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If you have fatty liver, you are not alone! It is the most common liver disease in the United States. Fatty Liver is usually a mild liver condition where fat accumulates inside your liver cells. This buildup of fat usually causes no damage by itself and, in the early stages, there are no symptoms. However, as fat builds up in your liver cells, it causes inflammation and swelling of your liver. This is when you start experiencing the symptoms of fatty liver and is a sign that a harmful condition is at work in your body. The first signs of liver inflammation and swelling are:
Nausea Stomach pain Abdominal burning sensation Tiredness and fatigue Headaches
What Causes Fatty Liver? At first, you might think that eating fatty foods causes fatty liver, but that is not true. 1. Your liver plays an important role in the metabolism (break down) of fats. When something goes wrong in this process of metabolism, excess fat starts building up in your liver. 2. Many health professionals believe that an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a yeast bacteria found in the intestinal tract, may be the root cause of fatty liver disease. Candida is the most common cause of yeast infections in women. If it over-populates your digestive tract, it causes problems with your metabolism. 3. Your liver is responsible for storing excess blood glucose (sugar). If your blood sugar is too high, your liver converts the excess sugar into fat and starts accumulating in your liver. It is important to note, Candida thrives on sugar and refined carbohydrates (foods that convert to sugar in your body) and will make you experience intense sugar cravings. 4. Your liver is responsible for removing harmful bacteria and toxins from your blood. It also kills germs that enter your body through the intestine. Processing these bacteria, toxins and germs by your liver produces toxic by-products in your digestive system. When your digestive system is
overwhelmed with toxins, your liver is overwhelmed trying to get rid of the toxins. How to Get Rid of Fatty Liver When your liver is fighting to get rid of fatty buildup, you're feeling the overwhelming symptoms of tiredness, fatigue, stomach pain and low energy. These and other symptoms of fatty liver are what's keeping you from enjoying your daily life.
First, if you are overweight, then losing weight is essential. Weight loss is by far the most important treatment. Research shows that women who lose just 9% of their total body weight are able to completely reverse fatty liver disease. Cut down your intake of sugar. Your liver converts excess sugar into fat. Less sugar in your diet means your liver will not have to work as hard converting the sugar into fat. Cut down on simple carbohydrates, especially white bread, pasta and rice. Your liver converts these simple carbohydrates directly into sugar. Then the sugar is converted to fat, which is stored in your liver. You can ease the stress on your liver by eating more complex carbohydrates. Eat fiber-rich whole grain breads, cereals, crackers and brown rice. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water helps eliminate the fatty deposits in your liver. This also helps get rid of toxins from your body and you can start feeling better fast. Finally, use natural cleansing foods, herbs, and supplements to detoxify and purify your liver. This helps soothe the inflammation, relieve the swelling, and ease the pain.
If your liver is accumulating fat and not functioning at top capacity, you may be experiencing inflammation and swelling and other symptoms of fatty liver disease. The good news is, with proper diet and care, you can get rid of fatty liver and renew your health. Your liver has the ability to regenerate new cells and grow healthy new tissue. Your liver has the remarkable power to heal!
To get more information on fatty liver and your diet, click here: http://www.fattyliverdietcure.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beth_Winter
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