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The West Virginia Highlanders, Still Playing After 75 Years

There’s no mistaking the unique hum of bagpipes. In Randolph County, the sound of the first note continuing into the next means something celebratory is about to happen. It’s been that way for the past 75 years when the West Virginia Highlanders were founded in 1947 by American Legion H. W. Daniels Post 29 in Elkins. The original formation of the band was the dream of the late David Dare Brown III, a former resident of Elkins who learned to play the bagpipes during his service in World War II; the late Cyrus S. Kump, an Elkins attorney; and the late Benjamin I. Golden, an Elkins surgeon. “For a small community like ours to have a bagpipe band, let alone for the band to last 75 years, is just amazing,” said Highlanders Chairman and piper Matt Fair. “People enjoy and respect the Highlanders and we certainly appreciate the response from the crowd.” From 1947 until 1990, the band represented the city of Elkins, the state of West Virginia and American Legion Post 29 at American Legion events and programs throughout the United States. In 1990, the band was invited by then Davis & Elkins College President Dr. Dorothy MacConkey to become a department of the College. The first public engagement, carrying the new Davis & Elkins College banner, occurred in Charleston, West Virginia, for the Fraternal Order of Police Memorial dedication at the Cultural Center. Throughout the years, the band continued many traditions such as playing for the inaugurations of West Virginia’s governors from 1949 to 1997 and performing annually for fairs and festivals throughout the state including the Mountain State Forest Festival, the Memorial Day Parade in Grafton – the site of the first National Cemetery in West Virginia and the West Virginia Strawberry Festival. The Highlanders also have traveled across the United States, performing in such places as Miami, Florida; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.; Boston, Massachusetts; Seattle, Washington; Salt Lake City, Utah; Alexandria, Virginia; Charlottesville, Virginia; Frederick, Maryland; and Atlanta, Georgia. Among some of the notable shows are appearances with the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra and Wheeling Symphony Orchestra; appearing on stage with Rod Stewart in Charleston, West Virginia; the Fourth of July Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C.; the Scottish Christmas Walk in Alexandria, Virginia; Memorial Service for Sago Miners in Buckhannon, WV; and an appearance with the Grammy Award winning musical group the Chieftains in Morgantown. In 2015, the band participated in the Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C., and the next day uniformed members laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. “These are life lasting experiences that stay with individual members in different ways,” Fair said. “They hold a lot of special memories for band members, individually and collectively, that highlight being a Highlander.” While band members say it would be difficult to pinpoint a favorite performance, they are especially proud of one distinction. The Highlanders

The West Virginia Highlanders of Davis & Elkins College march in the Grafton Memorial Day Parade.

are the only musical group in the world to have participated in the Vietnam Memorial Dedication, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial Dedication, the Korean War Veterans Memorial Dedication and the World War II Memorial Dedication. Another special honor was bestowed upon the band when select pipers and drummers led the processional during the Memorial Service for the Allies of the Korean War, at the Korean War Veterans Memorial Dedication in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. During the dedication activities, the Highlanders were introduced and featured in a live “Voice of America” broadcast to the U.S. Armed Forces worldwide. Locally, the Highlanders are perhaps best known for participating in various functions at Davis & Elkins College, leading the MSFF Fireman’s Parade and Grand Feature Parade, as well as performing for civic groups, schools, churches, dedications, memorials and funerals. To request a performance, call Fair at 304-636-7222 or Pipe Major Karl Mulac at 847-809-4802.

Highlander Official Dress

Organizers of the West Virginia Highlanders chose the yellowish gold, black and red tartan of the MacLeod of Lewis clan because the tartan matched the colors of the American Legion. Official permission to use the tartan came from Dame Flora MacLeod, C.B.E., the 28th chief of the clan. In 1953, the Highlanders performed in her honor during a clan visit to the United States. The Highlanders wear authentic full-dress military style uniforms after the fashion of the Scottish Highland Regiments. Pipers wear a dark military doublet (jacket) with a solid Glengarry (hat). The drummers and color guard are attired in scarlet doublets and diced Glengarries. The uniform is completed by a folded 5-by-14-foot plaid sash pinned at the shoulder, sword belt and waist belt, black shoes, white spats, red garter flashes, a horsehair sporran and a small sgian dubh (knife) placed in the sock. For less formal occasions, the doublet, plaid, and sword belt are replaced with a black military style shirt that compliments the McLeod tartan kilt.

How to Join

The West Virginia Highlanders of Davis & Elkins College is more than a group of people who come together to play music. Members have a comradery because they share a common passion and willingness to work toward a polished presentation. Interested in Joining? There are a few things you might not know … and they’re all good!

• There is no fee. The band provides uniforms and instruments. All you provide is the desire. • You don’t need to know how to play an instrument or read music. The Highlanders will teach all new members. • You don’t need to live in Randolph County. In fact, several members live in other parts of the state. • Positions are open for pipers, drummers and color guard. For additional information, call Chairman Matt Fair at 304-636-7222.

Pipers: Marvin Carr Matt Fair Karl Mulac Sandy Tice Chuck Riddle Matt Tayler Tom McLaughlin Keith Haddix

Current Active Members

Snare Drummers: Patrick McKay Brennon Weese Hunter Mouse Zach Gear

Tenor Drum: Chris Weese Scott Simmons Color Guard: Robin Fair Ginny Gear Jim Bibby Kent Winn Mary Dasher Beginning pipers: Rich Cardot Bob Hammer Rose Bell Bryan Kozik

A few members of the West Virginia Highlanders of Davis & Elkins College perform for Commencement Ceremonies as participants process into Myles Center for the Arts.

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