1983 darton product catalog

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FEATURES, Mark I eccentrics with sleeve bearings.* .Interchangeable magnesium draw element .Yoke with flanged sleeve bearings and cable positioner .5/16-24 stabilizer adapter .Stainless steel limb bolts drilled and tapped 114-20 for stabilizers .Center shot magnesium handle-riser .Adjustable peak weights .Laminated limb • Handle-riser available in 6 colors. •Limbs, cable guard and grips available in black or white.

FEATURES: Mark I eccentrics with sleeve bearings. .Interchangeable magnesium draw element .Yoke with flanged sleeve bearings and cable positioner .5/16-24 stabilizer adapter .Center shot magnesium handle-riser .Adjustable peak weights .Solid glass limbs in black only .Cable guard and grips in black.

"ootionet needle bearings.

Licensed under Allen Patent #3486495

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-. Attention: Bow cannot be drawn without draw element In sta l/ed nor Is the draw element Inter­ changeable to other models.




FEATURES, Magnesium eccentrics with sleeve bearings. • Stainless steel limb bolts, drilled and tapped 1/4 ·20 for stabilizers .Yoke with flanged sleeve bearings and cable positioner .5/16·24 stabilizer adapter .Center shot magnesium hcrndle­ riser .Adjustable peak weights .Reinforced limb wedges .Handle-riser available in 6 colors • Limbs, cable guard and grips available in black or white.

ow ... Colors available for 51A000 only




• Ca se hardened axles.



• M agn esium ec c e n tric wheels lor a m ore ellicient bow. Ollered in approximately 45% o r 35% reduction.


• We dged sp li t limb sire nglh ened with hard wood and in laid glass tiber.


Yoke b ala nces limb torque a n d inc ludes Ilanged sle ev e bearin g s.

• Ca ble positio ner elimin a tes li mb and c a b le in terterence and reduces noise . Pa ten t Pending .

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Licensed under Allen Patent #3486495




FEATURES: Magnesium eccentrics with sleeve bearings. • Adjustable peak weights .Center shot magnesium handle-riser .Yoke with flanged sleeve bearings and cable positioner .Laminated limb • Reinforced limb wedges .Cable guard.

FEATURES: Magnesium eccentrics with sleeve bearings. •Adjustable peak weights .Center shot laminated hardwood handle­ riser .Yoke with flanged sleeve bearings and cable positioner .Reinforced limb wedges • Cable guard.

FEATURES: Magnesium eccentrics with sleeve bearings. •Adjustable peak weights .True center shot magnesium handle-riser .Reinforced limb wedges .Cable guard.


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Licensed under AI/en Patent #3486495



FEATURES: True center shot magnesium handle­ riser. .Sight window is 7/16" past center. • Laminated limb .Adjustable peak weights .Glass-Filled Nylon Transition eccentrics .Teflon® coated axles.

FEATURES: True center shot laminated wood handle-riser. .Adjustable peak weights • Glass­ Filled Nylon Transition eccentrics .Teflon® coated axles.

• Balanced li mb w ith durable Gl ass-Filled Nylon Transitio n ec centric Patent # 4338910 • Tefl o n " axle

• W edged spl it limb slre n glh en ed with hardwood and inlaid g lass fiber


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Licensed under Allen Paten t #3486495


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FEATURES, True center shot magnesium handle­ riser. .Laminated limbs .Adjustable peak weights .Glass-Filled Nylon Transition eccentrics .Teflon® coated axles,

FEATURES, True center shot magnesium handle­ riser, .New solid glass limb .Adjustable peak weights .Glass-Filled Nylon Transition eccentrics .Teflon® coated axles,

FEATURES, True center shot magnesium handle-riser. .Bracket limb .Adjustable peak weights .Glass-Filled Nylon Transition eccentrics .Teflon® coated axles,

Licensed under Allen Patent #3486495

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