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Senior Management Team Changes Announced
Campus leadership roles have changed over the past few months bringing new energy, skills and perspective to their individual assignments.
Executive Vice President, Dr. Rosemary Thomas
President Chris A. Wood announced the appointment of Dr. Rosemary Thomas as executive vice president effective July 1, 2021. Thomas served as vice president for Enrollment Management and Institutional Advancement since 2017. In her new role, Thomas will continue overseeing enrollment management, including marketing and communications, with the additional responsibilities for dining services, compliance, student life and special assignments from the president. “Dr. Thomas is a proven leader, a gifted manager, a creative partner and a passionate believer in the power of higher education to mold lives,” Wood said. “Davis & Elkins College is fortunate to have Rosemary back in her beloved home state building upon D&E’s solid foundation and ensuring a bright future. Her promotion to executive vice president is well deserved.” Thomas was responsible for bringing the week-long American Legion Auxiliary Rhododendron Girls State session to the Davis & Elkins campus. In addition, she led a team of campus leaders in formulating a campus master plan to prepare the College for future growth on multiple fronts. Beginning in spring 2020, she chaired the COVID-19 Task Force which employed various efforts and resources in preparation of reopening the campus to students for the 2020-2021 academic year. “I am humbled and excited as we look toward the future,” Thomas said. “Serving Davis & Elkins College is fulfilling on so many levels; working with Chris, who has long been a faithful advisor, professional mentor and friend, is truly a blessing.” A native of Fairmont, West Virginia, Thomas’ previous professional positions include: chief operating officer for the General Federation of Women’s Clubs; vice president for University Advancement and executive director of the FSU Foundation at Frostburg State University in Frostburg, Maryland; vice president for University Advancement and executive director of the FGCU Foundation at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida; vice president for University Advancement and executive director of the SU Foundation at Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland; vice president for College Advancement and executive director of the GSC Foundation at Glenville State College in Glenville, West Virginia; and various positions at Fairmont State (College) University. She currently serves as the campaign co-chair for the Tygart Valley United Way, president of the GFWC Woman’s Club of Elkins, director of American Legion Auxiliary WV Rhododendron Girls State and president of the Community Care of West Virginia board of directors. Thomas earned a Doctorate of Education in educational leadership from West Virginia University in 2007 and was an honors graduate at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina, with a Master of Public Administration in 1992. She graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina, in 1990. Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Scott Goddard
A 1996 graduate of Davis & Elkins College, Scott Goddard has served his alma mater for 25 years, and counting. His first assignment was as a resident director in 1996 until he was elevated to assistant dean of students in 2000. In 2008, Goddard was named dean of students and then appointed vice president for Student Affairs in 2011. In addition to those roles, Goddard was the head men’s golf coach from 2005 to 2010, assistant cross country coach from 1997-1999 and 2002-2004, head women’s cross country coach from 1999 to 2000 and served on the faculty as part of the First Year Experience Program. He received Davis & Elkins College’s Outstanding Young Alumnus Award in 2004. In his new role as vice president for institutional advancement, Goddard oversees development, alumni relations, church relations, advancement services and the Augusta Heritage Center. “Scott Goddard is an asset to Davis & Elkins College, and I am grateful that he is stepping forward to assume this new role which he will fulfill with competence and passion,” Wood said. “Scott’s life has been committed to Davis & Elkins, and he has nurtured relationships over past decades that make him a natural selection for our vice president for advancement.” Throughout his career in Student Affairs, Goddard has supervised a wide scope of offices including counseling, career management, community service, dining services, Greek life, health services, housekeeping, The Icehouse, international students, orientation, outdoor recreation, religious life, residence life, safety/security, student activities, Student Assembly and general campus life issues. He was instrumental in developing orientation programs and overseeing residence hall renovations, as well as other improvements that enhance students’ environment. As advisor to Student Assembly and Senator Entertainment, Goddard organized numerous entertainment events including the annual Déjà vu music festival and D&E Night on the Town in partnership with the city of Elkins and Elkins Main Street. “As I transition from student affairs to advancement, I look forward to waving the D&E flag far and wide,” Goddard said. “For the members of the alumni community, board of trustees and friends of the College, I look forward to connecting or reconnecting on your home turf.” In serving the local community, Goddard has volunteered with the Mountain State Forest Festival since 1992. He was appointed MSFF director general in 2016 after multiple terms as assistant director overseeing a variety of productions. He also has served on the board of directors. In addition, he is a member of the board of directors for The Arts Center in Elkins and the Elkins/Randolph County YMCA and is president of the Elkins Main Street board of directors. Professionally, Goddard is president-elect and conference chairman of the West Virginia Association of Student Personnel Administrators. A native of Ligonier, Pennsylvania, Goddard holds a Master of Arts degree in educational leadership from West Virginia University in addition to a Bachelor of Arts degree in marketing and management from D&E. He is the parent of one daughter, Ellyse