1986 darton product catalog

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T ru e ce nter shot magnes ium han d le , (7" sight w in d ow , Ad ju st a ble pea k we ights. Alloy h igh e ne rgy w hee ls a nodi zed to match any of 4 handl e co lo rs. Qui ck c ha nge d raw e leme nt s and slee ve bear ings (one pair o f e lemen ts per bo w). Ca b le guard(c hro me rod ) and slide . Ne w Bias Ply car bon glass lam inated limb, faced an d backed w ith h igh modul as un id irectiona l fibe rglass e xhibiting unpa rell ed stab i li t v ,sm oo thn ess and sp eed. Yo ke system with ca ble po sit ion e rs. Ch rom e lim b bol ts and w ashe rs, Re p laceab le hand le gri p , Availa b le in righ t o r left hand . App rox im ate 45 % re laxa ti o n . 4000-M is av aila ble w ith opt ion al magnesium wheels .




25/3 5 lbs. 30/40 lb. 40/50 lb. . 50/60 Ibs. 6017 0 lbs •







' 1 · 2 7" ' 3 29" ' I 30" ' 3 32"

' 2 28" '4 · 30" ' 2 31" ' 4 · 33"

NOTE: Ehuice 01 any on. draw lsnqth per bow . 27" thru 33"


30/40 lb. ' I thru ' 5 40/50 1bs. " t ht u ' 5 50/60 lbs. ' I tbt u ' 5 6017 0 Ib' . ' ' I thru ' 5 (oPT.! MAGNESIUM WHEELS 1 ·23 y,"·25" 4 ·29 " ,31" 5 . 30Y, ',32Y, " 2 . 26" ·27W ' 3 - 27'/," ·29" Axle to axI. I. ngth Mass w eigh t

String Ienqth ' Black limbs only

Cabl e gua rd with slide a nd bar offset ad jus t me nt for desi red cab le c lea ra nc e .

NEW! for 1986 4000MX NEWbl .. ply Clrborl

Co lor coo rd inat ed , anod ized wheel s, contem pora ry be auty . Yoke sys t e m wit h cable posi ti o ners . Yo ke sys tem virt ua lly elimi na t es limb to rqu e becau se ca b le t ensio n is dis tributed to bot h sid es of wheels. Ca bl e po sit ioners help elim ina t e cab le vibrat ions fo r qu ieter, smoot he r shot .

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Colors Available

Mu h l ' ~V

4000M & 4000MX

Are available in: Red, Blue , Black and Green,

Licensed under A llen Pat ent No. 348649 5

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MODEL 70·MX FEATURES: • True center shot magnesium handle in gold vein f in ish (7" sight window) . • Adjustable peak weights . • Alloy high energy wheels anodized in gold with qu ick change d raw elements and sleeve bearings (One pa ir of draw elements per bow) . • Cable guard and slide. • Lam inated maple and bl ack glass limbs with contrasting wedges and Darton graph ics in gold. • Yoke system with cable positioners. • Replaceable grip. • Available in right or left hand . • Approximate 45% relaxation .



L, 1t Handl


I' •


50/ 60 tbs.


601701bs . DRAWLIMIT KEY ALLOY HIGH ENERGY WHEELS " A" BASE :'[ " B" BASE '1 · 27" ' 3 · 29" '1 · 30" ' 3 · 32" •2 . 2B" • 4 . 30" •2 . 31" ' 4 · 33" Axle to axle length Massweight St ring length


47 Y," 4 1/8 Ibs. 40"

NOTE: Choice of anyon e draw length per bow, 27" thru 33",

Cable guard with slide and bar offset adjustment for desired cable clearance .

Color coord inated, anodized wheels , contemporary beauty. Yoke system with cable positioners. Yoke system virtually eliminates limb torque because cable tens ion is distributed to both sid es of wheels . Cable posit ioners help eliminate cable vibrations for qu ieter, smoother shot. Allen Parenr No. 3486495

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------­ -­ -----­- ­ -----­ -­ - -MODEL 600-WX FEATURES: • Multi-colored maple handle.

Vertically laminated for


• Adjustable peak weights. • Molded transition high energy

wheels with quick change

draw elements (no cable

guard necessary).

• Four pair of draw elements

included with each bow.

• Laminated maple and black

glass limbs with Darton graphics.

• Available in right or left hand. • Approximate 45% relaxation.

SP ECIFICATIONS (Right or Left Hand )

." .

35/451b, .


45/60 lbs. 55170 lbs.

DRAW LIMIT KEY HIGH ENERGY WHEEL "A" BASE -1 ·27" ' 3 · 29 " '2 28" ' 4 · 30 "



".29Y,."'3-31Y­.." '2· 30y(' '4 - 32y,"

AXI.etoaxlelength Mass weight String length


45\\" 31b,. 36"

Note: 600-WX comes with *3 element installed.

The High Energy Trans Groove At full draw

As arrow passes

The new "High Energy Wheel" minimizes limb twist by shifting the cable tension to the center of the limb as the bow is drawn for improved accuracy and speed. These molded transition high energy wheels include four pairs of quick change draw elements. Darton's new molded "High Energy Wheel" gives you automatic arrow clearance without the use of a cable guard. It eliminates cable interference by shifting cables to the side away from the string, allowing vane clearance as the bow is shot.

D ARTO N Licensed under Atten Patent No. 3486495

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MODEL 60·MX FEATURES: SPECif iCATIONS IR,glll 0' L., II Hanrtl • True center shot magnesium handle in go ld vein finish. ". • 7" sight w indow. 40/50 Ibs. SEE • Adjustable peak weights. 50/60 Ibs. SUB NOTE • High energy wheel with yoke 60170 Ibs assembly w ith quick change DRAW LIMIT KEY draw elements. HIGH ENERG Y WHEEL

• Cable guard and slide. " A" BASE :1 " B" BASE

• Four pa ir of draw elements '1 . 26Y," '3 . 28Y," '1 · 29" ' 3 · 31" included w ith each bow. ' 2 · 27'1," ' 4 · 29W · ' 2 · 30" •4 . 32" • Yoke system with cable Axle to axle length 44 '1,"

posit ioners . Massweight 4% Ibs.

String length 38Y,"

• Durable black glass limbs with Darton graph ics. Note: 60·MX comes with '3 • Replaceable grip. element inst alled . • Available in right or left hand. • Approximate 45% relaxation.


Cable guard with slide and bar offset adjustment for desired cable clearance .

Yoke system with cable pos it ioners. Yoke system virtually elim inates limb torque because cable tension is distributed to both sides of wheels . Cable pos itioners help eliminate cable vibrat ions for quieter, smoother shot.

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_----­ ------------------MODEL 1000-MX FEATURES: • True center shot magnesium handle (7" sight window). • Adjustable peak weights . • Molded transition high energy wheels with quick change draw elements (no cable guard necessary) . • Four pair of draw elements included with each bow . • Laminated maple and black glass limbs with Darton graph ics . • Replaceable grip. • Available in right or left hand. • Approximate 45 % relaxation.


40/50 Ibs 50/60I bs. 601701bs.








'I · 27\>" ' 3 · 29\>" 'I . 3D\>" • 3 · 32Y, '

· 2 · 2B\>" '4 · 30y," ,2 · 31y," ,4 · 33Y, '

Axle to axle length Mass weight Siring length


47 Y,"

4 Ibs. 38"

Note : 1000-MX comes with '3 e leme nt insta lled.

The High Energy Trans Groove At full draw

As arrow passes

Th e new " High Energy Whee'" minimiz es limb twist by shift ing the cable tension to the center of the limb as the bow is drawn for improved accuracy and speed . Th ese molded transition high energy wheels incl ude four pairs of quick change draw elem ent s . Darton 's new molded "High Energy Wheel" gives you automat ic arrow clearance without the use of a cable guard. It eliminates cable interference by shifting cables to the sid e away from the string, allowing vane clea rance as the bow is shot.


DARTON Licensed under Allen Patenr No . 3486495

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MODEL SL-50 FEATURES: SPECifiC ATIONS IR,gh, 0' l.II Hand' • True center shot magnesium I' . handle . 25/35 Ib, ' I thru • 3 • Adjustable peak weights . • 1 Ihru • 4 35/45I b, . • Glass-filled nylon transition 45/60I b, . ' 2 Ihru ' 5 eccentric wheels (no cable 55170 lbs, · 2 rhru ' 5 gu a rd necessary). DRAW LIMITKEY • Laminated maple and black , 4 29y," ·31" ' 1 23y," ·25" glass limbs with Darton , 2 . 25y," ·27" ' 5 3 1" ·33" graphics. , 3 . 27y," ·29y," • Replaceabl e grip. SL·50 • Available in righ t or left hand . Axle 10 axle length 4 ~ Y. " • Approx imate 45 % relaxation. Massweighl 3!{' Ibs. SIring lenqth 3B" • All bows in Darton line read ily accept st abiIizers, center shot 50-MX adjustment, sights, quivers , etc. SPECIFICATIONS IRuJlil UI Lett Hamn • An SL -50 opt ion is the 50-MX , .. wh ich incorporates molded HIGH ENERGY WH EELS transition h igh energy wheels 25/35Ib,. with quick change draw elements , I----==:":'=:::""---j 35/451b, SEE • Four pair of draw elements 45/60 lb, SUB NOTE included w ith each 50-MX bow . 55170 lbs.


HIGH ENER GYWH EELS " 8" BASE " A" BA SE ' I 27'h" ' 3 29y," ' I 30" ' 3 32" ' 2 · 2B'h"· 4 30y," '2 3 1" ' 4 ·33"

A vailable With

The High Energy Trans Groove At full draw

Axle 10 axle lenqth Massweighl SIring length

50·MX 45l4" 314 lbs. 36"

Note : 50 ·MX comes w ith' 3 element install ed . As arrow passes

The new "H igh Energy Wheel" m in im izes limb twist by sh ifting the cable tens ion to the center of the limb as t he bow is drawn for improved accuracy and sp eed . These molded t ransit ion h igh energy wheels includ e four pai rs of qu ick change draw elements. Da rton 's new molded " High Energy Wheel " gives you automatic arrow clearance w ithout the use of a cable guard . It eliminates cable int erfe rence by sh ifting cables to the side away from the string, allowing vane clearance as the bow is shot.

L icensed unde r Allen Parent No . 348649 5

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-------------­ .. --------- --------EF _ _

MODEL SL -30 FEATURES: • T rue center sh ot ma gnesium ha nd le. • Ad justabl e pea k we ights. • Gl ass-filled ny lon t ra nsiti o n eccentri c wh eels (no ca ble gua rd ne ces sa ry l. • Du rabl e black glass limbs w it h Da rt on graphics. • Repl ac ea bl e grip. • Ava ilab le in right or left ha nd. • Approx ima t e 45% re lax ati o n . • A ll bows in Da rt on line readil y acce pt stabilizers, ce nter sh ot adjustme nt, sights, qui vers , etc . • A n SL-30 opt io n is the 30-MX w h ic h inco rpo rates ne w mo ld ed t ra ns it ion h igh en ergy wh eels w ith q uic k c han ge dr aw eleme nts . • Four pa ir o f d raw elemen ts includ ed with eac h 30-MX bow .




" . 25/35 lbs


35/45 lbs, 45/60 Ib, . 55170 lbs

' 1 t tnu ' 4

I h TU

. ] t fuu

'4 '5

" ] thr u ' 5

DRAW LIMIT KEY -4 19"·30Y," n " ·24W · , 5 30Y,"·32Y," -2 . 25" ·26W · -3 27" ·29" '1

SU O 42" 3Y. lbs.

Axle 10 axle length Mass weight St ling length




I t'tl HJtHll


" . 25/35 lbs. 35/45 Ib, . 45;60 lb.


55i7 0 Ib,.

" . HIGH ENER GY WH EELS " B" BASE "A" BASE ' I . 26Y," ' 3 28Y," ' I · 29" '3 · 31" ' 2 27Y," ' 4 29Y/ ' ' 2 30" '4 32" Axle to axle length Massweight String length

A vailabl e With

The High Energy Trans Groove At full draw

Note : 30-MX comes w it h ' 3 eleme nt insta lled .

As arrow passes

The new " Hig h Ene rgy Wh eel" m in im izes lim b twist by shifting t he cab le ten sion to the center o f th e limb as the bo w is d raw n for im p ro ved acc u racy and spe ed . T h ese m olded tra nsit ion h igh e nergy wh eels include fo ur pa irs o f q u ick ch a nge draw ele me nt s. Da rton 's ne w molded " High Ene rgy Wh eel " gives you au t om at ic arr o w clea ra nce w ith ou t t h e use of a cab le gu ard . It elim ina t es ca b le int e rf er e nce by shi ft ing ca b les to t he side away fr o m th e st ring, allow ing van e c lea rance as th e bow is shot. Page 8

30·MX 42" 3V. lbs. 33"

L icen sed under

All en Patent N o. 3486495

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MODEL 20-MX FEATURES: • True center shot magnesium handle. • Adjustable peak we ights . • Transition high energy wheels with quick change draw elements (no cable guard necessary) . • Four pair of draw elements included with each bow . • Durable black glass limbs with Darton graphics. • Replaceable grip . • Ava ilable in right or left hand . • Approximate 45% relaxation.

30/45 Ibs. 40/55 Ibs.

HIGH ENERGY WHEELS 30/45 40/55 " -24" '3 -25 Yo" '·26 Y/ "3 -28Yo" · 2 - 24Y." ' 4 - 26Y.' '2-2 m ' '4 ·29 " Axle to axle length Mass weight Str ing length

25-40 34" 31,lbs. 27""

40-55 37" 3¥-lbs. 29"

Note: 20·MX co mes w ith "3 ele men t inst alled .

The High Energy Trans Groove At full draw

As arrow passes

The new "High Energy Wheel " min imizes limb tw ist by shifting the cable tens ion to the center of the limb as the bow is drawn for improved accuracy and speed . These molded trans it ion h igh energy wheels include four pairs of quick ch ange draw elements. Darton's new molded "H igh Energy Wheel" gives you automat ic arrow clearance without the use of a cabl e guard. It eliminates cable interference by shifting cables to the side away from the string, allowing vane clearance as the bow is shot.


Licensed under A llen Patent No. 3486495

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