Cowley's #1 Newsletter 2016

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Andy reid CONFIRMED AS GUEST SPEAKER AT cowley’s 2016 CELEBRATION EVENING Cowley is proud to announce that war hero, Andy Reid, will be the guest speaker at the college’s awards evening in November. The celebration evening takes place on Thursday, 3rd November at our 11-16 site and is one of the highlights in the college calendar. The awards evening is a celebration of last year’s Year 7 - Year 13 students who have been nominated by teaching staff for excelling in various subjects and showing Cowleian values. Certificates and prizes will be handed out at the event in front of an audience of over 200 parents/carers, Governors, staff and special guests. This year has seen a record number of award winners and is looking to be one of the biggest awards evening that the college has held.

LARGE NUMBER OF STUDENTS CELEBRATE 100% ATTENDANCE FOR THE 2015 - 2016 YEAR The 2016 academic year started with a celebration of students who had achieved 100 % attendance for 2015 - 2016. 133 students achieved perfect attendance last year and Mr Sheeran and Mr Livesey gathered these students together to congratulate them for their commitment and achievement. The importance of having good attendance at college cannot be stressed enough. Young people who regularly miss college without good reason are more likely to become isolated from their friends, to underachieve in examinations and/ or become involved in anti-social behaviour. Every single day a student is absent from college equates to a day of lost learning.

Good attendance to school is a necessity. We do understand that this is not always that simple and we would like to help. Every Monday from 4 to 6 pm, there will be an ‘Attendance Surgery’. No appointment necessary; just come along and have a chat to someone who understands and is here to help.





On Wednesday, 14th September Cowley’s annual Girls in Sport day took place. The weather could not have been nicer and the sun shone all day making for an even more glorious day for our Year 7 girls. DEPUTY HEAD BOYS


Girls in Sport looks to showcase and celebrate the different sports and disciplines available to Year 7 students at Cowley, including: hockey, gymnastics, football, dance and netball. The objective of the day is to encourage girls to take part in a sport, maybe one that they haven’t taken part in before.



young carers in schools award Cowley has been awarded a Bronze award for our work to make sure students do not miss out on an education because they are young carers.

Cowley joined hundreds of other schools and businesses by hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning. Through selling cakes, the college raised a total of £131. Cowley’s Year 11 Hospitality cohort worked exceptionally hard, serving cakes during lessons and throughout lunch over two days. We extend our thank you to everyone who baked, bought and supported this event. Did you know... The Macmillan Coffee Morning event has raised over £138m since it started in 1990.

The Young Carers in Schools programme helps primary and secondary schools improve outcomes for young carers and celebrates good practice. Young carers are responsible for emotional, practical or physical care for a parent, sibling or other family member who has a physical disability, mental health issue or substance misuse issue. To achieve the Bronze Award, Cowley demonstrated that it supports young carers in ways such as providing homework clubs, drop-in sessions and

ensuring that key information about how to identify Young Carers is made available to all staff and that our website includes information for students and their families on where to seek help. Gail Scott-Spicer, Chief Executive of Carers Trust, says: “Schools play a vital role in a young carer’s life, but many care for relatives without their teachers even knowing what they do. On average young carers will miss half a day of school each fortnight as a result of their caring role, so the steps schools take to identify and support them can have a huge impact on their learning, wellbeing and life chances.”

library news My favourite character from a book competition

Guest author, Dave Cryer, visits Cowley as part of Bookbuzz week Bookbuzz is a reading programme from BookTrust that supports schools to encourage reading for pleasure, independent choice and develop a whole school reading culture.

In the summer holidays, Year 7 students (who are now in Year 8) were asked to create a model of their favourite character from a book as part of a competition. A large number of students put on their thinking hats and took part in this activity and the models created are WONDERFUL, so much so, that these are displayed in a glass cabinet in the library. All models were created with an incredible amount of creativity, but the winner was Katie Lythgoe’s ‘Hagrid’ – very well done! Roald Dahl Day

Celebrated children’s author, Roald Dahl, would have been 100 years old on 13th September 2016, making it his centenary. To celebrate the life of Roald, Cowley joined schools and libraries nationwide in hosting a ‘Roald Dahl Day’. Co-ordinated by Cowley’s Library and Resource Centre Manager, Mrs Burrows, the fun filled day included Roald Dahl themed activities such as pinning the newt on Miss Trunchbull, finding out your Roald Dahl name and making a Twit’s beard.

Author, Dave Cryer, who has been involved with literacy events at Cowley for over ten years, visited the college on Wednesday, 14th September to talk about the 12 Bookbuzz books and to engage Year 7 students in a fun and lively drama session to act out scenes from the books. Mrs Burrows said: “Students thoroughly enjoyed the engaging drama workshops. Dave is one of our favourite guests, he has a real ability to bring books to life. Bookbuzz is an excellent scheme and one we’re proud to support.” Want to find out more about the books that are part of Bookbuzz? We’ve provided a short review of each on our website:

On Thursday, 8th September, Year 7 student, Rebecca Chisnall took part in a world record attempt on the TV show Blue Peter. The challenge was to break to world record for the number of paper aeroplanes thrown into a target. Though the record wasn’t broken, the feedback from participants on the day was extremely positive - very well done Rebecca and everyone who took part!

It’s Time to talk it’s time to change If your child is experiencing worries, anxieties and feelings to the extent that they are seriously interfering with their everyday life, for instance: • not being able to study or go to school • not being able to eat or sleep • not going out with friends or taking part in their favourite hobby and these feelings are lasting for a few weeks or more, then it might be that they have a mental health problem or disorder and need to get some advice and help. If you feel your child’s worries are developing into an emotional problem or mental health difficulty, or that they are making existing problems worse, you can speak to the following people for support and advice: • School Nurse • Child’s GP • Your Child’s personal tutor • Young Minds Parents’ Helpline • Child Line The Young Minds Parents’ Helpline offers free, confidential online and telephone support, Monday to Friday 9.30am-4pm on 0808 802 5544. Email

WC Personalised Learning Cards issued 12/09/16 Visits to the Progress Board commence 12/09/16 MFLAND Spanish CUT ME OUT PLACEpreparation ON YOUR FRIDGE OR PIN BOARD AT HOME 14/09/16 ECDL Examinations WC MFL Spanish preparation 19/09/16 WC Engineering examinations begin 26/09/16 26/9/16 MFL French preparation 27/9/16 MFL Spanish Assessment 27/9/16 Sixth Form open evening October WC 3/10/16 Revision Week For 2 weeks Review Personalised Learning Cards Study Support Sessions and Intervention Lessons Begin WC ISA Week Pathway 1 Science 03/10/16 3/10/16 MFL French preparation 11/10/16 MFL French Assessment 11/10/16 Special Parents Evening – invitation only 17/10/16 Assessment Week History Controlled Assessments Pathway 1 Internal Examinations commence 31/10/16 Personalised Learning Card Review and Target Setting Exam improvement week November 2/11/16 until History Controlled Assessment Pathway 2 21/11/16 7/11/16 1-1 interviews begin 7/11/16 MFL Spanish preparation 14/11/16 MFL Spanish Assessment WC 21/11/16 Revision Weeks 2 weeks Review Personalised Learning Cards Study Support Sessions and Intervention Lessons commence 21/11/16 MFL French preparation 29/11/16 MFL French preparation December WC 5/12/16 Trial Examinations commence WC 5/12/16 MFL French Assessment WC 12/12/16 Trail Examinations continue




100% BTEC

A* - B


COWLEY SIXTH FORM Choosing what to study next can feel like a

huge step, but we are here to help! More details about each course that we offer can be found in our 2017 prospectus. Contact Cowley Sixth Form on 01744 678 030 if you would like any more information.

A-level courses at Cowley

BTEC courses at Cowley

Art Biology Chemistry English Language English Literature Film Studies French/German/Spanish Further Maths Geography History Law Mathematics PHYSICAL EDUCATION RELIGIOUS STUDIES, PSYCHOLOGY & Philosophy PHOtography Physics PRODUCT DESIGN Psychology Sociology

ART AND DESIGN: FASHION AND GRAPHICS Business ChildREN’S PLAY, LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Criminology Engineering Food Science & Nutrition Games DeVELOPMENT Health and Social Care ICT: COMPUTING Media Studies Music Musical Theatre Public Services Science Sport Travel and Tourism

Extra-curricular Timetable 2016 – 2017 MONDAY


Breakfast Club 7:45am - 8:30am JF3

Breakfast Club 7:45am - 8:30am JF3

Breakfast Club 7:45am - 8:30am JF3

Year 11 5-a-side Sports Hall AGN

6th Form Multi-Sports Sports Hall AGN

Guitar Lesson PR1, 10:05am - 11:25am Mr Banister

WEDNESDAY Before College/Throughout the day

During Lunch GCSE PE Practical Workshops AGN

Year 7 - 11 Tick and Pass Rugby 3G IT

Year 10 – 13 Weights Weights Room SF

Year 7 & 8 Basketball Sport Hall AGN/MS/SF

Year 7 - 13 Tick and Pass Rugby 3G IT

All Years Girls’ Football 3G NSM

Year 7 - 13 Table Tennis Sports Hall DL

Year 10 House Competitions All PE staff


Breakfast Club 7:45am - 8:30am JF3

Breakfast Club 7:45am - 8:30am JF3

Singing Lesson Ensemble, 9 am – 12 noon Mrs Upton Brass Lesson Ensemble, 10:55am - 11:55am Mr Raisbeck

Woodwind Lesson Ensemble, 12:45pm - 3:45m Miss Attack

Reading Club (starts 19th Sept) Library, 1:30pm – 2:00pm


String Lesson Ensemble, 12:15pm 1:45pm Mr Storey

Piano Lesson Ensemble, 1pm - 3pm Mr Oaks

Girls’ Gymnastics Gym LF/NSM

KS4 Girls’ Fitness Weights Room LF

Year 7 - 11 Trampolining Gym LF

Year 10 – 13 Weights Weights Room SF

Year 7 Indoor Hockey RI

Year 7 – 11 Tick and Pass Rugby 3G IT

Year 8 Indoor Hockey RI

Year 11 House Competitions All PE staff

Year 7 - 13 Darts Sports Hall DR

Ukulele Club W11 GHN

Year 8 House Competitions All PE staff

Enterprise Club R1, 1.30pm - 2.00pm RW

Year 9 Hockey 3G SBG/SD

String Ensemble W11, 1:15pm - 1:45pm Mr Storey

Enterprise Club R1, 1.30pm - 2.00pm RW

Year 9 House Competitions All PE staff

Boys’ Choir W11, 1.30pm - 2pm GHN

Junior choir W10, 1:30pm - 2:00pm GHN

Drumming Lesson Ensemble, 1:30pm - 3:10pm Mr Follin

Junior Choir W10, 1.30pm -2pm GHN

Drama Club M2 Miss Littler

Year 7 & Year 8 Stretch & Challenge Reading & Writing Group Library Miss Williams & Mrs Storch (the first Wednesday of each month)

Y12/13 Debating B12, 1:30pm - 2:00pm Mr Betts

Singing Lesson A02 Post-16, 9:30am - 12:30pm Mrs Upton

Year 9 – 11 Basketball Sports Hall AGN/MS

Year 7 & 8 Tick and Pass Rugby 3G IT

KS4 Band Practice Practise rooms, 1:15pm – 2.00pm DW

Year 8 - 13 Hockey 3G RI

Year 7 House Competitions All PE staff Year 8 and Year 9 Film Club M8, 1.25pm - 2.05pm MCG Girls’ Choir W11, 1:30pm – 2.00pm DW and Miss Hughes Keyboard Jam W10, 1:30pm - 2:00pm Mr Oaks

After College Year 10 Football 3G AH/MR

Year 7 Football 3G MS

Year 7 Rugby Training Top Field AGN

Year 7 and 8 Junior Netball Sports Hall NSM/LF/SBG

Year 7 - 13 Badminton Club Sports Hall PS

Girls’ Badminton Sports Hall LQ

Year 8, 9 and 11 Football 3G AGN

Year 8 Rugby Training Top Field MS

Football Fixtures PE Staff

All Years Eco Club R2, 3.10pm - 4.00pm LQ

Senior Year 9 - Year 11 Netball Sports Hall NSM/LQ

Year 9 Rugby Training Top Field SF/MI

Homework Club Library, 3.15 – 4.30pm Mrs Burrows

Girls’ Football 3G NSM

Wind Band W10, 3.15pm – 4:00pm Miss Attack

Year 7 - 13 Badminton Club Sports Hall PS

Homework Club Library, 3.15 – 4.30pm Mrs Burrows KS4 Dance Club CIH, 3:15pm - 4:15pm CRD Senior Choir CIH, 3:20pm – 5:00pm DW

6th Form Vocal Coaching/Repertoire A02 Post-16 DW KS3 Drama Club CIH Mr Houghton Rock & Pop School W11 Mr Banister, Mr Follin, MC All Years Climbing Club Sports Hall, 3.05pm - 4.30pm CHY All Years Eco Club R2, 3.10pm - 4.00pm LQ Homework Club Library, 3.15 – 4.30pm Mrs Burrows Dance Company Cowley Hall Post-16, 3:15pm - 4:30pm CRD

KS3 Dance Club CIH CRD Homework Club Library, 3.15 – 4.30pm Mrs Burrows Senior Choir CIH, 3:20pm – 5:00pm DW

Homework Club Library, 3.15 – 4.30pm Mrs Burrows

RUGBY MATCH SCHEDULE 1st XV 24 September Liverpool College 5 November St Mary’s College 19 November St Edward’s College 3 December Bolton School

2nd XV / U16s A

24 September Liverpool College


19 November St Edward’s College


24 September Liverpool College



1 October Bramhall HS



5 November St Mary’s College



19 November St Edward’s College


3 December Bolton School


U14s 24 September Liverpool College 1 October Bramhall HS 5 November St Mary’s College 19 November St Edward’s College 3 December Bolton School



U12s H

24 September Liverpool College



24 September Liverpool College


1 October Bramhall HS


1 October Bramhall HS


5 November St Mary’s College


5 November St Mary’s College



19 November St Edward’s College


19 November St Edward’s College



3 December Bolton School


3 December Bolton School


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