Forestry & Energy Review - Vol 6 Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2016

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APF 2016



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Forestry&Energy Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2016 Price €3.95. £2.95 (Stg)



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Forestry&Energy R E V I E W

Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring/Summer 2016



Foreword ielcome to the Spring/Summer Edition of Forestry and Energy Review Magazine. In this Issue, the Teagasc forestry clinics are in full swing and in big demand. Because planting forestry involves a permanent change in land use it is not a decision to be taken lightly, and it is essential that farmers and non– farmers thinking about such a change take the comprehensive objective and confidential advice that is available. Aurivo: In 2013 Aurivo Dairy Ingredients, a large milk processor based in County Roscommon, decided to move substantially away from oil as the fuel to power their boilers and appointed HDS Energy to install a“state of the art”biomass boiler system.The plant takes in approx. 25,000 tons of biomass each year and displaces approx. 5 million litres of oil. (Good news for the balance of payments). Agroforestry:Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland.The scheme is targeted at silvopastoral agroforestry systems which combine forestry and pasture, including grazing and the growing of fodder.The new forestry programme has set a target of 195 ha of newly created agroforestry by the year 2020. This edition also includes a selection of features and profiles including:Husqvarna, LB Gremo,Wood–Mizer, Oakleaf Forestry, Dermot Casey and others. We trust you enjoy reading this publication which will continue to provide a voice for the Forestry and Energy sectors.



Over 500 landowners sought advice on forestry at the recent nationwide series of advisory clinics organised by Teagasc Forestry Development Department, writes Noel Kennedy, Teagasc.



With increasing interest in Short Rotation Forestry (SRF), this research will review best practice in growing, harvesting and stump removal practices employed, writes Brian Tobin (UCD), Susie Foreman (Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre) and Conor O’Reilly (UCD).

32 INSTALLATION OF BIOMASS BOILER BY HDS ENERGY LIMITED FOR AURIVO DAIRY INGREDIENTS HDS Energy Limited designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned the biomass boiler plant for Aurivo Dairy Ingredients. Details provided by Jason McCarthy.


36 AGROFORESTRY – FARMING & FORESTRY IN THE SAME FIELD Agroforestry combines agricultural & forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land–use systems, writes John Casey,Teagasc Forestry Development Officer, Sandfield, Mallow.

46 IRISH FORESTRY AWARDS – €10,000 PRIZE FUND FOR AWARDS 2016 Awards now open for entry for all forests, big and small. Dr Michael Carey, RDS Committee of Agriculture and Rural Affairs reports.


Until the next time……… The Publishers Forestry & Energy Review

Profiles 16/42 Husqvarna 18 Wood–Mizer 20 Dermot Casey 26 APF 2016 40/49 Oakleaf Forestry 50

Contributors: Publishers: Denis Lane and Robert Heuston John Casey (Teagasc), Jason McCarthy (HDS Energy Limited), Enquiries: Paul Farrelly (RDS), Dr. Michael Carey (RDS Committee of Agriculture and Rural Affairs), Editorial: Denis Lane Noel Kennedy (Teagasc), Brian Tobin (UCD), Advertising: James Small Marie Doyle (UCD), Susie Foreman (Teagasc), Design: John Barrett Production: Emma Meade Conor O’ Reilly (UCD)

Distribution: Easons, Newspread,WNS Published by: Select Media Ltd, 26 Clare Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel. + 353 1 6622266 Fax. + 353 1 6624981 Email.

All material contained in this edition is copyright of Forestry and Energy Review 2016 and may not be reproduced or electronically stored without the permission of the publisher. However items may be freely reproduced provided the source is acknowledged. Content and views expressed in the publication do not necessarily represent those of the publishers.


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for users of non–woody fuels, there is no such scheme and currently compliance can only be demonstrated by self–reporting, which is expensive and time consuming. Kevin Lindegaard of C4E says “We have created a simple and affordable scheme for users based on financing through user subscriptions scaled to take into account quantity of fuel produced, traded or consumed.” Fuels covered by the list include Miscanthus grass, straw, grass, bracken and food wastes (such as used coffee grounds). SFR will thereby provide additional routes to market for these products and help to reduce the amount of straw, and other residues, either being exported for a low price or discarded. A DECC spokesperson said “The SFR will minimise the administrative burden on both RHI participants and fuel suppliers.This industry-led A new industry reporting scheme is set to allow tens of approach demonstrates the maturing market for biomass fuel and will thousands of tonnes of previously unavailable biomass to be play an important role in ensuring the continuing success of the RHI scheme.” used in Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) accredited projects. Jonathan Scurlock, of the National Farmers Union (NFU), says “The Crops for Energy (C4E) and Farm Energy Centre (FEC) have joined NFU believes firmly that all solid biomass fuels, whether from forces to operate a new scheme called the Sustainable Fuel Register woodland or agricultural land, should be treated on a level (SFR). The register will be the first industry led, self–sustaining approved playing field in order to maximise the opportunities for British farmers and landowners. Since last year’s introduction of fuel supplier list.This will provide producers, traders and users of nonwood fuels with a simple way of meeting sustainability criteria required sustainability reporting, we have strongly supported FEC and C4E as having the right competencies to operate a more comprehensive for compliance with the RHI.The SFR was formally launched at Energy Sustainable Fuel Register.” Now on 10th February 2016. Contact details for Sustainable Fuel Register, Tel: 024 7669 8919, Users of wood fuels already benefit from the Biomass Suppliers List Email: and web: (BSL), which allows them easy compliance with the RHI. However,



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NEWS NEW COFORD REPORT EXPLORES OPPORTUNITIES TO EXPAND IRELAND’S FOREST RESOURCE An important new COFORD report on the availability of land for forestry expansion was recently launched by Minister Tom Hayes T.D. The report 'Land Availability for Afforestation – Exploring Opportunities for Expanding Ireland's Forest Resource' was compiled under the auspices of the Council for Forest Research and Development (COFORD) Land Availability Working Group. The Group, chaired by Dr Nuala Ni Fhlatharta,Teagasc, set about the task of identifying the factors that impact on the availability of land and making recommendations on how these can be addressed. The report outlines the physical land resource that is potentially available for afforestation and makes a series of recommendations on how to increase the level of planting. It found that on lands classified as being ‘limited’ for agriculture, representing 1.8 million hectares, there is wider scope for afforestation.These lands have a higher proportion of difficult soils, often economically marginal for agriculture, with forestry presenting a viable alternative land use option. A number of the report recommendations are already being addressed through proposed changes in the classification of land for grant and

Pictured in January 2016 at launch of the COFORD report Land Availability for Afforestation report – Minister Tom Hayes T.D., Dr.Nuala Ni Fhlatharta, Teagasc, Michael Lynn, COFORD


premium purposes, DAFM COFORD funding calls and changes in relation to the taxation of profits from timber sales in Budget 2016. Speaking at the launch Minister Hayes said “I have no doubt, that this report will help us greatly in terms of land classification for afforestation and help to realise our ambitions to expand the forest land resource of the country.Together with the new Environmental Requirements for Afforestation that are now being finalised by the Department, this new land classification system gives us the tools to push on with our ambitious afforestation programme.” The report can be downloaded from

CONIFER THINNING EVENT FOCUSED ON TIMBER PROFITABILITY The profitability of thinning was the focus of a successful Teagasc conifer thinning event in Kilbrin, Kanturk, Co Cork in October. The event, located on a first and subsequent thinning site, was well attended, with 130 forest owners availing of the opportunity to learn about the latest thinning research and how to get the best out of their own forests.The open day highlighted timber assortments and their overall effect on the profitability of thinning operations and road construction. In addition, a number of forestry companies and a Cork–based forest owners group, the Forest Owners Co–op, were present to discuss with other forest owners how they could profitably harvest their individual crops. When thinning is properly carried out, it optimises the return from the forest crop, provides periodic returns as the crop matures and improves the biodiversity of the forest. Not thinning will result in a larger number of smaller sized trees, with a likely reduction in crop value.The thinning intensity and the resulting timber assortments can have a substantial impact on profitability.“This event highlighted Teagasc conifer research and provided forest owners with (turn to page 8)

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NEWS As part of the COFORD funded B–SilvRD project innovative measures to improve a poorly performing stand of 17 year old sycamore were trialled.The paper reviews the literature on stumping back and presents a case study with results of three different line thinning/stumping back treatments, including analysis of different light regimes and the impact of light levels on coppice regrowth. To download this research paper and other broadleaf silviculture articles by Dr.Ian Short please see Dr. Niall Farrelly discusses thinning research at the Teagasc conifer staff/ian_short.asp thinning event, Kilbrin, Co.Cork “The potential availability of land for afforestation in the valuable practical information on the reasons for, and timing of, thinning a Sitka spruce crop and how different thinning regimes can Republic of Ireland” by Niall Farrelly and Gerhardt Gallagher. impact on crop development and profitability potential,” said Dr Niall The challenges of managing multiple conflicting land use objectives (aimed at both increasing food and fibre production as well as trying Farrelly, forestry researcher with Teagasc.“The focus of the First to maintain conservation values) and their effect on land availability Thinning trials is to identify the most suitable regimes to maximise for forestry expansion are examined in this paper.An assessment was the production of valuable sawlog material in the shortest possible time, made of the land resource available for afforestation and the related while maintaining crop stability and sustainability”. opportunities and constraints are discussed. John Casey, forestry adviser with Teagasc said:“Many farm forests “The development of a site classification for Irish forestry” planted in the early to mid–nineties now require thinning.This is a by Niall Farrelly and Gerhardt Gallagher. time–critical forestry operation to improve the quality and value of The study examined the nature, fertility and productivity of unenclosed the timber crop and to maintain good forest health.The subsequent land to determine if opportunities existed for future afforestation. thinning site, which has been thinned three times, is a particularly fine Alternative site classification methods, based on productive criteria example of how sawlog timber can be produced, if managed wisely.” was evaluated. Results indicated that the classification of soil nutrient regime, supplemented with indicator plant analysis, showed the LATEST TEAGASC RESEARCH PUBLISHED IN greatest potential.A new classification was developed, which was IRISH FORESTRY heavily influenced by ecological classifications but with supplementary Three research papers authored by Teagasc Forestry Development classes to cover less fertile but still productive site types. This research Department researchers have been published in the latest volume of Irish was supported by DAFM Forest Sector Development. Forestry – Journal of the Society of Irish Foresters (Vol.72 Nos.1 & 2 2015). To request a copy of these research papers please contact “A review of stumping back and case study of its use in the Dr.Niall Farrelly at For more information on the Society of Irish Foresters see rehabilitation of poorly performing pole–stage sycamore” by Ian Short, Jerry Hawe, Jerry Campion and Ricky Byrne.


A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DIPETANE (NON–ADDITIVE) FUEL TREATMENT ipetane uniquely equalises and stabilises the carbon chains in all standard fuel. This enables all of the incoming 21 Units of Oxygen in the air, to attach and burn the carbon chains, thereby enabling more complete combustion. Dipetane is a unique product. It is the only precombustion fuel treatment world–wide that significantly reduces the Green House Gas problems associated with all standard fuels. Dipetane reduces fuel usage by up to 10%. Dipetane reduces NOx by up to 30%. Dipetane reduces CO2 by up to 15%. Dipetane reduces Particulate Matter (Carcinogenic) – PM’s by up to 24%. Dipetane protects Injectors against Low Sulphur Fuels due to its increase in lubricity. Dipetane keeps EGR’s, DPF’s and Catalytic Converters clean due to more complete combustion of Carbon. Dipetane helps to burn the lower Carbon Bio-Fuels more completely. Dipetane has a Cold Pour Point of Minus -34c° Dipetane is 100% Hydro-Carbon. There is nothing in Dipetane that is not already in your fuel. It cannot change the spec of your fuel which remains within the EN590 Fuel Specification. Therefore all warranties for your vehicle remain intact.Dipetane is not a ‘Fuel Additive’. Fuel Additives poorly address the problem of un-burnt carbon after combustion.Additives do very little to help the initial burning of the expensive Carbon.You will notice the lists of toxic and hazardous ingredients in these fuel additives. Dipetane contains no additives whatsoever. Dipetane is a single product suitable for use in all fuels, engines and boilers. Dipetane is used at a ratio of 1:200 in all fuels. 1 Litre of Dipetane treats 200 litres of Fuel. Dipetane is available at all good Motor Factors and is sold in 1 Litre, 5 Litre and 25 Litres. We also supply in 200 Litre barrels and 1,000 Litre IBC’S. Dipetane is Researched & Developed in Ireland. Solely manufactured in Ireland and distributed world-wide from Kilcoole in County Wicklow. Dipetane International Ltd, Unit 5 Kilcoole Industrial Estate, Kilcoole, County Wicklow, A63 HP71. View our animated video at



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NEWS NEW TEAGASC FORESTRY VIDEOS Teagasc Forestry Development Department has recently made a number of new You Tube videos which are available to download from the Teagasc forestry website. TITLES AND TOPICS COVERED ARE: Selecting and marking Potential Crop Trees: the 2–stick method In this short video Dr. Ian Short,Teagasc broadleaf researcher explains how to select and mark potential crop trees before a broadleaf woodland is thinned for the first time using a very simple method that everyone can use in their own woodland. First Steps to Planting your new Forest To encourage the planting of more forests, a range of planting schemes with attractive afforestation grants and annual payments are available to landowners.This video explains in brief what is involved and where to go for independent and objective advice. The importance of inspection paths in conifer forests The cutting of inspection paths is an essential operation in young conifer crops. Inspection paths provide clear and easy access into and through the forest, so that growth can be monitored, the timber crop assessed and provision made for timber harvesting and marketing. Managing your forest – securing your asset This presentation gives an overview of the timber sales process and available harvesting options. It was filmed at the Talking Timber event held in September 2015 in Claremorris, Co. Mayo.This is a timber marketing event organised by Teagasc with the co–operation of the Irish timber industry and the Forest Service, DAFM. All videos can be downloaded free of charge from the Teagasc forestry website at /video_gallery.asp


MANAGING FOR QUALITY TIMBER IS MAIN MESSAGE AT TALKING TIMBER EVENTS Taking ownership of the management of your forest and the importance of thinning quality to maximise returns were key messages from two very successful Teagasc Talking Timber timber marketing events held in Claremorris and Tullow in September 2015. Organised in collaboration with the timber industry and the Forest Service, DAFM, the Talking Timber events attracted over 450 forest owners with timber to sell and gave them an opportunity to meet with timber buyers, harvesting contractors and foresters. Talking Timber once again saw a strong representation from the forest and timber processing sector who were present with fifty trade stands promoting a range of management, harvesting and timber purchasing services to the assembled forest owners. The events began with an outdoor demonstration facilitated by the Irish Forestry and Forest Products Association (IFFPA).A number of timber buyers, led by John Ryan from Murray Timber provided forest owners with an understanding of the quality of timber required by the modern Irish sawmill sector.They also described the best way to ensure such quality.The clear, take home message at each event was that the quality of timber produced has a very important bearing on the market price offered. During a series of short indoor presentations by Teagasc, Forest Service, IFFPA, ITGA , owners were given a range of information from planning for thinning, factors affecting timber prices, new developments in private timber price databases and the first hand timber sales experiences of forest owner representing IFA and Irish Woodland Producers. Opening the Tullow event Tom Hayes TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine with responsibility for forestry acknowledged (turn to page 12)

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NEWS TEAGASC HOSTS FOREST OWNERS GROUP MEETING A meeting of Forest Owners Groups was facilitated by the Teagasc Forestry Development Department last November in Tullamore. This annual event which for the past number of years has followed a workshop format was attended by representatives of fifteen active Forest Owners Groups from around the country.The event is proving an important and popular networking forum for the groups to share practical and business experiences and information to help in their forest enterprise and group development. It also provides for constructive dialogue with Teagasc and how best Teagasc can provide technical support to the ongoing development of sustainable forest owners groups.

TEAGASC HOSTS PRESTIGIOUS IUFRO CONFERENCE Over 450 people attended Teagasc’s 2015 Talking Timber events in Mayo and Carlow where forest owners were told that the quality of the timber has a very important bearing on the market price offered

the value of the event and the opportunity it presented to forest owners. In reference to the theme of a number of the presentations, the Minister Hayes said,“The two points that strike me is that forest owners can increase the quality and value of their timber by following best forest management practice centred around timely and good thinning practice, and also that it is important to ensure that forest plantations are accessible for potential timber buyers so that they can properly see and assess timber quality and make an informed offer.” Participants also took advantage of the many excellent networking opportunities at both these timber marketing events to make contact with timber buyers in their locality and to put a face to the name and the service they can provide.


A prestigious IUFRO Extension and Knowledge Exchange Conference was recently hosted by Teagasc Forestry Development Department in Galway. IUFRO is the global network for forest science co–operation. The four day conference “Connecting Research to Practice:The evolving world of extension and knowledge exchange” was jointly organized with Oregon State University. (turn to page 14)

Forest owner John O’Connell discusses Ash hurley butt production with participants from the visiting IUFRO group

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NEWS TEAGASC FORESTRY EVENTS 2016: In association with the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. April 18th–29th: Forest management walks, Nationwide May: Ales Poljanec from University of Ljubljana, one of the many international speakers at the recent IUFRO Extension and Knowledge Exchange conference hosted by Teagasc in Galway

Thinning broadleaf event focusing on second thinning, Co Cork August 14th:

The conference addressed a wide range of forest extension and knowledge exchange topics with presentations by over thirty international forest exchange workers and researchers, including Teagasc, who are members of the IUFRO Extension & Knowledge Exchange (EKE) Working Party. The conference included a full day field tour led by Teagasc foresters to give the international group a flavour of Irish forestry. The itinerary included Native Woodland Conservation in Coole Park, and visits to private woodlands to see broadleaf management and forest mushroom production in Limerick and conifer thinning in Clare.The tour concluded with a very enjoyable and interesting visit to Torpey Hurleys in Clare where the group was introduced to the unique world of hurling and hurley manufacture. For further information on IUFRO EKEs visit:

Forestry Village at the Tullamore Show, Butterfield Estate, Blueball,


November 8th:

Teagasc forest walks on management of young forests April 18th to 29th, 2016. For details on local walks please see or contact your local Teagasc forestry adviser.

Tullamore, Co Offaly September 7th / 8th: Talking Timber, timber marketing event, Co Donegal September 13th / 14th: Talking Timber, timber marketing event, Co Clare September 15th / 16th: Talking Timber, timber marketing event, Co Kerry September 20th–22nd: Teagasc Forestry stand at the National Ploughing Championships, Screggan,Tullamore, Co Offaly Broadleaf marketing event, Midlands November: Forest Owner Groups workshop,TBC For updates on Teagasc forestry event details 2016 please check

TEAGASC TREE SHEARS DYMAX ntroduced to the UK by Practicality Brown onstruction sites are cold and bleak in in 2005, Dymax Tree Shears have proven to winter but the new heated jacket from be the most robust, best–engineered forest Makita will provide a new level of comfort and harvesting tree shears made. protection. Powered by Makita’s popular They have become common-place for the Lithium–ionfelling batteries, which many mechanical of trees with lowsite timber value, or those that are tradesmen will already own with their tools, new close to structures or highways. They arepower also ideal forthe maintaining DCJ200 heated usesroads, the popular which ditches aroundjacket county as well18v as Lithium–ion other utilitybattery clearing will give comfortable low heating for 17.5 continuous hours. operations. The new @MakitaUK. Quick andMakita easy tohe fit Twitter and change between excavator attachments; most people who have bought Dymax Tree Shear wonder how they survived before without them.


Dymax Tree Shears are the most cost effective and safest way to fell trees. For further information visit the Dymax European Distributor at or Tel: + 44 (0)1295 690011


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Good news for all professional forestry workers out there. Husqvarna is just about to launch a new forest helmet that offers reduced weight, improved comfort and a number of useful add–ons.The brand new helmet was released in Ireland for the 2016 season.

“It will make a great contribution to the work day of any forestry professional. The helmet has a completely new harness system which means it will fit better, combined with a significant weight reduction it will also reduce the strain on the neck and shoulders,” says Andy Walsh,After Sales Manager, Husqvarna Ireland”


usqvarna’s newly designed forest helmet,Technical, has been developed for professional loggers, and besides being sturdy, ergonomic and lightweight it is also highly adjustable to individual needs. The helmet’s flexibility is made possible through a new multi–adjustable harness system with a centred one–hand ratchet that can tighten the harness fit while working. The ratchet is easily operated without the need to remove the helmet.


which instantly shows when it is time to start looking for a new helmet.

THIS IS THE NEW FOREST HELMET TECHNICAL: ● Lightweight helmet shell to minimize neck strain. ● Innovative mesh ventilation system to maintain balanced temperatures. ● Easily adjusted inner harness size.

● New visor design – with increased The new helmet also has a new type of visor with a more rounded visibility. profile for better fit, increased protection and a wider field of vision. ● Optional add–ons, such as In fact, the visor can be raised so far that it gives the user a hearing protection with FMtotally unobstructed field of vision. radio and headlamp. ● UV expire indicator – PIONEERING VENTILATION shows the helmet’s Forest helmet Technical maintains temperatures at a comfortable current condition. level thanks to a unique ventilation system.The ventilation area is ● High–visibility orange protected by a very fine mesh steel net to effectively minimizes colour with reflective rain and dirt infiltration. areas. “The built–in mesh allows us to give the new helmet a larger ventilation area without compromising safety,” says Mattias Karlsson. For more information, please contact your local Husqvarna UV EXPIRE INDICATOR To keep users up to date on the overall condition of their helmet Dealer or visit it has also been equipped with a handy UV expire indicator,


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One training course that covers growing trees to their final processing, writes Jacob Mooney. saw the logs into plank after plank.Then they took turns operating the sawmill themselves.

DRYING TIMBER Drying timber is a whole science to itself, but our instructors did a great job of supplying us with general principles and recommendations to get the beginner started.


was pleasantly surprised when I heard about a course offered in Herefordshire twice annually – ‘From Woodland to Workshop’, put on by the Woodland Heritage charity. Their three-day course covers the use of timber from the planning and maintaining of a woodland, through to valuing trees, sawmilling logs, and then drying and turning the timber into a final product in the woodworking shop.


FROM WOODLAND… We spent a full day in the stunning Duchy of Cornwall Woodland, and were able to see a real woodland in various stages of development along the trail.


knowledge,we had several opportunities in the forest and the log yard to examine logs and identify the problem areas such as an off‘RENAISSANCE OF EUROPEAN centre tree ring, thick sapwood, ring and OAK’ LECTURE star shake, woodpecker damage, internal A highlight was a session with Roger rot, spiral grain, blue stain and fungi, and Venables, whose long career in the wood tree pests and diseases. industry has seen him involved with projects such as the restoration of Windsor Castle, HARVESTING TREES Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, and more. Quality timber is normally felled in winter He offered an inside look at how they and sawn as soon as possible.The question designed and executed their magnificent of selling timber standing or managing the projects. harvesting process yourself was discussed, with the advantages and risks of each ATTENDING being laid out. One point made clear was Among the attendees were arborists,apprentices, to never cut a tree down that you do not landowners,sawmillers,woodworkers,foresters, know you can sell. etc.The range of experiences and knowledge from the whole group made every moment … TO WORKSHOP educational and engaging.

Once a tree is planted, it is there to stay SAWMILLING TIMBER until harvesting. A lot of discussion focused In the classroom, we discussed the various on what considerations should be made to methods of sawing logs into timber and determine the best possible planting strategy, why certain methods are used.Then we and how to improve seedling survival rates went outside for a hands-on demonstration of a mobile LT40 hydraulic sawmill.The during the first few years. During the woodland walk, many additional attendees were impressed with the ease details and topics were covered – Pruning that the operator could load, position and trees, biodiversity benefits of a managed woodland, coppicing strategies and benefits, pests and diseases and methods of protection, thinning strategies, and using woodlands for sport and recreation.

EVALUATING TREES In the classroom and in the forest, the basics of tree structure and markets for the various parts of the tree were discussed. Then we discussed the various issues commonly found within logs that degrade their quality and selling price. Armed with this new


Throughout all three days of the course, a master woodworker was busy in the on-site workshop, working on a variety of projects, and during breaks from the regular sessions, attendees could spend time with him, ask questions and get hands-on with several simple yet inspiring projects of their own.

An excellent video that summarizes the course: For further information, please contact Woodland Heritage:

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NEWS ell it all seems to be going on at Robinson. The year opened well with some of our newer products getting very popular. We have many new plans for 2016 with the mainstream production of timber truck super structures starting, our new one piece timber bunk, which is lighter and with less components, walking floor trailers of which some have been produced and are currently out on test. The result has been very positive for the walking floor trailers, with a decision being taken internally by the company to add them to our expanding trailer product line. The trailers can be delivered for drawbar or semi configuration with bodies available in steel or aluminium.All trailers will be produced with a light chassis bogie system, which will give the trailers optimum strength with a balance of light weight for on road, but the ever more importance of off road specification as the biomass market continues to grow with activities been carried out in field. The biggest investment for “Robinson” is the production of our own timber crane.Although only at humble beginnings we have two models to choose from,a 10tn and a 12tn in both a single and double extension. The crane will have many high quality products as standard, with investments in our own forms for castings in Scandinavia, Swedish steel, Parker hydraulics, Indexator rotators and links,Tamtron and Maxi cap weighting systems and high power LED work lights. Robinson have decided to give their new crane product a high standard of finish with blasting, priming and painting of main components which will have a huge advantage on even our bigger competitors.


We have many high class engineers, tool makers and fitters working on this project behind the scenes for the last four years, but now it is time to start production and delivering this product. We are very pleased with our customers’ acceptance and support of the product who feel just as positive as we do.The first deliveries will be taking place throughout March so we will keep all people posted with relevant information and customer feedback. Contact Robinson at:, Email: & Tel: +353 (0) 57 86 24832.


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NATIONWIDE EXPERTS IN TREE SURGERY Arboriculture is one of the most specialised occupations in Ireland.

ith so many companies offering tree surgery services at a variety of prices and standards, it is difficult to know who to trust. Dermot Casey Tree Care Ltd., has the expertise, experience and specialised equipment to cover all aspects of tree surgery. We employ an award winning team of certified arborists - all with extensive industrial experience and know–how. The dedication to our work has earned us a solid reputation for quality, reliability and professionalism.



Landowners are aware of the importance of employing a company with certified personnel, specialised equipment and the appropriate Arboriculture Insurance cover. A Tree Care Company should have Insurance which should adequately describe the work it carries out, not landscapers Insurance or some other type just because it is a cheaper, less expensive policy. Only an Insurance policy which adequately describes the tree care work carried out will cover a claim in the event of an accident. Landowners should always insist A FAMILY RUN BUSINESS on an insurance certificate and if in any doubt of the certificates The company was founded in the 1970’s by its Managing Director, validity, should call the Insurer or Insurance Broker directly to confirm. Dermot Casey and is one of the most reputable tree surgery companies in Ireland. Dermot Casey Tree Care Ltd. has a proven and successful HEALTH & SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY track record in providing arboriculture and consultancy services An integral part of our business is our commitment to the health to a wide range of commercial companies, local authorities and & safety of our operatives.We adhere to all guidelines issued by the governmental clients such as ESB Networks, Councils and Irish Rail. Health & Safety Authority and are fully compliant with the Safety,

OUR STAFF Dermot Casey Tree Care take great pride in having the most competent, qualified staff in the industry. As the work is so specialised, it is necessary for Dermot Casey Tree Care staff to update and refresh their skills on an ongoing basis. Staff are trained to the highest arboricultural and safety standards and use the most current methods and equipment.As the crews work Nationwide, all certification is checked and monitored by Supervisors and an In-house training programme for all employees ensures that all skills are up to date at all times. An In–house Safety Officer is also employed by the Company to carry out ongoing audits of crews,equipment checks and safety briefings.


Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007-2012 – and the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Construction Regulations) 2006–2013. Moreover, we have extensive experience as Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) and are in the midst of gaining accreditation to ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001. Our equipment and machinery are all CE compliant and all working activities are risk assessed and strategically planned to the highest standards to ensure the health and safety of our operatives, our clients and the general public.All operations conducted on public roads are carried out in accordance to Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual. It is this innovative and progressive outlook that enables Dermot Casey Tree Care Ltd. to proudly say that they are the safest tree surgery company in Ireland!

Constantly upgrading their equipment and fleet Dermot Casey ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Tree Care were the first company in Ireland to introduce insulated Dermot Casey Tree Care Ltd., deems environmental protection as platform equipment for working safely around live power lines and a fundamental part of its business and is fully committed to the the self propelled AHWI RT400 mulching machine which has been prevention of pollution and reduction of its carbon footprint. used on major infrastructure operations in the Country over the last Dermot Casey Tree Care Ltd., conducts all its working activities in decade as well as site clearance & land reclamation contracts for an energy efficient and environmentally responsible manner and the forestry and agricultural sectors. are fully compliant with all applicable legal requirements. Dermot Casey’s crews use the STIHL® range of chainsaws on a daily basis and the company work closely with STIHL® to ensure For More Information: Visit that their high safety standards are met.All chainsaws are checked or contact us by telephone 022-55000 or by email at on an ongoing basis and repaired by the Company’s service team.


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MEETING THE NEED FOR INDEPENDENT AND CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE Over 500 landowners sought advice on forestry at the recent nationwide series of advisory clinics organised by Teagasc Forestry Development Department, writes Noel Kennedy, Teagasc.

ith 38 full day clinics originally scheduled, a further additional 17 clinics were added to meet the strong demand for independent and confidential forestry advice available at one to one consultations with an experienced Teagasc forestry adviser. As could be expected, the most common queries discussed at the clinics could be broadly sorted into two categories: landowners who are investigating the possibility of planting some land and forest owners who want to find out how to better manage their existing forests. More than half of all queries related to planting forestry on the farm with increased interest from non farmers who, for the first time, are entitled to receive the same rate of forestry premiums as farmers. The forestry clinics are proving a popular and valuable model offering a private and confidential one to one opportunity for landowners to tease out important issues about the potential of their land for forestry. This enables landowners to make informed decisions understanding the implications,advantages and disadvantages of the different planting options available in the Forestry Programme 2014–2020 which is now well underway. For farmers it is particularly important to understand the potential interaction of forestry with their own farming enterprise and the various agricultural schemes. Advisers reported that farmers and other landowners – including non farmers – were considering forestry for a range of



reasons including supplementing farm income, farm restructuring, developing a retirement fund or a desire to enhance farm biodiversity and ecological value. As planting land is a permanent change of use it is essential that landowners seek and are given comprehensive objective and confidential advice. This advice and information included: • How a forest enterprise can improve farm and household income; • Timber and non–timber benefits; • Opportunities for non–farmers under the new forestry programme; • The effect of planting on other farm schemes, e.g., BPS, GLAS, AEOS; • How to get the job done right first time. • Provision of the List of Registered Foresters. Registered Foresters are responsible for the preparation and submission of forestry grant applications on behalf of individual landowners.

LAND SUITABILITY It was also explained to the landowners that planting grant approval is not guaranteed for all types of land.The quality of land suitable for forestry has changed over the last few years and a basic requirement is that the land in question would support a productive timber crop. Of course each site must be checked

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TEAGASC FORESTRY Planting works must adhere to a range of environmental guidelines including unplanted buffer zones along waterways

against any relevant environmental restrictions e.g. NHA, SAC, hen harrier SPA. Relevant bodies are consulted in relation to approval for planting but the final decision is with the Forest Service, DAFM. For those planning to buy land specifically to plant, it is vital that the relevant checks are carried out to assess a land parcel’s suitability to plant.

BASIC PAYMENT Advisers dealt with many questions from farmers about whether planting some land would affect their Basic Payment. In the

majority of cases there was good news in this regard with the planted land likely to remain eligible to receive the Basic Payment, subject to certain terms and condition, in addition to the annual forestry premium.

GLAS Another scheme that was the subject for regular questions was the new agri–environment GLAS scheme and how forestry interacts with it. Surprisingly, several farmers who had land already committed to GLAS, intended to consider forestry on the same area.This is not possible.


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Planting guidelines and the need for quality maintenance in the first four years were stressed at the Teagasc forestry clinics

In this regard farmers interested in joining GLAS when a final tranche opens next Autumn were strongly advised that if interested in planting some land to make sure not to commit those particular land parcels to GLAS. It will come as no surprise that one of the most common topics discussed at the Forestry Clinics was income streams. When a commercial timber crop is planted, it is important to understand when and how income is generated.The Teagasc forestry financial calculator (FIVE) is a valuable tool in this regard providing indicative returns and advisers were able to demonstrate the

Advisers also used the clinics as an opportunity to provide information and raise awareness amongst landowners about Ash Die-back disease. Dr. Nuala Ni Fhlatharta, Head of Teagasc’s Forestry Development Department, said:“The success of this year’s clinics was due to the significant interest in planting among farmers generated by the current Forestry Programme.The attractive incentives currently available and an ever increasing demand for timber mean that a forest enterprise is becoming an increasingly attractive option for more and more landowners.”

“As planting land is a permanent change of use it is essential that landowners seek and are given comprehensive objective and confidential advice” potential cashflow from various planting and thinning scenarios. She added:“As in all crops, the importance of good management This was a very useful exercise for landowners to better understand cannot be overlooked in relation to getting the best from a farm and appreciate when and how income is generated from a forest forest. Good and timely management will ensure that the benefits enterprise. of the forest can be optimised with regard to financial returns, environmental benefits and on–farm uses including fuel and timber.” FELLING THE TREES Forestry can have many attractions, but you need to know if it is A significant number of consultations also involved forest owners appropriate for you.The unbiased information provided at these who wanted to find out how to better manage their existing Forestry Clinics can help guide decisions about forestry as a viable forests. The bulk of the management questions centred around enterprise and foster good management of existing forests. If the demand forests that are coming up for thinning. for the clinics is anything to go by landowners are in agreement. Forest owners wanted to know how the thinning process works, As a follow up to the forestry clinics Teagasc Forestry Development why is thinning important, what the value is of timber and how to Department will be running a series of forestry management walks organise a timber sale. from the 18th to 29th April.This will be an opportunity for forest The felling of trees is controlled by the Forestry Act.This act owners to learn about early management of forests. It will also be a requires that a felling licence is in place for any tree felling (with chance for perspective forest owners to look at forestry on the ground. some minor exceptions). In the case of a clear fell replanting is Further details on these events will be advertised closer to compulsory. There is no ‘reforestation grant’ at present.The cost of reforestation the dates or can be seen on Details on all current forestry grant schemes and valuable of a conifer crop is estimated to be €2500/ha whereas clear fell forest management tips are available from the Teagasc revenue could be in the region of €20,000–€25,000/ha (site Forestry website: dependant).


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APF 2016

The UK’s largest forestry, woodland, arboricultural, trees and timber show September 15th/16th/17th, 2016, Ragley Estate,Alcester,Warwickshire.

his September sees the 21st staging of the UK’s largest forestry show.The show is renowned for the place to buy or sell machinery and woodland exhibition where over 270 exhibitors and in the forestry and arboricultural sectors. 17000 visitors, 90% of whom are trade professionals, will The exhibition is more than just a place to buy or sell machines. It attend to see and buy the very latest equipment and machinery is the place to meet up with old colleagues and catch up with all from the largest harvester to the humble axe. It is the only place the latest developments and news in the industry. where you will see practically every major manufacturer, distributor Every forestry association in the UK is represented, indeed some and retailer of forestry and arboricultural equipment in the UK hold their AGM’s at the show as so many of their members will together in one place. be in the same place at the same time.There will be topical seminars One of the key features of the show is that many of the machines given by leading speakers in the industry on a wide range of can be seen working in a realistic environment and rival companies subjects from health and safety, plant health, government policy, machines can be compared side by side to see if the claims in the grant aid, timber marketing, technical advances in equipment and glossy leaflets match up to real life.The demonstration circuit is much more. over 2000m long, in both open ground and woodland, and with You can talk to expert trainers and instructors and get updates machinery working on both sides of the circuit, this is over two on the latest training and best practice for everything from tree and a half miles and around £30 million of working machinery on climbing, chainsaws and pesticides to stump grinders and chippers. The Health and Safety Executive will be able to bring you up to date on the latest legislation that affects you or your business. Many companies use the exhibition to launch new, state–of–the– art products. Look out for exciting new developments especially the new Husqvarna Ramus system and their new chainsaw chains. Nearly every major timber processor will be there in our Processor area and able to discuss timber markets, prices, specifications and much more. When you need a break from looking at all the equipment there will be a host of high class competitions to watch or take part in. The Husqvarna World 25m poleclimbing championships will see 50 of the world’s top climbers in action with expert and tree surgeon classes.The A W Jenkinson and Tilhill Forestry European chainsaw carving championships will see 25 of Europe’s best carvers in action in a three day competition to turn a 2m x 1m piece of redwood into a fantastic creation.There will be lumberjack sports displays from the UK Team and the UK Forwarder Driving competition sponsored by Komatsu and Barony College.There is the UK’s largest display of woodland crafts, everything from coracle making to



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charcoal production and featuring the World Log To Leg pole lathe turning championships.There will be displays of pure horse power from the British Horse Loggers Association. If you have never been to an APF Exhibition before then we have a great new video on our website which really gives you a flavour of the size, scale and range of activities that take place.You can also find a list of currently booked exhibitors, maps and booking forms if you are thinking of exhibiting with us for the first time. This really is the place to be if you are looking to sell your machinery or equipment into the forestry and arboricultural sectors. If you are unable to exhibit then we still have some high profile sponsorship opportunities to help promote your business.

“You can talk to expert trainers and instructors and get updates on the latest training and best practice for everything from tree climbing, chainsaws and pesticides to stump grinders and chippers” The event has grown to such a size it is hard to do it all in one day.There is plenty of local accommodation to suit all budgets in nearby Alcester or Stratford upon Avon and we also have onsite camping at just £14 per person per night.

Tickets for the event can be bought online, in advance, from our website at £18 for a one day ticket or £34 for two days. If you are travelling in a group then we have a fantastic deal at only £16 per ticket if you buy ten or more.Tickets will be available on the gate priced £20.The nearest airport is Birmingham International, which is only 40 miles away.The exhibition only comes around every two years so don’t miss out this year. If you have any queries about the show please see our website, send us an email to or phone us on +44 1737 245081. We look forward to welcoming you to APF 2016.


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With increasing interest in Short Rotation Forestry (SRF), this research will review best practice in growing, harvesting and stump removal practices employed, writes Brian Tobin (UCD), Susie Foreman (Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre) and Conor O’Reilly (UCD). Image 1: The first ShortFor Trial was established at a site in Johnstowncastle Co. Wexford in 2014.

a challenge, such a reduction in dependence on imported energy hortFor is a research project that was established to investigate the potential of short rotation forestry (SRF) to (or resources for its generation) may prove economically attractive contribute to biomass and fiber production and renewable and will increase sustainability.This is particularly true for Ireland energy targets in Ireland. From the outset, SRF topics of relevance where the climate supports some of the highest productivity forest in to Ireland are being reviewed, covering species/ genotype selection Europe. Ireland has a growing and vibrant forestry industry, with a modern wood–processing sector which continues to to carbon sequestration and environmental issues. The review will provide best–practice information for most SRF approaches demonstrate its capacity to develop new opportunities and forests are increasingly seen as an important source of renewable energy. and inform decision–making in other aspects of the project. Increasingly however, the supply of biomass for energy is seen as Specifically, the project will review current genotypes used in SRF, the impact of harvesting operations on nutrient release and another competing market for forest produce. SRF occupies a niche between the highly productive short rotation the sustainability of residue and stump removal. In addition, the project aims to evaluate optimum establishment and silvicultural coppice (SRC) systems and conventional forestry. While the entire practices through field trials and to investigate a greenhouse gas Image 2: The ShortFor project team in 2014. balance in single and multiple SRF rotations.This area of research is new in Ireland and the project brings together five research performing organisations (UCD,Teagasc, Waterford Institute of Technology, the University of Limerick and Trinity College Dublin) and Coillte (Image 2), is led by University College Dublin, and is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. This article will describe some of the projects aims as well as some limited experience to date.


BACKGROUND Ireland’s renewable energy targets are set to increase to 16% by 2020 and are very likely to increase further afterward.While currently


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UCD FORESTRY Image 3: Eucalyptus nitens after two growing seasons at the Johnstowncastle trial in Co. Wexford. Some of the plants have begun to suffer windblow.

growth potential of a tree species is not fully utilized in conventional FIELD TRIALS forestry for various reasons, SRF should better optimize the use The project has begun to establish field trials which will be of natural resources, environmentally and economically, through used to determine best establishment practices specific to SRF the application of evidence-based research information. conditions. It is planned that data from up to three trials will be Factors such as reliable sustainability of supply, production spread used, thus ensuring that a system can be developed that quickly countrywide to provide localised supply, economically feasible maximises productivity potential from a given set of site-specific and environmentally friendly managements systems are all vital to conditions. From such information new practices for managing build a viable supply of domestic energy. crops to optimise harvest times/rotation length, can be developed and ShortFor seeks to address the issue, with the aim of exploiting coppicing opportunities can be evaluated. In particular, the growth an intensive short rotation system, making innovative use of new dynamics of key species will be evaluated in response to different species combinations and management, and to develop an SRF spacings. Some information to this end will be obtained from existing biomass production system suitable for deployment in Ireland. stands (mostly broadleaf stands that have not been thinned) to Carbon storage and sequestration are among the principal estimate growth responses to competition, with some of the environmental services provided by forest ecosystems.Worldwide, information being obtained from wood core samples.

“SRF occupies a niche between the highly productive short rotation coppice (SRC) systems and conventional forestry” SRF systems generate strong carbon sequestration rates, however, in common with conventional systems, extraction and haulage systems play a significant role in determining whether the overall effect of the system is to sequester or release greenhouse gasses. The project will consider the net carbon effect of any potential system and will investigate both production effects as well as loses from haulage and other transportation using a life cycle analysis approach. The implementation of best practice measures has improved field survival and early growth of several tree species in Ireland. However, more information is needed on planting stock quality attributes specifically for SRF species in Ireland. Furthermore, there is relatively little information available on the optimum growing density and early growth rates of SRF forestry crops. To fully occupy and maximise production, the trees must grow quickly and fully “occupy” all growing space. ShortFor will examine how some fast growing species allocate resources to optimise growth rates and to deal successfully with competition.

Emphasis has been placed on establishing field trials on sites with wet or exposed soils where, although fertility should be high, the excess moisture or other factors makes them less suitable for agricultural use. So far trials have been established at a Teagasc–owned afforestation site at Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford in 2014 (Image 1) and at a Coillte–owned reforestation site near Portlaw in Co. Waterford in 2015. One of the objectives of the trials should be a demonstration of the potential for using these site types for SRF, site types that are expected to become increasingly available in the future for SRF. Since the expected rotation time for a SRF system falls between 8 and 20 years, it is too early to provide any reliable results at this stage. However, it is becoming apparent that eucalyptus, as it is supplied as seedlings in growing media plugs (rather than as bare-rooted plants like the alder and spruce), needs to be planted deeper and with more care than much of the planting associated with conventional forestry species.


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UCD FORESTRY The eucalyptus grew extensively above ground very quickly after establishment and placed considerable pressure on their developing root systems. When the species is planted into a wet or moist soil the conditions are exacerbated. This necessitates a deeper –than–usual planting position if very early windblow is to be avoided (Image 3).

COMPETITION EXPERIMENT Forest tree responses to competition can be extremely complex and difficult to attribute to individual factors such as light or below ground availability of moisture or fertility etc. Consequently, the measurement of physiological responses to competition is challenging. In order to resolve some of the methodological issues involved, an experiment was designed to examine the growth and competition interactions of three species growing at three densities in pots in a polytunnel. Trees were planted 1, 4 and 7 plants to a Image 4: Potted experiment with pot, respectively (Image 4, Figure 1). While varying planting densities of species still at an early stage in the experiment, it (Italian alder pictured) in a polytunnel. is no surprise that the eucalyptus has produced Another interesting, though not entirely the greatest increment in height at each unexpected aspect of the potted experiment, density. has been the prevalence of pests. The Nor is it surprising that increment appears to 2015 growing season was noted generally reduce with increasing competition. for the high incidence of green spruce Equally, Sitka spruce is well–known to be aphid (Elatobium abietinum) damage slow to establish, consistent with the early throughout the country. While this pest did not feature inside the polytunnel, tortrix findings in the pollytunnel experiment. However, the ability of the Italian alder to moth larvae (Celypha spp.) caused extensive almost keep pace with the eucalyptus was damage to growing tips of the spruce plants while a psyllid species was very perhaps the most surprising outcome. much in evidence on the foliage of the Certainly these two species appear suited eucalyptus plants (Image 5). to the requirements of a SRF system where The latter began to cause some damage the initial goal is to quickly occupy the to trees towards the end of the season available growing space. even apparently causing some degree of

mortality. While the conditions for pests within a polytunnel are ideal, the extent of damage was surprising. It is planned that a further trial will be established in 2016. Measurements of competition interactions at the Johnstowncastle trial should begin to inform about suitable establishment densities, later management and rotation length. This, along with data describing species’ productivity rates, will be combined with lifecycle analyses and other environmental modelling to describe in detail the potential effect of biomass production using a SRF system in Ireland.

Figure 1: Height increment of Italian alder, Eucalyptus nitens and Sitka spruce, planted in three densities (1, 4, and 7 plants per plot, respectively) in pots in a polytunnel. The trees were planted in June 2015 and final heights were measured in the following December.

Image 5: Stems and leaves were covered with a white sticky waxy flocculence produced by an infestation of psyllid nymphs.


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INSTALLATION OF BIOMASS BOILER BY HDS ENERGY LIMITED FOR AURIVO DAIRY INGREDIENTS HDS Energy Limited designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned the biomass boiler plant for Aurivo Dairy Ingredients. Details provided by Jason McCarthy. Aurivo Dairy Ingredients – Core Business Processing liquid milk into milk powder and other dairy products Aurivo Dairy Ingredients Company Background Aurivo Dairy Ingredients are a large milk processor located in Ballaghadereen, Co. Roscommon.As part of their core business activity Aurivo Dairy Ingredients process the liquid milk produced by over 1000 dairy farmers from 14 counties in Ireland into added value commodities such as “Milk Powder” and “Dairy Spreads”.Aurivo Dairy Ingredients markets its quality dairy solutions domestically through its portfolio of local,regional and national consumer food brands.Aurivo Dairy Ingredients also exports its range of enriched milk powders and butter products internationally to 46 countries worldwide. Woodchip store displacing heavy fuel oil

Aurivo Dairy Ingredients is one of Irelands leading co-operatives with businesses in Dairy Ingredients, Consumer Foods, Retail Stores, Animal Feeds, Livestock Marts and Timber Processing. Aurivo has a strong ambition that is supported by a robust business model and strategic plan that positions the co-op for significant growth in the post-milk quota era. Energy usage in the Aurivo Dairy Ingredients milk drying business represents the single greatest cost next to milk itself. Steam and electricity consumption used in the process of evaporating and drying milk is expensive.With an annual energy bill of over €5 million per year Aurivo have been focussed on their energy costs for some time,and the engineers at site have been very active in driving down these costs in every conceivable way. Decision to change away from Fossil Fuel In 2013 Aurivo Dairy Ingredients decided to investigate changing away from burning oil and a review was embarked upon to evaluate switching to biomass and contact was established with several companies to evaluate different technologies. After a process of detailed consideration Aurivo Dairy Ingredients and HDS Energy Ltd formed a partnership to develop a “State of the Art” biomass fired boiler system which would replace up to 70% of the oil consumed on site and in a later project phase would also generate the electricity required to run the site. HDS Energy Ltd was appointed as the EPC Contractor for the project which was designed and manufactured in HDS Kells Factory which is Ireland’s only industrial scale boiler manufacturing facility. HDS Energy Ltd is 36 years established in Ireland and exports over 80% of the factory output. HDS Energy Limited designed manufactured,installed and commissioned the biomass burning boiler plant for Aurivo Dairy Ingredients.The new boiler plant had to be integrated into Aurivo’s existing steam plant with minimum disruption to the processing plant’s operation. This boiler is a unique design in that a superheater can be retrofitted if required.This gives the client the option of upgrading their plant to a CHP (combined heat and power) plant where the boiler steam can be used to both generate electrical power using a steam turbine and to meet the plant’s process requirements. In summary the system produces 20t/hr dry saturated steam at 45bar(g), complete with fuel silo, fuel–handling crane, grate, boiler, economiser, combustion air heater, flue gas multicyclone, bag filter, chimney, ash– handling equipment, boiler feed water pumps, combustion air fans, control systems, MCC, SCADA, steam pressure reducing station.


BIOMASS BOILER DESIGNED FOR THE FUTURE RETROFIT OF SUPERHEATERS Case Study – Biomass Boiler Project Project Reference Aurivo Dairy Ingredients, Ballaghadereen, Co. Roscommon Year of installation 2014 Designer/ Manufacturer HDS Energy Limited Main Energy System Biomass fired steam boiler Standby boiler Oil fired boiler Steam Output 20 t/hr dry saturated steam at 45 bar(g), with steam pressure reducing station to 18 bar(g ) The boiler will be capable of generating 20t/hr of superheated steam at 40 bar(g) and 420oC after the superheater retrofit. Biomass Fuel Handling Computerised automatic gantry crane system Ancillary Equipment Economiser Combustion Air Preheating System Multicyclone Bag Filter Stack Fuel Intake Silo Fuel Feeding System Ash Removal System Flue Gas Cleaning Automatic boiler sootblowing, High efficiency multicyclone, Bag Filter Control Systems Siemens S7 PLC with Siemens WinCC SCADA user interface

Site tour inside biomass plant” (Official Opening by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny)

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ENERGY FEATURE Please note that the biomass boiler is designed to supply the facility full steam requirement, excess demand above the biomass boiler capacity is met by Heavy Fuel Oil shell boilers.

Biomass in Dairy Ingredients (Official Opening L/R Alan Fox MD HDS Energy / Pauraic Gibbons Chairman Aurivo /Aaron Forde CEO Aurivo / Eoin Sweeney General Manager Aurivo)

In summary the biomass energy system displaces 6 million litres of Heavy Fuel Oil per Year. • That is 6 million litres of oil that is now not imported and replaced with an Irish grown biomass supply. • The biomass energy system will consume up to 32,000 tonnes of biomass with a moisture content of 50%. • Annual savings achieved by changing to biomass 1,250,000 • The biomass system is carbon neutral and can also generate carbon credit revenue. • As there is no sulphur content in the biomass fuel supply there is also potential to extract further flue gas energy at a later stage with the introduction of HDS condensing technologies.

For reference please find the SEAI Fuels Comparison Table on the HDS liaised closely with the client to design a biomass system next page. that would both meet their present needs but would also allow future additions. All items of plant and equipment were delivered and installed on target in conjunction with the client’s production requirements. HDS Energy biomass boilers are controlled by a fully automated control system utilising a Siemens S7 PLC for the control logic and a Siemens WinCC SCADA application as the operator interface and data management utility. The control system is designed, engineered, installed and commissioned by HDS Energy allowing for each plant control system to be tailored for easy integration into any existing site Viewing the Woodchip control systems.

“HDS liaised closely with the client to design a biomass system that would both meet their present needs but would also allow future additions” The Biomass energy plant control system at Aurivo Dairy Ingredients COMPANY DETAILS: provides centralised control of the boiler and auxiliary’s equipment. HDS Energy Ltd., Kells Business Park, Kells, Co Meath, Ireland. Through the continuous monitoring and trending of all plant data Tel: 00353 (0)46 929 3976: Fax: 00353 (0)46 92 93977. such as fuel feeding, combustion control, ash removal, flue gas conditions, deaerator, water levels, boiler steam pressure, pressure Contact details: reducing stations, production steam usage, etc., the data is then Jason McCarthy, immediately available in real time and also historically. Using this Mob: 00353 (0)87 988 8706. data, the control system will automatically prompt the operator of any warning conditions as they arise allowing the operator take any necessary actions at the earliest opportunity before a critical alarm condition occurs which would also be prompted to the operator should it arise. The data collected by the control system is stored locally and made available to the existing Aurivo plant reporting system for analysis, via the site wide Ethernet network. Utilising this data the plant operation team can confidently and accurately take actions to further improve the efficient operations of the complete energy process. This level of integrated automation allows Aurivo Dairy Ingredients to maintain and consolidate its position worldwide at the top of the dairy market. The input for this biomass project can be summarised as follows:

Biomass Boiler House during construction

Biomass Boiler - facility expected Steam Consumption



Input in Biomass at 88% efficiency



Heavy Fuel Oil Consumption offset at 85.5% efficiency



Net CV of Heavy Fuel Oil




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Agroforestry combines agricultural and forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy and sustainable land–use systems, writes John Casey,Teagasc Forestry Development Officer, Sandfield, Mallow.

INTRODUCTION In addition to the more familiar support measures outlined in the Forestry Programme 2014 – 2020, there is a new and imaginative measure aimed at supporting Agroforestry. Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. It combines agricultural and forestry technologies to create more diverse, productive, profitable, healthy, and sustainable land–use systems. Although combining land and livestock is a very old & proven land management system, there has been little practical experience of agroforestry in modern Ireland. There is on–going research into agroforestry systems at Loughgall, Co.Armagh by the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) under the auspices of the Dept. of Agriculture & Rural Development (N.I.), and Dr. Ian Short,Teagasc Forestry Department, has previously conducted research into agroforestry. It is hoped to highlight some of this research at the Teagasc/AFBI hosted Farm Woodland Forum to be held 21st – 23rd of June 2016 in counties Cavan and Armagh (further details will be posted on

SCHEME OUTLINE The agroforestry scheme is targeted at silvopastoral agroforestry systems which combine forestry and pasture, including grazing and the growing of fodder.The new forestry programme has set a target of 195 ha of newly–created agroforestry by the year 2020.


The main objectives of the scheme are to: • Establish agroforestry as a realistic land use option for future programmes. • Increase the economic output per land unit. • Increase biodiversity. • Produce high quality hardwood timber. • Protect water quality by reducing surface water runoff and protect erosion of river banks. • Encourage continuous cover forestry and close–to–nature silvicultural techniques. • Enhance the quality and diversity of landscapes.

PILOT PLANTATION A pilot agroforestry plantation was established in the autumn of 2011 on part–time farmer Liam Beechinor’s 20 hectare (ha) beef farm in Rossmore, Clonakilty. In 2009, Liam was rearing cattle to 30 months, and as a self–described “late entrant” to farming, he had no quota or single farm payment and had limited options to increase his on–farm income, outside of REPS. Initially, Liam planted 10 ha of what he considered very marginal land under the Forestry Environment Protection Scheme (FEPS) – 7 ha with broadleaves and 3 ha of conifer. He felt that because the conifers would mature earlier, he would get some of the benefits of that final crop by his retirement. As Liam put it,“Here I was with an enterprise that was making

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AGROFORESTRY Standard forest plantation to the left of the fenceline, agroforestry to the right

guaranteed money for me, with not much work on my behalf. I during the initial growing season.The use of vegetation–suppressing certainly couldn’t say that about my beef enterprise”. mats and mulches may also be considered. In general, post–planting In 2012, Liam decided to plant a further 7ha of marginal land.“In vegetation management is achieved by grazing animals. Initial planting should be carried out using pit–planting where possible and the use reality I had enough of fighting back the rushes and they were beginning to win the war!” Liam was approached about trying out of an augur has proved very effective on some sites. Agroforestry as part of a pilot and decided to plant 1.6 ha of the TREE SPECIES AND STOCKING better land with ash, at 400 plants per hectare. Liam found that he A stocking rate of 400 – 1,000 trees/ ha (equal spacing) is proposed was short of silage ground in the spring of 2012 so he decided to cut silage on his agroforestry plot.With a bit of care, it was possible and the minimum eligible plot size and width are 0.5 ha and 20m respectively.Acceptable broadleaf species include oak, sycamore and to cut 30 bales of silage without damaging the young trees. This proved so successful that Liam has taken 2 cuts of silage off the plot cherry. Other species, including conifers, will be considered on a site–by–site basis, on application. Large planting stock (90 cm – 120 cm) ever since, producing 25 large & 24 small bales in total each year, aided by two applications of nitrogen fertiliser, 60 kg/ha and 40 should be used. Individual trees must be protected by tree shelters kg/ha respectively. He felt that the extra silage yield was a real bonus for the first 6–8 years.Tree shelters will need be replaced with plastic mesh after 6–8 years (depending on tree growth), to prevent during the fodder crisis in 2013. A further income opportunity presented itself when he rented the bark and stem damage from grazing stock. Where an agroforestry agroforestry plot for sheep grazing in the summer/ autumn periods plot forms part of a larger afforestation project, the agroforestry plot in 2013–2015. It proved possible to successfully graze upwards of 50 must be fully fenced to prevent animal trespass into the adjacent forest plots. ewes in the plantation, since the young trees are protected by tree shelters. In his situation, Liam says,“I have the best of both worlds with Agroforestry. I have my forestry and yet I’m still able to use the land for agriculture, all be in in a more restrictive way. I think it is the perfect bridge between farming and forestry”. He acknowledges that sheep or calves would be best suited to an agroforestry plantation as they would have minimal impact on the young trees. While Agroforestry would not suit every farmer’s circumstances, there are many farmers in a similar position to Liam where this option should at least be considered.

SUITABLE LAND TYPE Ideally, sites under the Agroforestry Scheme should contain free– draining mineral soils and should have no requirement for additional drainage. Sites suitable for agroforestry should not require additional fertiliser for tree growth, apart from the possibility of manual application at the base of individual trees at establishment. However, additional nitrogen, <100 kg/ hectare (ha), may be required to promote grass growth for spring/summer grazing.This can be assessed on a site– by–site basis. Prior to planting, vegetation management, typically the spot– spraying of herbicide, will be required to reduce competition


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AGROFORESTRY Summertime sheep grazing

The following agricultural activities are allowable, so long as the activity is compatible with protecting the trees: Pasture: Grazing by sheep or young domestic stock is permitted during the spring and summer months for the first 6–8 years, depending on tree growth, but trees must be protected and tree shelters checked regularly. Thereafter, when tree shelters are replaced with plastic mesh, larger animals may be introduced. Fodder: Silage and hay production is permitted. It is important that appropriate machinery is used when cutting silage and/or hay so as to ensure that the trees (including stem, roots and crown) are not inadvertently damaged. The trees will be thinned out over the tree species rotation, so that when the trees are finally ready for felling (using continuous cover

flow prior to timber harvest by diversifying the forestry enterprise. For livestock farmers, adding a long–term timber crop while maintaining forage production may provide more income than grazing alone. Silvicultural benefits: nitrogen–fixing forage species, pasture fertilization and animal manure all help improve the soil and tree nutrition. Grazing can also control competing vegetation and reduce fire hazard. Livestock benefits: trees create a sheltered microclimate to protect animals from heat and cold. Shelter can also improve forage quality and lengthen its growing season in some cases.The pruning of some trees can also be used as fodder, e.g. poplar. Environmental benefits: by creating a more biologically diverse

“The agroforestry scheme is targeted at silvopastoral agroforestry systems which combine forestry and pasture, including grazing and the growing of fodder” forestry principles) there may be as few as 160 – 250 trees/ ha.The initial high numbers will help ensure that a suitable number of final crop trees is achieved. In addition, the continuous opening of the crown should ensure light for grass to continue growing sufficiently.

ELIGIBILITY AND GRANT AND PREMIUM RATES Under state aid rules only 80% of eligible costs can be funded under the Agroforestry Scheme. Land classified by the Department as ‘unimproved/unenclosed’ will not be eligible for support under the scheme. Grant rates and payment structure will be similar to the Afforestation Scheme, with a maximum total grant of €4,450/ ha applying, 75% paid after planting and the remaining 25% on successful establishment.A premium of €260/ ha will be paid for 5 years only. Once land is converted to agroforestry, it will be classified as forest land and the provisions of forest legislation will apply. Agroforestry must remain under forestry and therefore is subject to a re–planting obligation.

CONCLUSIONS While the Agroforestry option will not suit all landowners’ circumstances, below are some of the benefits worth considering: Return on investment: by adding a livestock production component, a silvopastoral system can create a stable source of cash


system, wildlife habitat can be encouraged. In addition, increased tree cover may mitigate against climatic excesses.There is good evidence to show that riparian woodlands in flood plains reduce flow velocity, stabilise river banks and increase water storage on flood plains, and can result in smaller downstream flood events. For further info, go to Silage cut between tree rows

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OAKLEAF FORESTRY IS THE NAME FOR LOW IMPACT FORESTRY MACHINERY Foresters and farmers looking for the latest in low impact machinery and equipment to harvest or process their wood can find all they need at Oakleaf Forestry, based near Portadown in Co. Armagh.

hether it is a larger scale operation or an on farm, smaller wooded area Oakleaf has the proper harvesting tools available. In today’s economy where falling agricultural commodity prices means less money in the bank, more and more landowners are turning to trees as a more secure form of income. Today Oakleaf Forestry stocks a number of different machines from manufacturers Vimek, Hypro, Palax and Kesla to name a few. Oakleaf Forestry supply low impact harvesting and extraction machinery to allow smaller scale woodland management to be both more environmentally friendly and profitable.When working on smaller woodlands, Landowners and Contractors had been using larger machines which often were too big and too heavy for the ground they were working on. Thinning is a vital management tool required to ensure that the forest realises its full potential future value and also provides the landowner with an income and small diameter round wood for the firewood and biomass market. When using the bigger machines they sometimes cannot get close enough to carry out effective thinning and they make a mess of trees and the terrain and damage the root systems on the retained trees. Oakleaf Forestry is the UK and Irish importer and distributor for a range of wood processors from Swedish maker Hypro. Since its formation in 1987, Hypro has been a leader in technology and



development of tractor processors.The company’s portfolio of machines and other tools has increased over the years and now offers the smaller grower a good choice. Many smaller growers really only had the option of hand cutting, which is very labour intensive or bringing contractors big heavy machines for harvesting and processing their woods. However, the range of machines we offer provides another more effective and in turn profitable way.There is much less damage to the trees and to the ground using the smaller more efficient machines. Plus they cost a lot less to run. All our new machines are competitively priced and offer really good value for money and we are able to direct our customers to specialist finance companies that really understand the industry. Oakleaf also supplies the Vimek range of forwarders including the lightweight Vimek 606TT model. Made in northern Sweden the Vimek range is in use all over the world and is very popular with the smaller contractors, especially in estates and parkland where ground damage is a primary concern.Vimek is the leading name in small scale forestry, manufacturing a range of tough, reliable, fuel efficient machines that are easy to operate and more importantly, easy on the forest. There are small, privately owned forests all over the country that could benefit from thinning to enhance and increase its potential future value while providing valuable timber today. Running on a super reliable Kubota D902-E 18kw engine the machine offers very low fuel consumption, typically only 1.5 – 2litres of diesel per hour! It is available with a number of different trailer lengths and a wide range of accessories, offering a forwarder for different needs and requirements. It’s a really lightweight machine at just less than three tonnes and has a load capacity of three tonnes.The crane can lift 440kgs at 4m and the standard overall machine length is 6.2m. Looking at the Hypro range, the Hypro 755 is one of the more popular models selling well in the UK and Ireland.This particular model is a tractor processor with its own crane, which has a reach of seven metres and a 50m radio controlled winch. Both the crane and the bed processor can rotate 280°, allowing you to operate on both sides. The hydraulic system is load sensing and variable, giving speed, smooth handling and strength.

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The machine is operated by two lever electrohydraulic control (EHC). Simply by pressing a button operators can switch between crane and processor. Both can be operated with the same levers. It is suitable for thinning operations and for final felling.The machine has a radio controlled winch which can operate from both sides. The design of the crane, with a tilting pedestal, gives a low centre of gravity at full reach, as well remaining compact when folded. It’s a very versatile machine that is popular with contractors and in large estates who do not want large machines damaging the land. Most of those who go for this machine have their own tractors so it can be used whenever they wish. It is great for contractors and estates that have tractors that are being used for other jobs as the Hypro can be hooked up and going within a few minutes whenever the need arises. With regard to smaller farmers who have some areas of forest, the Hypro 300 is the machine of choice for them.The Hypro 300 is a three point linkage mounted thinning processor which completes

its tasks fast despite its small dimensions and light weight at only 700 kg. It has its own hydraulic system where the pump is mounted directly on the tractor.The machine has a load sensing system which provides a smooth handling experience and flow control to deliver the right amount of power on demand. The Hypro 300 is now also equipped with a feed roller motor in the bottom feed roller.The machine is fed with three rollers which provide considerably increased feeding power.This machine does an excellent job with de-limbing and cutting diameters of up to 30 cm.The processor is fitted with a very powerful and fast cutting saw which cuts so quickly that the log does not have time to drop before the chain has passed through the stem. It has an integrated hydraulically driven winch for loading which is done via a radio controller. This machine is a good investment, giving customers high quality for a low price. It has greater engine efficiency because of its own hydraulic system, which in the long run saves you money.We have

“Thinning is a vital management tool required to ensure that the forest realises its full potential future value and also provides the landowner with an income and small diameter round wood for the firewood and biomass market” been servicing customer machines that have been working in the UK for up to 25 years, so we know that they are super reliable. Oakleaf Forestry is a growing business and is currently adding to its staff thanks to the popularity of the products. Carrying out forestry conversions such as fitting Kesla Harvester Heads to Excavators with the necessary guarding etc and fitting Kesla Cranes to tractors is becoming a very important part of the business. Oakleaf Forestry can supply a full turnkey solution depending on our customers’ needs, from advising on the right crane for your application or matching the right head for your digger to sourcing the base machine for the customer and completing all the conversion work. Kesla cover a wide range of forestry machinery from drag trailers, drive trailers, timber loaders, chippers, harvesting heads both stroke and roller. For more information on any of the equipment supplied visit


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DRAWN TO THE STRONG, SILENT TYPE? START A LOW MAINTENANCE RELATIONSHIP WITH HUSQVARNA’S ALL–NEW BATTERY CHAINSAW 436 LI Simplicity,reliability and high performance.Those were the main key words during development of Husqvarna’s three new battery powered chainsaws.The first in the trio was made for demanding consumers – but doesn’t stop there.

“Compared to some of the current competitors the 436 Li is almost 1 kg lighter. That’s a real leap in product development,” says Pierre Lanquist, Product Manager Electric & Battery Handheld at Husqvarna lthough battery driven outdoor power tools have been on or not.The chainsaws will also auto switch off when left inactive the market for some time, the technology hasn’t reached for too long. All of the new battery products have been built around an a level high enough to carry the Husqvarna brand. Until interchangeable power system, enabling users to run a variety of now. “The 436 Li has been skilfully designed to combine an extreme tools with the same battery.The 436 Li can be bought separately, ease of use with the power and efficiency to handle any imaginable or as a kit along with the most suitable battery and charger. task around the house.The high specification, 436 Li, indicates a position right next to our professional machines – to which we’ve THIS IS THE NEW HUSQVARNA 436 LI BATTERY CHAINSAW added features that will make starting, using and storing as easy ● Every battery benefit: Low emission, vibration and noise level. as can be for any non-pro customer,” says Pierre Lanquist. ● Petrol performance: Superior torque and stepless speed control. As with all of the new Husqvarna battery products the 436 Li ● Powerful: A high performance brushless motor with 25 per offers exceptionally low levels of emission, noise and vibration. cent increased efficiency compared to a traditional two-brush Also, the need for maintenance – or rather the lack of it – tends motor, consistent high torque and no mechanical wear – enabling to stand out. Clean, petrol and motor oil free, operation along with a motor that needs almost no attention makes it easy to get a long product lifetime. ● Effective: Equipped with Husqvarna’s savE™ technology. the most out of the product. In any situation. And to get started Optimizing performance at any given moment to make the most all you have to do is push a button. Another prioritized area has been the general feel, and ergonomics, out of every battery pack. of the saw.The stepless speed control makes it truly intuitive and ● Ergonomic perfection: A well-balanced lightweight product, designed for minimized strain in every situation. the enhanced grip keeps users in constant control during every twist and turn.The light weight has been carefully balanced to For more information, please contact your nearest increase manoeuvrability and prevent straining – supporting the Husqvarna Dealer. body’s natural movement and making every swing as efficient as See our dealer locator on or alternatively possible. In addition, the user interface makes it extra safe by contact Husqvarna on 01-8242600 for trade & retailing queries. showing the on/off status as well as if the chain brake is active



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The PALAX series offers a wide firewood processors with chainsaw or circular saw cross cut options.The newest machine in the line-up is the Palax KS40. Like its little brother, the ever popular KS35, it is available with “Ergo” mechanical control and “S” Hydraulic control option. Looks wise, it’s very similar to the KS35 but bigger. It has a bigger 40cm cutting bar and a big increase in splitting power – now running at 13t. It still has the automatic variable speed valve that can sense the load and apply the correct speed and pressure to split logs quickly and efficiently.The New KS40 S, with Hydraulic control has all its features controlled from two levers.The infeed conveyor can run forward and reverse and the saw operation are on one lever and the 6 way splitting knife height can be raised and lowered using the second lever. The machine also comes prepared for connection to any of the log cCauley Wood Fuels have just taken delivery of their decks from the Palax range,The Palax Midi Deck being the most new Palax KS40S firewood processor from Oakleaf popular choice. Forestry, the first one in Ireland. McCauley Wood fuels Sturdy structure, good design, easy to transport, automatic are a WFQA certified Wood Chip and Firewood Supply Company, high-speed valve, swinging discharge conveyor with chains, based in Co. Leitrim. Brian and Kenny operate out of their site unobstructed and spacious splitting chute, long service intervals, near Mohill, Co Leitrim where they process and supply woodchip safe and easy-to-use tree clamp all go towards making this a fast, and firewood to Leitrim and the surrounding counties. simple high output firewood processor. McCauley’s had been getting great service from their Palax For more info on the Palax range visit KS35 for many years and found it to be reliable, productive and low maintenance. So when it came to looking for a new machine, Palax was the obvious choice. As the business has grown, they were looking for a bit more capacity so going for the next size up in the range of processors seemed sensible.


CHOICE HEATING SOLUTIONS LTD HS provides a unique platform of customised packages of alternative energy solutions, ranging from initial consultancy and design right through to installation for those interested in lowering their costs and carbon footprint. With spiralling fuel costs we have to look at alternatives to heat our premises in a cost effective way.As a leader in the industry, Choice Heating Solutions Ltd (CHS) has a customer focused approach to help their clients to choose the product that best fits their life style and budget while attaining a rapid payback period. CHS are the main agents for award winning boiler manufactures namely Atmos, Central,Topling, Kombi and Senko.With this wide range they can offer every client, from small domestic to large industrial, a boiler that meets their requirements ranging from 15 kW up to 2 MW using log wood,pellet,chip and sawdust. Their wood gasification boiler uses a three stage combustion process which shatters virtually every preconceived notion about emissions and efficiencies of wood heating.The boilers have efficiencies of 85% upwards to 97% with extremely low emission per kilowatt of heat delivered. Their range include attractive room heater pellets stoves,solid fuel range cookers for cooking and heating right up to self contained units which can be located outside The newest addition to their product range is a sanitary heat pump tank that can operate day and night with no panels or unsightly units mounted on the external of the buildings.These neat pieces of equipment have an efficiency of 360% and can be integrated into your existing system giving you true independence and hot water 24/7/365. If you manage to use a 100 litres every day,the running cost is only €70 per year,use less it cost less. Ease the strain on your pocket and look up Choice Heating Solutions, Coolymurraghue, Kerry Pike, Co Cork. Tel. 087 275 4012 Email:



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IRISH FORESTRY AWARDS €10,000 PRIZE FUND FOR AWARDS 2016 Awards now open for entry for all forests, big and small. Dr Michael Carey, RDS Committee of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, reports.

wo very different foresters were recognised at the 2015 RDS– Forest Service Irish Forestry Awards. Ivor Clegg from Co. Laois and Pat Coffey from Co. Cavan received two of the major honours at the Awards in recognition of excellence in commercial forest management and it was not just the size of their respective plantations that marked them out as different from one another. The Irish Forestry Awards are jointly awarded by the RDS and the Forest Service.Andrew Doyle TD, Chair of the Oireachtas Committee for Agriculture and RDS President Matt Dempsey were on hand to award Ivor and Pat their prizes.


Changes to the 2015 Awards saw the introduction of a new Production Forestry category that is divided into two sections; above 15 hectares and below 15 hectares. These changes have created a more equal judging process and have helped identify the best managed forests in Ireland, both big and small. Winning a prize of €2000 and the RDS Silver Medal in the Under 15 Hectares Category, Pat Coffey of Belturbet Co. Cavan is an excellent example of the economic and amenity benefits that good forestry brings. Pat planted his woodland of just over 10 hectares himself in 1994 and 1995 and set out to create a broadleaf forest in which to live.

“The RDS–Forest Service Irish Forestry Awards are Ireland’s only national forestry awards and are divided into three main categories which highlight, celebrate and reward those who are at the forefront of the economic, environmental and community development of the forestry sector in Ireland” Speaking at Castletown House, Deputy Doyle said:“These awards provide an excellent opportunity to showcase all that is good about Irish Forestry.This year’s winners are true examples of best practice. The sector now generates approximately €2.3 billion in annual output and supports 12,000 jobs in establishment, harvesting, transport, sawmilling, processing and renewable energy”. He went on to say “The Government recognises the importance of the sector to the economy and we are committed to assisting its development into the future. For the last number of years, the State has made funding available, through the afforestation programme, to facilitate planting of up to 7,000 hectares each year”. “Good farmers make good foresters”said RDS President Matt Dempsey. “Forestry is an important element of our farming sector – we now have over 16,000 farmers who have invested in forestry, occupying over 10% of available land – up from less than 3% 30 years ago. The long tradition of RDS commitment to quality and excellence in agriculture is maintained by these annual awards. Indeed, the RDS has been involved with Irish forestry as far back as 1740”.


Comprised mainly of ash, oak, beech, sycamore and small areas of Norway spruce and red oak the Judging Panel was greatly impressed by the superb management of the plantation.They commented that Pat has pushed the boundaries of ash management in particular beyond current practice to achieve something special. Heavy thinning and high pruning to five meters has produced a 20 year old stand of ash which is one of the best the judges have seen in recent years.

L-R: Andrew Doyle, Chair of Oireachtas Committee for Agriculture, Matt Dempsey, President RDS and Mr Ivor Clegg

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Back Row Left to Right: Robert Scott (Baronscourt), Matthew Stuart (Baronscourt), Christian Osthoff, Matthew Forde (Seaforde), Jonathan Sykes (Springfield Castle), Jim Kinsella, Bernard Joyce, Joe Gowran, John Dempsey (Balla Town), Brendan Burke (Balla Town) and Martin Murphy Front Row Left to Right: Catriona Doughty (Learmount Forest), Pat Coffey, Andrew Doyle, Matthew Dempsey, Ivor Clegg, Shane O’Neill (Shanes Castle Estate) and John Brady.

In the over 15 hectares category, Ivor Clegg of Mountrath, Co. Laois also received a prize of €2000 and the RDS Silver for his 47 hectare forest. Ivor is a good example of a farmer that has made a courageous decision to change his entire farm enterprise from traditional dairying to a new and unfamiliar undertaking i.e. forestry. He has approached the transition with clear objectives and has made sound silvicultural judgements on species selection,establishment and management practice. The Judges noted that Ivor’s forest is a mix of conifer and broadleaves and is designed in such a way that it will provide a sustainable income well into the future. His objectives are clear; commercial, income diversification and biodiversity with each being pursued with vigour. Nothing is left to chance and Ivor is thinking ahead all the time to ensure every tree is cared for and the potential of his woodland achieved. Ivor also has that innovative streak common to many farmers in relation to the development of machinery and technology that will enable him to maximise his returns.

have been established and managed in a way which is sustainable and beneficial to the landscape,the local people,biodiversity and the economy. This Award is open to woodland owners or managers from the public and voluntary sectors and the winner of this Award will receive a special presentation trophy and an RDS Silver Medal.



The RDS–Forest Service Irish Forestry Awards are Ireland’s only national forestry awards and are divided into three main categories which highlight, celebrate and reward those who are at the forefront of the economic, environmental and community development of the forestry sector in Ireland.


CONDITIONS OF ENTRY – GENERAL The area entered must: • Be a minimum of four hectares. No maximum area. • Be established for at least ten years. • Be submitted on an entry form obtainable from the RDS. • The completed form must be accompanied by a site map, a sketch of the location entered and a clear location map. • These Awards are open to applicants from the entire island of Ireland. • First place Award winners in the previous five years are not eligible to enter in 2015. • With a prize fund of €10,000, everyone with woodlands is encouraged to enter the Awards as all woodlands, large or small, are of merit. • The winner in each category will receive €2,000, an RDS Silver Medal and a perpetual trophy. • The runner–up in each category will receive €1,000 and a special Certificate of Merit. • A Best New Entrant Award will be awarded in each category and the winner will receive €500 and a Certificate of Merit.This Award is open to anyone who has not entered the competition before.

The Production Forestry Category is divided into two sections; Under 15 Hectares and Over 15 Hectares and is open to Farmers and landowners using sound silvicultural management on their farms.With CLOSE OF ENTRIES the aim of recognising excellence in the management of production Entries must be submitted on or before June 1st, 2016. If your entry is forestry, the winner in each section receives €2,000 and an RDS Silver short– listed, judges will visit to inspect between July and September. Application forms are available on the RDS website: Medal.The runner–up in each section collects a cheque for €1,000 and or via email at If you an RDS certificate of merit. require any additional information please contact the RDS Agriculture Department directly on 01 240 7215. MULTIPURPOSE FORESTRY The Multipurpose Forestry category is open to individuals and organisations that are expanding or developing existing or new forest habitats through natural and environmentally sensitive methods. Judges will take into account the planning and management of the area, ecological awareness, social benefit, silviculture methods, control of grazing animals and invasive species as well as sensitive felling and thinning. The winner receives €2,000 and an RDS Silver Medal, the runner–up a cheque for €1,000 and an RDS certificate of merit.

Pat Coffey

COMMUNITY WOODLANDS The Community Woodland Award is designed to encourage and reward projects involving community woodlands and forests which


L-R: Andrew Doyle, Chair of Oireachtas Committee for Agriculture, Matt Dempsey, President RDS and Mr Pat Coffey

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VALUING LAND UNDERLYING FORESTS Paul Lafferty is the owner and founder of

BACKGROUND Paul Lafferty is a fully qualified Forester and Auctioneer to Degree level and has over 25 years experience in Forestry and is an auctioneer since 2000 with James Cleary & Sons, Castlerea Co. Roscommon. was established in 2011 and since then has become the focal hub and shopwindow for sales of forests and land in forestry in Ireland. Currently has forests and land for sale in almost every county in Ireland and has over 3000 registered users on the website. Paul also carries out forest valuations all over Ireland and is one of the few fully qualified valuers in forestry in Ireland. He carries out numerous apportionment valuations each year. Apportionment valuations are required to assign values to the land on one hand and the growing trees on the other to establish the appropriate taxes to be paid.

apportionment may be referred to the Department of Agriculture for certification. With regard to capital acquisition tax, woodland property qualifies for agriculture relief, as agriculture property is defined as agricultural land, pasture and woodland in the state, crops, trees and under wood growing thereon.


Currently there are generous establishment grants available to all for the establishment of forests on land suitable for afforestation subject to Forest Service approval.These grants generally cover the entire cost of establishment and maintenance of the first four years, by which time the forest is well established. Furthermore since 2015 all landowners who plant receive an income exempt annual payment of c. €510 per hectare for conifers. (206 per acre) for the next 15 years. These grants and premium are a once INTRODUCTION When valuing forests in Ireland, the taxation, and incentive schemes, only and once ever payments on the land irrespective of owner. The owner must maintain the forest as a forest for 15 years otherwise legislation must be fully considered. a claw back of the grants and premia will occur.There are no TAXATION establishment grants or premium available for the second crop The Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, Section 564 deals with Woodlands, after the forest has been cut down. and how Capital Gains Tax is applied to Woodlands. Section 564 LEGISLATION states that profits from the sale of standing timber are exempt Forestry In Ireland is governed by The 1946 Forestry Act (A new from capital gains tax.Therefore, on disposing of woodlands, part act is due shortly without major changes) Essentially this means of the consideration which relates to the value of trees is to be

“Currently there are generous establishment grants available to all for the establishment of forests on land suitable for afforestation subject to Forest Service approval” excluded from the capital gains tax computation. Therefore when valuing a forest for the purpose of capital gains tax, the total consideration must be apportioned between the value attributed to the growing trees and the value attributed to the underlying land. Similarly with regard to stamp duty, Section 95 Stamp Duties Consolidation Act 1999 Commercial Woodlands Relief applies. This section provides for partial relief from stamp duty. Relating to the sale of commercial woodlands, the relief applies to the portion of consideration, attributed to the value of the trees growing on the lands. An apportionment of the consideration between the land and the trees growing on the land is required.Two separate figures must be given for the value of the land and the value of the growing trees. However, certain conditions apply to the relief. Relief applies only to the sale or lease of land and not available, in the case of a gift. Woodlands or trees must be growing on a substantial part of the land. This part must be at least 75% of the land. Woodlands must also be managed on a commercial basis, with a view to a realization of profit.When carrying out a valuation it must also be noted that the


that to cut down trees or forests a felling licence is required and part of the condition of the licence is that the area to be felled must be replanted.

SUMMARY Once land is planted it attracts generous grants for establishment and premium payments for 15 years (income tax exempt) however when the forest is clearfelled it must by law be replanted with no grant or premium assistance.The landowner must bear the cost of re-establishment.When forests are sold or transferred (with the land they grow on) tax is only paid on the underlying value of the land. The sale price must be apportioned into the land value and the growing trees value. The growing trees are exempt from tax.The only taxes that apply are on the land values in this case are capital gains tax (a tax on the net gain) for the seller, and stamp duty (on the purchase price for the buyer).The current rate of capital gains is 33% and stamp duty is 2%. For further information visit James Cleary & Sons, Castlerea Co. Roscommon. Tel: 094 9620540 Email:

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