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My Story: I have a 26 year old Thoroughbred gelding named Southern Gentleman (aka Teddy), that has been with me for almost 17 years now. About 3 years ago, his neck started looking a little cresty. The vet was coming out in a couple of weeks for spring shots and he was in otherwise excellent health so I did not make a special appointment. After her examination, she recommended that we draw blood for an ACTH level test as she suspected he was developing insulin resistance, most likely coupled with Cushings disease, which is common in older horses. To my great dismay, the test came back with very high levels of the ACTH hormone. I was devastated. I knew that insulin resistance horses are more susceptible to laminitis and founder, and for me, it was my worst nightmare. I have seen firsthand the effects of this horrible disease, thankfully never in a horse of my own. When you combine an uninformed horse owner who loves their horse, with a disreputable veterinarian, the result for the horse can be catastrophic. I watched a wonderful Arabian stallion progress from mild laminitis to full blown founder to the point where the coffin bone punched through the bottom of the hoof and the horses hooves were literally being held on with duct-tape. The vet convinced the owners (while charging exorbitant amounts of money daily), that the horse was a fighter and not ready to give up so they should not give up on him. He suffered horribly well beyond the point where he should have been humanely euthanized and in the end died one of the most ghastly deaths I could have imagined for a beloved animal. I have since seen other cases where the horse was properly treated and recovered, but to see a horse in that kind of pain is not a scenario that I want to experience in my barn or in my life. So, when I got Teddy's diagnosis, I went on a mission to learn everything I could about Insulin Resistance, Cushings, and Laminitis. When it comes to IR, carbohydrates (sugars) are a major issue. As it turns out, my senior horse was on the worst possible feed for a horse in his condition, it had the highest level of non-structural carbohydrates of any feed on the market at the time! I switched him to a new feed and luckily, the diet change alone brought his ACTH level down and got rid of his cresty neck. Founder and Laminitis Exposed, an e-book by Zoe Dodds If you are like me, and have a horse that has foundered or is prone to bouts of laminitis, such as horses with insulin resistance or cushings syndrome, then this is one of the times of year that you start searching the internet for the latest info and products available. You want to be ready, and sure you are up to date on the current veterinary advances and thinking. There are plenty of articles that focus on one aspect or another of founder and laminits, and there are veterinary books that may devote a page or two or maybe a full chapter.
In contrast, Founder and Laminitis Exposed, by Australian Zoe Dodds is a complete, comprehensive guide, full of clear explanations and plenty of helpful illustrations. The volume gives a clear explanation of what laminitis and founder are and covers symptoms, causes, prognosis, prevention, treatment, and diet and nutrition. The final chapters cover complementary natural treatments and a discussion of the seven myths about laminitis and founder. The $39 price tag for this downloadable e-book is well worth the cost for the knowledge you will gain in reading it. In my opinion, every horse owner with concerns about laminitis and/or founder show own a copy of this book. To sweeten the deal, the author includes two additional books as a bonus: Homeopathy for Horses and Increasing Your Horses Health and Longevity. In addition, the author is so confident in the quality of her product that the entire package comes with a 60-day 100% money back guarantee, so there is nothing to lose in trying it out. The website is a bit annoying, with a lot of hard sell tactics and you need to scroll way down to get to the part of the page where you can actually order it, but don't be put off by the aggressive marketing techniques, the book will be a valuable addition to your horse library and will save you money in the long run. As horse owners, we owe it to our equine friends to be well informed so that we can be an strong advocate for their health and well-being.
Erin E Martin Author Dressage: Equilibrium Through Horses Blog [http://www.lighthorsefarm.com/LHFBlog/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erin_E_Martin
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