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If you discover mold in the house it can be a pretty upsetting experience. Mold is nasty stuff that makes your home look like it's not clean! So what can you do? The first thing you need to do is to identify what type of mold it is, and actually, whether it is mold or mildew as they can be quite similar. As a general rule-of-thumb, mildew tends to be a grayish white, while mold can be black or appear in quite a rainbow of colors. Mold also smells very musty and unpleasant so I can't see why anyone would want to encourage it in their home. Most people at some point have pulled out the bread to find some wonderful green fuzzy blobs on it. Well, here, were are not talking about the mold that appears on food, but the type of mold in the house that appears on the walls and ceilings in the bathroom, in the crawlspace, the basement or just about anywhere. However, it is most usual to find it where there is dampness and moisture. Unfortunately, mold is a fungus and mold spores can spread very easily. The spores are invisible to the eye, so you really need to be thorough in getting rid mold and keeping it away. How you do this depends on the type and location of the mold in the house. Fortunately today, you can buy a mold test kit that will tell you what type of mold it is. If you don't want to do this, you can get a mold inspector to do this for you. They will identify any molds and advise a course of action for you. By far the worst type of mold in the house to find is black mold. Black mold can be toxic and has been associated with aggravating certain health conditions associated with the lungs and should therefore ideally be taken care of by professionals. One of the worst locations to find mold is in the drywall fabric, as this cannot be removed by propriety cleaners and the drywall will have to be cut out and replaced. Otherwise, the solution is quite simple. In general terms, you can buy suitable mold removal products in the supermarket and DIY stores. Alternatively, you can use a bleach and water solution that will also help get rid of the smell. If using any type of solution, make sure you wear protective clothing and a mask so you don't breath in the fumes. Once you have removed the mold, you need to tackle the root cause of any damp, as this is why the mold thrives. In bathrooms and showers, make sure you vent the room during and after you bathe and wipe down surfaces. In kitchens, open the window if possible when cooking and use an extractor fan. You may also like to purchase a portable dehumidifier as this will extract the moisture efficiently from a room. A somewhat surprising option to a lot of people is to cut down on pot plants! If you think about it,
you water your pot plants, which in turn will create excess moisture in the home. So make sure you remove the plants from any areas that already have a problem. Hope some of the above helps you in getting rid of mold in the house permanently.
Getting rid of mold in the house can be done efficiently for most types of mold, providing you know what you are doing. If you need a few tips about getting rid of mold, you may find what you are looking for on our website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carrie_Westengate
==== ==== Discover the Mold Removal secrets they really don't want you to know http://tinyurl.com/Mold-Removal-Guide ==== ====