i! son of 01d Raincian Tony Kay. Alan \Vaters secs Jamcs Dohcrty regularly. JalllCS is married to a teacher and is School Premises Manager at Ben JolU1son SchooL but hopes to join the Fire Brigade. What news o:r Jonathan and San1anthll? • Anita Mcrkcs (Smith) sa~·s she always had a soft spot for Wallie Spooner and enjoyed his Geography lessons (there ~·ou are
Wt~ llie
-a fan club me1nbcr). Anita is
still in touch with JcrUlifer Wyeth and Sandra Si?..eman. •
Debra Rcid (Hmvcy) has contributed
;, ,·
'o to RAINIIAtf's' NEWSLE:t:TIHl .. .. ·.:· . . · ., ,.,., . .. ~. ~-- PAq:£/4: ~: •
<, "
' •
· >·. · . .:..:·. -.: ·.':'-:.
• •.,
•, •
. joinl staff-room 8nd. also champion of tile girls. de te nnined to see that the amalgamation was not a mke-ovcrl The: si;\1h fo nn bo-ys Mrs Lilian Weingarten, who died in May of last yc<H". was on the whom she taught were particularly appR-viaii\'Cof her stimulating staff of Rainc ·s for most of herteaching career. She came to the teaching. It was. of cours:. as a H istot:'· teacher at all stages of the school in 19-tJ during tl-e Secoud World war aoo stayed until the a.trriculum that MJS Wemganen will be most remembered. She late sixties. She ~aught in the boys· school for ·a wllilc aud 1hcn had a gifi for showing her pu pils the rekwance of the subject to came a long and continuous period as Head of th.e History dc- their own e:~pcricncc and thus o f making 1he past li\·c. She pilid the young people in her cl",argc the sup~mc P'dJtment in the gii1s· school. under Miss Haugh. headmistress until 1 9~ . · compliment of believing that they were capable of producing Genermions of girls who 'verc taught by Mrs Wcingurten. and work of h.ighquality. To this end she demanded a great deal from particularly those ·who had as their form mistress. will recall them in standards of behaviour and disciplined effort. They with gratitude her bracing concern for their welfare ;~ud progre&s. 1~sponded to tlu~ c~Henge and many achic,·cd far more than th~ As Careers Mistress during my time as Head, sbe did remarkable would C\'er luwe expected for themselves. work in show ing gjrls the opportunities that lay ahead lvhen they Mrs Wcingattcn tO<Jk a thoroughly realistic Yiew of human left school and in making them realise that they were capable of nature. at the same time as haviiJg a profound belief in the ability using them. She was Upper Sixth fonn mistress for several years of the individual to cope with difficu lty and o\·e~:eomc "drciSit;.·. ar~d under her finn, wise and invigorating guidaJtc(: the senior Those of us who knew Lilian. in whatever capacity. will feel members of lhe school developed into confident. tnalure and . acutely that by her death ,,·c ha,·c lost someone "·ho ma<k us happier by deepening our understanding and so cnll<'lll<.:ing our COUrtCOl!S young ·women. taking UC'\V responsibilities within the school conununity. appreciation of the gift of life. When the boys· and girls' schools combined in t96-t Mrs loan Mango/d. Heat/mistress oftlu OMN' S<:hool, 1956-6-J Weingatten became a highly respected and valued member of the
to the 'New Light Bible· .. bas a Psaln1s Commentary about to be published and she is currently working on Commentaries on the books of Ruth and gsther in the Bible. She is grateful to Angela Pearce for setting her off on the Academic Theological tmck.
giving me the first Christmas card of 1998 - thank vou.
• Susan Wyb um ·s (Braheme) younger • DaYid Spencer is now working for son played basketball fo r an under 16 tcanl Saga Oil in Nonvay and trying. not ,·cty in the USA. fs that sllowing an influence . s uccessfully. to learn Nonvegian (/ trust
from 'Rainc's? ~
Joy Turner. a fonner Head of English. suffered a slight stroke in April which has curtailed lcr rambling. driYing and voluntary actiYities. but nevertheless she has been on study tours to South Africa and to the Th ree Choirs Festival.
and. beware Delia. he is ancuding Cookery
• Alan Liddiard. who keeps in touch from DeYon has had a broken right arm (/ know, rhe eclipse came earlv and vou 1rasn 't reailvjbr it- ed.i. We wisll him <l speedy rccovety.
che projecTed climh (?f"-\'eresJ in Ihe ·' Pffng is mor e successji.ll.'.' ( ;ood luck /)avid ed.j.
• Stcrc Johnson. fonncr Head of English. now liYc:s in Amersham and enjoy:<~ tl1e Newsletters. namc-spouing (as excit·· ing as Irain-spatring hu1 1.-ithow the
Jack l.<>wc spends hls time commuting to Marple and Albcna and is now Managing Director of his finn's aerospace dh·i~ sion. · o·
• Jackic and Robcrt Conudly were extending their house instead of visit ing Nepal at Christmas.
• Barbara aud Tom111y Tllompson happily settled in Bognor are grateful for the Newsletter ' titbils ·.
cmorak- ed.j and memories. •
Fosbmc~· (P~lul )
is in th.e third is cnjo~·i ng the challenge of teaching practice.
year of her degree course • John Clwppcll·s wife is reaching in the sau1c ~chool as Old Raindan Val Fell. Unfortunately he has forgotten her maiden ruunc. so it· s rcttber difficult locating her brother in Australia who would welcome
• Maric C rawley (Conwar) still works for Abbe)· N11tion.al. battling witll new
an~· Old Raincian passcrs-by.
" two
Chaxmaiuc Simon (Kcrridgc) now lms children.
" Mr Stanney. writing fro m DcYOll. says l'K': ·s not cenaio he always manages successfully to repel the ra,·ages of time (don ·1
Rosetllilt:,\' LAwton. ionner Geography teacher. lives in Pl~·mouth. :;he retired last panic !fit sudde1111: goes dark on I i th • Vivicnnc and Martin Dume now live in surruncr. so is cl\ioying seeing more of her .-Jugust' 1 • l!d.). rural Sussex. Martin l~as been doing some four g randchildren. c:onsultan~ work in Prague and Paris. • Roger Beck (Gcnuan department) Jh·cs • Ros Nicholas (Berrill) is planning to ffippi ly in Suncy and J C:\pect is still 8 • Leslie Je nsen (TelJr) spent a cold. very retire tl1is summer. followed in 2000 by 1\\ itchcr (expert bird-watcher to those wet weekend with me. in October and Vi\' - then he can bash e--·en more timpani unfamiliar with the tcnn). York was not seen at its best. Let's hope (or rocks!). the next Yisit is in better weather. • [ spent Christmas with Madgc and • Barry Joncs (ex of the History de- John Darch and thci r three children in 1bei r • Clivc Baugll had t.he distinction of partmcnt) has led a school trip to Berlin holiday cottage in Cumbria. Th~ weather
'--- -- -- -- - -- - - -- -·---- - - -..---------·-----·-·------·~·---·
was atrocious with rain. storms ond then
snow but this was compensated by the excellent company and festive fare. •
Thank you to everyone who keeps in
touch and provides me with up-to-date news and hence fodder for the Newsletter. • To those who have recently mo\'l;:d or are about to do so. e.g.. the Adlingt~ms aud the Spencers. may you be happy in your new abodes. [f you do move please send us your change of address.
Cricket and to retain a lifelong interest in a of sports . There arc other staff members I eoul.d mention like Bencc. who in the mid-thi1ties made us ll"'·are of the dangers posed by Hitler nnd Nat.ism. but totally they we re a fiJJc team under Dr Dagger. Yes. there was a high degt"cc of discipline and even an clement of corporal
punishment. but what's wrong with that. It was so sad therefore to read of the miserable time experienced by Tony Fuller at lhc Schoolbut then perhaps things had changed dramatically in the intervening years. I was Yety interested to ~1r of 'Dicky· Kaban who succeeded as Captain of Taylor House and Captain of Athletics.
than anythjng else 1 remembe r hjs
magnificent performance as Hamlet in the 1936 Drama Society production by Mr Also the refcrcno:: to Julius avid (Did<)') De"ercll (32-39) Shivas. sent "a note in ca:se you want to Ginswick now living in Parramutta NSW. fill some space in the next an area I have \'isitcd several times in recent years but liltlc did I k11ow he lived Newsletter." "I nm always pleased to receive the there. Newsletter but usually read it with only The letter f rom Tom Bennett evoked a marginal interest. as. with the passing of nun1bcr of memories not least the refertime, it .rarely contains anything which ~::ncc to Bobby ('ridge who died on acth 'C relates to the time I was at the School or ser\'icein 1942. I han~aphotographofthc
From Blll Richards
news about my
September issue, ho\\'cver. was an exc~p tion - not least because it haprened to arrive at the same time I was sorting through some old metnQf'dbilia for a biography. I llftve alwa~·s considered it a privilege · to have attended Raine 's and grateful to the Staff. not only for the quality of the teaching. but also for treir u11Stinting efforts to develop us as well rounded indi\iduals. f IClllCmber the guidance gi\'Cfl b)' Alec Aldridgc, my tlrst fonun1.1ster. Also Mr Shivas who brought hon'll: the beauty of lhe English hmguage and how to express it through his elocution classes -I wonder if the Winterton Prize for Elocution is still awarded'! Tcd Home kept the points tally for the award or School medals and I ha,·c a beautifuUy scripted card from him in place of a gold medal C:\-plaining that the ·medal could not be given due to wartime restrictions. ·Joggers' Andrews with his dictate that it was the duty of e\'ery man to
have a son. w.ritc a b()ok and (was he an early en,·iromnentalist?) plant a tree first introduced me to the then new discipline of
chemical engineering. Ttlis. \'i th the introduction to nuclear physics b)· ·Slogger' Luton helped to fashion the whole of m~· professional <moor. 11\c ~rly lmlniug of Broughton and Wilson enabled me to go on la tu to play Rugby League Md League
some of her memories. "I stancd Raines in the mid 70s in class LC w ith father Clinic as fo nn teacher. We had room G3:. you remember th<: one hidden by the side of the stage. I w as in Mann House and the House Master at the time '!HIS Mr Bamcs (English). E\'c~ time he did <ln assembly he read the 1 poem T imothy Winters. So much ~o that even though we ne' er .h ad it 11s part of the 0 lc\'l~l it was a poem I used. We had two
Geography teachers Mr Spooncr and Mrs Pipe who later went on to become our fonn teacher. We had Miss Ball for French and Mrs DaiCh (Miss Lewis as she was then) for English. Mr Cmrnp was the Histoiy tcochcr and Mr Blundell for Hlt. For most of the time at Rajncs the teachers that I started with in the first year mo\·ed with us. We were the first year to go to the Comprehcnsh·c system af das~cs.b ut IC and
lA continued under the ~·stem as if we would haYc gone to the grammar school. lt was not until the .fotirth year that we followed tl~ same syllabus as the rest of tl1e year. My teenage ye~rs were extremely hard and l found that school became a safe 1938 First Rugby XV which sho...vs Bobby ha•·en w ith me volunteering for just about sitting in the front row and also Johli Dale. an~·th.ing th<lt kcp1 me there as long as Stannard. Dcnnison. Lawso n. Jarvis. On- possible. That meant painting the scenery ions. the Bird twins. Joc Lipshi.tz. who as for sl10\YS. joining the choir. ie<Jrpjng an Dr Liste r received pub lic acclaim for the instrument or doing cxlra games. I also assistance he provided at the Harrow tror~in made some re."ll friends of th<:: teachers crash a few years be~ck. and H arry im·olYod in that. Most prominently Miss SolkowitL who ror~n a vel:)· successful dcnt<ll Jackson !Miss J to those from the m usic proctice in Goodmaycs for several yeru-s. room gang). She seem~d to lli!\'C never Many of my corrtcmpornries atlained ending time for lots of s{rnys. Being in the eminence in the professions and ml!dc choir or playing an instrume nt meant that distinguished contributions to society. ~·ou could get a pass that allowed you into · There .were those 'who made the supreme the school building early. be it a break or j sacrifjce during t11c war like Bobby Cridge. lunch titne orto st<Jy aficr school. This was Domty Rosenbcrg. RAMC in Bunna and much appreciated in the cold winter Hemy Filler. Bomber Command. But I months CYCn if not a lol of musical pmdisc ''as t1tinking also of those like Dm·id wcut on. ! was also the culprit who Rasbash who became the national Head of brought the pet l~<1111Ster into the lesson . .Fire Research and Mauricc Mcndo:za who which Miss J . mentioned in a recent attained high offiCX! in the Cil'il Scr\'icc. newsletter. He rccci\·cd a gong for his pM in organJ was by no means an angel at school ising the ammgcmcnts for the marriage of but was one of those that nC\·cr got caught. the Prince of Wales. There must have been The safest place to s1mke was in the toilets se\·eral more worthy of recognition but right by the statf.room or. if you got on \\ith unknown to me a nd I an1 sure that later a 6th fonncr. tltc 6th fom1 hut. l 'ras in generations of pupils lu:tvc been no less there one day when a prcfc<:f who ·was succesSful. smoking his pipe and me on a B&H. We Yes·. Rainc·s v..-as and I hope. still is. a both nearly died wltcn an llllc;ccn Mrs damned good school." Johuson came round the comcr. Youj could also con them into g i,·ing you a cup • As well as gathering news at the re- of ~offcc if you wcrc. nicc to them. union Gemma McGill O'Connor also sent Staff ,. School hockey matches were
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OLD RAINEIANS' ·NEWSLETTER :·. . . . . ·, ...
great fun. cross-count~· not so. r still wonder how the hell I ran all that way
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the boys became very e.mbanasscd and ended up doing the ' vashiog up. Tllllfs all for now because I could go on for ever:·
round each time I go to Hainault Forest. I remember melting 6-inch rulers with the Bunsen burners to make model sn.ail5 in Mr Hudson's Chemist1y lessons. And • Geoff Gillon wrote regarding the l960 Miss Naylor oommenting on ho\\ bAdly I staff photo in the last issue. -snowdon spelt his name Snowdcn had done in the lung capacity test during Biology. Unkno\vn to her I had just ('we bad a pet name for him relating to a smoked a couple of fags in the loos with peculiar habit he had - we're a ll done it Gillian Abbot and E!lcn Marks. (I don't and hope not to bC caught out doing sol). think Ellen was a smoker trough but sJ1e There were two Han·isons in this cm. P and was part of the group.) J. Other names were A T Neuff ('Noel.'). Olhcr people that I remember from my Fowler. an always jovial figure. Gray. Alclass we~:- Joanne Barnes. Jackle lisoil. Bar:iles (Music}, Basil Dowling of Thompson, Teresa Marson. Linda Alien, course. Landau and Roscnbloom. There Sandra Alien. StL'lM 0\lode. Susan Ala- was also a Mr SelL who. I bclie~·e, was baster. Sw.aime Parsons, Janct Haywood, brought in to give elocution lessotlS. This John Anderson. Richard Morgan. Richard was possibly Jim Shivus' idea as I well Sparks (the booltie). John Hurly, Stcven recaU he called a halt 1o the singi~ of the Horsnp. Jon Dohcrty. Ian Groornbridge, School Song one day when it came out as Gcoff Perry (did he C\'Cf become a vet) and "sing the praises o f are fandcr... John Bajley. Geoff a lso p~1ssed on a k:ttu from Those 1 remember but not in my Frcda Tarling (Coc. 41·46). ·'The recent Newsletter gave me very class·- Lyun Byr.mt. Andy Marks. Bryn D ye, D:micl Perkins. Janicc Laing. SteYen mixed feelings. Firstly the death of Mrs (Pickle)? was in the year below me and Wcin.garten. who taught us Histoiy at part of the Music room gang. Ri.chard Hurstpierpoint. during my saddest time at Green and Karl? (played the organ). Sus:m Rainc ·s. She was one o.f the many staff Spencer. Tina Tzukes. Julie Pcnticost. who were so kind and ca~ing at this Lime. Alex Sullivan (team hockey goalie and Her husband made visits to ·Hurst' to play brilliant at it). Kate and Chap Hiza. to us. which we aH cf1ioyed. Raine·s was my life and therefore I I must endorse Tony Fuller's opinions remember many, many things. Mr Pcnitt of the darker side of RaiiJc's. Let me had 11 \'c~· s;1rcastic w~y of d~aling witl1 explain. things. Unfortunately so did I. Still he and [ was nine years old when the \var Mr Cah·crt passed on more than they or I broke out and was CYacuated to Suffolk thought liS I am now in my second year at with my s~·:;!ll year old sister. Like many UEL doing a Maths degree. 'When re- other children we had never been a'n~· hcaning for the Gilbert and Sullivan from our parents and each other before. At shows we would all traipse over to Miss the age of elcYen J won a scholar:.hip to J's house for the evening. It was here that Raine 's in 19_.l and this was the first time we aU got to sample Martin Leonarcr s 1 bad seen my parents dunng the war. marble cake. He had at tllal time returned Tile}· had to or~nisc my move to Sussex to t11e school to teach for a while. for my time at griunmar school. Mr Hart and Mr Jones were brarc 1 was put in the hoste I · Bclmont · witll enough to take us to Europe on a history many other girls. Being Ye.J}' shy and very trip. ft wcm smoothly enough if you didn't much a loner I was ycry unhappy for two mind th<n we ended lip in Egmont·an·Zee. years until my sister joined me. rnthcr than Amsterdam! Then. when we The Mmron disliked me intently. She made the trip to the capital C\·cry thing had a wicked sense of humour which 1was except the red light district was slrut due to urulblc (<) understand. Sl~ had many w~:s a ba·nk holidar. Also a rather large nutnber - l would call them cmel aud abusive -of of us got lost in Paris. Whilst in the quite making me terrified of her. J was very little town of Biuges some of the boys (you pleased to escape to tl tc house n-e Ck!llcd know whoyouare) decided to ti)' out some school C\'Ct~·;day. l was not allowed home silly linle phases on the 'non-English in the holidays. as we liycd in the East End speaking· staff of the youth hostel only to of London. The two exceptions were. find that cw.:ry one spoke fluent English. I when I had an it~icc tion to wh.ich I dc\von't go into detail of what was S<lid but ,·cloped an allergy. My arm was ba<l!y
r ~ -.
swol1cn from shoulder to finger tips and nium had to take me home to nurse me. Tl\c second was when my head was a mass of head lice (dear Mrs Richland. the Wdfarc Officer of the School. cried with tnc as she tried to ·delouse· me).. EYentually Matron cnt off my hair to rh:: scalp. I felt so ashamed and reiated myself to the girls
in France. who fraternised \Vith (';ennan
soldierS ·or collabora.tors. '"ho had their heads shaved. Here. I must tell you. the girls from th~ upper forms . we re nbsolutcly dcmstated and enfolded me 10 themselves. trying to cheer me up. I got much love from them. Some of tbe names I remember well: Edith Hawkes. Emily GoYcr. his Mansficld, Esther Woolf and Zccna Pmag. An! these girls still about? (/!'dith is a member ofthe Associatio11 - ed.J. l OIYC them a huge d~bt of gratitude. One big lift i n my C\'aC\Ice days was when I \\'a& taken by Miss Footc (Geography) to Brighton. There she bought me a dress. ·whith still s tands out in my memory.
It was a beautiful turquoise blue. with pinhead lavender spots oit it. Miss Footc was one of !he caring staff I came to rely on. l remember the two Miss Twclls. big and linle. and little Miss Twells Music lessons. Miss Graftoo. our wonderful French ntistrcss. miss Sti Uwho taught us Ncedlcwolk and how to knit socks and balacla"as for ser>icemcn. We were al!owed to choose which szrvicc
we'd like to· knit for!
Mrs Wcingartcn
History. Miss Parsons. Science. My par·
ticular !~1vouritc. apart from Miss Footc. was Miss Whitehead \Yho taught Maths. She w<s quieL gentle and \'ery. \·ery patient. I went to work with the Central Telegraph Office at St Pauls iu London. then to Marks aPd Spencers as a telegraphist. l tllcn lef.l M & S when l married. I \'Owed tlmt I wouldn't \\'Otk when T \lad my family until the;· were old enoug!J to cope with lca\·ing me for school. Mr eldest. Cathy. is ll0\1' senior teacher in an infaut school. whilst
second child is a qualified ~'N.f:::B and is hoping to go back in to nu1'Ser:-· nursing. My :son is a fireman and is also a tutor to instructors of first aid
i qualified as a teacher at AYery Hill with matnre stu~ents in 197 I and met quite a few ·Old RAinei:ms · also taking a mature studcm teachers· training course. I am now 69. bul I still do some supply teaching on a regular basis in my daughter· s school and lhoroughl,· et~oying it.''
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Well. what a welcome into the Old Raineians · Association I got. · read my own writing) frum Winterton House. M<llcolm Simpson having aucnded the AGM. JJi.y first meeting. 1. forgot that word from Foundation House. (he had a sister Edwina 67-73). Mark NO and got myself elected onto the committee. Later at a Falco . Graham H<1le and Rob Davis all from M·mn House. Apcorrunittee meeting. it was suggested that. as the newest member parently. the latter had a reputation as a bit of a buHr which he I should IUJYC the task of wandcling around a1 tile reunion to get all denies. Howercr. they all admit trying to beat up 'Panniter's' those little niny grtny anecdotes you all remember from school boys. 111ey llavc fo nd memories or the girls from their year and were rather upset that none of those t11at they remembered were at days. A large number of people attended. So man~· in fact. that in the reunion. especially the three Goode sisters Wcndy. Debbic and the end I '''as unable t o move around to everyone. Apologies to Sllsan. Others.mar remcmberthem for their sports achie\·cmcms. those I missed. I promise to get you ne:"(t time. Here are the Others remembered lvcrc Mandy Porter. Trllcy Richards. Tracy Small and Dcbbic Tread ware and a large vote of confidcm:e to recollections from those that 1 did get to speak to:A l~trge group of people from the 1976 intake were there. encourage to Mtcrd the Jle:-.t reunion for Wend~· Ncwmcir. Boys These included Paul Smith (76-82) from School House whose •oruernbered were Gary Walsh and D1wid Lodamorc. main memories related to complaints about the showers in the ·nu~ir mcmor~s of staff include Mr Nice. Mr f)nrch and Mr boys' gym. He has now married atrlli,·cs in Herts. with his ·wife · Hudson (during one assembly. he did a long talk on the benefits of aud. by the tjme of writing. new born baby. Paul works for ·Faota"). Mr Croom. Mr Billington and of course anyone who did Mitsubishi as an accounts manager. Paul Thiencl (76-82. Win· Ph)·sics would remember Dr Ciocci. (Especiall: remcmbc1-cd by tciton) is now \\--orking for the Post Office. He has !>pent time Malcolm.) Rob on the other hand remembered getting the slipper travelling and has not long returned from working in the USA. from Mr Spooner. From the summatised infonnation aboYc YOll can see that this Paul's main memories where related to the funny side of the girls group !Uld .a large input to giye abou1 the Scbool. Most of which I dare not put to print. Bm has Rob D!IViSjoined the ORA yet'' f.\'0.'.1 - ed.) Whilst speaking to thi~ group l did manage I<> speak to a few others who had to squeeze up to the bar next to us. Tliese were Mich<~el Bell (who cnn -, quite remember what rc~us he was at tl~ scl1oo! but does remember being in Dagger house. Stevic Richardson. {63-71) and Rose Ellis (Wintc11on. 70-75). Gcoff Pe.lto (6-1-70} joined Rainc·s in the first year that it became mixed as opposed to separate Boys and Girls Schools. He remembered Father Burrows and his temper. Mr Roden. '\ ho c:-;presscd concerns over Gcoff s school career by asking him "do you want a job or to play rugby'>" His other memories included the fact that Mr Gildcrson did not slipper boys. He used a sandal instr.ad! Pat O'Canmagh (75-R2. Wintcrton) re-
getting detention from Miss Lowes for playing basketball. whilst members Tina Tl.UCS. the Marks family (Doug. Andy. Susan. Aml at the same time Mr Long was letting them p.lay. Good job that by and Filen - Michael Mm·ks was another member but before her m~' year we had the oonse to put a look out nl each end of the boys· time). and Mr Nice. Pat 'I.I'<IS with Kerry Goodall. whom >VC need gym to allow us escape. Stevcn McDuell (76-82. Winterton) is to o!fcr c:ongratulations on the birlh of her baby. Similar cona compuler programmer in Richmond and he too has !ravelled gratullltions to Lynn Dawson (Bry~nt) lllld her husband on tbe abou1 before settling. As has Paul Casali (76-82. School). They birth of Jonatban in No,cmbcr. Roy Catlcy ( 1960 ish) is also 10 be congratulated and offered all seemed to remember christening Mr. Pcrrett as ·FIUitbaf although no explanation was gi\·en as to why (cnn nnyboc{1· help? • best wishes on his retirement. He certainly looked well for it and ed.). It \\'as noted though that l;c used to mn the after school gym mucb too young for itl Who said working as:~ ciYil serY<mt makes club ·and had a habit throwing the ball rather hard at people. you old before ~·our time'' Tl~y also remember following: - Mark Gemaldi. Tr'C\'Or Dadd De· Atb (6~-7l) all ended the reunion as ~lli of a Scabrook.. Cluissy Fallows. John Corbett and Manin Lal<~. One Christmas break. back here with his family. 1llat is commitment question '"as raised here - can anyone put a name 10 the girl who -South Africa to 'The Strand· for a knees up. He had tales to tell would ha,·c been in either the fourth or tllC fifth vcar bv 1977-78 of his brother. John who is renovating a milwa~· train some\\·hcre wi'Kl bad the funny whooping cough type laugh?. · down in Kent (Sorry. J didn't write down where it was- probably Nc:-:t on my hit list lo be approached were a· group of to many whiskies by this time.) l972-l977 gents. John Barnclt (sorry if that is wrong but I can't Other names ti't<lt where dropped in c:on\-crsation but I again
of me
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didn't quite get around to writing by who were: - Suzanne Smith wllo was in the sixth form in the mid 70s. Tcny Chimes. I remember that name se it mu.'lt have been somewhere in the late 70s or vcrv cam 80s. Sharon Coughin and Helcn Danes (1 970ish). .Rich~? Womteling? and Karen n uenal (79}. Leonard Lewis who is now a Chartered Accountant and Cccil Bartholomew (79) \Vho stiU pl:~ys a high standard of competiti\·e mabv. Another athlcle can be found in 11\0llu'lS Dcnis (76-82). "'. . who teaches Tai Kwondo on the Isle of Dogs. In a similar vein. Lawrie Dalton teaches Judo. Laurence Page is now the proud father of a one-year-old son. His sister Margaret rnow Bertolla) has two young sons and works in the city. Gillian Murphy (O' Brien) and Old Raineian husband Stephen have two young daughters. Gillian res just returned to part time work. One of the Ias~ groups I spoke to consisted of Paul White.
offered loads of information. most of which wns made up and designed to trip me up: Tt was late in the CYcning and a good time
t 1-x::m. Thanks to the ·Staff. old and new who came. with fl PS for · Mr Blundell- don't tbrget the Golden Rod nowcrs. Well. r"e rattled on enough although r m sure I have lost a page of mtes so1newhere. I hope all of you that did attend enjoyed yourselves. · !fy9.u didn· 1come. Why? You missed a great . c\·ening. Why not make amend~ and make sure you arc at the next
now working in business infonnation technology. Jim Richard-
had been ha d b~· all. They good-h\unou red!y tried confuse· me with their stories. (Bless their li ule cotton sock-s- or should I say white trousers in Michacrs case.} Fortunately. with. som~ help from Miss Jackson 1.111d Barl>ar<~ Page I was able to ignore all bar the names and ~·ears that they where at Raines (i.e.. 69-75). All I can sHy is if lhey where like this at school l bet a lot of you can rc~mber
soll a ET engineer. PctcrThakc and Michcal Vincent. This group
.. ,. . OT8ER NEWS -.3 ·, . .: . From A/an Johnso"
o begin with. corrections to the last issues recjpe - line six shouki have
been aspantgus. not a sparrow's
guts. Apologies to the RSPCA and· Mrs Brown of East Ctteam - we llope that you get '"''ell soon dear. • Thank you to Bel)·! Wooldridge (Cadmau. 33-38) for letting us have your change of address. Beryl also says she cJ1ioys llJe newsletter. How about a fe-w of your memories?!
Tiumk you also to Karen Jackson (Pctersen 71 -76). again for change of address and for her kind remarks about the newsletter. and how it keeps yo u all
'cOtmcctcd·. however far you llin:e travelled. Karen sent her letter to Sandra Johnso n (President) and wondered if sl1e could be her English teacher. Mrs Jolmson (fi rst names being unknown). Sadly. Anne Johnson passed away a few ycatS ago. I Karen remembers being taught a very 'vorthwhi!e grammar lesson early on. After scoring high marks on an English test and coming first in the class. Mrs Jolmson congratulated me and asked me whelher I had scored as well in other tests. To Mrs Jolmson·s horror 1 1eplied ·'WelL I done e~bighl in History''. I have n~ver made the same mistake again. and have never forgotten the look on Mrs Johnson ·s · face. Mrs Johnson was continuously correcting our Cockney English. aoo has my gratitude
for that.
• We are sad tc hear of the death of Royston Charles Sih·cster following a serious stroke in June of last year. Roy very much looked forward to and enjoyed h.is wife June re<ld ing the Old Ra.incian newsletters. so she would like to f11<1nk CYcryone invol\·ed for all the hard \l'Ork · tl:mt goes imo such a successful venture - it is so appreciated. '·Before Roy·s partial sightcdness and arthritic joinls made it too difficult tu embark on certain journeys. we both enjoycd t}Je reunion at the HCluses of Par-
Gemma Mc(Ji/1 (O'Connor, 77-82)
Other teachers durinH my time were Miss Salter (English & French). Miss Powell (Music) Miss Bryant (Maths). Miss KciUlcdy (PE) and Miss Bates (Geograplty). l also remember Mi5s LiHlewood Haugh.
but c<mnot remember wh~1t her subject was although she did accompany us to· Shad. well Park wh~re \\'C played lCnnis. As 1 said before Shcila and 1 baYc
remained friends since our ca.rly da~s ar J~ines. We lla\'C reccm!y rcturried from our holidays together.. We hm'c : also remained in touch wi£h Lily Nappi liament and we often spoke of iC We (Gardner). Mam1!en Merry. G!enys Rud· would like to send our deepest sympathie;.'S dig.'ln. and Iris Nonnan (Cunis). to June. A few years ago \\ c all. apart from Glcnys. attended a reunion at Approach o MaYis Secret! (Doree. 49-53) wrote Road. lt was jtis l after 1\'C had mci up with after reading the aniclc from M.arg<ll'\:!1 the Wcingartens and so Sheila organi.sed a Paish in the last newslcucr about Mrs. cru- and drh·cr to pick them up from their Wcinganen which brought back a lot of home in Ealing and bring them to the memories:- I was at Raincs for some of the time that Margaret w11s althottgh she w<J~ a
little older. Even though she was in il different class I can echo C\'Crylhing she said about this exceptional teacher. Like Margarct [ never forgot Lilian and about .J. rc:~rs ago managed to find her agnin. M~· best f riend to this day is Sl1eila Hohnes tbat
school. A s hott time later. Si1cila. Maureen. Gle nys and I had a girls night out in a restaurant in Bet hnal Green. The nc:\t day Glcnys had au appointment with an opti·
cian in Chigwc:ll. Site npo logiscd for being a bit bleary eyed <md c xp lt1 incd 5hc lmd
been with some old school friends tlle night before. The optician's wife asked her was and together we Yisited Lilian at her wbJ.It school she had been to. Glenys rehome. Unfortunately. Joscph had just been plied Rai ncs in the East Eod. TI1c lady taken into hospital so. we all went to visit then said "I wen! to R11incs~. She turned him and it was wonderful to see them both out to be Ha:t.cl Wcis.c; who used to sit together again. Sheil<~ and f alwa~rs said behind me in class. As soon as I could I that one of the things she gave us 'vas pride. 1\'ent to visit Hazel and do ycu know what. in ourselYcs. she hndn't changed a bit in o\'er fort~·
years. Needless to • Although Ann Wi!kinson-Taubcr 1\'<JS at Raincs O\·er l5 years before me some of
\re are all still in
Another Raincs coincidence occurred
her teachers must have received loug a few years after \\ c mo~:cd to Somerset SCJYice
medals! I well remember Miss.
Footc. Miss Graflon and of course Miss
In 1971 we moYcd from Wells into this Another Head Girl I rcmcmocr was
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XI pla)'ing matches tlu-oughout the country for charity. After thirty-eight yeat~ service with Ford (inch1ding Bl'vffi service) he moved to Mallorca. James now spends his time playing golf and tellnis and goes on walk~ ing trips during spring and autunm along \~ith all the other activities organised by the English Speaking Residents Associa~ tion on the Island. memordbk. PS. Some time ago my dear friend James feels fortunate to . get the Sheila sent me a sutprise present. lt was a "Newsletter'' on a regular oosis but f-eels CD of Joscph Weingarten which Lilian there;: is little information regarding other had l1ad produced from all his recordings. pupils that he wac; at school with. "Not A treasured gift indeed. surprising as I am uow sixty-eight rears (Sandrd says thanks for the letter Ma- old -one of the 'oldies':· vis_ and yes. she does remember meeting you at the House of Commons reunion and • Jenifer Perry (-U-49) recently correremembers the stOI')' of when you proudly sponded witb Ann Wilkinson Taubcr of remarked to an Australian teacher that our Palmdale. USA a11d was redirected to us school was founded before Australia was (thank you Anu) with the following stories disco\'crcd. Sandra has used the "Quote" ~nd anecdotes:- My n,·in sister Atm and on numerous occasions when trying to get my brother Peter Ridley Jorce started at over the historical importance of the Raines in September 1943. I had a school. so the point was well digested and scholarship to the local gmrrunar school in appreci~ted.) Wanslcad. Essex. Howe\·er. that year we retreated to the country again. whether for o Jamcs Keen -U-49. (Possibly the last enemy action or a renewal of our mm her's School House captain prior to the change illness I can't remember. We started to Oa~gc r House). On leaving school school again in September 1'144. all at ·. Jamcs worked for Briggs Motor Bodies Il.aincs. Ann left in · -!7. Peter probably in (Ford Motor Company take-over came in ' ~5 and 1 in· 49. Peter had transferred from , 1957) prior to his induction into the RAF Kettering Granunar School in Northants. . for National Service in 1950 where he was Ann was 'prepared' b~· two retired hei!d employed as a Provisioner and playoo teachers and taken to slt a private exam. soccer for Maintenance Comniand and the She was one of the last paying pupils I RAF Amateur Te.un having previously bclic,·c. Her 'treat' afler the exam was 10 been signed by Arsenal as an amateur. be taken through the Blackwall Tunnel! Consequently there was 11 lot of service Her idea. but it didn"t live up to her time spe nt traYelling to soccer matches. imagination. SQ much for the ll plus On demobilisEilion from the RAF c:-;am system, I had passed. she didn't but James returned to work at BMB eventually at Raines we mHrched in step in C'l'ely becoming responsible for the pro"ision . subject e~cept games. my sight is poor. aoo installation of equipment fol' lhe DeOur first class had eight girls called sign Studios and Workshops and Fur- Lily in it. When there were air raids \-VC nishings for all office areas. He was also went down into the basement punitioned responsible for a team of similar functions by blast walls and sitting on benches. we for the Research .E.nginc~ring Centre in sang, recited tables or French irregular Merkenich near Cologne in Genm.1n~·. Yerbs. Sometimes we stayed in the During that period he qualified as a classroom to a background of 'cnm1ping' Football Association Coach and played in noises from the guns at the Docks. Once two Amateur Cup semi-finals and won we came to school to find many wirlliows winners medals in both the London and blown in. r can't remember that we felt Essex Senior Cups. He had numerous apprehensive or fearfuL ratlx::r excited if games for Arsenal teams but was lle\·er anything. Children before tClc\·ision _be- _ inclined to sign professional due to ihe liC\'cd themo;cl\'es to be immortal! poor payment paid to players at that time. Sometimes the Headmistress. Miss Hough Jamcs carried on coaching and pla5ing of Dundee would tell us of casualties. Thm until well over fifty years of age. including saddened us. the Managers position with the Showbiz Miss Haugh was a foro1idablc gowned Roberts whose father was
Metbodi.st Minister. She 11lso had a sister, Marion. \'v·Jto was in the Kindergarten class before moYing up 'vhcn she reached the age of cle,-en. J do love receiving your newsletter and I long for the day when someone else from m~· past turns up out of!he blue! My days at Raines were wonderful and so
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figure totally in charge find terrif:·ing. Our history teacher was Mrs. Weingartcn. cultured and symp~thctic and \'Cry popular. lkr husband was a conce11 pi:uiist. A real tower of strength and reassurance in those stressful days. Miss parsons tllught Biology very efficiently. She also gave ris our sex education in a supremely scientific and detached manner. We named all the pans and functions with n.o .hint of a giggle. we wottldn't dare! Miss Kcnnedy. sturdy. brisk, tanned. , ·cry hmti working taught PE and Games with nightmare facilities. Ann got posture badges and a Gmncs Girdle. I was half-blind and useless. We. sw11m at the Mile End RoAd baths. Miss Keller. on Austri<m taught German ,-cr: well. It ca;:1not have been easy to be a native born (iennan speaker in Londo n at .that time . French was taught by a rctired elderly lady who wore Edwardian gowns and lm1 her temper frcquenlly. poor old thing. -Miss. Whitehead had a ,·ery good Maths degree and baffled 1nost of the class. The subject remains a mystery. F01tunately. she was ill intennittently (migraine'>) and a junior teacher filled in \>lhemisc I sl10uld be total!~- innumcrate. Man~ of us had a YCry intcmiptcd time and the continuity of our education IHIS shmtered. We ,,·ere confused. badly fed and often tired. Sometimes the journey to school was endless as the bus threaded through bombed streets. Peter. bom in Jan i •HO messed around until he could join the Na-.-y _ Ann went to a college. Blooms 1 think. in Russcll Square and became a commercial pho-wgrapher. Eventually she bccmnc the 'mrd
expert at the Atomic
.Energy Establislunc:nr at HarwelL I had no Lmi n but evcn1ually I won a County Scholarship /Uld studied So<..ial Science at LSE. Times were changing and even t_ hcn l thought the baby was being thrown out with the bath water creating a YCJ::I dependent subclass. !n spite of my poor maths 1 bcctlnlc a pro&•rammer in Commercial Statistics. Ann manied a long time boyfriend
who stayed in t}lC RAF af1er his National Sen·icc. 1 t1u:mgh t she was mad, what a way of life and away from LondotL But
three years later I fcli in loYe with her husband's best friend. another flyer. and dumped the staid engineer l was engaged to. So we both married RAF officers. Ann·s third son is disabled they had a fixed hou1e but I travcllcd. 26 homes in 26 years. A nightmnrc - the sight or a
~---------------------------------------·----------------------·--------------------~ packing case brings me out in spots. Ann inclined never to take anything at face thcn1 on a postcard and <~ddrc!\s them to Mr
still does great work tor the .mentally retarded locally. fighting for Ministries and raising huge sums of money. Her ddcst
son is a world class hang gliding champion and b1temational landscape architect. and
value. Most of our contemporaries at Justin Tmmwicket The Lighthouse. school were Jewish. we never noticed Nuneaton. He won't be able to help you because our trainint~ was wbat would later but he'd appreciate a postcard as nobody be called Humanist Encountering Anti- C\·er writes to him!! Scmitism after school was a real shock. The opening of the concentmtion Bill Richard..; camps was a terrible time, our friends were so involved. At the age of thirteen it coloured the rest of my life. I believe some aunts went ro Raines Bender. Garbutt or Jorcc fr(Jm 1890-1915.
the second a fine rugby player and educationalist. I did all the thtogs senior officers wives do. wives club. baby groups and I cooked for England around the world. As we retired· I developed a fonn of cancer. but nearly twenty years later I'm still here. (Jcnifcr may have been known as Jill ·The illness has slight!~· cramped my style Joycc). but I became a part·time librarian in a local Public School. Both A.rut and l arc endlessly curious bookish and very independent. My eldest son is a leading light in the Socialist hookers Party. quite an achievement con.'>idering his Service and Public School
only le-dv<:s me to thank all the contributors. especially Mr Hollingu.m. Gwynncth Jackson. Gcmn~• McGill and Alan Johnsan. If you have read any tlung of interest please do write and let us know.
background. Ann and I think that our training at Raines left us remarkably classless and
If you have any suggestions or complaints about the Newsletter why don"t you pui
Another Newsletter draws to a close. It
* "" deferred entry · Christine Bell)·
King ;\lfrcd·s College Winchester
BA Social & Professional Studies
Leannc Brisland
Sussex Universit~·
BSc Ecology & ConscrYation
Sarnh Butland*
Royal Holloway College
BSc Psychology
Simone Callender
South Bank University
BA Law & Gcm.an
Sukcy Chestcron*
Univcrsit.Y of Leicester
BSc Geography.
Gareth Collins*
of Westminster
BSc Computer Communic3tions & Networks
Carly Da\iS
BA English
Jonathan Hobson
University of Pl~'mouth
BSc Gcolog~·
Wahida Khatun
Queen Mary & Wcstficld College
Owen Layzcll
City of lslingtou College
Access to Drnn111
Mijan Miah
Queen Mary & Wcstfidd College
OSc Computer Science
Lena Rabbani
South Bank V niverr.ity
BSc Psvcholog_v & Forensic Science
SaJilanlba Wilcox
Uruversit~' of Westminster
BSc Psychology & Sociai/Cogniti\'c Sciences
Winnic Wong ·
Queen Mary & Wcstficld College
BSc Computer Science
Old ·Raineians'· Association
NEWSLETTER bine's FoundarloD School
S•ndra JObnsoo
Ai~:hard Harris
Bill Richards
Appr<mcb Roed
9 Golidington lAne
l6 Shaudy Street
Bethna! Green
34 Britrly Garden~ Royston Street
Load on
Ke!lt 8R6!1DR
London E2 on:
Gwynnetlt Jackson GJevum · Kkkby Maluard Nr Ripon
El 4LX
North Yorks
Td; Ol689~
Tel: 0181 9111 5)l.S
Tel; 9171 7W 9235
£29LY Tel: 0181 981 1231 Fax: 0181 ~83 0153
KG43RS Tcl: 01765 658825
Ftx: 01619 8731JS
SEPTEMBER 1999 Lately I have been . recelVIng some threatening letters and this has really got to stop. In future, please remember).threat· ening postcards only! I have also had several letters on A keen rose-grower, Mr gardening. Amadeus Boldwickert, tells me of his efforts to cultivate some American Beauties · behind the potting shed. After several years of experimenting, he's developed an unusual strain, which he supp~rts with the aid of a bamboo stick. Finally, a word of advice. to those of you who go for climbing plants. Make sure they are strong enough to bear your weight And now from the lettuce to the letters!
y th!Ulks to thi$ crop of new members is al.most entirely due to the help of Geoff GiUo11 (59-64) who discovered a CD-ROM thet list$ the electoral· roll. I lookect up the names in the School's intake roll to get the. middle initial which was essential. Geoff checked the names 'against the disc and contacted the names which came up once. Hence the influx of members from the 1958-!959. I bought the disc and con· centrated on the years 1960-1963 . Once this Newsletter is finished I will be
checking other years. The one problem with this is that all contacted so far have been from the boys' school since a number of girls will have got married and obviously changed their name. Has anybody got any suggesti~ns how we can get round this problem?
• Keith Beusoo (64)..65) had a shock when he received a letter out of the blue. "Your letter brought back so many memories, mostly happy ones. I have S() many thoughts I could write, but I suppose those that spring to mind· would include public beatings, the slipper, not being alo!owed to touch the balcony rail at morning assembly, trips to fairlop, rugby, Mann House, cross-cowttry runs (bad memory), woodwork, TD and the two minutes at\owed to finish PE sessions, shower, dry, dress and reach the nex1 lesson if you weren't to get a clip from the PE master. Was it Mr Howard? ' Of the names you included in )'OIE letter, some were very familiar. I. walked to school with Eddie M'urpby. Remember Tony Elliott and Peter Bull as talented rugby players at scllllll half and fly half respectively. Going tq a party at Terry Day's house, where I a!n sure 1 was converted to the demon dT!nk (tbanks Terry). George Pinckney answ~red my homework questions and Barry W~lsh was one of the nicest people I rememb~r. Mick Hawkins wa, tall and went to ~niversity and Mi· chael Whiting becam~ a ffivl Customs man, didn't he? Teny Day was the ~nvy of most boys, as he was the first to sUut shaving! I am sure others included in your letter would prompt my failing mempry if met. Good luck. and best wishes to all Old R.aineians."
Ron Carlile(63-70)sent the following: "Since leaving Raines at 18, l married and joined a fledgling travel comJllny as an assistant accountant. I stayed with the company ftorn 1970
until 1996; rising to Vice President. During this time I lived in America (89-93), in St Louis Missouri. Io 1996 we returned to England and later the company was cl05ed. · ;1 then started my own business which was ab· sorbed last year by a larger cruise company, Orient Lines Cruises, of which I am now Executive Vice President. I also have my own smaller student travel business still flourishing. I live in the village of Cheam in ·Sur· rey, with my wife and three children. The only anecdote I can recall from the old days, is the sight of our esteemed Deputy Headmaster (and' later Head) Mr Lyons with his faithful slipper in his h.and trying to.teach us German. I am not sure if it was his teaching methods or the sight of that slipper, but I have subsequently become fluent in Geiman. •
Freddt~ Dawk.ias (62-67) thanked me
for my letter. "Guess you must have done some hard work. on electoral rolls to find me! Having quaHfied as a journalist in Fleet Street after leaving Raines. 1 movcxl from newspapers and radio to magazines and then into $pecialist press areas. About ten years ago I decided to do more o n the European beat and, after travelling extensively for four years, set· tled in Finland for 3 years, living and
working in Helsinki and London - the. commuting was boring though! I moved back pennanently to the UK three y~. ago and now manage a small
communications group of companies which specialise in IT research, consul· tancy, electronic publishing and, espe·
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER , cially, working with the European Corn· mission on IT related projects. I telework most of the time from Hampshire, though I still travel a fair bit, mostly to Belgium, The NetherJands and Ireland. I have two sons, Stephen (24) is a manager at a large foreign bank based in the City and Robert (20) is currently working in lbi:za, taking time out from his $tudies in London. I have to admit that most of the names in your letter did not register with me - but I certainly remember you, John Barry, Martin Dume and Cameron Macphee and one or two of the ladies names." Eddy Dodwell (58-65). "Geoff, thanks for your letter, I remember most of ihe nimles on your list although I was a· year· above you. One I recall from your year was David Brown who was the son of . my Headmaster at Junior School in Seven Kings. I ~ave some ' whole school' photos and remember most names from my year that stayed on to the Sixth fonn including .Pauline Barker who is a Deputy Head teacher in Homchurch. · I have just read Tony Fuller's excel. lent letter (September 1998). l remem ber him very well and my recollections very much mirror his with some personal ex•
...probably because I
was a wimp and he played rugby.•• ceptions. By the time his back carriage reached Seven Kings it became the 8.07, · ?.:ith Keith ' Bunny' Cunn inghcun and . .DiinC81'l.· Edinonston also joining us there. '· My first fonn ma5ter was Johnny · Roden who also lived at Seven Kings. I remember being terrified of him, probably because 1was a wimp and he played rugby for llford Wanderers. Next year I was in fonn 2B with Mr Ironmonger in the basement TD Room. He played rugby for Kent and was also our· swimming teacher, aDd l couldn't swim could things get any worse? ·
1960 and 3B with
'W ooft:a' Wiles - best described as affec- · tiona/e.. His chemistry lab was our fonn
room. 4.8 was' in room 2 on the roof with. Mr Snowden. I recall he allowed us a record player as we were allowed to stay in the
school building during the breaks from the fourth year on. Things were Improving at last. ln 1962 came The Beatles and double bonus - the firsnime fifth years didn't have to wear caps! This year we had M r Wallie Spooner a.s fonn masta (this was h i:~ nrune not an insult11 ~call him as firm and fair and a gentleman.
rubbish" turned out nightly (obvioltSiy TV has not changed that much in 40 years ed.). Lastly there is a copy of a letter sent to parents in October 1961 regarding the amalgamation of the two schools which gives the reason$ for the future amalga· matioo. Although I was at the school at the time I had not really known why the Miss ' Biology Bertha' Ringer was our . formatioo of one school had come about. guardian for the Lower Sixth and Mr Jim 'The letter explains why. Shivas for the Upper Six:th. Academically l found most subjects a • William Dordoy (61-66) left school to real struggle, especially English, Mathe- work in the accounts department of Sir matics and Languages. I think I gave it my Wm: Reardon Smith & Son, a shipping best most of the time hut remember being line based in Fenchurch Street. In 1970 he hounded and constantly slippered by cer- left to become a self employed market tain masters who presumably didn' t share trader and in 1979 joined Mainland Car my view. Like Tony, I too eventl.lally lost Deliveries as car transporter driver. Now interest in the regime and its perpetrators, based at the Kent depot of that company and concentrated on subjects and teachers I William is a Senior Shop Steward and sits found inteW.ting. ·eonsequently I gained on three committees including the Na'0' Levels io History and Biology plus 'A'· tional Car Cotmcil of TGWU. He is also Vice-Chairman of Heme Level Art and Technical Drawing. Mr Allison was a superb History Bay Football·Club and a member ofHeme teacher and maybe a gambling man. I say Bay Cricket Club. "from my time at Raine's I remember this because when we were working through the syllabus for Modem European the following pupils · Angelo Palladino, History 1890-1939 he decided not to cover Keith Hilliard (emigrated to Australia, l the Great War as he had calculated that in believe • ed.) , Alan Gregory, Torn Watprevious years the number of questions kins, Paul Challenger, AJ.an Mason,, Norcovering that period was disp-oportionate man Drew,· Alan Holman and Roger to the possible number set and therefore Doonelly. Teachers · Messrs Torode, we were better prepared by concentrating Rosenbloorn, Harrison x 2." on the rest of the period and chance having · to answer every other question from the • ·Carli>s Goumal (59-66) sends kind choices set. This paid off handsomely as 1 regards to all his ex-school pals '"e.g., Jeff seem to remember an almost 100% pass.·. Hecker, John Caimcross, Terry McDow· rate!" ell, Bob ·smith, lan Bennett, :A¥.in.Choat, Eddy also sent copies of a number of Peter Martin, etc. I still have the rolled up items. Firstly a sketch of the donnitory in version of the old school photographs Edinburgh mentioned In the Sep1ember showing the whole school and would lil<e 1998 Newsletter by Tony Fuller. Next a to exchmge stories, mem ories, etc." CM· list of·the Boys' Clothil',lg List which in· Ios is marric:d lo Elizabeth Redgrove eluded ' KN ICKERS- Grey'!! (59-66). Another example that shows that A!s6 there was a copy of the grading the wall between the boys' and girls' letters used on reports then: school was not llS high as the staff beA Work very good lieved!! B Work good • Brian Hoser (60-65). C Work just satisfactory 0 WOTk poor. (1 will be lO<Jking at my rsports and • Glyn Howlett (62-68). hope 1 do not find any E.s :- ed. !!) Fourthly there was a clipping from the • Graltam Hutchings (6fi..~). " l cerEast .London Gazettt} in 1958 with the · tainly am the Ornham· Hutchings who atheadline "TV IS CRITICISED BY tended Raine's Foundation Grammar RAINE'S HEADMASTER" . The Head at Sch.ool for Boys from 1960 to 1966 and the time was Mr J. L. Geode and he was very proud of it. I was thrilled to receive. your letter talking to parents at the prize giving on the · supervision of their children's leisure time. inviting me to become a member but inHe said there was much "empty and trashy trigued on how you managed to trace me.
Walsh, Micllael Whiting, Dot~glas WJU.· ment, Alex Young~ Tony Elllott plus the others. 1 also remember tan Thurston-Moon, Simon Harding, Andrew Capp, David . Williams, Peter or John Johnson (J think), Alan Thoroughgood, the Yarah twins and Peter Dailey. The ladies I am afraid I do not know as the boys' school was strictly segregated from the girls' school in my days (This didn 'titopsomeofthebayso,.girls!! -ed). The boys' school houses were Taylor (red), Mann (green), Winterton (yellow) and Dagger (blue).
Route Through the School
I started in Mr John Roden's class IR. He a s.mall chap with a moustache and w~ Head of Physics. In September 1961 I moved to 2F with Mr Geny Calvett. He was a wonderful teacher and really taught us a lot in Maths. We had him for two years and he took an w~
interest in
l was very disappointed when I left the .school that nobody contacted me about the Old Boys' Association or invited me to join. l did have good intentions of making enquiries but 1 got heavily involved in my career and later family life but it was always the nex~ thing to do. I was not very good academically although I did, through hard work and considerable help from Gerry Calvert, the . Maths master who made Maths fun, get my '0' level Maths a year early in the fourth year. I enjoyed the sport and played in the school cricket team. I lived in Fulham, West London, so I was one of those who travelled the farthest to school each day. The Varahs travelled from Richmond. So each day started before 06:00 leavihg home at 07:00 and not returning home till 18:00 or later if there were extra lessons or it was games day. Then in the evening there would be homework and a meal, and if I was lucky a little free time. I enjoyed it though. I have over the years visited Arbour Square to loo)< over the outside of the old building and I have walked the streets en route to Stepney 'Green swimming baths and the station. Our games afternoon was at Fairlop, Esse;:,;.. We would have to leave socn after lunch to walk to Stepney Green
most of us.
In the 3rd year we became 3F, again with Gerry Calvert. · In the 4th year we were split into Science, Arts and Technical streams ready for our GCE subjects and examinations. All groups did Maths, English, Religious Instruction, PE and Games. · Science group did P~ysic's; Chemistry, Biology, a foreign language (French or German), History and Geography.
station to make the tram journey by Dis· trict Line train to Mile End Here we would change onto a C~ntral Line train to Fairlop. Each pupll was provided with a return ticket for the trip. It took about an hour to complete the journey and we had to Arts group did Aris, French and be there by 14:00. We left about 16:00 so German, Geography, History, Biology, the extra travelling time meant, Ol' games with mixed Physics and Chemistry. day, 1did not arrive ho~e till gone 18:00. Technical group did · Woodwork, In October 1997 I visited Fairlop. I Technical Drawing, a language, History, recognised it but they v.;ere just starting to Geography, mixed Physic and Chemistry. pull down the changing rooms. · Mr Anthooy T. Neufflooked after our I remember many the name~ men· group 4S. He was Head of Chemistry and tioned including Peter. Bull, Terry Day, · was a tall man who wore glasses. He was Mick Hawkins, Alan Johnson, and John a brilliant chemist and discovered various McCormack very well,'os were mem· new things in research. Mr Neuffwasalso bers ·of the school cricket team. Other · an athle.te with the Herculcs Athletic Club. members of the team· included 'Emest' S~cialising in the pole vault he was one of Dylko, lan Stewart andTony Rush.· the first athletes to have a fibre glass pole Frederick Waiter Hcrbert (now I b~ and was close to representing his country lieve Herbert-Brown) a particular . in this discipline. . . friend of mine and he and I were very keen In that year, through Mr Calvert's cyclists. Together with John Masson we help, a number of pupils were able to obrode from schooi All Hallows in Kent tain and pass their GSE Maths '0' level a · for fun. I later took up cycle racing as a year early. sport and met Robin Webb who was also In the fifth year l was in 5 Science an oldboy,lbelieve; twoyearsaheadofme. with Mr A. J. Harding known as I remember the rest' of the names, 'Chicken'; his features (and walk.- ed) sci.me vaguely, some mor~ vividly. In · gaining him this name. · He wore glasses particular · David · Hart, Eddie Murphy, and had a long nose, was Head of Maths George Pickney, · Phillip Puttick, Bany . and brilliant.
• ,
:• ...
.... : ..
s part of the research for the forthcoming
book on the School, I have been ·looking tluough the major London archives and have found a great deal of material about the history of the School. The majority of the &hool's material is held , at the London Metropolitan Archive in North London· whilst the ORA collection is at the Bancroft Road L~braty in Mile End. I am currently amalgamating both archives catalogues so that we have a more comprehensive over view of what is available to the
and their parents have 'small collections of school memorabilia - which brings me to point. We ·are appealing for people wfth material to allov{:
us to· copy what you have, rro matter how insignificant·
you may believe it is. This is so. that we can ensure that the personal inforination about pupils, rather than: just the school records, are preserved. And, should you feel really generous. you may wish to donate the material to the ORA or 'just to c6py the material yourself and send the copies on to me on behalf of the ORA, thereby reducing our costs. Please do not just i'gnore this request. We an at- · public. tended one of the most historically significant schools in · London. through the doors of which probably We have aiso discovered that there is still a huge amount of materi<!l held by either ex-pupils or pupil's hundreds of thousancls of children passed. · We know families. For examp~e, I have recently looked up the ·w hen, how and-why they were admitted but there is records of two pupils who joined the S~hool in 1879 very little available about them, what they achieved, and 1908 whose families stiJI have pdzes that their correspondence with their parents, etc. It would be very useful if you could help fi11 that father/gr:eat~grandfather won. One family also has gap. photographs and school note books, both of which are being copied for the ORA. to pass on to the archives. . . .Tony Fuller i also know that many post-World War 2 pupils
. During this fifth year those that passed Maths ~ .year early continued to study for extra Math$ and venrured into. 'A' level Pure and Applied 'Maths usually at lunch time and after school. This was on top of 9ur ot~er subjects.
Teachers at iachool Mr . Wallie · Spooner, Geography master, was a fairly. tall man but had ~Wlded proportions, with a moustache which. made him · look a bit .like Terry Thomas and had a famous. t<;>ol of pun-
ishment- the sole of a p l ims~ll. He took an interest in you and really loved his subject. Wallie wa,s also a .marking examiner for the 'O'Jevel. Mr Gerry C alvert was young, a very good teacher whp coaxed you along and ~as !!ble ·to put the subject across in a friendly no .nonsense way. Yoti always worked hard for him. Gerry was the man many of us owe a Jot to. He used·his time and · provided ·extra lessons to coach us through oor. Maths ' 0' level one year early and made Maths such fun. Mr Howard, Head of p~, · who thought he was brilliant at everyt~ing. He always gave us a hard time but 1 remember that in the end of year rugby match in our fifth year we. gave him such a hammering that he beeame a bit friendlier. 1\fr Long, Head of PE after Mr
. .....
Howard, was bald (sorry Humph- ed.) and
Dr Loughborough, was one of the
WOre glasses. He.,was very good al- practising vi.cars . who .taught religious ways gave credit where it was due. Hum ph instruction at. the. school and was a very would mix it with· everybody and often important member of the Archbishop .of took real knocks fr.om us in the matches.. Canterl:lury's staff at .Canterbury -Cathc• He developed a brilliant basketball team in . dral. . He. arranged many of the school, which all 5 of the ·players from .different joul'T\ey tr.ips.. Trips to reliS,ious places like years played for England. . Ely an<:j Canterbmy .Cathedral and ar~r Landau, History master, was a . ranged a longer trip to !3£1iT)burgh where real.ly great teacher. . Everybody got on we stayed in Ouncan .Street School, £dwell with him. · inburgh. We had travelled. up .on the Mr Reynolds · (TD, Woodwork and Caledonian, a non-stop .!Jain from Kings Metalwork -lookin'g back a real nut case). Cross to Edinburgh Waverley. Station, I I remember hjm ·writing.at the bOard and remember as the train went through York hearing somebody talking behind him he seeing. a new.driver and fireman r~iieving spun arourul and threw a piece of chalk in the London crew by walking tbrough a the direction of tl:le transgressor. I. also. corridor to. the foot plate through the remember on an'other occasion him tender. We had lunch and te;~ on the train. throwing a board 'rubber, which luckily We went all around Edinburgh t() the missed everybody. . He also hit everybody Castle, Princess Street, Ho.lyrodd Palace. in the class after a ·trallsgression Qecause, and Artbur's Seat. I enjoyed .exploring t~e although somebody_Owt)ed up, he thought extinct volcano !Uld .found a path, which , there were others who had not. So he allowed .n:ae to get from Edinburgh to the whacked everybody .else with a T-square. school were staying by walking. alQng Every stroke was a ~ricket stroke and on paths sticking out fi:om ·the side of the one particular boy he broke two T-squares. mound. At one point the pat\1 had fallen Ther~ ~er~ other occasions in .the Woodaway but I still carried on undeterred. work cl~sses. when he hit people with a jumping the sheer drop. · dowel rod. ·· We also went to Peebles, Callander · · Other . teachers: Mr Snowden (Eng- and around the isles of Bute in the paddle lish), Mr Aldridge.(English), Mr Mull- steamer the Waverley. At Peebles I had,, holland (English), Mr. Simmonds (French fTesh salmon salad, an exquisite taste !. , and German); have never forgotten and hence my love o.f
... ·. :
At Callander we had tea and I re·
member eating do~ens of freshly made Scotch Pancakes. On the trip to the Isle of Bute we had to go to GJasgow by train and walk through the streets to the docks to board the boat: The run down state of the city was a very lasting memory. It was a wonderful time. l also went on a trip to Metz in Northern France. Here we stayed in a nunnery. The food was plain but very good and we were allowec:twine with our meals. I remember drinking many bottles of wine and getting dmnk. The region's main industry was ag· riculture but there was a lot of heavy in· dustry nearby. ln particull,U' steel making at :fhionville. I remember that the shops were full of local fruit, mainly apricots, at ridiculous prices. I was lucky enough to go to a steel making plant at Thionville. I was amazed at the noise, the heat and the size of the manufacturing mills. The visit to the steel mills was arranged through some· body Dr Loughborough knew and who was
"I remember drinking · many bottles of wine and getting drunk. " hig,h up in the steel works. I also had a meal with this gentleman and his family at his home. We also went to Luxembourg. Part of the trip included a couple of days in Paris. Here we stayed at le Jollie Hotel and bad meals in local restaurants. They were usually 'Le plat du jour'. They
were magnificent. I went all around the sights of Paris including the Louvre. the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame. I went twice to the Louvre because I was so amazed by the paintings and sculptures especially the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. I got lost in Paris and could not fmd my way back to the hotel. I kept asking in French for the directions to 'un jollie hotel' instead of ' Le Jollie Hotel' . I found my way in the end. From then on f have always liked France. Since school I studied to become a chartered accountant but left to work in the area I alwilys told the career masters r wanted to work in, the computer industry. I worked for the GPO, now BT, in main frame computing util ising differing manufacturers' hardware. I have built and equipped computer centres and computer
., : ~
data communication networks before I was going back to Oxford or whether I will stay medically retired following a road accident in Belgium. Or maybe something else; in 1990 which has left me disabled. My who can tell what life will bring?" interest in competitive cycling was such that I raced until my accident and [ have A comment from Geoff Gillon. ''Gareth passed the exains become a qualified will be remembered by many people.. I feel cycling coach. 1 have also been secretary sure he must be high on the list of the most of my cycling club for some 28 years and gifted people to have attended Raine' s." so I understand the need to find old club members and friends and to organise re- • Duncan Pott (59-66). "Geoff. Well unions. what eau I say? Surprised? ·understateln 1972 I marri,ed and have two sons ment of the year! .I just could not believe it both at University. We still live happily in when 1 received your letter. Of oourse I the first house we bought here ip. North remember you. You sat over near the door and I sat over by the window, when we Cheam." were in 2A together. I think it was room 5, • Peter Martin (59·66). See Other though I not sure after, what, 38 years? News from Sandra Johnson. I recognise many of the names you Include in your letter; Terry McDowe\1, Oareth Moore, Jeffrey Hecker, Ernie Tar• Terry McDow~ll (59-68). ling, Carlos Goumal, etc. In fact Pve just • David MeNa lly: (59-66). "Hello to any found the school .photograph tak.en in Oc· of my old friends. · I am living in Felix- tober 1961. · I recognise many of the faces stowe, a pleasant s~aside town and would and can still put names to them, including be keen to get in tmlch with any old mate~. the masters: 'Donny' Lyons,· 'Biffo' Cheers." Broughton, 'Eddie' Calvert, Wallie Spooner, 'Taffy' Evans, 'Gaffer' Harring• Gareth Mdore (S!>-66). " Geoff, I ton to name but a few. had a letter in my pOst from you, passed on It all seems such a long time ago. A from Oxford. What a nice surprise! I have lot of water's certainly passed under the fund memories of tome of the names on bridse .. I left Raine' s to go to Imperial your list and recently exchanged letters College, did a degree in Physics and a PhD with Emie Tarling, in New Zealand (se£ in plasma Physics. though 'never submitted later in Other NeW.s - · ed.), though others my thesis. [ went to Cyprus for a year. mean nothing to m~ at all. came back in 1974 when the Turks in· As you will h:lve gathered already. I vaded. got a job with the Post Office am no longer in Erlgland. In early 1995 I Telecommunications (riow · BT) where I was elected Prior of a French-speaking have remained. I'm · in· project manageDominican commdnity just outside Bnn- ment, though mostly to do with financial sets. There are just over a dozen of us. We tracking of expenditure, associated with are involved. am6ngst other things, in Internet Protocol and Data Services. I'm running two !oC:ai parishes and a small based in Croydon but quite often I have to study centre where we put on lectures. drive up to our labs at Martlesham Heath in weekend sttldy ses~ions, etc. . I am heavily Suffolk. ~ involved in both these communizy projI can still remember the register of ects. I have to say lots of masses and do fonn IT (59-60): Adlington, Bacon, baptisms, weddings and funerals and give Bennett, Bishop, Brewer, Brown, Chivers, talks in our study centres, mostly on the Dadoina, Dobson, Fayers, Goumal, Bible and on music. Hawkins, Hennan, Halt, Jverson, Law, I try to do a bit of writing (theology Lawrence, Lench, McCombie, Moo~ . and philosophy), but it 's difficult to get the O'Sullivan, Phi !lips, Pott, Sharp, Kelley rime and energy. · I occasionally get to (St John Kelley), Theobald, Valor. Wiloverseas conferences, mostly on philoso· liams, Wright. phy, which makes .a nice break. I've got it's strange really 7 I' ve occasionally Swansea and Santa Fe coming up in the · wondered what happened to· my feJIO\V summer with Califbmia next February. pupils at Raine's. I never knew that the Photography Has become something Old Raineians' Association existed! I'll of a passion for m ~ in last few-years and I certainly try to get to a reunion sometime." am starting to exhibit some examples. My tenn as Prior here finishes in two • Peter Press (63--70). " I am the Peter· years. I have no idea whether I will be Press who attended Raine·s in the 1960s
.. -:';"~.
OLQ RAINEIANS' NEWSLET-1 ER and I am looking fotward to the opportunity ofmeeting some of my school friends." • Freda Tarllng (Coe, ~46) had pre· viously written about her experiences in
. :··
the February 1999 Newsletter. "Although part of my school life was rather unhapPy, I can remember some very good times during and after my stay at Hurstpie~point. The good times being on my return to Stepney and attending the old bullding in Arbour Square. What a beautiful old building it was, with the girl and boy statues at the entrances. to the school buildings. It was at this time that I met my late husband, George. I was sixteen and still at Raine's; Looking at your address {Shandy Street) brings back many happy memories, bec:ause George lived in Duckett Street and
then moved to Commodore. Street. This is
where, after being married in St Dunstan's, we had our wedding reception. It quickly
turned into a str~t party with all the neighbours joining in. My father-in-law was a verger at St Faith's and had invited 0: number of clergymen, who, to my surprise, turned up and joined in with the neighbours. Happy days."
Jeffrey Tynan (59-63)
who never realised there was an Old Raineians' Association until he received Geoff's letter. "The last time I heard of any one was when I was asked if I was interested in playing for an Old Boys' rugby team in
about 1969. By that time I was in the Metropolitan Police ·where I stayed until 1977 when I decided to start my own fruit and vegetable business. · The only ex-Raineian I kept in contact
SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS Many 0 Id Raineians will remember the irregular ceremony of the school photograph, where all the students, masters and mistresses were gathered in the playground to h;;tve their photographs taken collectively. As part of the historical research being carried out on Raines, we have identified copies of the following school photographs:
c.l935 July 1955 June 'l%3 Boys School:
October 1919
May 1933 (with all the names!) July 1936 1947 Collection of Wally Spooner 1950 Collection of Wally Spooner Collection of Wally Spooner 1955 Collection of Wally Spooner 1958 October 196 I Collection of Wally Spooner February 1964 Colh:ction of Wally Spooner Mixed School: Winter 1965-66?
ColJection of Wally Spooner Collection of Wally Spooner 1972 Collection uf Wally Spooner . c.l950 Staff We want to use the photographs to raise funds for the ORA, SO if you would like a state of the art quality photocopy of aDy of the years listed above, please contact Tony Fuller at the address given 1966 1969
security for the Post Office at the time and we had much to talk about. I am happily married and .run busy fru.iterers here on the South Coast. I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps anyone el&e who may remember me."
From Gwynneth Jockson
would like to start with just a few words about Pearl · Pipe who left Raine's in July. . Mrs Pearl Pipe began her career in the
geography department at Raine's as Miss
on page 3. If, however, you feel very rich and want a photographic copy of the photograph, please contact Tony who will discuss prices with you (about £65 each). ·
Girls and Preparatory S~hool: c.l920 c.l925
with, for a short 'while, was Dave Johnson who happened to walk into one of my shops in about 1978. He was working in
SCHOOL MAGAZINES We have an almost complete set of School Magazines, including some from the end of the last centul)'. However, there are some· gaps so if you have ANY copies of magazines that do not appear. on the lists elsewhere in this newsletter. please let us know. We want to use the magazines to raise funds to offset the cost of producing the book. We can provide photocopies of all the magazines that we currently hold or have access to. However, if you want multiple editions, for example, for all the years that you were at the school, we will be able to provide them to you later in· the year on CD· ROM.
PRICES A 1 size Photo copies of the school photographs, which are on art quality paper, cost£ 16 each. Two can be fitted onto one sheet for £30 for two images.
Photocopies of the school magazine are £5 per issue. Prices include postage, packing and handling charges. Cheques s:hould be made payable to the 'Old Raineians' Association' plea~e and sent TO Tony Fuller. Prices of CD-ROMs for photographs and magazines
have yet to
be determined.
· ·
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER Webster in 1973. During her long years of service she went on field trips, both with the 'A' level and the fourth year groups to Ewhurst. Here she discovered the ability of that age group to stay awake most of the night, preventing those desirous of sleep to do so. Mrs Pipe has been a form teacher throughout her time at Raine's and for a time was a Head of Year in the Lower School. This she undertook seriously, giving much time and care to children with problems and has always been deeply aware of the value of pastoral care. After her time at University she spent a year doing voluntary work in the East Eod, so she understood the.arca's problems before beginning her teaching career. · · I am sure she is not •giving up' but taking a breather before something points her in a new directi'6n. ·Whatever it is we wish her happiness and success and thank her wholeheartedly for her ·loyal and committed work at_Raine's.
Richard already preaches at St. John's a group to a performance and had to leave Church, Loughton but after July he will be the Coliseum due to a bomb scare. Assistant Curate to me Rev Charles Masheder at churches in High Laver, . • [n responding to the letter from Alan Magdalen Laver, Little Laver and Match· Waters (EWO, 79-90) I asked if he had more news of the Dohcrty family. Jona~ . ing Green. ·Apparently Father Masheder was than is a ~uccessful author of several books pl'iest at Barkingside, near Fairlop playing and a journalist with a regular column .in fields. This was where the school used to 'She' magazine. SamantJ1a is IMuTied with travel for games, or, in Richard's case, a son and lives in Rochester. Finally Jason _creep round to John and Terry Chime's is ~etting married in Port Elizabeth, South · Africa, at the end of August. . house for tea! Alan had meanwhile been in Bombay Richard has discovered that an uncle was Rector in Ashburton, Devon in 1900,. for a fortnight, working for a charity called so Richard is hoping to celebrate Eucharist Anchorage Shelter that helps the str·eet at the same altar during 2000, 100 years kids of that city. He found his visit ti ha~rowing but rewardiag exp~rience. later.·
• The Adlingtons (Gavin, Peggy and • Bill Richards sent details of a video, family) have moved hoose y~t again and copied fi·om cine-film, which included ·now reside· in East H1mningfieJd (near·· field trips to North Wales in 1967, Armn in West flann.ingfleid and South Hanning- 1968 and a Sports Day from the mid· fieid. Not certain what happened to North sixties. My memories of Arran include Harmingfie/d1.! To the rest of us who still snow on the beach; almost being cut otfby hme no idea where. lhat i.Y, .ii 's neaf the tide round a headland; thigh-high peat
• Congratulations io RichariiTillbrook (61-68). Members ·may have. read. the .. recent newspaper article regardiJ1g R"ichard, who is now bead of religious education at Davenant Foundation School, headlining "Teacher does God's business". The article reported that Richard had been spending evening~ and weekends doing fonnal study at Oak Hill Theological College and was ordained as a priest at Chelmsford Cathedral in July. Richard is . quoted as saying "People ask why I wanted to do this, but it wasn't exactly something l chose to do - it was a call from God''.
Chelm5ford!! - ed.). Gavin was in Sri Lanka in May and their eldest daughter, Zoe, was about tQ. spend three months working in an orphanage in Romania. Peggy has a demanding teaching job (in North Hanningfield??) which she says is going well (but no time for housework!!).
• Heleo Kostis (72-79) still works for a Greek shipping line, who, during the Kosovo crisis, were almos.t giving away tickets to the Medite!Tanean area. She had recently been to a ballet perfo11naroce, reminding her of the occasion when I took
VIDEOS The Association have managed to acquire video copies of some of the cine-film that was taken during the 1960s and 1970s.
The first video comprises film of the field trips to North Wales in 1967 and to Arran in 1968. It also shows a Sports Day, possibly 1966 and was copied from film taken by Mr Viv Nicholas. Although the quality of the film has deteriorated, it is still of great interest to those involved and:a number have already been sold. The second starts off with the pupils dressed in uniforms from the 18th century and depicting the early days of Raine's. Various trips are also shown along \.vith, again, some film of Sports Days in the 1970s. It also includes a production about Henry VIII entitled 'It was such a life with Henry'. This may have been oneofCiive Shilson's first starring parts on film and was directed by Kathleen Burke (see page 8). The quality of the film is good and was taken by Mr John Blundell. Both the videos can be bought at £10 each. Please contact Bill
Richards if you wish to buy one or require further infonnation.
bogs (nice bloke ... ed) and involuntary dips in. the so·eam descending, 1 think, Goat Fell. • David Spencer (75-83) is ·still in Norway, but has experienced the oil trade dr<1mas. Although he is still working for wr.at is now a state-run company, he is prepared to take voluntary redundancy ir it is offered. Therefore his future plans are unknown. David, his wife and daughter had recently been on holiday to the Lofor.en 1slands and the' Land of the Midnight Sun· which was invisible behind cloud and rain! My holidays this year have iaken me walking in the Black Forest, the Lake District and Bernese Oberland plus a tew days skiing in Austria.
• Miss Joan Mangold (Girls' Headmistress, 54--64), after her visit to South Africa, has recently been in Saas Fee. She is still walking on mountainsides, but she says not as far or as fast as when l first met her 40 years ago!! • John Williams (Head Boy 82-83) phoned several months ago to say he was now living in Leytonstone and is married with a baby son. After. university John joined BT and has been with them 12 years. He is Chair of the Governors of Clapton Girls Secondary School plus being treasurer and secretary of Clapton Chris· tian Centre. involved in work with the
. Arthur p.reviqusly a~en~ed St Thomas' School, ls l ingt~n.. He, joined Fovm of Raine's on 27,Apr11 1908 and leffori 'l6 J\f.1y Since ~~~in g. ~~search on.th~ ~~h~ol,; couple of letters have been 1911 '' ... for em ployment, wireless telegraphy." His son has told passed la me, both of which have contained e nquiries about Old me that his father never went into wireless telegraphy, but instead Raineians. wen t to sea, where he served in the Merchant Marine for many The first was from a woman enquiring about her grand father . years. What was interesting about these enquiries was that both F G KURUBER and his siblings, all of whom were at the school around 1880. The school records show that Frederick George families still bave some Raine' memorabilia. Frederick KUKURUBER was born 23 October 1870. His father was Charles RUBER was awarded a drawing set as a prize for "Home Lessons and Good Conduct" at KURUBER of the Christmas 1882. lt was a Bridge Tavern , Salmons wooden box containing Lane, Shad welL Prior to drawing instruments. the joining Raine's Frederorigjnal contents of which ick was at .Board School, are almost intact. The High Street, Shadwell. very omate colour cer· He joined Raine's on 25 tlticate oo top oflhe box is August 1879 but, like still very clear and has many other pupils at that kept its original colours time, his progress and well. The family kindly date ofle~>'<ing were not htld a colour copy of the recorded. Hov.~er, the records do show tha\ h i:> certificate made which brother, Ch arles KUthey forwarded to me. RUBER, born 3 January Sim ilarly, the second 1&68 was admitted to enquirer, who is himself the school on 25 August now in his eighties, has a 1879 but again, his school science notebook academic record is not ofhistather's,dated 1910, known. which he has loaned and The second enquiry which has been copied for was from a man enquiring about his father. W A SEAMAN, who the archi ve. H.e also has a photograph of his father in what his was believed to have been at the school around 1910. The school father described as the Raine'> string orchestra, which is also records sbow that William Arthur SEA MAN was born 5 No• reproduced below. W A Seam~ is third from the left in the back vember 1894. His father was William Morris SEAMAN, a to- row. As ever, Robert Strange Taylor is in the photograph, which bacconist, who lived at 9 A!bion Road, Kings Cross. Winiam was taken at the Cannon Street Road school.
·.;..!. . -~i'{~>·.~·.
' "f. .
• .
;... ,
youth club. Jenny Harvey is school sec- Raines pupils including Ann Mitch ell (of reta!)' at Claptoo School. Jenny is sister of Widows fame) and Leonard Fenton (Easone of the Alisons, both of whom spent a tl:.nders). (Does anybody know [/ Kaihy hostelling weekend in Derbyshire with me. Burke ofOimme. Gimme. Girnme. etc., i.~ One day we left the picnic behind and ex-Raines? A kathleen Burke was al Joanne didn't like bananas! Jchool 1970-77 and went onlo Lheatrical training after leaving - ed )
If you have not had a mentioo this rime, please respond after this Newsletter. You may not get a very prompt reply from me, but one does come - in time!
Fr(lm Sandta Joh,soll
·andra (62-68) and Alan Jobnson (60-68) recently met actor Stephen Berkoff (an Old Raineian known as Leslie Steven Be.rks, 48-50) who fondly remembers his time at Raine's and recalls being upset when he had to transfer to Hackney .Downs Secondary School. Quite a few well-known performers are former
• Alex Yoa ng (60-68) and his wife are on the move again, this time to Norwich. • Roy Catley (60-66) wrote to the ORA saying that he was surprised to get a men· tion in the last newsletter as be and John Masson (60-67) hardly met a sou !-that they knew at the last reunion, but obviously he spoke to somebody who reported his plans to the newsletter editor. (Roy, the messt1ge is, bring some more friends next time, get a group to come along to the next do- ed).
• Alan Thor~mghgood 's (54-61) mother (F..dna) recently wrote to Wallie Spooner trom her home in Poole. She mentioned
that Alan is st-ill very athletic (at 56!) and has many trophies for golf. Unfortu· nately, Alan has lost contact with Michael Bi~hop who was Head Boy when ;\!an was Deputy. £dna remembers that all the teachers were very supportive except for Rusty Ironmonger when it came to swimm ing- he thought swimm ing did not develop the right muscles for athletics. She a!so has a lot of old photos (.11/8: Tony Fuller ··· ed.) for example, ' Biff Broughton on the Rhine trip. Edna says "when I read today of all the trou ble about different religions at school assemblies, I remember that Raines had no problems. The chosen boy read the lesson and the Jewish and Catholic lads went off to their own wor·
ship'". • Gwynneth Jackson is still enjoying life! in Yorkshire and is organising the music for the village panto ' Puss In Boots'. She has on her mantelpiece a collection of Raines connection photos
· OLD .RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER. . that arrived over Christmas ·- one of An· nette Rood, Shelley Hurley and Gerlinde Bennett taken when Gerlinde was over from Vienna early in 1998; David Spencer's 8-momh old daughter francesca; Ching Fun Lee·s son Jonathan and Barbara Page:s two sons witb her brother Lawrence. Also there is a postcard from Grindelwald from Joanne Marshall on her skiing honeymoon (how well Gwynneth remembers Joann.e's natural talent and her following Gwynneth down a floodlit ski slope in full control after only two days on skis in Yugoslavia.
Tom Bennett (30-35) wrote to Wallie Spooner recently starting "Thank you for your most unexpected letter. it's always a
pleasure to hear from an Old R.ailieian, even though I cannot really place you in the matter of school life" (obviously Wallie, as a teacher, was after your time Tom! - ed). However, Wallie was delighted with Tom's letter which mentioned Rupert Andrews, Alec Aldridge, 'Jooters' Preston
road Fresh from a motor mechanics class. He took a hammer Eo the starter motor and off we went". Another important memory was Nicky's wedding reception at the Lower School in Old Bethnal Green Road in 1992 where Nicholas Dl)'ant ·- also ·from' her fonn at school- really helped out by being their DJ as their original one let them down ai the last minute (you can rely on Old Raineians Nicky- ed). Bob Philpotts and Barry Jones also came to the reception. Nicky can still remember Elaine Higgins, Swamp Dasgupta, Daljit Kuller, Chris Fit1, Kevin Smith, Cheryl Gore and, of course. Nichola~ Btyant, all of whom have been mentioned in previous news· letters. Nicky would love to get in touch with them again as well as anybody else from her year. Finally, Nicky's sister, Maria, a year younger than her, married Line! on Brant in 1994 and has a daughter called La11ren. Maria keeps in touch with Louise Rivers.
SilCciflc to your needs
Total ~ourse cost £500. Payment by instalments. Certificates of A~hievement awarded upon completion of the
course Contact us by e-mail at: ras@onslow-college.co.u.l< Onslow College 15 Tunstall Road East Croydon
London, CRO 6TY .
and Mr. Pascoe. Tom, who is 80, is in good health and says ''my family reckon f'll go on Jorever" ..,. and so do we at the
Colin Sale wrote recently from Aus· tralia. Wallie says "Colin has literally gone a long way since being with me on the Geography Staff at Raines in the 1950s".
l!:ngland Fax: +44 l8l 654 4378
• Staying with our f-M·tlung correspon· dents, Cameron Mcphee (Head Boy, 68-69) also wrote to Wallie recen1ly from Australia. He stays in contact with Tony Szulc (61·69) who stayed with Cameron six years ago whilst on his round-the-
found 1he majority in time for a June 1998 reunion. He was amazed at the enthusiasm of 50 year olds to reacquaint themselves
for 20 years now, has three children and works with Energex, Australia's second largest electricity retailer as General Manager, Sales.
his finds and others already mentioned. Hopefully others who have been contacted will join in due course and write to Wallie Spooner.
• There were severdl Old Raineians at Alan Johnson's fiftieth birthday party in May (can he be 50? he looks so young ··· ed.) including, to name but 11 few, Bill Richards, Stephanie Judge, Roy Powney, Tell')' Plummer (no show), Susan Holden, John Chart, Jackic Cramer, etc., etc., the list goes on forever -- not forgetting the also-rans, less important. non-Old Raineians; Robbie Williams, Sean O:mne1y, David and Posh, Tony Blair, Slick Willie and Monica, HRH QETI, Roger Rabbit, Michael Douglas and Catherine, and others.
Ron Striebig (54-61) wrote a 'Rob-
inson Crusoe' letter to Wallie in March fr<lm Lanzarote where he was working, including lines such as "as r lay here. tlying
with mends from long ago. [n the later
to get some sleep amidst the palm trees, stages the CD-ROM mentioned earlier black volcanic earth, blue skies and azure helped a great deal. lrene Holman, wno seas I am wondering why on Earth am 1 world cycle trip. Cameron has lived in Oz joined the Association recently is one of here on this God forsaken island!" Ron was teaching maths on the island and had only been there 3 months when he wrote, commenting that he tells his studenrs thar the only resemblance to LAmdon is that both places begin with the letter 'L'. However, Ron is now back in the UK and has a maths consultancy that offers the solution to maths problems via his college website (www.onslow-college.co.uk). Ron is also considering maths tuition through the Internet. Wateh This Space!! !
Nicky Sanders (Kitlic:k, 81-88), came
to the summer disco with her husband. Nicky works as a receptionist at a RSPCA hospital. Nlcky recalls that after she had left Raine's s.he drove with her husband to Approach R.oad to meet her parents after a 'cheese ;md wine' evening but unfortunately the car would not start when it was time to leave. "At that moment Bob Philpotts (staff) came walking along the
Cooffrey Gillon (59-64) has spent more than a couple of years tracing his infant and junior school classmates and
Peter Marlin (59-66) contacted Wai-
Jie after a letter from Gcotl~ f>eter says "I shall always. remem[?er you. notwith-
standing the numerous slipperings (and probably because of), with much affection and respect as an excellent teacher and a vc1y fair man, (hear, hear, and .w say all of u:; ··- e</.). Remember t.hc 'lost property' auctions?" Peter now lives in Wiltshire, has three gTown-up sons and works for Allied Dunbar in Swindon. Apparently, Gcoff Cillon is contacting .a number of classmates (Aian Choat, Jeff Hecker, Jol1n Cairncross, Carlos Goumal, etc.) and is putting them in touch with the ORA. Peter threatens ··· "we may even perhaps make a reunion". Finally, Peter writes to Wallie "I
·,•j'f.,~ .,~e that you Cclll decipher this -
as you
can see my writing has .still not improved from the geography essays!" • Jim Keen (44-49), living in Mallorca also wrote to Wallie, is 70 next year and is still playing golf and walking aud is expecting to do some marshals work on a new golf course soon to be completed at Camp-de-Mar.
The Old Raineians' Association Committee continues to meet at Walker's Wine Bar (Whitehall) around 6.30 p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month. Please fuel free to go along- you cannot miss them, they are the loud, drunken crowd in the corner! Finally regarding the Summer Reunion in May. The Committee took the advice of several members and held a disco. This was poorly attended, as were other suggested reunion ideas in the past. e.g., the 'family B-B·Q'. Nonetheless, the people that turned up and supported the Association certainly enjoyed themselves. The Committee continues to organise events but a number of times have been let down by poor attendance. This costs the Association money. · However the Annual Reunion this year, the 'Millennium Reunion' will be held at the London School of Economics on Friday 26th November 1999 from 6.00 to 10.30 p.m. and the tickets will be
!25, \vhieh includes a buffet. Please come along and support the ORA. Ticket application~ will be sent to you shortly BUT please put the date in your diary now and keep the date free. If
11----------------. COAL HOLE There will be an informal get-together in the Coal Hole in the Strand on Friday 1st October from 7.00 p.m. Nothing has been booked, but please do come along for a chat and, of course, a drink!
you wish to book before receiving the form please send a cheque to Sandra Johnson made out to the "Old Raineians' Association'.
although he's "busier than a one-armed paper haoger with nettle rash I will try to
OJHf;:R NEWS · .3
days to get me of the hook- you were good like that". He remembers Cliff ('Kippe,-') Theobolcl (59-66). They had known each other fro1n primnry school and asks if JctT Tynan (59-63) still supports Millwall. I remember going down the Pen with Emie and Jack BensteRd (59-65) tor the midweek matches, Jeff could be spotted anywhere in the crowd even then because he was so tall. Ernie also recalls Martin Samnels (59-64). One incident we all remember was when the outside broadcast came along at the time the school. was to go co-ed and Martin contrived to get his face on the camera. He also talks of lunch time visits to Mickey Lench's {59-64), just along from the school and visiting Jake's sweet shop round the comer for 'undreds
f'rom Geoff Gillon . s previously mentioned Geoff Oillon has been busy in tracing ex-pupils. As well as the new members he recruited he also managed to find plenty of news. One of the first that Geoff traced was Rsymond House (59..65) who also went to the same infant school. Shortly after, in April, Raymond had a bad fall and was taken to the ITU at the Royal Free London Hospital. Sadly complications set in and Raymond died on the 27th April. Geoff attended the brief committal service and was asked to say a few words about his days with Ra)'Jllond from infant schooldays through to their time at Raine's.
reply". Ernie has thanked me for ''letting me take a good gander at your homewoli<. most
and fahsends'. Chris Wareiug (58~65) was another traced using the computer, although he has yet to join. Apparently it was b.is mother who donated the cup I trophy of that name to the school and presented for middle distance running or cross country although Geoff is not too sute of that. (Does any
one know for certain - ed.) • Ernie Tarling (59-64) sent word to Geoff from New Zealand. Emie enclosed his business card bearing a photo and be seems to have kept his age remarkably well, still having a full head of dark hair. Emie writes that he still feels about 35. His letter is full of reminisces and he has a remarkable memory about his schooldays. Emie was welf known for picking out rraits in people; he provided many of the nicknames which stick. Emie had a boy and girl from his firsi marriage and a boy and girl from his second, Paul 10 and Kimberley 8. l-Ie is bringing them up alone now. He retumed to England for a while in 1992/93 but resettled in Nelson on South Island, the sunshine capital, saying he cannot think of anywhere else in the world he would rather live. lfany of his school friends would like to contact Emie his address is l17a Waimea Road, Nelson, South · Jsland, New Zealand. He would love to hear from you. Typical of the humour for which I remembel' him SO well, he goes Oil to say that
F1vm Bill Ricluzrds
s well as Peafl Pipe leaving at the end of July, Chris Fitt (Head Boy, 84-85) also moved on to pastures new. This was Chris' second period at Raine's as a teacher having originally retumed to teach biology in the early 1990s and then coming back in 1997 to be a Head of Year. In this capacity I began to work· closely with Chris and got to know him fairly well. Having worked in the office at Raine·s for nearly 7 years I can safely say that he is the bes1 I have worked with. If any one had been at the National Record of Achievement evening this year you would have seen a good example of why he is S<l good. Chris spent a lot of time producing a leaving video for 'his' Year 11 which not only included recent photos but al~o video clips and photos of when the pupi Is were at the Lower School, He was excellent with both pupils and parents and I know a number of the pupils who are thankful for his help during those two year.;. Chris showed his dedication by asking his new school if he could take up his new post in September even though he was appoint·ed betore Christmas and due to
PAGE 1 t
was the Head Boy at the time I first joined the school and by the time J was leaving he had not on.ly joined the school as a biology teacher but was also tl)'ing to convince me to join the Old Raineians' Society - Weird! School Trips, everyone has a story to tell but I bet you can't beat mine. Trying to explain to your parents on return why you pupil. have 46 vodka bottles (empty) in your • l was very pleased to have received the suitcase! Or walking into a German Hair following from I<clly Boyce (86-94) as it Sa"Jon trying to ask, in broken German, is from a recent leaver ttom the school how much it would cost to have the 7 (more from the rest ofyou please -· ed.). different colours removed from your hair! "That's right there was three of us! Or coming home from the annual tri p eo Kelly (86-94), Dawn (88-95) and Carrie Snowd<m with constipation bec 11.use you (92-99), a11 of whom are now classed as refused tu do you~: 'others' in a hole or Old Raineians. behind a bush!. Here's a good ooe! As a sixth former I myself started in lhe September of 1986 as a very small girl. All the other I wi\S given the chance to attend the trip as girls towered abo•;e me. Emma Crichett a student t eacher. G reat ex perience f (maybe Leech) started at the grand height thought. The kids were, to put it mildly, a of 5ft Sin, .and when standing next to my- nig htmare! They attacked us with lipstick self at all of 4ft 4in, it looked like Little and and toothpaste, do you know how much Large! that stuff stings! And they sold us to a Life sailed along as all the new gro"up of young youths. for the princely sum ·· . 'Firsties' got to grips wi th the new system of £50 (over priced?- ed.). of pips and bells and moving from one · We all appreciate the knowledge and class to the ne xt. I was in fonn lJ with skill we obtained from the teachers at Miss Puller as form teacher in the Old Raine's Foundation." Bethnal Green Road building. 'The textile room at the top of the building was my At this point Ketly went on to list teachers form room for the first year. J.t kept us fit wUh their nicknqmes. One example was having to run up all those stairs when you 'Thunder Knick~rs' ,;,hich applied a Mrs Cooper who w~ a supply teacher at were late for registration. from the start it became very apparent the school. As the majority o/.the other that r had a flair for gymnastics and con·- teachers will receive this Newsletter f sequently I went on in later years to take thought it better not to print the rest. !t the school team to the under 14 UK will also save Kelly the cost qf u. libel championships Gymnastics was my life easel!- ed. spending an hour before and after school training. I was so rarely seen at home the • As usual Tom Bmnett (30-35) can be name of ' Hermit' wa<; given to me. relied upo n to send someth ing interesting Like any other schoolgirl f had al I the and he hasn't let us down this time. won·ies of exams and homework, but I "Many thanks for the usual interesting used gymnastics as my release. Moving to Newsletter·- probably more so for me, as f the second year I had Mrs Pipe for a form find myself wr-i1ing to be put in contact teacher in the geography room, again at the with three of the members mentioned. top of the building! The second year went Richard Helvin (he was apparently a year Vel)' quickly. This was the year when the behind me, although he stayed on tbrough different personalities developed and dif- the sixth form); Mrs June SyJvester and ferent abilities wen~ recognised. I was Dicky Deverell (about seventeen months placed in 3JD which was the higher behind me, J f"J!,rure). gr~lU p[ng for the option year. We were Richard, as he appears to have some rivals with the other top group 3Q. Names later news of 'Alfo' Evans. I contacted I remember from these groups could go on Alfo's pre-war employers when I was forever, Kelly Beal, Madefine Richards, endeavouring to trace him and established Emma Kinselfa, Kerry ChiJvers, Paul !hat he had rerurned to them after the war. Turner, Tim Desmond to name but a few. He had departed and no record of his The move to the Upper School was subsequent history was available. ff not as scary as expected. The strangest Richard has Airborne Forces news of him, . memory I have is the tact that Chris Firt J may be able to trace his warti.me and start at Easter. They readily agreed knowing they had an excellent new member joining their staff. I am sure we all wish Chris all the best when he starts at Tonbridge School for Girls, especially the recent school leavers and his contemporaries when he was a
subsequent history through their Associations. Jlllc's husband Roy, a few years older than I, was the captairi of the relay swimm ing team that Raine's had the efJrontel)' to enter into the Public Schools Gala, probably 1935, with Alfo also a member. I think we came last in the final but it d id establish a sporting tirst. David hac; obviously missed out oo earlier Newsletters so I can tell him that, sadly, Dennis Bird was a navigator in the RAF, ki lled in a Catalina trainingaccidenf. His twin C lifford survi ved the war. Ropert Ar.drew:;, ' Joogie's ' son, .:was a Hampden pilot in 5 Group, Bomber Command, killed in early 1942. I am in touch with Ron Onions. so I can pass that on too. Have I missed an earlier Newsletter'!ln one issue the question of the pub neJ<1 d oor to the Boys' School entrance gate was. raised. I wrote to you to contim1 that such a pub had t.'Xi!.-ted but I was unable to re-
call, or discover, its name. However. I ha\•e never seen any fu1ther reference to this matter and just wonder if an)'1hing subsequently developed fi·om the initial enquiry. (I am also very imerested to j(nd out more details- ed.) . I was saddened by Tony f uller's dark rccoflections of Raine's, related to in the Newsletter by Freda Tarling, especially when Tony's submission appeared in the . same issue as my own memories. lt does require effort on both· sides to make a success of schooling. Tony dkt submit that fwm the outset he was deliberately 'anti' and uncooperative. Such a great pity! r figure we all had a ~te noire or tnree within the staff but the remainder of school life and the mutual support of fe llow 'sufferers' enabled most of us to cope with this downside. The fact that in later life both Tony and Frcda made such advances and successes in spite of all their experiences surely proves that something of the ethos of Raine's must have 1Ubbed off" during this period of great tria l. r was particularly pleased with this Newsletter's references to 'Jimmy' Bencc. He wa~ a grear history and .economics teacher. besides being a fine cricketer and coach who could get down to our level without fo rfeiting any dignity or controL I recall the 'accurate sketch maps' he would draw on the bluckboard (all triangles and squares) when launching into his favourite exposition of batt les, both land and sea! Also Mr Shivas who gave me such encou ragement in Engl ish and Engl ish Literaturr! for which I have always been .
··. .:,.-.
eternally grateful. To comfort Tony and Freda somewhat. My wife had the terrible misfortune to attend George Green School in East India Dock Road and it has taken almost sixty years of close association with me to shake off the effecrs, but some of the stigma will never depart!"
• Terry Hemming.s (50-57) wrote .after reading the September Newsletter, although bow his sister Valerie Hemmings (51-58) got a copy I do not know as neither are members of the Association ·- w hy not?! (My apologies but this letter should have been in the March 1999 Newsletter.) "£ was particularly interested in the Colin Biggs article. I was a member of that class which included, along with those mentioned, Simon Godfrey, Fred Curie, Allan Pratt. Barry Rickman, Lenny Lee and John Mauhews. After leaving school f did my National Service with the RAMC, where during baste training, I met up with Leon Samuels and Allan Pratt.
In 1961 I went to Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) where I married and returned to Britain in 1966. The following year I moved to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) where I served for 11 years in the Police Force and then moved into commerce as Personnel Manager for a large shoe manufllcturing compaoy. ln 1982 my family and I moved to South Africa. I have just retired as CJ"OOit Manager for Smith & Nephew
(SA) Ltd.
was very interested in the school. " I was interested to read the article in the September 1998 Newsletter by Tony Fulle~ which shows - from a male point of view, th.ree decades later - that indeed Raine's was not always n place of good memories. f am gfad that )'O.U published this very honest view of Raine's. There is the problem that associtrtions of old pupils' will tend to be self-selecting group of those who were successful I enjoyed school, while all the other pupils disappear with their stories untold. You will appreciate th at a& a 'scholarship' pupil, my mother's experience and view of Raine's diffe·rcd from that of others. She did not speak a lot of Raine's. When I was young f was not particularly interested. By the time I was, her mind had
clouded over with the passing of time and the opportun ity had gone. The fol lowing is what one little girl from Poplar felt about
primary school she had received London County Council certificates for quali ties s uch as 'good conduct', ·meritorious work', 'attendance', and 'industry', and one for Scripture Knowledge. These Hre typical· of her lifelong characteristics of conscientious hard work and good beh:!viour She was said to have got 100% success in the arithmetic section of the scholarship examination. The story was that she had noted her answers down, reported this back to an amazed teacher who made her re-do those questions, again with 100% accuracy. This was quite likely since from an early age she had had to serve in shops; handle money; give
change; weigh out amounts of goods; etc. Meotal and written arithmetic were never a problem to her throughout her life. She seems to have ended up at Raine's by accident. No previous link with school
is known and no younger brothers or sisters went there subsequently. She told the story of someone (female, but unknown) asking which school she would attend in the future; remembering being taken by that person ·to a n ..interview" to a school and of the interviewer aski ng "but is she a Catholic?'', which sbe was nor. One of h er younger surviving sisters recalls a mention of George Green school bu! someone (again unknown) saying it was a mi.xcd school and ''that wou ldn 't suit Maud". My assumption - and that is all it can be -· is that, given she was the third child of a rapidly expanding family (10 surviving
Looking back on my days children} which was struggling Maud May Todd at Ra.ine's I realise they formed (Centre, Top R()w) to run a shop and make ends a foundation that ~tood me in .....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, meet, no one in the famil y realgood stead for later years. goi ng to Raine's. ised she had to be plnced in a school fol I remember too that having a sister at My mother, Maud MayTodd (born 31 lo wing the examinat ion result Perhaps a the girls' school certainly had its advan- May 1909) wenl to Rai.ne's School for he r kind ly teacher, understanding the system, tages! (.~ounds interesting, more infor- secondary education having passed wha t stepped in to sort matterS out. mation plea.1·a - ed.) Valerie has now she called "the scholarship" examination At Rnine's shr was very much on her retired, having been a primary school at about 11 years of age. l presume her own. She knew no other pupils and when teacher in Kings Lyn n for some 22 years. years at Raine's were something like she did get to know them, she had little in She especially remembers the great kind- 1920-27. Her primary school was Ricamo co:-nmon with them. The other girls seem ness shown to her by staff and friends Street School. Poplar which she seems to to have come from different backgrounds during her difficult last year when our have enjoyed. Her family owned, down and experiences. She said they were mother died of cancer. the years, a series of traditional corner fee-paying and therefore their famili es We would love to hear fi·om any one shops in Poplar, and one was on the corner were comfortably off. Many were Jewish who remembers us." {I have both their of Ricardo Street. One of her dislikes and knew each other making the daily addres.!es - ed.) about Raine's was the necessity for the journey to and from the I!ford area together. From birth my mother had poor eyejoumey to Arbour Square on her own. • Although Thelma Beales did not attend Her success in the scholarship ex- sight and this received very little attentio n Rnine's her mother did and therefore she am ination may have been unexpected. A t given the family's difficuhies. She had
. I
OLD RAINEIANS' NEWSLETTER perhaps one or two very indifferent pairs of terestcd to see the p ipture of Miss Grier on spectacles until w~;JI into her twenties. She page 23 of Raine's ~etrospect with what, had difficulty in seeing what was written des pite the limitati~ms of photocopying, on the blackboards and following lessons. looks like a magnificent pair of earrings.) At Raine's there were French and Miss Grier, it was said, had some German lessons - a totally new experience connection with South Africa and this was for her. She thought some of the other girls always linked to the diamond earrings. In knew some languages already - perhaps a.<> the early 1960s we were watching a the result of better primal)' education. It documentruy re Apartheid. My mother seemed to her that ..cettain!y many girls, by no political animal - suddenly commented virtue of their Jewish andior Ge1man to the effect that :;he could "imagine the backgrounds knew some Gennan anyway. superior attitude of white South Africans, lt was difficult for her to do homework if they were anyth i~:~g like Miss Grier who - lhere was little privacy home in which had come from South Africa". My mother always remembered her to do it, and little understanding of its necessity. Once home, she was expected enjoyable lunches at Raine's. She said to help out in the shop (open till S at night) they were cooked in the momiog by that day's cookery class. I was interested in the or with the ever expanding family. Miss Grier, the Headmistress, was a comment by Ruby Sinclair at top page 25 vety vivid memory indeed and my of the Retrospect ("We vsed to dine wifh mother'~ views· on her were not flattering. the staff Each form took in turn to cook She always referred to her as being distant, the dinners and as we had a very ifficierlt authoritative, a disdainful figure, a 'snob'. cookery teacher the results were exceflelll. This was a very deeply held view --in 1957 I can still remember holding my plate up she described my secondary school while the teacher carved huge joints of headmistress as being pleasant and homely beef and large legs oj lamb. There were always two or three joints and rwo or three "not !ike a Miss brier''. Her recollection was of a regal-like sweets to choosefrom.. with very generous helpings. ·• Can anyone tell us what the boys didfor lunch? - ed) My mother was also impressed by the properly laid tables with their tablecloths, water jugs and
g las~es.
r suspect this good lunch time meal was very welcofT1e to her, since any breakfast was probably just a rushed cup o f tea with slice of toaSt or bread and dripping. She said the s~hoo l was divided into Houses and that sh~ was in Lincoln House of wh ich the colour was mauve. She believed that the school was not interested in you, o~ce it realised you were not academically inclined and not likely to
PAGE 13 . with which she or d1e family would have been ve1y familiar. The article on page 4 of that Sep-
teinber Newsletter meotions Miss Montgomery the PE teacher with the phras~ "she was gorgeous, like a film star". My mother never mentioned her, but she must have impressed her because a phNo of her has made its way into the possession ofone of my mother's sisters. I cannot recall her giving the names of other girls. The only photo lllY mother had was one torn segment from a large group photogr'aph. it is undated. She is unsmiling in it but whether this a reflection of her not. being happy at Raine's or simply because she tended to be serious one cannot say. Given her eyesight problems, it may simply be the result of a slightly myopidstaring look. She did have a friend called Sadie (surname Aarons possibly) and 1hey were itieuds to early adulthood. There is a signed coloured studio photo dated March 1928 by which time my mother'>vas almost 19. Whether this friendship originated at Ra ine's or not, is onknown.'' • Julian Reed (4.5-48) sent the foll()wing from Suffolk: "At last I have been able to compile a
of my life since leaving
Ra inos in 1948. I hope to give you further 'school memories' later for the Newsletter
(please do ... ed.). On leaviog school I went to Belfa~t to serve an indentured engineering apprenticeship with Davidson & Co Ltd. I was
there for 5 years and then retumed to Essex in 1954 and worked at Briggs Motor Bcdies which was later to become part of
the Ford Motor Company.
My school chum, James Ke.en, (fee go to high examinations and furth er studies. February '99 Ne~'Sietter), who f have not She learned book-keeping, shorthand seen since leaving school, apparently and typing and I had always assumed it worked at Briggs Motor Bodies whilst f was at Raine's. I was very interested to was thel'e but our paths never crossed. I read on page 4 pf the September 98 have now made contact with l:im after 50 Newsletter the reference to a Miss years and hope to meet him this year. McGrath teaching Accountancy I Typing ! I left Fords around 1960, eventual ly Shorthand. This confirmed that the school settled in 1-larlow, Essex and took a me· did ofter such subjects and Miss McGrath chanical engineer's post \\~th Cossor Miss Montgomery may even have been her teacher. fle.ctronics Ltd (now part of the Raytheon figure sweeping into Hall for assemblies, · When my mother left Raines, she got a Group USA). I stayed with them until etc. Miss Grier's earrings also made a very shorthand-typist job in the City, with a 1etiret11ent save for two years as a Hospital vivid impression. There was the story of shipping line. She said someone had told Engineer in Birmingham. the day a senior trusted girl was seen her to look in the personal eo lumns of the r met only one other Raineian during wor!Ung rn the science lab with some sort Daily Telegraph for jobs. I suspect it could that period and he was the Chief of tluid and being to ld she was cleaning have come from Raioe's - a teacher or Draughtsman at Cossor's by the name of Miss Grier's earrings ·- her diamond ear- another pupil ·-since the Daily Telegraph Frank Wheatlcy. rings, it was emphasised. (I was ve1y in- with its background is not a newspaper r still have my school cap, Pretect's
·.\!,~ . • .:
... '
CLEMENTINA TRUMBLE One of the problems with being a researcher is that you keep coming across little pieces of information or records that set you off on a tangent from what you are supposed to be doing. I should have been concentrating on a paper about the Old Raineians who fought in the First World War but, in a box of photographs of soldiers. I came across an oddity. There, wrapped in paper, was a photograph which appeared to have been taken in Victorian times. lt was very faded, showing a young woman in un lfonn posing in a studio. On the back of the photograph, written in a young child's hand, was the inscription " My sister, Clementioa, Rain's (sic) School, St George's East." The photograph was taken at the studio of E Dann and Son, 83 Brighton Road, Dorking. So, according to the paper in which the photograph was wrapped, there was Clementin.a Trumble, who had apparently been at the schoo l at some time. That is enough for any researcher. After finishing my work on the f irst World War, r started looking for C!ementina. I started by looking at the Admissions Register for the Girls School for the period 1850-1879 and lhere she was: Clementina TRUM BLE, born 28 January I 865. She joined the School 7 July 1874 and on4 July !876 she:: was "discharged to the Mr Raine's Asylum." I then looked rhrough the Admissions Register tor tbe Asylum and found: Clementina TR.UMBL£, mother .f:Jiza, lived at 24 Lower Alley, Wapping. Clementina left the Asylum in mid 1&80, along metal badge and silk s<:arf and proud to have been part of Winterton house. The only other class lads that spring to mind were Hirsch, Mason, Saunders (from Southend-on-Sea), Sklanofski, and Warner. l would like to record my thanks to Ann Wi lkinson Tauber, California, USA for supplying me with information on the School's whereabouts and ORA.".
• Jean Hunt (Jacques, 59-64) now has a grand daughter to help keep her busy along with a grand son. Jean keeps in touch with Linda Maynard (Coker), but wishes that more girls from her years would write in. She still works in a chemists in Cambridge Heath Road even though she.has the hassle of commuting from Wickford, Essex. She says that living there is worth all the travelling after living half a centuf)' in London. One advantage is the lovely garden which has helped Jean become a bird watcher!. • Another regular contributor, Frank Clarke (31·35}, sent the following: " Once again I am delighted to receive the Newsletter which stirs memories of li le at Raine's over 65 years ago. Usually on its recei pt I jot down some notes to write
. .. _.. · .' . · ~ . ·. . . . '::. ·.. ·~ ~ ~~ . . t~:. with several other girls wh.o liad joined on tbe same day as her. She was "Engaged by Mrs Stewart, Cambridge Gardens." So we lcnew where she Iived, who her mother was and that the photograph must have dated from the period 1874 to 1880. Obviously, I could not let things rest there. The 1881 census showed that in March 188 1, Clemcntina, aged 16, lived at 99 Cambridge Gardens, Kensington, London, Middlesex with Ann Stewart, aged 75, and her single daughter. Eleanor, aged 45. There was also another servant shown at that address. it could well have been that Clementina was happy to get away from h.er home. The same census shows-that: Eliza TRIMBLE, aged 55 lived at 24 Lower Gun Alley, St George's in the East. She was described as the head of the household and shared the home wi[h:
Bllza Christian Amillia
10 8 7 weeks
There were also three men at the house on census night, none of whom were called TRUMBLE. Where Mr TR.UMBLE was, who the men were who the father of George are all a mystery. Fu1ther research rnay show what happe ned to Clementina. Altematively, somebody may be able to shed some light on what she was doing in Dorking having her photograph taken in her Ra ine's uniform.
up for the next Newsletter but somehow the job doesn't get done. Here, at last. I
Ton.v Fuller pils. " You juggins you!''. 01amber's dictionary gives,juggitis as a simpleton. l recall Mr Bames, an o!der master
send you a few reminiscences ro be!p keep the Newsletter going. and the only reacher I· ever saw wearing a I feel that Richard Kelvin was unkind mortar board.. Does anybody remember to Messrs Tilly the Toiler and Fussy him or. Dol by or 'TaffY' Davies or George Browning. Of course some teachers were Tyler or ... ,. ...? · I have been struck, if that is·the word, better than others but I award them all at Raine's a grade from A to A++. In the by references to. corporal punishment with latter grade £ place Alec Aldridge who a 'variety of weapons' while in .my daYs .Qf shook my hand and congratulated me on .the early 30s it.was unkrlowri for a mast~r rising from 3C to gain a matric. lt speaks to raise a band against a boy.: The mai~ volumes of Raine's to have undertaken d~:erre'nt was the writing o'f lines (really ;a l3+ Supplementary Scholars~ip boys and form of detention) or, more severely; a:'iid brought them up to matric standard. Some entry in the Condu~t Book. Three sud)l teachers are frequently referred to while entries earned a painful interview with ~Mr others never receive a mention. Dagger. I witnessed one such inflicted Tiller the Toiler occupied the geog- upon two classmates (3C again) . for raphy room which was up on the roof. Not dropping stink oombs.-and resolved then.to only was he a master ofgeography but also leave Raine 's with a clean· record; an a master of scornful invective -- ''you amblt.lon 1 happHy achieved. coarse cockney east end of London boys". lt is interestint; to read what'li.appened he once chided us of3C. His anger was no ro Old Raineians and their diversity of doubt deserved but I forget the incident occupation and experience. Now having that provoked it. ven[ured into rny ninth decade (sounds In the basement were, the gym older tban eighties!) J hope to read a few (Captain Turnage), the woodwork shop more Newsletters yet. (Charlie Ney) an.d the eng ineering lab. Avec mes mei licurs souhaits (thanks presided over by 'Juggins' Andrews. He A lee)." gained his nickname fro m the phrase with Bill Richords which he addressed his more foolish pu-