1997 darton product catalog

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AI arIon. IV VOIt' t believe in producing equipment th I I simply acccpmhi . \ 'c',e commiucd 10 manufacturing ,11 hcry products that arc superior: We've invested thousands of dolla md hun­ drcds I hours developing and testing l'\ 'l'r ~ component to insure that they meet our ngid standard» for durability and per­ lormancc. That's why we're confi dent enough 10 offer a limited ten year warran­ ty on our complete line Df compound bows. We make the best bows in the busi­ ness, and we're proud to stand behind them , We'1',' not only proud of our products, we' 1'1' also proud of our service and our dealers. We know it's not enough to tell )'outhat our bows arc the best, you need to decide for yourself. And the best way to do that is to pick up the how at a Darton Select Dealer's store and shoot a few arrows with it. Our dealer network is composed of qualified pro shops with knowledgeable slan's to answer your questionsand guide you to the best Darton bow for you. Whether it's a ClI'/S'\I bow with its patented single-cam design eftcc­ livelycontrollingyour arrow along a level path. a Mark III cam boll' with its record­ breaking efficiency rating, Dr a new Mark IV cam bow with high let-off. you can he sur,' we've got a bow that's perfect for you.

If you 're the kind of archer that demands perfection, we challenge you to shoot any III bows in Dart on 's Premier Series, Every bow in this se ries feature s a long machined al handle to pro vide extra forgivenes s and st ability, Th ey each also employ Flcxl' owcr limbs whi ch are designed to distribute stress over their entire working length for lust efficient bow s. The Cyclone features the Controlled Power SystemJ\I ; the only singlc-c syste m to control a level nock travel-a necessity for ideal arrow flight with minima tuning. The Hurricune with Mark II cams is amon g the fastest bows in production, Th e Tornadu uscs Mark III cams to generate tre mendous knock-down power while rctainin ] comfortable draw . The Executive Vcgas uses the deflcx ve rsion of the Premier Series along with long er recurvc limbs and the C/P/SH I to provide forgivene ss and consist ent ac The Exe .u tive 3D uses the same dcllcx hand lc, but combines it with Darton's high per fd short limbs and Mark II cams to provid e the two features 3D shooters demand : blistcrin; and a high brace height for greater forgi veness and added control.

The Trophy Series is huilt 0 aluminum handle with a c( incredible durability. The T:: to produce an ideal how for hu The T '31111 utiliz es Darton 's I combine power with a comlo effective let-off. And the TSI among the best values produce Brin g horne the Trophy with 0

Thank you for choosing Darton!

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*AII speeds arc calculated at AMO spcc.'s-·30" draw length aud arrow length , (,0# draw weight, and a SolO Rr:lin arrow, The Cyclone, ,\ Im

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Dart on tak es the sa me appro ac h to manufacturin g o ur performance arch er y equipmen t as yo u lak e w ith yo ur hunts ; we work hard and consid er ev er y detail. Our Assault ieries for e xam p le. is the result of exten sive en gine ering and testing . Th e sho rt machined a lum inum handles arc light , hut rugged e no ug h to wi ths tan d the har sh e st punish me nt. Th e Maverick with the C/P/S TMsys te m is si m p le to tun e a nd pro vid e s mat chl e ss arrow fl ight. The Wrangler w ith M ark lIT cam s is th e per fec t comb inatio n bet ween hard hillin g power a nd s moo th-d raw i ng co ntrol. The Rehel's Mark II c ams spee d yo ur arrow al on g a flat traj e ct or y. A nd the Elite tap s the S O Mark II ca m 's powe r in a bo w spec ifica lly desig ne d fo r wome n an d sho rt-dru w urch er s. R ega rdles s o f the A ssault Se rie s bow you choose , yo u ca n be sure it'll help yo u sco re b ig!

show n in opti onal full cam o

a mac hined forged lurtahlc gri p an d adds the C/ P/S rx r ng or 3D shoo ting . v Mark IV cam to blc draw and XO% with its HEW' s is hy any ho w make r. o n!


The Dart o n Predator II is a han d­ c ra fte d , 3-piece take-d own rccurve that combine s the be aut y o f a tradi­ tion al recu rve w ith stale -o f-the-art perform ance , The low shelf an d m in im al hand shoc k help to make it a very forg ivi ng and sta ble bow to shoot. and an A M O speed o f 204 fps pr o vides a tla t traj ecto ry a nd leth al pen etrat ion. T he Predator II is ava ila ble in natural Bubingu o r plum-co lored im preg nated M apl e . and w ith cus­ tom o ptio ns inclu d ing stri ng ty pe and accessory mounts . Se e yo ur Da rt on Se lec t Dealer for more detail s . We 're pro ud of the cr aftrnunship o f o ur Pred ator II. and we w arrant it for tw o yea rs fro m the dat e of pur­ chase . For mo re warra nty inform a­ tion , co ntac t Darton A rch ery or sec yo ur loc al deal er ,

T he Darton Action Series ha s all the fea tures of the c ompe titio ns ' most ex pen sive bows at a frac tio n o f the price . Th e P ionee r incl udes the ne w M ar k IV ca m s wi th ROCk, e ffective let-off. The A p a ch e w ith Hi gh E nergy Wh eel s h as bee n Darton 's best- sell er s ince 1995. The Che rok ee ad ds a new d imensi on to th e D art on line ; all inexpen s ive . fu ll-fea ture d bow de s ig ned for women a nd sho rt-d ra w archer s. The Supers lick is the perfect bow 10 ke e p the int erest of grow ing yo uth in arc he ry, and th e E xp lo re r is th e p e rfe c t ho w fo r introduc ing th em to it.

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-k, and TSSOO are test ed with optional 65 0/, ,.\MO let-off modules. The Elite is t ested 3160# with a 26.5" draw length , and with a 300 I-:rain a r row,

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