Das ist Typisch Deutsch

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das ist typisch








For the past 11 months I have been studying abroad in Münster, Germany. A year abroad is an awkward time, excitement comes with living in a foreign place, but you are all too aware of its impermanence. Is this really your ‘home’ or is it an extensive vacation, maybe both? What even constitutes as a home? Living in a new place, with a different culture and a different language forces you to re-establish your whole social community and lead a ‘new’ life. Outside of the exciting photos taken on trips and special events, life is often undocumented and difficult to explain. The normal, the mundane, the subtle experiences of living that can’t be expressed through photography become elements that are lost or forgotten. How is one’s life different while studying abroad? How can one document the experiences one goes through in new ways outside the realm of photography? These are questions I asked myself when I first started creating this book, but as the book progressed I was able to see something new within myself working through the content. The book was not about documenting things that I’ve done or showing how I lived, but rather it became an exploration into the progression of my identity. The effects of living abroad are unparalleled to anything someone can experience while solely traveling. Being removed from the comfortable life you once lived forces you to question and challenge the world around you, to develop new perceptions, and even question your own existence and role on this planet. This book is an experiment to visualize and uncover the changing of identity through experience and time.

This book is dedicated to my family. Without their emotional and financial support, this year would not have been possible.

The human mind has two main scales on which to measure time. The large one takes the length of a human life as its unit, so that there is nothing to be done about life, it is of an animal dignity and simplicity, and must be regarded from a peaceable and fatalistic point of view. The small one takes as its unit the conscious moment, and it is from this that you consider the neighboring space, and activity of the will, delicacies of social tone, and your personality. The scales are so far apart as almost to give the effect of defining two dimensions; they do not come into contact because what is too large to be conceived by the one is still to small to be conceived by the other. Thus, taking the units as a century and the quarter of a second, their ration is ten to the tenth and their mean is the stan-

dard working day; or taking the smaller one as five minutes, their mean is the whole summer. The repose and self-command given by the use of the first are contrasted with the speed at which it shows the years to be passing from you, and therefore with the fear of death; the fever and multiplicity of life, as known by the use of the second, are contrasted with the calm of the external space of which it gives consciousness, with the absolute or extra-temporal value attached to the brief moments of self-knowledge with which it is concerned, and with a sense of security in that it makes death so far off. — William Empson, “Seven Types of Ambiguity”

Fast.Times My life in Germany: Ideas, Culture, Art, Design, Life

Goodbye 11.09.10

I’m too overwhelmed to actually write how I feel. Last night I began thinking new thoughts about this next year that I hadn’t before. I’m glad I got to see the people I did and it was a reminder about how things will be different when I return. All I can say is that I’m excited/scared/nervous/anxious/slightly ill/ optimistic. Hopefully this will be the start of the greatest year of my life.

Canada: 9,984,670 km2 —pop. 34,415, 000 English—French

Edmonton: 53°34´N 113°31´W—Calgary: 51°02´N 114°03´W Auto: 298km—3hrs. 33min.—11.09.10

Calgary (YYC)—11.09.10—23:56 MST

Germany: 357,021 km2—pop. 81,757,600—German

Frankfurt (FRA)—12.09.10—17:25 CET

Frankfurt: 50°6´N 8°40´E—Münster: 51°58´N 7°38´E Train: 331km—4hrs. 08min.—13.09.10

SP[L]ACE ‘Space’ and ‘place’ are familiar words denoting common experiences. Place is security, space is freedom: we are attached to the one and long for the other. There What Space lived





is and place are basic components world; we take them for

home. home? of the granted…

Place is an organized world of meaning. It is essentially a static concept. If we see the world as process, constantly changing, we should not be able to develop any sense of place. KNOWING a place clearly takes time. It is a subconscious kind of knowning. In




Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place� (1977) 179, 184





Davis Levine SteinfurterstraĂ&#x;e 81 Zimmer 7-14 48149 MĂźnster Germany

81 Emsland 714


Alright, so letter number 1. you’re in Germany, I am in Canada.

so letter number 1. you’re in Germany, nada. I bought new pants today e about the only thing that make me ext school because it gives me a reason to m, school feels like a drag but this is already one third over which sort of mind. you should see it around here, the so yellow. so yellow, red, orange… ough the city to leave it this weekend realize it is actually autumn. it was g to see these amazing colors & el because I didn’t think it was time for but then I realized that it is almost Octoade me feel better. I hope the leaves beautiful over there. the stairs probo inviting with all the leaves wandering

ther hand, school is anything but.. urge that I’ve never felt before, re what it is, but it makes me feel like be in school right now. I feel pressed o see parts of the world that I haven’t hough I have plenty of time.leaving the

wesome, even if it was to Calgary. We ter’s drive-in, fully equipped with 4,500 ons of milk shakes & 6 pounds of fries.

I hope space thing thing famil

e you fill your e with familiar gs until everyg else becomes liar.

I hope you can find an instrument in G could practice playing in any little free ti I was going to say that it would be nice if a permanent internet connection too, bu writing letters. I like that you can see the ing, and if you write me back, I will like b your writing. There is a song by Arcade F Used To Wait” & the lyrics talk about wri how something so small as a letter can alive. At the concert, I cried when I realiz playing this song next. Their music is so they have a romantic goth feel to them… think of organs & cathedrals, but also qu like growing up, tea kettles, and neighbo even have a song called “Rococo” like in They are very nostalgic. sort of like when sountrack of Darjeeling, I think of you. I hope you fill your space with familiar th everything else becomes familiar. I’ve in things as a start. (well…2 small things fo

I miss you, Davis, & love you as well. I ho you soon!

xo Crindy



Absteigen Sie bitte. Sorry, I don’t speak German. Uhhh.Ok...well you were riding in the wrong direction Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know. I was only riding one block to the REWE. That doesn’t matter, you must get off your bike and walk, even for one block. We have rules in Germany and you must pay. It will cost fifteen euros. Fifty euros?! No. Fifteen. Do you have that amount now? No I don’t. You can go into the REWE and withdraw money with your bank card. I don’t have a bank card, I only arrived a few days ago. How much money do you have? Only ten… Ok, I will take that Have a good day Danke schön…

Fuckkkkkkkkkk Shit. Getting a ticket. Play the naive foreign card.

Lie. I knew. And I wasn’t going to the REWE.

FUCK Phew. I did.

More like two weeks

I had fifteen

Just be nice.

Friends depart, but their lett evidence of their continuing

ters are tangible esteem. — Yi-Fu Tuan


Soooo I realize that you have only been gone a week but ther

Aight! So this weekend was fucking epic! Joel’s rap battle wa

half were eliminated, and half again over and over until it ca

once as well so Joel really wanted to win again this time. An was absolutely terrible, kept ryming shit with shit hah. Joel

over the crackhead judges, and joel was eliminated. “Neckb

we were walking to our car and a guy less than a block ahea

as possible and had an afterparty at Hannahs. Literally I had

until October and then move in with Crystian, but he is not fi empty! The next toy on my dads list is a projector/screen to

re is always stuff happening, hence why I am filling you in. The last thing I want is for you to come home a lost, vegabond, soul hah

as on friday…started at ten and seriously went until four in the monring. It started wit ha bunch of wiggers talking smack about eachothers moms and such hah…then

ame down to tow guys and Joel. The guy picked out of the three was left to rap “Neck Bone” who is the defending champion. Joel has beat him before, but lost to him

nyway the judges were smashed and they gave the three guys the subject of “118th” to rap about (did I mention the battle was on 118th? Fantastic). So one of the guys was so good, rapped about hookers and was hilarious, and the other guy was rapping cheezy shit about “cleaning up 118th and having hope blah blah so that guy won

bone” still ended up winning a grand and huge trophy…only because he is so scary he would prob have all the judges killed if he didn’t win anyhow. On the way home

ad of us was stabbed and fell to the ground. There was blood everywhere and some other guy was holding his chest it was scary as fuck! we dorve outta there as soon

d an hour of sleep and worked on sat from 9am — 11pm Ugh!! terrible. This morning I woke up and moved sarah out and in with her mom…She wanted to stay here

finding much luck with jobs unfortunately so she just decided to move out before school gets too intense and she cant afford rent. Now the basement seems so big and watch movies downstairs hah what a crazy guy. did I tell you he bought a Vespa? mid life crises or what hah

So tell me. I know you have seen your place, school, and general area. Is it everything you imagined? Have you tried German food and gotten wasted off of Pinkis munster alt?? this guy at my school knows of that beer and loves it hahaha who was your firstfriend? I never asked but are buying a bike over there? OMG are there little streets with little fast cars? haha talk soon baby boyy!! xoxo

Sincerely  Yamila








Komplettrad gebraucht Damen Peugeot weiß, Rnr: 13100782, Ein Jahr Gewährleistung






Abus Primo 580/65 Smoke





Kundennummer 1632 Telefon Kunde aus Auftrag: Lieferdatum: 17.09.2010 Lieferbedingung: Post Ust. ID: Zahlungsbedingung: rein netto

Rechnungsdatum: 17.09.2010

Nettobetrag MwSt.19%:


117,61€ 22,35€


geg. Bar/ Karte

140,00€ /




This is my bike. Her name is Pegasus and I absolutely love her with all my heart. I could not have asked for a better bike.“This bike will be the soul behind my adventures in Münster.” 10.06.10

  My hometown!! My hometown is very country side and peaceful. After I came back Japan, I relaxed there. There are many rice field! I like my hometown!!

06.10.10 // 16.01.11

Untitled Even though I can’t really speak German, I get a lot of satisfaction from saying “Hallo” and “Tschüs”/”Ciao” with nearly every person I interact with. It makes me feel like I can actually speak German sometimes… It’s also quite funny that I rarely hear Guten Tag or Auf Wierdersehen. Those are the typical hello/goodbye phrases that people associate with Germany. I can honestly say I’ve only heard one woman say guten Tag and my prof said Tag once. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Auf Wiedersehen…I prefer Hallo and Tschüss anyways. Or the ‘fashionable’ “Ciao”

My favourite German words The list is small so far, but each word has a significant meaning Handschuh: glove (hand + shoe) wunderbar: marvelous, delightful, lovely Kokosnuss: coconut Schl채fchen: nap ( oder Nachmittagsschl채fchenzeit) [afternoon nap time, but I might be pushing that one ]

Text 1 Das Schulsystem in Österreich In Österreich müssen alle Kinder ab sechs oder sieben Jahren in die Schule gehen, und zwar vier Jahre lang. Danach kön    sie vi    Jahre i    die Haupt    gehen. Anschl    müssen s   1-5 Ja    lang ei    berufsorientierte Sch    besuchen. I    dieser Ze    können s    eine Ausbi    oder ei    Lehre f    einen prakti    Beruf mac   . Od    sie ge    nach d    Grundschule i    eine höh    Schule, das Gymn   . Da kön    sie na    8 Jahren die Matura (das Abitur) machen.

Text 2 Übersinnliche Phänomene Viele Menschen in Deutschland glauben an übersinnliche Phänomene. Besonders verbr    ist d   Astrologie. I    vielen Zeitsc    gibt e    Horoskope. Natü    sind di    nicht im ganz er    gemeint, u    wenn m    Menschen fr    , ob s    wirklich a   die Ste    glauben, da    antworten s    oft: “I    glaube zw    nicht da   , aber viel    stimmt e    ja do   .” Häufig wi    auch d    Hypnose als übersinnliches Phänomen bezeichnet, aber der Unterschied zum Handlesen oder Kartenlegen ist sehr groß.

Text 3 Service-Roboter Service-Roboter sind Teil einer neuen Generation von Robotern. And    als ih    Kollegen, d   Industrie-Roboter, si    sie me    mobil, bew    sich a    Rädern, Ket    oder kön    sogar lau    . Nach Auss    der Wissens sind s    darüber hin    kinderleicht z    bedienen. Ih    Aufgabe i    es, d    Menschen z    dienen, ih    besonders langw    , gefährliche od    anstrengende Arbe    abzunehmen. Welt sind na    Schätzungen schon mindestens 12 000 Service-Roboter im Einsatz.

Text 4 Heizkraftwerke Immer mehr Wohngebiete werden über Fernwärme mit Gebrauchswarmwasser und Heizwärme versorgt. Diese Wä    wird b    kleineren Anl    in Heizw    erzeugt, d    ausschließlich Wä    abgeben. F    große Versorgungsgeb    werden ne    Heizkraftwerke erri   , bei de    zunächst elekt    Energie a    der anfal    Abwärme erz    wird. He    bestehen ber    mehr a    100 Heizkraftwe in Deuts    . Die Lä    des heut    Fernheiznetzes bet    über 2 000 km. A    Wärmeträger ko    hierbei nur noch Warmwasser in Betracht.

Testbescheiningung f端r den Einstufungstest Name // Levine Vorname // Davis

6 Matrikelnummer // 676164 Sprache // Deutsch


Datum // 04.10.2010

Ich heiĂ&#x;e Davis.

Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.

Ich komme aus Kanada.

Ich studiere Design.

Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere

studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kan

aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich k

alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig

zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. I

Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. I

Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ic

Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich kom

Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig J

zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. I

Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. I

Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ic

Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich kom

Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig J

zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. I

Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. I

Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ic

Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich kom

Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig J

zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. I

Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. I

Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ic

Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich kom

Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig J

zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. I

Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. I

Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ic

Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich kom Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design.

e Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich

nada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme

komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre

g Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin

Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße

Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere

ch studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus

mme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.

Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin

Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße

Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere

ch studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus

mme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.

Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin

Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße

Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere

ch studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus

mme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.

Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin

Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße

Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere

ch studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus

mme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.

Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin

Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße

Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere

ch studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus

mme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Kanada. Ich studiere Design. Ich heiße Davis. Ich bin zwanzig Jahre alt.

10.10.10 Yesterday marked the longest time spent away from home. I didn’t even know it was Thanksgiving today until I asked Crindy. Thus begins the disconnect.

Thus begins the nect.


nother one

o i decided to write

bout letters.

nd agreed to not tal

e skyped today.


Dear Davis, we skyped today. and agreed to not talk about letters So i decided to write another one. I am sitting here listening to my favorite soundtracks like the Motorcyle Diaries, Amelie, and Pan’s Labyrinth. I wish I could share them all with Olivia & Rebecca but they never appreciate my music suggestions. I thought of who would care to listen to this amazing music & I could only think of you because

I know you love simply beautiful things. It made me really happy knowing we are the same that way. I suppose that is also why I decided to write.

My mom made apple crisp today. It is so yummy, you can warm it up in the microwave & then put vanilla ice cream on top and it doesn’t get much better than that. Except it does get better than that, when the ice cream melts a bit & ends up diluting the tartiness of the apple crisp. YUM.

Its October 20 now haha.

Its October 20 now haha. I studied all day with Olivia and on our break

you were going to be. I always had an idea of

we went thrifting at this store on 118th. They had shirts for $3. I talked

what a “VIC” kid was like (mostly negative things

to her about this summer too. It’s just how things go for me, when I want

haha) and you are probably the most genuinely

something to happen, it usually ends up failing and when I don’t want

caring person I know (except that time you

something to happen, it usually does.

said I should go on meds haha) and you always

This summer it seems the only people who can really afford to

know the right things to say.

do a europe trip is me & Olivia and as much as I love her, I don’t think I can spend 2 months with her non-stop & continue to keep my sanity.

Just this weekend, I was at Shannon’s and

I told her it would be a better if we waited until we could go travelling for

everyone else had ditched and I told

longer than 2 months. Either way, I will still be going to Europe with

Shannon that if you were still here you would

my family. So there is still a chance that we will cross paths. I just really

definitely be partying with us.

want to drink beer with you in the sunset on your version of “the docks”. Is the water in that lake safe to put your feet in? Because I would definitely

This is getting longer & longer and I feel like I’m

plan on doing that.

just depressing myself as I realize more &

When I came home tonight, your letter was sitting on my desk and I

more that a very good friend is missing from my life temporarily.

loved opening it & reading it! I loved it! The leaf is hanging from a clothespin in my room right now. I am really glad you wanna be such great friends

Thank God for technology & snail mail

with the boys, they miss you a lot haha! Not as much as me, I miss you

More to Come, Davis!

all the time and port of me thinks school has been putting me in a slump

Love you,

because you aren’t around. I really miss your clumsy moments! School has


definitely been better though. I feel less uptight about design and I feel like I’m getting closer to knowing what I want to do with myself eventually, which is to start a studio/gallery of some type, but I’m just not sure how I would (ore or how we would)) make money enough money from that.

In other news, I haven’t cut back from my midnight habit at all & this makes me feel guilty but part of me also doesn’t want to do anything about it because I don’t feel like it really interfering with anything yet.

Also, I am so happy you love Holland! It’s one of my favorite places, it just feels like nothing could go wrong there, that even when in times of trouble, it just doesn’t seem to allow negativity to last very long.

I am such a sap, your letter made me tear up at some points and it made me reflect on how amazing of a person you are. What I think is really special is how when I first saw you in my class, I kind of had an idea of the kind of person you might be and you completely weren’t anything I thought

PS. when is your last day of school? I need to start a countdown on my dashboard. speaking of count downs, I turn 21 in 97 days, EEK!

Young people live in the future; what they do rather than what they possess defines their sense of selfhood. Yet the young occasionally look back; they can feel nostalgic toward their own short past and proprietary about things‌his body and his mind undergo rapid change, may have an infirm grasp of who he is. The world seems at times beyond his control. Security lies in routine, in what [he] perceives to be his own sheltered childhood and in the objects identified with an earlier, more stable phase of life. In general, we may say that whenever a person (young or old) feels that the world is changing too rapidly, his characteristic response is to evoke an idealized and stable past.

On the other hand, when a person feels that he himself is directing the change and in control of affairs of importance to him, then nostalgia has no place in his life: action rather than mementos of the past will support his sense of identity. Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place� (1977) 188


One day I cancel my lease, the next day I’m viewing a new flat… 11.10.10

Wohngemeinschaft!!!! OMG. OMG. OMG. I just found out I have been offered the room I wanted for February!! I am so happy right now I can’t control myself! This is the nicest place I have ever seen. Located in the city centre literally next to a huge church/ cathedral (walk outside and you’re in front of it), and across the street from a bakery! It’s built in an old building on the 3rd floor. What’s even cooler is that every room has beds built up in a loft, with huge ceilings! Maybe 20ft high? There is art everywhere from a former flat mate with a unicorn motif. There are 5 other flat mates and they are all so welcoming and nice, they have invited me to their Christmas advent party in December. Canceling my lease with the Studentenwerk was the best decision I have made in Germany. Good bye crappy white box, hello cozy loft. It’s too bad I have to wait for so long to move in, but it is definently worth it. Now if anyone wants to come visit, you will have a place to stay!



Human time is based in favour of the future…human time, like the human body is asymmetrical: one’s back is to the past, one’s face to the future. Living is a perpetual stepping forward into light and abandoning what is behind one’s back. Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place” (1977) 132

II Today marks 2 months from leaving Edmonton! With the time difference I actually was taking off from the Calgary airport EXACTLY two months to the minute (give or take 15 minutes) right now. 2/11 down


eine Woche... I suppose I should start packing ¶ Thank you to everyone who came out last night! I appreciate it you all so much! ¶ Auf Wiedersehen Edmonton; Hallo Münster ¶ Frankfurt yo ¶ I don’t speak German, so don’t speak German to me ¶ Boeselagerstraße tonight! Must talk to hot Italian girl ¶ hot absinthe from Czech, f*cked up my throat... ¶ why the police always up in my biz?? ¶ Happy Thanksgiving Canada! ¶ lost in translation ¶ Holland time ¶ They have great coffee in Holland ¶ Münster/train/ Essen/Party all night/Eat huge Donair @ 5am/train/Hamm?/Münster/Bed. ¶ glad dubstep isn’t popular in Germany ¶ This is the happiest I have ever been in Germany. Ever ever ever ¶ This is ‘I love my sister’ week. If you have a sister who has made you laugh, wiped your tears, hugged you tight, watched you succeed, saw you fail, cheered you on and kept you strong, copy and paste this to your status. Sisters are a promise that we will have a friend forever! .....Re-post if you have an amazing sister(s) ¶ Berlin Halloween! ¶ Berlin is so incredible, I must go back for a longer stay! But I managed to eat the best döner of my life at 5am in a train station ¶ Must figure out the codeword for the club quickly! ¶ I need a studio asap ¶ Have never drank so much vodka in my life...Polish people are crazy ¶ Currently reading: Hippo will ins Wasser. My literacy ability has dropped substantially in German ¶ what happened...so many beer bottlez everywhere ¶ I should be in bed right now, its basicallly sunday-day ¶ Apparently Edmonton was the 3rd coldest place in the world today...I’m glad I’m enjoying the above 0 weather! ¶ FBChat new sound startled me ¶ Ausflug nach Düsseldorf : Weilenachtmarkt und Japanisch Ramen und Kunst! ¶ Finished the smashing novel: “Brösel ist weg!” Tough read but I got through it. ¶ zum Abendessen: Apfel und Käse, zum Nachspeise: grüner Tee und Lebkuchen ¶ DGIEF: Danke Gott ist es Freitag ¶ Die Welt is(s)t Döner! ¶ Heute fahren wir zur französisch Impressionist Kunstaustellung in Essen ¶ treacherous bike ride ¶ ugghh......ich aß eine ganz Zwiebel Baguette... ¶ Mein erstes Buch ist fertig! “das Buch & ich” ¶ Ich will am kommendem wochenende “stockhagelbesoffen” sein. lolzz ¶ i’mhome its late btu now late in candada time ¶ pss eathing ht best donair of inm munstesr ¶ Aachen ist eine schöne Stadt ¶ 130€ to ship Christmas gifts to North America ¶ The U of A says I didn’t get a scholarship because I’ve already gotten too much scholarship money this year. BOGUS ¶ As the break soon approaches, apathy for work has set in ¶ ich bin krank. ¶ I feel like I’m in fundamentals again, but no T-square/triangle/ drafting board. Just two plastic rulers and a flimsy x-acto. ¶ napping for too long and missing plans is always acceptable ¶ just found out TODAY that my building has heated indoor bike parking! Too bad my

bike was already frozen ¶ The nog iz chillin, time for wardrobe selection, then off 2 the advent! ¶ I will

be living in the coolest WG ever in February! ¶ Frohe Weihnachten! ¶ Paris 12 hours ¶ arrived in Paris safe and sound. However, forgot to look at what my hostels actual address was...big hassle. ¶ Paris is the best city, ever ¶ eating baguette in a Parisian flat ¶ Hey I’m saying merry new year from da future!

By the way, are you happy?

Czech Republic Hungary


France Iran





Poland Australia












Spain Norway



Canada South Korea

Slovakia Isreal


“” Attik. “NoiseFour.”

continents are countries now

we still all have our groups though

but i can’t understand a word they’re saying half the time … we build our own walls held together by boundaries but kept apart

Multination all you take with you elements of your background when you move away, adding to another environment, expanding culture, the way you act, speak, look

when I look at you it doesn’t ever become apparent that we are from such diverse cultural backgrounds I’ll see you in New York this afternoon or i could just e-mail you

this is the jet age the boundaries that were once there are becoming less and less units of people living together multi-national social groups all across the world

visual and genetic identity has cost lives here I’m in an alien environment so I just look on looking on — learning

Self Deploy ed Identity seems to be the most important thing in the world I’m from this place and so are my parents so I’m somehow attached to this place if you like it or not because i’m from here I have to be ignorant, it’s not my fault it just comes with the territory people always ask where are you from: they build pictures by it we all belong somewhere but identity is more than visual appearance it is something that personally you have to come to terms with who are you, where you from? we all start somewhere some genetic starting point. a weight around our necks maybe to which we all respond differently we move on or hold on to our backgrounds we could have done so much fuck it, I’m going, they’re not getting me.

I blame 12.04.10

corporate America After meeting so many people from various parts Europe and the globe, I’ve slowly become disenchanted as I realize they all fall less and less into the stereotypes we place them in. Damn globalization.







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The book is not available in your country.

Münster: 51°58´N 7°38´E—Essen: 51°27´N 7°0´E Train: 98.7km—1hr. 07min.—26.10.10

Untitled 5am, off to Paris, and perhaps one of the longest bus rides of my life. Luckily I’ll get to see the German, Belgium, and French countryside!!! Word of advice, book early so you don’t have to ride a slow bus all day


Essen: 51°27´N 7°0´E—Paris: 48°51´N 2°21´E Bus: 559km—9hours—26.10.10

Claire Zagala Paris, France Age: 21 Gender: Female Grew up in: Bourgoin-Jallieu (Isère) References: 7 Friends: 5

D Davis Levine


Hallo Claire!


My name is Davis Levine and I’m from Canada, however I’m currently studying communication design in Münster, Germany

6:31 PM

for a year. The winter break is fast approaching and I’ve forgotten to plan any trip! All I know is that I want to be in Paris. I will be arriving on the 26th or 27th of December and I think I will stay just after New Years then head off to a new destination. I’m quite new to CS and haven’t yet had any experiences with it so I’m eager to try it out. You seem like a very positive fun girl and I think I would enjoy hanging out with you. I also love wine and cheese, but I especially love fresh bread! It would be so wonderful to have some real French wine/cheese/bread with you and your flatmate. I know this is a bit last minute, but would it be possible to host me for any period of time? Even one or two days would be a blessing! I want to explore the city, but I love people watching, sitting in cafes and I especially want to visit as many art museums as I possibly can. It would be great if you could show me all the great art exhibitions in Paris! I’m also looking for something to do for a New Years party so if you know of anything going on please let me know! Hope to hear back from you soon!

Tschüss, Davis

C Claire Zagala 16.12.10 11:29 AM

Hi Davis, Little problem : I won’t be in Paris before the 28th... Anyway, if you come at my place after the 28th, don’t worry we’ll have some wine/cheese/bread ;) i can also show you exhibitions, art museums..., my favorite bar, my favorite places in paris, etc. I hope my flatmates and friends will be there (so as you could meet them). I don’t really know what i’m gonna do on New Years Eve yet, but, according to me, a last minute party is always more exciting and funny.

What do you think ?

Grüße und bis Bald, Claire

Hi Claire,


Davis Levine

That all sounds wonderful, I’m quite excited. I really wanted to experience Paris with a Parisian! I will stay in a hostel till the 29th


and then come to your place. I would like to stay until the 2nd of January, and then leave in the morning to Amsterdam,

8:33 PM

is that amount of time good with you? Also I think we both have similar thoughts, I think last minute parties are definently more fun. I’m not one for going to big expensive celebrations

Bis dann, Davis

Hey Claire, I don't want to be a bother but I was just hoping if you could confirm with me that I am able to surf at your house for


Davis Levine

those dates. I'd like to have everything mapped out before I depart on the 26th, and don't want to be stranded in Paris,


so it would be a great relief to know concretely. Otherwise I must keep looking around quickly! I hope all is well, and I look

6:35 PM

forward to meeting you, I think we will have a lot to talk about :)

Cheers Davis

I’M SORRY, you’re not a bother at all, I thought I had already confirmed that you’re able to surf at my house until the 2nd of January! Let’s say you can come on the 29th of December at about 2pm. My adress :


Claire Zagala 22.12.10 03:12 AM

CLAIRE ZAGALA 43-45 RUE DES SOLITAIRES 75019 PARIS Métro stop : Place des Fêtes (line 11) My phone number : +336 01 83 41 83 The code to open my door : 9573 (and then, you can ring at ZAGALA)

See you soon, canadian boy :) Have a sweet Christmas. Claire

D Davis Levine

Excellent, I'm soooo excited. I think Paris will be magically! See you next week :)

23.12.10 11:56 PM

Frohe Weihnachten Davis

C Claire Zagala

Hi Davis,


Right now I’m at my parent’s house for Christmas (near Lyon) and, actually, my train will arrive in Paris on the 29th at about

8:45 PM

23pm...Do you want me to find you a place to stay on the afternoon ? I can advise you to see the Basquiat’s exhibition at the MAM, and you’ll have to see the “Palais de Tokyo” as well, which is next door to the MAM. Perhaps one of my flatmates could host you, but I have to ask her... I’m not sure she will be there ! I’m SO sorry for this unfortunate event. Let me know what do you think...

D Davis Levine

Hey Claire, thanks for letting me know. Yeah if you know somewhere I could stay during the afternoon because all the hostels are


booked for new years time or they are just really reallly expensive, so there’s not much of an option to stay here another

10:29 PM

night. Please ask your flatmate, but if need be I can see if the hostel can hold my stuff till the night and I can get to your place for a late night rendezvous when you arrive

C Claire Zagala 26.12.10 10:43 PM

I’m just wainting for answers from my friends...I will keep you informed as soon as possible! Are you already in Paris? What do you do ? Are you alone ? Can’t you send a message to the parisian couchsurfers ?... You could find a place to stay for free (and much nicer!)until Wednesday night ! I really hope you’re not upset about that... I feel guilty.

D Davis Levine 27.12.10 10:38 PM

Yes I got into Paris last night :) it’s so great! I have a hostel booked already till Wednesday, but not for Wednesday night on the 29th. All the people I contacted are out of the city right now similarly to you. So if you come in late on Wednesday night I can take the metro to your place when you get in, it’s too bad it’s so late. I can try to find an emergency couch surfing place for Wednesday night and then meet you on Thursday, so maybe I’ll do that tonight just in case. And I”m not upset, don’t feel bad, you are being very generous already :) Let me know what your friends say, and I’ll work on trying to find a place, if all else fails I’ll come to your place late at night :/


C SO, one of my flatmates will be in Paris tomorrow, but she'is working and she won't be home between 9am and 8pm.

Claire Zagala

So, you have 2 solution :


—you can go to my flat tomorrom morning (at about 8.40), let your stuffs in my room,

06:34 PM

and go for a walk until the evening (or rest at home) —you can go to my flat after 8pm and wait for me (my sister and i will arrive 3 or 4 hours later) What do you think ?

D excellent! ok I think I will come after 8pm and meet your roommate then, I’ll just leave my stuff at the hostel

Davis Levine

for the day and then pick it up and bring it over. I will see you tomorrow :)

28.12.10 8:38 PM

C OK, if you want to be sure she’ll be home, wait perhaps 9pm...

Claire Zagala

Here is her phone number : +33684320127 (her name is A-B (like Anne-Bénédicte, but everybody call her AB))

27.12.10 06:34 PM

I’m so happy to come back to Paris ! See you

Photograph Of People Taking A Photograph Of The Mona Lisa Davis Alexander Levine Photograph – Digital Output 95 x 66 mm 2010

ace l p t s. u g o n i ab h t s t rie eshif o t S ak m are

— Michel De Certeau

sed ris. po b com ’s de re rld wo he


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Th wit

Text 1 Das Schulsystem in Österreich In Österreich müssen alle Kinder ab sechs oder sieben Jahren in die Schule gehen, und zwar vier Jahre lang. Danach kön    sie vi    Jahre i    die Haupt    gehen. Anschl    müssen s   1-5 Ja    lang ei    berufsorientierte Sch    besuchen. I    dieser Ze    können s    eine Ausbi    oder ei    Lehre f    einen prakti    Beruf mac   . Od    sie ge    nach d    Grundschule i    eine höh    Schule, das Gymn   . Da kön    sie na    8 Jahren die Matura (das Abitur) machen.

Text 2 Übersinnliche Phänomene Viele Menschen in Deutschland glauben an übersinnliche Phänomene. Besonders verbr    ist d   Astrologie. I    vielen Zeitsc    gibt e    Horoskope. Natü    sind di    nicht im ganz er    gemeint, u    wenn m    Menschen fr    , ob s    wirklich a   die Ste    glauben, da    antworten s    oft: “I    glaube zw    nicht da   , aber viel    stimmt e    ja do   .” Häufig wi    auch d    Hypnose als übersinnliches Phänomen bezeichnet, aber der Unterschied zum Handlesen oder Kartenlegen ist sehr groß.

Text 3 Service-Roboter Service-Roboter sind Teil einer neuen Generation von Robotern. And    als ih    Kollegen, d   Industrie-Roboter, si    sie me    mobil, bew    sich a    Rädern, Ket    oder kön    sogar lau    . Nach Auss    der Wissens sind s    darüber hin    kinderleicht z    bedienen. Ih    Aufgabe i    es, d    Menschen z    dienen, ih    besonders langw    , gefährliche od    anstrengende Arbe    abzunehmen. Welt sind na    Schätzungen schon mindestens 12 000 Service-Roboter im Einsatz.

Text 4 Heizkraftwerke Immer mehr Wohngebiete werden über Fernwärme mit Gebrauchswarmwasser und Heizwärme versorgt. Diese Wä    wird b    kleineren Anl    in Heizw    erzeugt, d    ausschließlich Wä    abgeben. F    große Versorgungsgeb    werden ne    Heizkraftwerke erri   , bei de    zunächst elekt    Energie a    der anfal    Abwärme erz    wird. He    bestehen ber    mehr a    100 Heizkraftwe in Deuts    . Die Lä    des heut    Fernheiznetzes bet    über 2 000 km. A    Wärmeträger ko    hierbei nur noch Warmwasser in Betracht.

Testbescheiningung f端r den Einstufungstest Name // Levine Vorname // Davis


Matrikelnummer // 676164 Sprache // Deutsch


Datum // 01.02.2010


Gurman? German update: At the beginning of the year I had not known a single word of German, maybe how to count to ten. Other than that I was hard pressed to speak about anything. Naturally I was enrolled in the very beginner course. I felt throughout the semester I wasn’t challenged enough as I had done a lot of personal studying, and I surprisingly learned a great deal of German. So much so, that when I took the test for this semester I skipped the A2 level and went to B1, it doesn’t seem like a huge jump but mind you after B2 you reach C1, then you should be fluent. And now I’m in an intensive course to prepare for the next semesters class. To give you a little bit of a juxtaposition of what I learned I leave you with some passages: First class of A1: Wie heißt du? Ich heiße Davis. Wie alt bist du? Ich bin 20 jahre alt.

First class of B1: “Dirigent an der Oper- da wollte Hans Köttner immer werden. Nachdem seine Eltern ihm ein Musikstudium nicht erlaubt hatten, lernte er Konditor und wurde später Feuerwehrmann, Sanitäter und Sicherheitsberater.” (talking about peoples dreams of the future) And today we discussed banking, insurance, and getting ill. I learned that I need to go to the pharmacy if I want to get: Verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente I feel stressed in class, but I actually do understand 75% of things



Dear Students, The Department of Art and Design has a formal exchange agreement that allows students to study at the University of Applied Sciences in Mßnster, Germany during the third year of their program. Courses taken in Germany count toward the University of Alberta Bachelor of Design degree or the Bachelor of Arts, with a major in Art and Design degree. Interested students should submit a letter of application to the Academic Advisor, Dawn McLean in the Department of Art and Design office by February 1. The letter should be 250 - 500 words and address the following questions: 1) Would you like to focus on Industrial Design or on Visual Communication Design during your time in Germany? 2) What in your background prepares you for study abroad? 3) What do you hope to achieve during a year’s study in Germany? 4) What challenges do you expect to encounter during the year?

I like to imagine the second year students reading this email and the thoughts that are going through their heads as they ponder the idea of coming here next year.

I remember receiving this email last year. I remember my exact reaction after reading it and running upstairs to my parents sitting on the couch and I said “OK so I MIGHT be able to study next year in Münster, Germany.”

The rest is history



The countdown continues. 3 weeks till I move into my new flat :) Time needs to move quicker!

WG Countdown


The countdown continues: 2 weeks until I move into my new flat!

WG Countdown One Week.

Untitled Yah! Last night sleeping in this white room!




Tonight I’m sleeping in my new flat for the first time! All my stuff is now here and I’m sitting up in my loft bed! I can already tell this is gonna be great

Photos soon to come when my room is fully put together :)

Meine neue Wohngemeinscaft


I am now completely absolved from the studentenwohnheim (residence)! The day has finally come and all feels well in the world. The difference in my demeanor feels like night and day. I feel as if I’m now truly living in Germany. The student residence had an extreme sense of impermanence, but I suppose rightfully so, as it is just a student residence. I was never able to really feel settled, and as much as I tried to personalize the room and decorate there was always a feeling that it was so superficial. Every time I step foot into my new room I get a warm, cozy feeling that I haven’t yet felt. The two living arrangements contrast between whiteness and sodium vapor florescent lights versus a warm incandescent glow and soft wood. Just this room and flat makes me want to stay in Germany longer so I can spend more time living in this place. I feel so blessed and lucky to have found this place, and all the necessary furniture was provided.

I’ve said from day one it was fate. I’m excited to get the opportunity to speak more German now. I’m trying to commit myself to only using English when absolutely necessary. That prospect makes me feel slightly nervous and uneasy, but it’s something that must be done. I think all my flatmates are quite supportive in helping me. I currently live with 5 other people: Steffi, Steffan, Konrad, Ania, and Journ. I think I spelled them right… I hope so. They are all great people, so nice, and so welcoming. Konrad speaks too fast and doesn’t pronounce his words carefully, but he’s working on slowing down for me. Steffi just moved in at the same time I did and she’s fabulous. It’s great we are the same age and I’m really looking forward to getting to know her better. Ania is such a nice girl, I understand her so well when she speaks to me and she really enjoys cooking, so I plan on making some great dishes with her. Steffan is a really awesome guy, he gives off a kind of older brother kind of vibe. Someone who would always be watching your back. And Journ…well he hasn’t been here yet. I don’t know where he his. I haven’t spoken to him much in the past, so it will be interesting getting to know him. (He has a rock climbing wall in his room!) Sorry, still no photos…By tomorrow everything should be in order and photos will come. I’ll give more of a description of my whole building/neighborhood/room at that time! In case anyone wants to send me mail my new address is: Davis Levine Nordstraße 24 48149 Münster Germany



*Steffi, Stefan, Conrad, Alina, Jรถrn

“The Night of the Iguana” By: Tennessee Williams

a run down porch in Mexico

Hannah: We make a hom e for each ot grandfather an her, my d I. Do you kn ow what I m a home? I do ean by n’t mean a re gular home. I don’t mean I mean what other pe ople mean w speak of a ho he n they me, because I don’t regard as a ... well, as a ho me a place, as a building…a ho wood, bricks, us e...of stone. I think of home as be thing that two in g a people have be tween them in each can…wel w hi ch l, nest — rest  —live in, em speaking. Doe otionally s that make any sense to Shannon? you, Mr. Shannon: Yeah , complete. B ut…when a bi a nest to rest rd builds in and live in, it doesn’t build falling down tr it in a… ee. Hannah: I am

not a bird, Mr.


Shannon: I w as making an analogy, Miss Jelkes. Hannah: I th ought you wer e making your other rum-coc self an‑ o, Mr. Shanno n. Hannah: Both. When a bird bu ilds a nest, it it with an eye builds for…the relativ e pe rmanence of tion, and also loca‑ for the purpos e of mating an gating its spec d pr opa‑ ies.

Shannon: I still say that I’m not a bird, Mr. Shan‑ non. I am a human being and when a member of that fantastic species builds a nest in the heart of another,

the question of permanence isn’t the first or even the last thing that’s considered…necessarily? …always?

Home is an intimate place. We think of the house as home and place, but enchanted images of the past are evoked not so much by the entire building, which can only be seen, as by its components and furnishings, which can be touched and smelled as well: the attic and the cellar, the fireplace and the bay window, the hidden corners, a stool, a gilded mirror, a chipped shell. Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place� (1977) 144

The most sordid of all havens, the corner, deserves to be examined. — Gaston Bachelard


Unfortunately it looks like I could a lifetime for whatever this some so here it goes, my letter that is.

d wait ething is

Dear Davis,    I’ve been meaning to write you this letter for a very long time, but I keep waiting for ‘something to happen’ so I have something great to tell you. Unfortunately it looks like I could wait a lifetime for whatever this something is so here it goes, my letter that is.    First I’ll tell you that I think what you’re doing is amazing. I’ve been a dedicated Fast.Times reader and love hearing all about your adventures and schooling, not to mention love that you are so committed (sp?) to learning German. I’m trying to do explore this summer somewhere in Quebec, I really want to learn french, its no longer a maybe one day…hell no! I need this shit now, I graduate in a year! But yeah, your language pursuit is very inspiring.    I have some questions, are all of your roommates from Germany or are they also international students? (your new place looks amazing by the way) And do they all speak english? I know you said you are going to only use english “when absolutely necessary” so this means they all know english? Give me a profile (or better yet pictures!) of all of them, so interesting! I love your life! Its so crazy hey? That you are there meeting all of these new people and living in a new way and then you come home, and you’re back. Does it freak you out a bit?    Okay so, me. You should know I’m very happy. I’m currently working on my final piece for the show in April. I have four beautiful dancers/people working with me and its so hard for me not to be seduced by how they just are. For example, this is the first time I’ve chosen dancers that are all friends of mine that I love deeply, I usually work with people I have no relationship to when we begin so no personal dynamics interfere. Honestly Davis during my last rehearsal I began the rehearsal with all of them standing anywhere they wanted in the space, and I told them to stay standing for ten minutes while I played music. The goal was for them to just ‘be’. Any impulses their body gave should be followed naturally, and openly. And they were to imagine themselves only as themselves and not what I thought they thought I wanted from them during the ten minutes. Essentially after about a minute of watching them I was crying. Something about watching those four people who I love so much just be in the space so connected to themselves and the rest of the room made me feel like I was witnessing the most beautiful human experience. And of course I’m so lucky to be working with people that make me feel this way, but what do I do with that? How do I make a piece about four people? Or is all dance about the people dancing? Well, I have lots of opinions about that but it will have to be discussed another time. But any thoughts, anecdotes, or music suggestions and questions are welcomed! I’m feeling overwhelmed in my process.    Okay well, I should wrap up. It’s been great talking to you. Hopefully I’ll see you in August?

Love you Davis, Bridget

Its so crazy hey? That you are there meeting all of these new people and living in a new way and then you come home, and you’re back. Does it freak you out a bit?


Day 1 Lyon eating croissants for breakfast, a beautiful city with the charm of Paris but without the tourists. Annecy, France near the border of Switzerland with a really beautiful lake. Ate dinner at Julian’s father’s house, ate a lot of cheese. “Respect the cheese” Slept at Julian’s mothers house, a nice little house near the Swiss border. We ate baguettes for breakfast. Day 2 Switzerland, Geneva. I felt poor walking through the city. Other Swiss cities were so beautiful which we visited till we arrived late in Zurich. Slept in a friend’s brother’s flat. Pablo snored so loud I wanted to die Day 3 Zurich. A really small city actually, and really expensive. Detour to Liechtenstein! Population: 34,000. More people go to my university than live in that country. And it really only has one city, Vaduz. I can proudly say I don’t know anyone else who has been to Liechtenstein. $5 if you can find it on a map. Driving through the Alps, so amazing. Like the Rockies, but cooler because it’s in Switzerland/Austria Pass through Austria, arrive in Innsbruck too late to see the city, but really beautiful nestled in the Alps.

Arrive in Münich at night, couch surf with a guy. Traveled through 4 countries in one day. Day 4 Visit Münich, go to hofbrauhaus and drink a liter beer Go to a random city in Germany to see Pablos distant relative. Old Spanish man, felt like we were living in Spain. Didn’t really speak a word to him… Day 5 Breakfast: coffee and cigarettes…yikes went to bakery instead for pastry and espresso Go to a hot spring. Such a great experience and so refreshing. Go to a small village called Biberach to stay at Julian’s family friend’s house. Really cool house and so accommodating. Day 6 Visit the button museum in Biberach. Enough said. Drive 8 hours back to Münster The cool thing about the road trip was being able to visit cities that tourists would never go to. Got to see very authentic parts of Europe But the traveling has ended and I’m back in school next week. I’m kind of excited though to start new stuff.

The road trip ~2,921km

The cool thing about the road trip was being able to visit cities that tourists would never go to. Got to see very authentic parts of Europe

flagrødt Pantone: 185c PMS: 485 Hex: #D81E05

Can design save the world?

Innovation in the public sector, is this a bad joke? Only if you think the internet is a bad joke.

Can we solve never seen before global challenges

No. Radically new times call for radically new mea

Design is not pink

Danish Design Center“Challenge Soceity�

Design is pink

Design thinking: it means the world to the future.

The human body is a good design.

the way we usually do?


Can design thinking move mountains and change the weather forecast? Maybe. Design thinking sees possibilities when the world sees climate crisis, overpopulation, and the burdens of the aging population.


Køpenhavn, Danmark I’m moving to Copenhagen, no questions asked. By far the best city I have ever visited. 10x better than London or Paris. – Expensive… + Architecture, the Danish language, Design, Fashion, Bikes, Beauty

Ljust mellandbl책 10% : gul 50% : magenta 100% : cyan 0% : svart

Guldgult 100% : gul 20% : magenta 0% : cyan 0% : svart







Here on this organic platform in this vast space of expanding matter I sit. Time is human time is organic. Only laughter is timeless only laughter is left behind.

Människan text: Bengt Björklund En rörelse på ytan, några spår på marken. En form som vinden tar en kort stund. Ekot av en röst skävande på vågens topp drunknar snart i havets symfoni. Ett andetag en tanke som vinden i en pöl, en spegelbild en kort sekund Du har.

What else is there to do than to draw warm circles, still alive in the sands of reality watch them fade across the cycles of life and death. Times parade.

What we need to question is bricks, concrete, glass, our table manners, our utensils, our tools, the way we spend our time, our rhythms. To question that which seems to have ceased forever to astonish us.

We live, true, we breathe, true; we walk, we open doors, we go down staircases, we sit at a table in order to eat, we lie down on a bed in order to sleep. How? Why? Where? When?


— Georges Perec

eth∙nog∙ra∙phy∙Eth∙no∙gra∙fie noun∙substantiv the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures∙Teil der Völkerkunde, der die Merkmale der verschiedenen Völker und Kulturen systematisch beschreibt; beschreibende Völkerkunde

Woke up naturally with the sun at 7:20 am,

worried that my alarm didn’t go off at 8:00. Decide to sleep in a bit longer, get hungry at 7:54 and get out of bed. Go to the kitchen and

eat a bowl of BIO dinkel flake cereal with 1.5% milk, one cup of BIO strawberry yoghurt, one cup of instant black coffee. Supposed to do something with the trash last night, but didn’t understand what Stefan was saying and forgot about it. A bit worried I messed something up. Finish eating and back in my room at 8:07, not sure if I’m still hungry so I decide to wait a bit. Go on my computer to

check Facebook, Hotmail, and scroll through Tumblr. There is one message on Facebook from the Vic Comp Alumni group, kind of disappointed with that. Recieved three comments: after comments from something I commented to from Elise Belzil, Ainslie Fowler, and Beth Fowler; one event invitation from Edmonton, declined; one stranger ‘liked’ a comment I wrote. Overall disappointment. Look at the newly announced Folk Festival line up in Edmonton, and it is the best line up ever. Decide then that I will for sure be coming home for it. Go to the bathroom at 8:23. Check Hotmail, one e-mail received that I don’t read, second disappointment. Scroll through Tumblr to see what people have been reblogging through the night, nothing really interesting, looking at too many images of tattoos, romantic imagery, and subpar amateur art. Check the

weather forecast, now 14° a few clouds, afternoon calls for 18 and cloudy with a chance of showers. Look outside and the sky has a thin veil of clouds covering the sun. 8:29, decide to take a shower. Water goes cold 45 seconds after I get in. Turn off water and restart, stays warm after that. Forcefully squeeze the last of my body wash out of the bottle. Must buy more today. Listen to Deer Tick while getting dressed in honour of the new Folk Fest line up. Need to kill time before class, look up flights to Canada, still a bit too expensive.

Leave the house at 9:13. Arrive in class at 9:29.

First time being early. Waiting for class to start, look up Indian receipes to cook for dinner tonight with Tania. Class starts at 9:40. My name is brought up in a discussion over an opinion I stated last week, makes me feel a bit nervous. Generally understand what they are talking about. Show the progress of my work, not a lot of new stuff, it is received well. 10:54. bored of looking at other peoples

work, look up more recipes for dinner. Class finishes at 11:19. Never mind, keep talking and ends at 11:30. Go to computer lab and scan three things for my project. Feeling really hungry. Print off my flight tickets to Stockholm tomorrow. Costs 0.20€. Go home for lunch.

Stop at DM for toiletries, buy new toothbrush, toothpaste, small bottle for contact solution to bring on plane and multivitamin tabs. Costs 4.70€. Forget to buy new bottle of body wash. Ride home.

Make lunch at 12:19 pm. Make a Mexican salad with black beans, corn, red onion, yellow pepper, feta cheese. Drink a glass of water with new multivitamin tab. Prefer the Ja! brand from REWE. Eat lunch while working on project before German class. Really windy outside.

Leave for German class at 1:43, arrive at 1:54. Class starts at 2:04.

Learn about jobs and the office. Make interviews with other people in the class about what they value for their future careers. Analyze the results of the class and find out the women value having career opportunities, while men find intellectual stimulation and free time more important. Don’t feel as bored as I usually do. Class ends at 3:32.

Speak with Tania outside class and I tell her to meet me at my house at 8:00. She says not to buy vegetables from Germany right now because of some type of contamination going on. Ride home and arrive at 3:53. Quickly check e-mail, nothing interesting. Decide to cook grilled tofu with soba noodles for dinner.

Go to market to get ingredients. Buy one lime, one spicy pepper, a bundle of cilantro, bundle of green onions. Costs 2.12€. Kids are collecting WWF stickers for a promotional giveaway. Give two packets that I had in my bag from last week. Feel good that I could help them out. Remember when I was that age and feeling the need to collect useless things only to be thrown out at a later time in the not so distant future. Walk home and meet the girl who lives in the flat above me. Forget her name instantly.

Start working right away till Tania arrives. Take a small break to tidy my room. Go to the bathroom. Go to the kitchen to speak with Jörn and Stefan. Eat a slice of bread with margarine. Inform them that they shouldn’t eat vegetables from Germany. Say to me that the tainted vegetables are actually Spanish cucumbers, and the people affected are in the Hamburg region up north. Work more. Take a break until Tania arrives. Receive an e-mail from my grandma saying she will be in Edmonton for when I arrive.

Tania arrives at 8:13.

Brings dessert, a pastry from the BIO market. Talk a bit about some things in her life and things she wishes to change. I talk about the stress of my work.

Begin cooking at 8:42.

Open a beer to drink. Realize I bought the wrong type of onion, decide to use red onion. Start to cook together. After Tania prepares the peppers she gets the spice too close to her nose and mouth and needs to sit out. End up doing the rest of the cooking myself. Prepare a noodle sauce with garlic, salt, pepper, red onion, brown sugar, and olive oil. Grill the tofu in a pan. Cook the soba noodles, but a quarter fall into the sink after cooking and are wasted. Mix the sauce and noodles together. Decide to eat in my room. Noodles are good, but a bit too much olive oil in the sauce.

Finish eating and begin to argue about social issues.

Both make our points, ends in stalemate as we eat the pastry. She wants to steal my clothes. Tries on different items of clothing that she wants me to give her. Pleads with me, but I say no repeatedly. We have small chit-chat. 12:14am,

guilts me into riding her back home. One block from the house she is cold. Turn back to get a sweater. Hear music in the distance and go to find it. Find the music at the university campus nearby. Entrance costs 15€. We stand outside the gate undecided what to do, we walk down a path but it leads to a dead end and turn around. Realize it’s late and decide to leave the area.

She doesn’t want me to ride her all the way home anymore, we say goodbye and separate.

Arrive home at 1:10am,

much later than I wanted to be awake. All the dishes are still waiting for me in the kitchen. Clean up all the mess and start the dishwasher. Go in my room and check my Facebook. Have messages waiting for me from a friend in Japan, one from Crindy, and one from Nick about the train we need to take tomorrow to the airport. Check my e-mail, nothing interesting. Remember that I haven’t packed for Sweden and probably won’t have any time to work in the morning.

Get ready for bed by brushing my teeth, flossing, taking out my contacts, and washing my face. Use my new toothbrush and toothpaste, both are weird and I prefer my old stuff. Get into bed at 1:40 and have a challenge in Words With Friends on my iPod from Max. He played the word ‘ideate’, I play ‘idea’ for five points. Check my twitter, nothing interesting.

Fall asleep at 1:46.

Banane Apfel
































Obst/Gemuese Kroenung


Zwiebel Ramen







Kokosmilch Zahnside


Taschentuch BIO

Box Gemuesemais





0,49 Haselnus mild

0,49 Bir

Blaubeer Basilikum Tofu Mozzarella

0,49 0,49 2,19 1,69 2,18





























(2) Bär

2,18 1,99 0,49











Orangensaft Blumenkohl Gnocchi Grana


























Patate Padano

































Fruchtjoghurt Joghurt

(3) Mango

JA! Zwieb. Avocado

Linguine alla

0,99 genov







Erlenh BIO


1,49 1,99






































Basilikum (2) (2)


















April Lebensmittel Nordstraße 24 48149 Münster Tel. :0251-7442879

REWE BIO markt


77,23€ 32,45€


Steuer Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf



Zitrone Margarine

0,45 0,99





Mai 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00

9 Mo.

10 Di.

11 Mi.

12 Do.

13 Fr.

14 Sa.

15 So. Fr端hstuck Mittagessen Abendessen Imbiss Nachtisch

ja, es schmeckte mir gut.




1 bowl of cereal, 1.5% milk

1 bowl of cereal, 1.5% milk

1 bowl of cereal, 1.5% milk

1 cup instant black coffee

1 cup strawberry yoghurt

1 cup lemon yoghurt 1 cup instant black coffee

1 slice of bread with margarine

1 slice of bread with margarine 1 banana

1 bowl of chickpea salad

1 long pretzel

1 glass of water with multi-vitamin tab

1 bowl of field salad with yoghurt dressing

1 bowl of field salad with balsamic dressing 1 plate scrambled eggs

1 slice of bread with margarine

1 glass of water with multi-vitamin tab

1 glass of water with multi-vitamin tab

1 slice of bread with herb cream cheese 1 glass of water

1 slice of bread with margarine



1 bowl of cereal, 1.5% milk

2 slices of bread with margarine

1 banana

1 banana

1 cup strawberry yoghurt

1 cup instant black coffee

1 cup instant black coffee

1/2 bowl chickpea salad 1 glass of water with multi-vitamin tab

1 sandwich 1 glass of water with multi-vitamin tab

1/2 bowl chickpea salad

1 slice of bread with margarine

1 cup walnut yoghurt with cereal flakes

1 bowl of ramen noodles

1 cup instant black coffee

1 Spanish dish

1 bowl field salad with balsamic dressing

1 bun of bread

1 glass of water

1 Warsteiner beer

1 plate of gnocchi pasta 1 glass of water



1 bowl of cereal

1 cup mixed berry yoghurt

1 banana

1 banana

1 cup instant black coffee 2 slices bread with margarine 2 slices of bread with strawberry jam

1 banana 1 cup instant black coffee

1 bowl black bean salad 1 glass of water with multi-vitamin tab

1 bowl leftover pasta 1 glass of water

1 bowl linguini past 1 glass of water

1 bowl udon soup

1 bowl vanilla ice cream

das Men端

ZzzzzZzzzzZzzzz 16.05















































d dreihu ndertfünfzigmeter


igm e

tfü er nd hu ei dr er et gm fzi ün nd rtf ter dreihu

meter dreihunder

rt fü nfzig

fzi un f ün dertfünfzig meter dreihundert

e rt fü

er tfü nfz igm e

e nd ihu dre ter

rd r e i hu e n d ertfü r dr tnefzigmete e r dreihund me


er dreihund igmet er


eih dr er ertfünfzigmet



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e rt




r tf

er et

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fz rtfün ndertfünfzigmeter dreihunde nfzigmeter dreihu rtfünfzigmeter dreihundertfünfzigmeter dreihunde dreihundertfü

et dreihu er



m zig nf

fz fün

u ih re rd ete

e rt nd hu ei

ig m

tfü nf



nfz tfü

er ih er dre tfü ter zig nf gme i er zig me z u f n ü h ter me dre ei ndertf ihunde dre drmeter dreihu t rtfünfzigm fezrig eitheurnddreihunderetrfüden ertfünfzigm rteih und ertf nd ünfz er igme tfü ndertfü i ter dre eteredreihu ihundertnfüfznigfzm igem ter d



me ig te




re ih

fzig tfün nder reihu ter dreihundertfünfzigmeter d

ih u

r tf u ü h n f ei z igm dr eter reihu ter et ndertfü huendertfünfzigm nfdzriegim


ete gm fzi n nfzigmeter dreih fü un d e tfü ert rtfü nd n fz hu i igm e r d ete r e rd t e rei m g i hu z f

gm e

rd ete nfzigm

rtf ün ter d



re ih un de

fzig me


er nd ihu e dr

e nd ihu re d r

ig m

und r dreih gmete tf端nfzi r e d n u ih eter dre 端nfzigm

eter fzigm ertf端n

The collector’s passion borders on the chaos of memories. — Walter Benjamin

Tourists seek out new places. In a new setting they are forced to see and think without the support of a whole world of known sights, sounds, and smells—largely unacknowledged—that give weight to being… Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place” (1977) 146

Aa a r t i k e l a b l ö s e a n h ö r e n a p f e l a b f a h r t a b r e i s e a c h t e n a c h t e t e a u s w ä h l e n a n h e b e n a n s i e d e l n a r e a l a u f b e s s e re n a u f s t e l l e n abenteurelustig a n s c h l u s s a n r e i s e n a n t r e n t e n a u s r e i s e n a b f o l g e n a u s g e b e n a u f a b s c h l o s s e n a l l g e m e i n a n b r a t e n a n g a b e a n r i e f e n a n r u f e n a n z i e c h e n a u f d r e h e n a u f p a s s e n a u f z i e h e n a b m e l d u n g a c h t a n s t r i e g a t m e n a u f t r i t t e a u f w a c h e n a u f w a c h s e n a u s f ü l l e n ausgezeichnet a b h o l e n a b n e h m e n a n z e i h e n a u f g e r e g t a u s e i n a n d e r a n h a n g a b s a g e n a n h a f t e n a n h ä n g e n a n l a d e n a n z e i g e n a u f t i p p e n a n n u n g a n r u f e n a n s t e i g e n a u f g e b e n a u f t a u c h e n a u s s t e i g e n a u s t r i n k e n

a a a a a a

u s f l u n n e h m e u s s e h e b s t e i g e b s t e l l e u ß e

g n n n n r

accommodation a l a r m a m p l e a r r a n g e a t t e n d a r m a c t i v i t i e s a f f e c t s a n y w a y a n y w a y s a g r e e a b o u t a r e a a w e s o m e a n y m o r e a c i d - r e f l u x a n y o n e a l t h o u g h approximately

Bb b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b

e s c h w e r e n e k a n n e n e a u f t r a g e n e z a h l e n i l d i r n e n i s s c h e n l i c k r i e f u ß e n a r t a u l ä r m e m ü h r e n e r e i t e t e i b e l o t a n i s c h e r e k a n n t e s c h re i b e n e r e i s e n eschäftigen r ü k e e d a u r e n e h ö r d e n e s c h l o s s e n e s p r e c h e n e s t r e u e n i l d u n g i s e r e i t e n e r i c h t e n e r ü h m t

b e s o n d e r b e s t e c k b u n d b e g e i s t e r t beratungsange b e n u t z e n b e t r e f f e n b a u m b e k l e c k e r t b e m a l e n b e m a l t b e s o n n e n b e t r a c h t e t b i e t e n b o d e n b ö s e b e g r e b l ö d bauchschmerzen b e a n t w o r t e n b e g r ü s e n b e s s e r u n g b r a t e n b e f i n d e n b e s t a n d b l i c k e n b u n t e n b e s t e l l e n b a d b e r e i t s b e s t a n d e n

bok choy b u s y b a n k b e l l b o o b b i g g e s t b r e a k f a s t b r i d g e b i n d b a n a l b e a u t i f u l b i z a r r e b a c k b a n d b i t c h b o r r o w b i b l i s s b r u n c h b u s b y b e g i n n e r b o r i n g b i r t h d a y b o y f r i e n d

Cc c c

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a e


t e r

n t


e a n o l a o m p l e t e o n c l u s i o n h e e r s onservative h o o s e o l o g n e o i n o n t a c t o n t a c t s u t ommunicate o n c e r t o w a r n i v a l a f e o u r s e h i c k p e a o r i a n d e r o u l d o u d n ’ t u r r e n c y u t o l d e s t o u n t r y a g l i a r i u m i n a r d b o a r d

Dd d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d

e s h a l e s w e g e i e r ü b e r a u a m a l a n e b e a z a z u z ä h l e e n e e u t l i c u f ö r f l i c h e s h a l u r c h r e i s e u z e o c e s t a r i

b n b n f s n u n n h t e p n n h o n

d i r i g e n d u f t e n d e d i e n s d r i d a n d u n k e l d u n d o r t h i d a m i d e c k e d d a u e r d a v o d e n k e d a b e d o r

t r t n n n n n t r a n n n i t

d e s i g n d e c o r a t e d e s s e r d i n n e r d r u g s d r a w d i v e r s e d u c k dermatologist d e p a r t d a y d r i n k d o p e

Ee e e e e e d e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

r k u n d i g e r i n n e r h r l a u b e l t e r e r h ö h e r z ä h w i ntschließe nschuldige n t s c h e i d e r s t a t t u n i n z e l b e n g n t s t e h e r h a l t e r o b e r i n r e i s e m p f e h l e r g ä n z e s s e i n s t e l l e i m e i n s t i e g e i g e n e i l i g i n l a d u n

n n e n n n l g n n n g t e n n n n n n n n r n s h g

e i n s c h l a f e n e r d e e r e i g n i s e r f o l g r e i c h e r h i t z e n e r r e i c h b a r erstklassige e n n e g e r e b e n e n t e e n te n s c h u h e e c k e e i g e n t l i c h ein paar e i n e g e r e i n l e s e n e i n s t e i g e n einzusammen e n d l i c h e r g e b n i s e r s t e l l e n e g a l e r r e i c h e n e r w a r t e n

e t h n o g r a p h y e r u p t e p i s o d e e x e r c i s e e x p l o r e e p i c u r e e a s t e v e r y o n e exchange student e x c i t e d e m a i l e x c l a m a t i o n e d m o n t o n e n j o y

Ff f o l g e n f e h l e r f e l d f r i s ö r f u e l e n f a h r e n f r e u e n f e s t e n f l ä c h e f e r i e n f l u g f a s s f l i r t e n f a u l f a n t a s i e v o l l f a n t a s t i s c h f l u r f i c k

fachhochschule f a c h f ü h r e r f l a s c h f a r b e f a r b e i m e r f a h h r a d f e r n s e h e n f e r n s e h e r f e z f r e u n f ü h r e n f l u g z e u g

f o r g e f u r n i s f a k f i n g e f a m o u f e e f u c f a r m e f r a m f o r t h c o m i n f a v o u f e e


t h e r s d k r e g r l

g e w ö h n e n g e g e n w a r t g e i l g e m ü t l i c h g l a s g e f ü h l g e k l e i d e t e g e s t ö r t gewährleistung g e n u s gessellschaft g a l t g e b e n g e b a ü d e g e f ä l l t g e l d n o t g e s a n g s g e s c h m e c k g e w i n n i n e n g i e ß e n g e s u n d g e i s t i g g l e i c h g e n a u s o g ü n s t i g g a s t e g e f a l l e n g e n u g g u c k e n g e f ü h r e n








g a s o l i n g i d d g o n g i g g l g u e s

e y e e t

i f i n s i d e i s t a n b u l ice cream ice cube i d e a


k k k k k k




e i i

s n

n i n

d i w o

Hh Jj Ll h i p p i e m ä s i g h o f hotelangestellten h e b e n h e r u m h e i m h a n d l u n g h e r r l i c h h e i ß e n h e r u n t e r h i l f e n h i n z u g e b e n h i n t e n h a u s h o l e n h a n d s c h u c h h a n d s c h u h h e l l i g k e i t h i m m e l

h o u s i n h i h o w e v e h o l l a n h u h o u s h u m a h e a l t h h o u h e a d a c h h o s t e h u g h a p p e h e a l t h

Ii i


g p r d g e n y r e l e n h i


i m m e n s e l y i n s t e a d

j j j

j j j



u e m

o e

e n






o i n a l o u


s e s

b t s

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l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l


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thesefasttimes.tumblr.com/ 70


0 September 11

Oktober 6

Oktober 29

November 21

4,403 Visits 5,773 Page Views 1.31 Pages/visit 84.58% Bounce Rate 00:49 Avg. Time on Site 11.54% New Visits

Dezember 14

Januar 6

September 11/2010 — Mai 31/2011

Januar 29

Februar 21

März 16

April 8

Mai 1

Referring Sites 76.47% Direct Traffic 22.98% Search Engines 0.55%

Mai 31

Canada [3,504]

Visitors By Country Germany [467] United States [254]

Japan [74]

France [31] United Kingdom [22] Brazil [18] Netherlands [13] Sweden [5] Czech Republic [4]

Allgemein I left Canada on September 11, 2010 at 23:56. From that time I will have spent 323 days away from home, taking a total of 6,586,725 breathes and having 31,616,280 heart beats.

I had one birthday.

I have taken 4,469 photos with my Nikon D60. I still regret not buying the newer version with video function.

I’ve traveled to 10 different countries in Europe: Germany, England, France, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Sweden.

The amount of beer I drank is incalculable, but I know that it was too much. I was able to try roughly 81 new beers.

I sent 556 and received 652 text messages from my Nokia phone from Vodafone. I spent 4 hours and 39 seconds of my time talking on the phone.

I received 59 e-mails from my grandmother.

I posted 214 posts on my Tumblr blog.

It took me 3 months and 6 days to finish this book.

What does it mean to be lost? I follow a path into the forest, stray from the path, and all of a sudden feel completely disoriented. Space is still organized in conformity with the sides of my body. There are the regions to my front and back, to my right and left, but they are not geared to external reference points and hence are quite useless. Front and back regions suddenly feel arbitrary, since I have no better reason to go forward than to go back. Let a flicker‑ ing light appear behind a distant clump of trees. I remain lost in the sense that I still do not know where I am in the forest, but space has dramatically regained its structure. The flickering light has established a goal. As I move toward that goal, front and back, right and left, have resumed their meaning: I stride forward, am glad to have left dark space behind, and make sure that I do not veer to the right or left. Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place� (1977) 36

Impor‑ tance


do not headed�


The fo

L o s t


To enter into the unknown involves a willingness to fully experience and study things we don’t understand, and to embrace that lack of understanding. There are different ways of “getting lost.” There is the literal lost, as in being lost in the woods unable to find your way back to the starting point. Or there are metaphorical examples of being lost: lost in one’s head, a lost soul, lost in time. In the context of exploring we can think of it in terms of,

“existing in a state where you know exactly where you are In this sense we may choose to become either literally lost, explor‑ ing a place we’ve never been before, or lost in the sense that we enter into a relationship with objects and ideas without knowing what the outcome will be.

Keri Smith, “How To Be An Explorer Of The World” (2008) 148

x 2 hours 40 minutes 33.3 km


Often we forget about the physicality of observing, literally changing our viewpoint or perspective. — Keri Smith

from figuration to abstraction Images of Memory Wildcats. with a Camera. Technologies of seeing of Vision: Space Mind, The Practical Technique of Time

Abracadabra Life is art enough

Zum Schluss

Experience is a cover-all term for the various modes through which a person knows and constructs a reality. These modes range from the more direct and passive senses of smell, taste, and touch, to active visual perception and the indirect mode of symbolization. Experience is compounded of feeling and thought‌thought creates distance and destroys the immediacy of direct experience, yet it is by thoughtful reflection that the elusive moments of the past draw near to us in present reality and gain a measure of permanence.

What can the past mean to us? People look back for various reasons, but shared by all is the need to acquire a sense of self and of identity. I am more than what the thin present defines. I am more than someone who at this moment is struggling to put thought into words: I am Canadian. I am American. I am a design student. I am 21. I am a brother, a son, a nephew, a grandson. I speak English und ein bisschen Deutsch. I have a past, but I also have a future.

Yi-Fu Tuan, “Space and Place� (1977) 8,10,136

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Colophon Design & Realization: Davis Levine Contact: dlevine@ualberta.ca Course: Individual Project Summer Semester 2011 Advisor: Roman Skarabis University of Applied Sciences Münster Faculty of Design

Print: Franke & Franke GmBH Binding: E.Rahe-Rohling Paper: 120g/m² ; white; uncoated Typeface: DIN Pro Copy: 1/3

Tumblr profile picture which appears on pages 6, 43, 46, 56, 65 66, 70, 78, 87, 104, 106, 108, 142, &155 is the work of Sergi Sviatchenko, the designer makes no claim of ownership for this photo. www.sviatchenko.dk/ All other photos were taken by the designer

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