2001 darton product catalog

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Top of the Line, Number One, King of the Hill, The Elite, it all describes tlte 'Pro Series'. Priced right, tltis incredible line of top quality equipment will not only make a believer out of yo II, it will make one out of all your friends. Excuse us for being proud but every bow ill this catalog is a reflection of over 50 Years of total commitment to innovation, product excellence, per足 formance and quality. It is never more evident then in our PREMIER Line.

MAGNUM '33'TM Moving the benchmark another notch higher, we are proud to introduce one of the best Single Cam bows available today in high performance archery. The MAGNUM '33' is not just another short, compact rocket launcher that spits out arrows at over 300 fps . The MAGNUM '33' is a rare find that brings together the best that modern materials and advanced technology have to offer. Starting with the 'CIP/S' Express Cam System for power, performance and accuracy, we then match lip a pair of short, energy efficient limbs utilizing high strength modules materials. To complete this impressive package. we mount it all on a redesigned version of the forged aluminum riser that is found on the popular MAVERICK. What you have is a sh0I1, reliable bow that displays extraordinary performance with a smooth, comfortable 7 112" brace height. Are you ready for the feel of smooth power? Magnum 9494 Item# Draw Weight 50.60.70 Draw Length 26 114 - 3 1 3/X" Axle to Axle 33" Brace Height 7 1/2" Mass Weight 3.45 Ibs. EfT. Let-off

Elite Shellenbarger Sam Collura


MAVERICKTM EXPRESS 'QL' Here is a hot shooting bow that features the high-tech look of our Quad Limb design and forged machine Riser with the proven performance of the CIPIS Express Single Cam System . This bow is designed to perform with the best of them from a short 24 1/2" draw length all the way up to a 31" draw length, all the while retaining the highest level of performance. A true hunting bow with speed, the 'QL' features a short axle-to-axle dimension of 36" making it the perfect 'treestand bow'.

MAVERICKTM EXPRESS Recurve The MAVERICK EXPRESS 'Recurve' featuring the ClP/S Express

Single Cam System has been the Flagship Bow of DARTON

ARCHERY since its introduction . A fantastic bow to shoot, it is fast,

accurate and forgiving. It has raised the attention of those around us

and is the envy of those competing against us . For starters we made it

light through the use of magnesium Limb Pockets attached to our

reliable 7075-T6 forged Riser along with a narrow set of efficient

Composite Recurve Limbs.


(Not shown)

This MAVERICK features Round Energy Wheels that add to the

pleasure of shooting with out compromising speed, power or control.

It includes a machined forged Riser and FlexPower" recurve limbs,

a forgiving 7" brace height and a long axle to axle measurement of

over 40" making for a forgiving shot and a butter smooth draw.

This MAVERICK has it all.

(**) see spec chart on back coverfor wheel and draw length options

\Iaverick Exp. Maverick Exp. Muverick RC

Recurve QUlId Limb REW("'''')

Draw Weight 50,60,70 Draw Length 25 1/2 - 32" Axle to Axle 38" Brace I-I eight 6 1/4" Mass Weight 3.7Ibs. 80% Err. Let-off


50,60,70 241 /2 - 31" 36" 6" 3.8 Ibs. 80%

50, 60, 70 25 3/4 - 32 5/8" 403/16 - 40 1/2" T' 3.7Ibs. 70 -75 %

CYCLONETM EXPRESS RC Thi s model shares the same quality features as the MAVERICK Recurve, only with a longer Reflex Machined Riser. This allows us to produce a longer axle-to-axle bow for those archers who want the extra length without giving up the performance. This bow also features our special FlexPower Recurve Limbs and CIPIS Express Single Cam System for controlled power in the field. CYCLONETM EXPRESS 'LD'(Not shown) The EXPRESS 'LD' is the same bow as the CYCLONE Recurve only fitted with our Detlex Machined Riser. This creates a smooth shooting, accurate and forgiving bow for the longer draw archer (27 7/8"-34 112"). The comfortable 8" brace height and efficient camllimb design combine to make a sweet shooting, versatile bow for FITA, 3D or bowhunting . CYCLONETM EXPRESS


The EXPRESS '3D' does it all. Designed for the highly competi­ tive world of 3D and the real world of bowhunting we have used our popular Detlex machined Riser for a higher brace height. outfitted it with short, efficient, energy storing limbs and the CIPIS Express Single Cam System. If you want to win you have to have equipment that combines speed, reliability, forgiveness and precision accuracy. With 180 speeds of over 300 fps and the forgiveness of a 7 7/8" brace height, it's easy to hit the winners circle with the CYCLONE '3D' whether it's at the 3D course or bow hunting. These same features also make it a great choice for the serious finger shooter. CYCLONETM 'Recurve REW' (Not shown) The CYCLONE Recurve 'REW' with Round Energy Wheels packs in all the quality features of the MAVERICK 'REW' only with a longer axle-to-axle measurement. This extra length makes it ideal for the finger shoote r looking for less critical string angle or the release shooter looking for a smoother draw, more forgiving shot and increased accuracy. Designed on our Machined Retlex Riser with Composite Recurve Limbs and Alloy Energy Wheels, this is one nice bow for what ever you plan to put an arrow in.

e *) see spec chart on back cover for wheel and draw length options Cyclune Exp, Cyclone Exp,

Cyclone Exp, Cyclone RC





[tern# 9484 Draw Weight 50, 60, 70

9684 50,60,70

9661 50,60,70

9485 50,60,70

Draw Length Axle 10 Axle Brace Height Mass Weight Err. Let-off

27718 - 34 t/2" 41 1/4" H" 4 .3Ibs. 80'%

27 - 32 1/2" 38" 7 7/8" 4 .2Ibs. 80'Yc,

26 1/2 - 333/4" 44 - 44 1/2" T' 4.3Ibs . 70 -75°;;,

26 1/2 - 33" 4t 3/16" 6 1/4"' 4.3Ibs. 80%,


Thi s model has long held the reputation of bein g one of the best target bow s ava ila ble. Maintaining this proven reputation, it features a long axle-to-axle mea sur ement and the proven CIP/S-SO Single Ca m Sy stem; de sign ed to offe r the sho ot ability and fcel only ass oci ated with round whee l bow s.


(Not show n)

Th e V EGAS '80' outfitted with sho rter co mposite limb s and the CIP/S-SO Single Cam System is for those shor ter dra w arc hers wh o want more speed and flatt er traj ectory to go alon g with the smooth shooting and acc uracy that the EX ECUTIVE Lin e is known for. Designed on our sturdy Mach ined Defl ex Riser thi s is the perfect bow for the accuracy co nscious shooter who wants more than ju st an oth er fast shoo ting bow.

EXECUTIVETM'REW' Thi s model is arg uab ly the sweetes t shoo ting bow in o ur line . The EXECUTIVE Line is designee! for those arc hers wh o put a premium on accuracy, s moothness , reliability, forgiv eness and over all shoo tability. We kno w arrow speed is always a factor in choos ing a bow so we have added our Roun d Energy Wheel s to provide the s moo th, comfortabl e feel o f a rou nd wheel on ly wi th thc high let -off and high spe ed assoc iated with cams. Th e EXECUTIVE 'REW' also g ives yo u the cho ice o f usin g dra w stops . (*"') see spec chart onback cover for wheel and draw length options

Draw Weight Draw Length Axle to Axle Brace Height Mass Weight EfT. LeI-ofT


9627 50, 60 27 - 3 1" 43 IIX" 9 1/2"

9624 40,50,60, 70 24 5/ X - 29 1/2" 4 1 1/4" X [/2"

4.3I bs. 75%

4.3Ibs. 75'X,

Ron Thompson

9615 40,50,60,70 26 1/4 -33 1/2" 39 5/X - 43 1/2" 7314 - 9"

4 - 4 .2 Ibs 70-75%

Who said great products always have to cost all arm and a leg ? Certainly 110 aile working for or shooting a DARTON. We j ust ha ve this theory that innovation, quality design s and top grade equipme nt sho uld be in a price range everyone can afford. It's worked for over 50 years so we mu st be 0/1 to som ething. So, you call certainly pay more for another brand bow if you want to, but why would you?

YUKONTM 'XT' This is Sin gl e Ca m, high performance shoo ting at its best. T he YUKON fea tures a grea t loo king , lightwe ight mac hined Rise r w ith o ur hot 'CIPIS-XT' Single Ca m System . It a ll tra nsla tes int o head turn ing spee d. easy hol ding let -off a nd the si mp les t se t up available for pinp oint tuning . Add to all thi s, interc ha nge a ble draw length Modul es a nd yo u have an upper ech elon bo w with all the be lls and whi stl es a t a ja w d ropping, low pric e.


(Not show n)

The YUKON 'CPS-SD' is anot he r unique desig n that ma kes CIPIS tech nol ogy avai lab le to shorter draw archers. Here is a smoo th shoo ting, high-pe rforma nce bow that will adj ust fro m 21 518" to 26 112" right out of the box. You'll never ge t cheated on performance because of your draw length with the YUKON . Due to our design, yo u get top performance at every draw length from the shortest to the lo ngest setting.

MAVERICKTM 'XT' T he exciting Tro phy Series, Maverick tXT' is a design ac hievement that co mbines the power, feel. du ra bility and great look s of the hot se lling MAVERICK. This well des igned package co mbi nes o ur dependa ble, lig htwe ight Forged Riser wi th Magn es ium Lim b Pock e ts a nd powe r packed. Pultruded Fib ergl ass Lim bs, to pped o fT w ith our fas t shoot ing ' CIPIS-XT' Si ng le C am Syste m. Th e Ma verick 'X'T is the bo w fo r the arc her w ho wa nts to ste p up to the next level of performance with out having to fight that 'm ort ga ge the far m' pr ice tag.

It em II

Draw Weight Draw Length Axle to Axle Brace Height Mass Weight Err. Let-off

9731 50, 60, 70 26 - 3 1" 35 7/16" 7" 3.6 1bs. 80%

9734 9772 50, 60, 70 40,50,60 2 1 5/8 - 26 1/2" 26 - 3 1" 36 5/16" 343/4" 63/8" 6 I/l"' 3.51bs. 3.7 1bs 75%

Karl Keyelman

Archery is truly a Family Sport. Whether for back yard target shooting, joining in with friends at the local range or as a prelude to the greatest hunting experience of all, you want the best equipment for yourself andfor your family. We know this all too well and it is the reason we have assembled the ACTION SERIES. With this exciting Series )'011 don't have to scrimp and you don't have to break the bank to get your loved ones shooting the best.

CHEROKEE EXPRESSTM Here is the ultimate entry-level bow for short draw archers. The performance oriented CHEROKEE EXPRESS comes standard with the hot "CIP/S-SD" Single Cam System for the beginner or intermediate archer looking for quality, reliability and increased performance. The 'CIP/S-SD' Single Cam System combines smooth draw, easy holding, quiet release and a performance level unmatched in its class. An added bonus is the ample draw length adjustment range that will take an archer from less than 20" to 24 318" for years of shooting use . The CHEROKEE EXPRESS is built on the reliable 20K Magnesium Riser with power storing Pultruded Fiberglass Limbs.

TRAILBLAZERTM Here is your opportunity to start out with the best Single Cam technology in archery at a price that brings new meaning to getting the 'biggest bang for your buck'. Available with either the 'C/P/S足 SD' Single Cam or the 'CIP/S-XT' System, both were designed to give the archer greater performance, smoother draw, a quieter shot and increased accuracy. Each feature high let-off and the ability to change draw lengths so that you will always be shooting a bow that feels like it was custom fitted to you, no matter what your draw length. Like all DARTON bows, the TRAILBLAZER is easy to set up and keep tuned for accurate, trouble free archery.

Cherokee Express





723 X ltem tl Draw Weight 35,45 Draw Length 20 SI X - 25 1/2"

93X2 50 , 60, 70 27 - 31"

93X4 40 ,50,60 21 518 - 26 1/2"

Axle to Axle 32 3/4" Bra ce Height 5 3/4" Mass Weight 3.0Ibs. 75%, Ell: Let-oil'

36 3/8" 6 7/8"

35 112"

3.9Ibs . 80 %,

3.7 Ibs. 75%

6 1/2"

EXPLORERTM Buil t on our lightweight, tough 20K Magnesium Riser, the EX P L O R E R features reliable, high qua lity Go rdo n Fibe rglass Camo Limbs with your choice of two diffe rent, adj us table Tri-Draw Molded Wh eel s that will adju st in draw length as your youn g archer gro ws .

SCOUTTM Movi ng up in age o r size, the SCOUT is alw ays read y to go bowhunting. It all starts with the so lid, light weight 20 K Magn esium Riser, ca mo uflage d Pultruded Fiberg lass Lim bs and versatile Tr i-Draw W hee ls. To make the pack age co mplete a Bow Qui ver and 3- Pin S ight have been added alon g with a Ca ble Guard for ex tra arro w c learance . T he SCOUT is ava ilable in a dra w we ight range suitable for bowhun ting and with the adju sta ble Tri-Draw Wheel s it can grow wi th the archer.

(**) see spec chart on back cover for wheel and draw length

Item# Draw Weight Draw Length Axle to Axle Brace Height Mass Weight Ell: Let-ofT

Explorer 1** )


7 102 25,35 IS - 21 1/2" 32 IIS - 32 1/2" 5 1/16 -51/4" 2.4 lbs, 65%

620 1 45 23 - 26" 34 1/8" 5 7/8" 2.8Ibs. 65%

Bekka Bickley


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