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Open Houses
When to cancel someone is an arbitrary and personal decision. As Arielle Rokhsar, a junior at The Wheatley School in Old Westbury, explains: “There is no definite line between what actions allow for one to be canceled and for one to be spared, it all depends on how the audience interprets it.” And values are constantly evolving. Ali Bhalloo, Arielle’s classmate, argues the “views that we have today may be considered wrong in the future. Opinions change with time. In my opinion, it is crucial that we cancel cancel culture.”
Psychological Impact Like bullying, canceling can lead to kids being isolated and ostracized, says Rebecca Sinclair, Ph.D., child and adolescent psychologist and director of psychological services at Brooklyn Minds, a mental health practice with locations in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Manhasset. “Children and adolescents are much more vulnerable than adults, and isolation can affect depressive moods, anxiety, impulsive behavior, and use of substances.” Plus, cancelation can make individuals afraid to stand up for themselves or voice an opinion, says Alexandra Hamlet, Psy.D., clinical psychologist in the Mood Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute, a nonprofit that helps children and families with mental health and learning disorders. She says that while there are instances when avoidance can be appropriate—such as when someone is racist or harassing—it’s always better to first have a discussion with the individual and help him understand that what was said is not okay. “A question that should be asked is, ‘does the person really deserve the removal of support in such a reactive way for saying one thing that might have been disagreed with?’” Dr. Hamlet says.
The Fine Line A community that unites against someone who has done something unforgivable can be empowering. It can also make kids think twice before posting or announcing potentially offensive views. But there’s a negative too. “It’s balancing this fine line because we want to give our youth and teens the opportunity and power to call [them] out when there are issues in teen behavior,” Dr. Sinclair points out. “The issue is, [cancelation] doesn’t leave opportunity for improvement.” People—especially kids—make mistakes. Kids have not had as many experiences to learn from as adults have. Learning from failures allows adolescents to build up social skills, develop a sense of self, and develop a sense of relationships, Dr. Sinclair says. In 2019, President Barack Obama disparaged the concept of canceling someone in an interview about youth activism. “The world is messy. There are ambiguities,” he said. “People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and share certain things with you.” And kids are often not told they’ve been canceled, or the reason behind it. A confrontation would at least provide them with an opportunity to apologize, learn, and grow, Duffy says. Dr. Sinclair also points out that the confusion caused by social isolation often causes teens to become defensive and cling onto the opinion or belief that led to the cancellation in the first place.
What is the parent’s role? Like any other difficult conversation with your adolescent, it is important to understand where your child is coming from. “Cancel culture might make the parent really uncomfortable and alert them in a hyper-vigilant way, but it is important to hear from the kids what their emotion and experience is, whether it’s worry, sadness, or anger,” Dr. Sinclair says. “There can be a difference between validating a child’s emotion and agreeing with their behaviors. You can validate how frustrated they are and how confused they are without agreeing that canceling someone is the right thing.” Also, as Duffy points out, cancel culture makes it difficult for adolescents to have transparent conversations about things they disagree about, which is an important life skill. Dr. Hamlet suggests parents focus on teaching their child what it means to understand someone else’s point of view and that settling differences doesn’t have to mean blocking someone out of your life or unfollowing them on social media.
RCC Summer Camps 145 College Road, Suffern 845-574-4451 rccsummercamps.com We will be scheduling camp tours in May and June so you can see our facility and learn more about our great summer programs. Please call to schedule a date.
RoCA Summer Camp/Rockland Center for the Arts 27 S. Greenbush Road, West Nyack 845-358-0877 x18 rocklandartcenter.org amy@rocklandartcenter.org RoCA features one of the region’s most comprehensive art programs. Meet our camp director and staff, tour the facility and grounds. March 8, April 5, and May 3, from 1-4pm.
Rockland Farm Alliance – Junior Farmers Camp 220 South Little Tor Road, New City 845-634-3167 rocklandfarm.org sarah@rocklandfarm.org Come join our open house on Saturday, March 28, from 10am-12pm and learn more about Rockland Farm Alliance’s Junior Farmers’ Summer Program for kids ages 6-12.
Young World Day Camp 585 Wyckoff Ave., Mahwah 201-327-3888 youngworlddayschool.org director@ywdschool.org We will be hosting a camp open house on April 18 from 10am-12pm. Come tour our facility and learn about our great summer camp programs for ages 2 through rising sixth graders.
Thumb Sucking 101
How to handle this common childhood habit—and tips to get your child to stop
By Jaimie Seaton
If your baby or toddler is a dedicated thumb sucker, don’t worry—it’s perfectly normal. Rooting and sucking are natural reflexes for babies, and sucking a finger, thumb, or even a toe is comforting. In fact—as you may know from your ultrasound photos—many babies begin thumb sucking in the womb, and it’s not uncommon for children to continue the habit well past their toddler years.
Pros and Cons Babies will often turn to thumb sucking if they are unhappy, hungry, or tired. That’s a good thing; we want our children to learn to self-soothe. And a 2016 study published in the journal Pediatrics found that children who sucked their thumb or bit their nails were less likely to develop allergies. “Even when the habit lingers past infancy, thumb-sucking is rarely something to be concerned about. It doesn’t indicate that a child has emotional problems or that he will still be sucking his finger when he’s a teenager,” says Sabine Hack, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. However, after the age of 5, thumb sucking can be detrimental to mouth and teeth development, according to Larissa Davids, D.D.S., owner of Rego Park Orthodontics. And it can lead to bite problems, including an anterior open bite (the teeth not coming together correctly) or a cross bite, and speech impediments.
When and How to Intervene Most children stop sucking their thumb by the age of 3 or 4, or they’ll suck only in times of stress or when going to sleep. There’s no cause for concern