Everyday business- woman makeup tips

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An issue I notice a majority of women have trouble with is deciding how much or what style of makeup is appropriate for the workplace. What is too much versus how much is enough? What colors or look should I go for? How can I come across as a professional while still looking feminine? All of these are questions I hear from young, female professionals either in the pursuit of a career or just beginning in one. The answer to these questions is actually quite simple.


Simple makeup is honestly the best answer to thee simple questions. You want the makeup to bring out the natural beauty that every woman has, but not be overly flashy or draw too much attention.

Pick a foundation that matches your skin tone so you don't come across as a two-tone woman neck one color, face another. Also, trying using a matte power so that you don't become oily or shiny throughout the day. Sometimes work can be stressful and when you start to sweat you don't want to lose your look. Apply the powder on top of your foundation or instead of it.

Your eyes are important - enhance them, but don't go overboard. Again, try to stick to more neutral, skin-tone colors. This would include light bronzes, nudes, browns, lighter pinks, etc. Now, I know you want to bring out the color in your eyes with those bright colors, but you can get the same effect using pastels of those same colors.

• Again on the eyes, mascara is a must and some eyeliner never hurt. Black eyeliner is typically seen as a "no no," but I don't see the harm in it as long as it does not appear harsh against your skin tone or you do not apply to much. (Sorry my lovely fair and pale ladies, but you should avoid black eyeliner in the work place!) Brown eyeliner is always safe, but again, never too much! And, again, mascara is a wonderful product because it brings out your eyes without adding too much making you look professional, yet feminine. Don't forget to line your brows if you have thin ones like me. Pick a brow-liner that is the same color as your hair and try to stay within the bounds of your natural ones.

• Blush is always a good thing, but like I've been saying, don't put too much (and avoid glitters)! Some lighter nude/pinks are perfect on the apples of your cheeks and across your cheekbones. This will create a highlighted effect that will look beautiful under those harsh office lights. A quick swoosh of highlighter in the tops of your cheekbones never hurt either!

• Color on a woman's lips is one of those subtle things that makes a big difference. Depending on skin tones, a light pink, nude rose, or coral brown would be a perfect accent to your wardrobe. Look for lipsticks with words such as 'creamy,' 'nude,' 'sheer,' 'cool,' and 'warm' as they tend to be softer and more professional. Top of your lip color with some clear gloss for a little shine and you're good to go!

THINGS TO AVOID Now that you know what to look for in your workplace makeup kit, these are things you should avoid. These types of products or colors tend to make you look showy or unprofessional and may even prevent you from being taken seriously amongst your colleagues.

• Try to stay away from those fake looking bronzers in the workplace or tones that are too dark or too light for you. Bronzers make you look like you are attending a fashion show and the wrong color can make you appear washed out or too unnaturally tan. • When it comes to eye shadow, avoid bright rainbow colors and shimmers because they make you look overly glitzy. You're going for professional, not high fashion. Blues and greens always tend to stick out regardless of what skin tone they are applied too, so you may have to pass up on those colors.

• The rule with eyeliner and mascara is just not too much, but don't use fake lashes in the work place. Outside of work, those puppies are beautiful, but in the office they just seem like too much. • Steer clear of bright blushes, especially those with a ton of shimmer or glitter involved. Bright or deep pinks and reds can make you look strange in a whole new way. Anything from sun burnt to clown-like, but none of them are good. With the shimmer and glitter, it just appears very reflective under office lights and may make you appear greasy. • Lips - stay away from using bright colors or those colors that aren't a semi-natural shade (this would include purples, blacks, oranges, etc.). You don't want people staring at just your mouth as you talk, especially if you are giving a presentation - it can be distracting!

Thank you for reading! Resources: http://www.ilivedivine.com http://ezinearticles.com/?Everyday-BusinessWoman---Makeup-Tips&id=8305923

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