2 Simple Tips to Get More Facebook Fans

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2 Simple Tips to Get More Facebook Fans

There are so many websites out there giving tips on how to get more Facebook "likes." Today, I want to share 2 strategies that work extremely well. If you use these 2 simple little strategies consistently, you will no doubt increase your fan base very quickly. Visit get facebook fans for more info. Okay, let's get straight to it.

First Tip - "Liking" other people's comments:

I first thought of this strategy many years ago when searching for ways to increase the likes on my personal development fan page. Everybody else was telling me to "like" other pages within my niche and to build relationships with other people by actively participating in discussions. Whilst this strategy is recommended, I found that "liking" people's comments on other pages was far more effective.

Here's what I did...

I simply went out and found high traffic fan pages in the niche I was interested in. I looked for posts on these pages that had plenty of comments. Then, I simply "liked" every comment on that post. Every day for the next couple of weeks I spent 10 - 15 minutes "liking" comments on other peoples pages. Within 10 minutes I would have 'liked' 500 comments. That's 3500 comments a week, and 14,000 comments a month.

At the very start, I made the mistake of just "liking" comments that were insightful, instead of "liking" comments that just said "thank you" or great post" etc. This was far more time consuming and completely unnecessary. You see, the point of "liking" comments is not to add value to the post or to communicate on that specific page, but to get noticed... plain and simple.

Why This Works:

The reason this strategy works remarkably well is because, when you "like" another person's comment, that little red tab at the top of their Facebook page is highlighted. We can all agree that we are curious creatures by nature, so what do people do when they see that little red tab highlighted? You guessed it, they click on it. When they do this, they will see your fan page and click through out of curiosity.

Second Tip - Asking Page Owners To Post Your Content For You:

Open up notepad on your desktop and write a swipe message to send to page owners. You will be using the same message to send to as many page owners as you like. Now, in that message it's vitally important to do 3 things...

1) The first part of your message tells the owner of the page, that you think they're doing a great job, and their fan page has some really quality information. Thank them for sharing their knowledge.

2) The second part of the message

3) The last part of the message is to

should highlight that you have a great

highlight that you are an ethical

"post/article" that you know their fans

marketer who has no intention of

will love to read. You can expand on

promoting your content on other

this however you see fit, but make sure they know that their fans will love the post and it will help them with their interests, you get the point. (Owners of fan pages like to share information with their followers, so you will not need to convince them too much.

people's pages without the owner's consent. Make sure they know you are not a spammer. They will not see you as a spammer because you are asking permission anyway.

Why This Works So Well:

I see other marketers spamming the walls of other page owners and getting very little return for their efforts. What these people fail to realize is that most people ignore links left by other people and only focus on posts shared by the page owners themselves. Can you see now why this works so well? You are not only getting your links onto the page, you are getting the owners to place them there for you. This means your link will get much more attention and clicks.

Now, if you write a really compelling message to the page owner, you can build a relationship with them. This way they will be happy to share your content on a consistent basis. You can also ask them if they would like to share one of their own posts on your wall. The end goal here should be to build a relationship with page owners, this way they will not only share your link, but will most likely ask their followers to do the same.

Note: Don't forget to write a really compelling message to the page owners. You only have to write it once, and then send it to as many page owners as you want. http://fblikestube.com

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