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Equine founder is a very serious condition that is due to the complications and tissue damage of the foot after one or more attacks of laminitis. If not treated properly, founder can cause serious and permanent damage to your horse. If you suspect that your horse has laminitis or founder you should immediately start treatment before it gets worse. Read the information below to find out more about equine founder and how to treat it. What Causes Laminitis? Laminitis can be caused by several factors including eating too much grain, lush pasture (especially in the springtime), drinking large amounts of cold water when overheated, overweight horses that do not get enough exercise, too much work on a hard surface and stressful situations. Laminitis causes the feet to become very painful and you will notice this when your horse walks. Most of the time only the front feet will be affected, but it can also affect the hind feet as well. What Exactly Is Laminits And Founder? Laminits is an infection of the tissue that connects the coffin bone to the hoof wall (this tissue is called laminae). As these layers separate they cause severe pain in the sensitive tissues underneath the hoof wall. Equine founder then occurs as the laminae die which causes the coffin bone to become unattached to the hoof. The arteries and veins also become damaged and the remaining tissues around the coffin bone will be crushed. With severe cases of founder the coffin bone will rotate downwards through the sole of the hoof to the ground. How Do I Treat Equine Founder? The earlier that you can start treating founder the better. Not only do you need to start treating this right away to cure it, but you must also remember that this is a very painful condition for your horse and the sooner that you can relieve his pain, the less stressed out he will be. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the case but you should immediately call your veterinarian as he may need to administer pain killers, fluids or antibiotics and give you other information. Corrective shoeing with heart bars as soon as possible is a very effective method to cure founder, however it is important that your farrier knows how to shoe a foundered horse correctly. Equine founder will not get better on its own and will only get worse the longer you wait. By starting treatment as soon as possible, your horse can recover from this painful condition and be sound once again.
Is your horse suffering from laminitis or equine founder? Don't wait until it's too late to cure him. For more important information about this serious condition including symptoms, causes and treatment methods Click Here.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=B_Abbott
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