1962 darton product catalog

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DARTON Armguards


The Darton armguards have been designed to give maximum protection yet are light enough to give plenty of freedom when used. All the armguords are easily put on and resist riding up or down on the arm. Quality leathers, strong con­ struction and excellent workmanship guarantees the Darton armguards.

Maximum protection, with three sep­ arate spring-steel spines bound be­ tween rich top-grain outer leather and soft suede lining . Three leather straps with buckles allow complete adjustment.

No. AG-121





Th ree adiustable elastic straps with patented fasteners secure th is fu 11­ protection guard to the arm quickly ond comfortably. Top grain outer leather, soft suede lining, three spring -steel spines.

For those who prefer elastic straps and patented fasteners, this two­ spine, two-strap PROFESSIONAL model provides the same top groin outer leather, soft suede lining, and fine workmanship.

Special design permits this quality

leather armguard to be put on or

taken off in an instant, with elas­

tic bands and single hook fastener.

Covered steel spine for firm pro­


No. AG-122


No. AG-112




Excellent protection, with two sep­ arate spring-steel spines sewn be­ tween fine top grain outer leather and soft suede lining . Two leather straps with buckles for adjustment.

Narrow design, with one spring­ steel spine sewn between top grain outer leather and soft suede lining. Two elastic straps, patented fas­ teners. Protection with minimum size and weight.

No. AG-l11

No. AG-113



No. AG-10


THE TARGET Top quality elk-tanned leather, firm yet flex ible, with six metal hooks for quick lacing with the elastic cord for snug fit . Easily slipped on and off.

No. AG-131



Gloves and Tabs Original in design ... Darton gloves are carefully crafted from hand selected elk and cordovan tanned leathers . These gloves are constructed to fit the hand and therefore will stay on without slipping out of position . Perfection of fit is "de­ signed in" whichever style you choose. Darton alsa a fine selection of the ever popular tabs.



The double-construction and unique desgn of a Marshall­ style tab, has the lower half of soft suede and the upper face of smoothly tanned top­ grain leather lock -stitched in place. Specify large, Me ­ dium, or Small when order-

Elk or cordovan-tanned lea­ ther, with smooth release surface, for those wha pre­ fer the Western style. Spe­ cify large or Small when or­ dering .





Two-tone color with adjust­ able wrist strop for sure, comfortable fit . Small, me ­ dium, large and extra large . No. M-57 $1.50

A vented, closed - finger­ style glove, with the wrist­ strap k e e pin g the glove smoothly in place. Small, Medium, lorge, or Extra large. No. M-53 $1.25

One-piece wrist-strap and back, in this open-f inger­ end style . Adjustable wrist strap. Small, Medium, lorge, or Extra large. No. M-54 $1.25

Open - end fin g e r sheaths slightly concave for split­ second release action . Ad­ justable wrist strap. Small, Medium, large and Extra large. No. M-5S $1.50



Vented cI 0 sin g of each finger sheoth gives finger ­ end protection. Elastic web ­ bing pemits easy flexing of hand and wrists . Small, Me­ dium, large, or Extra large. No. M-51 $2.00

Strong single seam construc­ tion with open end finger sheath, slightly concave to assure maximum arrow con ­ trol . Small, Medium, large and Extra large . No. M-56 $2.00



For those who choose open­ end finger design, here is the ideal glove. Small, Me­ dium, large, or Extra large . No. M-50 $1.80

THE NAVAJO Designed for the archer who prefers the closed end finger sheoth . Adjustable wrist bond . Small, Medium, large and Extra large. No. M-58 $2.00

Leather Quivers TAB

Each DARTON Quiver is a masterpiece of the leather­ craftsman's art, expertly selected and cut from the fin~st top groin elk-tanned leather-leather of character-rich dark brown in color, firm yet flexible . Two-tone styles are trimmed with lustrous, pole-cream-colored strop leather. DARTON Quivers are also available in leatherette for the beginning archers or for those who wish on inexpensive Quiver.

Fine top - groin leather, smooth elk or cordovan - tan­ ned release surface for "hair-trigger" control. Spec ­ ify Lorge or Small when ordering.

THE HASTINGS A distinguished Quiver, de­ signed for a lifetime of use. Luxurious leathers, styled to corry twe n ty - five arrows ready-to -hand in three com­ portments. Brood, adjust­ able shoulder strop held ex­ actly in position by a Quick­ snap side strop . Big, pleat ­ ed, zipper pocket. Hunting­ knife sheath on the pocket. Double lock -stitch sewing, plus rivets, for maximum durability. No. 8-572 $16.95




Comfort, two -tone styling, and complete protection for your arrows even in heavy woods and brush--ore out­ standing features of this fine center-of-back Quiver. Two comportments, with ampfe room for twenty ar ­ rows. Both shoulder straps are adjustable to hold your Quiver in correct position . Knife sheath, zippered ac­ cessory pocket. No. 8-586 $14.95

This beautifully crafted, two-tone shoulder Quiver carries twenty arrows in its Knife two comportments. sheath on the zippered ac­ cessory pocket. The har ­ monious contrast of the rich dark brown elk-tanned body leather, and the creamy lustre of the strop leather trim make this on excep­ tionally beautiful Quiver. No. 8-498 $12.95

This distinctive s h a u Ide r quiver combines excellence in Quality with compact de­ sign, tarrying fifteen arrows without crowding. F' lea­ thercralt, with dou ck­ stitch sewing at to. . .Jck, and bottom. Arrow divider, broad shoulder stop for easy fit, zippered a c c e 55 0 r y pocket. No. 8-496 $8.95

DARTON Attention to every detail of design in DARTON Quivers provides complete adjustment for position along with the easy, natural fit you would expect to find only in a quiver individually custom -crafted for you.

POCK" QUIVER This style has a snap pocket of its own for bowstrings, other accessories . Two arrow




arrows . Sewed and riveted.

No. 8-129

THE CUTIC Slyled in rich lealher; car­ ries 20 arrows in seporale comporlmenls . Double lack­ lI irch , ew ing gives added year ife and beouly . No... ...0


THE CRECY TOURNAMENT The Crecy in a tournament model: excellent quality, compact design to corry fifteen arrows wthout crowd­ ing, arrow d i v id e r, brood easy shoulder strop. Double lock-stitch sewing , hand­ some strop - leather trim.

No. 8-497





Styled in sup pie block leather with zippered acces­ sory pocket; co rri es 20 arrows in separate comport ­ ments. Ad jus tab I e belt clomp for easy, natural fit . The ideal quiver for both target and field .

An original all-leather quiver with "the look of out­ doors", the Saxon carries twenty arrows in its two comportments - and those essential accessories in the pleated snap-pocket. Ad­ justable shoulder strop for comfortable fit .

No. B-500


No. B-400




BOW TIP PROTECTOR AND STRING SAVER Slips in back pocket, with loop snap­ ping over belt. Carries four arrows. Divider strop. Bock piece of heavy strop-leather, front either elk or cor­ dovan -tanned.


No. 11-139

The Darton String Saver complements both the archer and the bow on or off the range. Designed in durable, elk tanned leather with double lock-stitch sewing . Reinforced elastic band .


No. 5-75

Ideal for

tips, extra strings, glove,

string saver, and all your field supplies. Styled in soft, supple leather-you'll never know you're wearing it. No. P395






This two -tone belt-style quiver of dark brown leath­ er, with creamy strop-leather trim at top. Equally useful for target or field shooting, adjustable for easy action . Carries eight arrows.

This twenty -arrow shoulder quiver is made of tough, plastic-coated waterproof material, with leather shoul ­ der strop, trim, and heavy leather bottom . Shoulder strap has adjustable buckle for easy fit.

Simply styled of tough, plas­ tic-covered waterproof ma­ teria . Top-groin elk-tanned leather tr i m , ad jus tab I e strop and heavy leather bot­ tom. The Archer is designed to serve as a second quiver, and it carries sixteen arrows.

A student quiver that has been designed to attach to the belt at a more com­ fortable angle . Li ht in weight, this quiver ' ufaclured of waterp naterial that lends itself to good stu r d y construction. The two belt strops allow the archer quicker access to arrows for hunting .

No. B-375


No. B-277


No. B-274


No. B-272




Heavy -duty, weatherproof suede-finish material, zip­ per end closure, leather-reinforced bottom, full bias binding , 6-inch width for recurve bows up to six feet .

protect any style of bow. Fully bound. Specify 64", 66", or 72" length .

Maximum protection a fine bow deserves. No. BC-160

Heavy weight Canton Flannel, with t ies, to fit and


No. BC-l00


When you wear


THE HUNTSMAN fhis is a student belt quiver. lady of tough, plastic cover­ d waterproof material; loop, .eavy bottom, and trim of op -gra ' other. ~ o.



$1 .00

Here is a shorter, belt-slung quiver, especially designed for shorter arrows . Tough, plastic covered waterproof material, with leather loop and heavy leather bottom. No. 8-262 (With leather loop, swivel ring, and spring ­ . $.85 steel clip I . No. B-260 (with leather belt laop only . . . $.75

DARTON Archery Equipment, as you have seen, prov ides a wide range of types and styles to fit individual needs, preferences, tastes, and budgets. However, there is no compromise with anything less than the finest in quality of design, workmanship, and ma ­ terials. We are determined that the DARTON name shall continue to stand for the very best in Archery Equipment, always . We have pic­ tured and described our line as accurately as we can - but the look , the feel, and the use of DARTON Archery Equ ipment give the best proof of the wonderful difference DARTON quality makes. In Archery, those who want the best - make sure of getting it by choos­ ing DARTON . Our own greatest pride and pleasure is in the pride and pleasure of our customers who know that : "WHEN YOU WEAR A DARTON YOU JOIN THE MASTI[RS ."

The Darton Guarantee


every article of archery equ ipment described in this catalog is of superior quality and workmanship and Darton will adjust for de ­ fective workmanship or materials.

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