2002 darton product catalog

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PREMIER SERIESTM Includes 'Pro' & 'Assault' nip 0/ the Line, Number One, King 0/ the Hill, 1111' Elite! It all describes the 'Premier Series '. Priced right, this incredible line (!ltop quality equipment will not only make a believer out ofyou, it will make one out 0/011 your [ricnds. Excus束 usfor being proud hut ever\, bow in this catalog is a reflection oj over 50 Years oftotal coin足 mitment to innovation. product excellence, performance and quality. lt is never more evident then ill our PREMIER Line.


EXECUTIVEnl VEGAS T his model has long held the reputation of being one of the best target bows available. Maintaining this proven reputation, it features a long axle-to足 axle measurement and the proven CIPIS 'SD' Single Cam System; designed to offer the shootability and feel only associated with round wheel bows of the past.

EXECUTIVETM VEGAS 'SD' (not shown) The VEGAS 'SD' is outfitted with shorter composite limbs and the C!PfS 'SD' Single Cam System fix those shorter draw archers who want more speed and flatter trajectory to go along with the smooth shooting and accuracy that the EXECUTIVE Line is known for. Designed on our sturdy Machined Dcllcx Riser this is the perfect bow for the accuracy conscious shooter who wants more than just another fast shooting bow. RAMPAGETM EXPRESS The RAMPAGE has many ofthe popular CYCLONE 3D quality features, only with a Reflex Machined Riser for a brace height of slightly less than 7 inches. This allowed us to produce a longer power stroke without giving up the shootability featured throughout the 'PRO' SERIES. These features coupled with our short, highly efficient FlexPower Limbs and C!PfS 'EXPRESS' Single Cam System add up to one smooth, fast shooting bow.




Rampage Express

llem ll


962 4

90 54

Draw Weight




27 -31"

245/8-29 1/2"

25 1/2-31 3/4'足

43 1/8"

41 1M"

37 1M"

Brace Hciuht

9 1/2"

8 1/2"

Mass Weight

4.3 Ibs.


4.1 lbs,


75 %


Draw Lcnath Axle - Axle

EfT. Let-off






CYCLONETM EXPRESS '3D' The EXPRESS '3D' does it all. Designed for the highly competitive world of 3D and the real world of bowhunting we have used our popular Deflex Machined Riser for a higher brace height, outfitted it with short, efficient, energy storing limbs and the hot CIP/S EXPRESS Single Cam System. If you want to win you have to have equipment that combines speed, reliability, forgiveness and precision accuracy. With 180 speeds of over 300 fps and the forgiveness of a 7 7/8" brace height, its easy to hit the winners circle with the CYCLONE '3D' whether it's at the 3D course or bow hunting. These same features also make it a great choice for the serious finger shooter.

CYCLONETM EXPRESS 'LD' The EXPRESS 'LD' shares many of the same quality features as the MAVERICK Rccurvc, only with a longer Dcflcxcd Machined Riser. This creates a smooth shooting, accurate and forgiving bow for the longer draw archer (28"-34 1/2"). The comfortable 8" brace height and efficient cam/limb design combine to make a sweet shooting, versatile bow for FITA, 3D or bowhunting.


30 Item# Draw Weight Draw Length Axle - Axle Brace Height Mass Weight EfT. Let-off


Cyclone LO

'JOb I





28-34 1/2"


41 1/4"







Adam Flod

Ron WinK


MAVERICKTM EXPRESS 'QL' Here is a hot shoo ting bow that features the high-tech look of our Quad Limb design and forged Mac hined Riser with the proven perform ance of the CIP/S 'EXPRESS' Single Cam Sys tem . T his bow is des igned to per form with the bes t of them from a short 24 1/2" draw length all the way up to a 3 1" draw length, a ll the while retaining the highest level of per form ance at every dra w length . A true hunting bow with lots of speed, the 'QL' features a short ax le-to- axle d imens ion of 36" making it the perfect 'trec stand bow'.

MAVERICKTM EXPRESS Recurve The MAVERICK EXPRESS 'Recurvc' featurin g the CIP/S 'EXPRESS' Single Ca m System has been the Flagship Bow of DARTON ARCHERY . A fantast ic bow to shoo t, it is fast. accurate and forg iving. It has raised the attention of those aro und us and is the envy of those comp eti ng aga inst us. For starters we made it light (under 3.6 Ibs.) through the use of magne­ sium Limb Pocket s attac hed to our reliable 707 5-T6 Forged Riser. We top it a ll off with a lightwe ight set of narrow . effic ient Co mpos ite Recur ve Limbs .

MAVERICKnt 'Recurve REW'

(not shown) This MAVERICK features Round Energy Wheel s that add to the pleasure of shooti ng without co mpro mising speed. power or co ntrol. It incl udes a Machin ed Forged Riser and FlexPower" recu rve limbs. a forgiving 7" brace height and a long axle-to-ax le measurement of ove r 40 " making for a forgivi ng shot and a butler smooth draw.

Maverick Ilem# Draw Weight Draw Len th Axle - Axle Bruce Hei rht Mass Wei ht EIT. Let-olT






50.W .70



24 1/2-31"

25 1/2-32"

25 3/4-32 5/8"



40 3/16-40 112"


6 1/4"

3.8 Ib, . ~O l%

REW. **,


3.7 Ibs.

3.7 Ibs.



(•• ) see spec, chart on hack co ver for more details.




MAGNUM '33' TM Movi ng the bench mark another notch hig her, the M AG N UM '33' is one of the best Si ng le Cam bow s avai lab le for toda y 's high perfor mance archery, T his bow is not j us t ano the r sho rt, compact rocke t laun ch er that sp its OUI arrow s at over 300 fps . T he MAGN UM '33' is a rare lind that brings toge ther the best thaI mod ern mater ial s and adva nce d techn ol og y have to offer, Starti ng w ith the C PS 'EXPRESS' Ca m System for pow er, perfo rmance and acc uracy. we then match lip a pair o f short. ene rgy efficie nt limb s utili zin g high stre ngth modulus mat erials. To complete thi s imp ressive pack age, we mount it all o n a redes igned version of the Forged Aluminum Riser that is found on the popular MAV ERI CK . What you have is a shor t, reliable bow that displays extra ordinary performance w ith a smoo th. co mfo rta ble 7 3/8 " bra ce he ight. Arc yo u read y for the fee l of smoo th power?

50 .bO.70

2b 314-31 3/8" 33"

Bruce Hc i rht

7 112"

Ma ss Wei ht Eft'. Let-o il'

3.4 Ibs. 80'%

Norb Mullan ey


Who said great products always have to cost lin linn 1I11lla leg? Certainly 110 one shooting 1I DARTON. We just have this theory that innovation. quality designs lind top grade equipment should be in a price range everyone can afford. It's workedfor over 50 years so we IIIl1st be on to something. YOII can certainly pay more fur another brand bow if yo II wlInt to, but why would you ?

FURY EXPRESSTM (accessories arc optional) This is Single Cam, high-performance shoot­ ing at its best. The FURY features a great looking. lightweight. Machined Riser with our hot CPS 'EXPRESS' Single Cam System. It all translates into head turning speed. easy holding let-off and the simplest set up available for pinpoint tuning. Add to all this, interchange­ able adjustable draw length Modules and you have an upper echelon bow with all the bells and whistles at a jaw dropping. low price. The FURY is the bow for the archer who wants to step up to the next level of performance without having to fight that 'mortgage the farm' priee tag. Available by itself or as a complete package with Fiber Optic Sight. Bow Quiver, Launcher Rest and Arrows.



FURY 'SD'TM (not shown) The FURY 'CPS-SD' is another unique design that makes C/P/SIM technology available to shorter draw archers. Here is a smooth shooting. high-performance bow that will adjust from 21 5/8" to 26 1/2" right out of the box . You'll never get cheated on performance because


~~:O~f your draw length with the FURY. Due to our design.


vou get top performance at every draw length from the shortest to the longest selling.






The exciting Trophy Series 'STORM' is a design achieve­

ment that combines power. feel, durability and great looks.

Short pultruded fiberglass limbs arc topped off with our NEW

It 'PFC' Single Cam System. complete with 4 interchangeable

draw length modules. This well designed bow provides depend­ • able lightweight power in an affordable package that requires a look from anyone serious about a budget. Available by itself or as a complete package with Fiber Optic Sight. Bow Quiver, Launcher Rest and Arrows. /



Fu~ Exp~

ltcm# Draw Weight Draw Length Axle - Axle




974 1






25 318-31 5/S"

21 5/S-26 1/2"

26-30 "

35 liS"

343 /4"

33 1/2"

Brace Hei rht


6 3/8"

7 1/4"

Mass Wei iht

3.S lbs.






Archery is truly a Family Sp ort. wh eth er fo r back yard target shooting , joining -in with fri ends the local range or as II prelude to the greates t huntin g expe rience uj all , yo u walll the best equipme nt [o r yo urse lf lind yo ur family. We know this all too well and it is the reason we have assembled the ACTION SERIES. Wilh this exci ting Seri es yo u don 'I ha ve 10 sc rimp and yo u d UII '1 hav e IU break the bank to ge l yUII or yo ur lo ved ou rs shoo ting their best,


(accessor ies are optional) Here is your opportunity to start in archery with our new 'PFC' Single Cam technology at a price that bring s new meaning to gellin g the 'biggest bang for your buck' . Thi s Die Cast Riser featur es a built in overdraw with plenty of center shot clearance and a molded grip for all weather co mfort. With a se t of 4 modul es included with each bow you can be sure of a bow that will always fit your style of shooting and one that can be passed around the family. Like all DARTON bows, the STRIKER is easy to set up and keep tuned for accurat e, troubl e free arch ery. Availabl e by itself or as a compl ete package with Fiber Opti c Sight , Bow Qui ve r and Arrow Rest.

CHEROKEE EXPREssnl Here is the ultim ate entry-leve l bow for short d raw archers. The per forman ce oriented CHEROKEE EXPRESS comes standard with the hot CIP/S 'SO' Single Cam System for the beginn er or intermediate archer lookin g for quality, reli abilit y and increased performance. The CPS 'SO' Single Cam System combines smooth draw, eas y holding, qu iet release and a per颅 to rmance le vel unmatched in its class. An added bonu s is the ample draw len gth adju stment range that will take an archer from less than 20 SIS" to 25 112" for years of shoo ting use. The CHEROKEE EXI'RESS is built on the reliabl e 20K Magnesium Riser with power storing pultruded tiber gla ss limb s.

Striker Item II

Draw Weight


Cherokee Express

795 1




Druw Length


20 5/K-25 1/2"

Axle - Axle Brace Height

36 1/2"'

32 3/4"

7 1/2"'


Mass Wei ght


3.0 Ibs.

En'. Let-otT




PIONEERTM (accesso ries are optional)

Moving up in age or size, the PION E ER is always ready to

go bowhunting. It all starts with the so lid, lightweight 20K Magnesium Riser, pultruded fiber glass limbs and versatile Short Draw 'PFC' Single Ca m Technology. The PIONEER is ava ilable in a draw we ight range suitable for bowhu nting and with the Short Draw 'PFC' Single Cam and 4 interchangeable modules it ca n be made to fit the grow ing archer for yea rs of shoo ting fun . To make thin gs com plete a packa ge with Bow Quiver. 3-Pin Sig ht and Arrow Rest can be added. EXPLORERTM Bu ilt on our lightw eight , tou gh 20K Magnesium Riser, the EXPLORER fea tures reliabl e. high quality Go rdo n Fiberglass camo limbs and easy to dra w mold ed eccentric whee ls. Offeri ng you yo ur choice o f two different peak weig hts and usin g adju stable Tri-Draw mo lded wheels you can ge t the small est youngs ter started out right.

Pioneer I Item # Draw Weight Draw Length Ax le - Axle Brace Height Mass Weight EtI Let-o ff

72 11


2 1-24 liT


e: 2.8 Ibs.

Pioneer /I 72 12 45 22-25 1/2" 323/4" 63/16" 2.8 Ibs. 80%

Explorer / 7102 25 IH-20" 32 1/8" 5 1/16" 2.4 lbs. 651}'O

Explorer /I 7 103 35 19-21 1/2"" 32 I/T 5 1/4"

2.4 lbs, 65%


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