New Earth Creation

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New Earth Creation

Welcome to the ultimate guide for planetary cocreation. This book is a vast library of the Awakening Freedom Foundation’s five years of research into all of the amazing inspirational movements, organizations, and visions that are helping create a healthy, thriving, creative planet. This book is a vast collection of valuable information regarding conscious ways of living life - from self, to community, to global.

The information is acquired from numerous sources with respect to copyright. This book is an unpublished rough draft seeking funding and granted permission by all of the amazing organizations that may be mentioned. Even though the producer of the book believes that we are all connected in every way and own all ideas collectively, we seek to officially create the final fully authorized version soon. For now, we are just wanting to make one of the most amazing comprehensive books on creating a new healthy Earth sparked by creative innovation that works for all sovereign beings in the Federation of Earth.

New Earth Creation is a representative of the three human perceptions of experiencing time: past, present and future This book is the best of the past: all ancient traditions, culture and ways of connecting to the earth are considered (From the Taoist sages of Asia, to the Native American shamanic cultures) This book is a library of the best present day models and movements happening in permaculture, planetary ecology, creative technology and human consciousness. This book is from the future. It is a glimpse at what living on this planet will be like as we become guardians and stewards of our earth after being initiated as a galactic civilization. At this stage we will be working with our galactic family (advanced sentient beings from other star systems), advanced technologies for free energy, high energy superfoods, enlightened education systems, social justice and governance, and awakened human potential. The Six Themes and Chapters: 1.) THE JOURNEY BEGINS: From Creation, to our Evolution, to a return to Unity 2.) THE INDIVIDUAL AWAKENING : Personal Growth & Empowerment 3.) COMMUNITY & THE COLLECTIVE CULTURE: Living the vision of a New World 4.) THE ASCENDED LEVEL: Oneness, Thriving, Completion 5.) THE CHALLENGE & THE SOLUTION: Our planeatry Crisis leads to Innovation 6.) THE LIVING MODELS: The Visions and Living Examples on the Planet The Journey of the book: • personal empowerment • community activation • collaboration & organized co-creation • global challenges and solutions • inititiation into a highly advanced galactic culture • a return to Oneness You know deep within you that all is in Divine Order, as it always has been and forever will be. Hold center now. Remain steady as the planet goes into a huge quantum leap, trusting all the way, and creatively flowing with ease and grace.

The Force Behind All Love, Consciousness, Spirit, and Matter The Creation process underlies, informs, and transcends everything that exists, has existed, and ever will exist. It is the process that underlies all learning, growth and evolution. It encompasses all natural and spiritual laws of the multi-verse. Creativity is the generative force behind our experience of creation since it operates on every level: from quantum particle, to individual human, to organization, to society, to culture, to cosmos.


CREATION MEDITATION: The Nature of the Universe is to evolve its consciousness throughout all life forms. Love is created in the heart of the cosmos and is evolving itself. How is your love for yourself and all of life evolving? What are you choosing to consciously create in Love & Service ?

Qualities: Cosmic Celebration New Beginning Immaculate All Realities Potential Timeless Infinite Intention

EVOLUTION Qualities: Adaptation Transfomation Metamorphosis True Alchemy Quantum Leaps Bio-Blueprints Constant Flux Lessons Reflection

Awakening Into Our Divine Evolution Welcome to the miracle of life. A massive explosion birthed the universe into being - an explosion from the heart of our Creator. Infinite density emerged from sound and light as all matter formed from the atoms of the cosmos. Stars formed from the gas clouds of time, grouping together to form billions of galaxies. We now stand in the 21st century - a time of epic proportions. A planetary crisis of ecology and culture dancing with the acceleration of a quantum leap of consciousness and evolution. A time so pregnant with seeds of creative potential. A new form of species, homo luminous, is evolving as a fully conscious being, abandoning all old belief systems in order to catalyze a revolution that will create new dynamic systems for a hopeful future to emerge. EVOLUTION INFUSE EXERCISE: Track your own personal evoluton throughout your life’s trials and lessons. What about your soul’s evolution throughout it’s infinite lifetimes? How have you grown in Love?

The Two Dynamic Forces That Create (and separated us in the Fall into duality mind) Opposites Attract - Dynamic Interaction - The Third Field is Created. Forces merging from their original spark of separation. Transforming Dark Force into Light. All will eventually return back to the One.

POLARITY Qualities: Adaptation Exchange Giving/Receiving Reaction Action Outcome Dynamics

“Energy moves in waves. Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that; energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance.” ~ Gabrielle Roth POLARITY MASTERY EXERCISE: Learn to transform your emotional distorted energy (Darkness) into energy of enlightened virtues and action (Light). This process, rather than a singular event, is an ongoing process of revelation. Learn how to recognize “Dark” energy and transform it into its essential virtue by seeing fear as a special emotion that ignites a breakthrough to love even deeper.

Reuniting With Your True Self: To Know God As I AM (the Divine Human Blueprint) Enlightenment is not just a theory or concept. It is the literal ability to become one with the evolutionary codes found in the light. Its awakening is in the truth of this moment and in your breath, We don’t need a complex mental translation between ourselves and the wisdom of our creation. It’s being transmitted from the heart of the cosmos into every cell of our body by our Father Sun. You are here to reawaken and reunite with you master abilities.

REUNIFICATION THE BELOVED Qualities: Self-Mastery Enlightenment Divine love for all True nature A Great Return

The Invocation: I call forth Life Mastery. True unconditional, graceful mastery over anything and everything that blocks me from being One with all of life in all of its forms. I call forth the path of right action, right speech and right thoughts. These virtues bring me more into a state of alignment with my higher self. It is simply a process of letting go, and then just being myself. I face my entire being with courage. I see all of my self completely without fear, guilt or shame. I am love, and I am now complete and whole. I accept all parts of me - every action in every lifetime in any form or dimension, known or unknown was the perfect lesson. I call forth and receive the gift of Self-Ascension. I AM FULLY HERE - I AM READY - I AM COMMITED - NOW GUIDE ME GREAT SPIRIT I AM SELF-MASTERY VISUALIZATION: I become centered in my own frequency of Oneness. Living and breathing each cell of my body into the interconnected web of life is Oneness. Constantly resonating pure tones is Enlightenment. Reality is pure consciousness. When I awaken the roots of consciousness, I access the seed (source) of my soul authenticity, and I prepare to blossom into pure love.

COMMUNITY Qualities: Co-Creativity Synergy Communication Commitment Respect Relations Generosity Resources Flow Energy Exchange Intentionality Accountabilty

UNITY Qualities: Oneness Immortality Eternal Infinite Harmony Completion Celebration Sacred Mirror

Co-Creation Synergy For Living In Harmony With Balanced Relationships Communities are built around common unity exchange and create and celebrate together. Learning, social interaction, and healthy dialogue create tools and practices for the conscious construction of a planetary lovebased civilization. Community gardens filled with nature’s healing love are models for harvesting nurturance from the journey of “seed to fruit.” This abundance allows people to meet their social, economic, material, and spiritual needs cooperatively and sustainably. Thrivabilty gives more time to experience relationships, connection and abundance. A strong unified field stabilizes the community in their hearts instead of within the chaos of our current world. We connect on a tribal level with the intelligence of the earth and the goddess as our guide. We engage in a network of heart-directed and creative people who are devoted to living into the new cultural paradigms that focus on states of “being”, feeling and knowing oneness over excessive “doing”. Self-empowerment becomes the actual process of together bringing the sacred principles, wisdom and laws of the divine government for the golden age culture of love.

A Unified Energy Field Resonating In The Oneness of Eternal Love When we choose to come together as a global family, and cultivate the garden that is already here for us with wisdom and compassion, we are rewarded with nothing less than the full flowering of human potential. Now we embark upon the mission to unite with the entire cosmos and all of its advanced life forms. Together, we as a human species, can create an interactive living hologram of unified energy and infuse it into our collective cultures to form enlightened templates of consciousness and love (To create more with ease). UNITY EXERCISE: Go into your own soul. Go into the essence of who you are. Spiritual growth is the mastery over Mind/Body/Relationships/Energy Exchange and a reconnection to your true spirit. With mastery, you express your talents and abilities to the highest level as gifts to the world.We are all a thread in the one tapestry. Take a moment to express your special talents that add to this unified field.

Evolution - It is not the strongest or most intelligent organsims and species that survive, but the most responsive and adaptive to change. Adaptation - The process of making evolutionary changes based on our changing environment. Innovation - A groundbreaking idea or novel invention that changes society forever. Each new innovation builds on the last with a snoball effect on the timeline. It seems like we have gone from 200,000 years of being creatures slowly evolving at the mercy to nature, to the past 5000 years as creators of our world.

Seven Ages of Human Development on a Living Planet: Nomadic Hunters & Gatherers Agriculture Industrial Technological Informational Innovational Spiritual

The Nine Waves of Evolution on Planet Earth:

Cellular Mammalian Family Tribal Regional National Planetary Galactic Universal (A Conscious Convergence of Unity & Unified Field Physics)

The Seven Stages of Creation:

1.) Intelligent Light, Sound & Energy (From Gamma Rays, to Brain Waves, to Binaural Beats, to Solar Photon Light) 2.) Fluffy Matter (atoms and other particles which have mass) 3.) Gas 4.) Minerals 4.) Flora (Plants) 5.) Fauna (Animals) 6.) Humans 7.) Awakened Consciousness, Love & Cosmic Unity There are 13 Stages (or “Tones”) of Creation in each Underworld wave comprising the growth cycle from seed to fruit (start to finish). (An “Underworld” is the past world (phase) completed that the new cycle of time is built on) Each Underworld is 20 times shorter than the previous one. This means that during the 234 days of the Ninth Underworld, we will be experiencing the consciousness acceleration of 16.4 billions years comprising all other 8 cycles. Prepare for a time like no other! (see the chart at the bottom of this page)

The 13 Tones of Creation are an archetypal and energy

wave signature for each day that is based on the cycles of energy and consciousness that cosmic philosopher/scientist Jose Arguelles discovered : Unity, Challenge, Activation, Definition, Radiance, Equality, Attunement, Integrity, Intention, Manifestation, Liberation, Cooperation, Transcendence (then they repeat over and over each new day)

History of our Human Technology & Tools 400,000 B.C. - fire 8,000 B.C. - stone tools 3,500 B.C. - the wheel 3000 B.C. - Astronomy 300 B.C. - Botany & plant medicine 1439 - the printing press 1673 - the microscope

1876 - the telephone 1885 - the automobile 1902 - the airplane 1943 - artificial intelligence 1946 - the computer 1953 - DNA discovered by science 1990 - the internet

The Nine Dimensions of Human Consciousness (from Barbara Hand Clow's Alchemy of Nine Dimensions)

The first dimension (1D) is the iron core crystal of Earth. The second dimension (2D) is the telluric realm below Earth's crust (chemical, mineral (crystals), bacteria, etc.) The third dimension (3D) is the material world of linear space and time which our physical body moves through and processes with our five senses. The fourth dimension (4D) is the realm of the human collective mind that organizes itself into myths and archetypes. It is the dramatic dimensional bridge between dense matter and spirit. The fifth dimension (5D) is the realm of unconditional love, expressed as the open heart where polarities unify. The sixth dimension (6D) is the realm of geometric morphic fields that materialize and replicate all living things in 3D (humans, plants, cars, temples, etc.). The seventh dimension (7D) are galactic highways of light - sound that creates 6D geometrical forms by vibrational resonance. 7D Sound is the communication of our Milky Way galaxy (it allows birds and whales to create sound to migrate by following our magnetic field). The eighth dimension (8D) is the Divine Mind, or the mind of God. Ascended beings transmit Earth's biological ascension so all 9 dimensions open in the 3D of physical experience. The ninth dimension (9D) is the black hole in the center of most galaxies - a force generates the infinite and divine waves of time that energize the actions of living things.

Seven Natural Laws of the Universe (also seen in the Seven Hermetic Laws)

The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. Everything is energy, including your thoughts. Consistently focusing on a particular thought or idea attracts its vibrational match. How to apply it: Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. The Law of Relativity states that nothing is what it is until you relate it to something. Point of view is determined by what the observer is relating to. The nature, value, or quality of something can only be measured in relation to another object. How to apply it: Practice relating your situation to something less fortunate than yours, and you will feel good about where you are. The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. Be at cause for what you want, and you will get the effect. All thought is creative, so be careful what you wish for… you will get it. How to apply it: Consistently think and act on what you want to be effective at getting it. The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. Hot-Cold, Light-Dark, Up-Down, Good-Bad. In the absense of that which you are not, that which you are… is not. Polar opposites make existence possible. If what you are not didn’t coexist with what you are, then what you are could not be. Therefore, do not condemn or criticize what you are not or what you don’t want. How to apply it: Look for the good in people and situations. What you focus on, you make bigger in your life. The Law of Rythym states that everything has a natural cycle. The tides go in and back out, night follows day, and life regenerates itself. We all have good times and bad times, but nothing stays the same. Change is constant. Knowing that “This too shall pass” is great wisdom about life’s ebb and flow. How to apply it: When you are on a down swing, know that things will get better. Think of the good times that are coming. The Law of Gestation states that everything takes time to manifest. All things have a beginning and grow into form as more energy is added to it. Thoughts are like seeds planted in our fertile minds that bloom into our physical experience if we have nourished them. How to apply it: Stay focused and know that your goals will become reality when the time is right. The Law of Transmutation states that energy moves in and out of physical form. Your thoughts are creative energy. The more you focus your thinking on what you want, the more you harness your creative power to move that energy into results in your life. The Universe organizes itself according to your thoughts. How to apply it: Put your energy and effort, your thoughts and actions into attracting what you want, and you will surely attract the physical manifestation of that energy. These Natural Laws of the Universe are the creation force energy behind the exchange of all manifestation. They can be understood, embodied and worked with to create thriving communities, successful business enterprises, and beautiful radiant moments into your life by having the “force” working for you instead of against you.

Seven Laws of Spiritual Success

Success is a journey, not a destination. Success includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being and peace of mind. Even with the experience of all these things, we will remain unfulfilled unless we nurture the seeds of divinity inside us.These laws are the same principles that nature uses to create everything in material existence - everything we can see, hear, smell, taste or touch. With the knowledge and practice of spiritual law, we put ourselves in harmony with nature and create with grace, joy and love. True success is the experience of the miraculous. It is the unfolding of the divinity within us. It is the perception of divinity wherever we go. 1) The Law of Pure Potentiality This law is based on the fact that we are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is and will be. This law could also be called the Law of Unity, because underlying the infinite diversity of life is the unity of one all-pervasive spirit. There is no separation between you and this field of energy. One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation and non-judgment. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom and bliss. 2) The Law of Giving and Receiving The universe operates through a dynamic exchange of energy. The flow of life is nothing other than the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence. Because your body and your mind and the universe are in constant and dynamic change, stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth and affluence--or anything you want--circulating in your life. If our only intention is to hold on to our money and hoard it--since it’s life energy, we will stop its circulation back into our lives as well. In order to keep that energy coming to us, we have to keep the energy circulating. Thus, the more you give, the more you will receive. The best way to put The Law of Giving into operation is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn’t have to be in the form of material things; it could be a flower, a compliment or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material. The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don’t cost you anything. 3) The Law of Karma (or Cause and Effect) “Karma” is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect simultaneously, because every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in kind. This is proven in many scientific fields. Therefore, karma implies the action of conscious choice-making. Whether you like it or not, everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you’ve made in the past. You must become consciously aware that your future is generated by the choices you are making in every moment of your life. If you do this on a regular basis, then you are making full use of this law. The more you bring your choices into the level of your conscious awareness, the more you will make those choices which are spontaneously correct--both for you and those around you. 4) The Law of Least Effort This law is based on the fact that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and abundance. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love. When we learn this lesson from nature, we easily fulfill our desires. In Vedic Science, the age-old philosophy of India, this principle is known as the principle of economy of effort, or “do less and accomplish more.” Ultimately, you come to the state where you do nothing and accomplish everything. This means that there is just a faint idea, and then the manifestation of the idea comes about effortlessly. What is commonly called a “miracle” is actually an expression of the Law of Least Effort. Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates--and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth. There are three components to the Law of Least Effort--three things you can do to put this principle of “do less and accomplish more” into action. The first component is acceptance. Acceptance simply means that you make a commitment: “Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur.” This means I will

know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. The second component is responsibility. This means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself. This allows you the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing. The third component to the Law of Least Effort is defenselessness. This means that you have relinquished the need to convince or persuade others of your point of view. If you relinquish this need you will in that relinquishment gain access to enormous amounts of energy that have been previously wasted. 5) The Law of Intention and Desire This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature. A flower, a rainbow, a tree, a human body, when broken down to their essential components are energy and information in sound and light. The whole universe, in its essential nature, is the movement of energy and information. The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content of your respective bodies. You can consciously change the energy and informational content of your own quantum mechanical body, and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body--your environment, your world--and cause things to manifest in it. The quality of intention on the object of attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time events to bring about the outcome intended, provided one follows the other spiritual laws of success. Intention lays the groundwork for the effortless, spontaneous, frictionless flow of pure potentiality. The only caution is that you use your intent for the benefit of mankind. 6) The Law of Detachment This law says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result. This is a very powerful thing to do. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result, combining onepointed intention with detachment at the same time, you will have that which you desire. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Attachment comes from poverty consciousness, because attachment is always to symbols. Detachment is synonymous with wealth consciousness, because with detachment there is freedom to create. True wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want, and with least effort. To be grounded in this experience you have to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty. In this uncertainty you will find the freedom to create anything you want. 7) The Law of “Dharma” or Purpose in Life The seventh spiritual law of success is the Law of Dharma. (Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means “purpose in life.”) This law says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world--and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance. There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first says that each of us is here to discover our true Self. The second component is to express our unique talents; the expression of that talent takes you into timeless awareness. The third component is service to humanity. When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will enable you to attain self-mastery. If you put your attention on these laws and practice the steps outlined above, you will see that you can manifest anything you want--all the affluence and success you desire. You will also see that your life becomes more joyful and abundant in every way, for these laws are also the spiritual laws of life that make living exciting. The One Who Masters Self, Masters the Universe... For All That Is, Is Within.

THE FOUR BASIC SOCIAL LAWS: LAW OF THE ONE The goal and quest of every living being is to discover their soul’s mission as embodied in form. Personal growth and service. LAW OF THE TWO The gift of creation is embodied through loving closeness with another being. This relationship of caring leads to a deeper knowledge of guardianship. LAW OF THE THREE The close relationships between self, family and friends develops the interconnected web of planetary interdependency. LAW OF THE FOUR The Law of the Three is outstretched into larger groups such as nation to nation, or planetary to galaxy. The Four Basic Social Laws have been given to humanity by the Spiritual Guides overseeing the planet’s initiation into an evolved galactic species that works from a true democratic system in which: • Every human can reach their full capacity and be in service to each other • It is an honor to serve in guardianship for the health of the planet’s ecology (all living systems in harmony) • Caretaking for the earth’s natural beauty is the highest expression • Enables the energies of creation to operate at maximum efficiency through physical creation interaction with the human race and its social-cultural systems • Personal growth in consciousness can be truly developed through both: 1.) exploring one’s higher spirit, and 2.) giving in service to others • Each individual soul contains a peace of a great puzzle that completes the united human family of earth.

The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of the Buddha, who de scribed it as the way leading to the cessation of suffering (dukkha) and the achieve ment of self-awakening. It is used to develop insight into the true nature of phenom ena (or reality) and to eradicate greed, hatred, and delusion. They are known as the greatest virtues for a person, or a wider community, to honor and practice. Wisdom • Right understanding • Right intention Ethical conduct • Right speech • Right action • Right livelihood Samādhi: Concentration & meditation • Right effort • Right mindfulness • Right concentration

The 12 Pillars model is a way to focalize the major areas of how humans are living, working and creating together on the planet. By organizing our society’s areas into 12 Pillars we hope to “break down” the very large and sometimes overwhelming arena of global, local and personal challenges into bite sized chunks. From this perspective, we can begin to see that the brokenness currently existing in one Pillar reflects the brokenness in others, and that the solutions both existant and visionary are both unique to their Pillar and related to the Whole. Allowing people to focus their efforts at rebuilding, restructuring and revising systems, structures, ways of being in one pillar at a time makes the process more fun, graceful and manageable. This is an updated model of Barbrar Marx Hubbard’s Whole Systems wheel that was done for the ONE: The Gathering event done by One Becoming One’s founder Erik Lawyer, Laura Fox and graphic designer Davin Infinity.

Chapter 2: Personal Growth & Empowerment

From Self, to Community, to Global, to Universal The Three Stages of Human Development Human Needs: Survival, Self Esteem, Security, Acceptance Self expressive needs: Creativity, life purpose, meaning Transcendent qualities (soul needs): One with source, transcending limits of self centeredness

BEING, RELATING, ACTING Embodying Love By Embodying Nature: Earth, Water, Fire, Air - How do you relate to being these? Sit and feel into the steadiness of your being like a mountain. Surrender into the fluid nature of your energy pulsing and shifting like a wild river. Be a radiant shining sun of solar luminousity. Release your tension and dance like the wind flowing through a sunflower field.

20 Keys Towards the Awakened Life of Personal Transformation (the Keys to your Kingdom) 1.) It begins with the release of fear (We are constantly vibrating in a state of love or fear - and attracting these experiences/people that resonate with love/fear). From then on every action and interpretation comes from the eyes of fear or love. This is how we interpret and define everything. 2.) We see past the illusion of seperation. 3.) Through deep surrender, you let go of all needs to control everything. 4.) Develop a new sense of trust and faith. 5.) Your beliefs change (old ones fade away, new ones arise built on awareness of the life you’re creating 6.) Your perception, awareness & life vision enhances. 7.) You see all as interconnected without the need for judgement and certainty. 8.) You open up to inner peace and let go of the internal conflicts. 9.) You see more signs that guide you to the right places, you align with synchronicities (not coincidences). 10.) You attract brighter, more positive people and better experiences into your life. 11.) You feel more healthy, abundant, graceful (and more sensitive to negative people, media, diet). 12.) Your actions become directed from the voice within instead of society’s demands. 13.) Your focus and levels of intention become more precise and directed to a higher calling that is trying to define itself and attract you into its potential. 14.) You start to see and feel divine and unconditional love everywhere. 15.) You start to unravel the mystery of time and our evolution and begin to discover your life’s mission. 16.) You make bigger leaps of intuitive action based on the impulse of the creative/heart and not from the analytical barriers of the mind’s trickery. 17.) You step through the doorway of Eternity, into a state of timelessness where you merge with all that is, has been, and will ever be - INFINITY.

18.) You become comfortable in these states of higher dimensions. You start to grasp their actual forms and purpose.You come into tune with their languages and visual forms and blueprints. You grasp the state of creation and evolution and how time has unfolded. You dissolve duality because you can see how both sides are one due to the way all polarities balance each other perfectly. 19.) After evolving into and merging with higher forms of space, awareness and feelings, you develop a bridge back to the normal reality that humans live in as the “social norm”. This is the world where 90% of our life is unconscious (unaware). This is when you develop the ways of explaining, sharing and communicated these gifts of wisdom. Atheists now see a bigger picture of God, Fundamentalists now see their extreme religious duality, the Logical now discover the intuitive-creative impulse that they have been missing. You bring back the informationfrom the other side of the veils and you bring it to the people with compassion and in service to the healing and growth of humanity. This is shamanism in the 21st Century. 20.) We become comfortable with all that is. We become reborn as an entirely new person. Society becomes more in tune with its interconnected matrix of thoughts and action. Your responsibility elevates you into the seat as a World Teacher and as a master student, constantly expanding our humbleness for the depths of the Great Mystery of Life. Some may look upon you as a Leader, others as a Fool. But these are just labels that can not be placed on the individual who has merged with the Eternal One Source of Life. Creation and Destruction are just seen as cycles of time and evolution. All comes and goes, returning to its source. You become comfortable with knowing and not knowing, learning and forgetting, dying and being born.

Personal Activation Level 1: Mastering Your Emotions : Therefore you can live and breathe love and feel free to express them wildly (yet with honored intention). Light Energy Becomes Spirit Spirit takes on Form Form develops purpose Form’s purpose is defined Physical life form materializes Physical reality expands Lessons and Initiations into Love Commence

Love / Courage Freedom / Empowerment Joy / Appreciation / Grattitude Knowledge Passion Positivity (Beliefs/Expectations) Hopefulness Contentment / Mediocricy Boredom / Passive Pessimism Frustration / Impatience Overwhelment / Stress Discourage Doubt Worry Blame / Judgement Grief / Despair Anger Jealosy Revengeful Hatred / Rage

The One Who Masters Self, Masters the Universe... For All That Is, Is Within. The 5 wounds to heal on the path of love: Betrayal Denial Judgement Separation Abandonment


Eight Areas of Human Love as a whole: The Internal Areas: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual The External Areas: Financial, Community, Environment, Relationships

The 5 keys to the mastery of love: Trust Embrace Forgiveness Surrender ReUnion

Personal Activation Level 2: Learn to give and receive love unconditionally in all forms.

Your Soul Purpose: Integrating all personal work into your individual life by the 4 step manifest process: Vision, Feeling, Plan, Action Three Variations in Beliefs about the Existence of a Soul: 1.) This life is a merely a test in our soul’s evolution, preparing us for the next life (which is always in this life). Our present conditions are affected by past lives (which is always in this life). 2.) There is no meaning or purpose to the universe, except for the significance you give it. 3.) You are a co-creator. Every step you take is an expression of the whole process of creation.

Our transformational journey to embody unfolds in four steps: • Vision to see through the veils • Feeling into whats seeking to emerge • Speaking your truth • Taking Action at right moments

The Way to Self-Mastery Create harmony between: • your most cherished values • your life vision • business vision • long-term strategy • short term goals • weekly action plans • daily habits How does your openess to deeper love fit in? How does your health and relationships play in a role in mastering these? 3 Keys to Individual Destiny: • Awareness • Choices • Vibration

Personal Activation Level 3: I claim the strength to overcome the barriers that keep me from awakening myself as the source of love. I am awakening the Master within.

Transformation is: Deprogramming & Unlearning - so we can step outside of the computer program and deception of the lessons of history- to listen to the great eternal knowing of intuition. To realize that we are infinite awareness all the time, and this awareness is the source and strength of our love.

watch your thoughts ; they become your words

After a few breaths, begin to allow for the possibility of aliveness in everything around you: your chair, the floor, your clothing. Feel the life contained in everything around you. Feel the connection to All That Is through all that is around you.

watch your actions ; they become your habits

A gentle reminder: YOU incarnated in this body at this time in this place for a reason, and that reason has a lot to do with creating and supporting these changes. Others are grateful to you. Your entire life isn’t only about serving a higher purpose, of course, but the majority of you reading this incarnated at this time so that you’d be among friends with the same idea. Turn to your right and your left and say hello to your neigbor. The people you pass on the street. The people in line at the cashier at the grocer. The people in the long snaking lines of cars moving slowly across endless highways. These are the people who also chose to be here now. You are effortlessly connected to one another in this way. Creation is the light of love that shines from every cell of your body. The selfless sage of balance and peace she invokes within you - the strength to renew, rebuild, restore. To give children hope and confidence and reflect their magic and innocence

watch your words ; they become your actions

watch your habits ; they become your character watch your character ; it becomes your destiny align your destiny with the natural ways of the Universe

In this personal transformation guide, I will be asking you to contemplate and share with yourself: - Ideas about the values, issues and perceptions that characterize this age of transformation. - Creative visualization techniques that have worked for you in the past. - How to live life fully participating and not just being a passive observer. -What is the difference between your purpose in life and your vision? I feel that our purpose is to be a full realized expression of love and creativity. For it is love and creation that got us here out of the doorways of primordial history. Our purpose is always found in our source and in the creation templates that constantly give birth to new energy. Our vision is the realization of how we are doing to deliver this expression of love to the world. This is where we invoke our vision towards a better future - one that maylook nothing like that of the past. The Complete Balance of Success is a fully integrated life of 8 aspects: INTERNAL (Your inner reality) Physical - how you move Mental - how you think & process Emotional - what you feel Spiritual - what you believe EXTERNAL (Your outer reality) Community - how you collaborate Relationships - how you commuicate Environment - how you work & live Finances - how you create money & a career

Visionary Leadership Training - with Corinne McLaughlin - The Practical Visionary gives eight keys to spiritual growth and social change: 1. Shift from what’s dying to what’s being born: discover the new world of practical visionaries all around you; 2. Understand the big picture and the higher evolutionary plan: find your part and get engaged; 3. Make your livelihood a social change strategy: be a spiritual warrior, an innovator, a reformer and/or an exemplar. 4. Invoke the magic of your soul: explore the new world within you and make friends with your subconscious; 5. Turn within to find a source of spiritual strength: develop a meditative practice to receive clear guidance; 6. Clarify your higher purpose and vision: create a mission, practical strategy and right timing; 7. See money as a spiritual asset: trust in the abundance of the universe—and be practical and wise; 8. Transform duality and conflict into a higher synthesis: find common ground personally and politically to change the world. From Individual Leadership to Planetary Guardianship “The Guardian’s Spirit is that sword which pierces the veil, filling the cosmos. It refers to the vitality of actions, and the quality of inactions. The Guardian’s Spirit is not really a possession at all, but rather the force of the vital energy in which the totality of the Self mobilizes and takes its repose.” -Light of the Kensai




Mother Earth






We bow in




to your



Personal Activation Level 4: Love takes Courage because it is the strongest force in the Universe The nature of the Universe is to evolve its consciousness throughout all life forms. Love is the wave of energy that transports this evolution. Love is also the greatest force in the universe and can put an end to any war. It is the greatest truth and is seen in its relationship to fear. Love is awakened through the mastery of energy.

Guardianship: Honor and Love for the Earth “A guardian is one who brings in the energies of creation (spiritual light and love) and regulates them for the planetary life sphere or biosphere.” - Virginia Essene, You Are Becoming a Galactic Human Guardians have awakened their full capacity to love and to stand for freedom in the face of fear. They self select themselves into roles where there is an important mission undertaken. They sustain and regenerate life through guiding their fellow humans into gradual growth in consciousneess towards the stewardship of the planet. We have to learn how to love ourselves before we can love and take care of our planet. So the guardian knows that the only way to make all life on earth flourish once again is to initiate people into the heart and spirit of ecology with all of its forms of abundance and natural beauty. To understand how our actions affect our planet, and its species, is to understand life holographically. The Earth was created for a divine purpose. It is a graduate school for soul’s to learn how to love and take care of their environment. Our planet was born from the heart of God into a masterpiece of physical beauty. We are guardians of light, love and evolving wisdom, and our planet allows all of this to unfold in its playground. Animals, the earth’s elements and the many masters and angelic gatekeepers of the higher dimensions work through us with their medicine and wisdom.

Leadership: Innovation, Illumination, Integrity

In this dynamic, emerging global shift, the greatest contribution is Innovation. It is fueled by creativity and optimism. Creativity and Innovation is the way we succeed as leaders of a new world. It’s the way we become more strategic and the way we do more in less time. Creativity is the ground of Innovation; we must build these capacities into our culture. Creativity and Innovation comprise a mindset, a different culture, a new way of thinking. Illumination is our Highest Self brought into focus. It proceeds inner clarity. Inner clarity is always the foundation of leadership. It is based on maintaning high awareness.

the Four Keys of Leadership • Consistent agreements and accountability • Self Mastery • Strength of Action • Strength of Relationships

From Self to Other to Global:

How do we illuminate our lives and create stable inner clarity? 1. Have a clear connection with and conviction in your purpose. Know what your core gifts and values are. Be clear on what it is that you have to offer this world. 2. Be clear on what your inner blocks are that keep you from accessing and expressing your purpose. To know yourself deeply enough and to be honest with yourself to the extent that you can clearly see what is standing in your way. 3. Being 100% committed to overcoming negative and impoverished beliefs around money. Money is just a form of energy exchange. This is why many people who have made a career out of doing what they love to do from a spiritual calling are the most happy, successful and healthy. How is your energy flowing? Strive to cultivate an attitude of abundance and generosity when it comes to your finances and relationships. Integrity is like a sword. It is where our intention goes and our motion swings. Our words and actions can heal or harm. They are either weapons or medicine. Our words are speaking our reality into existence every moment. Integrity is where we focus our intention and put our actions into motion. The leaders of a world which supports freedom and individuality are of the highest integrity. Leaders are also characterized by a focus on trust, creativity, intuition, freedom, flexibility and generosity. How can YOU grow in these areas?

Types of 21st Century Leaders Cultural Creatives - Cultural Creatives are an emerging type of people comprised of those who have participated in the social and consciousness movements that have emerged since World War II: the civil rights movement, the environmental movement, the women’s movement, the jobs and social justice movements, the peace movement, the organic food and alternative health care movements, the new spirituality and self growth movements, etc. So the nature of the emerging Cultural Creatives is to use imagination, innovation and technology to create a culture based on the potential we would like to see, not on what we are currently seeing. CEO of a 21st Century Progressive & Sustainable Company - A higher level of conscious awareness as a CEO is the key to creating a balanced integration of organization vision, strategic and operational realities. The culture of an organization is routinely created from the verbal and nonverbal messages expressed by the CEO and leadership team about what is important, what is valued, and what people can do to perform their highest. A truly conscious organization is one where the CEO chooses to embrace a culture of creativity. The conscious CEO creates a dynamic working system to encourage and nurture higher levels of conscious behaviour and attitude among staff and stakeholders. The CEO can provide conscious and aware leadership and thus create a conscious culture of awareness and innovation, or can provide unconscious leadership and watch a series of subcultures be created around them instead of creating a culture of fear and blame. In comparison to older models of unconscious CEO’s or political leaders characterized by hierarchical power structures, a strong emphasis on quality and process, and are often very busy being busy micro-managing. Entrepreneurs give up the limitation of fixed ideas of progress, wages and a set business intention and embrace greater consciousness, and greater awareness of their talents, abilities and capacities. They simply take risks using money, assets and networks in order to create new types of business innovation. The more a person can develop and be in touch with the magnificence of their gifts and talent, the more they want to create a career that can serve these and create new genres of market vaue to inspire the human race. The Union of the Cosmic Couple - The new civilization will be seeded by the dynamic creative power of a co-creative partnership. Through the joining of an equal partnership, they birth their full potential out into the world, transforming the hearts and minds of an entire culture starving for freedom and purpose. The Revolutionary - The role of the revolutionary is to make the revolution irresistible. They have learned how to strategize well, working with pioneers in the media, technology and spiritual fields. Helping ignite an often silent butsteady revolution of mass awakening. Instead of using violent force, they use the Life Force that is a balance of listening and action. The Evolutionary Priestess of the Sacred Feminine - Although there have been remarkable female leaders in the past, never before has the creative genius of the feminine been called forth collectively then at the beginning of the 21st century. As a culture returns to a more sacred way of living, they will see a return of women who hold the tools and rituals of initiation into the greater mysteries of life. Our process is going to be a birth into the next stage of human evolution - an initiation into the next level of being. And this will require the strengths of the feminine - creativity, intuition and nurturing. New Educators & Institutions - With a new movement comes the need for new forms of communication, language, documentation, and skills. We are seeing a birth of entirely new educational training centers and conferences that focus more on health, spirituality and wisdom. The Awakened Avatar of Life Mastery - Fully integrated life mastery is the destiny for many beings living on this planet in this time of great planetary activation and shifting changes. The most empowered destiny lies in each individual remembering that they are Masters - fully sovereign empowered beings with immense creative power. Becoming centered in your own frequency is freedom as an Awakened Master. Living and breathing each cell of your body into the interconnected web of life is Oneness. For more journeys into Visionary Leadership & Becoming a Superhero, please visit our website:

Personal Navigation in Life’s Journey The Four Areas of Your Life’s Work is: 1.) the Game, 2.) the Quest, 3.) the Theater, and 4.) the School 1- the Game: Culture/Society laws, rules and expectations balanced with free will 2- the Quest: Your Life’s Mission and the symbols, myth (story) on the journey 3- the Theater: Time & Space (cordinates & dimensions you move around in) 4- the School: Your Daily Life Experience of “Lessons” and “Tests” and life incarnations. (Hint: To know your true calling you can assess: values, dreams, skills, and what to create. You may also face the “Battle” - this is the inner and outer conflict that needs resolution.) THE GAME: Modern day culture and social laws, rules and expectations are disempowering. They block us from feeling, expressing and creativity. So the game is to create a new world with new inspiration, and then see them become part of a larger system of wholeness. THE QUEST: Identify your core values and the vision that arises from them. * Clarify your own sense of mission and purpose. * Learn the basic skills of magic, “the art of changing consciousness at will,” and put them to work to refine a personal mission aligned to your vision. * Develop an understanding of what must be done to restore balance and healing to our environment, and learn practical tools for deepening our connection to the natural world. * Learn the important attitudes and approaches that allow us to build alliances multiculturally. * Develop a timeline of actions to take and alliances to make to begin making our vision real. THE THEATER: Your five senses of perception, your ability to move through your environment with agility and focus, the roles you play and the masks you where. THE SCHOOL: The Cycle Of Abundance Manifested In Our Lives Better choices –> better habits –> better character –> adding more value to the world –> attracting bigger and better opportunities and people –> give and contribute more –> bigger and better rewards –> more joy, achievements, balance and love In the 1960’s Buckminster Fuller proposed a “great logistics game” and “world peace game” that was intended to be a tool that would facilitate a comprehensive, anticipatory, design science approach to the problems of the world. The use of “world” in the title obviously refers to Fuller’s global perspective and his contention that we now need a systems approach that deals with the world as a whole. The World Game that Fuller envisioned was to be a place where individuals or teams of people came and competed, or cooperated, to “Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.” Fuller’s approach to governance and social problem solving. was obviously intended as a very serious tool, but Fuller choose to call his vision a “game” because he wanted it seen as something that was accessible to everyone, not just the elite few in the power structure who thought they were running the show. His “Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science” was at least as much a perspective on the problems of the world as it was a methodology for tackling those problems. When applied to contemporary problems, whether those of Fuller’s day or the twenty-first century, it leads to strikingly fresh insights and solutions. It was also the perspective that led to the World Game.

Congradulations! You have graduated from being separated and limited from life, to fully reawakening yourself as a empowered free unique individual. Now that personal transformation has been embodied, you are ready to call in your community of allies - your grand network of co-creators! CONSCIOUS CREATION • KNOWING –> BEING –> FEELING –> DOING • VISION –> FEEL –> PLAN –> ACTION • INFORM - ACTIVATE - EMBODY - EXPAND VISION: Life Visioning and Visualization

We are calling forth a divine idea beyond our normal state of everyday life and habits. We open ourselves to allow the unlimited to come into focus. A spectrum of infinite possibilities that was beyond our imagination just minutes ago. We ask what is seeking to emerge from within us? We become conduits for the vision to be revealed by tapping into the matrix of energy and human purpose. It is the vision that is going to allow us to see a bright future as attainable. We are not actually at the final limits, or end of our human story. We are actually at the threshold of an unimaginable future. Our collective creative genius will form to birth our full potential. We become more and are inspired to do more when we merge our cocreative process of birthing the new world into being. Leadership is made possible by the leader’s capability to envision the whole complete in all of its parts of collective synergy. It is the final stage of an awakened individual to merge their influence (skills, talents and gifts) with the monumental change sweeping the planet. Their destination becomes that of the awakened leader, dedicated to being in service and fearless in the path of social justice and freedom. Visualization is the second aspect of awakening the vision. In the process of visualization we mentally conceive of something that we want to have or achieve. When this is clarified you can focus and create the energetic feelings that would accompany the experience of having received or accomplished this goal. You live in the high buzz of the vibration of having manifested this achievement. The higher your consciousness and energy are vibrating, the faster your thoughts will manifest. When you align with your innermost self, you are aligned more closely with the Source of all creation. Here are some great questions to ask when in a deep state of visioning: • What is the highest vision for my life? • What must I become to empower the vision? • What must I embrace? What must I let go of? • What is my contribution to humanity?

The Three Types of Vision Worldview - the current evolutionary state (a general masssociety way of seeing) Perception - awareness (your authentic vision) Imagination - creativity (to see what could be)


ACTION: The 5 Point Program For Our Awakening

We are becoming aware of our conscious evolution as Co-Creators with the infinite nature. Since the beginning, everything in our universe is connected to everything else. In our world of humanity, our experiences are also weaved into a unified field. Our days of separation from this, are dissolving. We are remembering. Once a particle in the field of infinite energy is created or unified, it remains connected forever no matter how far physically it is split apart. Consciousness is energy. Human consciousness is awareness. The act of focusing our consciousness is an act of creation. Consciousness creates! Our intention ignites the movement. Our feelings overcome our old beliefs and put the energy in motion towards what we are focusing on. The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.

FEEL: Feeling - A Four Step Process

Every breakthrough in life can be assisted by understanding the actual process that you are undergoing. This is where feeling is the answer. Let’s look at these five steps: - Plan, Prepare, Proceed, & Pursue with Persistence. - Remove the blocks that prevent you from manifesting. - Identify that inner desire that is your true passion in life. - A state of BEING that keeps you inspired throughout your creative process and to be able to stay focused on the goal.

• Reawaken our shamanic roots through mythical journey, the embodiment of archetypal imagination, confronting the repressed shadow (unconscious), ecstatic trance and breathwork, initiation and rites of passage rituals and visionary art. • Support the divine feminine - the visionary women who bring forth the healing, nurturing, sensuality and intuition. The presence of the sacred women will uplift men into their highest states as heart centered empowered guardians and heroes. • Live and share the Tao. When we understand the Tao, we see the Way of creation, cycles, death and regeneration as they truly are. All things run their course without control. Life is a movement towards the perfection of stillness and inner peace. • Lead a revolution from the heart. Protest the empirical institutions destruction of our Earth for profits by radiating light. Observe how we over consume and destroy, then empower yourself with the living voice of creation and rebirth. Sing your soul’s song for all to here. • Learn how humans have been misguided and enslaved throughout history. Make a promise to dedicate your life to freedom. Then take this spark and create a fire of innovation that inspire people to free their mind, body and spirit. All magic begins with transformation of the self.

Chapter 2: Community

the Art of Communion & Communication in Unity with others The Core Elements (from the Core Commons movement - : common vision and the agreements that follow, shared intention, solving conflicts, creating solid decision making processes, learning how to best communicate and listen to each other, strengthen the bonds of community, cooperative games, skill building, consensus decision making, pattern language, social permaculture, positive feedback, non-violent communication, levels of visioning, legalities and development of a legal structure, ecovillage founding, sexuality, spirituality, and diversity in community The Core Questions: Creating a Healthy Intentional Community: What does it take to strengthen your local economy? To create community in an urban environment? What kinds of programs are available for students to live more cooperatively and to work together to educate beyond the classroom? How can we set up systems for sharing resources such as vehicles, tools and equipment, and community gardens? How to live together while holding a common vision, and not only survive as a community, but thrive? Building Community with Intention: Intention in Action: Intentional Communities Past & Present Nuts & Bolts: Economics, Legalities, & Financing Communities Local Assets: Building Community Where You Live, Local Resources Skills of a Cooperative Culture: Networking & Cooperative Games for building trust and creativity, Group Dynamics, Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Communicating, Collaborating Three key elements for creating a community that is a living example of global change: - It becomes an investment more valuable then money or real estate - It provides an opportunity for thriving abundance equal to or greater then most people’s current situation - It is a place that people passionately choose to live or visit (for study courses, celebration, etc.)

Listening • Relationship Building • Evaluation• Reflection• Challenge • Solutions • Action • Celebration

FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS COMMUNICATION COMMUNITY HUMANITY The new consciousness driven by the human capacity to love will re-align to fully support a global university of learning, sharing and awakening. Then wealth, goods, services, and conscious creative education can be distributed equally amongst all people. This allows our intimate partnerships, families, and communities to expand into greater freedom and co-creative sovereignty.

One Family, One Planet, One People, One Love

Synergy Co-Creation Resonance

People of earth are finally realizing, once again, that we are all interconnected, as in a web. Each persons actions affect the entire web, bringing consequences we cannot measure or even see. Like the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, all voices from all nations are ready to celebrate the ancient wisdom of interconnectedness. Our united world will appear in three forms: 1.) We will awaken into Synergy – The natural principle of individual parts (people, elements, etc.) coming together for a united purpose to form a new whole that is greater than and (very importantly) unpredictable from the sum of the parts when accounted for separately. This includes the idea of Social Synergy which suggests that when people and groups come together in a spirit of loving cooperation on behalf of the greater good of all life, new and unexpected “magical” results will arise. 2.) Co-creation – The act of engaging in a conscious creative partnership with the innate impulse of creation, the intelligence of nature and the intuitive collective consciousness of humanity. It is the ability to see each person I encounter from a place of essential, heart-centered being. 3.) Resonance – The principle of aligning one’s personal essence with the entire human race, wherein the collective consciousness of the group informs and guides the interactions and decisions of the group and individuals in a field of love and trust. This then provides a co-creative foundation upon which the brilliant capacity of human intelligence can be called into service in conscious union with and on behalf of the well-being of all life.The sense of duality which has taken humanity down the path of separation from God, or Source energy, is no longer the necessary experience in the forward evolution of our planetary home. It is now time for every person choosing higher consciousness and alignment with Earth’s evolving frequencies to reclaim personal power by embracing the spirit of unification and the interconnectivity of all things. Through this deep earth-spirit, sacred union reconnection, our planet will not only be sustainable but immensely thriving for the next 1000 generations to come.

Relationship to Earth: Issues of Land, Water, Food, AIr Where are our resources? Where is our land? Who has skills to share? Who has trades to teach? How can we, as a community, come together as a strong unit and move forward? What does the new world look like? Are we prepared to transition from a consumer culture into a self-sustaining, self-sufficient, resource-based economy? Do we know how to survive without dependance on the system? What do you have to share?

Permaculture Design Permaculture Principles Natural Pattern Recognition Nature Awareness Reading the Landscape Pattern Design & Biomimicry Maps & Mapping Designer Tools Design Process & Methods Zones & Sectors Site Analysis Social & Urban Permaculture Invisible Structures Whole Systems Design




Training & Skill-sharing

Water / Greywater


Health / Natural Medicine

Emergency Preparation

Urban Gardening


Recycled Materials

Clean Energy / Solar

Building / Natural Structures


Sustainable Systems Water Cycles Soil Ecology & Soil Building Forest Ecology & Food Forests Plants & Home Gardens Rain Harvesting & Catchment Natural Building Renewable Energy or a Free Energy Future Appropriate Technology Fungi & Myco-Remediation Integrated Animal Systems Aquaculture & Aquaponics Wildcrafting

Permaculture is an approach to designing human settlements (culture) and agricultural systems that are modeled on the relationships found in natural ecologies. Its a design science that returns back into harmony with natures patterns, cycles and rhythyms. Permaculture is about connecting and maintaining relationships based on time tested wisdom and results. Permaculture based communities form when people join forces in support and share resources, skills and celebration. Diversity thrives like the gracefully flowing journey of water from glacier, to the river, to the ocean. Permaculture is sustainable land use design. This is based on ecological and biological principles, often using patterns that occur in nature to maximise effect while minimizing wasted energy. Permaculture aims to create stable, productive systems that provide for human needs, harmoniously integrating the land with its inhabitants. The ecological processes of plants, animals, their nutrient cycles, climatic factors and weather cycles are all part of the picture. Inhabitants’ needs are provided for using proven technologies for food, energy, shelter and infrastructure. Elements in a system are viewed in relationship to other elements, where the outputs of one element become the inputs of another. Within a Permaculture system, work is minimised, “wastes” become resources, productivity and yields increase, and environments are restored. Permaculture principles can be applied to any environment, at any scale from dense urban settlements to individual homes, from farms to entire regions. (Open Source: Wikipedia)

“Permaculture is a dynamic strategy for the sustainable development of human communities in a more-than-human world. It is the awareness and application of sustainable design principles based on the foundations of traditional knowledge, and modeled form observation of relationships found in nature. Recognizing the innate interconnectedness of all things, permaculture creates the awareness of the real implications of our actions on all levels. Permaculture is a continuing process exploring the ways in which you can fulfill the needs of the things around you while having your own needs met. Its the continuos cycle of giving and receiving. Permaculture is a process of growing awareness. Linking people with plants, permaculture promotes conscious living, sustainable development and resource conservation. It is a response to the industrial urbanization of the Earth and the resulting toxification of the biosphere. The permaculture path opens dialogues about finding creative solutions for problems in the present.” - Delvin Solkinson, Gaiacraft Permaculture School (

Biomimicry, or biomimetics, is the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take inspiration from in order to solve human problems. (Open Source: Wikipedia). It is the study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together scientists, engineers, architects and innovators who can use those models to create sustainable technologies. With biomimicry behind human culture design, we can nurture and grow a global community of people who are learning from, emulating, and conserving life’s genius to create a healthier, more sustainable planet (To mimic, or recreate the power and beauty of nature). Biomimicry and Buildings: Innovation and Sustainability in Architecture Creating a New World from the Intelligent Design Principles of Nature, Enlightened Structures, Eco-Land Design, Permaculture, Sustainability, Sacred Geometry Infused Architecture from around the world. The future is in our hands (and hearts) but will change in the blink of an eye. PERMACULTURE & SUSTAINABLE THEMES: SELF-ORGANISING SYSTEMS, LOCAL ECONOMIES, SOCIAL PERMACULTURE, CULTURE, BELIEF SYSTEMS, MEDITATION & CONNECTION TO ALL, SUSTAINABILITY, HOLOGRAPHIC MODELS, NEW POLITICS, NEW ECONOMICAL PRINCIPLES NEW EARTH STEWARDSHIP ACTIVITIES: Collaborative processes, brainstorming, mapping exercises, improv theatre, panel discussions, talks, world café style discussions , open space , networking, project cross-fertilisation Permaculture is a practical set of ecological design principles and methods for human settlement that provide for humanity’s needs of food, energy, shelter, water and other material and non--material needs in a way that is sustainable and regenerative with the Earth’s natural elements. The next social and industrial order has more to do with abundance and trust than with scarcity and stickiness. The key assets are trusted relationships. In such a world, whom you trust and who trusts you are primary assets. You’ll choose the product (or vote for the candidate) that people you trust recommend, from among the abundant choices.

The Seven Foundations of a Just, Sustainable World 1. ECONOMIC FAIRNESS A world dedicated to economic fairness would strive to meet every person’s basic needs, so that no one would lack food, shelter, clothing, or meaningful work. People’s BEAUTY strength of character and passion should determine their opportunities rather than the economic circumstances into which they INFORMING were born. Everyone would benefit from economic prosperity. • Challenges: Economic inequality, debt crisis and unfair trade, sweatshops. SPI RI T • Goals: End of global poverty, fair trade in all commerce, ethical economics, regulation of multinational corporate practices. MOLECULES 2. Comprehensive Peace A world committed to comprehensive peace would shift its creative energies toward cooperating rather than competing, resolving conflict rather than escalating it, seeking justice rather than enacting revenge, and creating peace rather than preparing for war. • Challenges: War and genocide, militarization, unilateralism, culture of violence. • Goals: International cooperation, demilitarization and regulation of weaponry sales, nonviolent culture. 3. ecological sustainability A world committed to ecological sustainability would create a new vision of progress that recognizes that the future of humanity depends upon our ability to live in harmony and balance with our natural world. • Challenges: Resource overconsumption, pollution, global warming, overpopulation. • Goals: Clean energy sources, sustainable OBSEVE Opening up the dialogue with Gaia forstable sustainable relationships resource use, population growth, with INTEGRATE ourselves and the living ecology all around us. global cooperation. APPLY 4. deep democracy “Permaculture is a dynamic strategy for the sustainable of human communities A worlddevelopment built on deep democracy would in a more-thanhuman world. It is the awareness and application of sustainable design principles based on the foundations empower citizens to participate in shaping of traditional knowledge, and modeled form observation of relationships in nature. Recognizing the intheir futures every dayfound (not just on election nate interconnectedness of all things, permaculture creates the awareness of the real implications of our acday), provide broad access to quality information, tions on all levels. Permaculture is a continuing process exploring the ways in which you can fulfill the needs and democratize our most powerful of the things around you while having your own needs met. Its the continuos cycle of giving and receiving. institutions. Permaculture is a process of growing awareness. Linking people with plants, permaculture promotes con• Challenges: Lack money scious living, sustainable development and resource conservation. It isofa democracy, response to the industrial urbanizamedia control by corporations tion of the Earth and the resulting toxification of in thepolitics, biosphere. The permaculture path opens dialogues about with vested interests. finding creative solutions for problems in the present.” • Goals: Open and honest politics, democratic - Delvin Solkinson, Gaiacraft Permaculture School (

The Seven Stages of Needs & the Seven Initiation Gateways of a Healthy Community Returning to Source Together 7. Spirit - self-less service to the world; an invitation to visit and learn; they share their abundance and giving back to other communities 6. Vision - Creates a new planetary model to live by; their art works are powerfull and recognized globally for creating a new way to live 5. Communication - uses media and journalism to share their message and inspire others. Gets active with social justice 4. Pure Love - unconditional compassion and healthy relationships are abound; he arts and culture are expressed 3. Power - each member feels a sense of self-worth and becomes enpowered as unique yet connected to the thriving power of the group which has its basic needs met and is organized 2. Self Esteem - the commuity feels safe, protected and loved and their are organization councils forming for structure 1. Basic Survival - the basic needs of food, water, shelter and energy are taken care of

Starting Local: Building the Eco-Village & Seeding the Results

Some great modern models of gathering community and creating an open cirle of shar- ing: Vistar Method for Evolutionary Circles, Wisdom Circles, Gift Circles, Heart Circles, Skill Sharing events, Non-Violent Communication and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Heart Circles and Gift Circles are quickly springing up all around the world because they satisfy the deep longings that people share for personal joy and transformation, for friendship and community and for support in these turbulent times. They are great ways to authentically express your gifts and your needs. • Village Fairs & Local Farmers/Crafts Markets: Weekly community gatherings where local people may interconnect, exchange, and celebrate together. • Town Halls or Community Centers: Full time centers for learning, exchange, social interaction, and civic dialogue. • Town Squares or Commons: Outdoor places with space for markets, meeting places, community gatherings, social intercourse, community gardens, demonstration gardens, and any other collectively beneficial activities. • Ecovillages: Small urban, suburban, or rural settlements where people meet their social, economic, material, and spiritual needs locally, cooperatively, and sustainably. • Living Economy: An economic system that supports wholesome rather than destructive environmental, human, and transcendent ways of life. • Inclusive Power: As the now dominant system disintegrates and collapses of its own contradictions, this resilient and robust network of human hearts may one day arise from the ashes and form a resilient collective power that takes us to a new level of evolution. Indeed, I see that emerging even now. The fruits of such a social network will be innumerable. We will not only nurture our deep human endowments without harming each other and the environment, but also collectively create the world we have dreamed of. These small fellowship circles will form the social cocoon in which we may transfigure from the furry little earthbound caterpillars we have been to awaken as the beautiful unfettered butterflies we always contained the matrix for deep inside. - Brad Smith, Eco Activist of Culture

For more info on Open Source Ecology & Culture:

The Social Network for Sustainability:

New Earth Design:

Community Health:

• The Natural Birth Movement • Youth Nurturing and Empowernment • New Paradigm Creative Education

The most powerful act of humanity is the birth of a child. The birth of a child is a great rite of passage in our many diverse cultures. The birth journey is empowering and transforming. It ultimately strengthens the woman and her beloved and brings them the wisdom that has been passed down from creator to the act of creation. It is an initiation into new responsibilities and open invitation to become more nurturing. As children grow, they interact with several influences from peers, to local community, to the modern day planetary cultures. Children’s talents, their environments, the level of support they are given, opportunities for active engagement, as well as cultural expectations will all influence their capacities for decisionmaking and taking responsibility for their needs.

Child development is a universal process: All children develop along the same trajectory or path towards adulthood and implies that a set of ‘rules’ are followed throughout the process of child development. Differentiating factors such as cultural, temporal, contextual and individual are largely ignored. Goals of child development are universal: All cultures have the same ultimate goals for development. Yet in reality, different cultures have significantly different aspirations for their children, and these differences influence the goals for their development. For instance, in most Western societies, the ultimate goals for development include the attainment of personal, social, and political autonomy, independence and selfsufficiency, whereas in many other cultures, inter-dependence and integration are more highly valued. The goals of development also differ within community contexts and cultures, whereby education may be emphasized for a boy-child living in a middle class family, and marriage and employment may be considered to be of high priority for a girlchild from an impoverished circumstance, or one where girl education is not highly valued. (Info:

SelfDesign Model

Within these approaches, three key elements within children’s environments are seen to be influential to their development: • Context: the physical and social settings children inhabit - the family, peers, social patterns and the organization of their daily lives. • Culture: the culturally regulated customs and child-rearing practices - arrangements for care and education, attitudes towards play, training and discipline. • Social Constructions: the interpretation of childhood development from the perspective of the parents or influential adults in their lives - goals or priorities for the development of children and how these are achieved. Childrens needs can be grouped into four broad categories: • Physical needs: Shelter, health care, water and sanitation, protection from environmental pollution, adequate food, adequate clothing, and protection from violence, exploitation and abuse, exercise for strengthendurance-coordination, opportunities for development of athletic potentials • Social, economic and cultural needs: Knowledge of and respect for one’s own language, religion and culture, stable social and economic environment, access to appropriate guidance and support, explorative play and friendships, freedom from discrimination and prejudice and meaningful empowering work or service. • Psychological, including Intellectual, emotional, and volitional needs: A stable and loving family environment, a sense of belonging and identity, age appropriate information, stimulation, and opportunities to be listened to and taken seriously, models for problem solving and critical thinking, a sense of worth, being valued by others, being able to contribute to or positively affect your world, opportunities to make choices and develop cognitive talents and creative potentials. • Spiritual needs: Exploration, understanding and appreciation of the nature of life, human kind and the universe - of what lies beyond time and material world, and the possibilities to connect with the infinite and ultimate.Children are magic by nature, and they desire to express this creative spirit. New Paradigm Education Models: SelfDesign The focus of SelfDesign is the self-creation of one’s integral self as an optimum human being. A child’s right to control her own mind and thought process is a guiding principle of SelfDesign. This new paradigm education model moves from a teacher-centric system to a learner-centric system that places the talents, gifts, and interests of learners at the center. The SelfDesign learning process is a naturally iterative one that involves goal setting, planning, action, reflection, and goal adjustments. ( (you can refer to the diagram model at the top of this page) Waldorf Education For the Waldorf student, music, dance, and theater, writing, literature, legends and myths are not simply subjects to be read about, ingested and tested. They are experienced. Through these experiences, Waldorf students cultivate a lifelong love of learning as well as the intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capacities to be individuals certain of their paths and to be of service to the world. Developed by the brilliant Rudolf Steiner in 1919, Waldorf Education is based on a profound understanding of human development that addresses the needs of the growing child. Waldorf teachers strive to transform education into an art that educates the whole child—the heart and the hands, as well as the head. (




Wonder = Expanion in a child

Rites of Passage - the most forgotten and underlooked aspect that is so crucial to teaching kids about the cycles of life. Learning how these lessons bring the biggest self-esteem and personal growth experiences in our lives is needed in a healthy culture. ACCESS GRANTED VISION: We envision self-sustainable education centers where educated students in Permaculture, Healing, and Technology fields teach each other while developing independence through co-dependent studies and survival. We envision autonomous locations overflowing with empowered individuals who continuously organize and develop conscious coherence throughout their communities and environments. We envision revolutionary Technology developments that make the use of fossil-fuels and other wasteful energy sources obsolete. We envision the Control Systems that are currently restricting and educating members of our species through the mental conditioning and preparation for war, destruction, heirarchy, and control being removed from their current dominating position. We envision the Elders and other Cultural Leaders taking their natural self-cultivated positions in educating and guiding their peoples, while encouraging expansion, global interaction, and sociocultural integration. We envision a redevelopment of the Earth, where urban centers are restructured around sustainable gardens, mass transit systems, spiritual centers, educational resources, and technology arts. We envision Freedom, for all people to choose where they live, what they eat, how they dance, when they cultivate, and why they create. ( Life isn’t about finding yourself. It is about creating yourself. The New Earth Education sources its teaching straight from the heart of the beauty found in nature’s design. The youth learn to engage with nature and their hearts as much as with science, technology and todays challenges and solutions.

The Eight Ways Humans Learn (with our 5 senses)

* Linguistic intelligence. People with a highly developed linguistic intelligence are good with words and languages, they can express themselves well and use words as a preferred way to remember information. * Logical-mathematical intelligence. People with a highly developed logical-mathematical intelligence are good at detecting patterns, reasoning deductively and thinking logically. * Musical intelligence. People with a highly developed musical intelligence are good at recognizing and composing musical tones, and rhythms. They think in sounds and are often sensitive to the sounds in their immediate environment. * Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. People with a highly developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are good at expressing themselves through movement. Body movement helps them to process information. * Spatial intelligence. People with a highly developed spatial intelligence are good at recognizing and using spatial patterns. They tend to think in pictures and use them to retain information. * Naturalist intelligence. They are good at recognizing, categorizing and drawing upon certain elements in nature. * Interpersonal intelligence. People with a highly developed interpersonal intelligence are good at relating to people and understanding their motivation, intentions and emotions. * Intrapersonal intelligence. People with a highly developed intrapersonal intelligence have a good awareness of their own motivations, desires and feelings. They tend to engage in self-reflection and self analysis.



Community Ceremony to Celebrate the One Unified Spirit of Us All. To Invoke Magic. To Unify Hearts into an Orchestra of Harmony.

COLLABORATION: The Co-Creation Code How to Make a Group Decision in Six Steps

1.) Defining the Problem: State the underlying problem that has to be solved. You also have to clearly state the outcome or goal that you desire after you have made the decision. 2.) Develop Alternatives: The situation of making a decision arises because there are many alternatives available for it. Here, you do not have to restrict yourself to think about the very obvious options, rather you can use your creative skills and come out with alternatives that may look a little irrelevant. This is important because sometimes solutions can come out from these out-of-the-box ideas. You would also have to do adequate research to come up with the necessary facts that would aid in solving the problem. 3.) Evaluate the Alternatives: This can be said to be the one of the most important stages of the decision making process. This is the stage where you have to analyze each alternative you have come up with. You have to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each option. At this stage, you can also filter out the options that you think are impossible or do not serve your purpose. 4.) Make the Decision: This is the stage where the hard work you have put in analyzing would lead to. The evaluation process would help you in looking at the available options clearly and you have to pick which you think is the most applicable. 5.) Implement the Solution: The next obvious step after choosing an option would be implementing the solution. Just making the decision would not give the result one wants. Rather, you have to carry out on the decision you have made. This is a very crucial step because all the people involved in the implementation of a solution should know about the implications of making the decision. This is very essential for the decision to give successful results. 6.) Monitor your Solution: Just making the decision and implementing it is not the end of the decision making process, it is very important to monitor your decision regularly. At this stage, you have to keep a close eye on the progress of the solution taken and also whether it has led to the results you expected.

Developed by John Dewey, reflective thinking involves a careful, systematic approach to a problem: 1. Problem identification. What is the problem? What is wrong with the current situation? 2. Problem analysis. View the current situation as a balance between restraining forces and helping forces. What are the forces in play in your group’s situation? 3. Criteria selection. What are the goals of the final decision?

4. Solution generation. Generate as many solutions as possible. 5. Solution evaluation and selection. Measure each solution against the criteria from step three. 6. Solution implementation. Enact the chosen solution.

Community Activities, Group Processing, Creative Brainstorming & Exercises

The Physical Body: Motion Improv Theater, a form of autobiographical improvisation that is grounded in the body. The skills you learn and practice in spontaneous self expression can transform your life, enhancing your sense of presence, your self confidence, playfulness, self knowledge and even spiritual insight with your community. It is intuitive play into the motion of being in resonance with others.Communities that play together, stay together ! Mystery Schools have been likened to universities for the soul, where the curriculum focuses on awakening and developing our highest potential, and on attaining divine awareness. Beyond merely teaching, the mystery schools help students refine conscious potential, build focus, and activate their innate powers through a series of initiations, ceremonies, and sacred meditations. The purpose of the Mystery Tradition is the conscious realization of one’s True Self and the connection to others, both physically and spiritually. With this expanded awareness comes the power to bridge spiritual energies into the physical world for healing and transformation, at a personal and planetary level. Ultimately the Mystery School is about true service, which we know is the way back to God/Goddess. The Community Brain & Heart - Networking Events: facilitated demonstration circles, skill-sharing, art making parties, collaborative team-building sessions and facilitated networking that will help weave the social fabric of those present into a powerful action community. Brainstorming : another option for decision-making is brainstorming. When brainstorming, group members are encouraged to generate as many ideas about a particular topic as they can. For instance, group members may use brainstorming to generate as many solutions as they can in step four of the standard agenda. Group members should be encouraged to say anything that comes to mind when brainstorming. Every idea is written down and judgments about ideas are saved until later, when the group returns to all of the ideas and selects those that are most useful. Nominal Group Technique: Nominal group technique is a group decision-making tool used when the group must rank order a set of options. In order to use the nominal group technique, group members work individually to list all alternatives to a problem or issue. Sometimes, nominal group technique is used after a brainstorming session is held. Then, the group facilitator asks each group member to individually rank all of the options from lowest to highest priority. Finally, the facilitator computes an average score for each idea. the lowest score is the highest priority for the group. Team Building: Talking about team building and healthy team communication is easy, but building team spirit and keeping the team spirited all the time is not as easy as it seems. You need to be a true leader to build a healthy team. Learn about team building tips and activities, in these articles

World Café Design Principles

The following World Café design principles are an integrated set of ideas and practices that form the basis of the pattern embodied in the World Café process. The World Cafe process is a powerful tool for igniting the creative flow of converstaion, problem solving and creative innovation in a dynamic group setting.

1) Set the Context

Pay attention to the reason you are bringing people together, and what you want to achieve. Knowing the purpose and perameters of your meeting enables you to consider and choose the most important elements to realize your goals: e.g. who should be part of the conversation, what themes or questions will be most pertinent, what sorts of harvest will be more useful, etc..

2) Create Hospitable Space

Café hosts around the world emphasize the power and importance of creating a hospitable space—one that feels safe and inviting. When people feel comfortable to be themselves, they do their most creative thinking, speaking, and listening. In particular, consider how your invitation and your physical set-up contribute to creating a welcoming atmosphere.

3) Explore Questions that Matter

Knowledge emerges in response to compelling questions. Find questions that are relevant to the real-life concerns of the group. Powerful questions that “travel well” help attract collective energy, insight, and action as they move throughout a system. Depending on the timeframe available and your objectives, your Café may explore a single question or use a progressively deeper line of inquiry through several conversational rounds.

4) Encourage Everyone’s Contribution

As leaders we are increasingly aware of the importance of participation, but most people don’t only want to participate, they want to actively contribute to making a difference. It is important to encourage everyone in your meeting to contribute their ideas and perspectives, while also allowing anyone who wants to participate by simply listening to do so.

5) Connect Diverse Perspectives

The opportunity to move between tables, meet new people, actively contribute your thinking, and link the essence of your discoveries to ever-widening circles of thought is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the Café. As participants carry key ideas or themes to new tables, they exchange perspectives, greatly enriching the possibility for surprising new insights.

6) Listen together for Patterns and Insights

Listening is a gift we give to one another. The quality of our listening is perhaps the most important factor determining the success of a Café. Through practicing shared listening and paying attention to themes, patterns and insights, we begin to sense a connection to the larger whole. Encourage people to listen for what is not being spoken along with what is being shared.

7) Share Collective Discoveries

Conversations held at one table reflect a pattern of wholeness that connects with the conversations at the other tables. The last phase of the Café, often called the “harvest”, involves making this pattern of wholeness visible to everyone in a large group conversation. Invite a few minutes of silent reflection on the patterns, themes and deeper questions experienced in the small group conversations and call them out to share with the larger group. Make sure you have a way to capture the harvest - working with a graphic recorder is recommended.

Community Core Values List

(Used for Coming Into Agreeement of a Common Vision)

Acknowledgement - Recognizing the presence, achievements and contributions of others Authenticity - Expressing my intentions from my life purpose Awareness - Pay attention to the aspects my surroundings Clarity & Agreements - Allowing my pure intention of the to be revealed Commitment - Taking the necessary actions to fulfill my intentions Communication - Allowing others to receive my intent Courage - Generating the capacity operate in the presence of Turbo (fear) Creativity - Originating intentions that create new life experiences Effectiveness - Fulfilling my intentions in a short period of time with minimal effort Focus - Keeping my attention on my intention despite the distractions Forgiveness - Choosing to allow self or another to be innocent again Fun - Fulfilling my intentions with an attitude of ease joy and playfulness Generosity - Contributing my gifts, talents and skills to allow others to fulfill their intentions Honesty - Acting in ways that honors the core values of self and others Humor - Allowing myself to experience the Fun and Joy of life Integrity - Organizing my world to allow me to fulfill my word Leadership - Facilitating self and others to originate and fulfill intentions Loyalty - Choosing to remain committed to my original intention Passion - Expressing my intentions with mind, emotion, body and soul Practice - Rapid and frequent recovery from errors Respect - Honoring the core values and intentions of my self and others Trust - Having the awareness that I am being guided

Harmonic Order, Social Justice & Self-Governance

Social justice encompasses economic justice. Social justice is the virtue which guides us in creating those organized human interactions we call institutions. In turn, social institutions, when justly organized, provide us with access to what is good for the person, both individually and in our associations with others. Social justice also imposes on each of us a personal responsibility to work with others to design and continually perfect our institutions as tools for personal and social development. Restorative Justice brings healing balance back to which was taken away. Defining Economic Justice Economic justice, which touches the individual person as well as the social order, encompasses the moral principles which guide us in designing our economic institutions. These institutions determine how each person earns a living, enters into contracts, exchanges goods and services with others and otherwise produces an independent material foundation for his or her economic sustenance. The ultimate purpose of economic justice is to free each person to engage creatively in the unlimited work beyond economics, that of the mind and the spirit. Like every system, economic justice involves input, output, and feedback for restoring harmony or balance between input and output. Within the system of economic justice as defined by Louis Kelso and Mortimer Adler, there are three essential and interdependent principles: The Principle of Participation, The Principle of Distribution, and The Principle of Harmony. The Three Principles of Economic Justice: 1.) The Principle of Participation The principle of participation describes how one makes “input” to the economic process in order to make a living. It requires equal opportunity in gaining access to private property in productive assets as well as equality of opportunity to engage in productive work. The principle of participation does not guarantee equal results, but requires that every person be guaranteed by society’s institutions the equal human right to make a productive contribution to the economy, both through one’s labor (as a worker) and through one’s productive capital (as an owner). Thus, this principle rejects monopolies, special privileges, and other exclusionary social barriers to economic self-reliance. 2.) The Principle of Distribution The principle of distribution defines the “output” or “out-take” rights of an economic system matched to each person’s labor and capital inputs. Through the distributional features of private property within a free and open marketplace, distributive justice becomes automatically linked to participative justice, and incomes become linked to productive contributions. The principle of distributive justice involves the sanctity of property and contracts. It turns to the free and open marketplace, not government, as the most objective and democratic means for determining the just price, the just wage, and the just profit. 3.) The Principle of Harmony The principle of harmony encompasses the “feedback” or balancing principles required to detect distortions of either the input or output principles and to make whatever corrections are needed to restore a just and balanced economic order for all. This principle is violated by unjust barriers to participation, by monopolies or by some using their property to harm or exploit others. Furthermore, “harmony” is more consistent with the truism that a society that seeks peace must first work for justice

Dynamic Self Governance Dynamic Self Governance, DSG, is one important platform for remodeling our ogranizational structures in alignment with collaborative creations. Its incredible effectiveness: · Activates creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit · Maximizes effectiveness and reduces tensions around power · Decreases number of meetings and heightens their productivity · Streamlines decision-making while empowering all members · Increases individual engagement, productivity, and commitment Our Mission as Creators of New Earth Governace, Equality & Social Justice is to: • Gather councils to run effective meetings with high quality decisions • Link all levels of your organization for creative exchange of ideas • Grow leaders • Continuously improve your processes and your productivity • Adapt to constantly changing conditions Fore more info, visit:

Renewing the Sacred Order Reinstating the Civil Liberties Creating Beauty and order out of the chaos of our illusions

The Ascended Level:

Oneness, Thriving, Completion

A glance back at all of the levels so far that lead up to the ascended level of thriving humanity: The Energetic cycle of: Creation, Evolution, Polarity, The Seven Stages of Needs Reunification, Community, Unity (Completion), The Scale of Human Emotions Evolution, Adaptation & Innovation The 5 wounds to heal on the path of love The Seven Stages of Creation The 5 keys to the mastery of love The 13 Tones of Creation Vision, Feeling, Plan, Action Seven Ages of Human Development on a Living Planet Self-Mastery and Individual Destiny The Nine Waves of Evolution on Planet Earth The 8 Areas of Complete Success History of Human Technology Advancement Leadership & Guardianship The Nine Dimensions of Human Consciousness The States of: Knowing –> Being –> Feeling –> Doing Seven Natural Laws of the Universe Community : the Art of Communion & Communication Seven Laws of Spiritual Success Relationship to Earth: Permaculture, Biomimicry The Four Basic Social Laws Community Health: Birth, Youth, Education, Rites of Passage The Noble Eightfold Path Group Processing, Decision Making & Values The 12 Pillars of the Social One (Whole Systems Culture) Harmonic Order, Social Justice & Self-Governance The Three Stages of Human Development Planetary Galactic Initiation & Technology Use

The Beauty Engine Model The Beauty Engine model was invented by Polly Superstar and Scott Levkoff as a social architecture model they used for creating community.

We each carry unique Codes of radiant potential that are designed to be unlocked and manifested! This divine blueprint of vitality holds the keys & vision of our most ascended and enlightened self. Through

clarifying our vision and refining our highest intentions our highest potential can unfurl into every moment of our lives and infusing our soul pupose into every breath.

There are six parts to their social genome/social architecture model: 1. Explore your identity – delve into your multifaceted, splendidly, unique self 2. Recognise your power – accept that you are talented, resourceful, and wise 3. Circulate your energy -lavishly dish out your gift, talents and brilliance 4. Assemble with community – get together with your tribe and bond with your friends 5. Understand your dynamics – be crystal clear about agreements and boundaries 6. Activate your collective potential – get off your ass and make it happen The 10 Principles for Optimal Living - Brian Johnson 6. Energy 1. Optimism 7. Wisdom 2. Purpose 8. Courage 3. Self-Awareness 9. Love 4. Goals 10.Entheos 5. Action Your physical body is the vehicle through which you can exist as spiritual entity in this lifetime. The sacred vessel through which your spiritual light can be anchored and move through our world. The clarity and vibrancy of this physical vessel determines the capacity and quality of your light so you can become a clearer conduit through which divine grace flows. In other words, the more healthful and vibrant your body is, the more you can create and achieve within your life.

Top 10 Superfoods to Activate the Love & Ecstasy Molecules (researched by David Wolfe) * Goji Berries – Fountain of Youth * Cocoa – Raw Chocolate * Maca. – Andes Aphrodisiac * Bee Products – Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Honey, * Spirulina – Protein Queen * AFA – Blue Green Algae * Marine Phytoplankton * Aloe Vera – Egyptian Secret of Immortality

KEYS OF RADIANT HEALTH & VITALITY OF THE BODY, MIND, EMOTIONS & SPIRIT : Ecstatic Movement ~ Yoga, Tai Chi, Hiking, Dance Pranic Nourishment ~ Fresh Organic and Vibrant Living foods, Alive Supplementation & Superfood Elixirs Cleansing ~ Detoxifying the body & Abstaining from various substances, influences, thoughts & experiences Embody Water ~ Charging, Cleansing & Hydrating with blessed waters Embody Earth ~ Utilizing magnetic fields of the Earth for healing, recharging, grounding & offering gratitude Embody Fire ~ Solar Healing through sun-gazing, sunbathing & sun foods Embody Air ~ Pranayama/Breath work to bring more vital energy into the body, Qi Gong, shamanic alchemy

THE DREAMSEED OF THE GOLDEN AGE COMMUNITIES FOR THE NEW EARTH by Lukaijah (Founder of the Integrative Life Mastery Program) After completing levels 1-6 of our initiation into cohesive community sustainability. Level seven is about reaping the benefits of our inheritance in heaven. We feel complete and are now ready to anchor our divine inheritance on the planet. We will go into greater processes of revealing the inner royalty, to allow one to accept, and then together, accept and reclaim that which is awaiting our receptivity. We will learn what it means to receive heaven, to embody heaven and to receive the true embodiment of wealth, mastery and the divine virtues. And then to share this with our family, alliance networks, students and fully anchor this heaven on the planet. How do you sustain that and have an energetic grid system through your body and through your network that can anchor sustain and build your wealth, legacy and heavenly reality on the earth? We will do this energetically and discuss how to do this on all levels. Level Seven is about actualizing heaven on earth, for yourself, your family and your community. Level Eight: We begin to speak about the higher order, and what it means to belong to an alliance, to hold the license of a higher order of beings. These initiations and trainings set the foundation for the high councils that will ultimately be key in establishing this new earth. We begin at the council of twelve level. We begin at the high council level that is in charge of making sure a community is able to thrive and exemplify the golden age. What are the key principles, protocols, and traits of a high master with in a high council? What does if take to be one of these adashi adepts, high initiate djedi, what does it take, requirements, what are the initiations, responsibilities, and vows that you are to uphold this level of mastery? What are the protocols in communication with other high council members, protocol for high mastery meetings, and maintaining divine order within all that one does? We will also go into community development, creation, and establishing the structures of basic golden age communities. Level Nine: How these responsibilities of mastery and how the High Council actually works in the day to day community? What are the systems approach that is integrated into a community setting? What are the different roles that are needed within a golden community? What leadership positions are required - we will offer training in these leadership positions and train people to scan and work on a overall system level to address community issues around the planet. We are teaching people to be community elders and leaders who ensure that the communities that are sprouting around the world actually are kept in a divine protocol and a divine order. We go into a more rigorous training of really being an example of true surrendered grace and divine expression, we give our initiates higher tasks, we put them in the field in the communities, we give roles and responsibility, we even send them to different communities to train others. The initiate becomes a elder of the community with wisdom and knowledge. They begin to learn how to create and impliment golden age community system models, with divine order, structure, dignity. Diplomacy is taught when establishing connections and collaborations between different communities. We teach initiates how to teach and spread key enllightened golden age systems, technologies, structures, and methodologies around the world in outreach. Level Ten: Everyone’s step ten is different because it depends on what their life path is and what their sacred service is to the world. We will teach a few basic key principles and higher initiations into the path of planetary and galactic leadership in the golden age, golden age structures, what it means to anchor the sacred grids around the earth, and work on a more cosmic scale to integrate heaven on earth. Step ten initiates will actually go together to key places around the world to anchor model golden age communities, sacred grids, spiritual energies, new systems, divine governments and new technologies. We are setting the structures that will allow a new golden age culture fto emerge forth rom the spiritual plane onto the earth. We are Teaching people how to be the prophets and priests who are the founders of not only a new spiritual awareness, but an entire civilization. We are setting the structures that will allow a new golden age culture fto emerge forth rom the spiritual plane onto the earth. We are Teaching people how to be the prophets and priests who are the founders of not only a new spiritual awareness, but an entire civilization. As this current civilization collapses a new civilization is born. And each civilization is born from the spiritual planes, and it is precisely the high master beings and godly beings that have access to this spiritual plane that are the ones that bring forth the principles, wisdom and laws that lay the cultural framework for an entire civilization – there are key principles, energies, new systems off thought that will shape everything that will happen, and everything that our kids learn for the next thousands of years. Right now kids today in the west, kids are learning Aristotle, biology, logic, law, economics based on principles that were brought forth by prophets from the spiritual plans 2500 years ago. Now we are the prophets who are bringing forth the new keys to golden age culture, education, government, and everything else to do with living in this golden age.

Level Eleven: We go into the actual process of together bringing the sacred principles, wisdom and laws of the divine government for the golden age culture and civilization of the golden age. We will go into incubation periods in caves of deep stillness, fasting and silence where we enter the gateway to the divine, through process of darkness and stillness and retreat, and from that place bring forth the wisdom that will set the foundation of this golden age. This is for the forerunners that will give birth to this golden age by embodying the divine and become the gateway for what wants to be created in this new world. This level has us brings forth the seeds of this new civilization. We will receive many transmissions over a time period of intense continued incubation, and then come back to translate and create infrastructures, classes, and material that will bring forth these new principles and wisdom on a mass scale level. We will form schools and entirely new subject matters together and educate people around the world in how to be teachers of these new subject matters that are Divinely inspired and important for the children of this new earth to be though. This wisdom that comes through us will integrated into the collective mass system and taught internationally to the children who will grow up to lead and govern for the times to come. what is brought through by level eleven initiates will become some of the founding blocks of culture and civilization for the next thousand years and beyond. Level Twelve: is about bringing the fertile soil to those divine seeds we have brought forth and helping those seeds grow. It is about surrendering fully to become the divine service of the most High on earth, owning our power as the One and embodying this in all we do. Higher initiations in regards to what it takes to be of this next level of service are given. Most Level twelve initiates will hold high leadership positions on a planetary scale. We will be not only learning how, but together expanding the golden model education systems worldwide, training school principle and teachers to run the schools We will be establishing and having promoted and integrated into the collective sphere larger cultural frameworks for the future of culture on earth. We will launch through strategic systematic preparations, important collective holy days. Level Thirteen. It’s the completion. By the time we complete level twelve we have already anchored in fully our sacred gift on the planet. Our divine monadic blueprint is fully established on earth. we have completed our sacred purposes, we have established the new age by bringing forth the sacred seeds from the divine, and anchoring them systematically on the earth. The spiritual essence of the golden age is a golden chain that has been passed on to the younger generation, who are now in charge of the continuation and development of the civilization. We have already set up the basic infrastructure, system, wisdom, and platform to shape the entire life of the golden age civilization. We have already set up a network of powerful and sovereign abundant flourishing communities. The master has completed the Integrative Life Mastery System, and is now a Integrated Life master. They all have a set of student that they have trained and their legacy is anchored and protected on earth. By level thirteen we are ready to retire, so we will teach the level thirteen masters what it is to retire into completion. What it is to be an example of the completion of heaven on earth. What it is to complete your sacred purpose and unwind into life after sacred work is established, completed and we are done. there are twelve main evolution stages in the ILM system, stage thirteen begins as full integration stage, debriefing and then celebration state. We will experience the joy of being complete, and rest in that awareness together on the Island for level thirteen ILM Master Prophets. Then we will learn to complete the process of releasing from all the things we have developed, intertwined and become connected and possibly attached to on this earth., we will learn how we disconnect in the wisest way while still being one with all that is. We are now trusting fully and allowing the next generations to take this gift we have cultivated and brought forth and go on. This is when we start to pull out of the culture, the world, and our personal relations. Depending on each Masters path, however most will pull out of the earth and complete their relationship with all beings and the earth herself. We realize that its time to go to the next level in the galactic scheme of things. We have completed our training and gift to this earth, we have successfully established the new golden age, we have brought forth the seeds of the new civilization, the golden chain is passed to the next generation, and we now trust and let it go, we are letting it go and we are ready to ascend to the next octave of path on a universal scale, whatever that is for each individual. That is the essence of level thirteen. Completion. The sacred gifts from the divine will be integrated into each aspect of the new society that we help rebirth and remodel. We are connected on a massive scale to many organizations and communities and bring forth the sacred structures we have developed in order to establish deep roots for the new culture on earth. By this time many of the adepts will have their own organizations carrying out their unique services, and each of our organizations are interconnected. we will have a wide network of golden age prophets who are working together with communities and sovereign nations, with common principles, values, diplomatic relations, education systems - all embodying the one established realization of the IAM. Step twelve includes for the ILM adepts a full training of how to be effective in dealing with the powers of being a world leader (or whatever position they hold), of how to deal with other world leaders, nations, in the establishment of the divine order. What are the responsibilities of creating the foundations for this new age, and what are the responsibilities for being its caretakers. The adepts at level twelve will be responsible to train a certain group of younger initiates to become the leaders of every section in society so that the healthy continuation of the golden age model will continue to thrive. The golden chain will be strong and the level twelve adepts will make sure that the structures and individuals are in place to ensure its successful continuation.

with Sacred Ecology

A Transformational Model for the Levels a Community Can Go Thru To Ascend Into Wholeness: 1.) the Dark Night of the Soul - Embracing our Humanity, Shadow Integration, the Death/Rebirth Experience 2.) the Sacred Union - Polarity Dynamics & Integration of the Masculine/Feminine, Electric & Magnetic 3.) the Buddha Path - The Eight Fold Path of Right Action, Right Thought... (in this book) 4.) Knowledge of the Universal Laws for Life Mastery and Balance 5.) Modern Day Tools for Awakening, Sustainable Future, Community, Living Earth Library 6.) Galactic & Planetary Evolution: Cycles, History, the Collective Avatar, Guidance Hierarchies & Master Teachers of Light 7.) Sacred Geometry - the Blueprints of Creation: the Flower of Life, Light Body MerKaBa as Ascension Vehicle 8.) Your Soul Purpose: Integrating all course work into your individual life by the 4 step manifest process: Vision, Feeling, Plan, Action Our personal and planetary solution is to journey into the Quest of our Hearts. This process of deep inquiry allows us to explore our inner world of knowing and get to the heart of our life and planet’s challenges. As you make sense of your life experiences, you develop a surrender to the greatness emerging from your core, knowing the perfection of everything that is taking place - from the harsh lessons to the exalted triumphs. The perfection that arises brings forth a sense of clarity and focus which ignites your true calling in this life. The New Earth emerges from the seeds of our four step process: Focus Intention Feelings into Energy Motion (Emotion) Action We are powerful creators. We are divine beings. We can manifest anything with the power of imagination. We are the expression of the source.

Graphic Art by Xavi, Andy Thomas, Sijay (

THE CHALLENGE & THE SOLUTION The Challenge Crisis: The danger of destruction if humans fail to understand and continue to act from ignorance Opportunity: The opportunity to survive and to thrive if humans open to understanding and act from knowledge

Social, economic and ecological crisis

Our planetary crisis brings forth opportunity in the form of a great challenge ahead. The consequences of our actions will be the defining moment of our exciting human evolution. The old systems of management and education are outdated. They are collapsing before our very eyes. A new structure is being built by the architects of the new dawn who are in tune with nature’s design. Do you feel the calling to step up in your game of life? We are about to give birth to a powerful new world as co-creators of our own reality. We are currently experiencing the labor pains and fear of this birth. The world awaiting for us to create is an inter-connected living system based on success, prosperity, health, creativity and freedom for all. There are no problems in the mind of Nature - and it’s our challenge to return to this Source. The Awakening Freedom Foundation is ready to take this challenge on with passion, purpose, creativity and brilliance. Let us take a brief look at where we have come from and how we got into this mess. All of Our Global Social & Eco-Systems are Outdated, Dysfunctional, Unsustainable and are on the verge of Collapsing. Let us begin from the beginning: BIRTH Conscious Conception, Sexual Education, Sacred Relationships, & Non-Medicated Natural Birthing are very rarely a part of Youth and Adult Education or Mass Media Programs and Films. EDUCATION As the global economy and our planetary environment continue to mutate at a rapid pace, we need a new approach to education. As school tuitions skyrocket and students express frustration in the US and abroad, the academic curriculum has also become outdated. At the same time, basic skills that support self-sufficiency and sustainability are not taught. A new approach to education is necessary - one that fits an ever-more globalized and rapidly transforming world. How is learning evolving? How can we up-scale alternative education paradigms to become more accessible? ECONOMIC - MILITARY - PHARMACEUTICAL - INDUSTRIAL - POLITICAL - CORPORATE - MASS MEDIA - RULING CLASS

Challenges Ignite Solutions & Crisis Eventually Leads to Innovation In the current mainstream city grid, humans have created a social matrix that is completely disconnected to the magnetic nervous system of earth. Because of this disconnection, the general population continues to hastily construct and live in square buildings and enormous “chop-a-block” model home subdivisions that are fast becoming an unstoppable cancer on top of mother earth’s skin. This rift has created the imbalance between our relationship not only with earth’s magnetic field but also with our connection with intimate partners, the way we exchange paper & digits for goods & services, and the very bedrock of westernized human society.

Free Education ? Free Health ? Free Energy ? Free Food ? There is so much abundance in nature that all four of these are possible to offer to every planetary citizen for free (“free” through balanced energy exchange of natural systems. Based on the new breakthroughs in biodynamic farming, free energy technology out of the “thin air” of the quantum field, natural medicine and quantum healing, open-sourced education, etc...

Building Eco-Cities with Enlightened Eco-Nomics & Renewable Energy


THE SOLUTION 1.) Ecology, Culture & Community 2.) The Human Potential & Spiritual Technology 3.) New Paradigms, Systems and Innovation 1.) Ecology, Culture & Community

• Eco-Cities (with Sustainable Technology & Renewable or Free Energy) • Local Reilience - Starting Local with relationships, resources, economy (The Transition Town movement) • Eco-Villages: Suburban and Rural, Earthships housing design • Resource Economy & Sacred Commerce • Open Source Ecology & Culture • Organizations, Sustainable Thriving Businesses & Corporations Eco-Cities and Suburban and Rural Eco-Villages Ecocity development integrates vision, citizen initiative, public administration, ecologically efficient industry, people’s needs and aspirations, harmonious culture, and landscapes where nature, agriculture and the built environment are functionally integrated in a healthy way. Ecocity development requires: 1. Ecological security - clean air, and safe, reliable water supplies, food, healthy housing and workplaces, municipal services and protection against disasters for all people. 2. Ecological sanitation - efficient, cost-effective eco-engineering for treating and recycling human excreta, gray water, and all wastes. 3. Ecological industrial metabolism - resource conservation and environmental protection through industrial transition, emphasizing materials re-use, life-cycle production, renewable energy, efficient transportation, and meeting human needs. 4. Ecoscape (ecological-landscape) integrity - arrange built structures, open spaces such as parks and plazas, connectors such as streets and bridges, and natural features such as waterways and ridgelines, to maximize biodiversity and maximize accessibility of the city for all citizens while conserving energy and resources and alleviating such problems as automobile accidents, air pollution, hydrological deterioration, heat island effects and global warming. 5. Ecological awareness - help people understand their place in nature, cultural identity, responsibility for the environment, and help them change their consumption behavior and enhance their ability to contribute to maintaining high quality urban ecosystems. — Guidelines adopted by the 5th International Ecocity Conference delegation, Shenzhen China, 2002 For more info:

2.) The Human Potential & Spiritual Technology: All paths to sustainability seem

dependent on finding ways to catalyze and nurture a collective awakening of our conscious capacity to be transformed. For if we do not change our attitudes and ways of living that are destroying our relationships, societies, and the natural ecosystems upon which we all depend, we face a bleak future. The changes we need to make must be on a monumental scale if we want to avert wholesale suffering and death as our way of life expands more and more beyond the capacity of the social and ecological systems that sustain us. This will require a global collective awakening from the unconscious cultural conditioning we have been subjected to since birth. Since we are fundamentally social creatures and actually learn and develop socially rather than as isolated individuals, the question I ask is this: How can we create a healthy and compelling new social context that will catalyze the necessary awakening and facilitate our living together in a happy and sustainable manner?

3.) New Paradigms, Systems and Innovation: Culture Design Science &

Problem Solving: Design Science is a problem solving approach which entails a systematic study of the natural ordering of the components in our Universe. Fuller believed that this study needs to be comprehensive in order to gain a global perspective when pursuing solutions to problems humanity is facing. The Design Science Lab is a rigorous, hands-on training in the problem solving, planning and design methodology called Design Science, pioneered by Buckminster Fuller and other visionaries. Participants engage in a whole systems and anticipatory approach to develop strategies to solve global and local problems that is based on innovation and thrives on transparency. Its a game to redesign and create our world. DESIGN A CULTURE WITH INTEGRAL OPEN-SOURCED INNOVATION IN HARMONY WITH NATURE

Transition Towns (also known as Transition network or Transition Movement) is a brand for environmental and social movements “founded (in part) upon the principles of permaculture.” The main aim of the project generally, and echoed by the towns locally, is to raise awareness of sustainable living and build local ecological resilience in the near future. Communities are encouraged to seek out methods for reducing energy usage as well as reducing their reliance on long supply chains that are totally dependent on fossil fuels for essential items. The Transition Towns movement is an example of socio-economic localisation.

Embody and Live the Cycles of the Tao of Sustainable Business Recycle Human Innovation. Trash Media Brainwashing.

12 Steps to Becoming a Transition Town 1. Steer the Transition. You need a core group of people to “drive the project forward during the initial stages.” 2. Raise Awareness. Teach and learn about Peak Oil and Climate Change from experts; screen key movies; get media attention. 3. Lay the Foundations. Network, build alliances and honor the existing groups. 4. Stage a Great Unleashing Event. Launch the TT Initiative into the broader community. 5. Form Working Groups. Invite the “collective genius of the community” to focus on specifics: food, waste, energy, youth, transport, water, economics, education, and local government. 6. Use Open Space. Transition Network folks find Open Space Technology effective for running meetings. 7. Be Visible. Actions attract people. Plant trees. Do something beyond the planning talk. 8. Share Skills. Relocalization includes learning skills in gardening, repairing, insulating, etc. 9. Build a Bridge to Local Government. Explore planning coordination. 10. Honor the Elders. Learn from the past and develop connections. 11. Let It Go Where It Wants to Go…Be flexible. Inventive solutions will emerge from a focus on “building community resilience and reducing the carbon footprint.” 12. Create an Energy Descent Plan. Form working groups for key aspects of planning and management, and create integrated action plan. —Adapted from the Transition Initiatives Primer

The movement to organize in our towns and neighborhoods for a graceful transition to a society that uses less fossil fuel energy but has more time for relationships, connection and real abundance. This holistic, dynamic and celebratory collaborative inquiry weaves together spiritual practices, body awareness, creative expression, community-building, ecological awareness, integral thought, and visionary new science models into an emerging paradigm of transformative social change. If we want to sustain our species we have to create communities that have a strong enough unified field to stabilize themselves even within the chaos of our current world. We need to connect on a tribal level with the intelligence of the earth and the goddess as our guide. We need to understand that we are a unified organism and that the more we unify ourselves the easier we will be able to heal our sicknes. I feel like one of the things that could be added to the Transition Town vision is to seed a grassroots network of circles in the town. Each of these circles has their own ability to organize, self-maintain, and birth new things. This network forms a rich substrate out of which a lot more projects can birth. With that in mind, lets look at the In My Village Model.

In My Village : A New Community Networking Model This model’s current focus is upon empowering and activating the repatterning of the relationships and organizational structures that define our culture. Relocalization of culture, empowering local/bioregional structures while diminishing our dependence upon centralized systems of control. Organizing our emergent culture and collective awakening/activation into a program called The Changers, essentially Jedi Camp for awaking teens and young adults. (This model was created by Dominic Allamano, Tej Steiner & Kirsten Liegmann) Three things are of immense value in the now and coming times: • Knowing how to stay present and radiant in the face of rapidly changing realities. • Knowing how to dynamically connect and create with others in small, resonant group-circles. • Knowing how to build within any existing community a network of heart-directed and creative people who are devoted to living into the new cultural and spiritual paradigms that are replacing the old paradigms. Many people have spent a good part of their lives freeing themselves from old ways of thinking and from the dominant mass culture, i.e. getting out of the ‘Matrix’. We have before us this wonderful window of opportunity to intentionally create a new culture while protecting ourselves from the collapse of the ‘old’ system. We have each been given unique gifts to help bring in that which is new. What we need now are new social structures that better allow us to harmonize and create together this new culture using these gifts we have been given. In My Village is one model of ‘a new social structure that better allows us to harmonize and create together’. It is organized around the premise that joy and being present to life is the purpose of life and to sustain joy means being present and courageously following what brings us joy. In My Village is organized around the structure of self-sustaining local networks or ‘villages’, with each village having approximately 100 to 150 people within it. Inside each village network, people connect and create together using four different kinds of self-forming, small-group formations: • Learning Circles: for developing new skills and expanding awareness. • Heart Circles: for creating deep, supportive friendships that support joy-based living in the realistic con- text of the current times. • Creation Circles: for taking purposeful action with others. • Village Circles: for sustaining the connection and activities of the Village network and for linking up with other Villages. In each Village, personal contact is enhanced by a unique interactive website. Each village network becomes self-sustaining, self-administered and independent and exists only as a neutral, connective medium to serve the people using it. The In My Village model is designed to replicate and spread, each Village creating their own version of what community is to its members. All resulting innovations are made freely available to other existing Villages. In this way, it is highly compatible with diversity and complex social change. To begin building a Village within any given town or city, it is necessary to attend a 12-hour experiential introduction to this model entitled ‘The In My Village Blueprint Experience’. This workshop is designed to introduce people to the purpose and principles of the In My Village model while offering a refined training in small group dynamics. By the end of the workshop people will have a clear understanding of what In My Village is and how it works. If they are inspired and in agreement with its basic premises they can then choose to help build and be a part of a Village network in the town or city in which they live. The EarthShip Homes

A GREAT LIVING EXAMPLE: The One Community: Community + Purpose + Growth It is human nature to desire to be a part of something greater than the individual... to contribute to something transformative that gives one a deeper sense of meaning and purpose... to be a part of a culture and community of growth and inspiration. If given the opportunity and resources, it is human nature to build and create. One Community is about the future of our children and our children’s children; embodying the ideas and spirit of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Thoreau, and Gyatso - ideas that have already tremendously changed our world. One Community is about creating abundance, sustainability and a true legacy in the evolving human story. How does one create a community for global change? Based on current world values, a community such as this will consist of three key elements: it will be an investment in something more valuable than money; it will provide opportunity for abundance equal to or greater than most people’s current situation; and it will be a place people passionately choose to live or visit. One Community is a community of motivated, inspired and success-oriented people working harmoniously to provide opportunity without necessity. Working together in this way makes it easy to make One Community sustainable because these extraordinary people, who have diverse talents and passions, effortlessly create the perfect environment for collaboration and inspired business building. This supports the individuals involved as well as the whole community. A financial business model is in place for three tiers of investment in the community itself as well as an entrepreneur model for business building within the community. There are three key principles in the success of our model: fixed overhead (self-sustainability), efficiency (time availability), and talent diversity. Investors provide the land and environment for the community to exist and build businesses and the community provides the ‘sweat labor’ to make the land self-sustainable, increase its value, and provide an additional return to the investors from business profits. The Ford and Disney models are used within the community to maximize efficiency and create the time-freedom necessary for collaboration and business building. Talent diversity is supported by an ongoing and active sponsorship program for new members. We take talented and gifted people who are passionate about sharing their gifts and we connect them with people who are masterfully skilled at business building and marketing. The results are inspired businesses that make profits: everyone wins - the individuals, the investors, and the community. In so doing, we create a duplicable community-based business prototype serving humanity as a whole. Self-sustainability extends well beyond food, shelter and electricity. One Community is a self-contained and inviting culture as well. People aren’t just doing what they love, they are sharing their skills and talents in a constantly evolving interactive environment immersed in nature and ripe with growth, healing, and participation. One Community is about merging technology with nature; the complex with the simplistic; the highly structured with the efficient and functional; and the modern with the “tried and true.” Imagine a playground for adults and children alike. An opulent community center, world-class location, breathtaking views, beautiful hiking and biking right out your back door, daily classes, and concept home ‘pods’ built to be artistic, functional and fully cohesive with nature, create our unique environment. WWW.ONECOMMUNITYRANCH.COM

The San Francisco Eco-City Declaration An eco-city is an ecologically healthy city. Into the deep future, the cities in which we live must enable people to thrive in harmony with nature and achieve sustainable development. People oriented, ecocity development requires the comprehensive understanding of complex interactions between environmental, economic, political and socio-cultural factors based on ecological principles. Cities, towns and villages should be designed to enhance the health and quality of life of their inhabitants and maintain the ecosystems on which they depend. ( )

Richard Register is one of the world’s great theorists / authors in ecological city design and planning. He convened the first International Ecocity Conference in 1990. ( )

Repairing the City, Rebuilding Relationships, The Tribal Village Emerges • Placemaking- turning space into a thriving place, tools and techniques for creating healthier places • the Global Village Construction Set - a blueprint for building open source technologies for resilient communities • the Virtual Village - the internet library of blueprints for distributing to intentional democratic societes LIVING EXAMPLE: City Repair & the annual Village Building Convergence City Repair is an organized group action that educates and inspires communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live. City Repair facilitates artistic and ecologically-oriented placemaking through projects that honor the interconnection of human communities and the natural world. City Repair began in Portland, Oregon with the idea that localization - of culture, of economy, of decision-making - is a necessary foundation of sustainability. By reclaiming urban spaces to create community-oriented places, we plant the seeds for greater neighborhood communication, empower our communities and nurture our local culture.Their annual Village Building Convergence, where people gather at neighborhood sites throughout Portland to engage in intersection repair, natural building, and other forms of placemaking. Great Living Example of the Eco-City vision: Integral City designers explore the city as a whole system like the human equivalent of the beehive. We use an integral approach to reframe the city as a resilient, vibrant human habitat in dynamic balance with its eco-region. Their book explores a new integral paradigm for cities that answers these questions. It traces the evolution of the city’s systematic, strategic, social and systemic intelligences and shows planners, policy makers, citizens, civil society and environmentalists how to sense, experience, relate to and live in the city with an integral consciousness. Exploring the contexts of the city’s geography, ecology and lifecycles, Integral City guides the reader on an integrated journey through the city’s inner, outer, building and storytelling intelligences. Integral City recalibrates intelligences for life-giving evolution on earth and futures in space.

Sacred Commerce & Enlightened Economics The “ Currency” is the current between communities, businessess and customers. A current is a wave of energy exchange where emotions (energy in motion) inspired by the passion to experience something (a product or service). It is the longing and the search for true authentic experiences of deep connection with ourselves and others (community). Community is the art of communion and the communication of unity.

Resource Economy Ownership. Property. This is mine. This is yours. Do you think you own anything? You don’t. Ownership is an illusion. So is property. Why? Because all the things you use are only used by you temporarily before they are passed on or thrown away. Be it food, clothing, cars, property, furniture, cell phones, air, water. This movement is about what a moneyless resource-based society can be like on this planet. Sharing ideas, visions, thoughts and plans in this regard. Take care of every ones basic needs first, then explore creativity and sharing, and then let an economy build around that structure and flow afterwards. To learn more, visit: http:// Economics “We’ve been enculturated to think of economics as a cold, boring, academic subject devoid of connection to humanity’s heart and soul. In fact it is intimately connected and potentially one of the most juicy, alive, rich ways of understanding and evolving our humanity, our purpose and our future. Economics is one of the most essential fields of agreements on how we hold our collective self-image, how we develop our collective self esteem. It is how we agree to take care of each other – how we hold every other human being on the planet in relationship. It holds the promise of manifesting a system of intrinsic love, social justice and caring into society. And it can embody a way of right relationship with the Earth.” - Jeff Clearwater, a New Paradigm for Economics & Humanity The MetaCurrency Project is building the tools and technology platforms to open source the next economy. Money has re-shaped the face of our planet. It has changed our culture, our organizations, our resources, our environment and our lives. Currency: a formal system used to shape, enable or measure currents. Currency is are the creators of currents -- part of the language of living systems. Currencies are a powerful form of social DNA which shape our communities, corporations and nations. As such, we’d better learn to make better ones, because the ones we’ve got are wreaking havoc. - Open Source Ecology & Culture The term open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product’s source materials. A main principle and practice of open source software development is peer production by bartering, sharing and collaboration with the end-product, source-material, “blueprints” and documentation available at no cost to the public. The principle of sharing predates the open source movement; for example, the free sharing of information has been institutionalized in the scientific enterprise since at least the 19th century. Open source principles have always been part of the scientific community. The sociologist Robert K. Merton described the four basic elements of the community: - universalism (an international perspective), - communism (sharing information), - disinterestedness (removing one’s personal views from the scientific inquiry) and - organized skepticism (requirements of proof / review) that accurately describe the scientific community Open Source Ecology develops open source technology for sustainable living. This facility is an intentional communy known as Open Source Enterprise Learning Community. In this community, a sustainable lifestyle involves providing many of the basic needs from on-site resources - food, housing, energy, transportation, and culture. We engage in what we call neosubsistence, or technologically advanced subsistence that blends ancient wisdom and new technology to provide a high quality of life. The lifestyle includes meaningful work, service to the greater global community, and leisure to pursue one’s true interests.

The Earth Charter Principles

I. Respect and Care for the Community of Life 1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity. 2. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love. 3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful. 4. Secure Earth’s bounty and beauty for present and future generations. II. Ecological Integrity 5. Protect and restore the integrity of Earth’s ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life. 6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach. 7. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being. 8. Advance the study of ecological sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of the knowledge acquired. III. Social and Economic Justice 9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative. 10. Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities. 11. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner. 12. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity. IV. DEMOCRACY, NONVIOLENCE, and PEACE 13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, and provide transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive participation in decision-making, and access to justice. 14. Integrate into formal education and lifelong learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life. 15. Treat all living beings with respect and consideration. 16. Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace. “Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life.” —Earth Charter conculsion The Earth Charter is one of the most unique documents in human history, created through a series of consensus-based dialogues, with thousands of people participating from all over the world, over the course of more than a decade. Now endorsed by more than 4,500 organizations and governments, it inspires shared responsibility “to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.” The Earth Charter Initiative promotes living by example, with the help of The Action Guidelines, which suggest that people focus on root causes of problems and be resourceful. Joanna Macy coined The Great Turning, as “the transition from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining society,” with “three simultaneous and mutually reinforcing dimensions”: • Holding Actions: the front-line, direct actions to stop or limit the immediate damage, as well as all political, legal, and legislative work; • Systems Change: solutions that address structural causes of the crises and offer alternative models; • Shift in Consciousness: a profound shift in our perception of reality, our values, our attitudes, our goals.

“We are moving from competition to collabration. From a chain of command to a web of connection. To the love of power to the power of love.” - Anodea Judith The solutions to the modern dilemnas of our world crisis are here. They lie in the infinite library of the internet, in the visionary networks meeting in San Francisco wherehouses, the civil liberty protests in Bogata, in the spiritually healing medicine in the Amazon rainforests and in the hearts of the new generation of youth who are passionate about healing the planet. I have categorized our solutions into three distinct areas. 1.) The Tools: Reconstructing Our Systems Towards Prosperity, Conscious Business & Thriving Communities * Promoting and media coverage of cutting edge information from awakened leaders, scientists, teachers and innovators. * Integrate proven tools to live an abundant life & build a thriving, conscious business platform that supports sustainable and creative living. * Release limited thinking in business, the way government and corporate money is invested. * Replace scarcity beliefs with prosperity beliefs * Network with a community of like-minded, awakened leaders. 2.) Health & Vitality * Learn simple proven strategies for vibrant health and vitality from leading authorities. * Explore the healing properties of natural supplements and herbs that have been used throughout the ages. * Strengthen your body with invigorating yoga, dance and life force energy work. * Raise your energy and vibration with delicious and nutritious fresh organic meals and superfoods. 3.) Spiritual Practices, Encouragement, Support, Inspiration & Integration * Integrate proven tools for empowerment, balance and inner peace * Deepen your connection to your highest potential and inner wisdom * Explore the depths of your being with meditation and sacred ceremonies * Release limiting beliefs and patterns as you awaken to higher consciousness and a greater sense of your human potential. Dan Millman, author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, speaks about there being 12 Gateways to Human Potential. They are: self-worth, will, energy, money, mind, intuition, emotions, fears, self-knowledge, sexuality, love and service. Reflect upon these for a moment. Now see how they apply to your own life and the actions: • Thinking globally, but acting locally to make change happen. • Be the change that you want to make in the world. • Being in service with your efforts and time- this is where we find meaning. • Celebrating Oneness as Abundance. Scarcity is a part of our capitalist economic view - it breeds competition. • Moving towards ways to show each persons value and how they can participate. • The system needs to reinvest in human development by appointing leaders who build social systems that allow all classes to learn and grow and give back from their talents. • Revolution is not violence, it’s the power of agreement by people who join together and say this is what we can have - and then they create that through vision, planniing and action (as if there life depended on it). • Working together we can choose to create more then working alone. • Use your talents and passions meaningfully & purposefully to create a strong impact. The “Art of Living” is about Masterful Living Through the Power of Creation. A leader has the power to discover meaning and morality, purpose and pattern, to the universe. They can replace negativity with creativity, detachment with fullfilment, alienation with connection, consumerism with compassion and competition with co-operation We have the power to create the world over when we come together in creativity.

Reconnecting the fragmented parts of the whole

Ecological Planning - Dr. Batel Dinur Mr. Alon Yakolchik

The Culture of Organizations & Sustainable Thriving Businesses

A comprehensive yet flexible planning approach, which takes into consideration the inherent interrelatedness of all aspects of a society, including: education, health, economy, culture, architecture, natural reBusiness as Usual? I don’t think so... source management, transport, energy, food, communication, etc., by establishing an ecological planning The next social and industrial order of information framework for continuous feedback exchange and innovation has more to do withand abundance andamong the society’s composing sectors. The ecological planning approach we offer is based trust than with scarcity, separation and limitation. on our combined research (including a PhD and postdoctorate) into ecological andand their possible implementation in planning and design practices. The key assets are trustedprinciples relationships dynamThe implementation process is composed of four main stages: ic innovation. 1. Contextual research, according to which we define the system and its’ parts, and set up the entire work process. 2. Work with each part of the system independently (define goals, examine work processes, internal feedback mechanisms, etc.). 3. Examination of all possible interrelations among the systems’ parts. 4. Integration of all the parts into one system (i.e. integrated action plan for each part and for the system as a whole). Ecological planning represents a breakthrough in both ‘sustainable’ and ‘participatory’ planning practices Synergetics for the following reasons: Synergyinisnature, the only word in our language thatscope means “the 1. It is based on a deep understanding of ecology and evolution and therefore enlarges the behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the of sustainability to include a focus on interconnectivity among parts relating to the same whole. These separately can behaviors any of theasystem’s separate include (as in Auroville’s case) interconnectivity among observed the different sectorsof composing society (i.e. edu- parts or any subassembly of the system’s parts.” cation, health, economy, culture, agriculture, energy, transport, food, water management, waste, etc.), or other types of connections (i.e. among departments in an organization, etc.). The main assumption underlining this approach is that increased connectivity implies increased resilience for the system as a whole. 2. It offers a simple yet comprehensive model for managing complexity. It can encompass evaluations at different levels and in between levels, such that the system functions ‘ecologically’ across all scales. 3. It offers continuous participation of different stakeholders in the planning process rather than one-off participation exercises (most existing participatory and communicative planning approaches are based on one-off exercises, usually lasting several days or weeks, which are then incorporated as ‘inputs’ into exist2.0: The New InitiaingEarth planning structures). OurBusiness model aims to offer a base for a new and ongoing planning organization. - Successful 4. Ittive challenges existingSustainabilty top-down powerthrough structures by channelling a continuous bottom-up process, that is self-organizing and self-balancing. the Abundance of Synergy It should ideally include high-position stakeholders, but not as the sole decision-makers. • The importance of balance and harmony be5. Ittween offershuman a flexible framework, which can be adapted to changing circumstances, such as different projbeings and the environment. ect •scales, and include different stakeholders at different times. For example, in Auroville, we introduce a To re-build the earth and care for it as a livplanning structure that reflects input from relevant sectors according to the scale of the project in the planing structure. ning application (please see that attached images 2-5). • Creating a new culture is deeply comfortable, beautiful and supportive for all huSociocracy is a system of governance, using consent-based decision making among equivalent individuals man beings. and an organizational structure based on cybernetic principles.[1] The most recent implementation of sociocracy by Gerard Endenburg, also known as Circular Organizing, was developed as a new tool for governance of private enterprise, but has been adopted in many different kinds of organizations including public, private, non-profit and community organizations as well as professional associations.

Governance & Management Underlying all governance is a paradox between equal participation and efficiency. Government by the whole allows more participation but takes longer amounts of time. Trained managers trusted to make final decisions and have a better history of understanding efficient actions and results based on experience and previous outcomes.

NewZonia Business Model & Mission Statement 1 - We believe that every citizen on planet earth has a right to enough abundance to be able to eat and drink and sustain their lives and dreams on a standard that erases the reality of poverty and allows for serenity in having their daily needs met 2 - We believe that every citizen of planet earth has the right to good health and universal health care so they might flourish and have the fortitude to seek their dreams and destiny in life 3 - We believe that every citizen of planet earth has the right to have full access to a good education in general and an education pertinent to their individual talents and dreams in particular, regardless of their location or economic station in life 4 - We believe that every citizen of planet earth has a right to live in a clean, safe and healthy environment that glorifies and sustains our earth and our resources and acts aggressively against the destruction of our precious planet We, for these reasons, and in a spirit of unity and creativity, here declare that we intend to create a living model of a creative society through a world wide web business that models and demonstrates these ideals and criteria for a better life for all, and that this model will grow and thrive as an example of the power of shared consciousness and purpose driven activity, and the good such a society can manifest in the real world. (

“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.� - Buckminster Fuller Bucky Fuller went on the search for the principles governing the universe and to help advance the evolution of humanity in accordance with them. He wanted to apply the principles of science to solving the problems of humanity. Since our modern world is a scientific linear obsessed society - we need to speak to the global leaders in their belief language.

• Inclusion simply gives the community more of its own resources to draw upon. It gives itself more options and flexibility. Because more of each person is welcomed and included, there is more engaged participation. Naturally, an attitude of inclusion invites the deep leadership that exists in a group. • Process oriented diversity training: Our human differences are a basic building block of sustainable and functional community life. This training helps individuals and collectives integrate differences regarding gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socio-economic and educational backgrounds, abilities, perspectives, mind states, and other vital elements.

Process Work holds that collectives are not just groups of individuals, but are also fields or feeling environments formed by the interaction of people and roles. • The Community Healing & Leadership Training teaches individuals, organizations / collectives how to become more deeply inclusive, democratic, functional, and sustainable. • Inclusion, deep democracy, and diversity are synonymous with sustainability. A sustainable community integrates the depth and breadth of its members as well as its processes and problems. The ability to integrate diverse people, perspectives, and problems is central to this teaching. • Communities heal, or become more whole, by the profound act of inclusion. This is inclusion of all members, perspectives, feelings, and states of mind. Inclusion extends to all of our differences of gender, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, socio/economic and educational background, abilities.

These important differences constitute our potential wealth of resources, array of possibilities, and degree of adaptability. Process oriented diversity work’s main principle is that the “other,” the momentary or chronically marginalized one, is you. While being a radical notion, it is also one that is fundamental to psychology in the idea of projection, and to quantum physics in the theory of nonlocality. Source: Olive Grove Consulting ( )

Creating an active dialogue to open-source strategies and solutions to our planetary crisis. A whole system design perspective for planning the course of human development by: Embracing Diversity Integrating Differences Conflict Resolution: identify, integrate, and resolve conflicts and polarizations To alleviates stress and uncover new understandings, ideas, experiences, and ways of relating. Sharing awareness, communication, and relationship tools for facilitating processes that help businesses grow sustainably and humans grow interconnectedly.

Listening • Relationship Building • Evaluation • Reflection • Challenge • Solutions • Action • Celebration

• Currency is the current, or energy exchange between individuals and businesses. Products, services and entertainment are only symbols that allow the exchange to occur. The truth of today’s economy is that the items and services lack true life-force energy, therefor we are scratching our heads over the lack of quality in the mainstream consumer driven reality. If we were a more earth-spirit based culture, we would have healthier products as well as a more sacred commerce and current.

A New Creative Culture is Born Embracing Diversity Integrating Differences Conflict Resolution: identify, integrate, and resolve conflicts and polarizations To alleviates stress and uncover new understandings, ideas, experiences, and ways of relating to each other. Sharing awareness, communication, and relationship tools for facilitating processes that help businesses grow sustainably and humans grow interconnectedly.

Knowledge is transmitted in four ways: Spoken word, art, architecture or through nature And it is carries on generation to generation through: language, icons and leaders, mythology and story, rites of passage and rituals, new media (film,etc.)

Partners in Empowerment United in action for a sustainable world. Use the 7 Stages of Sustainabilty a collaboration roadmap for navigating the building of sustainable communities around the globe. Fore more info:

From the disconnected separation of our limited modern worldview...



to the interconnected thriving planet we see in nature’s beauty.

The Core Community: Informed, Inspired, Connected and Empowered A spectrum of ideas around community building and collaborative leadership. The CORE conference will help expose the inherent pillars that hold communities structures together and provide us with new leaderships insights into the human behavior practices (coherence building, dynamic governance, collaboration methodologies); technological tools (online community platforms, crowdsourcing software, collaborative wikis); platforms (offline, online, physical space, currency systems) and the purposes (collective intent studies, movement building strategies, business models) that underlie all types of communities and organizations. We will examine and embody the patterns in ecological biology: » The sacred in community life » Collective intelligence » Creative innovation » Dynamic governance Connect the global team of visionaries and innovators: » community architects » business innovators » social entrepreneurs » technology developers » NGO directors » movement builders » educators » city administrators

TECHNOLOGY What are the latest online tools and platforms for community engagement and management? How can you effectively utilize these technologies to enhance collaboration, harness collective intelligence and mobilize community action? PRACTICES How can you use new structures of dynamic governance to help organize your community? What are the best ways to facilitate trust and collaboration amongst members? How can you maintain open channels of communication and resolve disputes when necessary? PURPOSE How can you create collective intent to help engage members within your community? How can we measure the economics of community? How can you implement new complementary currency models into your community?


Communities Journeying Back to the Source Together

Conceive the future of communities— an opportunity for people, businesses, institutions and organizations to create vibrant cultures and economies: » social enterprise » urban innovation » learning and education » media and publishing » intentional communities » new currencies

Feel the diversity of the planet move through your body. The whole entire world is inside of us. Build the place where we can gather and share our visions of the future we would like to create...and then dance in them with our healthy bodies. To create a future that represents a gift to future generations – where the incredible potentials of humanity are one day realized. To develop an even more effective collective response to affect change grounded in a deep analysis of what is truly happening. What is the force behind reality creation? How we can affect it at its source? Imagine a place to share with community the best of your talents and a place to cross-pollinate our gifts with skill-sharing gatherings. The mission is to reintegrate humans once again into the natural cycles of nature, including evolving through adaptation and collaboration. To embody its spirituality and its symbiotic, abundance based relationship that it offers to us. And since natural systems have their own perfected operating instructions, we are blessed with free living master teachers. Nature runs on current sunlight. Nature banks on diversity. Nature rewards cooperation. Nature builds from the bottom up. Nature recycles everything. Earth’s ultimate mission statement: Life creates conditions conducive to sustaining life (the living, regenerating force). Given that the most important element in systems is purpose and goals, the big question is: What’s the old paradigm economy for? If the goal is building resilience, the priority flips from growth and expansion to sufficiency and a sustainable prosperity that is consistantly producing abundance. Resilience also favors economic re-localization, which in turn produces greater energy and food security. Since economic currency is just a measure of the flowing current, or energy exchange of goods, services and trust value. The New Movement towards harmonic living through integrating advanced technology with an evolved earth science of permaculture. How then do we set about redesigning human systems? And who has decision-making power?

Humans learn to nurture whole systems thinking.

A process of beginning to see the entire hologram from all angles. Learning ecological literacy, the language of nature.

Creating an alternative cultural vision that will be the eyes of transformational change.

Projecting and reaching the goals of a fully sustainable society. Forwarding the momentum.

The Ecology of Culture Observe Integrate Apply

Investigate the issues lying at the root of our ecological crisis.

Helping humans visualize our ecoligical crisis in compelling ways. To communicate a sense of urgency that is poetic so that that we

can become enpowered as heroic mythmakers and rise to the challenge. To meet the challenges with innovative solutions.

From crisis to innovation, the breakdown is the spark of creation for our breakthrough.

Fear becomes adrenaline, and adrenaline becomes our streamlined rush into excellence.

We infuse ecological literacy into the cultural, media communica-

tions and design industries. We embed it into the infastructure of a new civilization being built from the ground up.

To become a true leader is to build a healthy team as one unified orchestra where all of the octaves are used.

Individual purpose and unique missions create the template of synergy.

We are invited into a process designed to bring our best collective thinking.

We practice the art and science of social change by becoming culture designers and social alchemists.

We become creators of new realities, also remaining humbly

grateful to creation in every moment for its blessings and majesty.

“Given the global economic and environmental crises, what attitudes and skills can help us apply more positive, creative, conscious and sustainable approaches?� Awakening to our spiritual identity. Realizing more of our inherent potential. Harnessing our creative mind power. Flowing our energy to solutions rather than problems. Remembering who we really are and why we are here. Fulfilling our life purposes and missions. Making a difference and leaving a legacy. Loving, serving and blessing others. Maintaining a positive mental attitude. Applying creative thinking and problem-solving. We now see the importance of balance and harmony between human beings and the environment. To re-build the earth and care for it as a living structure by creating a new culture that is deeply comfortable, beautiful and supportive for all human beings. The next social and industrial order of information and innovation has more to do with abundance and trust than with scarcity, separation and limitation. The key assets are trusted relationships and dynamic innovation. The tools and techniques for creating healthier places: fostering citizen and institutional awareness of environmental and social issues, building effectiveness in addressing social change through leadership training, providing facilitation and conflict transformation in organizations, communities and collaboratives, and, in the development of transformative experiences that link people to one another, their place and the planet.

12 ways to be a 21st Century Visionary By Marcia Wieder

1. You are comfortable with uncertainty, the place where true creation occurs. You know we were created to create and you allow the time and space for this to occur. 2. You have extraordinary faith.You are able to act on what’s important to you even without assurance and guarantees. You can walk on faith without knowing the strategy or even clear next steps. 3. You know that the secret to enlightenment is to relax. As we relax, our ego (with its agenda, fears and doubts) can slip away and we are left with our essential self, essence or soul. 4. You practice getting empty, so you can hear the voice of the Divine and/or feel this presence. You often create ritual and sacred space as a way to invite this in. 5. You can consciously drop into a deeper place of wisdom, knowing and truth; you can ideate/dream and speak from this place.

Dream Birthing & Lucid Living Portal: Vision - Feel - Plan - Action 6. You are aware that miracles happen in their own time and you are able to wait rather than asserting your will or effort too soon. You trust the process enough to let it unfold. 7. You are receptive and know that “give and take” is not the same as “give and receive” and that giving and receiving need to be done in balance. You practice restraint, allowing space for the space where true creation and original thought happen. 8. You do not live primarily as a problem solver, but more as a creative force. You are aware that it is more powerful to move toward what you want than away from what you don’t want, yet you know that both creation and destruction serve a unique purpose. 9. You have a conscious relationshipwith the silent witness; the part that can see many points of view, all sides and new perspectives. You are a big dreamer with great imagination and a willingness to traverse new terrain. 10. You are collaborative rather than hierarchal. You have the courage, clarity and commitment to share dreams and ideas, empowering others to take ownership. 11. You are crucial to the Dream Movement’s ultimate dream, which is to make the world a better place. You know that with one single highly intentional step, the world can and has changed. 12. You have tremendous integrity. Beyond keeping your agreements with yourself and others, you answer to a higher Source. You have a purpose, mission, vision, calling and dreams in many areas of life.

Visionaries have a bold mission and a calling. (An example from my soul): Mission: to help others believe in their dreams Vision: to lead a creative renaissance in order to make the world a better place. Calling: to help us remember who we are and why we’re here. What’s your purpose, mission, vision and calling?

Ancient Taoist / Modern Alchemist of Inner Illumination Dream Oracle of Lucid Divination Dream Star Technology from the Heart of the Cosmic Designer Divine Nation of Deep Heart Magic

We are becoming awakened cells in the body of the Creation. We are all interconnected as one through: planetary destiny and its state of health, energy fields, genetics, elements (we came from stardust !) To build a new civilization is to build coninuity with the ancestors. This bridge becomes the crosssing point into the divine power of elemental life forces (the God particles). When we reawaken ancestral memories, we realize that only what is spiritual lives on. We reveal the hidden doors of greater mystery when our perception is ready. The initiate steps through this doorway and enters the telepathic nature of time and evolutionary consciousness.

The Unified Field of Ecology & Consciousness

Fully conscious humans want to govern themselves in a democratic way. Humanity can evolve into a fully thriving civilization as guardian species of planetary ecology and stewards of the many earth gardens and terra forms. Support is needed in the transition into using technology and creating culture that mirrors the planet’s natural perfection - its Way - the Tao.

“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” - Buckminster Fuller The search continues for the principles governing the universe and how to help advance the evolution of humanity in accordance with them. How do we apply the principles of science and design to solving the problems of humanity? To see an overview of the convergence of the planetary shift we live in and the dormant human abilities and knowledge that are now being activated and awakened, please visit our section on the Ascension:

THE VISION FORWARD : TO FLOW LIKE WATER What is about to unfold is nothing less than the most brilliant period of not only our lifetimes, but of all lifetimes. The first pulse of this revolution will be a metaphysical one, fired from the awakened quantum gateway in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy as our solar system enters this grand cross alignment. This gateway will unleash powerful, higher-dimensional energy that has never before been felt on Earth. This radical new energy will totally immerse the planet, affecting an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened; a quantum leap of the mind that has never before been experienced on Earth. Free energy technology will be a major part of this, as well as revolutionary advances in medicine, agriculture, communications, computer sciences, optics, magnetics, and terraforming. This technology will transform the way we live and interact with one another forever. The coming explosion in technology and innovation will spur levels of humanitarianism the world has never seen. A tremendous global movement to eradicate poverty, uplift the nations, and heal the ecosystems of the world will begin to manifest. Hundreds of millions of passionate, altruistic, like-minded souls will begin to connect, collaborate, and push projects to success that in years past would have never come to fruition. Humanity will soon become intimately aware that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but it has been influencing events on Earth for quite some time. People will realize that there is a hidden, perfect order to creation. This personal and collective revolution, which will manifest for many as the development of extraordinary spiritual and metaphysical gifts, will be the answer to all our present and future problems. The so-called celebrities of today will fade into obscurity as a new breed of celebrities, deriving their power from spiritual development and humanitarian passion will be catapulted into the limelight. These will be the heroes and heroines of the New Age that is being birthed before our eyes. “We offer this vision of eco-villages and golden communities sprouting around the world, with advanced free energy technology, fully sustainable off the grid systems, biodynamic food forests, sacred geometry architecture. These communities are all run with divine protocol and order, and are interconnected by a international network guided by wise and humble high councils who live on behalf of the greater good of the greater all. People are living in communities where they are truly sovereign, free on all levels and all beings have the time and freedom to do what they love to do, to fully cultivate their own mastery and deliver the full expression of their gift to the world.” - Lukaijah, Founder of Integrative Life Mastery and an Awakening Freedom member Natural systems have their own operating instructions, as biomimicry master Janine Benyus describes: “nature runs on current sunlight. Nature banks on diversity. Nature rewards cooperation. Nature builds from the bottom up. Nature recycles everything. And Earth’s mission statement: Life creates conditions conducive to life.” Given that the most important element in systems is purpose and goals, the big question is: What’s the economy for? If the goal is building resilience, the priority flips from growth and expansion to sufficiency and a sustainable prosperity. Resilience also favors economic re- localization, which in turn produces greater energy and food security. How then do we set about redesigning human systems? And who has decision-making power?


Restructuring the past (forgiving) Living fully in the present (power of now) Contributing fearlessly to the future (inspire)

Wa te r Bless the water it’s the life-force blood and molecular structures running though all life. One ocean of many water drops From flora, fauna, and mycellium to Microcosm to macrocosm and single celled to multiple celled organism The DNA of ecology The Tao of Physics is Oneness based on interconnectedness Diversity thrives because it knows it’s One Universe

Are you ready for the most advanced Intergalactic, Ecological & Whole-Systems Innovative TAO-wnload (download) ?

Earth Jedi

Aligning Energizing Flowing with the Elements

6 – Sexual Sagehood. Our volatile male-female sexuality is reflected in the polar split between the two halves of our soul, the Heaven-formless spirit and Earth-form sexually embodied aspect. But sex is our soul’s secret alchemical elixir. If we know how to tap our sexual volatility, we can quickly transform spiritually. Taoist sexual practice with a partner and solo meditative inner sexual alchemy both use our tangible sexual essence to “capture” and crystallize the invisible essence of our spirit. This union of our sexual and spiritual selves births a “third self” – an androgynous, bi-sexual Inner Sage that manifests our immortal non-dual Original Nature. Our Inner Sage is able to embody non-dual energy (yuan chi) while present in a sexually polarized male or female body and simultaneously express our unique individual will. 7 – Transformation. The core Taoist spiritual practice is Internal Alchemy (neidan gong). Alchemy is transformation, the process of speeding up internal change. Both science and art, this meditative process offers a heart-centered systematic method to transform the apparent spirit-matter split within a single lifetime. Inside every human being lives a mystical trinity. In the West this trinity might be called body-mind-spirit, but their meaning is vague. In Taoism, the trinity is jing-chii-shen, with very precise meaning. Alchemical meditation speeds up the transformations between sexual essence (“jing”), subtle breath (“chi”), and intelligence-spirit (“shen”). The three are really the same, but vibrating at different speeds, to give our soul greater freedom of expression. 8 – Immortality. Tao inner alchemy offers Seven Alchemy Formulas for Eternal Life. These seven stages are a practical map to spiritually rebirth the mortal self into an immortal consciousness that continues functioning after death. This is not a quest for physical immortality. Ordinary souls dissolve after death. Enlightened souls hold enough integrity to reincarnate consciously, a kind of soul immortality. Spiritual immortality is the stage beyond enlightenment. It allows us to complete the natural process of soul individuation that is happening in both our Lesser Self/personality as well as our cosmic Greater Self. Spiritual Immortality is Nature’s way to allow the most worthy individual beings to participate in the ongoing creation of the divine multi-verse. 9 – Spontaneity. Every soul seeks two things. One, to complete its unique worldly destiny. Two, to achieve a high spiritual destiny of consciously merging back into its Original Spirit. But destiny is not a fixed or pre-determined path. There is only the effortless spontaneous unfolding of each moment (“wuwei”). The Supreme Mystery (Wuji) that births the Life Force will always remain unknowable and unpredictable, even as we gradually merge with the vastness of the Tao. This central Mystery lives in the core of our inner self and keeps all life eternally fresh, joyful, and spontaneous.

To cultivate the jing, qi and shen – life essence, energy and spirit

E a rth

Build the place where we can gather and share our visions of the future we would like to create. To create a future that represents a gift to future generations – where the incredible potentials of humanity are one day realized. The rally becomes to develop and inspire an even more effective collective response to affect change. One grounded in a deep analysis of what is truly happening - what is the force behind reality creation and how we are affecting it? How we can affect it at its root, dive into its source and dismantle our destructive beliefs in the process?

Divine Community Design

Lucid Living The Experience of Each Other

Dream and vision for the world: when all of humanity’s essential needs are met — and every one of those needs is meet-able now — prosperity naturally follows. When we choose to come together as a global family, and cultivate the garden that is already here for us with intelligence and compassion, we are rewarded with nothing less than the full flowering of human potential. This psychology of interconnected growth has proven to be the antidote to despair and a powerful immune response to the energetic parasites of nihilism and apathy. The only way for communities to experience liberation would be to create better working systems that make oppressive systems obsolete. The path towards global peace, harmony, and liberation we believe starts by developing permanent local subsistence strategies that rely on the abundance of nature, not the scarcity of the industrial economy, for survival.

1. Experience a new way of thinking about ourselves, others, the world, and our capacity to create the world we want. See how what has come before shaped our world and the way we think about our roles as individuals in a larger society. See where we are now in the context of how we’ve created our world throughout human history. 2. Reconnect with what we truly want individually and collectively. Directly experience that we all want the same thing for our lives and the world. I’m talking about ALL of us, not just the “us” of a particular nation, culture, skin color, gender, religion, political affiliation, age, socio-economic status, geography, sexual orientation, or profession. This is a radical concept until you experience for yourself this is true. 3. Reflect on what we’ve created so far. Directly experience that though we all want the same thing for our lives and the world, we have yet to create it. We KNOW the world is not as we want it. When enough people experience this gap between those fundamental things we all really want and what we’ve created, we can start aligning our efforts toward what we want and away from what we don’t. 4. Experience the concrete strategy that gets us working collaboratively toward the brighter future we all want. Directly experience what it’s like to create new societal structures together that support the world we truly want. 5. Act. A movement is starting. The results of the creating process (above) will be shared with the world as a mini “Building Pod” as part of the growing movement. Participants are given the opportunity to join the growing community of others all committed to uniting to create a prosperous world. (From The Prosperity Experience - a large group interactive experience that’s fun, educational, inspirational, and productive!

Taoist Dakini

• Earth Steward • Healer • Jedi Trainer

Ecology Creation Interface:

Living Gaian Library (Voices of the plants)

Interconnected & Interdependent Sharing Energy Sustainability Harmonic Communities

Healing Technology

Geometric Patterns

Medicine Plants


Land Stewardship



Unified Field

Planetary Stewards Open-Sourced Tools / Techniques • Growth Patterns • Cycles & Rhythms (Seed to Fruit) Biodiversity & Thrivability

Skills & Qualities: Dance forms fluid like nature Ancient Shaolin Kung Fu Elemental Bending

The Unified Map of Creating Principles for

New Earth CommUnity

1.) The Art & Science of Culture Design (Based on Design Science founded by Buckminster Fuller & Jacque Fresco) 2.) Whole Systems (Complete Integrative Social Design) 3.) Permaculture (Biomimicry, Green/Sustainability, Eco-Architecture) 4.) Ancient Indiginous Wisdom & Earth Sciences (Shamanism, Natu- ral Medicine, Earth Elemental Magick, Taoism, Ayurveda) 5.) Pesonal Empowerment 6.) Relationship Psychology (NVC, EFT, Group Processing) 7.) The Natural Laws & The Spiritual Laws of Success 8.) New Paradigm Education, Rites of Passage & Mystery Schools

Fun hands-on technology for the whole family. Learning about a sustainable planet in style.

How do we teach ecology to an electronic addicted culture with short attention spands?

Immersive Entertainment for Human Exploration (Enlightened Techno Entertainment for Sustainability Learning Entrainment) Creative Design Engineers mixing art, technology and immersive experience:

What are the design patterns in nature that allow energy to flow healthy and abundant? And how do we create our human structures and cities with this wisdom? Interconnected


Energy Exchange

Harmonic Communities Planetary Stewards

Design Science in Nature Growth Patterns

Cycles & Rhythms

From Seed to Fruit Biodiversity


New Earth Ethics

Social Justice governed by a loving planetary race

Interconnected Interdependent Harmonic Communities Planetary Stewards Techniques Growth Patterns Cycles & Rhythms Seed to Fruit Biodiversity Thrivability

Medicine Plants Land Stewardship Biodynamics Living Ecology Dance forms fluid like nature Ancient Shaolin kung fu animal forms Living Gaian Library Voices of the plants Geometric Patterns in the seeds Collaboration & Co-Creation Sharing Energy Sustainability

Ancient Taoist / Modern Alchemist Dream Oracle of Lucid Divination Divine Nation of deep heart magic Celebrating the diversity At one with life’s impermanence Deep life ecology The spirit of the place Enlivening ReGenesis (Beginning) New Earth Ethics for an upgrade in culture and creativity

Permaculture is about connecting and maintaining relationships based on time tested wisdom and results. Permaculture based communities form when people join forces in support and share resources, skills and celebration. Diversity thrives like the gracefully flowing journey of water from glacier, to the river, to the ocean. “Permaculture is a dynamic strategy for the sustainable development of human communities in a more-thanhuman world. It is the awareness and application of sustainable design principles based on the foundations of traditional knowledge, and modeled form observation of relationships found in nature. Recognizing the innate interconnectedness of all things, permaculture creates the awareness of the real implications of our actions on all levels. Permaculture is a continuing process exploring the ways in which you can fulfill the needs of the things around you while having your own needs met. Its the continuos cycle of giving and receiving. Permaculture is a process of growing awareness. Linking people with plants, permaculture promotes conscious living, sustainable development and resource conservation. It is a response to the industrial urbanization of the Earth and the resulting toxification of the biosphere. The permaculture path opens dialogues about finding creative solutions for problems in the present.� - Delvin Solkinson, Gaiacraft Permaculture School ( How do we share our views of the state of the world, and how we can return to living in harmony with it? From strategy to action, the conscious development of long term planning for the next several generations of children is a reason to help make the world better. How do we rest in knowing that these are graceful lessons? Planetary Culture Building Designing the Divine Blueprint for a healthy world Architects of Destiny employed by the love of creation Celebrating the new urban eco-cities Roof top gardens crowning the skyscrapers Where life flows through the homes in harmony The holistic nature of our planetary eco-system Arises from the lessons of our once lived ego-system Our collective destiny is interwoven with the destiny of all of life on earth

upgrading the old system redesigning the future applying the wisdom of the past learning the lessons of planetary stewards being trained into planetary guardianship being initiated into galactic citizenship upheld by honor, gratitude and integrity the rewards are received as we merge with a large family of advanced sentient beings student and teacher roles dissolve as the star nations reveal themselves to earth children we are now here to create a new world we smile with joy magic is fluid and abound abundance runs its course

Enlightened Ecology & Divine Design Merging with Human Awakening Observe the challenges in our world Integrate the situations in your personal, community and planetary realities Formulate a new cultural design strategy to inspire and illuminate the crucial issues Apply the design process of renewal Share the successful method with others Taking our place in the community of life that exists around us To rethink how you interact with the world and then design a new interface of exercises and tools to dance with your own living ecology. Learning the many languages and rhythms of the plant and animal kingdoms. Its growth patterns, its cycles, its spirits and the spirit of a place. Teaching skills to relink people with the planetary heart of creation Infusing their lives with the magic of the natural world For the healing of our home Singing the songs to life The eternal Tao is the orchestra of being. Creating an active dialogue to open-source strategies and solutions to our planetary crisis. Take your role in creating a whole system design perspective for planning the course of human development.

The Universe’s Core Value-Interests (UVIA) The 12 Universe Principles or Right Action are based upon the Universe’s Core Value-Interests. These value interests are found within the Universe’s Deepest Repeating Successful Action Patterns and Processes. They appear to be releasing ALL inherent potentials for experience and relationship and exhausting all possibilities for increasing, improving or developing: 1. Creativity, which births 2. Complexity, which creates 3. Novelty / variety / diversity, which eventually creates increasing uncertainty 4. Expansion / growth / development and in some cases reproduction (here productivity is found to be an intrinsic universe value interest within reproduction) 5. Awareness, (starts with sensing awareness of physical universe then expanding to self-awareness then expands to awareness of other as selves, which then expands to awareness of the greater Universe and eventually toward awareness of Ultimate Reality [what some might even call Total Reality or God awareness) 6. Learning, intelligence 7. Adaptability 8. Energy Exchange that is appropriate (fair) for the establishment of sustainable and dynamic energy balances, unions) 9. Union, toward new, larger and more sustainable unions of increasing environmental control and evolvability where the self interests of the parts have been aligned to the interests of the union and to the value interests of the Universe 10. Self-organization and freedom/choice for parts in unions 11. Integration, order and harmonization of parts in unions 12. Robustness, redundancies and reserves of parts and unions 13. And finally, toward a new created and aware super-union of all Universe parts and unions and, then possibly toward a new transcendence of the universe itself when all universe value-interest possibilities for releasing, increasing, improving, developing or transcending experience and relationship (sharing,) have been exhausted. The Universe could be said to then have completed a cycle of the Universe’s own potentials having achieved manifestation/distribution, development, realization and transcendence. Looking at the Universe Principles as a whole and particularly through their key words like fair exchange and sustainability one can begin to see in new and expanded wording the core essence, key parts or more enlightened aspects of almost every ethical, moral and legal code humanity has ever developed. This is only natural because humanity has always basically used what happens in real human life in nature (the universe,) for creating its codes even when it attributes the origin of these codes to other more super natural sources. Text source:

The Ascended Level : Being in Service : TheTwelve Keys of Service: 1. All Action must be Based on Compassion When championing a Cause, the mindset must be altruistic and the motivating emotion must be positive. Spiritual Activism is action for the benefit of something, not against something. 2. Compassion Flows from the Understanding of the Connection Between All Living Beings We are all connected through our shared Humanity. When you learn to see that our differences are superficial and our similarities manifest, sympathy (or worse, pity) gives way to compassion. Our actions shift from one of “us helping them” to one of “for the good of All”. We become One. 3. Compassion Must Be Applied With Wisdom There are more Causes that exist than an individual or group can possibly be involved with. It is important to choose your causes carefully. Learn to Act instead of React. 4. Apply Synergy and Teamwork to Accomplish Goals Synergy is the process where two or more actions combine to produce an effect greater than the sum of its individual parts. Like ripples in a pond, spiritual actions combine and build on each other to magnify an effect beyond what each could do individually. Whenever possible, team up with others to acquire a multifaceted and more holistic approach. 5. Spiritual Activism is the Pursuit of Service for the Good of All, Not for the Advancement or Benefit of Individuals The mindset behind your actions must be noble, holistic, Universal and non-partisan. Be mindful that ego and selfservice have no place in Spiritual Activism. 6. Pursue Integrity, Honesty and Dignity in the Conduct of Your Actions Embrace Mindfulness in the application of your activities and be aware of how your actions may be perceived by others. If our methods are not noble, our results will not be either. Practice Spiritual Transparency, allowing negative energies to bypass your system without harming it. 7. Do not Defame Your Detractors or Those Who Doubt You A confrontational approach leads to a defensive reaction. Approach others with Openness and Compassion in your heart. Build on the commonalities between you instead of focusing on the differences. As much as possible, detach yourself from the results of your actions. Aspire to always be a Peacemaker. 8. Raising Another Up Raises You Up As Well Helping another becomes a form of self-love as well as an expression of outward love. This becomes an uplifting cycle of increasing awareness, connection, compassion, involvement, capacity, and back to increasing awareness. 9. Learn to Listen to Your Heart and Not Your Mind You mind may only see the problem. Your heart will always feel the solution. Learn to act with Faith and cultivate a loving perception when facing collective problems. 10. Search Out Viable and Sustainable Solutions Seek out solutions that maintain or restores the dignity of individual human and their communities. The goal of Spiritual Activism is to raise another up, not make them dependant. 11. Do Not Judge Yourself Simply By The Results Of Your Actions Maintain a sense of detachment as to overall results. The ultimate goal of Spiritual Activism is to unconditionally raise the understanding and support of Humanity, with no exceptions. This achievement is larger than any individual. While individual projects can be completed, the sum is so much greater than its parts. Learn to see yourself not on where you have reached, but on the Path you are traveling. There is real fulfillment in just being called to serve humanitarian and spiritual causes. 12. Let Metta Be The Motivation For Your Actions If you cultivate Metta (the practice of loving-kindness) in your heart, you will succeed. The Intention that is the motivating force behind your actions is paramount. Start from a position of pure and altruistic Love.

Humanity’s Transition to a Galactic Culture Visionary Mikael King’s Old Earth to New Earth Upgrade:

• Old Earth 0.0 is: separation, fear based Ego control, self-denial, unforgiveness, outdated belief systems, scarcity & poverty consciousness, material excess, male vs. female, race vs. race, unfulfilling careers, misguided purpose, unconscious emotional self-gratification, corporate greed, co-dependent relationships, dominance/ subordination, sexual & domestic abuse, global grid matrix control, endless projection processing, unsustainable livelihood, thermo-nuclear radiation abuse, microwaves, genetically modified foods, natural resource depletion, wars, destructive HAARP Technologies, chemtrails, resulting in the total death program transformation of the Old Earth’s environment and her species. • New Age 1.0 is: the storefront of Oneness, New Age Hustle, Cosmic Fluff, Divine Love with a money hook, Happy Meal Yoga Teachers, Playing the sticky Devotee/Guru Game, Disempowering Teacher/Student relationships, Spiritual Ego Seduction, Spiritual Ego Competition, Spiritual Male vs. Spiritual Female, Spiritual Path from the Heart Up only, Shadow Denial, Sex Denial, Martydom, Saviourdom, Entity Channeling, Entity Healing, Galactic Messiah Complex, Disembodiment, Ungrounded, Constant Processing, Blame Game, Gossip Game, Spiritual Grudges, Co-Dependent Soul Karma Relationships, Recreational Drugs disguised as “Medicine”, Unconscious Sustainability, Abuse of Spiritual & Sexual Powers, Spiritual Ego Driven Materialism, Everything is Perfect when clearly it is not, resulting in the total death program transformation of the New Age separation game and its players. • New Earth 2.0 is: being fully & authentically naked no matter what happens, unified heart consciousness, sovereign co-creation, self-realization, crystalline vibrations, creative self-empowerment, transparent communication, conscious teamwork, honest integrity, non-judgmental, vibrational discernment, loving the body from authentic presence, saying a full YES after establishing healthy boundaries by clearly stating NO, being sacred space, equally giving & receiving, male is female, female is male, sacred union, synchronicity, child-like innocence, fun, play, great-fullness, dance, hula, chant, sing, deep compassion, understanding, wisdom, valor, trust, vulnerability, humility, emotional intelligence, ho’o’pono pono (forgiveness), acceptance, allowance, being & staying grounded, living your self-worth, self-fulfilling careers, self-channeling, enlightened philanthropy, prosperity consciousness, radiant health embodiment, inner-evolving life purpose, interdependent relationships, ecologically thriving lifestyle, regenerative architecture, sacrednology, raw living foods, world-wide sustainable “space of love” gardens climaxing in the fully embodied & ascension of the New Earth’s environment and all her kingdoms. PLANETARY INITIATION INTO UNITY : Global Celebration (or what may seem like a major crisis to material world) led by the New Pioneers of Cultural Change Due to the acceleration of time, the transformation of your civilization will increase exponentially. Your word “transformation” literally means moving beyond form, thus the structures of your reality (meaning the thought forms and beliefs as well as the external realities of your life) will be undergoing rapid change. These thought forms and belief systems maintain the notion that there is a separation between the physical and the interdimensional (spiritual) aspects of your existence. The physical world is viewed as tainted; nature is seen as something to be subdued and dominated (as opposed to co-creating with the natural world), and in essence, the world is viewed as something to be escaped from. We do not share this belief. Our experience is that consciousness is one continuum from the highest vibrations of light into the lowest vibrations of matter and that the very atoms and subatomic particles that comprise your world are, by their very nature, sacred—if by sacred you mean related to the whole. Galactic Emissary Profile: Adam Apollo ia a researcher and guardian of the transformations occurring for humanity on Spiritual, Sociological, and Technological levels that light the way towards a peaceful and sustainable planet. Integrating perspectives on the history of human societies with the revolutionary impact of contact with interplanetary extraterrestrial cultures, as well as covering the major advances in current physics and technology, his work will offer a clear window facing the potential future of life on planet Earth and beyond. Explore more at:

Galactic Culture Art & Music

are about birthcultures: to a powerful new world as co-creators An ancient We prophecy toldtoingive several of 21st our own reality. We areculture currently experiencing the labor pains Around the century, a global and fear of this birth. Every planetary civilization in the Uni-verse will emerge and redesign civilization. Galactic Law & Governance (“One Song”) must pass the test and graduate from a Class 0 type civilization, to a Class 1 civilization at some point in its evolution as Interconnected Ecology of One a species. These class rankings are based on the maturity and intelligence of a species, such as the use of free energy of their life-giving resources such as the sun, and spiritual technology (full use of their DNA, brains, etc.). This passage is the most dangerous stage in a planetary species evolution - it is theorized that many species in other solar systems did not make this transition due to nuclear war and leadership. The world awaiting for us to create is an inter-connected living system based on success, prosperity, health, creativity and freedom for all. There are no problems in the mind of Nature - and it’s our challenge to return to this Source.

Open-Source Database Interface

• Receive the wisdom of the ancestors • Design from the ecology source

In the excellent book entitled, "Hyperspace", renown theorical physicist Michio Kaku explained three kinds of galactic civilizations: Type 1, 2, & 3 Civilizations Type I – this civilization harnesses the energy output of an entire planet. Type II – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star, and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization. Type III – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a galaxy, or about 10 billion time the energy output of a Type II civilization. • A Type I civilization would be able to manipulate truly planetary energies. They might, for example, control or modify their weather. They would have the power to manipulate planetary phenomena, such as hurricanes, which can release the energy of hundreds of hydrogen bombs. Perhaps volcanoes or even earthquakes may be altered by such a civilization. • A Type II civilization may resemble the Federation of Planets seen on the TV program Star Trek (which is capable of igniting stars and has colonized a tiny fraction of the near-by stars in the galaxy). A Type II civilization might be able to manipulate the power of solar flares. • A Type III civilization may resemble the Borg, or perhaps the Empire found in the Star Wars saga. They have colonized the galaxy itself, extracting energy from hundreds of billions of stars. By contrast, we on Earth are a Type 0 civilization, which extracts its energy from dead plants (oil and coal). Growing at the average rate of about 3% per year, however, one may calculate that our own civilization may attain Type I status in about 100-200 years, Type II status in a few thousand years, and Type III status in about 100,000 to a million years. These time scales are insignificant when compared with the universe itself. Author’s Note: This theoretical information is being presented to bring into awareness the shift humanity is now in. It is believed that many planetary civilizations did not make the evolutionary transition from Type 0 to Type 1 because it discovered nuclear energy but did not have the level of consciousness to deal with it properly. (Example: Creating nuclear weapons instead of free energy devices)

On this scale, one may now rank the different propulsion systems available to different types of civilizations: Type 0 Chemical rockets Ionic engines Fission power EM propulsion (rail guns) Type I Ram-jet fusion engines Photonic drive Type II Antimatter drive Von Neumann nano probes Type III Planck energy propulsion Stargate & Wormhole Technology Time machine Travel It's encouraging to know that we will reach Type 1 within one hundred years, but how about Type 2? Michio Kaku stated that it would take several thousands of years. However, given our recent rapid developments in science and technology, I think that we will reach Type 2 status within 1,000 years.

The Federation of Earth merges with Galactic Councils of Unity The state of the world and how we can return to living in greater harmony with it: • From strategy to action, the conscious development of long term planning for the next several generations of children is a reason to help make the world better. As the old systems crumble, the new energies will guide those whose spiritual awareness is the highest. • The new adventure of culture creation will unfold with love as the guiding force for our actions. To desire change in our hearts is to be ready to connect to the wisdom of the Earth • Learning “survival” skills is really a way for people to get together and explore what is in the natural habitat around you. (From wildforaging native herbs to mountain top vision quests) (The Quest to overcome fear) • Creating language and frameworks to explore how to mimic incredibly complex and efficient natural systems and apply these lessons to human-designed environments. • Building open source technologies for resilient communities and building community by connecting to earth rhythms. This is the dance of rebirth. To create the New Earth in our bodies first, then bring it to ceremony. • Shifting direction away from further globalization of the economy and paralyzing the youth with toxic pharmaceutical drugs, education and media. • Towards diversified and decentralized economic structures tailored to the social needs and ecological particularities of place. Thriving local communities of equality, restorative justice and creative celebration.

New Civilization Activated


Design Interface:

“a hybrid dynamic dialogue between the natural world and the the emerging technological mind” -Sijay of On Beyond

“The Singularity is an era in which our intelligence will become increasingly nonbiological and trillions of times more powerful —the dawning of a new civilization that will enable us to transcend our biological limitations and amplify our creativity. Technological singularity refers to the hypothetical future emergence of greater-than human intelligence through technological means. Whether or not spirit, humanity and ecology is integrated will determine its beautiful or tragic implications.” - Ray Kurweill, global renown futurist & tech entrepreneur Visionary leaders are intuitive pioneers who see an inspirational picture of the future and are successful in making it a reality in today’s world. They tap into their inner resources to build a coherent support “field” around their mission. Leaders think and act outside traditional norms so they can lead from their core spiritual values. Their vision fits in the bigger picture - the Higher Plan of evolution. They are on the pulse of the event horizon of galactic emergence. They gather a global community of changemakers led by investing in youth social entrepreneurship, financing opportunitites that bring planetary growth for assessing local and global resources and talents. We help the young ones develop the inner resources of their passionate spirit to be effective leaders and respond creatively to change, and to address the notion of galactic intelligent life contact in the near future. Fully conscious humans want to govern themselves in a democratic way. Humanity evolves into a fully thriving civilization as guardian species of planetary ecology and stewards of the many earth gardens and terra forms. There are many echnological, social, and political transformations at hand on the planet as reach Singularity. Support is needed in the transition into using technology and creating culture that mirrors the planets natural perfection - its Way - the Tao.

New Earth Culture: Burning Man Festival

The Vision of a New Thriving Earth (and Living Examples on the Planet) EcoLabs aims to nurture whole systems thinking, foster ecological literacy, and create an alternative cultural vision that will drive transformational change to meet the goals of a fully sustainable society. We are a not for profit network of designers and visual artists who create materials, projects and programs that support ecological literacy. ( ) The Empowerment Institute Certification Program, led by David Gershon and Gail Straub. The institute provides change leaders and social entrepreneurs with the training, coaching, and tools to integrate the Social Change 2.0 framework into their social change initiative. ( ) Evolver Social Movement ( - The basic principles and goals of the include the following: • Self-sufficiency and local resilience with nonviolence: global peace and collaboration as an end goal • People’s democracy: direct decisionmaking as opposed to remote-control rule • Creative and personal freedom within the context of ecological and social responsibility • Freedom of self-determination of consciousness • Bring an end to the dominance of the corporate military complex • Undo the poisoning of air, land, and sea by applying techniques of ecological design • Reduce and ultimately eliminate inequity by transforming the monetary system • Reconnection with nature and support for local knowledge and indigenous ways I • nnovations in science and technology mediated by actual needs of civil society Domain Communities is an innovative approach to grow and establish a living, vibrant community of inspired individuals bonded together to push one another’s Domain Creation to completion. The mission is to reintegrate individuals once again into the natural cycles of Nature, its spirituality and its symbiotic, abundance based relationship it offers to us. In a community each Domain Owner owns a 1.5 acre - 2.5 acre piece of land that is developed with the goal to remake it into that Owner’s uniquely expressed garden paradise of beauty and function for one’s family. 30 - 100 Domain Owners make up a Domain Community. The Community aIso integrates Cohousing, a proven and popular approach from Denmark for persons to enter a reasonable cost of housing. All stages of the Owner’s domain development benefits from the support of the community to help complete one another’s projects quickly. As an example, one’s Garden Cottage, Kitchen Garden and Domain House is built by the Owner, highly customised or inexpensively, with the assistance of experts as needed and with the help of a party (during and after) of Domain Owners eager to help. Natural systems have their own operating instructions, as biomimicry master Janine Benyus describes. Nature runs on current sunlight. Nature banks on diversity. Nature rewards cooperation. Nature builds from the bottom up. Nature recycles everything. And Earth’s mission statement: Life creates conditions conducive to life... Given that the most important element in systems is purpose and goals, the big question is: What’s the economy for? If the goal is building resilience, the priority flips from growth and expansion to sufficiency and a sustainable prosperity. Resilience also favors economic re-localization, which in turn produces greater energy and food security. How then do we set about redesigning human systems? And who has decision-making power? ( ) One Community: Community + Purpose + Growth (Creating Open-Source Blueprints for New Earth Communities) It is human nature to desire to be a part of something greater than the individual... to contribute to something transformative that gives one a deeper sense of meaning and purpose... to be a part of a culture and community of growth and inspiration. If given the opportunity and resources, it is human nature to build and create. One Community is about the future of our children and our children’s children; about creating abundance, sustainability and a true legacy in the evolving human story. (

LINKS - Many Unique Apples of Wisdom from the One Tree of Life Source To see the complete list with live clickable links, visit our website: An Immaculate List of New Earth Sustainability and Thriving Visionary Communities and Networks: www./ the Art of Community: How to Start an Intentional Community: The International Society for Ecology and Culture: Sustainable Building, Development, and Design Resources: Institute of Earth Art & Architecture: Auroville Community Planning: the Global Village Construction Set (open source technologies for resilient communities): Buckminster Fuller Challenge, Social Design Final Entries & Results: YOUTH EDUCATION & EMPOWERMENT (The Golden Dawn of the Golden Children is Now)

We are all interconnected as one through: planetary destiny and its state of health, energy fields, genetics, chemical elements. We aknowledge our common bonds, learn from history, and celebrate our diversity. We continue the search for the principles governing the universe and help advance the evolution of humanity towards greater harmony and abundance in accordance with them. Together, we can upgrade the old broken system. Applying the wisdom of the past and redesigning the future, we learn the lessons as planetary stewards who are being trained into planetary guardianship and being initiated into galactic citizenship. Upheld by honor, gratitude and integrity, we can create an active dialogue to open-source strategies and solutions to our planetary crisis. A whole system design perspective for planning the course of human development by sharing and creating together with the fundamentally advanced principles of nature. We, the people of earth, now claim our freedom from any systems of oppression. We create a new world in harmony with the living eco-system. We do this now with grace!

Awakening Freedom Foundation New Earth Culture and Whole Systems Design Collaboration for a Thriving Humanity The largest collection of free visionary e-books, videos and new earth creating models, diagrams and templates for human evolution on the internet! An amazing look at what is working on this planet and taking humanity into a renaissance. Be sure to check out NEW EARTH CREATION - the Awakening Freedom Experience TM with master visionary Davin Infinity. A fully immersive workshop and presenatation igniting human potential. Davin Infinity has trained in several lineages of shamanic arts and Mystery Schools and is an experienced and powerful metaphysical guide into the Quest of human potential and transformation. This work is a major influence in his workshops and award winning visionary art, graphic design and films, and his Awakening Freedom Foundation. To view his portfolio, please visit ( )

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