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There is a lot to learn about how to play the violin before you have even played a note. The way you hold the violin and bow are crucial to being able to play the violin properly, it can take quite a bit of practice to get your positioning correct when you are starting to learn how to play the violin. Here are some great violin tips to show you how to play the violin. *Firstly, you need to prepare the bow. If your bow is not properly cared for and not prepared, it will not produce a nice sound. You need to tighten the bow by turning the screw clockwise. Make sure you don't twist it too tight so that the hair is parallel with the wooden part of the bow. Similarly, make sure it is not too loose. To play the violin, you should be able to fit a pencil between the wood and the hairs. *Next, add rosin to the bow. Slide the rosin along the length of the hairs about three or four times. Don't add to much rosin, this can produce a screechy sound when you play the violin. If you play every day you should put more rosin on your bow every few days. *Then, hold the bow by placing your index finger on the grip of the bow, rest your other fingers on the same side of the bow at equal distances from each other. Your ring finger should be covering the pearl circle on the bow and your little finger needs to be slightly bent and resting on the lower edge. Do not grip your bow to tightly as this will impede your violin playing. *Now for how to play the violin, pick it up and place it on your shoulder and rest your jaw on the chinrest. The end of your violin should be held out straight from your body and not pointing towards the floor. Make sure you are standing straight when you play the violin, it is acceptable for the violin to be angled upwards slightly towards the ceiling but only a little. *Hold the violin at the base of its neck with your left arm on the right side of the violin's neck. Curl your fingers over the strings, you should be able to see your thumb. If your elbow is pointing too far to the left you will surely produce a sound that is flat when you play the violin. Make sure you fingers are relaxed and curled loosely. You will probably feel very uncomfortable in your violin playing at this point, but don't worry you will get used to it. *Place the bow about halfway between the bridge of the violin and the fingerboard. Relax your wrists and tilt the bow slightly, this should produce a noise. Practice sliding the bow along the strings whilst keeping the bow parallel with the bridge. Be gentle and don't apply too much pressure, you will be able to tell if you are because you will make a very unpleasant scratchy sound during your violin playing.
For more violin tips and a way you could learn how to play the violin, click on the following link : how to play the violin
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Park
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