1992 darton product catalog

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0.P7701YA-L .llark If:!' (alii eli./itll draw 11'1£11 {JI.llL'IIfCd Li:'t:k-III Andior Pli/lt)'

IMPROVED! Simply put, the Light­ ningnl, with the Mark !F'\l Cam, produces awesome performance. Arrow velocities attained with the Lightning?' are un­ equalled. Rating Verocity at 50%let-off is an impressive 242jps. 1991 marked the thirdyear the Lightning?' won the Inter­ national Bowhunting Organization's "Fastest Bow Competition". Darton Archery is proud to De the only three-time winner of this world-wide competition. The Ligh tni n~T.\\ 's success is partly due to the Mark WMLam's ability to load the Power-Thffr,\\ limbs for maximum stored energy. The 60k riser's mass forward design maximizes powerstroke while delivering balance and stability. The riser offers ample offset for use of an overdraw and features Darton's Dual-SlotZ-Max™ Overdraw Mounring system. Darton uses Accu-Flight bowstrIngs exclusively on the Lightning'" to eliminate string stretch (creep) and maintain optimumMark W\I cam tuning. Two camo patterns are availab le on the LightningT.\\-Woodland Bark'" and Timberland Iorest" . To complement the camo patterns, the Lightning'" features a simulated woodgrip asstandard equip­ ment. Darton's Natural WoodGnp or Timbetland foresrT\! CamoGrip can be purchased as an accessory. If you're a hunter or 3D competitor requiring an extra "edge" the Llghtning™ has proven to be the ffattest andfastest shooting production bowin archery! I

NEW! The Graphite Edition ofthe LightningT.\\Hunter plus Darton's multi-pl Giaphitc Compositelimb!The Darton Laminated Graphite Composite limbs are significantly lighterand more efficient, delivering you more real performance advantages than any other bow manufac tured. The Lightning'" GraphiteHunter comes with woodland BarkT.\ \ or Timber­ land Iorcst? camo and simulated wood grip. The Lightning' Graphite tompcti­ tion comes with a combination ofbold limbgraphics and one of four riser colors RegalBlue, fireRed, foresr Green or Charcoal Grey . Both Lightning?' Graphiu Editions have black magnesium MarkW' Cams. Lightning' has al the features ofthe

Specifications 60%Let-Off, 50%Let-OIl'Optional Sight Window: 7" Axle-Axle Length: 44 .25 " String Length: 6T h ,," Mass Weight: 4.4 Ibs. Draw Weights: 50-60#, 60-70# Draw Lengths: #1=26 " #2=27" #3=28 " #4=29 " Page #5=30" #6=31" #7=32"

Whether youare a tournament archer or anavid hunter, you candepend on the viper'" to strike fast. This top of the line bow features the mass forward design and the exceptional balance ofour 60k riser with complete arrow clearance. In addition, the viper''' features Darton's Dual-Slot Z-MaX ~\ Overdraw Mountine system. The short limbs are shaped from solidPower-TuffM and are fltted with Darton's exclusive alloy Fast Flight High Energy Wheels. allowing the limbs to store optimum energy. These High Energy wheels provide youwith a smooth draw to a verv comfortable 65%let-off. Each Viper'" comes with afull set ofdraw length elements. The V i~er!.\\ is available in two camo patterns, Wood­ land Bark oil and Timberland toast». To complement the camo patterns the viper> features a simulated wood grip as standard equipment. Darton's Natural Wood Gnp or Timberland Forest": Camo Gnp are available as an accessory. Strike fast with the Viper'"!

NEW!The Graphite Edition of the viper' has all the features of the Viper' Hunter plus Darton's short multi-ply Graphite Composite limb! The viper' GraphiteHuntercomeswith Woodland Bark' or Timber­ land Iorest' camo and simulated wood grip. The Viper'" Graphite Competition comes with a combination of bold limb graphics and one of five riser colors-RegalBlue, FireRed, Forest Green, Pink Pearl or Charcoal ~ Grey The Viper™Graphite Competition has polished alloy High Energy Wheels. ) Specifications 65%Let-Off Optio nal EES™ele me nts to simulate round wheel drawcharacteristics. Sight Window: 7" Axle-Axle Length: A-Base 421/2" , B-Base 43 l/4" String Length: A-Base571/4", B-Base 61112 " Mass Weight: 4.3Ibs. Draw Weights: 40-50 #, 50-60#, 60-70#, 70-80#. (40-50 # not available in carno) Draw Length Elements Included: A1=26" A2=27" or B1=28.5" B2=29 .5" A3 =28 " A4 =29" B3=30.5" B4=31.5"

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The Laredo?' wood riser laminated at high pressure with epoxy resin that impreg­ nates the hard rock maple, creating superior physical properties. We refer to it as "Dartonized," These superior properties allowDarton to offer you more features than any wood riser. Most notably, you can draw a I' h inch broadhead past the Laredo 's?' sight window with room tospare. In additon. the Laredo ?' has Darton's alloy Fast Flight High Energy Wheels and Dual-SlotZ-Maf'\\ Overdraw Mounting System. The Laredo?' Hunter features Power­ Tuff1 ·\\limbs with Woodland Bark™Camo and a "Dartonized" Laminated Riser. IS



EW! The Graphite Edition ofthe aredo' " has all the features ofthe .aredo' Hunter with the addition of Darton's multi-ply Graphite Composite limb!

Specifications 65%Let-Off OptionalEES 1\\ elements to simulateround wheel draw characteristics. Sight Window: 5" Axle-AxleLength : A-Base393/4", s-sase 401/8" String Length : A-Base 54'12", B-Base 581l:.z " Mass Weight: 3.6 lbs. Draw Weights: 45-60#, 55-70# Draw Lengths Elements Included: Al =25.5" A2=26.5" or BI=28" 82=29"

A3=27.S" A4=28 .5" 83=30 " 84=31"

Full broadht'cld clearanceandposuiv covadm»



EW! The Competition Edition of the lmpulse'" has all the features of the Impulse?' Hunter,out with bold limb graphics and choice of riser colors­ Regal Blue, Fire Red. Forest Green, Pink Pearl or Charcoal Grey. The lrnpulse'" Competition has polished alloy High Energy Wheels. Ct."",'rand ((/11/0 selections

NEW! The lmpulse'" is a version of the viper' designed for archers who want increased performance with shorter draw lengths and lighter draw weights. In competition or hunting, the Impulse is fast and accu­ rate. This top of the line bow features the mass for­ ward design and the exceptional balance of our 60k riser with complete arrow clearance. The 60k riser has Darton'sDual-Slot Z-Max™Overdraw Mounting System. The Power-1\.J11'rMlimbs are fitted with Darton's exclusive alloy Fast Flight High Energy Wheels for optimal use of stored energy. The High Energy Wheels provideyou with a smoothdraw to a very comfortable 65%let-off. Each lrnpulse' " comes with a full set of draw length elements. The Impulse' Hunter is available in two camo patterns-Woodland Bark": or Timberland Ioresr", To complement the camo patterns, the Impulse?' features a simulated wood grip as standard equipment. Darton's Natural Wood Gnp or Timberland Forest": Camo Gnp are available asan accessory.

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Specifications 65%Let-Off OptionalEESI\\ elements to simulate round wheel draw characteristics.

Sight Window: 7"

Axle-Axle Length: 41 1/8"

String Length : 55 3/4"

Ivlass Weight: 4.0 Ibs.

Draw \-\!eights: 30-40#, 40-50#

Draw Length Elements Included:

Al=25" A2 =26" A3=27" A4 =28"


Ideal short draw, light weight hunting boll' withoptional l oMax OI'Crdmll'


Graphite Competition ~

NEW! Development ofthe /lew Electra™ reflects Darton's commitment to the indoor tournament archer. n features our exclusive Eccentric Element System'? (EEST"'). The EEST\\ simulates the feeland shooting characteristics ofround wheels. The EESn, maximizes your accuracy by enhancing a ooth draw to a distinct anchor point. The perfectly oalanced 60k riser features Darton's Dual-SlotZ-Maxr~\ Overdraw Moummg System. Darton's newly designed GraphiteComposite recurve limbs increase torsional stabili ty and maximize smoothness and accuracy. Upon release, the Electra>' executes its task with flawless precision. The Electra'<s fi nish includes bold limbgraphics, polishedalloy wheels and choice ofriser colors- Regal Blue, Fire Red, Forest Green Pink Pearl or Charcoa7Grey.


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MII/riple p ap/uil' (wuposirchiub

Specil1cations 65%Let-OlTEEST,' \ 50%Let-01TEES 'MOptional Sight Window : 7" Axle-Axle Length: A-Base 455/8", B-Base 46" String Length: A-Base 6Q3ll ", B-Base 64 3/4 " Ivlass \~ ci ght: 4.4lbs. Draw \~ei ghts : 40-50#, 50-60#, 60-70# Draw Lengths: Al =27" A2=28" or B1=29" B2=30" A3=29" A4 =30" B3=31"B4=32"



The Excel'", with Darton's lightweight magnesiumE riser and alloy Fast Flight High Energy Wheels, produces optimum efficiency ana performance. Power-Iulf'" Limbs deliver maximum stored energy: for the Excel'", The Excel'" delivers all the features youcould ask for, including complete broadhead clearance and a second center-shot hole to enable use of a shorter arrow. Both holes can be used for solid mounting of Darton'sZ-Maxr\\ Overdraw. The Excel'" is available in two camo patterns-Woodland Bark": or Timber/and Iorest>. Asimulated wood grip is standard. Darton'sNatural Wood Gnp or Timber/and Iorest" Camo Gnp are available asan accessory. Specifications 65% Let-Off Optional EES™elements to simulate round wheel draw characteristics. Sight Window: 5" Axle-AxleLength: A-Base 393/4" , B-Base 40 1/8" String Length: A-Base 54 112" , B-Base 58112 " Mass V\'eight: 4.0 lbs. Draw \·\eights: 45-60#, 55-70#. 65-80# Draw Length ElementsIncluded: A1=26" or B1 =28.5" A2=27" B2=29.5" A3=28" B3=30.5" A4=29" B4=31.5" Timbctland Camo wllhoptional Cllamp{lJn'" Sight

Sccond center sho: holeJoroverdraw pc(/tin/u/fIcc


The Fury?' features the 55k magnesium riser, solid Power-Tulf'" limbs, and molded High Energy heels, delivering performance at an affordable rice. Its light weight ma~nesium handle has all thi eatures ofthe Exce[T'\t, orrering complete arrow clearance and a second center-shot hole to enable use of a shorter arrow. Both holes can be used for secure mounting of Darton's Z-Maf il Overdraw, The limbs store optimum energy when fully flexed by Darton's molded High Energy Wheels. The Fury will deliver satisfaction beyond your expectations. The Fury'" comes in Woodland BarkT II camo. l足 simulated woodgrip is standard. Darton's Natural Wood Gnp is available as an accessory. Specifications


SightWindow: 5"

Axle-Axle Length: A-Base 397/8", B-Base 397/8"

String Length: 33"

Mass Weight: 4.0 lbs.

Draw Weights: 45-60#, 55-70#

Draw Length Elements Included:

Al=26" A2=27" or B1 =28.5" B2 =29 .5"

A3= 28" A4=29" B3=30.5" B4=31.5"



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L/GIIT MASf; WE/GilT .5#O.RTtJt/f-'?ALL

Darton Archery's Ultralight bows are based on the alloy 45K riser featuring a 5" sight window and broadhead clearance back to the arrow rest. These bows require less technical knowledge to set up and shoot. but retain the performance that Darton is known for.


We've given our Itailmasrer?' the same unyield­ ing attention to performance, and offer it inan economical price range. Best of all this bow is Ultralight! The short Power-tuff> limbs and allov Fast Flight High Energy Wheels make the trailmaster'" uruque among entry-level to intermediately priced hunting bows. The Irailmaster" provides a short axle-to-axle length and great performance . The trailmaster" comes with WoodlandBark™ camo and a simulated wood grip. Darton's Natural Wood Gnp is available asan accessory. The trailmaster'" is light weight in your hand and a heavy hitter when shot. Specifications 65%Let·OIT Optional EESnl elements to simulate round wheel draw characteristics. Sight Window: 5" Axle-Axle Length: A-Base 39;'/4, B-Base 401/8" String Length: A-Base 54 1/2" , B-Base 58112" Mass Weight : 3.5 Ibs. Draw 'v\'eights: 35-45#, 45-60#, 55-70# Draw Length Elements Included: A1=26.5" A2=27.5" or B1=28.5" B2=29.5" A3=28.5" M=29.5" B3=30.5" 84=31 .5"

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The Ranger' is a full-feature entry-level hunting bow based on the 45k riser with broad足 head cfearance. Power-Iulf''' limbs and molded High Energy Wheels make this bow a winner. The Ranger'" comes with Woodland Bark? camo andablack grip. Darton's Natural Wood Grip or Simulated Wood Gnp are available as an - ssory. Specifications


Sight window. 5"

Axle-Axle Length: A-Base39 13/ \(," , B-Base 3913 / 1(,"

String Length: 33"

Mass v\eight: 3.5 Ibs.

Draw W~ights : 45-60#, 55-70#

Draw Length ElementsIncluded:

Al =26. 5" A2=27.5" or 81 =28.5" B2=29.5"

A3 =28.5 " A4~29.5" B3=30 .5" 84=31.5"


The Woodsman l .\ \ is very similar to the Ranger?', built with Power-Tulf'" limbs and molded High Energy Wheel The difference is in tfe laminatednatu ral wood riser. The WoodsmanT\\ fea足 tures the unique wood tones andgrair patterns found only in natural wood. This bow is easy to set up and shoot. The WoodsmanT.\ I comes with Woodland BarkT.\\ camo limbs and sari finish wood riser.






Sight Window: 5"

Axle-Axle Length: 39 13/ 16 "

String Length : 33 "

Mass \-Veight : 3.5lbs.

Draw \Veights: 45-60#, 55-70#

Draw Length ElementsIncluded :

81~28" 82=29" 83=30" 84= 31"



FOR YOUNG ARCHERS The Scout'" and Thunderstick'" are two quality bows designed with the young archer in mind. They have adjustable draw length and draw weight to tit most beginning archers while they are growing. The Scout'" is an entry-level hunting or target bow with a 55% let-off. Based on the 45k riser, it features short Power足 Iuff'" limbs and molded High Energy Wheels. It offers the same features as the Ranger'", with the advantage of shorter draw lengths, shorter overall length and lighter peak wei ts. An upgrade available for the Scout '" \vhich allows t peak weigtu to be increased from 40 pounds to 60 poun.,束 The upgrade also increases .dr~w length to the Ranger!\\'s A足 Base specs. The upgrade will tit '91or '92 modei sccutvs. The Scout'" comes with woodland Bark": camo. Darton's Natural V!1Jod Gnp or Simulated f;H.Jod Gnp are available as an accessory. Specifications 55%Let-otT Sight Window: 5" Axle-Axle Length: 38 ~/~" String Length: 31" Mass W~lght: 3.2 Ibs. Draw \\tights: 25-40# Draw Length Elements Included: :\ 1=24" ,A,2=25" :\ 3=26" :\4=27 "

The Thunderstick" is the perfect bow to introduce a youngster to the sport of archery. Its adjustable draw weight and draw length allows the youth to draw the bow back and anchor with conlidcnce. The Thunder足 stick':' sports the look of an adult compound bow with a very light two pound mass weight and a 70%let-elf With its textured finish riser and leaf camo limbs, one draw ofthis bow is all it takes to produce a smile of, satisfaction. 'r:' Specitlcations



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70% Let-Off Sight window: Molded Easv-Draw Eccentric \V1L~ cI Adiustable Draw Length Axle-Axle Length: 33if4"

Stnng Length: 27.0" Ivlass \\\:ignt: :2 Ibs. Draw \Veights: 15-25# Draw Lengths: 18"-22"


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