1991 darton product catalog

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Viper Suitable for competition as well as hunting, the Viper strikes fast. This top of the line bow features the mass forward design and unequalled balance of our 60k riser as well as complete arrow clearance through the sight window. In addition , the 60k features Darton's Dual-slot integrated overdraw mounting system . This system allows the archer to utilize Darton's Z-Max Overdraw for positive positioning. The short limbs are shaped from solid Power- Tuff'" and are tipped with Darton's exclusive Alloy Fast Flight High Energy wheels allowing the limbs to store optimum energy. These High Energy wheels provide you with a smooth draw from the relaxed position through to a very comfortable 6S % let off. Each Viper is shipped with a full set of draw length elements. Strike fast with the Viper!

Camo Finish: • Timberland Forest , shown • Woodland Bark, optional

In our Competition Series: the Viper features silver limbs, polished alloy wheels and choice of colors. • Regal Blue • Forest Green • Charcoal Grey

• Fire Red • Pink Pearl


65 % Let-Off

Seven inch sight w indow

Axle/Axle Length : 4 3"

Mass Weight : 4.3 Ibs .

Draw Weights : 4 0/50 #, 50/60 #, 60/7 0#,

70 /8 0 # . (40/50# not available in camo)

Draw Length Elements Included:

A I = 26 " , A2 = 27 " , A3 = 28 " , A4 = 29"

or B 1= 28 .5 " , B2 = 29 .5 " ,83 = 30 .5" ,

8 4 = 3\,5"


Lightning 500MC Simply put, the Lightning pro­ duces awesome performance. The Magnesium Fast Flight Mark IF·\( Cam marks the most out­ standing feature of this im­ proved record breaker. Arrow velocities attained with the Lightning are unequalled. Rating Velocity at 50 % let-off is an im ­ pressive 240 fps. 1990 marked the second year the Lightning has won the International Bowhunring Organization's "Fastest Bow Competition." The Lightning's success is par­ tially due to the Mark IpM Cam's ability to load the limbs with considerable stored energy. The 60k riser's mass forward design maximizes the bow's power stroke while delivering balance and stability. The Riser offers ample offset for an overdraw and features Darton's Dual-slot integrated overdraw mounting system. This system allows the archer to utilize Darton's Z-Max Overdraw for positive posirion­ ing. The limbs are shaped from solid Power-'Iuff?' . The Lightning has proven to be the flattest and fastest shoot­ ing production bow in archery.

Camo Finish: • Timberland Forest, shown • Woodland Bark, optional

In our Competition Series: the Lightning features silver limbs and black magnesium Mark II cams. Choose from: • Regal Blue • Forest Green

• Fire Red • Charcoal Grey


60 % or 50% Let-Off

Seven inch sight window

AxlelAxle Length : 44 .5"

Mass Weight : 4.4 Ibs.

Draw Weights: 50/60# & 60/70#

Choice of Draw Lengths : #1 = 27 " ,

#2 = 28" , # 3 = 29" , #4 = 30" , #5 = 31 "

or #6 = 32"


Challenger Whether your shooting live game or targets , the Challenger shoots flat and hits hard . The Challenger shoots with less arc than competitive bows to make range estimation less critical. This top-end bow features the 60k Riser with its mass forward design and perfect balance. The sight window provides ample offset for complete arrow clear­ ance. The Dual-slot integrated overdraw mounting system allows the archer to utilize Darton's Z-Max Overdraw for additional performance. The short Laminated Recurve limbs and Alloy High Energy Fast Flight wheels provide you with an ideal combination of smooth draw and peak perfor­ mance. Each Challenger is shipped with a full set of draw length elements. Under the Challenger's effec­ tive camo or custom competi­ tion finish lurks pure , smooth shooting performance. Camo Finish: • Tim berland Forest, shown • Woodland Bark Camo, optional

In our Competition Series:

the Challenger features silver limbs, polished alloy wheels and choice of colors . • Regal Blue • Forest Green • Charcoal Grey

• Fire Red • Pink Pearl


6S % Let-Off

Seven inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 4 S.5"

Mass Weight: 4.4 Ibs .

Draw Weights : 40 /S0#, so/60#,


(40/S0# not available in camo)

Draw Length Elements Included :

Al = 27 " , A2 = 28" , A3 = 29" , A4 = 30"

or Bl =29.5" , B2 = 30.S" , B3 =31.S" ,

B4 =32.S "


Smooth Sho o ting Eccent Element Sy tem

Electra The development of the Elec­ tra reflects Darton's renewed commitment to the indoor tour­ nament archer. It features a newly designed Eccentric Ele­ ment System" (EES™). The EES™ attaches directly to Darton's Al­ loy Fast Flight High Energy Wheel to duplicate the feel and shooting characteristics of a round wheel while retaining the accuracy and much of the per­ formance produced by the stan­ dard High Energy Wheel ele­ ments. The EES"M maximizes your accuracy by enhancing a smooth draw through to a distinct an­ chor point. The 60k Riser offers perfect balance and steadiness while the long Laminated Graphite Recurve limbs create increased rotational stability and reduced string angle. Upon release , the Electra exe­ cutes its function with flawless precision.

Long Dual-Glass Laminaf Limbs with Graphite

Custom finish: includes white limbs, polished alloy wheels and choice of colors. • Regal Blue • Forest Green • Charcoal Grey

• Fire Red • Pink Pearl

Specifications 65% Let-Off, or optional 50 %

Seven inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 47 .5"

Mass Weight : 4 .6 Ibs .

Draw Weights: 30/40#, 40/50#,50/60#,

60nO# Choice of Draw Lengths:

AI = 28 " , A2 = 29 " , A3 = 30" , A4 = 3 1" ,

Bl = 30 .5", B2 = 31.5", B3 = 32 .5" or

B4 = 33.5"


CONQUEST SERIES Fury Fury features the 55k magne­ sium riser, solid Power-Tuff?" Limbs and molded High Energy Wheels. The Fury delivers per­ formance at an affordable price . The Fury's light weight mag­ nesium handle has all the fea­ tures you could ask for. Com­ plete arrow clearance through the sight window and the added advantage of a second center­ shot hole . Your arrow rest can be located in the second center­ shot hole for additional perfor­ mance or both center-shot holes can be used for a positive two hole mounting of Darton's Z-Max Overdraw. The limbs , made of solid Power-'Iuff?', store optimum energy when fully flexed by Dar­ ton's High Energy Wheels. The Fury will deliver satisfaction beyond your expectations. Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark

Specifications 65 % Let-Off Five inch sight window Axle /Axle Length : 4 0 .2 5" Mass Weight : 4. 0 Ibs. Draw Weights: 45/60#, 55170# Draw Length Elements Included : A I = 26 " , A2 = 27", A3 = 28" , A4 = 29" orBI =28.5" , B2= 29.5" , B3=30.5", B4=31.5"


Excel Darton's light weight magne­ sium 55k riser and magnesium Fast Flight High Energy Wheels produce optimum efficiency and performance. These are the most prominent features of the Excel. The solid Power-Tuff?" Limbs featured in many of our bows also deliver the stored en­ ergy for the Excel. The Excel delivers all the fea­ tures you could ask for. Com­ plete arrow clearance through the sight window and added advantage of a second center­ shot hole. Your arrow rest can be located in the second center­ shot hole for additional perfor­ mance or both center-shot holes can be used for a positive two hole mounting of Darton's Z-Max Overdraw. The Excel and Tracer are our finest bows based on the 55k handle. Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark , shown • Timbe rlan d Forest , optional


6, % Let-Off

Five inch sight window

Axle /Axle Length: 40 .25 "

Mass Weight : 4 .0 Ibs.

Draw Weights: 45/60#, 55 /70# ,6, /80#

Draw Length Elements Included:

AI = 26 ", A2 = 27", A3 = 28", A4 = 29"

or BI = 28.5", B2 = 29.5", B3 = 30.5",

B4 = 3 1.5"



Darton's Short Recurve limbs set the Tracer apart from the Excel. The Tracer features the same light weight magnesium 55k riser and magnesium Fast Flight High Energy Wheels as the Excel. The short laminated Recurve Limbs deliver the stored energy for the Tracer. The Tracer features complete arrow clearance through the sight window and the added advantage of a second center­ shot hole. Your arrow rest can be located in the second center­ shot hole for additional perfor­ mance or both center-shot holes can be used for a positive two hole mounting of Darton's Z-Max Overdraw. The Tracer and Excel are our finest bows based on the 55k handle. Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark, sho w n • Timberland Forest , optional


65 % Let-Off

Five inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 4 2"

Mass Weight : 4 .2 Ibs.

Draw Weights : 4 5/60 # , 55170#

Draw Length Elements Included :

Al = 26 .5", A2 = 27 .5", A3 = 28.5",

A4 = 29.5" or B1 = 29", B2 = 30",

B3=31" ,B4=32"


Laredo 700 The Laredo is laminated at high pressure with epoxy resin that impregnates the hard rock maple creating superior physical properties. These superior prop­ erties alIow Darton to offer the most features of any wood riser including complete arrow clear­ ance. In fact, the Laredo is capa­ ble of drawing a 1 112" broadhead past the sight window with room to spare. In addition to the offset, the Laredo has Darton's Dual-slot integrated overdraw mounting system. This system alIows the archer to utilize Darton's Z-Max Overdraw. The positive positioning of this Dual-slot mounting system along with Darton's Z-Max overdraw elimi­ nates your concern for the over­ draw coming out of adjustment before a critical shot. Straight Power-Tuff?" limbs , magnesium Fast Flight High En­ ergy Wheels and wood riser combine to create the ultimate blend of wood handle and per­ formance in a fuII featured com­ pound bow. Camo Finish: • Natural wood laminated riser with Woodland Bark Carno limbs


65 % Let-Off

Five inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 40 .25"

Mass Weight : 3.6 Ibs .

Draw Weights: 4 5/6 0 # , 55170#

Draw Lengths Elements Included :

Al = 25 .5 " , A2 = 26.5" , A3 = 27 .5" ,

A4 = 28 .5" or B I = 28 " , B2 = 29 " ,

B3 = 30" , B4 = 3 I n


We have paid the same atten­ tion to performance on the Trailrnaster and Huntsman , but have kept them economical and Ult raligh t! Based on the 4 5k riser they feature a 5" sight window and broadhead clearance back to the arrow rest. The 45k riser will accept most any arrow rest. These bows require less techni­ cal knowledge to set up and shoot, but retain the perfor­ mance that Darton is known for. Both bows feature the magne­ sium High Energy Fast Flight Wheels with 65 % let-off and simulated wood grips . The Trailmaster and Hunts­ man are light weight in your hand and heavy hitters when the arrows hit the mark!

Trallmaster The short solid Power-Tuff?" limbs make the Trailmaster unique. They provide a shorter axle-to-axle length and greater performance.

Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark

Specifications 65 % Let-Off

Five inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 40.25"

Mass Weight: 3 .5 lbs .

Draw Weights : 45/60#, 55170#

Draw Length Elements Included:

Al = 26" , A2 = 27" , A3 = 28" , A4 = 29"

or B1 = 28.5", B2 = 29 .5 ", B3 = 30.5" ,

B4 = 3 1. 5"

Huntsman The Huntsman features the additional craftsmanship and traditional appearance of the short Laminated Recurve limbs .

Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark

Specifications 65 % Let-Off

Five inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 40 .25"

Mass Weight: 3.7 lbs .

Draw Weights: 45/60#, 55170#

Draw Length Elements Included:

Al = 26.5 ", A2 = 27 .5". A3 = 28.5 " ,

A4 = 29 .5 " or BI = 29", B2 = 30",

B3 = 31" , B4 = 32"


Continuing the Ultralights , the Ranger and Woodsman are light in mass weight , but heavy in performance. These bows require little tech­ nical knowledge to set up and shoot, but retain the perfor­ mance that Darton is known for . Both bows feature the molded High Energy Wheels with 65 % let-off.

Ranger The Ranger is an entry level to intermediate hunting bow. Based on the 45k riser with broadhead clearance. Solid Power-Tuff'" limbs and molded High Energy Wheels make this bow a winner.

Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark

Specifications 65 % Let-Off Five inch sight window Axle/Axle Length : 40 .25" Mass Weight: 3.5 Ibs. Draw Weights: 45/60#, 55170# and (35/ '15# for A I through A4 draw lengths) . Draw Length Elements Included : A I = 26" , A2 = 27 " , A3 = 28" , A4 = 29" or B I = 28.5" , B2 = 29 .5", B3 = 30.5 " , B4=31.5"

Woodsman 350 The Woodsman features the unique wood tones and grain patterns found only in natural wood. This bow is easy to set up and shoot. It's built with solid Power-Tuff'?' limbs and molded High Energy Wheels.

Camo Finish: • Satin natural wood laminated riser

with Woodland Bark Carne limbs .

Specifications 65 % Let -Off Five inch Sight window Axle/Axle Length: 42" Mass Weight : 3.5 Ibs. Draw Weights : 4 5/6 0 #, 55170# Draw Length Elements Included : A I = 26 " , A2 = 27 " , A3 = 28" . A4 = 29 " or B1 = 28 .5 ", B2 = 29.5", B3 = 30.5" , B4 = 31.5"



The Scout and Thunderstick are two quality bows designed with the young archer in mind. They have adjustable draw length and draw weight to fit most every beginning archer, even while he or she is growing.

Scout The Scout is an entry level hunting or target archery bow. It is based on the 45k riser and features short solid Power-Tuff'" limbs and molded High Energy Wheels. The Scout offers the same features as the Ranger with the advantage of short draw lengths, shorter overall length and light draw weights. Camo Finish: • Woodland Bark


55 % Let-Off

Five inch sight window

Axle/Axle Length : 38.5 "

Mass Weight : 3.2 Ibs .

Draw Weights: 25 /40#

Draw Length Elements Included :

A I = 24" , A2 = 25 " , A3 = 26" , A4 = 27"

Thunderstick The Thunderstick is the per­ fect bow to introduce the young archer to the sport of archery. It 's adjustable draw weight al­ lows the youth to draw the bow back with ease. The Thunder­ stick displays the look of an adult compound bow with a very light two pound mass weight. One draw of this bow is all it takes to produce those smiles of satisfaction. Camo Finish: • Textured brown light weight riser

w ith Leaf Camo limbs


70% Let-Off

Four inch sight window

Molded easy draw eccentric wheel

Adjustable draw length

Axle/Axle Length : 33 .25"

Mass Weight : 2 Ibs .

Draw Weights : 15/25#

Draw Lengths: 18" through 22 "


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