1963 darton product catalog

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D arton armguards have been designed to give max imum pro­ tection yet an' ligh t enough to give plenty of freedom \\'h, 'n IIsed . All the armguards arp easily Pllt on and resist riding up or down on th e arm. Qual­ ity I ' atll ers, strong construdion and excellent workmanship an ' ff'atur ed.

THE HUNTER I Three separate s pring- s te e I spines bound between top- grain outer leather and soft SUP(1e lining. Three leather s tr aps wi th buckles allow complete adj ustmen t. AG·45


THE HUNTER II Three adjustable elastic straps with patented fasteners secure this full-protection guard to the arm. Top grain outer leather, soft suede lining, three spring­ steel spines. AG·40

$3 .00

THE PROFESSIONAL III The ideal arm guard for thp fr,,(· styl", Arch 'r. Excellen t protec­ tion with adeled length. Call I,l' trimmed at seam to nestle at wrist or flexibl e enough to curV!' with the wrist. Singh~ st(,('1 spi n · b etwcen top grain lea tl1<'r and suede lining. Easy adjust­ ment w ith 3 elastic straps. AG·50

$3 .50

THE PROFESSIONAL I Light- weight with added pro­ tection of a single steel spine. this two-strap professional mou,,1 provides top grain leather and suede lining. AG·30


KWIK-KLASP Special des ign permi ts th i s leath er armguard to he put on or taken off in an instant, with elastic bands and single hook fastener. AG·l0





Na rrow design, with one spring­ steel spi ne sew n between top grain outer leather and soft suede lining. Two clastic straps, patented fasteners.

Top quality elk-tanned leather, firm yet flexible, with six metal hooks for quick lacing with the elastic cord for snug fit. Easily slipped on and off.






Original in d es ign . . . Darton gloves arc carefully crafted from selected tann ed lea thers. These gloves are construeted to fit th e hand and will stay on without slipping out of pos ition . Pe r­ fection of fit is "d esigned in" whicheve r style you choose. Darton also has a fin e selection of tabs.


A vented closed-finge r styled glove, with elastic wrist strap to allow for eas y fl exing of your fingers. Small, medium, lar ge, extra large.



Th e Marshall-styl(' tab, h as th e lower half of soft su,><! (-' and th e upper facl' of smoothly tamwcl lcatlw r lock-,titchcd toge ther. Specify Large. M c diu m , 0 r Smoll wh en ord ring . T·l0l

$ .75


THE MARQUETTE The ve nted closed-finger styled glove designed in soft leather. Small, me dium, l arge, extra large. G.s5


WESTERN TAB T op grad e leather, with smooth rekos e surface', for those who pH'fer the W es tern style. Spe ­ cify L arg or Small wh 'n order­ ing. T.l05



Featuring open-end fing e r sheaths and elastic wrist strap that keep s glove in place . Small, medium, large and ex tra large. G.s4



Fine top-grain leather, smooth dk or cordova n-tanned rell'as,> surfa ce for " hair-triggN" co n­ trol. Specify Laq:w or Sma ll when ord ering . T·103



This 0 pen - end, sin g I e se a m glove fits to p erfection. Elas tic. adj ustable wrist strap. Small, medium, large and extra large. G.56




THE HASTINGS A distingUished Cjuiver, ~tyl(·d to ca rry twenty-fiv(, arrows in thrcc co mpartm( ·nts. Broad. ad­ justablr shollld er strap hel(1 in position hy a Cjllick-snap sid" strap. Big pl e at c d, zip[l('r pocket. 8-572


THE CRECY Carries fifte (· n arrows without crowding. Arrow divid er, broad should er strap for t'a sy fit , zip­ pered accessory pocke t. a..t96


THE HUNTER Co mfort, two-tonc styling. a nd complete protection for your ar­ rows- a re outs ta nd in g fcatur l's of this center-of-h ack qu iver. Two compartme nts , with room for twe nty arrows. Both sho1l1­ der straps adjust to hold yo ur q uiver in co rrec t position. Zip­ pered acccssory pocket. a-586


THE POITIERS This beau tifully cra fted , two­ tone should er Cju iver cn ITi ('s twenty a rrows in its two com­ partments. B-C98


THE WOODSMAN This t wc nt y - ar r ow should ('r qniver is made of tough, plas­ ti c-coated wn tetl?!'Oof materi a I, with lea ther shoul der strap. trim . a nd heavy l e a th er h o ttom . Shoulde r strap has adjustable buckle. $3 .00

THE CRECY TOURNAMENT Compact design to ca rry fiftcen arrows without cro wding. arrow divid er, broad easy shoulder strap . D ouble lock-sti tch s('w­ ing, handsom e s t ra p-lca t h er trim. $8.50




Simply styled of tough, plastic­ covered wate rpr oof ma te rial. Top-grai n lea th 'r trim , adjust­ able strap a nd heHvy lea th e r bot­ tom . D es ig ned to serve as a seco nd qui ve r, carries sixteen arrows .

The Saxon carrics twenty a rrows in its two compartments-and those essential accessories in th l' pleated snap-pocke t. Adiustnh1c should er strap for comfortable fit.



$2 .00

$5 .95


THE CELTIC The finest in side quivers, the Celtic will carry 20 arrows in divided cut away top. Zipper pocket for accessori(,s, pencil hold e r, adiustable strap and pro­ vision fOl: securing quiver to your leg, Rings for cleaning tassel. $-700


THE T ARGETEER Styled in waterproof katherctte, this side quiver adjmts to your prefe rence . Carrks 20 arrows in two compartments. 5-275


THE AGINCOURT Ideal for target or field shoot­ ing. Divided compartment will hold 12 arrows. Pocke t for cig­ arettes, peneil and score card plus rings for cleaning tassel. AdjLLstahle strap for comfort. S-6oo



THE SUSSEX Styled in snpple black leather with zippered accessory pocket; carries 20 arrows in wparat<' compartments. Adjustable h"lt clamp for ('asy, natural fit. $-500


THE BOWMAN Each DAHTON QuiVl'r is a maste rpiece 0 f t h (' I f' a the r­ craftsman's art, ,'xpertly scl"cted and cut from th e finest top grain e lk-tann ed l e ath e r ­ leath er of character-rich dark brown in color, firm ye t flexihl e. T'wo-tone styles arc trimmed with lustrous, pale-cream-col­ ored strap le,athcr. Attention to every clt'tail of dcsign in DAR­ TON Quivers providcs complete adjustm ent for positioll along with th e easy, natural fit YOll would expect to find only in a quiver individually custOnJ­ crafted for you.

This is a student belt quiver. Body of tough, plastic covered waterproof material; loop, hcavy bottom, and trim of top-grain leather. 5-271


THE HUNTSMAN A short belt-slung quiver, espe­ cially designed for shorter ar­ rows. Tough, plastic covered waterproof material, with leather loop and heavy leather bottom, 5-262 With leather loop, swivel ring, and spring-steel clip $.85

With leather belt loop






POCKET QUIVER This style has a hinged snap pocket of its own for bowstrings, other accessor ies. Two arrow compartments, carrying four ar颅 rows . Sewed and rivetcd. 6-129

$2 .50

POCKET QUIVER Slips in back pocket. with loop snappi ng ove r belt. Carries fom arrows. Divider strap. &-139


BELT POUCH Ideal for tips, extra strings, glove, strin g sa ver, and all your fi eld supplies . Styled in soft, su pple lea ther. It can be easily attached to a side quiver. '-395


BOW TIP PROTECTOR AND STRING SAVER Designed in durabl e, elk tann ed I('a ther with double lock-stitch s<,wing. Reinforced plastic band. 5-75


CASES BOW CASE H eavy weight Canton Fl ann(路l, with ties, to fit and protec t any style of bow. Fully bound. 72" length only. 6e-l00


BOW CASE Heavy weight Can ton Flannel, 6" wide by 72" long to carry th e modern curv ed bows. 6C-120


$1 .8S

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