1994 darton product catalog

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GRAPHITE Machined Magnesium Handle es. T he Co ncord is the faste st bow ma de: 245 fp s AM O . Yes . It is the smoo thes t shoo ting performance ca m bow . Yes. It is the first machined magnesium handl e bow . Yes. Ult ra-S G lass improves limb dur abilit y and e ffic iency . Yes. You recei ve a numbered Ce rtifica te of O wnership.

The Darton Conc ord. Th e ne w standa rd of performa nce , enginee ring and prod uctio n excel lence . You will e njoy the Concord ' s overal l mass .ght of only 4 .5 Ibs., stro ng hand le .struction. Peak Draw Weights up to HO lbs.. great look s. and the very best performance offered. le

Your purchase of a Dart on Co ncord will put you into the highest of performa nce classes. T he technol ogy behind th is bow is not o ffered anyw here e lse. "The ultimate in engineering and production excellence," sa ys one av id Darton Dealer and shoo ter. "The Co nco r d is smooth shoot足 ing, quiet, and the best per足 forming cam bow I've shot," says another avid shooter. After see ing and shoo ting

the Darton Co nco rd, yo u

will reali ze that smoo th

shoo ting and high per 足

for mance (' (/ 11 he

sucessf ully achicv cd.

It is ca lled the Darton

C o ncor d.

YE ' .

ro A

Darton 's Performa nce Mark II Carns po wer the Co nco rd to new speed record s: 245 fps AMO . New UlIra Power Graph ite Compos ite Limbs with Ultra-S G lass optimize the limb des ign for long-la sting performance Great loo king co mpe tition co lors and effect ive camo arc " icing on the cake!"

D ' . ER E 0 1'CO RD.

GRAPHITE Machined Magnesium Handle he s plend id smoothness of the Darton Falcon is engineered and produced for. yo ur serious shooting pleasure. The Falcon 's performance characteris­ tics are the result of combining the best of Darton's proven advanced technology . • High Strength Machined Magnesium Handle • Magnesium High Energy Wheels • Graphite Composite Limbs with Ultra-S Glass The Falcon' s U ltraPo we r Graphite Composite Limbs are made with Ultra-S Glass, a higher flex­ ual s tre ng th glass. Darton ' s 1994 U ltraPo we r Graphite Composite Limbs are the most durable and efficient limbs Darton ha s produced to date ,

The Falcon is eq uipped with Darton 's Magnes High Energy Wheels , The Force Draw Curve shows how smoothly and evenly the se wheels load energy int o Darton's Limbs. 65 % Let-off gives you a com fo rta ble holding weight. Upo n release, the high stored energy is efficiently transferred to produce high arrow spee ds: 233 Ips AMO .








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The superior structural strength of Darton's Machined Ma gnesium Handle, when com­ bin ed with the Falcon's new UltraPower Graphite Composite Limbs and Darton's ren owned Ma gnesium High Energy Wheels pro vid es the founda­ tion for fantastic performance.

Add your shooting experti se, and the end result is a concert of sm ooth shoo ting and efficient performance. Darton 's Machined Magnesium Handle Bows are available in Timber Fore st (green leaf) Camo, Woodland Forest (brown leaf) Camo, Co m petiji n Wild Cherry , Competition Green, Competirioi Teal a nd Competition Silver Marble.

COMPOSITE Machined Magnesium Handle

!I!!!!!". ar to n de signed the Elect ra to be THE spec ia l bo w in the 1994 Da rto n Produ ct ....~....=I Line .

Lo we r limb pre -stress , in co nce rt wi th the Elec tra 's ne w limb de sign , c rea te a high brac e height a nd a lon g axle-to -axle bo w with I'cry fo rg iving c harac te ris tics and flawl ess shoo ting precision . The Dart on E lec tra magn esium handl e is des ign ed to acc o m­ modate Dart on 's new Adj ustab le Z -Max Overd raw . Two sta bi­ lize r mo unts g ive yo u . op tio ns fo r yo ur :.....o ting co mfort . T he Elec tra ' s Ultra Powcr Gla ss Co mposi te Limbs are uniquel y design ed to c rea te g rea ter tor sion - '-­ al stab ility when the Elec tra is d raw n a nd rele ased .


Electra Handle show n on left . Co ncor d and Fa lco n Handle show n o n right . No tice ihe di ffere nces in the lim b angles . stabi­ lizer and gri p local io n

Th e Electra is machined from magnesium for streng th, dur ab ilit y and light mass we ight. In addi tion, the Dart on Elec tra is offe red in ne w o ut­ standing co mpet i­ tion co lors . a nd two c hro me plat ed whee l op tions . a combination which wil l be not iced .

The Electra o ilers Darton ' s ne w EES Chrome Whe el for smoot h shootin g performance with 65'i'r Lei-off.

GRAPHITE Redesigned Magnesium Handle


peed and performance elevate the Lightning to the highest AMO Arrow Velocity Rat ings of 240 + feet per second for five straight years!

Finger shoo ters delight in the Lightn ing 's 44 1/ 1" axle-to -axle, and the so lid wall the Lightning reaches at full dra w. O utfit the Lightning's Mark II Cams with 50 l k Let-off ele me nts for optimum spee d and a d ean release. T he Lightning 's success is partl y due to the Mark II Cam 's abil ity to load the spec ially des igned Lightn ing limb s for maximum stored energy . All Mark II Ca ms have per formance needle bearings for decrea sed ax le friction and increase d speed. The Lightning is offere d with 60% Let-off clement s standard. SOCk, Let-off elements are ava ilable as an op tion. Darton's redesigned T rophy Series handles have a set-back gri p which maxim izes the Lightning's long power stroke, high stored e nergy and high speed without sac rificing comfort and shoot足 ahility. The new handle makes the Lightnin g look better , feel better and shoot better. The 1994 Lightning Graphite featu res Darton's upgrad ed mult i-ply UltraPo wer Gra phite Co mposi te Limhs with Ultra-S Glass for increased durability and superior performance. Lightning G raphite bows arc available in Timber Forest and Woodlan d Forest Camo, Competition G reen, Co mpetition Wi ld C he rry, Co mpetition Teal. and Co mpetition Sil ver Marble , The Lightning is also offered with Darton 's uniquely engineered FlcxPower Glass Limbs to satisfy its awesome high performan ce cha racteris足 tics. T imbe r Forest and Woodl and Forest Carne arc ava ilable. Other co mpanies arc trying to ac hieve in 1994 what we achieved in 1982 with the Darton 5000足 MC and 60-M C. and since 1989 with the Darton Lightnin g. Darton 's limb design , magnesium Mark II Cam perform ance, and our redesig ned handles make the Lightnin g 's co mfo rtable fee and outstanding performan ce untouchable.

COMPOSITE SD Mark IIPerformance Cam 'rn enthusiastic about this new Impulse that Darton has brought to the market. I have seen quite a few t-O-................ lady archers who have had to com­ pete with the significant handicap inherent in arrow s with high traje ctory. The Impulse is a potent solution to their frustration. It is not only a very fast bow, it is also pleasant to shoot, ea sy to tote , attractively finished , and built with a high degree of qual ity." Norb Mullan ey. Jul y 1993, Bowhunting World. The Impulse with Darton' s special FlexPower Gla ss Composite Limbs and Short Draw SO

Mark II Cams was introduced in 1993 due to the demand of women 3-D shooters. They wanted a "Woman 's Lightning" and Darton delivered the Impul se. The Impul se features Darton's rede signed Troph y Series Handle , Magnesium SO Mark II Performance Cam s, and new performance Flex ­ Power Gla ss Composite Limb s for 1994. Th e Impulse is avai lable in: • Competition Green • Competition Wild Cherry ompetition Teal

. orupetition Silver Marble

• T imber Forest Camo • Woodland Fore st Camo

" I bought an Impulse SO Mark II Cam 3-0 bow in February 93. As of July 93. I have 19 plaques. trophies and awards. and now my 3- 0 sco res are hard (0 beat. My Impul se at 60 Ibs. and 26.5" draw is achieving 279 fps . This is the only bow a woman should be shoot ing. " Jenniffer Bondurant , Team Darton Shooter.

GRAPHITE Redesigned Magnesium Handle n my opinion, these Viper bows incor­ porate outstanding design and con­ L -_ _......J struction. As you con sider the design clement by element, you have to be impre ssed with the thoughtful development and careful exe cution that went into these products." Norb Mullaney, July 1992, Bowhunting World. The 1994 Viper sports a rede signed Trophy Series Handle, 6SCIo Let-off Magnesium High Energy Wheels, a Set-back Grip, Tru-Ccnter Shot and your choic e of Darton's High Performance FlexPower Glass or UltraPowcr Graphite Composite Limbs. 43 3/ 16 " axle-to-axle. Viper Graphite models are available in Darton's contemporary competition colors and Darton's popular Timber Forest and Woodland Forest camo. FlexPower Glass Limb Viper models are available in Timber Forest and Woodland Forest Camo. The Viper Graphite was given an 80.5 % Efficiency Rating" at AMO Stand ards-one of the highest Effici ency Ratings given to any bow in any Independent Bow Test. "With the very efficient cam design and the low hysterisis inherent in the Viper, coupled with the respons e of the graphite- fiber reinforced limbs, this bow takes off without delay , extracting maximum energy from the power r '" strok e."



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" I have see n and

shot quite a number of Darton bows over ~ the years, from the J clas sic SL-50 to the "I' Lightning speed­ . ",, ~ u " n " · iN'CHE~''' '' ·''1lll '<:'''' '' burner. In my opin­ ,.. ion. the Viper Graphite Edition is the best all-round bow that Darton has produced to date . It combines pcrfo: rnance and smoothn ess in an exemplary manner." Norb Mullaney, July 1992, Bowhunting World . LBS


"'A now' s e ffic ie ncy is the amount of potenti al penetration of all arrow ( K inetic Energy ) divided by the now' s Stored Energy (Area o f force -Draw C urve).



Engineered for Your Shooting Comfort

GRAPHITE Contoured Magnesium Handle hooter s lo ve thi s ne w d iecast magne足 si um handle intr odu ced on the 1993 Dart on Mu stan g. T he Mu stan g' s feel is g rea t in your hand at rest , a t full dra w or when sho t. Very com forrabl e ! Th e Mu stan g o ffers Darton ' s Tru -C enter Shot, Overdraw Mountin g System, natural co nto ur grip and popul ar riser desi gn. Magnesium High Energy Wh eels with 6Yk Let-off. Draw Len gth s from 26.5 " to 3 1.5" . Peak Draw Wei ght s o f 50.60 and 70 Ibs.. and shor t Ax le-ToA xle of 40'14" give the Mu stan g hor se power for co m pe titive 3-D shoo ting and successfu l hunting . You can c hoose from Dart on ' s upgraded Ultra Power Graphite Co mposi te Limb s w ith Ultra -S Gla ss or Dart o n' s high performan ce Flcx f'o we r Glass Lim bs to g ive yo u the speed yo u need . Th e Mu stang ' s co mpac t size . balan ce , comfort and perform足 ance make this ve rsatile bow T!lE BOW OF CHOICE for men . wom en and yo ung adult s. See Page 14 for the Mold ed Gr ip ava ilable for the Mu stan g.

For 1994. Darton offers co mpctiuo n colors in G ree n. Te al. Wild Cher ry and Dark Green Marble fo r the Mustang Graphite . Ti mber Forest and Woodland Forest Camo arc of fered on both Flcx l'owc r G lass Limb and Ultral' o wcr G raphite Co mpos ite l. imb mode ls.

~~. he Darton Excel has become extremely popular for both hunting and 3-D. A short 40 1/ 4" axle-to-axle length, dual I...;..=-----"W center-shot holes, draw lengths from 26 .5" to 31.5" and peak draw weights up to 80 lbs. , allow arrow s shot from the Excel to scream to their target. At 268 Ips (60 lb., 30" dr aw, 360 gr. arrow ), the Excel with FlexPower Gla ss Limbs out-performs many higher pric ed bows from other bow manufacturers. Th e Excel delivers all the features yo u could ask for, including complete broadhead clearance and a second center-shot hole to enable use of a shorter arrow . Both hole s can be used for solid mounting of Darton's new Adjustable Z-Max Overdraw. Magnesium High Energy Whe els are standard equipment on this strong, lightwei ght diecast magnesium handle bow . The Excel's 4.0 lb. Mass Weight makes it easy to carry from target to target, or in and out of the woods . Its short axl e-to-axle makes it easy to maneuver and shoot while hunting or shooting 3-D Tournaments. Th e Darton Excel , one of the best hunting and 3-D bows on the market today, is avail足 able ill right hand and left hand models and is offered in Darton 's popular Timber Fore st Carno. Combine the Darton Excel with Darton Accessories for a great bow pack age .

Popular Magnesium Handle alue, perform ance and sta te-of­

the- art tec hno logy are built

into the ne w 1994 Dart on

T railm asrer and Ranger.

Darton ' s New Deep Woo ds Camo.

Darton' s popul ar magn esium handl e graces the ne w Trailmas te r. It fea­ tures Tru-Center Sho t, Z -Max Ove rd raw Mounting Sys te m, quiv er and sight mo unts, cab le gua rd, natural contou red gri p and co ntem­ porary handl e desig n. Magnesiu m H igh Ene rgy Wh eels and Darton ' s patent ed Lock -In Adjusta ble Anch o r Pu Iley are mounted to the Tr ailm aster's pec ially de signed

lexPower G lass Lim bs.

Th e Trailrna ster's handle, limb . whee l co mbi natio n is a winner ! T ot al Mass Weight is onl y 3.8 Ibs. Draw Weights ran ge from 35 to 70 Ibs.. and Draw Length s from 26 " to 31.5 ". anger, for 1994 ,

spo rts Darton ' s

F lex Power Gl ass

Limbs and Mold ed

Hig h Energy Wh eel s fo r high perfor mance , spee d and du ra­ bility. The ca b le slug system allows for qu ick and easy Dacron stri ng changes, at home, on the ran ge or in the fields hunti ng . The Darton Ranger is an ideal bow for adults and teen s who want a full-featured afforda b le per formance bo w. W ith Darton ' s pop ular con­ tou red handl e on the Ran ger . ir I99 4-s hoo ters will fi nd it ,Jerfec t for their shooti ng style . See Page 14 fo r the Mold ed Grip av aila ble for the Trai lrnas te r and Ran ge r.

T he co ntoured grip of Darton's popul ar hand le makes the Trailmaster and Ranger feel natur al and com­ fortable for ease of ho lding and shooting. The Trailmaster and Ranger are lightweig ht. fast and a great value.


arto n listen ed to yo uth shoo te rs. their parents and Dart on Deal er s in 1993, Co m pe tition in Yo uth 3D Divisio ns. and L..-_ _---' high demand for sho rt dr aw hunting bow s lead Dart on to the development of a new diccast magnesium handle for Dart on' s new Youth Bow s,

Kids gro w fas t! With the Ac tio n Seri es from Dart on. a yo ung shoo ter can si m ply upgr ade from o ne bo w model to a nothe r with an Ac tio n Se ries U pgrade Kit and keep the bow handle the y are co m fo rta ble with,

Dart on ' , new Yo uth Handl e is feat ured on the Dart on SCOUI , Supcrs uck and Explorer. Darton's innov ativ e han dle keep , mass we ight low and of fer' the feel and perfor man ce of an ad ult bo w.

New Magnesium Action Handle T he new Dart on Scout shows Darton' s commitrncdt to Perform ance Youth Bows, Wh at e lse wo uld yo u ex pec t from Dart on! Peak Dra w We ight of 45 lbs., Ma gn esium High Energy Wh eels with Dar ton 's 65 % Let- o ff EES El em ents. Draw Len gt hs of 24" - 27" . and Fas t Flight S tring co m plime nt Da rto n's ne w magn es ium Ac tion Handl e o n the Scout. Th e ne w Sco ut also features a cable g uard , sta bilizer mount and qui ver and sig ht mount for co mplete accessory o utfitti ng . T he spee d, per formance and fee l of the new 1994 Darton Scou t. with its new d iecast magn esium Ac tio n Handle, wi ll g ive tod ays Youth the pow er ad vantage need ed w he n hunt ing or compe ting in today ' s 3 D To urna me nts, Be sid es-thi s Sco ut is fun to shoo t!

Magnesium High Ene rgy Whe el s w ith Darto n EES Eleme nt.

New Diecast Magnesium Action Handle ow . You ha ve not see n a yo uth bo w pe rfo rm like the ne w 1994 Dart on SuperStick. T his is a performance yo uth bow. The new SuperStick features Dart on ' s

new dic cust magnesium Action Handle

for light we ight stre ng th and durability .

Draw len gth s from 22" to 25" and 35 lb.

Peak Draw Wei ght make the Super ­

Stick a perfect bo w to capture a

yo uth's inter es t.

The SuperStick ' s adult perfor ­ mance c ha rac te ristics keep s , lung shooters exci ted abo ut : he ry am] exci ted a bo ut - shoo ting their Dart on Su per Sti ck. Mold.:d High Energy W h~~1s

with 65'/' Let-off complement

ihix mighty bow. Darton 's Action

Hand le L imb Kit allows an

upgrade (0 the Darton Scout

when the shooter is ready

art ons Explorer is the most pow­ crful yo uth bow in its cla ss. Darton intr oduced its new Molded Round Wheel with

Tri- Adju stm ent Dra w Length

Units for the Explorer Youth

Bow in I993- and yo ungs te rs

won tournam ents and c ham pi­

onships wi th it.

For 1994 , Dart on is usin g the sa me

simp le yo uth se t-up-but o n the ne w

diccast magn esium Act ion R ise r. T he

Explorer, wi th its ne w Acti on Riser ,

is desti ned to s how up in ev e n mo re

inne rs c ircles in 1994 .

Draw Lengths o r I liS' to 20.5" and a Peak Weight or 25 Ibs. makes (he 1994 Expore r bow any co mpe· tirive Pee W.:e or Youlh 3-D


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