==== ==== Discover the solar panel secrets they don't want you to know at http://new-vital.info/For/Power4Home ==== ====
As with any form of technology that is constantly changing and improving, solar panel design has made significant strides in recent years. Even compared to less than a decade ago, current designs have tremendously improved levels of output at a considerably lower price. The same amount of energy can be produced with one-third of the amount of panels that was once required. This is good news for consumers who have yet to invest in solar panel technology. Every aspect of design has improved, including efficiency in energy collection, ability to withstand harsh weather conditions and projected lifespan. Original models lost their proficiency gradually over time and consequently lost their ability to convert sunlight into usable power. The advertisement then for a product with a 15- to 20-year lifespan lost 25 to 50 percent production capacity in the last five years. The biggest reason for the early die out was the natural elements wearing on them. Another area where efficiency was lost in older models was in the way they converted DC current to usable AC current for powering the home. At the outset of solar panel design, a junction box was required to connect each solar panel to a large inverter box. The length of cable needed to connect each element caused energy to be wasted. Newer models can be expected to continue to produce high amounts of energy well into their later years of functionality. Not only do they operate to their full capacity the entire lifespan, unlike older models, their lifespan is also longer. Some new designs, for only a bit higher cost, have the ability to be more efficient even when the sun hits the panels at a sharp angle. This is important for homes with roofs that are less-than-ideally aligned with the sun. Another way that production is increased is by the implementation of internal inverters. Instead of a long cable, the solar panel design allows each panel to individually convert DC to AC and feed it directly into the home. It can be assumed that solar panel design and technology will continue to advance, but if you are constantly waiting for the next best thing because you do not want to spend money on something that will soon be outdated, you will never make a purchase. If you own a computer you know all about technology becoming obsolete. With these new advances in solar panel design, now is the time to buy!
Discover the secrets to building your own solar panels for less than $200 at GreenPoweredHome.net. Get the complete step-by-step guide.
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==== ==== Discover the solar panel secrets they don't want you to know at http://new-vital.info/For/Power4Home ==== ====