4 minute read
25 Middleton St., Nashville 615-297-2966 ext. 910 | nashvillechildrenstheatre.org
At NCT we believe that theatre skills are life skills. We celebrate each student’s individuality. We believe in the power of ‘play’ and the greater learning that is derived from it. It is important to us for every young person to feel heard, celebrated, and uplifted. We currently o er fall, spring, Saturday classes and camps.
Riverview Camp For Girls
757 CR 614, Mentone, AL 800-882-0722 | riverviewcamp.com
Voted best sleep-away camp more than six times in the Best of Parenting reader’s poll. Riverview is embraced by tall graceful pines and billowing hardwoods, nestled into a bend of Little River atop Lookout Mountain. One- and two-week sessions. Ages 6 - 16. Member of Christian Camping International and accredited by AEE and ACA. Traditional camp activities. Facilities include a heated pool, tennis courts, climbing tower, horseback riding, bathrooms and showers in all cabins. Campers select six activities daily. 5:1 camper-to-counselor ratio.
4341 Pecan Valley Road, Nashville 615-560-1533 | anewleafnashville.org
Play in nature, create art, learn about farming, and embark on adventures across our 10-acre farm. In our three-week sessions, campers ages 5 - 16 develop meaningful connections and a sense of belonging with fellow campers, explore new forms of self-expression, and dig deep in a variety of multifaceted projects inspired by our sprawling landscape. Plant and harvest vegetables for our camper-run farmers market, hike through the forest and cool o in the creek, care for goats and chickens, discover the nuances of ecology, bend your imagination in our exploratorium, and so much more.
Acting All Around
410 Verandah Lane, Franklin 615-375-3565 | actingallaround.com
Looking for a great after school activity this Fall? Check out our group classes! We o er unique personal classes and the best part is there is no registration fee, no contract, and no hidden performance fees. You’ve got nothing to lose and your student will love it. We only have a few spots remaining so learn more and sign up today.
Baby Cakes Bakery
819 Main St., Nashville 615-656-3301 | babycakesnash.com
Join us for one of our summer camps and take your child on a journey around the world, learning to bake iconic recipes from each location. Make new friends, create some messes in the kitchen, and have fun with your child while they learn techniques they can take home and share with family.
Belmont University College Of Sciences And Mathmatics
1900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville belmont.edu/sciencecamps
The Belmont College of Sciences and Mathematics will host five hands-on high school camps in 2023. Jun. 5 - Jul. 7: Research Immersive Summer Experience in Data Science. Jul. 10 - 14: Game Design and Programming (GDP). Jul. 17 - 21: Unlock Advanced Mathematical Problem Solving. Jul. 24 - 28: Applied Physics and Engineering at Work. Jul. 31 - Aug. 4: From Brain to Behavior at Belmont (BBB).
Bill Taylor Bushido School Of Karate

1911 Business Campus Drive, Murfreesboro
615-890-6755 | bskonline.com
1820 N.W. Broad St., Murfreesboro
615-893-6003 | bskonline.com
Let martial arts take your kids to new heights! Bill Taylor’s Bushido School of Karate o ers programs in traditional karate for ages 3 - adult. Call now to get one month free plus a uniform.
Boost Gymnastics
11 Vaughns Gap Road, Nashville 615-352-8533 | boostgymnastics.com
BOOST campers will meet new friends, have new experiences, and most importantly, have a super fun time! Our goal is to provide programs that are convenient for parents and provide them with peace of mind knowing that their child is safe and well cared for. Our summer camps are for Little Campers (ages 3 - 4) and Big Campers (ages 5 - 10). These camps are full of exciting events, special guests, and a whole lot of BOOST fun!
Brentwood Academy
219 Granny White Pike, Brentwood 615-373-0611 | summeratba.com
Brentwood Academy’s camps are an extension of our mission to nurture and challenge each whole person – body, mind, and spirit – to the Glory of God. We o er 9 weeks of programs for your young athlete, arts lover, chef, or engineer! Join BA sta while exploring and making new friends.
Camp Arrowhead For Boys
1415 Cabin Creek Road, Zirconia, NC 828-435-0591 | camparrowhead.com
Since 1937, Camp Arrowhead for Boys has served families from all over the world. Arrowhead has 217 acres of beautiful woodlands, waterfalls, streams, and meadows in which boys can grow, lead, explore, and create. Sessions are 1 - 4 weeks long, for campers rising grades 1 - 11. Activities include archery, blacksmithing, bushcraft, riflery, and woodworking.
Camp Woodmont
381 Moonlight Drive, Cloudland, GA 423-472-6070 | campwoodmont.com
Camp Woodmont on Lookout Mountain in northwest Georgia is a traditional, overnight camp for boys and girls ages 6 - 15. Just 30 minutes from Chattanooga. Features horseback riding, high-ropes/climbing, sports, dance, crafts, canoeing, archery and more! Founded on Christian principles in 1981, it’s the perfect place to build lifelong friendships and memories.
7731 Ridgewood Road, Goodlettsville
615-458-4548 | carolshomestead.org
A grassroots education for children allows them to plant, harvest, and cook outdoors. Lunch, snacks, binoculars, and aprons will be provided. Camps are one week out of a month May 29 - Jun. 1; 4.5 hours a day starting at 9 a.m. $375 per child (each sibling $75 o ). Early birds pay by Apr. 1 for $75 o . Parents welcome for an additional $100.
Country Music Hall Of Fame
222 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville 615-416-2001 | countrymusichallo ame.org/learn/songwriting-camp
Songwriting Camp at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum is an unforgettable experience where budding songwriters ages 11 - 18 can hone their craft, learn from professionals, and make friends. Campers also enjoy access to the Museum galleries and will tour Historic RCA Studio B, located on Nashville’s Music Row.