1965 darton product catalog

Page 1

The Most Exclusive Bow Made

(a limited production bow) Specifications Length - 68", 70"

Ladies - 66"

Weighed at - 28"

Ladies - 26"

Available Draw Weight - up to 50# Material - Bra ziii an rosewood han die ; limbs faced and backed with white epoxy glass fibre. Features - Bu i I t -insight, checkering on grip, form -fitting thumb rest, and a beautiful leather case customed for this bow. Price $200.00

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

The Perfect Tournament Bow


Length - 66", 68"

Ladies - 64"

Weighed at - 28"

Ladies - 26"

Available Draw Weight - up to 50#

Material-Brazilian rosewood handle.

limbs faced and backed with white epoxy glass fibre. Features - Flat surface for hand with checker'ing. precision balance. Price $115.00

Available right or left hand. Please specify.



((0 • .,J"

A target bow with a delicate touch - yet solid accuracy length - 68"

ladies -64"

Weighed at - 28"

ladies - 26"

Available Draw Weight - up to 50# Material - Bubinga wood handle, limbs faced and backed with white epoxy glass fibre. Features - Full, flat comfortable grip. The 64" 'is the ideal ladies bow. Price $79.95

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

A True Hunting Bow length - 56", 60" Weighed at -28'" Available Draw Weight - up to 60# Material - Bubinga wood, limbs faced and backed with hunter brown epoxy glass fibre. Features - This bow is designed for shoot足 ing heavier hunting arrows. It has a full , flat grip and is short in length for ease in handling in the bush. Price $59.95

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

'The 56" bow has a recommended maxi足 mum draw of 29", the 60" a maximum of


The Pace-Setter for Hunting and Tournament Shooters

Length --=- 58", 62", 66" Weighed at - 28"足 Available Draw Weight - up to 60# Material - Walnut wood handle, limbs faced with light green and backed with white epoxy glass fibre . Features - A full , flat grip for good hand position. This bow is accurate for game and field events. Price $44.95

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

-The 58/1 bow has a recommended maxi足 mum draw of 29", the 62" bow at a 30" draw, and the 66" bow at a 31" draw.

A combination target and field bow

Length - 64"

Weighed at - 28"

Available Draw Weight - up to 50#

Material- Cherrywood handle, limbs faced

and backed with light green epoxy glass fibre. Features - A full grip with thumb rest and a 7" sight window. Price $34.95

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

A Bow That Features Economy and Quality for Archers

Length - 62" Weighed at - 28" Available Draw Weight - up to 45# Material - Cherry woo d han die . limbs faced and backed with epoxy glass fibre. Features - A full sized bow with standard grip and large sight window that assures the accu racy and feel of a higher priced bow. Price $24.95

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

Designed for those Archers with a short draw length - 50/1 Weighed at - 24" maximum, recommended draw 26/1 Available Draw Weight'- 15# to 30# at 24/1 draw Material - Maple wood handle, faced and backed with epoxy glass fibre. Features - This bow is a scaled down model of the full draw bows. Ideal for those with a short draw and young people. Price $19.95

Specify right or left.

Available right or left hand. Please specify.

All Darton bows are designed for peak per足 formance at the suggested draw length. Performance will vary beyond the draw length recommended.

Ideal for amateurs, enthusiasts a nd the professiona I. PRACTICE TARGET ARROWS FOR THE NEW ARCHER Full color shaft with a 3" f1dch, plastic nock, and a metal point.

Available in 24", 2(-j", alld 21)" length with a 5/16" diameter shaft.


$3.00 doz.


A fully dippcd shaft of 5/ 1W' diam eter with multi-cres ting, non­

skid fi >Id point and a 4" f1dch. Available in 2(-;" or 28" length with

eitlwr diam eter shaft.


$4.80 doz.


A white shaft of 5/ 1fJ" diameter with a 3" fl etch, matching crest

and contrasting st ripes . Spined 30-40 pounds amI availahle in 24",

26 " and 28" lengths.


$5.00 doz.


A 11 /32" diameter white shaft with multi-cres t, contrasting stripes

and a 5" fldch. The shafts are spined at 40-50 pounds and 51-60


203-A 203-AH 203-A8 203-AR

(Field) (Hi-Precision) (Bob-Kin) (Razorhead)

$7.20 $10 .95 $10.95 $12.90


dOl. dOl. doz.

All woodell practict' alTOWS are packed in % gross display ca rtons. There is an additionalchargc of 50¢ per dozen for smaiJer quantitks.

EXTRA MATCHED TARGET ARROWS A 5/ 16" dialTIl·ter white cedar shaft with contrasting crest an(l striping. A 3" fletch is standard. Please spccify length of a rrow

ami weight of how.


$10.50 dOl .


A 5/ 16" or 11/32" diam e ter cedar shaft with a full dip of either

white alld an a ttractive efest; or olivc drab. A 5" spi ral fl etGh is

sta ndard. Please sp et:ify length of arrow ,md weight of bow wh en


205-A 205-AH 205-AB 205-AR 205-AP

(Field) (Hi-Precision) (Bob-Kin) (Ralorhead) (No Point)

$ 9.95 $13.75 $13 .75 $15.70 $ 9.95


dOl. dOl. dOl. dOl.

SELECTING CORRECT ARROW LENGTH Hold yardstick at center of chest as shown. Your draw is measurement at fingertips.


TIll' highes t quality woodcn arrow available. A.5/ 16" or 11132"

diam et<:r select cedar shaft with a full dip of white IaC(IIlCr, heauti­

fully (;J·"stcd and finish<:d. Clear dyed fcath ers are med with a 5"

spi ral fletch. Please specify length of arrow and weight of bow

whe n orde ring. .

206-AH 206-AH 206-AB 206-AR 206-AP

(Field) (Hi.- Preci.ion) (Bob-Kin) (Ralorhead) (No Point)

$13 .50 $15.95 $15.95 $17.90 $12.00

doz. doz. doz. doz. dOl.

MICRO-FLITE ARROWS FOR TARGET AND FIELD A durable arrow that encourng"es precision shooting hecaust' it is PNmallf' ntly straight. Custom multi color crest with a spiral or straight fletching of clear dyed feathers. Specify length of arrow and weight of bow when ordering. 207-AT 207-AF 101-G 102-G 103-G 104-G

(Target) (Field) (Micro-Flite glass shofts, 31" in length) (Nock inserts) (Target Points) (Hunting inserts)

EASTON ALUMINUM ARROWS "The ultimate in accuracy", which is the tOllrnament archer. It is one more way of arrows". Availahle in either 24srt-x or crl" ting and a spiral or straight fl etch of 20B-AX 20B-AXX lll-X III-XX 112-X 112-XX Ill-X

$27.50 $28 .30 $12.60 $ 1.60 $ 2.00 $ 2.40

dOl. doz. dOl. dOl . dOl. dOl.

No. 1 f(~ quircm e nt of any saying "Easton aluminum xx75 shafts with custom clear d yed feathers.

(24srt-x Target) (xx75 Target) (24srt-x shafts only) (xx75 shafts only) (24..t-x shafts cut to length and pointed) (xx75 shafts cut to length and pointed) (Insert target points only)

$29.50 $34.50 $20.BO $25.BO $22.00 $27.00 $ 3.BO

doz. dOl. dOl. doz . dOl. doz. dOl.

Darton armguarcb have been designed to give maximum pro­ tection yet are light enough to give plenty of frcedom when used. All the arm guards are easily put on and resist riding up or down on the arm. Qual­ ity leathers, strong construction and excellent workmanship are featured.




This arm guard can be trimmed at seam to nestle at wrist or flexible enough to curve with the wrist. Single steel spine be­ tween lea ther and suede lining. Easy adjustment with 3 elastic straps.

Three separate spring-steel spines bound between top-grain leather and soft suede lining. Three leather straps with"buck­ les allow complete adjustment.

Three adjustable elastic stra] with patented fasteners secu this full-protection guard to tl arm. Top grain leather, sc suede lining, three spring-str spines.







THE COMANCHE This open-end, single seam glove fits to perfection.

E la s tic, adjustable wrist strap. Small, medium, large and extra large.


THE MARQUETTE Vented closed-finger glove de­

signed in soft leather. Small,

medium, large, extra large.

A vented closed-finger glove, with e1astie wrist strap to allow for easy flexing of your fingers. Small, medium, large, extra large.


Original~ in design . . . Darton gloves are carefully crafted from selected tanned leathers. These gloves are constructed to fit the hand and will stay on without slipping out of position. Perfection of fit is "designed in" whichever style YOll choose. Darton also has a fine selection of tabs.

Featuring open-end fing ! sheaths and elastic wrist stl1 that keeps glove in place. Sma medium, large and extra larg G-54C

G-53C G-53H




G-54C G-54H





Firm leather yet flexible, with six metal hooks for quick lacing with the elastic cord for snug fit. Easily slipped on and off.

Light-weight with added pro­ tection of a single tcel spine, this two- 'lrap professional mod­ el provides top grnin leather and su d lining.

Narrow design, with one spring­ steel spine sewn between top grain leather and soft suede lin­ ing. Two elastic straps, patented fasteners.

Special design permits this leather armguard to be put on or taken off in an instant, with elastic bands and single hook fastener.










THE APACHE An all leather, open end glove with an adjustable elastic wrist strap. Small, medium and large. $1.00


T he Marshall.~tyle tab, has the lower hnlf of soft suede and the upper face of smooth leather lock- 'tilt'h >d together. Specify Larg , Medium, or -mall \Vh n ordering. T-101C Cowhide Tanned - $ .75 T-101H Horsehide Tanned-$1.00

T-101C G·50

TAB WESTERN TAB Top grmlc leather, with smooth release surfaet', for those who prefer the \Vestern style. Spe­ cify Large or Small.

Smooth elk or cordovan­ tanned release surface for .. h air - t ri g ge r" control. Specify Large or Small when ordering.





T·10l H


TAB Styled and shaped like tile fo.1arshall Tab with smooth release surface. Available extra small only. T-IOO



Ive s

THE HASTINGS A distinl,>'lJishe d qui v e r , styled to carry twenty-five arrows hI three compart­ ments. B roa d, adjustable shoulder strap held in posi­ tion by a quick-.~nap sidp strap. Big pleated, zipper pocket. 8-572

The Darton leather goods arc crafted not only for their appearance but also for utility and use. The finest top grain leathers have been expertly selected and careful attention has been given to the workmanship in each piece manu­ factured. The Darton emblem stands for origi­ nality in design ... and quality of product.




Comfortable with two-tone styling, amI two compartments, with room for twenty arrows. Both should er .~traps adjus t to hold your quiver in correct posi­ tion. Zippered accessory pocket.

This beautifully crafted, two­ tOll(: shoulder quiv"r carries tWl' nty arrows in its two com­ partments.

Carries fifteen arrows without crowding. Arrow dividl'l'. broad shoulder strap for easy fit, zip­ pered accessory pocket.








THE CELTIC The Celtic will carry 20 arrows in divided cut away top. Zipper pocket for nc­ cessorips, pencil holder, ad­ justable strap and pn)Vision for securing quiver to your leg. Rings for cleaning tas­ sel.

Idea l for target or fi eld shoot­ ing. Divided compartment will hold 12 arrows. Pocket for cig­ arettes, pendl and score card plus rings for cleaning tassel. Adjustable strap for comfort. Al­ so available in black.





The holster quiver is one of the most versatile. It uses advantages of both the side and hip quiver. Ideal for all around usc, this style permits freedom of move­ ment both indoor or outdoor.


THE SUSSEX Styled in supple leather with zippered accessory pocket; car­ ries 20 arrows in separate com­ partments. Adjust a ble belt clamp for easy, natural fit. $5.95


THE T ARGETEER Styled in waterproof lea lherette, this side qllivt'r adjusts to your pn·fen·nee. Carries 20 arrows in two compartments. $2.50


THE ROYAL Thb handsome black \Pather quiv­ er is avaibble eithe r tooled or plain. It feahlH's a plastic tackle box iu the utility p< ck e t and dou­ hle thickness of leather at your side. Arrow separators and tie down. Holds 8 arrows .

Available in e ithcr tool ed or plain black lea th e r. This holste r style q\live r features a tackle pocket, arrow separators, and tie down. Holds 8 arrows.






All leather goods available in white on special order.

Compact design to carry fifteen arrows without crowding, arrow divider, hroad ea~y s h 0 u Ide r strap and handsome trim. 8-497


Tht' SOXOI1 carri ' S twC'nty arrows in its two compartments - and lhosl' ('ss ntial acec: s()rk'S ill th • pleatl'd snnp"pn ·kc t. Adjuslahll' shouJder ,trap for comforlabll' fit. $5.95


This twen ty-arrow shoulder quiver is made of tough, plas­ tic-coated waterproof material, with leather shoulder strap, trim, and heavy plastic bottom. Shoulder strap has adjustable buckle. 1-277

THE BOWMAN This is a studpnt belt (Illivt'r. Body of touJ,(h. plastic covered waterproof matl'rial; loop, Iwavy hottom, and trim of ll'atlwr. 5-271






A belt-slung quiver. especially designed for shorter arrow ' . Tough, plastic covered water­ proof material with leather loop, swivel ring, and ~l>ring-sLeel clip.

A hdt-slung qlliVl'r, ('specially dl'siJ,(tJed for shorkr arrows. 1'OII),(h. plastic l'Overl'd water­ proof material. with leather loop anel hl'avy It·ather bottom.

BELT POUCH Ideal for tips, extra strings, glove, string saver, and all your fi eld supplit·s. Stylecl in soft, supple leatlwr. It can be easily attaclwd to a side quiver. Available in 'W hite or Brown.






Pocket Quivers

Styled of tough, plastic­ covered waterproof ma­ terial. Top-grain leather trim, adjustable strap and heavy plastic hottom. De­ signed to serve as a second quiver, carries sixteen ar­ rows.



POCKET QUIVER This style has a hinged snap pocket of its own for bowstrings, otht!r accessories. Two arrow compartments, carrying fOllr ar­ rows. Sewed and riveted. $2.50




Slips in back pockt'!, with loop snapping over belt. Carries four arrows. Divider strap.

D esigned in durable, dk tanned lea ther with double lock-stitch sewing. Reinforced elastic band.







Accesso ies

These accessories are designed to

Fully served double-looped at both ends - type B daeron string. Pal:kagGd in r~'-usable plastic container. Specify bow length and d raw wei g h t. String length is generally figured to be 4" short­ er than length of bow. String lengths 46",52",54",56", .58",60",62",64",66", 0-85 _ ..___ _...__ __ .___ _ ___ __

_ $1.50

add pleasure and efficiency to the archery enthusiasts.

Detachable double barb point (No. FD).

9-FO _ _______ ___

_ ___ _____ _ __ $ .50



Carefully s e lee ted, full length turkey feathers - ends are trimmed so only fin­ est part of feather remains. Colors: red, yellow, orange, green, blue and black.

Ideal for ficld and hunting-brush proofs your bow. 3-A1 Standard _ 3-A2 Super __ __ _ __

$ .60 pro .70 pro

50-01 Gray barred _ _ _ _ doz. $ .75 per hundred 4.00 per thousand 35.00 50-02 Oyed barred (left or right wing) per doz. per hundred per thousand 50-03 Natural white .

NOCKS .85 4.55 40.00

doz. per hundred per thousand

1.20 7.40 65.00

50-04 Oyed white. __ ____.._____ doz. per hundred per thousand

1.50 8.00 70.00

Available in five sizes: 7/32, 1/4, 9/32, 5/16 and 11/32 and in six colors: red, yellow, white, blue, green or black. __ daz. $ .45 per hundred 2.50 per thousand 20.00

NN __

Retractable single barb point (No. FS). 8-FS ._

___ _ _ __ _____ $1.50

NOCKING POINTS Insures your arrow is in the same position for every shot. 2-A __ __

__ ___ ________________ .________ _ __ $1.00 pro

BOW TIP PROTECTOR Soft, pliable, rubber - holds bow string in place aD bow tip, plus proteets bow tips. I-A __ _ ___ __ ______ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _____ $ .50

BOW FISHING 4" Diameter Bow Reel. Light in weight - easily taped on - made of pressed aluminum. Includes 50 ft. of 80 lb. test line. l-F ______ _..________ _

_____ __ ___ _ __ __

__ $2.95

7" Shoot Through Reel with line. l-FST __ _

_ _

__ _ ______


Layfletched arrow with (8-FS) point.


$3.00 each


Easily attached half way from center on bow string. Great for hunting - dampens string noise.

Layfletchcd arrow with (9-FD) point. 3-F ___ _ ____.._ _ _ _

..__ $2.00 each

Layfletched arrow without point.


4-F ______ ______ _____ __ _.. __ .__ ___________ __ $1.50 each

Layfletched rubber molded fletching. _ $ .30

4-F .._ _ ___


Fiberglass shaft, tapered and dulled.

Quickly attached or removed from bow limbs - made of hard molded rubber ­ holds 4 arrows - great aid to the hunter.

6·F __.. _ . _ _ _ ._ ___ __ _ _. $1.20each

Braided nylon bowline.

7·F _

__ ________ _

_ __

____ _ _$ .50

5·A _

_ _ $3.50


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ $.9

TEX-TiTE BOW STRING WAX Keep strands together for longer string life convenient container. _ $ .45 4·C

NELSON ARROW HOLDER Holds any size arrow steadily in place ­ you can rdca.~() arrow instantly. No drag or jerk when drawing bow .. . great for hunters on cold days. Good for left or right hand bow. 6·A ........ _

_ ._ _ _._

. $2.00 each

Clip for quick removal.

6-AC _ ... _ _......_..

..._ _ _... $1.00


..........--.... ..




BOW SLING All leathe r, die eut into the shape of the Darton Thunderhird. Sling has pressure sensitive ha cking that stieks to your how. Can be removed and replaced at any time. Adjustabll:' wrist strap. 85·1


..._ .... $1.00

SIGHTS MIRACLE LURE For attracting that deer to your lure or you. 7·A _

......_ .. .._



7·AR .

One of the finest sights available. Mounts permanently into the sight window. Two way adjustments for Windage and eleva­ tion. Plastic yardage markers. Must be inlaid into bow. S·l ...._ .... _............._._ .............. ___........ $24.95

. .... _ _ ...... $2.00

100-58 -

FLETCH-TiTE CEMENT Fletching feath ers.

3·C .. _ ....... _ . ....... _ _......._

Target Pin Site ........_ ... _..... $2.50

Sit• ......... _ ..................... 3.50

100-H - 3 Bead Hunting Sit • .... _......... 3.50

l00-HB - Hooded Post Site .... __._..... 3.75

100-GA - Gloss Lens Target Site ........ 3.95


_......... $ .40

BOW SCOPE Adapts to any bow sight with holes 1f4" apart. 8S ......................... _ ......... _............... _ ...... $1.75

FIELD POINT Machine steel with 5 d egree tap ere d, drilled. 100PT 5/16" ____ _ ____ _

___ __

ll-PT 11/32"

100 gr. doz. $ .80 per hundred $5.50

125 gr. doz. $ .80 per hundred $5.50

TAPER TOOL KIT Tool hold er a nd six inserts -

you ca n cut

5 degree point taper a nel 11 d egree nock tape r for shafts from 1/4" to 3 /8 " in size. 9-A __ _ ______ __ __

_ _ _ __ _ ___ $3.50


__________ 100 gr. doz. $ .80

21-PT 11/32"

. ___ _ _ 125 gr. doz. $ .80

STRING SERVER AND THREAD S'rves the bow ~tdog £lL~t and easy. A

new d ign on thi ' helpful tool.

55-1 tool and thread _ _ _ __

$1 .50

SERVING THREAD Colors: Searl t, gr en, brm'I'IJ and orange. 10-5T

$ .45


BOW STRING MATERIAL Dacron LlOO/2 type B, bonded and pre­


waxed, 4oz. spool. 11-0B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

30-PT 5/16" ______ doz. $ .60- per hundred $4.50 31-PT 11/32" _

doz. $ .60 -

FEATHER BURNER The Eastc rn Trimmer is a thoroughly d esigned, a cc ur a t e, and fully tested fea ther trimme r. The switch and all adjustme nts arc e asily r e a c h e d. This burne r will trim feathers up to 6 inches.

per hundred $4.50

51-0 ____ ________ __


T rimming Wire 51-OW (3 to package) ___ ____ _ __

S .50



$ .50


40-BH 5/16" __ __________ ______

110 gr. doz. $3.75

41-BH 11/32" ____ ________ ___________

125 gr. doz. $3.75

VERTICAL FEATHER REST 8-A2 _ _ _ _ _ $ .50

WOODEN SHAFTS Matched to spine and w('ight. 121-W (5/16" or 11/32" dia. ) _

doz. $4.00


BOD-KIN SO-BH 5/16" -

Liquid. _ ___ __________ doz. $3.95


51-BH 11/32" - 112 gr. _____ ____________ ___ __ doz. $3.95


90 gr.


$ .60

) lot Melt


_. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

$ .45

Th e Eastern Fle tcher is a precision tool that will mee t ail the requirements of the a rcher. Arrows, either straight or tape red, may b e fl etched . Nock sizes from 3/16" to 3 / 8 " , and shaft sizes from 1/4" to 3/8". 52-0 _ ______ _ __


__ _ $5.50

BOW CASE Ileavy w eight Ca nton F lan nel, with ties, to fit a nd protect any style of bow. F ull y bound . 72" leng th only. BC- 100

BOW CASE I kavy w eig ht Ca nto n F lanm,l, 6 " wide by 72" long to the modern curved bows. BC-120


Warrantp Due to the continuing effort of Darton, Inc. to improve its products, we reserve the right to malee changes in prices, materials and models .. also to discontinue models. Each Darton bow is fully guaranteed, should any failure occur within a period of 6 months f rom date of purchase, provided it shows no evidence of mishandling or abuse. Should a failure occur after 6 mon ths and within 3 years from the date of purchase, replatement or repair will be made on a balis w hereby the owner will pay for the use he has had from the bow at the following rate : 6 months to 1 year, 30% of list purchase price; 1 year to 1 V2 years, 50% of list purchase price; 11/2 years to 3 years, 80% of list purchase price. To insure prompt service you should send the bow directly to Dorton along with a letter explaining nature of claim, etc. Dealers are nat authorized to molee replacements or adjustments.

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