1995 darton product catalog

Page 1

In 1995, Darton engineers have enhanced tllCir designs to further improve pedonnance to a level never acl~ieved h y anyone; until now.



AMO Ra ling (Df) Ibs .• 3 0", E J() yr. arrow)

FPS Juo Nali n!1 (nO Ib.... 32 ". E !lr./lb.)


Tn 1995, Li1l' Darton Hurricane'" comes stambrd with

JL Darton 's redesigned machined magnesium Premier

S e ries '" Handle, the fi rst and only handle 01 it s kind .

Till' Premier Series n.' I-IanlHe features Dadon's Tri­

Balancc' >" Stabilizer Syskm, Dadon's Limb-Lock System''',

Dadon's Z-Max ".' OVl>rdraw lYtounting System, a quiver

ami sight mount and a 2 - piece Custom 'Wc:lOd Grip for

added comlon .

The I I urricane " is powered by Darton's famous Mark

II Cams'" with 60% let-off, Ultra Power ' " Graphite

Composite Limhs and the new 84 PowerY()I~e'" Buss

Cable System. Darton 's S teel Bu ss Cables are an

option for th ose sllOoters who prefer steel buss cable

svst.erus. The J995 Darton H urricanc'" sets the

slandard for performance and engineering excellence .


The Hur ricane ' >' is available in Competition Green, Wild Cher~', Teal, ::,ilver Marble and Darton 's highly effective W!cJodlam! Forest Camo '" with camo Marl~ II Cams r v • TllCre's a storm coming in J995; the 19<}5 Darton

I lurricane n, !


'T .Lee


\Vheel: ,\ lark II Cam '" Lel-off: 60'1<, FDC ', (50 % oplional) ' (Forn ·- Draw L'urvc )\leLl ,oJ ) Hracc Ileigl.l: 6-3/4 " Sighl Window: 7" ,lJc-lo-a"le: 44- 3/8" )\h ss Weigl,l: 4.4 II,•. Peal, Draw \Veighl.:

60 , iO 11,•. Draw Length.: 2 6" 1II roll ~l, 32"

Darton has t.lken the best of their advanced tcchnology and produccd thc ultimate co m b i­ nation for op Limum e ffic icn cy, speed and smoothness; thc rcdesi ~lled 1995 D arton Falcon ''I .

Darton's New

S4 PowerYoLw 1\,

Buss Cable System

Diu·ton's new S4 PowerY()I~e1>, Buss Cable

Syslenl is easy to adjust for optimum perfor­

mn nc e bul doesn 'l st rete b or creep as is typi cal

of Fa st fli gh t bu ss cilble sys te ms . Darton's Steel

Buss C ables are a lwil ys in time once set but tbey

al so allow for easy bow tunin g and timin g

adjustments. 1\:0 ot ber bow manufacturer

ca n matcb tb e versatility and depend­

ilbility of Darton's performilnce

pr oducts .



he Darton Falcon'" come s standard with

Darlon's enllilnce d ma chined magnesium Premier S eries n ' Il andle, U lt ra Power'" G raprlite Composite Limbs, 6 5% Let- oH Ma gn esium Hi~b Energy \\'7heels 1" and tile new S4 PowerYol~e'" Bu ss C able S ystem for Io rqu e-Irec perf ormance. Darton 's new S moot h- D raw II LO '" (Higb Let-off) draw len gth modules ca n be \mreha sed sepa ra tely for addi ­ tionalld-off anc increa sed draw weigbt. Darton's S tee l Bu ss Ca ble S ystem is avail"ble as an o ption [o r tb ose sllOoters tlla t prefer steel bus s cable sy st ems .

Features include Darton's Tri-Balance ".' Stabi­

lizer Sy slem , Dilrton's Limb-Locl~ System "" ,

Dilrton's Z-Max r" Overdraw Ivlounting System

and a 2 -piece Cu st om whod Grip.

Witb an axle-to -a xle lengtb o[ 43", tbe

Darton Falcon r,., is th e I;el-fed c1lOice for bolb

relea se sbo o ters and fin ger shooters.

The 1995 Darton Falcon is aVililable in all Darton

colo rs including C o m peti t ion Green, wil.d Cll erry,

'l~al, S ilver 1vlar61e and Darton 's Ilighl y functional

Whoclland Forest Ca mo ," "'itb camo High Energy

\'('beels H'.


AM O Rating (60Ibs .,

so: 5 ,10 gr.


I-PS lORn/iI/(I (60 3_", 5 gr./IJ,. J

lb., .,

TcchSpecs '" wllCcl: High [ ner(:y \,'heel '"

Lcl.off: 65% FDC, (70% o pt ional] Bm<:<> Hdghl:

A - B a ~<"


H-Ha,c, 6-3/4"

Sigl'l Window: 7" Axle.lo-axle : 43" 1'1.,.. Wdgbl: 4.4 lbs. Pc"I, Dr,,,,,, Weigl'ls: 60, 70 lbs. (80 Ibs. with HLO '" modules) Dr~ w Lengli,s: 27" t1l1'ougl. 32"

Darton engineers tool~ their Inachined magJlesiuIn technology to another level by designing the ultiInate COInpetition target bow; the 1995 Darton Electra n l.

Darton 's

",oBl In- a ance n , Stabilizer Systelll


)wer liml) pre-stress, together with the r:leetra's spec ial lim h desi>!n , create a lligh brace hei ght and long axlc -t o -axle length. TIll' resnlt: Tl.« most accurate targl'l bow ever design ed ! With o pt im um performan ce and flawless sh oaling pre­ cis ion, the E lect ra n, is the perfect bow [or serio us target co m pet ito rs.

TIll' Electra "" includes Darton 's spec ia lly de sign ed machined ma gne­ siu m deflexecI Prem ier Series"" Handle aml Darton's 65% Let -off Magne­ siu m Hi~b Energv \XTbeels. Darton's , lILO '''" (Bigil Let-off) new 70'X draw lengtb modules ca n be purc.based separate ly as an op tio n f(~r addi­ tIOnallet-off and added dra w welgbL. The 1995 Electra '" c o m e s s tandard witb lh e new S4 PowerYol~en, Cable Sy stem whicb minimizes limb torque for maxi­ mum accuracv, Dal{on's S teel Buss Cable S ystem' is available as an opt ion [or those sh ooters who pre­ fer sleel bu ss cable syste ms . Dat-ton 's Tri-Balan ce'" Stabilizer M ounting S ystem with dual sta bilizer m ounts and a side counterbalance mount pro vide target arcl1Crs ~he ability to adju st tileir stahilizers for ul tima~e balance and vertical stability. odler feal urcs include Dar~ on' s 2-piece Custom \X,b od G rip, Darton's Limb-Lock S ys tem '" and Darton's Z-!\'Iax"': Overdraw M ounting Sy st em . Tbe 1995 Darton Electra'" is available in Darton's hot competition colors including Com pet it ion Green, wild C I1Crry, Teal and S ilver Marble.

Dart on' s prod uct rcsearc b team bas ,[etermined

that sta bilize r lengtb , weight , a n d location all have

a direct a ffe ct o n \' :b ra tio n~ Darton's Tri-Balallce '"

Stabilize r SY5tem alloll'5 yon t o opti mi ze yo u r bow 's per­

fo rm a n c e 111' pro vid in g dual fr ont 5t a b il ize r !1(,[e 5 and

il sid e count~rbulan ce Eole wllich arc precisely locatc<J to

o p ti m ize 5ta b ilize r effect of all t yp es 01 s t a b ilize r5. For

sho rt bowhunting s ta bi l i~er5, D .llton recommends tbat

yo u use the low~r fwnt stabili ze r h ole. For 3D and at

ta rget a rch er s using longe r sta b ilize rs, [ ~arton recom­ m ends th e upp er front st a bilize r h ole fo r op ti m u m

st a biliza tio n a nd m in imu m vibrati on. ;\ side

countL>rhalance ca n also be adtled to allo\\' fo r

p rec is io n vertical ali gnlTIcnt i1djusbncnts,

tb ereb y elilninating unc onscious

self- in duced to rque .




Wl,eel: High Energy Wk·e[' · (I~ ollll(l \\7heel opl ion al) Let-off: 65 % F DC. (60 % f~ ollnd Wh eL.[, 70% A, B-B ase opt ional) Brace Height : R-BasL·,8-1/f6" A- Gase, 8-15/1 6" G-Ba5e, 9-3/16" Sigllt Win,low: 7" Axle-to-.nle: A, 13- Gase, -1-3- 1/2" R-HasL', 42- 5 (8" ,\la55 Wcidtt : 4 .5 165. Peal, Dra~v Weights: 50, 60 II". Draw Lengths: 26" tlll"ollgh 34"

TIl 19 l


Dave H

:ignaLurc B w

? Tile Darton Viper rv bas one o f tbe bigb.cst Efficiency Ratin gs given to any bow in any independent bow l e st. A t o ver BO°It, effi­ ci crr c y, tbC' Viper I~ re ­ main s t h e hcs t "a ll ­ round" buntin g and 3D I O W o n lbe market!


.1MO Rating (60 ll«: 3 {T, 54 0 gr, arro w)



I B O '<"ting

rOO Ib~. , 2", - gr./lb.)


T:h ~

Vip.cr ".' [l'illures I ?~ti (:n ' s J~~ g n eSiU !I,1 Ill gh E nergy Wl,ee ls I\'ltil 60 Yc., Icl -ol l. Two whe cl sizes are avai la hle (A- Ba se a nd B-Base) whiel l ,lelermi ne th e ,Ira I\' le n¢tl, ran¢e , Da tio n's ne w H LO '" (H i¢l, Let -o ff) d ;a w len glh Ill odul~s ca n be pu rchasetf se para te ly for inc reased let-ol! a llll adde,l ,Ira w I\'ei¢h l. ,\ h gnes iu m I !igh t: ner¢v W llee ls '" p rovide s t~e n¢ t h. : lura hililV a;Hl leS' • . m a ss w~ig hl , ass is li ng i'-n tbe \ lipe r 's· bl i sterin ~ spee clo! 2 3 3 fps Ai'lO !

TecllSpecs HI WIIl'el : H i ~I , En L" r~y \\ ' I,e"I'"'

L"I-o fr: 6S°j" F DC,

(70'X, " plio n., I)

flrilCl' lI ei;:I'I : .\ -13il5<', 6-1)/ 16"

[j . Base, 7-1/ 16"

A.J'·-Io-axle: 43"

;'\ Iass Wei¢I!I: 4.2 Ibs.

I'<'ill, Dr.,w Wei;:!'l >:

bO, 70 Ihs. (8() II" . witl,

IILO '" m",lu les)

D,'a", Len;:I!,., 21" t1 H() lI ~ I, 32"


wid1 optional and Easton

S /IO W I1

acc (?SSO ,. ;(!S a rrOtL~s .

The Viper"" spo rts Da rl un 's mult i- feal u red T rop b y ~er ies nl ba rHlle antI is po wered by yo u r cllOice of Da rton' s bi ~ll per fo rm a nce F lexPower t -.. G lass Or l ~llraPow cr ".' G raph ite Composite lim hs, S la 11l1a rcl on the 1995 Viper "" is till' new 54 J>ow er)To]~c l\l Huss Cable S YSlC111 \"hie]l mini ­ mi zes liIl1b torque and maximi zes pcrl orm an cc . Darto n's Stecl Bu ss C ol hIe Sv st em is available fo r lb e Vipe r G ra pb ite ,., as an Ol)t ion fu r dlOse sllOoters wbo pr efer stee l bus s ca ble syskms, In ad,]ilion, D alion' s nc w Pi gta il Stee l Ca ble Adapk r ca n be pureha se,rsep~ra tel y for tbe , Vipe r n, to allow for ti,e usc o f a Dacron string [or qui cb ami easy s l ring c ],a n~es in tbe fie l.!. Fea lures inclu tl.· D a.io n 's Limb-Locb S ystem "",

Z-,'.'1ax 'rv O verd raw Mo un li n~ S w le m a~d

Darlon 's Dual-B ala nce "., Sta bili'ze r S vste m wll iell incllllles a fron t sta bilize r 110Ie a nd a ; ide co u n te r­ bal an ce bol e. A 2- piece C usto m \\(~)od Gri p co m es stillHtlnl u n ti le co m pe ti tio n bow s a nd ca n be purchased sepa ra le ly [or th e ca mo mo de l.

~he Vipe,~ G r~ph i te "~ .is a V~ il abl e in Co mpetit ion Gree n, Wild C he rry, leal , :=:Oi lver Marble amI WOOlHaml fo res t C a mo r .,. In add ition. lb e \\(~)Olj ­ la n,l Fores t C a ll10' ''' m od el feat u res Da ve H ol t 's signa t u re on tb e upp er lilnb. T he Viper '',' with FlexPo wer ".' G lass lim bs is avai lab le in \\~)()dland ForesL C anlo I'.~ dnd comes s la n tlar d with a complete se t o[ Da rl on 's new ,'.1o!(letl Draw Length ,'.1Ollules,

Dart on A n lle r)" conti n u e ' to br a k nc v >trnu n d wit h t h e ~Iew J( 95 Dart on R e n g.l d e .... T h e new 1995 R ne gad£ .....

! c a lurc s D a rto ll 's ue v S mo( Ill -Dr aw ,"1ark HI 1 1''''; the smooth.· t, 1I10 ~ t in n o vati ve Ili g h p r fo nna nc c cam ever design ed !

T first ca m to lla ve tllC leel of .m enercv wl1eel with

I ~e Renegade' sr.: Ma rk.lII C:am"': is the indu stry 's

l he su perior high speed pert orrnancc f)a rl~m ca m

60ws are famous for.

\\'7ilh an axle-to-axle lengl h of onl" 40-3/8" and a

"izzling AMO speed 0[ 237 fp s: th e new Da rton

Renegade '" offe rs th e hunter ancl 3 D sllOoter th e

ullim~at e "hoot ing ma ch ine!


Series t v

T he ne,~' Renegade r.: "!Jorts the, popu la r l11ag ne"lllm handle a m Darton s fl exPower G lass

Co;n posite limb" for sup erior depen dability and perfor­

ma nce. Limb torque is minimized with the use of

n Darton's new 54 PowerYolw : Bu ss cable 5 vstem.

Darto n'" uniq ue Cam5 yn c '" liming ma rks anow for

micro -t imi ng amI tun ing adjustmen ts to m eel th e

re4,uirements of even tile most dematHling shoo ter. As

wit h all I).art on bows, the [~en e gd(le ' s '" limbs a re hand

malched lor optimum performance ri ght out of

IIlC box.

Features include Da rtou's Lim b-Lock System ';. Dart on's

Z-M ax '" O w rdraw Nl oun ting System an d Darton's D ual­

Ba lance ".: Stabilizer Svstem which incl u,!es a side cou nter­

balance hole for verti c;] slability adju st men ts. The Compe­

lil ion mock ls come standard wilh Da rton's Cuslom

2 -picce \'Vb od G rip for add iliona l shoo ting comfort.

T he [~e uegad c ,., is available in Co mlJetition G reen,

Wild C hcl~l"y( TeaL Silve r :-'1a rble ane Darton 's popula r

and highly lu nclional \\'7ooclland Forest Camo n : .

Tech Specs ™

~ IL\ f()

L }<PS Rll /i" 9 roo 11,5. , 3 0 ", 54 0 gr. arrow) FP C::


Nating (60 11,5., 32", 59r./1b.)

Wheel: ~ e\V Mar" 1I1 Cum'

Let-off: 65% FDe Brace I l ei g~'l : 6- 1/4" s igl' l \"(Ti mlow : 7" Axle-la- axle: 4-0-3/8" l'Ia 5s Weigl'l: 4-. 2 Ik Peal< Draw \\7eiQ~'l 5:

eo. 70 II" . '

Dr.,w Len glh 5: 26"

t1m>u gl,



ORlI:: F


T Bo

rnpulse In 1995 Darton reaches a new lllilestone by de ig n ­ ing the fastest production bow in the world for the sixth year in a row; the 1995 Darton I lllpulse!

FPS tW O Rating (60Ibs.,

The Impulse"'" was introduced in 1993 as the Jl "woman's Lightning rM ': Women demanded a short-draw bow with the performance of long draw bows. What they received was the fastest short-draw bow on the market. In 1995, Darton 's innovative tecl1l1ology takes the Impulse to a new level by achieving the fast­ est ANO velocity in the world; 246 fps!

3D", 5 ,10 gr. arrow)


The new 1995 Darton Illlpulse"; with Darton's specially designed FlexPower r'., Glas.s Composite limbs, is now powered by Darton's bmous Mark II Cams' M. In addition to the short draw lengths previously available, the Impulse'Mis now available in draw lengths up to 30.5". The new 64 Power-Yol~e™ Buss Cable System comes standard on the Impulse'" which mini­ mizes limb torque for maximum performance. Darton's Steel Buss Cable System is available as an option [or those sl100ters who prefer steel buss cable systems . Darton's Troph>' Series ™ handle graces the Impulse'" with many features indudin~ Darton 's Limb-Lock System "" , Z-Max'MOverdraw Mounting System and Darton's Dual-Balance™ Stabilizer System. Darton's 2-piece Custom Wood Grip comes standard on the competition models and can be purchased separately tor the camo model. With a mass weight of only 4.2 lbs., a short axle­ to-axle length 01 40-3/8" and a long sight window of 7", the Impulse'" is easy to carry and shoot both in the field and on the range. Colors avail­ able arc Competition Green Wi!ll Cherry, Teal Silver Marble and Woodlanc j Forest COlmaTO:


hS. pees'™

Wi,ed: ~!arb II Cam " Lel-off: 60% FDC I3ra~c Hei¢hl: 6 -3/1 6" Sight Window: 7" Axle-lo-axle: 40- 3/8" j\!ass Weight: 4 .2 lbs. Peal, Draw Wei... bl.: 40, 50, 60, ]0 16s. Draw Length.: 24.5" Ibro\l~I,

The Perfect Match

30 .5"

A'f witb all Darton bows, tl'e Impulse 's limbs are hand-mat ched to ensure optimum performan ce. In addition, all Darton bows are hand-timed at tbe factory to ensure that tbe quality and worbmanship arc topnotch right out of the box!


The famous syeed burning Darton Liglltning™ continues to lead the pack in 1995. The Li ghtning ' M is now e9,.uipped with the new S4 Power-Yoke ' Buss Ca~le System which mini­ mizes limb torque alld buss cable noi. e. Darton '· Steel Buss -'a ble System is available on the Ligl ,trlin~ Graphite rv a" an option for those shooter w h o prefer steel buss cable systems.

T Jl

I.e Ligl.tning 11l fealures include Darton 's Dual-Balance "'I Stabilizer System, Limb­ Loeb Svslem " l and Dadon's Z-Nlax"" Over­ draw M'ounting System . Witl. an axle-l o-a xle lengtl. ,?f 44-3/8", tile Darlon Liglltning ,-" is ll.e perfect 1ligl. speed ca m bow for fin ger s b o o Le rs a s \\fell a s rel ease sbooters.

Tl.e Lidltning G raJ)h ite'" features Dart on 's U lL ra P~we r Gra phite Composite limb s witll S-Olass for superio r durability. Tl., Ligl.tning Grafl.ite '" is available in Cornpetilion O reen , Wile cl.errv, Teal, Sil ver Marble and Darton' s I.igl.l y eHe;tive \\'!c)o,lIand Forest Camo f"'.




A MC) N.aling (60 Ibs., 30" , 54 0 gr. arrow) .::-I


lBO Ralin!] (60 Ibs., 32", 5 gr./ff..j

Tile Lighlnin g 1'1 is also a~'ailable with Dadon 's r:lexPower "., Gla ss limbs lor Iligll stre ngtl. ami durability. Tbe Liglltni ng T '" gla;s modef is availabl e in \VoodfanJ f ore st Camo only,

TechSpecs nt \'{Theel : " 'lark II C a m ,,, LeI-off: 60% FDe Brace Ilci~I'l: 7" Si~l'l \'?inJow : 7"

AJe-lo.axle : 44-3/8" Ha ss Wei¢I.l: 4.2 IL" Peal. Dr.,w Wei¢l.l" bO, 70

International Bowhunter Organization (IilO)

li1rougll 3Z'

Da,-ton Arc hery is ,1 ~p on::or o f tile I GO in support 0 1 ti, e 130wl,unlcr's De[en,e F u nd,

Jh ch ery Shooters Association (ASA) Dart on ;\rc" ~ n' is a ll ASA ~ o l d spo nsor, Loo k Tor Da rt o n l~~ l, e ry a t rnaj or



Draw Len¢t1IS : 26"

i\ SA eve n t - .



Through the years, the Darton ] ~xcel'· has bCl ome extremely popular for both bowhunters and 3D shooters. Features include a 40-5/8" arlc­ to-axle length, draw lengths from 26.5" to 31.5" and peak draw wei.,ghts up to 70 Ibs. (80 Ibs. with the new draw lengtll modules). Additional features include complete broadhead clearance and dual centcr sllOl holes to allow for the u sc of shorter arrows with or willlOul Darton's Z-Max I ~ Overdraw.


2 FPS 1B ) Rating (60Ibs., 32", 5 gr./RJ.)


agn esiu m [ligl1 Energy \'(fh"cis arc sta nd ard o n this stro n ,;; , Ii,;;htwei,;;hl bow. The Excel's 4.0 lb. ma;s w;ight ' l1lal~ es il ca s" lo ca rrv in th e field. '[)arton 's new HLO '''' ,Ira w l e,;~tI1 m odules can be p.urcl1dsctl se,l)ara l-:ly ~s a n option f~r addi­ bemallet- oft anclm ereasee! draw weight.

Th e [ xcc! r v is tl1C m ost full featured per­ ~onnance bow in its pri ce ran ge . f\ t 292 IT'S (IRO Ratin g, 60 Ibs ., 3')", 5 gr./ lb.) th e Excel '" wilf1 Fl exPOIver ,.,' Glass limbs o ut pe rfo rms m ost hid,er priced bows [rom ot l1e r m an u fa cl Ll re rs ~

'lee r

The E xccl t v is ava ila ble in Darton's popu­ lar \\\)()(lIand fo rest C a m o "'.

hSpees T"


H i ~l l E ne r~"

\'(llleel ,.,

65% FDC:

Lel-off: (70% opl ion"I)

BowllUllting: A Darton Tradition

Brace I-Ieighl: A -Base, 6-7/8 " [l -I3",(', 1-3/1 6"


Sighl Window : 5-3/4" Axle-lo-axle: 40-5/8" Noli', Wei;tl'l : 4 .0 16,;. l'e.,I< Draw \Veigl,l,;: 60, 70

S ince Lhe da wn l11 od c·r n ma n , bowllllliting ba s been mo re tllilll ju sl <1 11Ob1JV. It 's been a wav ol" lil"e ; a tracliti on pa 55ecl 0 11 fr :1ll1 generation 'to generati on . Tb e early lndian s u sed tbe b OWl hanJ­ ~r<1 [ l l'c1 usin g tl1<.' be,;t 'm ateria l avail abl e. TI,roUgh lrial and error, tbey 50ug b l Io co n ti n uo us ly irn prove tbe bow as d m ean s o f ta k i n~ gc1 fn e .

II». (80 Ib,. wiLl,

II LO 'v 1ll!"I"I,,") Dmw Len,;:'tIrs: 26.5" tluDugb 3 J .5"

ToJuy, Dart on co n ti n ues lhis lrildilion bv usi nc ani); the m ost teclll1ologically advance,[ m~lerialsc available. \.~o rn the _h i ~ h sl; .~ ed Dart,on Hurricane ' to th e Ex plo rer ', Darlon s quality wo r l~ nlu ns b i p is un surpassed !





No matter what trophy you 're after, you need performance you can count on. Darton gives you this performance and the durability you need with the 1995 Darton Apache TM!

Dart on Archerv is an act ive memher of

the AMO. A perce~tage of all Darton hows and

accessories sold is donated to the AJ\JO 's Sa"" o«.

I-!e,.i[age p,.09ram to protect our howhllnting rights.


h e Apa che '" is graced with Darton's I?oplllar PowerForce '" diec ast m agne sium handle. Featu res include Tru- C enter s ho L' '', Darton's Z-M ax ".' Overd raw M ountin g S yst em , a qui ver and sig h t mount and a cable guard . Ivlagne sium II igh e nergy w/heels a nd Darton's patented Lock-In Adjustable AnellOr Pulley'" are mounLed o n the Apacbe's specially designed FlexPower '" Class limbs for dependahility you Ca n count on sho t aft er shot.

'T' Lee




Wheel: H i"l, Ener"v w'!'cd" Let-off: 65% FIle: (70% oplio n., I) Brace Hei¢l.l : A-13ase, 6- 15/1 6"

Included with th e A pac he "" is a n en t ire scl of Darton 's ne w mold ed draw len gth nlOdules. The new HLO '" dra w length mod~le s can be pur­ chased sepa rately for additionallet- oH and increased Jril w weight. The Apach e ' " is avail­ able in Darton 's hi ghl y popular Timber Forest C am o H'. Til e ApacllC's speed, durahility, and short axle-to-a xle length mal~cs this how a natural hunter and 3D shooter!

B-RMC, 7-3/16" Sight Window: 5-3/.f' Axle-to-axle: Mass We i¢I'l:

40 -5 /8"

3 .9 Ibs. Peal< Dmw Weights: 45(A), 60, 70

Dmw Lengtl. s: 26 .5" lbrougll 3 1.5"


cout The Darton Scout T.\! has proven itself to be the ultiTIlate per­ fOrTIlance bow for young archers! New for 1995, the Scout TM now features Darton's popular TiTIlber Forest C aTIlO'" .

207 FPS (45 lbs" 27' 405 gr. arrow)

262 FPS (45 lbs., 27", 5 gr./lb.)

Darton: A Legacy of Performance and y:.luc. Darton's co m m i l mc n l to Perfor1nance Archery Equipment continues wilh lhc 1995 Action Sel;es n, for youths. In the past, young archers demanded a sl10rt draw hunt­ ing and competition bow with the performance of an adult bow. This demand led Darton to the develop­ ment of the most vcrsal.ilc, full fcaturcd youlh bow series ever designed! Feature for feature, the Action Series r v from Darton outperforms any youth bow on tIle marl~et at any price!

At a peak draw weight of .fi45 and draw len~ths of 24" to 27", tlw Darion Scout T V provides youn~ archers the speed and perfo~mance needed for hunt­ inc and 3D tournaments. Fe';tures include a Fast Fli~hl string and Magnesium High Ener~v Wheels'" with 60% let-ofr. Darton's new H LO '" draw l('n~th modules can be purc~ased separately for adcbl let-oH and increased draw :vei%hl. Additional fealure~ . 111dude a cable guard, stabiliZ­ er mount and a ~quiver and sight mount for complete accessory outfilling.


"Darton's Action Series ,'\! handle is featured on tlw 1995 Darton Scout n; Superstick'· and Explorer " , Dorton's innovative handle keeps mass weight low while offering the same durability and performance of adult bows."

leehS pees r>l


Wheel·• Hidl, EneI'd\' Wheel" t> Let-off: 60% I'DI..', (65% optional) Brace Heig'hl: 6" Si~l'l Window: 5-1/4" Axle-Io-axle: 35-3/4" Hass Wei~hl: 3.0 Ib~. Peal, Draw Wei~hl;;: 45 II" , Draw Len~lhs: 24" thwuQh ~



Teach yom' children well with Darton 's Action Series T~ fo r YOlltl~S! h e 1995 Sllpersticl~'" features Darton 's in n ova tive Action S eries ".' ha ndl e for supe rio r lightweight s l ren ~ t h and pe rfor­ mance. Features include araw len gths from 22" to 25", u peak dra w weight of 35 16s. und 1110lllell High E ller,;:v Wheers '" wit h 55% let- off. ~.


Darlon reco gni zes th at kids gro w up fast amI thl' f\ d io n S eries ".' ~rows wilh th em . Darlon 's Ac l io u S eries"" U pg~ra d e Ki l allolVs the young ar che r lo upgrade lo the Darlon Sco ut ' " wilen th e 51100 ter is read y. The 1995 S upe r~ l ic k '" is the e erfect bow lo keep the int er est 01 growing yo u ths!


h e 1995 D arton Explorer T'I with D alton 's Tri-Adjust '" d raw.length uni ls is the pcricct bow lor introducin g yo u t hs in to a rchery. Featu res include Dalto n 's pop ul a r A ct ion Series "" handle, d raw len gths of 18 .5" t o 20 .5" an d a peak wei&ht of 25 Ibs. When the little a rche r is rea dy, th e Da rt on E xplore r r., ca n be upgrad ed to the Darton S up erstick '" wit h Da rto n 's A ct ion S eri es "', Upg rade Kit.

TechSpecs n . \X'lll-c·l: ,\\ ol,LI Lel. off : 55'1<.

E I1,' r~ \'

rue .

\I'lwel "

Axle-I o-axle: . 2-3/8" 1'1." , \'('ei;::I,I : 2.-/5 II,,;. PC'ai, D r.lw Wei;::I'ls: 35 II,; . D raw Len¢lh s: . ') 2" t11ro u~ 11 2St!

TechSpecs TM Whee l: .\\old('..\ Round \\'Thc·,,1

Let-off: 65% FDe

A.xle-Io-axle: 33-111 16"

1'1ass Weight : 2 .75 Ibs.

Peal, Draw Wei;::hls: 25 Ibs.

Draw Len;::t1,s: 18 .5" t1' l'Ough 20B '


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